Detection Loophole, Minimum Rate

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James Jr Tankersley

2023/01/22 22:02:252023/01/22
To: Bell inequalities and quantum foundations

James Jr Tankersley
8:46 PM (now) 

to Bell inequalities and quantum foundations
Even though we know how to close the detection loophole with electron spin experiments, photon-based experiments are still being used to test Bell's inequalities, without properly closing the detection loophole (Eberhart requires 72.5% detection, but CHSH simulations modeling Malus law loss at the polarizing beam splitter appears to require detection closer to 100% to close the detection loophole)

A recent paper cites 3 Bell tests in 2015 (2 photon based with ~75% detection rates) as being loophole free. [1]. A recent Nova documentary also cites a recent Vienna photon based experiment [4.1] as being loophole free.

The 2015 Electron spin experiment is loophole free as far as we know (Hensen et al, with 100% detection), but has not been repeated in almost a decade, as far as I can determine, and the published run was apparently only 245 events, with a high probability of being a random chance result [1] (1 in 27) [5].  

If future Electron spin experiments with sufficient trial data refute the tiny trial run above, we appear to have something interesting (but no similar experiments in this many years???)

Eberhart is cited as requiring a minimum of 72.5% detection rate to avoid detection loop hole. (Now achievable with high quality photon detectors)

However, Eberhart's minimum detection must assume a "random distribution" of photon loss, not the "highly selective" loss Malus law causes to photons with real polarities before entering polarizing beam splitters (which very selectively lose photons based on pre-existing photon polarization).[3] 

CHSH simulations of photon with real polarities before hitting polarizing beam splitters, modeling loss using Malus Law calculations, show S violations around 2.2 when detection efficiency is modeled at around 90%[2]. The detection rate needed to close the loophole may need to be closer to 100%, based on the numbers the simulations are providing.

Jim Tankersley
(usually busy with work, but recently inspired by recent events)


[1.1] Discussion, page 8 "Finally, by using highly efficient detectors and testing a version of the CH model, they were able to close the detection loophole (Shalm et al., 2015). The necessary theoretical efficiency for this experiment, which Shalm et al. calculated using the method proposed by Eberhard, was 72.5% (Eberhard, 1993) (Shalm et al., 2015). The actual detector efficiencies used were 74.7 ± 0.3% and 75.6 ± 0.3% as calculated using the method proposed by Klyshko (Klyshko, 1980) (Shalm et al., 2015)."

[3] Malus Law, (accessed 2023-01-22)

[3.1] "What is Malus Law?
Malus’ law states that the intensity of plane-polarized light that passes through an analyzer varies as the square of the cosine of the angle between the plane of the polarizer and the transmission axes of the analyzer.

[4] Einstein's Quantum Riddle, (accessed 2023-01-22)
[4.1] Dominik Rauch, University of Vienna (43 minute point)

[5] Quantum Entanglement Bell Tests Part 4: Delft – The 1st Loophole-free Bell Test, Karma Penny, (accessed 2023-01-22)

Chantal Roth

2023/01/23 1:27:222023/01/23
To: 'Scott Glancy' via Bell inequalities and quantum foundations
Thanks James for bringing this up!

The bigger the claim, the greater the amount of evidence required to prove it.
This is about as big as it gets, so I think it is not too much to ask for at least a repeat of some of the currently best experiments (with the issues we saw resolved).

I suggest we add a session to the talks about this topic, because this is too important: until we *really* have a loophole free experiment (that includes all loopholes) that is statistically significant, we cannot simply assume the question has been resolved.

Best wishes,
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Jan-Åke Larsson

2023/01/23 2:37:392023/01/23
Hi James,
The Eberhard (or CH) inequality requires 66.7% overall efficiency.
Malus' law simulation is only possible up to 50% overall efficiency.

I agree that the Hensen et al experiment has too low number of events.

There are several truly loophole-free experiments nowadays.

We should spend our time on something other than this.

To view this discussion on the web visit

Jan-Åke Larsson
Professor, Head of Department

Linköping University
Department of Electrical Engineering
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Richard Gill

2023/01/23 3:59:102023/01/23
To: Chantal Roth、Bell Inequalities and quantum foundations
There are repeats and *improvements* of the best experiment. I’ve said this several times before, but here I go again (sorry to those who me say this N times before where N is about 10 or so).

Take a look at:

Zhang, W., van Leent, T., Redeker, K. et al.
A device-independent quantum key distribution system for distant users. 
Nature 607, 687–691 (2022). 

You can find it on arXiv too.
I extracted the Bell test part of the experiment and took a look at the data here:

Mark Hadley

2023/01/23 4:06:382023/01/23
To: Chantal Roth、'Scott Glancy' via Bell inequalities and quantum foundations
Dear Chantal,
I say the claim is that QM makes correct predictions,( and therefore violates Bell's) . And there is a lot of evidence that QM makes correct predictions. And no contrary evidence. 

To argue that the predictions of QM are wrong is the big claim, that needs enormous evidence. There is none. 

The predictions of QM apply to realistic and to loophole free experiments. 


Richard Gill

2023/01/23 4:09:512023/01/23
To: Chantal Roth、Bell Inequalities and quantum foundations
PS Chantal wants a loophole-free experiment which excludes all loopholes. There are two kinds of loopholes: those which in principle require better experimental procedures including better data processing; and metaphysical loopholes such as the conspiracy aka superdeterminism loophole, which philosophers of science will go on discussing for centuries.

I submit that the Zhang et al experiment of 2022 satisfies Chantal’s criteria as far as experimental imperfections are concerned. Some people might object that the distance between the labs “as the crow flies” is a bit too short, though the distance via glass fibre cable is plenty. Does Chantal demand that the guys in Munich raise the money to buy another lab another 100 meters further from their existing two labs? Does she seriously believe that in the counterfactual world where they had already done this, their experiment would not have been successful?

I’m with Jan-Åke on this: *we* should spend our time on something other than this; the tax-payers of the world deserve that their money is spent on other things; the experimentalists of the world should concentrate their resources on more challenging and interesting work.

On 23 Jan 2023, at 07:26, Chantal Roth <> wrote:

Chantal Roth

2023/01/23 4:10:382023/01/23
To: Richard Gill、'Scott Glancy' via Bell inequalities and quantum foundations
Thanks Richard - I have not seen these yet (I was trying to avoid the topic, but... it seems I get drawn in again :-).

In your opinion, which is *the one* experiment that is the most convincing, the one that clearly has no loopholes and is statistically significant? Is it the one you listed below?

(You know, given that people consider all kinds of crazy explanations, including retrocausality, parallel universes, instant communication and so on, I think it is not so crazy to look at these experiments critically :-).

Best wishes,

Richard Gill

2023/01/23 4:16:212023/01/23
To: Chantal Roth、Bell Inequalities and quantum foundations
Chantal, my short answer is “yes”. (Why do you think I keep mentioning it all over the place and spent a lot of time looking closely at some of the data?)

These guys are from the Weinfurter group. They did the best of the four loophole free experiments of 2015. They have a lot of routine and expertise, and now they are embedding a Bell test inside more complex experiments intended to demonstrate DIQKD. Alice and Bob each have three settings. Two of them are used for the Bell test, the third for the cryptography application.

On 23 Jan 2023, at 10:10, Chantal Roth <> wrote:

Thanks Richard - I have not seen these yet (I was trying to avoid the topic, but... it seems I get drawn in again :-).

In your opinion, which is *the one* experiment that is the most convincing, the one that clearly has no loopholes and is statistically significant? Is it the one you listed below?

(You know, given that people consider all kinds of crazy explanations, including retrocausality, parallel universes, instant communication and so on, I think it is not so crazy to look at these experiments critically :-).

