We are heavy users of the Adwords API (on behalf of our customers) and are experiencing some issues with batch jobs.
When we query the BatchJobService for a specific batch job id, we don't get a downloadUrl in the response. We were under the assumption that we should always get a downloadUrl from the response.
We've had these issues before, but they have been exacerbated in the last two days.
Concretely, we are using the BatchJobService to send BatchJob's to e.g. create new campaigns, adgroups, ads etc.
Here are the API docs for it: https://developers.google.com/adwords/api/docs/reference/v201802/BatchJobService.BatchJob
The docs indicate that the field 'downloadUrl' is *always* present in a response.
We are using the `googleads` python library (version 10.1.0), with adwords version `v201802`
Here is an example of the selector we use
selector = {
'fields': ['Id', 'Status', 'DownloadUrl'],
'predicates': [
'field': 'Id',
'operator': 'EQUALS',
'values': [batch_job_id]
and an example `batch_job_id` we use is `745158738` (the client's account id is available upon request)
The return we get from using this selector is:
id = 745158738
status = "DONE"
progressStats =
numOperationsExecuted = 2
numOperationsSucceeded = 2
estimatedPercentExecuted = 2147483647
numResultsWritten = 2
If we instead use the AWQL:
`SELECT Id, Status, DownloadUrl WHERE Id =
then we get
'id': 745158738,
'status': 'DONE',
'progressStats': {
'numOperationsExecuted': 2,
'numOperationsSucceeded': 2,
'estimatedPercentExecuted': 2147483647,
'numResultsWritten': 2
'uploadUrl': None,
'downloadUrl': None,
'processingErrors': [],
'diskUsageQuotaBalance': None
which more accurately shows that we are not receiving anything for the `downloadUrl`
(We also get a strange number for `estimatedPercentExecuted`, but we assume this is because the number is 2^31-1, the largest signed 32-bit integer.
Not sure if this matters, but figured we should point it out)
Any idea what is going on? Because we send so many batch jobs per day for varying customers, this is giving us a lot of errors.
I've seen in the forum that the BatchJobService is experiencing difficulties, but like I said, we also have gotten this before.
Another user that had a similar issue: https://groups.google.com/forum/#!searchin/adwords-api/downloadUrl|sort:relevance/adwords-api/ntmtnFLPhWo/SSO4Qr-KDQAJ