How can I create a test manager account if I already have a "cancelled" production account?

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Mark K

Nov 28, 2022, 9:30:50 AM11/28/22
to Google Ads API and AdWords API Forum
I'm trying to create a test manager account. It says here in the documentation that I just click the "Create a test manager account" button and I'll be redirected to the create page.

However, I already have a Google Ads account, but is cancelled / suspended. So when I click the button on the documentation, I'm always redirected to the dashboard of that Google Ad account.

What I wish to do is to just create a test manager account for now and not a production one using my existing account.

Google Ads API Forum Advisor

Nov 28, 2022, 2:22:35 PM11/28/22
Hi Mark,

Thank you for reaching out to our API support tam.

If it is a test account that you wish to create, I would recommend using an email address that is not yet associated to any Google Ads account. This way, the link should redirect you to the creation of the test manager account.

As per this section it says that : Let us know how this goes on your end.

Best regards,

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Peter Laurence
Google Ads API Team

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