violating laws of nature!

Yametazamwa mara 6
Ruka hadi kwenye ujumbe wa kwanza ambao haujasomwa

Vasavada, Kashyap V

21 Jul 2018, 15:35:3221/07/2018

Dear Vinod and Kushal,

Suspending or violating laws of nature!!!

OK with me as long as what you are saying is not called science!

I will not take you to court, but police or your doctor may ask you, did you violate any laws of nature?!!

Well, seriously, this is not uncommon for some religious  practitioners. There is a Christian physicist on another blog who argues that resurrection of Christ was so important that God did bend laws of nature temporarily!

As long as you are talking about mind and consciousness, it is fine to assume that there could be different laws. But according to my understanding , in talking about siddhis you are encroaching the domain of physics. You cannot get away with violations of established laws, unless you empirically prove these phenomena. If you prove them  then, physicists will have to rethink about the laws. If you cannot establish siddhis empirically,  question of siddhis will remain  strictly a matter of belief. You are not going to convince anyone who does not already believe in them. Laws of science cannot be discarded when they are inconvenient to your beliefs. All of us use science all day! I hope, I am not excessively blunt!





Sent: Saturday, July 21, 2018 6:38 AM
To: Vasavada, Kashyap V <>; Kushal Shah <>
Cc: Ram Lakhan Pandey Vimal <>; Robert Boyer <>; Dean Radin <>; Murty Hari <>; Siegfried Bleher <>; Stanley A. KLEIN <>; Asingh2384 <>; sisir roy <>; George Weissmann <>; BT APJ <>; Whit Blauvelt <>; Alex Hankey <>; Bernard Baars <>; BVKSastry(Gmail) <>; Paul Werbos <>; Ralph Frost <>; Joseph McCard <>;
Subject: Re: [Sadhu Sanga] RE: Dependent co-origination and conditions vs. causality: extended dual-aspect monism


All siddhis emanate from a powerful Sankalpa of a Yogi and the Sankalpa of a Yogi is derived from all-powerful Cosmic Consciousness (CC). All the laws operating in nature are also due to Sankalpa of CC, as taken at the primordial time. When a Yogi takes a Sankalpa, as derived from CC, the laws of nature suspend/alter/change temporarily and locally to accommodate and fulfill the Sankalpa of the Yogi. There should be no wonder in this. A crude analogy from the mundane point of view. Today you may take some Sankalpa as  based on the power of President Trump. You will see that all the bureaucrats./ officials  down all the hierarchical lines  automatically  become ready to change rules/regulations to accommodate and fulfill your Sankalpa


On Sat, Jul 21, 2018 at 3:13 PM, Vasavada, Kashyap V <> wrote:

Dear Kushal,

I am  following  your discussion with Ram and Vinod on Siddhis with interest for sure. But let me interject one limitation from current knowledge of particle physics.

KS: “But the body can surely be disintegrated into energy, and a new body can be reassembled from pure energy.”

KV: It is true that E=mc^2, but that does not mean any particle by itself can be converted into energy! There are various conservation laws such as charge, lepton number, baryon number etc. So for example a single electron or a proton (charged of course) cannot be converted into energy. Its charge has to be conserved,  even if there is violation of lepton or baryon number conservation. To annihilate an electron you will need a positron, to annihilate a proton you will need antiproton etc. Human body suddenly on its own cannot disintegrate into energy. If you find this it will be a sensational earth shaking and Nobel prize winning discovery!