Best wishes,

On Mon, Jan 23, 2023, at 9:58 AM, Richard Gill wrote:
There are repeats and *improvements* of the best experiment. I’ve said this several times before, but here I go again (sorry to those who me say this N times before where N is about 10 or so).

Take a look at:

Zhang, W., van Leent, T., Redeker, K. et al.
A device-independent quantum key distribution system for distant users. 
Nature 607, 687–691 (2022). 

You can find it on arXiv too.
I extracted the Bell test part of the experiment and took a look at the data here:

Алексей Никулов

2023/01/23 4:18:332023/01/23
To: James Tankersley Jr、Chantal Roth、Richard Gill、Bell Inequalities and quantum foundations
Dear James,

The controversy about loopholes does not make sense since Bell's
inequalities appeared because of a false understanding by most
physicists of quantum mechanics. It is funny that no one noticed
during many years that the orthodox quantum mechanics cannot predict
the EPR correlation and violation of Bell’s inequalities due to its
well-known principle that the operators can fail to commute only if
they act on the same particle.

Bohm misled Bell by rejecting this principle in order to postulate the
EPR correlation, he has not written that quantum mechanics cannot
predict the EPR correlation if this quantum principle is valid. Bell
misled all physicists since he did not understand that only Bohm’s
quantum mechanics but not the orthodox quantum mechanics can predict
the EPR correlation. Bell misled in particular the authors of the
well-known GHZ theorem [1,2]. These authors used the principle the
operators acting on different particles commute, according to which
quantum mechanics cannot contradict locality, in order to deduce the
GHZ theorem which should prove that quantum mechanics contradicts

I draw attention to this obvious contradiction in the manuscript
“Physical thinking and the GHZ theorem”. Unfortunately, Editors of
Physical Review A, Annalen der Physik and Annals of Physics rejected
this manuscript without peer review within a few days, from 1 to 3. In
contrast to these Editors, Editors of ‘Foundations of Physics’ did not
reject this manuscript up to now although I submitted it to this
journal July 7 and is considered by a reviewer since August 8. I
assume that my manuscript has not been rejected so far because
Professor Anton Zeilinger is a member of the Advisory Board of
‘Foundations of Physics’. I understand that it is difficult to make a
decision about my manuscript, since on the one hand it is impossible
to deny the mathematical fact that quantum mechanics cannot predict
EPR correlation and violation of Bell inequalities because of its
principle that the operators acting on different particles commute,
and on the other hand it is difficult to admit that many physicists
have been mistaken for many years.

[1] Greenberger, D.M., Horne M.A., Zeilinger, A.: Bell’s Theorem,
Quantum Theory and Conceptions of the Universe, edited by M. Kafatos,
Dordrecht: Kluwer Academic, pp. 73-76, (1989).

[2] Greenberger, D.M., Horne M.A., Shimony A. Zeilinger, A.: Bells
theorem without inequalities. Amer. J. Phys. 58, 1131-1143 (1990).

With best wishes,


пн, 23 янв. 2023 г. в 12:09, Richard Gill <>:
> To view this discussion on the web visit

Chantal Roth

2023/01/23 4:19:482023/01/23
To: Richard Gill、'Scott Glancy' via Bell inequalities and quantum foundations
Richard, (emails crossed...)

Yes, I mean experimental loopholes, that's it. I doubt anyone is asking them to buy another lab... the issues that are left are much less exciting than that.

I am not ready to start "believing" in ideas like retrocausality just yet (or any of the other wild ideas), only because of that (everything else in QM is much clearer and has nothing really weird about it).

Given that there are so many (wild) theories about this, I think it warrants to keep a critical eye on the experimental results. 

Best wishes,

Chantal Roth

2023/01/23 4:23:522023/01/23
To: 'Scott Glancy' via Bell inequalities and quantum foundations
Thanks - here is the link to the supplementary information:

Do you know if they provide the data as well?

Best wishes,

Richard Gill

2023/01/23 5:43:112023/01/23
To: James Jr Tankersley、Bell Inequalities and quantum foundations

The Munich experiment involves three parties: Alice, Bob and Charlie. And a sequence of tests of three “aligned” time-slots for the three parties.

Photons go from Alice and Bob’s place to Charlie's where they interfere. Charlie does a measurement there. Of course they may not arrive at all.

So we have three parties with settings a, b, c say, and outcomes x, y, z

Charlie’s setting “c” is fixed

In the experiment one studies the probability distributions p(x, y | a, b, c, z) for a particular z (two clicks of two particular photo detectors).

This is what is called an “event ready” Bell experiment. The special value of z signals when the measurements of Alice and Bob will be used to calculate correlations. Because from the QM point of view, those are occasions on which those atom spins were entangled. 

It’s also called “entanglement swapping”, its a version of quantum teleportation.

The correct analysis of the resulting Bell experiment does not require any belief in QM! You don’t have to “believe” in quantum teleportation, or whatever. It’s the other way round. The results might lead you to agree that it really does seem to exist….


James Tankersley Jr

2023/01/23 8:37:522023/01/23
To: Richard Gill、Bell Inequalities and quantum foundations
Thank you, I will study this later this evening.

Also, I just re-read an old paper I wrote and realized I was communicating poorly.  Re-written summary:

... Bell's experiment is a brilliant test to settle the issue (and photon based experiments appear to show that Quantum Theory wins). But computer experiments [20] that model results with LHV (Local Hidden Variable) models, show that photon based experiments have an un-accounted for "selective detect loophole" (requiring close to 100% detection, not the approximately 70% detection rates currently allowed), and Bell CHSH experiments may actually settle the issue in EPRs favor.

Jan-Åke Larsson

2023/01/23 8:53:222023/01/23
To: James Tankersley Jr、Richard Gill、Bell Inequalities and quantum foundations
Hi James,
The Eberhard (or CH) inequality requires 66.7% overall efficiency.
Malus' law simulation is only possible up to 50% overall efficiency.

What is [20]?

I agree that the Hensen et al experiment has too low number of events.

There are several truly loophole-free experiments nowadays.

We should spend our time on something other than this.


James Tankersley Jr

2023/01/23 11:17:102023/01/23
To: Richard Gill、Bell Inequalities and quantum foundations
Will work on this summary more this evening, but I am trying to communicate something similar to below

Bell's experiment is a brilliant test to settle the issue, and computer models show that Bell's inequalities do conclusively detect the difference between QM vs ERP modeled reality.  Computer CHSH experiments [20] with LHV (Local Hidden Variable) models also show that photon loss in polarizing beam splitters using Malus Law distribution, cause a false positive violation of Bell's inequalities at any loss level. This is the "Malus Law Detection Loophole", it is much more strict than the standard detection loophole, and requires CHSH experiments to exclude "Malus Law distribution" photon loss completely.  CHSH experiments using polarizing beam splitters suffer from the "Malus Law Distribution Loophole" and always provide false positive violations of Bell's inequalities. Electron spin tests do not suffer from "Malus Law Detection Loophole" and should be conducted with large data sets to settle the Bell's inequalities test.

Mark Hadley

2023/01/24 6:29:392023/01/24
To: Алексей Никулов、James Tankersley Jr、Chantal Roth、Richard Gill、Bell Inequalities and quantum foundations
Dear Alexey,
You are surely wrong. 
I, and others, can use QM to calculate EPR correlations. It is not difficult. The results are confirmed by experiment. If you make different predictions then you are wrong. If you don't know how to make predictions then read the books and learn. 

Your supposedly well known principle. Is probably wrong, but certainly not part of the axioms of QM that I know. 

An expectation value for an experiment is given by
Tr(\rho A)
 For any state \rho and and observable represented by A
Correlation outcomes are just a special case. For an entangled state rho cannot be factorised, which may be where you are confused. 

