Developer Token not Approved on testing client account

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Oct 1, 2018, 7:55:13 AM10/1/18
to AdWords API and Google Ads API Forum
Here are the steps i did for making API's Run

1. Create a Developer Token with the MCC Account
2. Create Test Manager Account and its client account.
3. Create OAuth credentials with the manager account.
4. Get Refresh Token with the Test Manager Account.

Now when i am trying to hit getcampaign Api via php library. it gave me error of DEVELOPER_TOKEN_NOT_APPROVED
when i change my client id to test manager account. API is working perfectly file with result : 0 record found.

can anyone guide me what i am doing wrong in it ?

Dhanya Sundararaju (AdWords API Team)

Oct 1, 2018, 12:55:09 PM10/1/18
to AdWords API and Google Ads API Forum
Hi Faizan,

The DEVELOPER_TOKEN_NOT_APPROVED error message that you get is because you are trying to access a Production(Non-test account) with a Test Developer Token. Could you confirm that you are making API calls against a test account? If yes, could you reply back with complete SOAP logs with client customer id not redacted. You may reply privately to author.

Dhanya, AdWords APi Team

Oct 8, 2018, 1:20:53 AM10/8/18
to AdWords API and Google Ads API Forum
Hi Dhanya,

I am getting the same error. 

Using my production developer token, I am attempting to access a an Ad Account that is managed by a Test Manager Account.

The production Manager Account ID is 161-181-9427.
The Test Manager Account ID is 340-994-8831.
The Account's ID (managed by the Test Manager) that I am attempting to query is 823-780-6646.

Here's the SOAP body:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<soap:Envelope xmlns:soap="" xmlns:xsi="" xmlns:tns="" xmlns:jaxb="">
<ns1:RequestHeader xmlns:ns1="" xmlns="">
<ns1:userAgent>Omni Ad Agency</ns1:userAgent>
<query xmlns="">
<query>SELECT BaseCampaignId, Id, Name ORDER BY Name DESC LIMIT 0,500</query>

Dhanya Sundararaju (AdWords API Team)

Oct 8, 2018, 12:14:46 PM10/8/18
to AdWords API and Google Ads API Forum
Hi Faizan,

There is an ongoing bug on this issue. We will update you once we have more information about this.

Dhanya, AdWords API Team

Oct 18, 2018, 3:18:27 AM10/18/18
to AdWords API and Google Ads API Forum
I have the same problem....

[17 Okt. 2018 15:26:37,450-requestInfoLogger:WARN:main] Request made: Service: CampaignService Method: get clientCustomerId: 374-006-8288 URL: Request ID: 0005********85e048565 ResponseTime(ms): 107 OperationsCount: 1 IsFault: true FaultMessage: ApiException{applicationExceptionType=ApiException, errors=[QuotaCheckError{apiErrorType=QuotaCheckError, errorString=QuotaCheckError.DEVELOPER_TOKEN_NOT_APPROVED, fieldPath=, reason=DEVELOPER_TOKEN_NOT_APPROVED, trigger=<null>}]}
[17 Okt. 2018 15:26:37,498-soapXmlLogger:INFO:main] SOAP request:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="no"?>
<soapenv:Envelope xmlns:soapenv="" xmlns:xsd="" xmlns:xsi="">
        <ns1:RequestHeader xmlns:ns1="" soapenv:mustUnderstand="0">

            <ns1:userAgent>unknown (AwApi-Java, AdWords-Axis/4.1.0, Common-Java/4.1.0, Axis/1.4, Java/10.0.2, jars, SelectorBuilder, SelectorField)</ns1:userAgent>

        <get xmlns="">
[17 Okt. 2018 15:26:37,499-soapXmlLogger:INFO:main] SOAP response:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="no"?>

<soap:Envelope xmlns:soap="">
        <ResponseHeader xmlns="">
            <faultstring>[QuotaCheckError.DEVELOPER_TOKEN_NOT_APPROVED @ ; trigger:'&lt;null&gt;']</faultstring>
                <ApiExceptionFault xmlns="">
                    <message>[QuotaCheckError.DEVELOPER_TOKEN_NOT_APPROVED @ ; trigger:'&lt;null&gt;']</message>
                    <errors xmlns:xsi="" xsi:type="QuotaCheckError">
Request failed due to ApiException. Underlying ApiErrors:
  Error 0: QuotaCheckError{apiErrorType=QuotaCheckError, errorString=QuotaCheckError.DEVELOPER_TOKEN_NOT_APPROVED, fieldPath=, reason=DEVELOPER_TOKEN_NOT_APPROVED, trigger=<null>}

понедельник, 8 октября 2018 г., 18:14:46 UTC+2 пользователь Dhanya Sundararaju (AdWords API Team) написал:

Dhanya Sundararaju (AdWords API Team)

Oct 18, 2018, 1:27:39 PM10/18/18
Hi Saidar,

The issue is still being worked on. We will update on this thread once we have more information.

Satoru Nakata

Oct 22, 2018, 2:39:03 AM10/22/18
to AdWords API and Google Ads API Forum

My test account is 505-002-7092
My test MCC account is 756-028-1270
My prod MCC account is 482-920-6970
I confirmed that it is dispalyed as test account on the web console.

I can't start developing my application until this issue is resolved or my developer token is approved. And it seems the issue has been there for 10+ days. Is there any ETA?