From: Kushal Shah []
Sent: Saturday, July 21, 2018 3:37 AM
Cc: Ram Lakhan Pandey Vimal <>; Robert Boyer <>; Dean Radin <>; Murty Hari <>; Siegfried Bleher <>; Stanley A. KLEIN <>; Vasavada, Kashyap V <>; Asingh2384 <>; sisir roy <>; George Weissmann <>; BT APJ <>; Whit Blauvelt <>; Alex Hankey <>; Bernard Baars <>; BVKSastry(Gmail) <>; Paul Werbos <>; Ralph Frost <>; Joseph McCard <>
Subject: Re: Dependent co-origination and conditions vs. causality: extended dual-aspect monism


I can't think of any way by which the human body can be compressed to the size of an atom. But the body can surely be disintegrated into energy, and a new body can be reassembled from pure energy. So we need to change the language used to describe this idea. It's not about compression or expansion, but transformation. Systems with different length scales cannot function the same way. 




Kushal Shah @ EECS Dept, IISER Bhopal


On Sat, Jul 21, 2018, 12:52 PM VINOD KUMAR SEHGAL <> wrote:

But perfection and going beyond all limitations of the body  may also include making body as smaller as the size of an atom


On Sat, Jul 21, 2018 at 12:23 PM, Kushal Shah <> wrote:

Vinod, as I mentioned earlier, PYS III.45 decribes Anima siddhi as the ability to gain perfection of body and go beyond all limitations. Now what perfection and limitations mean in this context is not clear.




Kushal Shah @ EECS Dept, IISER Bhopal


On Sat, Jul 21, 2018, 11:31 AM VINOD KUMAR SEHGAL <> wrote:




What is your serious view on the definition/concept of  Anima? Please clarify and elaborate the same.


Vinod Sehgal


On Fri, Jul 20, 2018 at 7:29 PM, Kushal Shah <> wrote:

Vinod, we can't really have a serious discussion based on popular notions.




Kushal Shah @ EECS Dept, IISER Bhopal


On Fri, Jul 20, 2018, 5:35 PM VINOD KUMAR SEHGAL <> wrote:

But the popular notion about the meaning of Anima , as prevalent in Yogic Community, is to become as small as an atom.


In the case of Aadi Shankar, it is his Astral body which had entered the King's physical body to know about the sexual experience


On Fri, Jul 20, 2018 at 4:44 PM, Kushal Shah <> wrote:

Vinod, as I mentioned in one of my earlier emails, Patanjali Yoga Sutra mentions anima siddhi in verse III.45 but does not say that it is about becoming as small as an atom. It says anima is about achieving perfection of the body. But what 'perfection' means is not defined in this text.




On Fri, Jul 20, 2018 at 4:42 PM VINOD KUMAR SEHGAL <> wrote:

These 8 Siddhis are also mentioned in Patanjali Yog Darshan and there should be no reason to disbelieve.