This works for anything, including EPR


Алексей Никулов

2023/01/24 11:40:192023/01/24
To: Mark Hadley、James Tankersley Jr、Chantal Roth、Richard Gill、Bell Inequalities and quantum foundations
Dear Mark,

If you do not know about the principle that the operators can fail to
commute only if they act on the same particle, it does not mean that
this principle is not one of the main principles of quantum mechanics.
This principle is used by the authors of the GHZ theorem [1,2] when
they apply the operators of measurements of spin projection in
different directions in any order. The authors of the book [3] write
directly about this in section “6.6 The Greenberger-Horne-Zeilinger
Theorem” : “We know that the three operators Sx(a), Sy(b), and Sy(c)
commute. (This is because each acts on a different particle. Only if
Sx and Sy act on the same particle do they fail to commute.) Thus, we
can apply them to the GHZ state in any order”.

Unfortunately, numerous authors of publications about Bell's
inequalities and participants in the Bell's inequality debate do not
know quantum mechanics, but the perversion of quantum mechanics by
Bohm, or their own fantasies about quantum mechanics. Bohm misled even
Bell. Bell misled all physicists, including to the authors of the GHZ
theorem [1,2], who prove the contradiction of quantum mechanics with
locality with the help of the principle according to which quantum
mechanics cannot contradict locality.

It should be noted that the principle that the operators acting on
different particles commute saves quantum mechanics from predicting
the obvious absurd. Bohm had to abandon this principle in order to
invent the EPR correlation in 1951. As a consequence, the EPR
correlations invented by Bohm logically leads to absurdity, see my
preprint “Logical proof of the absurdity of the EPR correlation”
available at ResearchGate

[1] Greenberger, D.M., Horne M.A., Zeilinger, A.: Bell’s Theorem,
Quantum Theory and Conceptions of the Universe, edited by M. Kafatos,
Dordrecht: Kluwer Academic, pp. 73-76, (1989).

[2] Greenberger, D.M., Horne M.A., Shimony A. Zeilinger, A.: Bells
theorem without inequalities. Amer. J. Phys. 58, 1131-1143 (1990).

[3] G. Greenstein and A. Zajonc, The Quantum Challenge. Modern
Research on the Foundations of Quantum Mechanics, 2nd edn. Jones and
Bartlett, Sudbury, 2006

With best wishes,


вт, 24 янв. 2023 г. в 14:29, Mark Hadley <>:

Richard Gill

2023/01/24 14:36:202023/01/24
To: Алексей Никулов、Mark Hadley、James Tankersley Jr、Chantal Roth、Bell Inequalities and quantum foundations
Dear Alexei

I have to say that I think you are talking nonsense. But you already know that that is my opinion.

Moreover we had this discussion many times before and as far as I know no single person supports your opinion.

Maybe you can give a reference to any publication by other authors who support your point of view and have expressed it in different words. So far you are not being very successful in communicating your standpoint. If there is someone else who does understand you, maybe they will be better able to explain your argument to us than you are.


Sent from my iPhone

> On 24 Jan 2023, at 17:40, Алексей Никулов <> wrote:
> Dear Mark,

Mark Hadley

2023/01/24 15:05:542023/01/24
To: Алексей Никулов、James Tankersley Jr、Chantal Roth、Richard Gill、Bell Inequalities and quantum foundations
Dear Alexey,
You may consider it a fundamental principle. I won't argue that with you. 

But it's a fact that QM can easily be used to calculate EPR correlations and it gives answers confirmed by experiment. 

Are you denying that? Do you have different predictions for EPR outcomes? 


Алексей Никулов

2023/01/26 4:23:052023/01/26
To: Mark Hadley、James Tankersley Jr、Chantal Roth、Richard Gill、Bell Inequalities and quantum foundations
Dear Mark,
According to the postulate of quantum mechanics about the Dirac jump,
only a measured particle should jump “into an eigenstate of the
dynamical variable that is being measured”. Therefore when Alice
measures spin projection of the particle A of the EPR pair

|EPR> = (|A+,B-> + |A-,B+>)/2^0.5 (1)

along the z-axis and observe spin up with the probability of 0.5, only
the particle A should jump into the eigenstate along the z-axis,
whereas the state of the particle B should not change according the
principle of quantum mechanics that the operators can fail to commute
only if they act on the same particle. Therefore Alice will create new

|Alice> = |A+z>(|B-> + |B+>)/2^0.5 (2)

according to which Bob will see spin up of the particle B with the
probability of 0.5. Thus, quantum mechanics predicts no correlation
between results of the observations of spin projections in the same
direction of particles in the EPR state (1).

To predict the EPR correlation, it is necessary to postulate that not
only the measured particle A, but also particle B should jump “into an
eigenstate of the dynamical variable that is being measured”. This is
exactly what Bohm did when he claimed about the particles of the EPR
pair that “every component of its spin angular momentum opposite to
that of the other one” and even that ”each atom would continue to have
every component of its spin angular momentum opposite to that of the
other one”, see the section ”The Hypothetical Experiment Einstein,
Rosen and Podolsky” of his book [1].

Bell said in the Introductory remarks “Speakable and unspeakable in
quantum mechanics” at Naples-Amalfi meeting, May 7, 1984 that the
creators of quantum mechanics were sleepwalkers who didn't understand
what they were claiming. That's the smartest thing Bell said. But for
some reason Bell did not understand that Bohm was the same sleepwalker
who did not understand what he was claiming. Bohm was claiming the
following: If Alice directed her analyzer along the z-axis, then not
only her particle, but also Bob's particle should jump into
eigenstates along the z-axis,

|Bohm_z> = |A+z>|B-z> (3z)

but if she directed the analyzer along the x-axis than the both
particles should jump into eigenstates along the x-axis

|Bohm_x> = |A+x>|B-x> (3x)

The expressions (3) predict the EPR correlation along both the z-axis
and the x-axis. They also predict violation of Bell’s inequalities
when the operators of finite rotations of the coordinate system are
used. But here the question arises: "What eigenstates should the
particles jump into if Alice directed her analyzer along the z-axis
and Bob along the x-axis?" Quantum mechanics does not put particles in
front of such an absurd choice due to its principle that the operators
can fail to commute only if they act on the same particle. But quantum
mechanics cannot be used to calculate EPR correlations, contrary to
your confidence, also because of this principle.

Bohm misled himself, Bell, and most physicists because of the illusion
that the EPR correlation could be derived from the law of conservation
of angular momentum. This illusion is misleading for several reasons:
1) in physics there is the law of conservation of angular momentum,
but there is no law of conservation of discrete values of angular
momentum projections; 2) in quantum mechanics, conservation laws are
valid with precision only down to the uncertainty relation; 3) only
what exists can be conserved, whereas not only spin projections of
particles, but even spin states that determine the probabilities of
observations of discrete values of spin projections cannot exist in
the EPR state. Therefore, the EPR correlation can be a consequence
only of a peculiarity of the observer's mind, which can create only
oppositely directed projections of spins, and not the conservation
[1] D. Bohm, Quantum Theory, New York: Prentice-Hall (1951).
With best wishes,

вт, 24 янв. 2023 г. в 23:05, Mark Hadley <>:

Richard Gill

2023/01/26 5:04:492023/01/26
To: Алексей Никулов、Mark Hadley、James Tankersley Jr、Chantal Roth、Bell Inequalities and quantum foundations
Alexei, it seems you use different postulates from just about everyone else. That makes communication difficult. Maybe you should write out your postulates in a clear mathematical form.

Sent from my iPhone

> On 26 Jan 2023, at 10:23, Алексей Никулов <> wrote:
> Dear Mark,

Mark Hadley

2023/01/26 5:11:462023/01/26
To: Алексей Никулов、James Tankersley Jr、Chantal Roth、Richard Gill、Bell Inequalities and quantum foundations
Dear Alexey,
What you are saying is simply wrong. And is refuted by experiments 

I've never come across that postulate. It's unnecessary and as you show it is wrong. It may be a good working assumption for systems that are not entangled.

