how to setup targeting devices

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Nov 6, 2017, 9:42:25 AM11/6/17
to AdWords API Forum

How to set the computer through the API?

I look for the document and do not have this target

I use the developer tools in Adwords backstage to find the relevant ID

0:{1: 221847061, 2: 927938043, 3: 30000, 4: 444, 11: false, 12: 0, 13:30, 15: 1}
1:{1: "221847061", 2: "927938043", 3: "30002", 4: "444", 11: false, 12: 0, 13:30, 15: 1}
2:{1: "221847061", 2: "927938043", 3: "508004", 4: "444", 11: true, 13:15, 15: 1}
3:{1: "221847061", 2: "927938043", 3: "508005", 4: "444", 11: true, 13:15, 15: 1}
4:{1: "221847061", 2: "927938043", 3: "508007", 4: "444", 11: true, 13:15, 15: 1}
5:{1: "221847061", 2: "927938043", 3: "508008", 4: "444", 11: true, 13:15, 15: 1}
6:{1: "221847061", 2: "927938043", 3: "508009", 4: "444", 11: true, 13:15, 15: 1}

I can confirm is 30000 Desktop
3002 is the tablet

Please, help me, how to set other targets

Shwetha Vastrad (AdWords API Team)

Nov 6, 2017, 1:46:30 PM11/6/17
to AdWords API Forum

To add device targets, you need to use CampaignCriterionService to add a Platform criteria using the fixed set of criteria IDs that are listed in the documentation. The CriterionId 30000 corresponds to Desktop(Computers). The SetBidModifier Java example shows how to create mobile platform and set a bid modifier for the mobile platform on given campaign. Similarly, you can target Desktop Platform as well. Example code in other languages are provided here

Shwetha, AdWords API Team.


Nov 7, 2017, 1:41:56 AM11/7/17
to AdWords API Forum
hi Shwetha

I refer to this Article!topic/adwords-api/7jijq8oV3i4
So I can set playform bids, but I want to choose a specific playform
In addition, I downloaded the platforms CSV, can not find the computer is the field
For example, the picture I want to only select the computer, how to do this thing

My Code like:

$ platform = new Platform ();
$ bidModifier = '0.0';
$ platform-> setId ($ id); // HighEndMobile = 30001
$ criterion = new CampaignCriterion ($ this-> getId (), null, $ platform, $ bidModifier);
$ operation = new CampaignCriterionOperation ();
$ operation-> setOperand ($ criteria);
$ operation-> setOperator (Operator :: REMOVE);

Shwetha Vastrad (AdWords API Team)於 2017年11月7日星期二 UTC+8上午2時46分30秒寫道:

Shwetha Vastrad (AdWords API Team)

Nov 7, 2017, 10:53:56 AM11/7/17
to AdWords API Forum

To target only Computer devices and opt out of Tablet and HighEndMobile platforms, you need to use CampaignCriterionService to set the bidModifier to 0.0 for CriterionIds 30001 and 30002. A bidModifier of 0.0 corresponds to -100%, which is used for opting out of a platform. You can set the required bid for CriterionId 30000 which corresponds to the Computer(Desktop) platform.

Please try this out and let me know if it works. 


Nov 8, 2017, 2:21:36 AM11/8/17
to AdWords API Forum

Hi Shwetha
Thank you for your patience reply :)

Yes:I can use CampaignCriterionService  set the platform bid sitting "0.0"

Show #1  image the bid becomes -100%

but this is not what i went~
I want to change the (#2 image) options~



Shwetha Vastrad (AdWords API Team)於 2017年11月7日星期二 UTC+8下午11時53分56秒寫道:

Shwetha Vastrad (AdWords API Team)

Nov 8, 2017, 2:10:48 PM11/8/17
to AdWords API Forum

For devices, only positive targeting is allowed and by default a new campaign will contain no OperatingSystemVersion or MobileDevice, or Carrier criteria, which means that all mobile operating systems, models and carries are targeted. From the screenshot, I see that you are targeting all networks, devices and operation systems, which is the default targeting option.

If you would like to opt out of a particular Platform, you need to set the bidModifier to 0.0 as described above. To target particular mobile device models, carriers or operation versions, you need to use CampaignCriterionService to add MobileDevice, Carrier or OperatingSystemVersion criteria respectively.
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