On Friday, July 20, 2018, Kushal Shah <> wrote:
> Vinod, please note that this definition of anima (becoming as small as an atom) is only reported in some ancient scriptures (not in PYS) and I am also not aware of any Yogi having reported demonstrating it him/herself or having seen someone else do it. Yogananda lists having seen several siddhi demonstrations by various Yogis but as far as I remember, anima was not one of them. Hence, even from the subjective experience perspective, there is very little evidence for this siddhi. 
> Also, in Adi Sankaracharya's life, he once left his body to enter that of a King to learn about the sexual process. Why did he not simply transform his body into something else? He was by far the finest Yogi India has ever produced!
> No matter how enlightened one becomes, there is always some barrier that one cannot cross.  
> Best,
> Kushal.
> On Fri, Jul 20, 2018 at 3:49 PM VINOD KUMAR SEHGAL <> wrote:
> During Anima, a human body may not remain a human body composed of atoms/molecules. It may transform to respective Tanmaatras as per the Sankalpa of Yogi. On withdrawal of Sankalpa, the Tanmaatras may again transform back to atoms/molecules to create a physical body composed of atoms/molecules. The Sankalpa of a Yogi carries great powers since it is derived from pure Cosmic  Consciousness. It is the Sankalpa of pure CC which led to the creation of matter and physical energy as scattered in vast galaxies, stars and planets, So there should be no wonder if the Sankalpa of a Yogis, as derived from CC, is able to transform matter of physical body in Tanmaatras and vice versa at some localized small scales.
> All laws appeared in the universe at the primordial stage as per the Sankalpa of CC. When a Yogi makes a Sankalpa, as based on the power of CC, Laws at the localized level can remain suspended/alter./change temporarily to complete the Sankalapa of the Yogi. So Siddhis can't be understood as per the present knowledge and laws of Science particularly Physics. A crude analogy. When President Trump makes a Sankalapa for doing something specific in USA. which is out of conformity with prevalent Laws,  laws/rules/regulations down all the hierarchical levels may alter/modified to accommodate the Sankalpa of Trump. And Trump is the head of Govt of a small piece of land on earth only
> On Thu, Jul 19, 2018 at 7:32 PM, Ram Lakhan Pandey Vimal <> wrote:
> Dear Vinod ji,
> Thanks.
> If you think that 8 Siddhis are not Yogic fiction, then please address Kushal’s comment.
> Cheers!
> Kind regards,
> Rām
> ----------------------------------------------------------
> Rām Lakhan Pāndey Vimal, Ph.D.
> Amarāvati-Hīrāmaṇi Professor (Research)
> Vision Research Institute Inc, Physics, Neuroscience, & Consciousness Research Dept.
> 25 Rita Street, Lowell, MA 01854 USA
> Ph: +1 978 954 7522; eFAX: +1 440 388 7907
> Researched at University of Chicago and Harvard Medical Schools
> On Thursday, 19 July, 2018, 8:36:42 AM GMT-4, VINOD KUMAR SEHGAL <> wrote:
> 8 Siddhis are not Yogic fiction since Yogis possessing these Siddhis stand by high moral values of truth in Mansa, Vaacha, karmaas ( in mind, in speech and  in action)  in their entire life. The problem is with regard to the present knowledge of science which is based on an incomplete knowledge of nature and laws operating thereupon. With an incomplete  scientific knowledge of nature of a fraction of  the entire nature, it is not possible to understand Siddhis
> On Thu, Jul 19, 2018 at 5:21 PM, Ram Lakhan Pandey Vimal <> wrote:
> Dear Kushal,
> Thanks.
> If you are correct then 8 siddhis are yogic fiction. Do you agree?
> Cheers!
> Kind regards,
> Rām
> ------------------------------ ----------------------------
> Rām Lakhan Pāndey Vimal, Ph.D.
> Amarāvati-Hīrāmaṇi Professor (Research)
> Vision Research Institute Inc, Physics, Neuroscience, & Consciousness Research Dept.
> 25 Rita Street, Lowell, MA 01854 USA
> Ph: +1 978 954 7522; eFAX: +1 440 388 7907
>; http:// rlpvimal/Home
> profile/Ram_Lakhan_Pandey_ Vimal 
> Researched at University of Chicago and Harvard Medical Schools
> On Wednesday, 18 July, 2018, 11:13:57 PM GMT-4, Kushal Shah <> wrote:
> Dear Ram,
> I don't think the human body can remain intact if reduced to that small a size.
> Best,
> Kushal.
> On Thu, Jul 19, 2018 at 4:26 AM Ram Lakhan Pandey Vimal <> wrote:
> The transition from quantum to quotidian