In QM the expected outcome of of an experiment is given by the Trace of the state operator and measurement operator. I'd say that was axiomatic. Try deriving your postulate from the axiom. I think you will find it only follows as a special case.

In EPR the beam is unpolarised. It can be expressed as a classical mixture up/down + down/up The decomposition is not unique. A measurement of one side reveals which of the two it is.

To give another counter example if I split a pair of shoes into two boxes and send one to Alice and the other to Bob. Then they have a 50:50 chance of having a left shoe. As soon as Alice finds a left shoe that changes the probability of Bob having a left shoe. 


Jan-Åke Larsson

2023/01/26 5:19:202023/01/26

On 2023-01-26 11:11, 'Mark Hadley' via Bell inequalities and quantum foundations wrote:
Dear Alexey,
What you are saying is simply wrong. And is refuted by experiments 

I've never come across that postulate. It's unnecessary and as you show it is wrong. It may be a good working assumption for systems that are not entangled.

In QM the expected outcome of of an experiment is given by the Trace of the state operator and measurement operator. I'd say that was axiomatic. Try deriving your postulate from the axiom. I think you will find it only follows as a special case.

In EPR the beam is unpolarised. It can be expressed as a classical mixture up/down + down/up The decomposition is not unique. A measurement of one side reveals which of the two it is.

In EPR EACH SINGLE beam is unpolarized. THE TWO-SYSTEM state CANNOT be expressed as a classical mixture up/down+down/up. The decomposition INTO SUPERPOSITIONS is not unique. A measurement of one side projects onto a single vector for the other side.

Алексей Никулов

2023/01/26 12:12:352023/01/26
To: Mark Hadley、、Jan-Åke Larsson、Richard Gill、Inge Svein Helland
Dear Mark,
Schrodinger defined in 1935 the EPR (Einstein – Podolsky - Rosen)
correlation as ‘entanglement of our knowledge’: ”Maximal knowledge of
a total system does not necessarily include total knowledge of all its
parts, not even when these are fully separated from each other and at
the moment are not influencing each other at all”. Your example with a
pair of shoes is the example ‘entanglement of our knowledge’. I
consider a similar example in the preprint “Logical proof of the
Two observers Alice and Bob know that two balls, red and blue, are in
a closed box. Bob takes one ball without looking, and drives away with
it at an arbitrarily long distance. Alice, before she looks at the
remaining ball, knows that Bob will see the blue ball with a
probability of 0.5 and with the same probability of the red ball. Her
knowledge can be described using the expression for the EPR pair
|EPR> = (|A+,B-> + |A-,B+>)/2^0.5 (1)

in which (+) represents the red ball and (-) represents the blue ball.
The knowledge of Alice will change when she will see the red ball, for
example. The new knowledge may be described with the help of the
|Alice> = |A+>|B-> (2)
which means that she will see the red ball with the probability of 1
during the second observation, and Bob will see a blue ball with the
same reliability.

The expression (1) for the EPR pair can be used for the description of
Alice’s knowledge about both balls and spin projections since only two
results can be observed in both cases. But a fundamental difference is
between these cases. We can think that Alice sees a red ball since her
ball was red before her observation. But we cannot think so in the
case of spin projections since spin projections can be measured in
different directions.

To make the essence of the fundamental difference clear even to
schoolchildren, I marked the spin projections in different directions
with different colors in Fig.1 of my preprint “Logical proof of the
absurdity of the EPR correlation”. Even smart schoolchildren should
understand due to Fig.1 that quantum mechanics cannot do without the
Dirac jump because the observable does not exist before observation.
The Dirac jump can provide the perfect correlation between the results
of the first and second measurement of the same dynamical variable,
i.e. spin projections in the same direction. But the Dirac jump cannot
provide the EPR correlation since Dirac postulated in 1930 that only a
measured particle should jump “into an eigenstate of the dynamical
variable that is being measured”.

You wrote that what I was saying is simply wrong. But what exactly is
wrong? Don't you agree that the Dirac jump can provide the perfect
correlation between the results of the first and second measurements
of a single particle, but cannot provide the EPR correlation? I am not
talking about an experiment, but about the fact that quantum mechanics
cannot predict EPR correlation and violation of Bell inequalities. If
you think that there is absolutely reliable experimental evidence for
the violation of Bell's inequalities, then you should conclude that
quantum mechanics is the wrong theory.

With best wishes,

чт, 26 янв. 2023 г. в 13:19, 'Jan-Åke Larsson' via Bell inequalities
and quantum foundations <>:
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Mark Hadley

2023/01/26 12:27:122023/01/26
To: Алексей Никулов、Bell inequalities and quantum foundations、Jan-Åke Larsson、Richard Gill、Inge Svein Helland
Dear Alexey,
Yes QM can calculate the correlations. It's done in the text books and is confirmed by experiment. It is the same rule that applies to any system. What more can I say?

Richard Gill

2023/01/26 13:11:582023/01/26
To: Алексей Никулов、Mark Hadley、、Jan-Åke Larsson、Inge Svein Helland

I think you should read some modern textbooks on quantum mechanics and find out what the postulates are which everyone else is using these days. They are used to compute theoretical correlations in the EPR-B model. Those same correlations are observed in rigorously performed experiments. There is no need to assume a Dirac jump. One needs only the Born rule for the statistics of measurements of commuting observables.


Sent from my iPhone

> On 26 Jan 2023, at 18:12, Алексей Никулов <> wrote:
> Dear Mark,

Austin Fearnley

2023/01/27 8:54:132023/01/27
To: Bell inequalities and quantum foundations
I do not comment on Alexey's postulates but he seems to deny non-local change in a second particle caused immediately by a measurement on the first particle in an entangled pair.  That fits* my backwards-in-time-antiparticles model or retrocausal model.

With this particular form of retrocausal assumption, each entangled particle is either polarised 'towards or away from' Alice's detector setting or 'towards or away from' Bob's detector setting.   The entangled particle beams do not have random or unpolarised settings during a simple Bell experiment.

Other than the spookiness of retrocausal microscopic effects there is no spookiness in the correlation calculations.  In fact, Malus's Law plus retrocausality is sufficient to produce the high correlations.

Susskind's online course on entanglement provided a QM calculation of a high correlation for a concrete example where theta = 45 degrees.  Unfortunately the calculation was merely a Malus calculation as the random particle setting was aligned with Alice's detector setting.  Then Susskind said that, since a correlation between two vectors is independent of the absolute orientation of either of the vectors, the same correlation applies to any incident random particle polarisation vector.  To me that was hand-waving.  So I tried to calculate, myself, the correlation for random incident particle polarisation vectors but failed.  I have seen an abstract version of the calculation and presume it works.  Nevertheless, in my retrocausal model there are no random particle polarisation vectors in a (simple two-particle) Bell experiment so the QM calculations are not necessary for my model. As I noted, Malus's Law suffices for my model.

* Although, if the backwards in time frame is denied than the communication appears to be instantaneous non-locally in a forwards-in-time-only frame.


Richard Gill

2023/01/27 9:00:252023/01/27
To: Austin Fearnley、Bell Inequalities and quantum foundations

There is no spookiness in the standard correlation calculation following Born’s law as generalised to the case of joint measurement of two compatible observables. If you think Born’s law is unremarkable then there is nothing remarkable about the EPR-B correlations at all (except that it is nice that those correlations could not hold under local hidden variables). Since we see those correlations in the real world the conclusion is that the real world cannot be understood as following local hidden variables.


