Google Ads API and Universal App Campaigns

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Mar 12, 2019, 1:53:45 PM3/12/19
to AdWords API and Google Ads API Forum

We have been working with a client to provide proximity targeting around points of interests for a while now, for search campaign this has worked flawlessly. Client recently wanted to do the same setup for Universal App Campaigns, 
I see that the Google AdWords API docs specify that 
Universal app campaigns support only two forms of targeting: language and location criteria at the campaign level. 
Has this changed in the Google Ads API?  I can't find any thing about it not working.

This is possible through the front-end so I don't see why it shouldn't work through the API.


Mar 12, 2019, 4:58:10 PM3/12/19
to AdWords API and Google Ads API Forum
Hello Øyvind, 

Universal App campaigns are not available via Google Ads API. Our team is aware of this concern and this feature will be available in the future releases. Meanwhile you could keep an eye on our blog for information related to future releases.

Bharani, Google Ads API Team

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Etleap Dev

Mar 13, 2019, 4:23:55 PM3/13/19
to AdWords API and Google Ads API Forum
Thanks Bharani,

We are also receiving reports that Universal App Campaigns are not getting pulled for App Performance Report. The documentation seems contradictory on what is supported for App Campaigns.

This page:  says that the following reports are available:

and the Ad Performance Report docs have fields related to universal app campaigns such as UniversalAppAdDescriptions, suggesting that they can be pulled.

When you say that "Universal App campaigns are not available via Google Ads API" is that because of a new bug that has cropped up? What is the current status of App Campaign support?



Mar 14, 2019, 1:46:07 PM3/14/19
to AdWords API and Google Ads API Forum
Hello Jordan, 

Just to clarify, please note that the previous response is applicable if you're using the new Google Ads API.

If you're using AdWords API, you may find the list of supported report types for Universal App campaigns here. The UniversalAppAd ad type was added in v201809 to allow whitelisted users to create ad groups and ads in Universal App campaigns. If you're seeing any discrepancy pulling them in the reports, please share the client customer Id via Reply privately to author option.

Bharani, Google Ads API Team

Also find us on our blog and discussion group:

Mar 18, 2019, 10:35:56 AM3/18/19
to AdWords API and Google Ads API Forum
Hello Jordan,

Thank you for sharing the details privately. Regret the delay. It looks like your account currently does not have any Universal App ads.  Please find my response below:

it is expected that if the customer IDs are able to create UAC ads, then we should see ads from them in the Ad Performance Report, correct?
That's right. The Ad Performance Report should return the Universal App ads data. If you're experiencing any discrepancy, could you share the Campaign Id to troubleshoot this?

Do we have to explicitly query for the Universal App fields like UniversalAppAdDescriptions in order to get UACs?
You will be able to see the Universal App Ads data in the Ad Performance Report. If you're looking to pull any specific information, you will need to query them explicitly.

Bharani, AdWords API Team

Mar 26, 2019, 3:54:00 PM3/26/19
to AdWords API and Google Ads API Forum
Hello Jordan, 

Thank you for sharing the details. To clarify this further, if the Universal App Campaigns has any Universal App ads, they will be returned through the Ad Performance Report which is currently a whitelisted feature. Since the specific campaigns do not have any Universal App Ads, the Ad Performance Report cannot be used to pull the data for the campaigns. You will need to use the supported report types listed here

Let me know if you have any other questions.

Bharani, Google Ads API Team
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