How to find the Application package name in one campaign through the adwords report api?

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Kevin Tian

Apr 28, 2018, 6:48:39 AM4/28/18
to AdWords API and Google Ads API Forum
I am using adwords api to get campaign report,but now I cannot figure out how to find the Application package name( in Android & 12345678 in iOS).

How can I get this field with adwords report api.

Best regards.

Luis Xander Talag (AdWords API Team)

Apr 30, 2018, 6:28:41 AM4/30/18
to AdWords API and Google Ads API Forum
Hi Kevin,

Could you clarify if what you meant by "Application package name" is the appId field? If so, I'm afraid this field is not available through reports. You could only retrieve this via the CampaignCriterionService.get() or AdGroupCriterionService.get() methods.

Thanks and regards,
AdWords API Team

Kevin Tian

May 2, 2018, 4:01:14 AM5/2/18
to AdWords API and Google Ads API Forum
Is this the right selector to get AppId?

            fields: ['AppId', 'DisplayName'],
            predicates: [{
                field: 'CriteriaType',
                operator: 'IN',
                values: ['MOBILE_APPLICATION']
            ordering: [{
                field: 'DisplayName',
                sortOrder: 'ASCENDING'
            paging: {
                startIndex: 0,
                numberResults: AdwordsConstants.RECOMMENDED_PAGE_SIZE

Kevin Tian

May 2, 2018, 4:23:30 AM5/2/18
to AdWords API and Google Ads API Forum

Why can't I get 'MobileApplication' in the entries.Actually I just get some fields like 'LOCATION' 'CONTENT_LABEL' 'LANGUAGE'.

在 2018年4月30日星期一 UTC+8下午2:28:41,Luis Xander Talag (AdWords API Team)写道:

Luis Xander Talag (AdWords API Team)

May 2, 2018, 6:10:08 AM5/2/18
to AdWords API and Google Ads API Forum
Hi Kevin,

Based on your code snippet, I think you are using the right selector. However, to further investigate this, could you provide the complete SOAP request and response logs when running the request? Please reply via Reply privately to author.

Kevin Tian

May 3, 2018, 7:52:13 AM5/3/18
to AdWords API and Google Ads API Forum

I mean I have got some fields like  'LOCATION' 'CONTENT_LABEL' 'LANGUAGE' in entries,but there is no MobileApplication field in it.Actually I just want to get AppId and DisplayName.

Best regards.

What I have got is just like this:

"totalNumEntries": 500,
"Page.Type": "CampaignCriterionPage",
"entries": [{
"campaignId": "xxxxxxxxx",
"isNegative": false,
"criterion": {
"attributes": {
"xsi:type": "Language"
"id": "1000",
"type": "LANGUAGE",
"Criterion.Type": "Language",
"code": "en",
"name": "English"
"CampaignCriterion.Type": "CampaignCriterion"
"campaignId": "xxxxxxxxxx",
"isNegative": false,
"criterion": {
"attributes": {
"xsi:type": "Location"
"id": "2124",
"type": "LOCATION",
"Criterion.Type": "Location"
"CampaignCriterion.Type": "CampaignCriterion"

Luis Xander Talag (AdWords API Team)

May 3, 2018, 10:20:07 AM5/3/18
to AdWords API and Google Ads API Forum
Hi Kevin,

Could you clarify if you are targeting the mobile application as a negative criterion in the campaigns or you are targeting it in AdGroup level? Based on this guide, you could only target the mobile application as negative criterion and/or you could target it in AdGoup level and of type Display Networks. If it's in AdGoup level, you should use the AdGroupCriterionService.get() method. Also, could you provide your clientCustomerId and screenshots of the mobile application that you are targeting based in AdWords UI so that I could further investigate this? Please reply via Reply privately to author.

AdWords API Team
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