Алексей Никулов

2023/01/27 11:48:352023/01/27
To: Richard Gill、Austin Fearnley、Bell Inequalities and quantum foundations
Dear Richard,
The necessity of the Dirac jump follows logically from Born's
proposal. Therefore, anyone who thinks that it is possible to do with
the Born rule without the Dirac jump simply does not understand
quantum mechanics. Einstein drew attention to the need for the Dirac
jump as early as 1927, before Dirac postulated the jump in 1930.
Einstein considered a simple example during the discussion at the
Fifth Solvay Conference in 1927. A particle flying through a small
hole propagates further as a spherical probability wave, according to
Born’s proposal. Before the first observation, the probability is not
zero along the entire front of the spherical wave. But once we see a
particle at one point in space, the probability at other points should
instantly become zero. Otherwise, quantum mechanics will predict the
possibility of seeing one particle in several places at once, i.e. the
absurd. The jump in the quantum state must be instantaneous and
non-local, since the first and second observations can be made after
an arbitrarily small period of time. Therefore Einstein rightly noted
in 1927, that Born’s proposal ”leads to a contradiction with the
postulate of relativity”.
I draw your attention that Bell interpreted in his talk ”Speakable and
unspeakable in quantum mechanics” at Naples-Amalfi meeting 1984
experimental evidence of violation of Bell’s inequalities obtained by
Alain Aspect in 1982 as conflict between quantum mechanics and
relativity theory: ”For me then this is the real problem with quantum
theory: the apparently essential conflict between any sharp
formulation and fundamental relativity. That is to say, we have an
apparent incompatibility, at the deepest level, between the two
fundamental pillars of contemporary theory... and of our meeting”.
Dirac, in contrast to Einstein, did not understand that his jump
”leads to a contradiction with the postulate of relativity”. Therefore
he postulated a contradiction of quantum mechanics with the relativity
theory and proposed relativistic quantum mechanics in the same book
[1] published in 1930.
In addition, Dirac and other creators of quantum mechanics provoked
the famous EPR work [2], Bell’s inequalities and disputes about Bell’s
inequalities, which continue to this day, by false substitution of
’observation’ by ’measurement’. There is no need to assume the Dirac
jump for many modern authors since they believe rather than understand
quantum mechanics. Believers in quantum mechanics really don't like
the Dirac jump or the reduction postulate. Bell quoted in his famous
report "Against Measurement" [3] one such believer, Kurt Gottfried,
who said in 1989 that “the reduction postulate is an ugly scar on what
would be a beautiful theory if it could be removed”.
Kurt Gottfried and Bell understood that the ugly scar cannot be
removed. The authors of some modern textbooks on quantum mechanics,
which you read, do not understand this, which is another evidence of a
regression in understanding. I think you should read the Bell work
“Against Measuremen” [3] rather than some modern textbooks on quantum
mechanics. Bell perfectly explains how some textbooks are misleading.
Bell also said something that believers don't want to understand:
“Einstein said that it is theory which decides what is 'observable'. I
think he was right - 'observation' is a complicated and theory-laden
business. Then that notion should not appear in the formulation of
fundamental theory” [3]. Einstein tried in 1926 to convince young
Heisenberg that his proposal to describe observables is wrong since
”observation is a very complicated process”. Einstein explained quite
clearly that Heisenberg’s proposal does not simplify, but complicates
the task of theory.
But it seems only John Bell understood this obvious fact. Einstein and
Bell are obviously right. But the task of the theory can be simplified
if we describe observables and do not describe an observation process.
In this case, all the difficulties that do not allow us to describe
paradoxical quantum phenomena as manifestations of reality can be
hidden in an observation process that cannot be described. That is why
quantum mechanics is a trick rather than a physical theory.
Unfortunately only Schrodinger and a few critics understood this
obvious fact. Numerous believers in quantum mechanics do not want to
understand this obvious fact up to now.
You have repeatedly written that Bell's inequalities prove the
inapplicability of the theory of hidden variables. But why can
variables be hidden? Bell explained in his first paper [4] that
variables can be hidden due to a trick with ‘measurement’. If we
postulate, as Bohr did, that the measurement process cannot be
described, as well as an observation process, then the requirement of
locality is the only way to distinguish the first from the second,
since the measurement process must be local, like any real process,
and the observation process, as unreal, can be non-local. A theory of
hidden variables differs from quantum mechanics in that it uses the
trick with ’measurement’ rather than the trick with ’observation’.
Bell understood that ’hidden variables’ should be ’hidden’ ”because if
states with prescribed values of these variables could actually be
prepared, quantum mechanics would be observably inadequate” [4]. But
for some reason he did not understand that the trick with
’measurement’ is no better than the trick with ’observation’.
Therefore Bell claimed in 1988 that ”The proof of von Neumann is not
merely false but foolish!”, see Mermin’s review article [5]. Bell
argued in 1966 [4] that the von Neumann proof is false since the trick
with ’measurement’ cannot be distinguished from the trick with
’observation’ without the requirement of locality. It is correct. But
the von Neumann proof can be considered false, unless von Neumann
understood that the substitution of ’observation’ by ’measurement’ is
false. Von Neumann obviously understood this, as Bell himself said in
1989: ”He dismisses out of hand the notion of von Neumann, Pauli,
Wigner that ’measurement’ might be complete only in the mind of the
observer” [3]. The ’measurement’, which might be complete only in the
mind of the observer, is ’observation’.
You should understand, although you hardly want to, that this story
with Bell's inequalities is a consequence of the delusion of most
physicists who believed rather than understood quantum mechanics. You
recommend that I read modern textbooks on quantum mechanics. I read
some of them and I am horrified by the regression in understanding
quantum mechanics. Books about quantum computing are especially naive.
Recently I submitted a manuscript “Quantum register cannot be real” in
‘Foundations of Physics’ in which I draw attention, in particular, to
the terrifying naivety of the authors of the well-known book M.A.
Nielsen and I.L. Chuang, Quantum Computation and Quantum Information,
Cambridge University Press (2000). These authors are sure that the
Stern-Gerlach experiment gives evidence of the real existence of
qubits in Nature. They should have at least read the beginning of
Bell's article about Bertlmann’s socks [6] to understand that no
theory can describe this experiment and that the creators of quantum
mechanics refused to describe reality precisely because it was
impossible to describe such experiments realistically.
[1] A.M. Dirac, The Principles of Quantum Mechanics. Oxford University
Press (1958)
[2] A. Einstein, B. Podolsky, and N. Rosen, Can Quantum-Mechanical
Description of Physical Reality Be Considered Complete? Phys. Rev. 47,
777-780 (1935).
[3] J. S. Bell, Against Measurement. in the proceedings of 62Years of
Uncertainty, Plenum Publishing, New York (1989); Physics World, 3,
33-40 (1990).
[4] J.S. Bell, On the problem of hidden variables in quantum
mechanics. Rev. Mod. Phys. 38, 447-452 (1966).
[5] N. D. Mermin, Hidden variables and the two theorems of John Bell.
Rev. Mod. Phys. 65, 803-815 (1993).
[6] J.S. Bell, Bertlmann’s socks and the nature of reality. Journal de
Physique, 42, 41-61 (1981).

With best wishes,

пт, 27 янв. 2023 г. в 17:00, Richard Gill <>:
> --
> You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups "Bell inequalities and quantum foundations" group.
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Chantal Roth

2023/01/27 12:21:222023/01/27
To: 'Scott Glancy' via Bell inequalities and quantum foundations
Hi Alexey,

I totally agree that this is an important topic! It seems to me, people prefer to be in denial about this or just "mask" the issue by using different names for it :-). I am glad you are not giving up:-).

Maybe you should present it in our seminar and we can discuss it in detail?

(I know you brought it up many times, and I also remember I commented on it a few times, but we really need to dig deeper on this I think, not sweep this all under the rug yet again :-).

What is YOUR solution to the issue?

And of course, how do you explain the EPR experiments?

(The "old" CHSH ones are obviously just due to the experimental setup, there is nothing at all special about them. The newer ones with the Eberhard inequality are a bit harder to explain).
(I haven't read the latest paper yet though, I will do that asap).