> As per (Folger, 2018), “The microscopic and macroscopic worlds do not blend seamlessly: the probabilistic nature of quantum mechanics reigns over the first, whereas the second observes more logical “classical” rules. Physicists have long been stymied over the question of where one realm ends and the other begins, but upcoming experiments offer hope of testing different theories. One possibility, called continuous spontaneous localization, suggests that quantum probabilities randomly collapse into classical certainties. If true, these collapses would also create a sea of background vibrations in the universe that experiments could detect. […] Can a single macroscopic object be in two places at once? Could something the size of a pinhead, say, exist both here and there at the same time? That seemingly impossible condition is actually the norm for atoms, photons and all other particles. According to the surreal laws of quantum theory, reality at its most basic level defies our commonsense assumptions: Particles do not have fixed positions, energies or any other definite properties—at least while no one is looking. They exist in numerous states simultaneously. […] Really big things—meaning anything from a virus on up—always manifest in one place and one place only. […] Continuous Spontaneous Localization [CSL…] the collapse of the wave function to a single possibility is a random event, not caused by human or environmental interference. The chances of any one particle collapsing at any given time are extremely small, but in macroscopic objects containing multitudes of atoms, the collapse of at least one is inevitable, which then causes the entire structure to collapse. […] One idea—known as continuous spontaneous localization, or CSL—is that wave function collapse is simply a random event occurring constantly in the microscopic world. According to CSL, the chance that any one particle will collapse is extremely rare—it might happen once in hundreds of millions of years—but for large aggregates of particles, collapse becomes a certainty. […] If CSL is real, measurement and observation have no role in collapse. In any measurement, a given particle and the devices recording it become part of an immense quantum array that very rapidly collapses. Although it seems as if the particle went from a superposition to an actual position during a measurement, this transformation happened as soon as the particle interacted with the devices, before the measurement occurred. […] The CSL model, for example, predicts that the action of collapse imparts a slight jiggle to particles, creating an omnipresent background vibration that might be detectable in experiments. “The collapse [in CSL] is something universal for micro and macro systems,” Bassi says. “Every time there is a collapse, you move the particle a little.” […“]You’d still have many worlds for electrons or atoms—but not for the moon!”[ Igor Pikovski].”
> In other words, an atomic size (10−10 m) particle or smaller than it can be in more than one place simultaneously. Therefore, if you want to be at multiple locations simultaneously, you need to reduce your size smaller than an atom as it can happen in Aṇimā (अणिमा: reducing one's body even to the size of an atom: one of the eight yogic siddhis). Hanuman ji, Ganesh  ji,  Surya deva, Tridevas, Sai Baba of Shirdi, and many other Siddhi-attained yogis presumably able to do that and had the 8 siddhis; this may explain paranormal phenomena such as being at multiple locations simultaneously and then returning to normal size thru Mahimā (महिमा).
> This is what the eDAM speculates for the dual-aspect entities in the subtle world below Planck level (10−35 m), which is different from Sāṅkhya’s entities in the subtle world. The Sāṅkhya’s subtle entities 5 tanmātras, 10 indriyas, manas, buddhi, Ahaṃkāra, chitta, etc are precise as if they are classical entities; whereas as QM itself is probabilistic and a quantum state is composed of the superposition of many basis states; so they are blurry and have uncertainties.  Therefore, it is highly unlikely that Sāṅkhya’s subtle entities are below Planck level. Most likely they are the non-physical aspect of a state of a mind-brain system, which arises because of the 1st person perspective of viewing; the non-physical aspect is inseparable with the physical aspect of the state of the mind-brain system. The eDAM subtle entities’ states also have the superposition of multiple basis states during A
> --
> -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
> Kushal Shah @ EECS Dept, IISER Bhopal



