English version of WikiColor

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Sylvain Coulange

May 21, 2020, 12:00:50 PM5/21/20
to Apprentissage des Langues Et Multimodalité (ALEM)
Hi everyone !

I start a new discussion in English about our project to make an English version of WikiColor.
Many thanks to Roslyn and Laurence that are already helping us a lot.

Speaking with Laurence this afternoon I realized that we can't just duplicate current WikiColor with a new dictionary, an English Fidel, and an adapted version of our phonographemic aligner Phon2graph. Maybe we need to rethink the written representation of words. While it's important to distinguish phonemes in French, among the sentence "constant" stream, it's maybe more important in English to focus on rhythm of syllables, representing each sound's length and energy, rather than only the colour of the target phoneme.
I better understand Roslyn's worry about transposing our tools to English.

I've been thinking about what I would like to have as a tool for training my English pronunciation, and I remembered the way Dan Frost is annotating prosody for his students.
Here is an example (with legend) :

What about trying to combine this kind of representation of prosody, with phonemes colours ?

We might easily stretch size and weight of spellings according to the Wiktionary's transcription. My fear is to what extent these stretchings evolve depending on sentence context.
What do you think about this ?


May 25, 2020, 12:03:09 PM5/25/20
to Apprentissage des Langues Et Multimodalité, ALEM
Here is a paper about the programme SWANS (Synchronised Web Authoring Notation System) by Stenton, Tazil & Tricot. The project Émilie and Yoann were talking about today.

The programme SWANS (Synchronised Web Authoring Notation System) developed by a group of 12 researchers working in four research laboratories in Toulouse, attempts to use synchronisation and enhanced typography to transform the experience of reading and listening.

Here is how it looked at the time :

almost same paper in French
Beck, A., Décuré, N., Gaillard, P., Kabbaj, N., Péchou, A., Stenton, A., Tazi, S., Toma, A., Tricot, A. & Vaillant-Sirdey, C. (2005). SWANS, un système auteur de synchronisation et d'annotation pour un apprentissage multimodal des phénomènes accentuels en langue vivante 2. Environnements Informatiques pour l’Apprentissage Humain, Montpellier 2005 (poster). Deux articles non publiés correspondent à ce travail

De: "Sylvain Coulange" <shiru...@gmail.com>
À: "Apprentissage des Langues Et Multimodalité, ALEM" <alem...@googlegroups.com>
Envoyé: Jeudi 21 Mai 2020 18:00:49
Objet: [ALEM] English version of WikiColor

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Jul 13, 2020, 11:20:08 AM7/13/20
to Apprentissage des Langues et Multimodalité (ALeM)
Thanks for sharing the version of WikiColor in your email of 9 July 2020.  I hope this is the best place to post my reactions!  Firstly, well done with this work - it's really coming on!  I've attached a word document with some thoughts ... some of which might be practical and some of which ... well, who knows???

Hope you don't mind me responding in English!

Wikicolor in English.docx


Jul 14, 2020, 1:38:25 PM7/14/20
to Apprentissage des Langues Et Multimodalité, ALEM
Dear Laurence,

Thank you very much for your report and all these details!

I sum up your majors points below (hoping I didn't forget one):
  1. show stress on syllable rather than the only vocalic nucleus;
  2. convert the output in lower case;
  3. add a 4th degree of stress: the open transition
  4. the more words, the more schwa/i/u and open transition there should be.

1. show stress on syllable rather than the only vocalic nucleus

It actually was our first option. To make this possible, I need to know where begins and where ends each syllable, like this : /æk.ˈsɛp.tə.bəl/.
The thing is, english Wiktionary gives syllabation info for only 1/5 of its transcriptions (20.499 out of 100.524 transcriptions of 58.038 words of the dictionary), and only 1/6 of the words (only 11.599 words has at least one syllabized transcription, out of 58.038).
If we had syllabation for all words (like French Wiktionnaire), we could do it, be in the present situation I don't know how to deal with the 5/6 of the words that aren't syllabized.

2. convert the output to lower case

No problem for that. We wanted to keep the case information to keep the output the closer we can to the real-life text form. It's good for French, but as we deal with font size in English, I probably should desactivate it and convert everything to lower by default.

3. add a 4th degree of stress: the open transition

I may be able to do that with the rule you gave to me (if there is one or more consonant before or after a schwa/i/u in one syllable).
But again, problem comes from syllabation information that I have for only a little part of the words.
A solution could be passing all schwa/i/u in this situation to open transition, and let it as it is for the rest till the user indicates syllabation in the collaborative dictionary (if he wants to).
Question: should we represent open transition vowel with a dot? We'd have no more information about how to write the word. But maybe knowing how to READ is the only objective of WikiColor??

4. the more words, the more schwa/i/u and open transition there should be

This is something I should be able to do. Giving priority to shorten or schwaed versions. For now, WikiColor suggests transcriptions in the order of the dictionary (putting non-alignable transcription at the end of the list).

If someone knows about a free resource that gives syllabation of words, or if someone knows some rules of syllabation we could implement, let us know!