Someone recently said that people who don't "believe" this should prove it wrong, which is not how science normally works :-).

I mean, anyone who seriously thinks about this probably admits at some point that this "instant" collapse is kind of crazy, and that there are contradictions (or crazy explanations). It seems to me, the burden to prove it is on those who seriously believe that :-).

Best wishes,

Austin Fearnley

2023/01/28 10:44:172023/01/28
To: Bell inequalities and quantum foundations
Hi Richard

Just as I did not want to get to grips with Alexey's postulates, nor ever wanted to get into fine details of Bell's Theorem, I also do not want to comment on Born rules.  My position is that I advocate backwards-in-time antiparticles as a means of bypassing Bell's Theorem.  That probably means that I think our current understanding of reality is incomplete, and locality is preserved although some of that locality is for particles travelling backwards in time.

I note that Jarek Duda has a very relevant part of an abstract of his Feb 2022 paper for the forthcoming online conference. Extract:
"It results for example in Anderson localization, or
the Born rule with squares - allowing for violation of Bell
inequalities. As e.g. for S-matrix, quantum amplitude turns
out to describe probability at the end of half-spacetime from
a given moment toward past or future, to randomly get some
value of measurement we need to ”draw it” from both time
directions, getting the squares of Born rules. Tension in both
time directions is also suggested in quantum experiments like
Wheeler’s delayed choice experiment, it will be argued that
it is also crucial in quantum algorithms like Shor’s."

I also note the reference to effects of both forwards and backwards in time in the Born rule.

I also have a paperback copy of Feynman's thesis which sets out QED.  It contains reference to Feynman's conversations with Wheeler about advanced and retarded (in time) effects which as I understand it was necessary for Feynman to use in his QED, at least at that point in history.  There was also Stueckelberg's contribution to time directions.

I agree with Jarek that forwards and backwards in time tensions or effects are crucial in quantum algorithms.  In my model, an entangled pair is composed of one particle and one antiparticle each with a fixed hidden variable which is a polarisation vector. Hidden variables are allowed because of retrocausality bypassing the Bell theorem. Mixed joint states of entangled particles are not necessary.  There is no collapse at a measurement, and Schrodinger's cat, which has always irked me,  can be stuffed and shelved. :)

I am still not sure if quantum computing can work.  The particle states (actual states) in my model are fixed not mixed joint states, but the observer can only work with mixed joint states because of ignorance of the hidden variables.  So can the observer's mind drive the super-fast quantum computer solutions, or perhaps the observer's mind as represented by the quantum algorithms?  


Алексей Никулов

2023/01/30 12:37:052023/01/30
To: Chantal Roth、Bell inequalities and quantum foundations、Richard Gill、Mark Hadley、Austin Fearnley
Dear Chantal,

Thanks for understanding. In order to be able to explain the EPR
experiments, it is necessary to explain the Stern-Gerlach experiment.
The whole story of the EPR experiments and Bell's inequalities became
possible because of the illusion that quantum mechanics can explain
the Stern-Gerlach experiment. Most physicists have mistaken a trick
for a physical theory. Only a few critics, Schrodinger and a few
others, understood that quantum mechanics is a trick rather than a
physical theory. Sir Arthur Eddington said that this trick is very
good. I think this trick is naive and even funny rather than well.

The trick is Heisenberg's proposal to describe observables without
describing the observation process. You wrote that the "instant"
collapse is kind of crazy. I draw your attention that Einstein
demonstrated as far back as 1927 that this kind of crazy is followed
logically from Born’s proposal to describe the observer's knowledge
about the probability of the results of the upcoming observation. The
EPR paradox and Bell's inequalities appeared only because most
physicists did not understand what Einstein had clearly explained.
Bell understood much better than most physicists. He understood that a
physical theory should describe what exists (beables), not what is
observed (observables). Therefore the majority ignored his works for a
long time.

Bell explained very clearly in his article about Bertlmann’s socks [1]
why it is impossible to describe the Stern-Gerlach experiment. But
Bell fostered the illusion that quantum mechanics can describe the
Stern-Gerlach experiment by his claim that ”The proof of von Neumann
is not merely false but foolish!” Von Neumann proved in 1932 that the
Stern-Gerlach experiment cannot be described without a trick. Bell and
Mermin [2] claimed that the proof of von Neumann is false and even
foolish since the Stern-Gerlach experiment can be described with the
help of the trick with ‘measurement’ and without the trick with
‘observation’. Why Bell and Mermin thought that the trick with
measurement is better than the trick with observation is a question of
the psychology of believers.

Physicists must understand that quantum mechanics is a trick, since
this successful trick has led to the degradation of physical thinking.
The degradation is evidenced by the fact that no one noticed for many
years that quantum mechanics cannot predict the EPR correlation and
violation of Bell’s inequalities due to its principle that the
operators can fail to commute only if they act on the same particle.
Physicists must understand what Einstein understood: realism is ”the
presupposition of every kind of physical thinking” rather than a claim
which can be disproved with any experimental results. The rejection of
realism has led to the degradation of physical thinking primarily
because almost all scientists are naive realists. I draw attention in
the manuscript “Physical thinking and the GHZ theorem” that the
authors of the GHZ theorem assume that eigenstates of entangled
particles with spin 1/2 exist in the real three-dimensional space
although this is mathematically impossible.

[1] J.S. Bell, Bertlmann’s socks and the nature of reality. Journal de
Physique, 42, 41-61 (1981).
[2] N. D. Mermin, Hidden variables and the two theorems of John Bell.
Rev. Mod. Phys. 65, 803-815 (1993).

With best wishes,


сб, 28 янв. 2023 г. в 18:44, Austin Fearnley <>:
> --
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Алексей Никулов

2023/01/30 13:16:302023/01/30
To: Mark Hadley、Bell inequalities and quantum foundations、Richard Gill、Chantal Roth、Austin Fearnley
Dear Mark,

According to quantum mechanics the operators acting on different
particles commute. But even if the operators commute for spacelike
separated events then quantum mechanics cannot predict the EPR
correlation and violation of Bell’s inequalities since according to
quantum formalism ”the commutability of the operators is a necessary
and sufficient condition for the physical quantities to be
simultaneously measurable” [1]. The myth about the EPR correlation
arose from the false belief of most physicists that Bohr defeated
Einstein in the dispute about the EPR paradox. Einstein argued that
Heisenberg's uncertainty relation and Bohr's complementarity principle
can be refuted due to the fact that the physical quantities of two
spacelike separated particles can be simultaneously measurable. Thus,
Einstein was right, contrary to the majority opinion, due to the
commutability of the operators acting on different particles or in the
case of spacelike separated events.

[1] Landau, L. D., Lifshitz, E. M.: Quantum Mechanics:
Non-Relativistic Theory. Volume 3, Third Edition, Elsevier Science,
Oxford (1977).

With best wishes,


пн, 30 янв. 2023 г. в 20:37, Алексей Никулов <>:

Mark Hadley

2023/01/30 14:51:512023/01/30
To: Алексей Никулов、Bell inequalities and quantum foundations、Richard Gill、Chantal Roth、Austin Fearnley
Dear Alexey,
That's very interesting. 
You say:
the commutability of the operators is a necessary
and sufficient condition for the physical quantities to be
simultaneously measurable”

It's wrong. 
But commonly believed. As you say, EPR is a counterexample. I say EPR allows measurements of x and y spin simultaneously. That language is not popular, it's true though. There are other examples of simultaneous measurements. 

The correct uncertainty rule about commuting observables. Is that you cannot generally prepare a state that has precise values of non commuting observables. It's a theoretical rule that can be proven. There are some subtleties to it. 

QM has very few axioms. Adding extra statements or assumptions that cannot be proven leads to problems.. As you have found. 



