How to get correct number of video quratile views

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Damir Murzagulov

Dec 2, 2019, 3:31:25 AM12/2/19
to AdWords API and Google Ads API Forum
Hi all, please help to figure out the next issue

I try to calculate the number when the video was viewed at 50%.  Adwords API gives the rate 


Description: Percentage of impressions where the viewer watched 50% of your video.

So, I make a backward calculation of 

VideoQuartile50 Views=VideoQuartile50Rate*Impressions 

But the problem when I compare total values from API and my calculation numbers does not match. 

There, according to my calculation, I get total 

VideoQuartile50 Views=60094327.39

But if I would use for calculation total numbers from API, I get 

VideoQuartile50 Views=48.67%*328498405=159880173.7

Why it is happening? I am puzzled. 


Google Ads API Forum Advisor Prod

Dec 3, 2019, 3:37:46 PM12/3/19
Hi Damir,

The VideoQuartile50Rate field in the API should match the value of Video played to: 50% in the Google Ads UI. Here are more details on video fields in Google Ads. If you are still curious about how these numbers are calculated, you can reach out to the product team by clicking on the help options on the bottom of the link I sent you.

Google Ads API Team


Damir Murzagulov

Dec 4, 2019, 3:06:37 AM12/4/19
to AdWords API and Google Ads API Forum
Thanks for the replay. 
But I am still don't understand how I can calculate correct totals by API data. 
My problem is that I can't store the total values of VideoQuartile50Rate from API response. 
And I need a method to calculate it my own. 
Can you please confirm the next formula is correct or not?
VideoQuartile50 Views=VideoQuartile50Rate*Impressions 
I want to get absolute values of shows when the video was played at 50%. 
Then use the formula for totals Total VideoQuartile50Rate= SUM(VideoQuartile50 Views)/SUM(Iipressions)

Google Ads API Forum Advisor Prod

Dec 4, 2019, 3:13:49 PM12/4/19
Hi Damir,

Since the API and UI metrics correspond to each other, you should reach out to the product team to see how the fields are calculated as I mentioned. Once you have the formula, you can use its corresponding API fields if you are unable to use the actual VideoQuartile50Rate field.

Will Catron

Dec 4, 2019, 6:44:26 PM12/4/19
to AdWords API and Google Ads API Forum
Hi Anthony, 

You wrote that "The VideoQuartile50Rate field in the API should match the value of Video played to: 50% in the Google Ads UI."

This doesn't seem to be the case, however. In the example that Damir mentioned, the Google Ads UI is displaying a rate: 

Screen Shot 2019-12-04 at 3.36.20 PM.png

The value that we're getting from the API for VideoQuartile50Rate is a number. It looks to be the "number of times a video is played until the middle of its view length," which matches the documentation that you linked to. 

From the API, should we expect a rate value or a number of times a video is viewed to 50%? 

The challenge we're facing is that the API is returning a number of "50% video views" that is larger than the number of "views." That doesn't seem right. 


Google Ads API Forum Advisor Prod

Dec 5, 2019, 11:52:00 AM12/5/19
Hi Will,

The VideoQuartile50Rate should return as a double. The value represents the percentage of viewers that watched at least 50% of the video. I can have a look at your report definition, results and UI so I can see where the discrepancy is through reply privately to author.


Dec 5, 2019, 12:20:16 PM12/5/19
to AdWords API and Google Ads API Forum

I struggled with this some time ago. Later someone asked the same question, and the answer there best describes my findings:

To summarize (but do read previous discussion):
1. Video campaigns consist of two types of ads, InStream ads and VideoDiscovery ads. VideoDiscovery is search in YouTube, InStream is an ad played immediatly before a different video. Both ad types have impressions, but they have completely different meaning.
2. For your type of calculations, you need to filter on InStream ads, as you only want their impressions.
3. In Google Ads Web UI, you can do this by segmenting on "View Type" - then you can do calculations by hand, and validate your calculation method. Unfortunately, Google AdWords API does NOT support this segment. Maybe Google Ads API beta does support this.
4. Alternatively, if that's an option, your calculation will be correct when you stop all VideoDiscovery ads - or, have less than 1 impression on these ads combined.
5. Another alternative is requesting the same results on ADGROUP level, and filter on AdGroupType. Only groups with AdGroupType of YOUTUBE_WATCH should be included.

So basically, we're waiting on Google to add segment "View Type" to CAMPAIGN_PERFORMANCE_REPORT. I'm waiting 2.5 years now. But the AdGroup workaround works pretty nice.

Hope this helps!

Damir Murzagulov

Dec 9, 2019, 2:20:39 AM12/9/19
to AdWords API and Google Ads API Forum
Thank you very much! 
Got it. 
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Google Ads API Forum Advisor Prod

Dec 16, 2019, 3:46:03 PM12/16/19
Hi Damir,

I can take a closer look for you if you'd like. You can reply privately to author your CID, report query and results to do so.
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