Why are all my Offline Conversion imports being rejected with INVALID_CONVERSION_TYPE?

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John Marquard

Nov 21, 2019, 4:31:26 PM11/21/19
to AdWords API and Google Ads API Forum
Hi, I'm cross-posting this here from the Google Ads community on their suggestion.

Apologies for the extra noise. Original post here: https://support.google.com/google-ads/thread/20670612?hl=en

I had read through several of the posts in this the adwords-api group relating to the INVALID_CONVERSION_TYPE error, but couldn't get anywhere.


I'm having difficulty using Offline Conversions. Some details of what I've tried and have set up:

I set up a conversion action 24+ hours ago with my Google Ads MCC account called "Contact Made v1".

Using the OfflineConversion via the API (I'm using the googleads python SDK), I recieve this faultMessage, "OfflineConversionError.INVALID_CONVERSION_TYPE @ operations[0].operand"
  • 'click_id':'EAIaIQobChMIjOqzg_T55QIVVw4rCh2bFgjIEAAYASAAEgJ5pvD_BwE'
  • 'name':'Contact Made v1'
  • 'time':'20191121 101031 Australia/Sydney'

If I import the data from a CSV I get "We cannot find an import conversion type with this name in the target account". TimeZone=Australia/Sydney
  • Contact Made v1
  • 2019-11-21T10:10:31

Getting the conversion actions with ConversionTrackerService (v201809) I can see that there is an action "Contact Made v1". The api returns:

'id': ___REDACTED___,
'originalConversionTypeId': None,
'name': 'Contact Made v1',
'status': 'ENABLED',
'category': 'LEAD',
'googleEventSnippet': None,
'googleGlobalSiteTag': None,
'dataDrivenModelStatus': None,
'conversionTypeOwnerCustomerId': None,
'viewthroughLookbackWindow': 1,
'ctcLookbackWindow': 90,
'countingType': 'ONE_PER_CLICK',
'defaultRevenueValue': 0.0,
'defaultRevenueCurrencyCode': 'AUD',
'alwaysUseDefaultRevenueValue': True,
'excludeFromBidding': False,
'attributionModelType': 'LAST_CLICK',
'mostRecentConversionDate': None,
'lastReceivedRequestTime': None,
'ConversionTracker.Type': 'UploadConversion',
'isExternallyAttributed': False

Frustratingly, it does seem to be correctly processing some errors (e.g. some of the GCLIDs I had incorrectly timestamped were rejected with "CONVERSION_PRECEDES_CLICK").

Seems odd that the conversion action is associated with a mutable field (I can just change the name via the Google Ads web console), and suspect that there's another ID/label (which I've seen mentioned in other discussions about offline conversions) which is meant to be used, but I can't see it mentioned anywhere in the docs.

Reading through the common error docs (https://developers.google.com/adwords/api/docs/common-errors#OfflineConversionError.INVALID_CONVERSION_TYPE), none of the Common Causes seem to be the cause:
  • "Your account does not have an UploadConversion with a name that matches the label of this conversion." (as above, I can see that the names match)
  • "Your uploaded click has been generated before the UploadConversion was created." (the timestamp I gave is a day after I created the Conversion Action)
  • "The UploadConversion does not exist in the effective conversion account of the click at the time the click happened." (possible, but it's happening to every single of the hundreds of gclids we're processing, so doubtful)


Any help would be greatly appreciated. At a loss of how to get this working. Cheers!

John Marquard

Nov 21, 2019, 4:37:09 PM11/21/19
to AdWords API and Google Ads API Forum
I was able to get a test Conversion Action called "john test lead exists 2" working last week.

I changed the name 2 days ago to "john test lead exists 6", but I can still submit conversions to "john test lead exists 2"... all conversions sent to "john test lead exists 6" are rejected with OfflineConversionError.INVALID_CONVERSION_TYPE.

Am I using the wrong id/key/name/label to identify the conversion?

Google Ads API Forum Advisor Prod

Nov 22, 2019, 11:17:43 AM11/22/19
to john.m...@employsure.com.au, adwor...@googlegroups.com
Hello John,

The error specifies that you are using the wrong conversion name to upload your conversions. Since the conversion name is changed you have to use the new name. Please give it a try and let me know if you have any further questions.

Sai Teja, Google Ads API Team


John Marquard

Nov 22, 2019, 2:14:58 PM11/22/19
to AdWords API and Google Ads API Forum
Please could you read my question again?

I am using the same name. "Contact Made v1" is the name of the conversion and the name when I submit new leads.


Google Ads API Forum Advisor Prod

Nov 22, 2019, 3:39:43 PM11/22/19
to john.m...@employsure.com.au, adwor...@googlegroups.com
Hello John,

Could you please share the complete request and response log using reply privately to the author option so that I can check further. Please include account id as well.

John Marquard

Nov 24, 2019, 5:01:32 PM11/24/19
to AdWords API and Google Ads API Forum
Hi Sai,

I've replied privately.

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