query regarding google ads api

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pragya kohli

Jan 25, 2024, 8:46:45 AM1/25/24
to Google Ads API and AdWords API Forum

Hello, I have following queries,

  1. Keyword Generation: I've used the Google Ads API to generate keywords based on a page URL or website. Do the generated keywords include a mix of exact, phrase, and broad match variations?

  2. Refresh Token Issue: I'm facing problems with the refresh token. It is expiring after a few hours. Is there an automated solution to handle this?

  3. Basic Access Application: I've applied for basic access but haven't received any information yet. Could you assist? Manager account: 428-391-0925.

Thank you,

Google Ads API Forum Advisor

Jan 25, 2024, 1:28:20 PM1/25/24
to kohli...@gmail.com, ads-api-compl...@google.com, adwor...@googlegroups.com


Thank you for reaching out to the Google Ads API support team.

Please find below responses for your queries:

1.Keyword Generation: I've used the Google Ads API to generate keywords based on a page URL or website. Do the generated keywords include a mix of exact, phrase, and broad match variations?

Yes,  the generated keywords include a mix of exact, phrase, and broad match variations

2.Refresh Token Issue: I'm facing problems with the refresh token. It is expiring after a few hours. Is there an automated solution to handle this?

For refresh token issue, I would suggest you to refer this document Refresh token expiration

3.Basic Access Application: I've applied for basic access but haven't received any information yet. Could you assist? Manager account: 428-391-0925.

Since the access requests are handled by the Google Ads API Compliance team, we are transferring the case to the Ads API Compliance team. Can you kindly provide the following information for the compliance team to further assist you with your concern:
  • Case ID generated from the compliance team in the format 0-0###########0 (if there is any generated)
@Compliance team, please confirm if you are able to assist in the below access request.


The user has applied for the access with the below details.
  • Google Ads Manager Account (MCC) ID:  428-391-0925
  • Cases ID: requested
  • Access level: Basic Access
Do reach out to the Google Ads API support team for any queries related to the API.
This message is in relation to case "ref:!00D1U01174p.!5004Q02rYcw2:ref"

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