Hi Arnab,
Thank you for posting your concern.
The AdwordsUserListService is used to manage user lists by using get, mutate and mutateMembers methods. Please see the provided link for more details.
So I can provide proper support, could you further elaborate what you are trying to achieve using AdWords API specifically what you meant by this "I need to use that service for inclusion of emails,zipcodes on campaign or adgroups ?"?
Google Ads API Team
I can zipcode like this 'campaignCriteria': [{'id': '21137', 'xsi_type': 'Location'}, {'id': '2484', 'xsi_type': 'Location'}
What's the use of email address.I see sha-256 hashed for email address.But not clear as how it is included in campaign.
Hi Arnab,
Thank you for clarifying your concern.
Each email of the user will be contained within the Member object and each member will become collectively as the audience of your UserList object. You will need to create one Member object per each email that you wish to include in your userlist. You may refer to the sample code snippet below (from this example, also available for other languages):
// Hash normalized email addresses based on SHA-256 hashing algorithm.
List<Member> members = new ArrayList<>(EMAILS.size());
for (String email : EMAILS)
String normalizedEmail = toNormalizedString(email);
Member member = new Member();
I hope this helps.
Google Ads API Team