2023/01/30 14:56:312023/01/30
To: Алексей Никулов、Mark Hadley、Bell inequalities and quantum foundations、Richard Gill、Chantal Roth、Austin Fearnley


Your conflict with quantum mechanics may arise from conceptual differences about fundamental points. If two particles are entangled, they have a common quantum state. It cannot be written as a product state-regardless of space-time separation involved in the measurements.  Many researchers have or may have had a distinct view, but those views were defeated by experimental results.


The quantum operators act on the quantum state (no need for simultaneity), written in this abstract space.  You may also want to call it an “imagination” state, it does not matter. This quantum state reveals many very interesting properties.


If you treat each particle always as independent, that is, as independent elements of a “reality”, of course you would expect quite different results for many measurements.


But the concept of “reality” must be questioned.  I posit that the concept of reality is just a “feeling” connected to human consciousness and activated by our sensorial elements.


For example, if several observations lead to the same result, these results express an element of “reality.” We may agree with this, even understanding that this concept of “reality” is nothing more than a model.


Even if some believe that there is substance underlying a model, this substance is beyond the human capacity for understanding. It is, and will likely remain, incomplete.  Defining a model as a “reality” or as any other entity does not eliminate this intrinsic lack of knowledge.  “Reality” will remain tied to human consciousness and our limited sensory array. 


In summary, it is fair to say that your view of reality, quantum mechanics, or quantum computers and so on, is likely in error because basic assumptions are erroneous.


This a subject that goes well with a glass of beer.



Geraldo A. Barbosa, PhD
KeyBITS Encryption Technologies LLC
1540 Moorings Drive #2B, Reston VA 20190
Skype: geraldo.a.barbosa
Cellphone: 1-443-891-7138 (US)

Richard Gill

2023/01/31 2:51:082023/01/31
To: GeraldoAlexandreBarbosa、Алексей Никулов、Mark Hadley、Bell Inequalities and quantum foundations、Chantal Roth、Austin Fearnley
Hear, hear!

(Especially the remark about the glass of beer)

Алексей Никулов

2023/01/31 4:10:502023/01/31
To: Chantal Roth、GeraldoAlexandreBarbosa、Mark Hadley、Bell Inequalities and quantum foundations、Austin Fearnley、Richard Gill
Dear Chantal,

Not only do I have no theory, but I am not sure that a physical theory
(and not a trick) of some quantum phenomena is possible in principle.
The reason for the mass delusion and the degradation of physical
thinking is the faith not even in quantum mechanics, but in the
ability of our reason to explain any experimental results. This faith
is not based on anything. Einstein, who could think better than most,
said that the most amazing thing about Nature is its cognizability.
But Nature may not be so amazing as most modern scientists believe.

Our reason did not create Nature. Therefore, we cannot have confidence
in its cognizability. But any theory is created by our reason.
Therefore, our reason must understand any theory unambiguously. For
example, we should understand that quantum mechanics cannot predict
the EPR correlation and violation of Bell’s inequalities because of
its principle that the operators acting on different particles
commute. We cannot doubt this mathematical fact, since mathematics
refers to a priori, and therefore reliable, knowledge. We should
understand that in order to predict the EPR correlation and violation
of Bell’s inequalities we must postulate that the mind of Alice
creates the spin states of not only her particle but also Bob’s
particle. This postulate results logically to be obviously absurd
since the mind of Bob can create other spin states of the same

With best wishes,


вт, 31 янв. 2023 г. в 10:51, Richard Gill <>:
> Hear, hear!
> (Especially the remark about the glass of beer)
> On 30 Jan 2023, at 20:56, GeraldoAlexandreBarbosa <> wrote:
> Alexey,
> Your conflict with quantum mechanics may arise from conceptual differences about fundamental points. If two particles are entangled, they have a common quantum state. It cannot be written as a product state-regardless of space-time separation involved in the measurements. Many researchers have or may have had a distinct view, but those views were defeated by experimental results.
> The quantum operators act on the quantum state (no need for simultaneity), written in this abstract space. You may also want to call it an “imagination” state, it does not matter. This quantum state reveals many very interesting properties.
> If you treat each particle always as independent, that is, as independent elements of a “reality”, of course you would expect quite different results for many measurements.
> But the concept of “reality” must be questioned. I posit that the concept of reality is just a “feeling” connected to human consciousness and activated by our sensorial elements.
> For example, if several observations lead to the same result, these results express an element of “reality.” We may agree with this, even understanding that this concept of “reality” is nothing more than a model.
> Even if some believe that there is substance underlying a model, this substance is beyond the human capacity for understanding. It is, and will likely remain, incomplete. Defining a model as a “reality” or as any other entity does not eliminate this intrinsic lack of knowledge. “Reality” will remain tied to human consciousness and our limited sensory array.
> In summary, it is fair to say that your view of reality, quantum mechanics, or quantum computers and so on, is likely in error because basic assumptions are erroneous.
> This a subject that goes well with a glass of beer.
> Geraldo
> Geraldo A. Barbosa, PhD
> KeyBITS Encryption Technologies LLC
> 1540 Moorings Drive #2B, Reston VA 20190
> E-Mail:

Richard Gill

2023/01/31 4:28:032023/01/31
To: Алексей Никулов、Chantal Roth、GeraldoAlexandreBarbosa、Mark Hadley、Bell Inequalities and quantum foundations、Austin Fearnley
Alexei, I agree with the first half of your email.In fact I have been saying the same thing for years but nobody takes any notice.

I completely disagree with the second part. The principle that operators acting on different particles commute is a sound principle, very well supported by the fact that experiment agrees with the predictions based on that principle. Thanks to the principle, the empirical predictions of quantum mechanics live in a peaceful if not harmonious coexistence with the empirical predictions of relativity theory.


Inge Svein Helland

2023/01/31 4:59:572023/01/31
To: Richard Gill、Алексей Никулов、Chantal Roth、GeraldoAlexandreBarbosa、Mark Hadley、Bell Inequalities and quantum foundations、Austin Fearnley

Dear Richard and Alexey,

I happen to disagree with both parts of your e-mail to Chantal, Alexey. For the second part, I refer to Richard's argument, but also to my recent article on the Bell experiment in Foundations of Physics.

Then to the first part: We do have a theory, quantum theory. The problem is only that this theory is founded on a very abstract formalism, which is very difficult to understand.

In my recent published articles I have tried to argue for a new foundation, where quantum theory is not a description of the world, but of our knowledge of the world. What is knowledge? Well, in part it must be said that knowledge can consist of definite answers to questions of the form 'What is t?', or 'What will t be if I measure it?'. where t is some variable. So the notion of a variable is important. Somehow the variables may have connection to the physical world, but in my opinion it is equally important that the variables are connected to the mind of an observer or to the joint minds of a group of communicating observers.

By combining the notion with certain symmetry assumptions, the very abstract formulations of quantum mechanics can be derived. The argument is not easy, but everybody is invited to read my articles.


From: <> on behalf of Richard Gill <>
Sent: 31 January 2023 10:27:48
To: Алексей Никулов
Cc: Chantal Roth; GeraldoAlexandreBarbosa; Mark Hadley; Bell Inequalities and quantum foundations; Austin Fearnley
Subject: Re: [Bell_quantum_foundations] Detection Loophole, Minimum Rate

Алексей Никулов

2023/01/31 8:49:122023/01/31
To: Mark Hadley、Bell Inequalities and quantum foundations、Richard Gill、Chantal Roth、Inge Svein Helland、GeraldoAlexandreBarbosa、Austin Fearnley
Dear Mark,

The statement ”the commutability of the operators is a necessary and
sufficient condition for the physical quantities to be simultaneously
measurable” taken from the good book Quantum Mechanics by L D Landau
and E M Lifshitz [1] is based on mathematics and therefore cannot be
wrong. I did not say, EPR is a counterexample. I said that “The myth
about the EPR correlation arose from the false belief of most
physicists that Bohr defeated Einstein in the dispute about the EPR

EPR proved that the symbols of faith in quantum mechanics,
Heisenberg's uncertainty principle and Bohr's complementarity
principle, are false because by measuring the momentum of one particle
A, we can find out the momentum of the second particle B using the law
of momentum conservation. Further, if the measurement of the first
particle A cannot change the state of the second particle B, then we
can accurately find out the momentum and coordinate of the second
particle in the same state, contrary to the uncertainty relation. Let
me remind you that the coordinate and momentum of one particle cannot
be measured in the same state because their operators do not commute
when they act on one particle.

