Short exercise in Agile/Lean pinciples for 1 player (online)

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Alexey Korsun Questoria

Sep 8, 2020, 12:50:39 AM9/8/20

I will give short talk (1 hour) about very basic of Lean and Agile. Online(!)
I would like to make it more interactive for my audience. My idea was to illustrate one of the Agile/Lean principles.
Working in a team of 40 online is not an option. Splitting 40 players in teams and managing separate calls is not an option also, as we have only 1 hour for the whole talk.

So I'm thinking of 1-15 minutes exercise to give individually so they can try something and reflect on it together.

The easiest one I am usually using in this case is to take two sheets of papers and ask them to draw three columns at each sheet. 
Then we set timer and.
On the first sheet they fill:
1st column - with digits from 1 to 10. 
2nd - with letters a...k
3rd - with roman digits I..X

Second sheet they fill with same info but they should write digits and letters not column by column but "parallel". 
Like in a picture:
then we compare time.
It is good input to discuss penalties of multi-tasking and too much work in progress.

But this exercise they know already :)
So I need something new,
No matter which principle of Agile/Lean it illustrates. It is just to grab their attention and ask them to try something themselves.

So I need some excercise for 1 player, 1-15 minutes, online.

Any ideas?

Albert Arul Prakash Rajendran

Sep 8, 2020, 6:36:13 AM9/8/20
I use this exercise to make them switch off their laptops and put digital devices in silence before start of the session.

yes it is used to do for showcasing penalties of multi tasking. 

we can still ask them to do this by using Miro/klaxxon/Mural. 

Since the canvas is sooo big, we can split space for each member and ask them to use that space to fill it. 

One chit for 

Albert Arul Prakash - Your moments, Captured

Access your files from anywhere with a click

There are only 3 colors, 10 digits, 26 letters, 7 notes and 118 elements; its what we do with them that's important.

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Albert Arul Prakash Rajendran

Sep 8, 2020, 6:38:32 AM9/8/20

I use this exercise to make them switch off their laptops and put digital devices in silence before the start of the session. one difference i have is, the roman numerals would be from 100 to 1 in reverse.

yes it is used to do for showcasing penalties of multi tasking. 

we can still ask them to do this by using Miro/klaxxon/Mural. 

Since the canvas is sooo big, we can split space for each member and ask them to use that space to fill it. 

One chit for one number/character/roman numeral or one chit with proper space for rows and columns. 

Why do I say online tool based writing. it is just to see how many errors each one is doing. 

let us know after you do it 

Albert Arul Prakash - Your moments, Captured

Access your files from anywhere with a click

There are only 3 colors, 10 digits, 26 letters, 7 notes and 118 elements; its what we do with them that's important.

Alexey Korsun Questoria

Sep 8, 2020, 6:42:58 AM9/8/20
Albert I use the one with digits and roman numbers already.
But I'm asking of something different. 

Алексей Корсун
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