À: "Apprentissage des Langues Et Multimodalité, ALEM" <alem...@googlegroups.com>
Envoyé: Lundi 13 Juillet 2020 17:20:08
Objet: [ALeM] Re: [ALEM] English version of WikiColor

Laurence Howells

Jul 14, 2020, 1:59:13 PM7/14/20
to alem...@googlegroups.com

Ahh!  I see: 

On 1 - I assumed that Wiktionary would give syllabisation information - without that its very difficult.
On 3 - I think that without syllabification I can’t really see how to do it algorithmically

Syllables is the key!  Let me ask Piers if he knows of such resource, because without that, I think what you have done already may be as good as it can be done …


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Alexandre DO

Jul 14, 2020, 2:36:29 PM7/14/20
to alem...@googlegroups.com
Bonjour Laurence,

Merci pour ton regard sur le travail de Sylvain sur le wikicolor. Il y a de grandes difficultés avec l'automatisation mais le phonographe est beaucoup plus malléable pour que l'utilisateur en fasse ce qu'il veut.
Par contre, avec le phonographe dont le but est d'écrire, on ne peut pas faire disparaitre de lettres. Il faudra donc peut-être revoir les 4 rapports de tailles pour rendre plus visible les variations de stress.
Peut-être que la fonction "switch stress" du phonographe pourrait aussi être adaptée au wikicolor, soit directement dans wikicolor, soit dans la façon d'édition du dictionnaire. L'idée serait que dans l'éditeur, on écrive directement le mot en lui donnant l'aspect visuel souhaité.

Voici pour ma modeste contribution qui ne peut se faire ni en anglais, si sur la langue anglaise.

Bonne soirée

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Aug 17, 2020, 7:15:30 AM8/17/20
to Apprentissage des Langues et Multimodalité (ALeM)
Hi everyone, I keep writing in English but don't hesitate to write in French or even mix languages :)

I found the CMU Pronunciation Dictionary which is fully open source and contains over 134.000 words and their transcription for North American English. It has 3 levels of accentuation, but unfortunately no syllabic segmentation.
Given the relatively small number of words of WikiColor's English dictionary, 58.000 words coming from Wiktionary, I merged them so that WikiColor's dictionary now covers up to 154.723 words and has 981.726 phonetic and phonologic transcriptions.

We still need to add a Fidel for American English in order to properly colourise those new words. If someone has a list of spellings for each phonemes and can share it, it would be really appreciated! Meanwhile, I'll try to generate one from the CMU dictionary, but I don't know yet how to process.

Next step would be to add a button to set the priority to British or American colourisation, depending on which one we are using.
By clicking on underlined words, the user will still be able to see other possible pronunciations.
What do you think about it?

If you have any suggestion,
and any idea to add the 4th level of accentuation (open transitions) is really welcome!


Aug 31, 2020, 5:54:05 AM8/31/20
to Apprentissage des Langues et Multimodalité (ALeM)
Bonjour à tous,

j'ai eu un rapide feedback sur WikiColor en anglais aujourd'hui, d'une enseignante non gattegniste qui souhaite travailler la prosodie en espagnol.
Elle est habituée à souligner les syllabes accentuées, et le soulignement de WikiColor (pour les voyelles longues, indépendant de la prosodie) l'a perturbé. C'est vrai que la confusion est vite présente entre allongement et accentuation...

De manière générale, WikiColor paraît chargé de trop d'informations diverses et rebutte beaucoup au premier abord. Que faire ?
L'encodage prosodique me semble incontournable, mais combiner phonèmes et prosodie du premier coup est peut-être trop ambitieux...



Aug 31, 2020, 7:19:52 AM8/31/20
to alem...@googlegroups.com
Bonjour Sylvain.
Le réponse est pédagogique: on ne peut pas apprendre séparément les phonèmes et la prosodie, la complexité est incontournable et plutôt que d'y voir une difficulté, il faut comprendre que ces deux aspects sont imbriqués et se facilitent mutuellement. 

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Aug 31, 2020, 12:37:14 PM8/31/20
to Apprentissage des Langues Et Multimodalité, ALEM
Il me semble qu'il est toutefois nécessaire de présenter les difficultés de manière progressive, pour éviter un braquage "à la première vue" ou un rapide décrochage pendant la phase de prise en main de l'outil.

Je ne sais pas trop comment élargir le public cible de WikiColor. Pour l'instant, seuls quelques gattegnistes sont intéressés par l'outil, et pour l'instant aucun retour réellement positif de la version anglaise.
Concevoir un outil pour une minorité de praticiens convaincus n'est malheureusement pas très viable. Il faut envisager un public plus large, avec un outil plus modulable en fonction des réalités (et convictions) de chacun. Vous ne pensez pas ?


De: "Robert jeannard" <robert....@wanadoo.fr>

À: "Apprentissage des Langues Et Multimodalité, ALEM" <alem...@googlegroups.com>
Envoyé: Lundi 31 Août 2020 13:19:39
Objet: Re: [ALeM] Re: English version of WikiColor

Alexandre DO

Aug 31, 2020, 1:49:31 PM8/31/20
to alem...@googlegroups.com

il me semble que c'est un peu tôt pour modifier quoi que ce soit, vu que nous n'avons pas présenté l'existence de cette version à beaucoup de monde et que nous n'avons pas eu beaucoup de retours.
Le questionnement émerge et reste ouvert mais il faudra un peu plus de retours et réflexions sur les modifications à apporter avant de faire 2 pas en avant et 3 en arrière.


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