Kushal Shah @ EECS Dept, IISER Bhopal




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Kushal Shah

21 Jul 2018, 20:19:2321/07/2018
Dear Kashyap,

Physics is not about finding 'laws of nature', but only mathematical models which can predict results of certain experiments under certain conditions. Anyone who has studied physics seriously knows that all mathematical models have a certain range of validity. It's not good to stretch the models beyond that. 

I can understand your insistence on empirical validation, but have already stated that it's only a particular way of verifying knowledge. To say that nothing is valid unless it's empirically tested is again an overstretch. 

I see the above as a simple obvious fact which should not require any convincing unless one has certain deep rooted beliefs in the monopoly of physics over matter.


Kushal Shah @ EECS Dept, IISER Bhopal

Vasavada, Kashyap V

22 Jul 2018, 05:15:4322/07/2018

Dear Kushal,

OK. Let us be fair. Can you give one source which discusses verifiable theory of matter other than science ?  Probably  not Vedas, Upanishads and Puranas, or eastern and western philosophers  although I do have very high respect for all of them  for the issues they deal with. Vinod keeps on mentioning astral bodies, but he himself has to base his beliefs on the descriptions of a select few Swamijis. He cannot verify himself or produce any evidence about them.  In fact one can ask them, let us set aside astral bodies, did they know about fundamental particles such as protons, electrons, quarks etc.? No one will say that their knowledge of matter was anywhere near our current knowledge through science. You will realize that once you give up empirical methods, your choices are reduced to  just beliefs unless you yourself want to go into Samadhi. Again as I said before,  mind and consciousness studies are  different issues.  Science by choice has concentrated on the study of matter so far and has done remarkable job at it.  So let us draw a line at matter!



Kushal Shah

22 Jul 2018, 07:42:5822/07/2018
kwa Ph.D. Sadhu-Sanga Under the Holy Association of Spd. B.M. Puri Maharaja
Dear Kashyap,

Strictly speaking, science provides only a theory of how matter interacts with itself. It does not provide any theory of matter itself. This is very important distinction that needs to be made. Is there any scientific theory that can describe an electron or photon in its entirety without referring to any interactions? 

What Yogic studies say is that all these multitude of particles and their varied interactions are totally irrelevant when we are talking of how matter interacts with consciousness. You are right in saying that Yogic studies say nothing about how matter interacts with itself. That is totally within the purview of science. But consciousness can also exercise control over matter and that is what these siddhis are about. This does not contradict science in any way.

Now how do we verify these siddhis? You are again right in saying that neither me nor anyone else on this group, as far as we know, actually has the capability to demonstrate any of the siddhis mentioned in PYS. But does that mean that we should not believe in these siddhis? No! Whether we believe in a person or not largely depends on that person's character and integrity (and not which university s/he is affiliated with and how many degrees s/he has). This is true in science also. We would hardly make any progress if all scientists had to personally verify all experiments. And when a person of Vivekananda's and Ramakrishna's character and integrity says that the siddhis mentioned in our scriptures exist, we should not discard this idea just like that. We also need not blindly believe in this! An important point here is that a belief in the siddhis is not necessary for making spiritual progress. In fact, some of these siddhis are considered to be obstacles in the spiritual path and aspirants are strongly advised to turn them away when they arise during deep meditative states.

I am personally neither interested in promoting a belief in the siddhis nor in pursuing them myself. I will only object when someone discards them without trying to properly understand. Even Einstein could not come to terms with Quantum Mechanics all his life. And so, I do understand that even the most rational people can have deep rooted beliefs which can prevent them from appreciating various aspects of reality. Yogic studies are lot more deeper and cannot be understood unless we are willing to radically change our perspective. 


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Vasavada, Kashyap V

22 Jul 2018, 18:27:4622/07/2018

Dear Kushal,

KS: “I am personally neither interested in promoting a belief in the siddhis nor in pursuing them myself. I will only object when someone discards them without trying to properly understand.”


KV: OK. One reason I raised the question of siddhis is that you and Ram started discussing Anima etc. I promise  not to discard siddhis without trying to understand. BTW whether they are important or harmful for Yogis to advance in their sadhana,  physicists  will be interested in verifications, because some of the claims like flying with your own power, Psychokinesis etc. are   encroaching world of physics!!  I have also high respect for PYS. But  statements other than siddhis in PYS like Ashtang Yoga are about good behavior, meditations etc.  and physics has as yet nothing to say about them. So please list the siddhis in PYS you believe and then we can discuss one by one. Otherwise these will be just like mythological stories. Some people believe and some do not, There is no way to settle truth except trust in Maharishi Patanjali.


