How to call .so file in the another project of kotlin?

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Vishal Bansal

Dec 10, 2024, 8:11:31 AM12/10/24
to android-ndk
1. I have created a .so file using a c++ source code. Code has a function which takes 2 integer parameters and return the sum of both.
2. It is working fine in the package where i have built the .so . 
3. But in different package when i am calling the method of that .so file then app is crashing.
Can you provide me the tutorial .

Dan Albert

Dec 11, 2024, 3:29:33 PM12/11/24
Crashing how? Is the .so file present in the new APK? If the library is present and it's crashing because it's failing to find the method, it's probably because the mangled names of the Java methods are different because they have different group IDs. Those are all just guesses, but I can't do much more than guess without seeing some code and knowing what the crash is.

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