$ python
No handlers could be found for logger "googleads.soap"

Traceback (most recent call last):
File "", line 67, in <module>
File "", line 49, in main
= campaign_service.get(selector)
File "/home/nakata0705/.local/lib/python2.7/site-packages/googleads/", line 1391, in MakeSoapRequest
.detail, errors=error_list, message=e.message)
.errors.GoogleAdsServerFault: [QuotaCheckError.DEVELOPER_TOKEN_NOT_APPROVED @ ; trigger:'<null>']

Dhanya Sundararaju (AdWords API Team)

Oct 22, 2018, 1:42:58 PM10/22/18
to AdWords API and Google Ads API Forum
Hi there,

Thank you for sending the details. We do not have an ETA as this issue is currently being worked upon. However, it should not prevent you from submitting the Developer token request for approval. Please let me know if you face any issues. You may opt to reply privately to author.

Oct 22, 2018, 7:09:29 PM10/22/18
to AdWords API and Google Ads API Forum

I am facing exactly same problem:

I have followed the same steps as mentioned in the documentation for setting up the API.

1. Set up production manager account.
2. Set up test manager account.
3. set up test client account.
4. get developer token from production mcc.
5. create oauth credentials in google developers console.
6. get refresh token using test manager account.

When making call to API for getting the test campaigns from the the test client, I get

AdWordsReportBadRequestError: Type: QuotaCheckError.DEVELOPER_TOKEN_NOT_APPROVED
Trigger: <null>
Field Path: None.

I see that the same issue is being faced some users. Is there some thing wrong in the implementation on my side or is it a tech issue on the API center?

I am using python client library.

The google Adwords API team have yet to update a response.

Dhanya Sundararaju (AdWords API Team)

Oct 23, 2018, 12:19:50 PM10/23/18
to AdWords API and Google Ads API Forum

Your steps look good. However, there is an ongoing issue that is being worked upon currently. I will post on this thread if there are any updates.

Oct 30, 2018, 5:53:03 AM10/30/18
to AdWords API and Google Ads API Forum
Dear Dhanya,

Is the issue still on work? Could you tell, please, when approximately it will be solved?

Lokking Forward,

вторник, 23 октября 2018 г., 18:19:50 UTC+2 пользователь Dhanya Sundararaju (AdWords API Team) написал:

Dhanya Sundararaju (AdWords API Team)

Oct 30, 2018, 5:49:03 PM10/30/18
to AdWords API and Google Ads API Forum
Hi Saidar,

It is being worked upon. We do not have an ETA but I will post on this thread if there are any updates. 

Dhanya Sundararaju (AdWords API Team)

Nov 5, 2018, 2:03:44 PM11/5/18
to AdWords API and Google Ads API Forum
Hi all,

Could you retry your API request after creating a new test account under the existing Test Manager account? Please let me know if you still face issues.

Satoru Nakata

Nov 5, 2018, 3:48:02 PM11/5/18
to AdWords API and Google Ads API Forum

I confirmed that I could call API with the newly created test account. Thanks!

Hasmer Salubre

Sep 28, 2020, 12:14:12 PM9/28/20
to AdWords API and Google Ads API Forum

I am facing the same issue as above.

This are the things that we have done so far:

1. We have submitted an application adding new scope auth/adwords in our oath screen, this is pending approval.
2. We have successfully get refresh tokens of our developer test token found on adwords->tools->api center, and it says Access level is Test Account
3. We have also created a sub account of our manager account.
4. We are able to successfully call  the api using below method

$customerServiceClient = $googleAdsClient->getCustomerServiceClient();            

but no data listing sub accounts

5. When we call the api getting list of campaigns of the manager account we get this

Request with ID 'dOHTNfeMZLVrDozVeY38yw' has failed.
Google Ads failure details:
authorization_error: The developer token is not approved. Non-approved developer tokens can only be used with test accounts.

It says for test accounts only, but we are using test accounts.

6. When we call the api getting list of campaigns of the sub account with the loginCustomerId of the manager account we get this
Request with ID 'RKumElLONz4Hka16ROERGg' has failed.
Google Ads failure details:
authorization_error: The developer token is not approved. Non-approved developer tokens can only be used with test accounts.

7. When we call the api getting list of campaigns of the sub account without the loginCustomerId we get this
Request with ID 'F3AH4tnSDAgodKD03q_EGg' has failed.
Google Ads failure details:
authorization_error: User doesn't have permission to access customer. Note: If you're accessing a client customer, the manager's customer id must be set in the 'login-customer-id' header. See

Hoping for any answer please.

Best Regards,

Google Ads API Forum Advisor Prod

Sep 28, 2020, 4:08:34 PM9/28/20
Hi Hasmer,

Thanks for reaching out. I can see that you are running into issues with your developer token. If your developer token is only approved for Test Account Access, you will not be able to make calls against a production account. Can you provide the customerClientId that you are targeting so that I can confirm if it is a test account or a production account? 

Additionally, I can see that you are running into other errors separate from your developer token error. Can you confirm if these requests were made to the same clientCustomerId? Can you please provide the complete detailed logs for each request? You can enable logging by following this guide for your respective client library.

Please provide all the requested information via the Reply privately to author option.

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Hasmer Salubre

Sep 29, 2020, 12:09:19 PM9/29/20
to AdWords API and Google Ads API Forum
Hi Danica,

Thanks for the response, I have sent an email regarding your request over the email I have received posting on this conversation. I am not sure where to send since there is no Reply privately to author option and that the Reply to author button is disabled, when you hover over that button it says I don't have the permission. Please help.

Best Regards,

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