How to get benchmark cpc and ctr, Avg cpc and ctr by categorywise through Adwords API?

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Bala Murugan

Jul 21, 2015, 9:15:30 AM7/21/15
I want to get the benchmark cpc and ctr, Avg cpc and ctr by category wise report in campaign.  is there any possibilities to get these through Adwords API? 
comp4 (3).PNG

Umesh Dengale

Jul 21, 2015, 6:04:39 PM7/21/15
to AdWords API Forum,

The PRODUCT_PARTITION_REPORT gives shopping campaign statistics aggregated at the product partition level. This report has the BenchmarkAverageMaxCpcBenchmarkCtrAverageCpcCtr fields but does not have category information. The SHOPPING_PERFORMANCE_REPORT gives the AverageCpcCtr and CategoryL1 -L5 but does not have BenchmarkAverageMaxCpc, BenchmarkCtr fields.

Umesh, AdWords API Team.

Bala Murugan

Jul 22, 2015, 1:16:16 AM7/22/15
to AdWords API Forum
Thanks. How can i relate these two reports?. I could not find any common fields to link these two reports to get combined report.

And PRODUCT_PARTITION_REPORT gives report for categories of products, so we can not calculate correct Benchmark CPC/CTR values for campaign or category level.
what should do for this?

Josh Radcliff (AdWords API Team)

Jul 22, 2015, 11:33:35 AM7/22/15
to AdWords API Forum,

The PRODUCT_PARTITION_REPORT that Umesh mentioned will give you stats based on the ProductPartitions you have set up in your ad group. Therefore, if you have your partitions set up using categories (ProductBiddingCategory), then you could use that report and only process rows where ProductGroup is for a category. Be careful, though -- that report shows stats at every level of your partition tree, so make sure you don't double count stats (see the report description for more information).

In contrast, the SHOPPING_PERFORMANCE_REPORT gives you product (OfferId) level stats, but as Umesh mentioned, that report does not contain benchmark fields. At this time, that report does not have a CriterionId, which is what you would need to tie it back to the PRODUCT_PARTITION_REPORT. Therefore, you won't be able to tie the data from the two reports together.

Best regards,
Josh, AdWords API Team
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