KS: “Strictly speaking, science provides only a theory of how matter interacts with itself. It does not provide any theory of matter itself. This is very important distinction that needs to be made. Is there any scientific theory that can describe an electron or photon in its entirety without referring to any interactions? “

KV: As you very well, typically science is  interested in understanding “how” rather than “why” The latter leads to philosophical debates. Whatever we know about electrons or photons is enough most of the time to understand empirical results. That is the whole purpose of science and its success shows all around our society. It has admittedly not succeed yet to understand consciousness, but so also there are problems with concepts of dark matter, dark energy, unification of forces etc.  But that is the nature of science. It is great that science books are never closed!


KS: “You are again right in saying that neither me nor anyone else on this group, as far as we know, actually has the capability to demonstrate any of the siddhis mentioned in PYS. But does that mean that we should not believe in these siddhis? No! Whether we believe in a person or not largely depends on that person's character and integrity (and not which university s/he is affiliated with and how many degrees s/he has). This is true in science also. We would hardly make any progress if all scientists had to personally verify all experiments.”

KV: This is not right. It is true that if someone has established high credentials in some scientific area, other scientists do pay attention to his/her statements in some different areas. This is as it should be. But this does not result in automatic uncritical acceptance. The famous example is Einstein’s opposition to QM. That was proven mostly wrong and physicists kept on going with or without Einstein!. Even now physicists are constantly looking for some failure of theory of relativity, though much of it seems to be right. Again the problem lies in non-availability of empirical testing for the claims made by yogis. That is why there is a movement to examine brains of meditators by fMRI etc. Whether that gives any useful result or not remains to be seen. We want to break the logjam, status quo  which has been going on for thousands of years!

KS: “But consciousness can also exercise control over matter and that is what these siddhis are about.”

KV: Verification of this statement is the whole issue. We need believable proof of these!









From: [] On Behalf Of Kushal Shah
Sent: Sunday, July 22, 2018 5:59 AM
To: Ph.D. Sadhu-Sanga Under the Holy Association of Spd. B.M. Puri Maharaja <>
Subject: Re: [Sadhu Sanga] violating laws of nature!


Dear Kashyap,


Strictly speaking, science provides only a theory of how matter interacts with itself. It does not provide any theory of matter itself. This is very important distinction that needs to be made. Is there any scientific theory that can describe an electron or photon in its entirety without referring to any interactions? 

Kushal Shah

23 Jul 2018, 06:21:2723/07/2018
kwa Ph.D. Sadhu-Sanga Under the Holy Association of Spd. B.M. Puri Maharaja
Dear Kashyap,

There are several statements in your email that require a deeper analysis from a slightly different perspective. I have taken related statements from different paragraphs of your email and put them together.

KV: Some people believe and some do not, There is no way to settle truth except trust in Maharishi Patanjali.
KV: Verification of this statement is the whole issue. We need believable proof of these!
KV: It is true that if someone has established high credentials in some scientific area, other scientists do pay attention to his/her statements in some different areas. This is as it should be. But this does not result in automatic uncritical acceptance.

In my opinion, the three most important words in the statements above are "truth", "belief" and "verification". How do we know that the statements in PYS are true? How can we verify them? How can we believe them without verifying? I fully agree with you that we can't be sure about the truth value of PYS statements without verifying them ourselves. And that is what Yoga also demands from all its aspirants: Do not fully believe in anything unless you have verified it yourself. The last phrase yourself is very important here! Unlike science, Yoga requires all its aspirants to verify its claims on their own without actually taking anyone else's verification. A scientist in one university may believe in the correctness of Quantum Mechanics or any other theory if 10 reputed labs of other universities have verified it experimentally. But Yoga would say that it does not matter even if a million other individuals have verified these statements in ancient or modern times. If you want to properly know the Yogic truths, you must verify all of them yourself. Hence, there is no need to apriori believe in the siddhis, but we should not discard them either (as you now agree with). Those who are interested in understanding them better need to undertake the appropriate sadhana under proper guidance. 

