warning BC40000: 'Public Property OAuth2CertificatePath As String' is obsolete: 'Use OAuth2SecretsJsonPath property instead.'

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Jun 16, 2016, 1:10:54 PM6/16/16
to AdWords API Forum

Trying to upgrade my project via NuGet to v201605, recompiled and I get the following two (2) warnings:

warning BC40000: 'Public Property OAuth2CertificatePassword As String' is obsolete: 'Use OAuth2SecretsJsonPath property instead.'.

warning BC40000
: 'Public Property OAuth2CertificatePath As String' is obsolete: 'Use OAuth2SecretsJsonPath property instead.'.

So, I try to find *any* documentation on the "OAuth2SecretsJsonPath" property -- I *ASSUME* it is a path to a JSON file that has OAuth2 credentials in it -- but I am only guessing.

Doing a Google search of "Adwords API OAuth2SecretsJsonPath" lead me to the following page:

The above file has the line:

<add key="OAuth2SecretsJsonPath" value="INSERT_OAUTH2_SECRETS_JSON_FILE_PATH_HERE" />


1) Is the OAuth2SecretsJsonPath value a path to a JSON file (yes/no)?   I am assuming yes.

2) If yes to above, then what the format (name/value) pairs are expected in the JSON file?  An example *MIGHT* be a good idea.

Where do I find this information in the API documentation ??????????

Going in circles for the past 3 hours !!!

Anash P. Oommen (AdWords API Team)

Jun 16, 2016, 1:31:16 PM6/16/16
to AdWords API Forum

I'm working on the changes required for the docs right now, but OAuth2SecretsJsonPath represents the JSON file you download from the Google Developer console when creating a new service account. The UI provides you two options - download the certificate as a P12 file + password (which corresponds to OAuth2CertificatePassword + OAuth2CertificatePath) or as a JSON file (which corresponds to OAuth2SecretsJsonPath). The steps are listed on https://developers.google.com/adwords/api/docs/guides/authentication#setting_up_service_account_access

Anash P. Oommen,
AdWords API Advisor.


Jun 16, 2016, 1:39:46 PM6/16/16
to AdWords API Forum
Hi Anash,

Thanks for the update!  Fortunately,  the warnings were only due because I was displaying the (now obsolete) properties for debugging purposes...
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