Debugging soong.

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ghalib khan

Mar 10, 2021, 11:09:32 AM3/10/21
to Android Building
Hello all,

            I am building an android image in traditional method, i have found that in android building it's using soong. i just want know what's happening in build, means how build was happening in short i want to debug soong while it's building aosp sources as follows .

Am building in ubuntu 18 with steps i have tried to debug the build as follows.
$ repo init -u < >
$ source ./build/
$ print_lunch_menu -  -> Lunch menu building on Linux 
$ lunch aosp_< * >-eng 
$ m –j 
$ aosp-riscv/aosp/build/soong/soong_ui.bash --make-mode –j 
$ exec aosp-riscv/aosp/out/soong_ui --make-mode –j 

After this build is in percentage format. so i want know how soong is building android 10 version sources in detailed. 

Thanks in advance,
Ghalib khan.

Viktor Leniviy

Oct 14, 2021, 1:44:51 AM10/14/21
to Android Building
You need to understand not only Soong. There are dozens of makefiles on which Android building is based.
It is a pretty complex topic. What is your task in the first place?
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