This issue of verification you have raised is actually becoming problematic in science also these days, as you know very well. There is lot of emphasis on "reproducible research" since many labs these days come under publication pressure and end up reporting data without proper verification. And with the coming decades, it will become all the more problematic since more advanced theories will require that much more advanced equipment which will not be readily available everywhere. Yoga does not face this problem since all its theories and predictions can be verified by an individual without needing any advanced equipment except the body-mind complex. But of course, this does not mean that Yoga is easy. It requires many decades or even lifetimes of intense sadhana under proper guidance. So the main point I am making is that the issue of verification you have raised is extremely important, but it cannot be settled without undergoing the required sadhana. And asking for empirical verification of PYS statements is totally meaningless, since they are about interaction of consciousness with matter and not of matter with itself.

Hence, instead of discussing how to empirically verify the PYS statements, we should discuss the methods proposed in PYS. I would certainly be very much interested in discussing them one by one!

KV: Whatever we know about electrons or photons is enough most of the time to understand empirical results.
KV: Typically science is  interested in understanding “how” rather than “why”.

All that we have in science are theories for how an electron/photon interacts with other particles. There is no scientific theory of an electron or photon itself! These two are very different things. Interestingly, Yoga is also mainly interested in "how" and the "why" questions are dealt with in Advaita/Sankhya/etc. The primary difference between Science and Yoga is of the kind of interactions being studied. Science studies Matter-Matter interactions, whereas Yoga studies Consciousness-Matter and Consciousness-Consciousness interactions. So obviously, the tools that are useful in one domain are unlikely to be useful in the other.


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David Marjanovic

23 Jul 2018, 11:10:0523/07/2018
Gesendet: Sonntag, 22. Juli 2018 um 22:41 Uhr
Von: "Vasavada, Kashyap V" <>

> [...]
> KV: As you very well, typically science is  interested in understanding “how” rather than “why” The latter leads to philosophical debates.

This is a very widespread misunderstanding (among scientists themselves, too). In reality, all "why" questions are in fact "how" or even "what" questions.

"Why does this happen" is the same as "how does this process work", "what influenced this process", "what are the limits on this process", "what causes the limits", "what prevents other things from happening instead" and so on.

How? Why? Advaita.

> KS: “You are again right in saying that neither me nor anyone else on this group, as far as we know, actually has the capability to demonstrate any of the siddhis mentioned in PYS. But does that mean that we should not believe in these siddhis? No! Whether we believe in a person or not largely depends on that person's character and integrity (and not which university s/he is affiliated with and how many degrees s/he has). This is true in science also. We would hardly make any progress if all scientists had to personally verify all experiments.”
> KV: This is not right.

Indeed it isn't. If we esteem a person's character and integrity highly, we will accord a low probability to the hypothesis that that person is lying or is saying random stuff that seems to sound good at the moment, and conversely a high probability to the hypothesis that that person is telling us their experiences/observations honestly. This has _no_ influence on the probability that that person is simply honestly mistaken.

I just spent ten years on finding and correcting 4,200 mistakes – unsystematic, accidental mistakes – in a dataset compiled by two colleagues whom I esteem greatly. I already have two papers on the same kinds of mistakes made by several other esteemed colleagues, and now I'm working on the next. In the course of all this, I've also found mistakes in my own work. Humans make mistakes, that's just how it is.

> Again the problem lies in non-availability of empirical testing for the claims made by yogis. That is why there is a movement to examine brains of meditators by fMRI etc. Whether that gives any useful result or not remains to be seen. We want to break the logjam, status quo  which has been going on for thousands of years!

I agree. Test everything, and test it again.

Kushal Shah

24 Jul 2018, 04:46:5524/07/2018
kwa Ph.D. Sadhu-Sanga Under the Holy Association of Spd. B.M. Puri Maharaja
On Mon, Jul 23, 2018 at 8:39 PM David Marjanovic <> wrote:
If we esteem a person's character and integrity highly, we will accord a low probability to the hypothesis that that person is lying or is saying random stuff that seems to sound good at the moment, and conversely a high probability to the hypothesis that that person is telling us their experiences/observations honestly. This has _no_ influence on the probability that that person is simply honestly mistaken.

