How can I automate data from Google Ads to Google Sheet

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Ramazan Aydemir

Jun 15, 2024, 12:25:10 AM6/15/24
to Google Ads API and AdWords API Forum

I'm reaching out because I'm keen on setting up an automated monthly report fir our cost and ROAS per product.

I want to fetch daha from both Google Ads to the same spreadsheet to ensure comprehensive coverage. And then, setting up an automated process that generates report on a monthly basis. I want that each new month's data is not overwritten onto the previous month's report. Instead, I'd like it to be stored either on a different sheet or on a different rows within the same sheet.

I'd appreciate it if we could discuss on this. 

Warm regards,

Google Ads API Forum Advisor

Jun 17, 2024, 9:46:19 AM6/17/24

Thank you for contacting the Google Ads API support team.

Could you confirm whether you are using Google Ads API or Google Ads UI to generate an automated monthly report?

Please note that our team can only assist with the technical queries/concerns related to the Google Ads API.
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