The last assertion above could be true in general, but not with respect to the field of expertise of that person. So if a physicist says something about chemistry, s/he could be honestly mistaken with the same probability as an economist. But a physicist is likely to have a very low probability of being honestly mistaken about physics itself. Similarly, it is possible for a Yogi to be honestly mistaken about physics with a high probability, but not about Yoga itself. 



24 Jul 2018, 10:58:0624/07/2018
Dear Kashyap,

That Christian physicist could hardly have said anything else about the Resurrection and still been speaking *qua* Christian. He might have personal doubts, but the official view of many denominations, including the Roman Catholic Church and the various Orthodox Churches is that, indeed, God performed a miracle that violated the known laws of physics.

It is quite true, of course, that all reports of miracles need to be verified empirically, otherwise they are simply matters of belief. In canonizing saints, the Roman Catholic Church requires at least one miracle -- usually one of healing a disease believed to be incurable -- to be attributed to the intercession of that saint to God.

In fact, until Pope Francis waived the requirement of a second miracle in the case of the late Pope John XXIII, it was the universal requirement for centuries to have two miracles, not just one. That is why the canonization of Father Damien of Molokai was delayed for so long after his death, despite widespread belief that he deserved to be a saint just on the basis of the heroic sacrifices he made for the leper colony at Molokai.

Peter Nyikos
Professor, Dept. of Mathematics        
University of South Carolina

From: [] on behalf of Vasavada, Kashyap V []
Sent: Saturday, July 21, 2018 12:02 PM
Subject: [Sadhu Sanga] violating laws of nature!


24 Jul 2018, 10:58:0624/07/2018
Kushal, physicists advance hypotheses, about which they could easily be mistaken. But an honest physicist will acknowledge that these are hypotheses, while a dishonest one might not.

Of course, physics is a highly varied field, and a physicist specializing in optics need not have a lower probability than a chemist of being mistaken about a matter concerning fluid dynamics. Is Yoga not divided into specialties?

Peter Nyikos

From: [] on behalf of Kushal Shah []
Sent: Tuesday, July 24, 2018 2:03 AM

To: Ph.D. Sadhu-Sanga Under the Holy Association of Spd. B.M. Puri Maharaja
Subject: Re: [Sadhu Sanga] violating laws of nature!
Sixth International Conference
Science and Scientist - 2018
October 26—27, 2018
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Kushal Shah

24 Jul 2018, 11:50:5624/07/2018
Peter, it's true that Yoga is also divided into specialities. In this discussion. I was specifically referring to Kriya/Raja Yoga and it's practitioners.



Kushal Shah @ EECS Dept, IISER Bhopal

John Jay Kineman

24 Jul 2018, 12:15:2024/07/2018
Indeed it is the standard of western modern science to doubt a claim without empirical testing. However people are conditioned to ignore the fact that experience is empirical evidence... the issue centers on method and frequency, sometimes insisting on repeatability and independent or blind confirmation. The problem is that the strictest criteria eliminate all but mechanical behavior. Novel occurrences, which characterize mental experiences, are characteristically unique. Does that mean they didnt happen?  No. It means they are not entailed with the general ambiance but rather with a subSet...they are system dependent.  Such phenomena are what we want to study.  So much more careful and conditional testing is required to recreate conditions, which may include the belief conditions of participants.


John Jay Kineman

24 Jul 2018, 17:19:3624/07/2018
For example, if you test for the effect on health of going to a Catholic Mass, it could be that devout Christians will show a positive effect and others will not. So the result is conditional, not general, and dependent on prior belief. But it may be real and empirically confirmed. Life is all about establishing contextual dependencies.

Jibu wote
Mjibu mchapishaji
Ujumbe 0 mpya