The only way to save the symbols of faith in quantum mechanics was the
claim that measuring particle A changes the state of particle B. This
is exactly what Bohr claimed in his answer to EPR. He claimed that
‘spooky action at a distant’ changes the state of particle B because
of measurement of particle A. Most physicists agreed with Bohr rather
than with EPR despite the absurdity of Bohr’s claim. They did not
notice that Bohr's claim contradicts the principle of quantum
mechanics that the operators acting on different particles commute.
It's funny that Bohr’s claim about ‘spooky action at a distant’ began
to be called EPR correlation. I draw your attention that EPR does not
allow measurements of x and y spin simultaneously, as you say, and on
the contrary, Bohr's claim prevents this refutation of the uncertainty
principle. You seem to completely misunderstand the statement about
EPR correlation.

[1] Landau, L. D., Lifshitz, E. M.: Quantum Mechanics:
Non-Relativistic Theory. Volume 3, Third Edition, Elsevier Science,
Oxford (1977).

With best wishes,


вт, 31 янв. 2023 г. в 12:59, Inge Svein Helland <>:

Mark Hadley

2023/01/31 9:05:312023/01/31
To: Алексей Никулов、Bell Inequalities and quantum foundations、Richard Gill、Chantal Roth、Inge Svein Helland、GeraldoAlexandreBarbosa、Austin Fearnley
Well it is wrong.
And though you will find examples to support it, you won't find a mathematical proof. Because it's wrong. 

It only applies to ideal measurements. These are both measurements and state preparations. EPR measurements are not state preparations. 

Maybe you need to have a more careful read of your sources. Ballentine and Isham are more precise and give examples. 


Алексей Никулов

2023/01/31 11:27:352023/01/31
To: GeraldoAlexandreBarbosa、Bell Inequalities and quantum foundations、Richard Gill、Mark Hadley、Chantal Roth、Inge Svein Helland、Austin Fearnley
Dear Geraldo,

The rejection of realism by the creators of quantum mechanics has led
to the degradation of physical thinking primarily because almost all
scientists are naive realists. I draw attention in the manuscript
“Physical thinking and the GHZ theorem” that the authors of the GHZ
theorem assume that eigenstates of entangled particles with spin 1/2
exist in the real three-dimensional space although this is
mathematically impossible. Your opinion that “If two particles are
entangled, they have a common quantum state” is the opinion of a naive
realist. Creators of quantum mechanics were also naive realists.
According to quantum mechanics, spin states of non-entangled particles
on the one hand describe the observer's knowledge about the
probability of the results of the upcoming observation but on the
other hand spin states exist in the real three-dimensional space.

Spin states of non-entangled particles exist really in the sense that
each spin state is uniquely determined by a direction in the real
three-dimensional space in which this state is an eigenstate. Let me
remind you that a measurement in eigenstate gives spin up with a
probability of 1. Probabilities in any other direction are uniquely
determined by the operators of finite rotations of the coordinate
system, see [1]. The operators can be applied to any number of
non-entangled particles but only to non-entangled particles. I draw
your attention that in the expression for the EPR pair

|EPR> = (|A+,B-> + |A-,B+>)/2^0.5 (1)

no direction in the real three-dimensional space is specified, while
the expression for a non-entangled states

|NoEnt> =|Az0+>|Bz0> =(cos f/2|Az1+> - sin f/2|Az1->)(sin f/2|Bz1+> +
cos f/2|Bz1->) (2)

will not make sense if you do not specify the direction z0 in which
the states are eigenstates. I draw your attention that the probability
to observe spin up depends on the measurement direction z0 or z1 when
particles are not entangled (2) whereas the probability equals 1/2 for
any direction when a particle in the EPR state. The probability in the
EPR state (1) cannot differ from 1/2 since we cannot know which
particle will be measured first.

You wrote “If two particles are entangled, they have a common quantum
state”. But what makes this statement make sense if the projections of
each of the particles A and B are measured in the EPR experiment? You
wrote that “The quantum operators act on the quantum state (no need
for simultaneity), written in this abstract space”. What is the sense
of the operators acting on the quantum state in the abstract space if
the measurements of spin projection are carried out along one of the
directions in the real three-dimensional space?

I draw your attention to the fundamental difference between the
operator's action on entangled and non-entangled particles. According
to the postulate about the Dirac jump the operator of measurement of
the non-entangled particle A in (2) along the z1 axis change the
direction of eigenstate of this particle from z0 to z1 and particle
jumps in the state

|NoEnt> = |Az1+> (sin f/2|Bz1+> + cos f/2|Bz1->) (3)

with the probability |cos f/2|^{2}, f is the angle between z0 and z1.
The particle A in the EPR state (1) has no eigenstate since its
measurement in any direction will give spin up with the probability
0.5. Thus, the operator of measurement along the z1 axis of the
entangled particle A in (1) creates rather than changes eigenstate.
According to the Dirac jump and the quantum principle that the
operators acting on different particles commute can create only
measured particle A

|Dirac> = |Az1+>(|B-> + |B+>)/2^0.5 (4)

Therefore quantum mechanics predicts no correlation between results of
measurements of particles A and B in the EPR state (1).

[1] Landau, L. D., Lifshitz, E. M.: Quantum Mechanics:
Non-Relativistic Theory. Volume 3, Third Edition, Elsevier Science,
Oxford (1977).

With best wishes,


вт, 31 янв. 2023 г. в 17:05, Mark Hadley <>:

Алексей Никулов

2023/01/31 12:40:322023/01/31
To: Richard Gill、Bell Inequalities and quantum foundations、GeraldoAlexandreBarbosa、Mark Hadley、Chantal Roth、Inge Svein Helland、Austin Fearnley
Dear Richard,
If you think that “The principle that operators acting on different
particles commute is a sound principle” and it was not rejected in
quantum mechanics then you must agree that quantum mechanics cannot
predict the EPR correlation and violation of Bell’s inequalities.
This can be easily understood by considering the correlation between
the results of the first and second measurements of one particle.
Quantum mechanics cannot predict the correlation between results of
first and second measurements of the same dynamical variable without
the Dirac jump. The first measurement of spin projection along z1 of
particle A in eigenstate along z0

|Az0+> =cos f/2|Az1+> - sin f/2|Az1-> (1)

will give spin up with the probability |cos f/2|^{2}. The probability
of spin up of the second measurement will be the same |cos f/2|^{2}
without the Dirac jump. The perfect correlation between results of the
first and second measurement with the probability of 1 can be possible
only due to the Dirac jump from the eigenstate along z0 (1) to the
eigenstate along z1

|Az1+> =cos f/2|Az0+> + sin f/2|Az0-> (2)

The operator of measurements along z1 and z0 cannot commute in this case.
In section 4. “The assumption used at the deduction of the GHZ theorem
makes impossible the prediction of violation of Bell’s inequalities”
of my manuscript “Physical thinking and the GHZ theorem” (I sent it
January 23) I demonstrate that the derivation by Bell in his article
about ‘Bertlmann’s socks’ of violation of Bell’s inequalities for the
case measurements of two particles of the EPR pair repeats the like
derivation for the first and second measurements of single particles.

With best wishes,

вт, 31 янв. 2023 г. в 19:27, Алексей Никулов <>:

Richard Gill

2023/01/31 12:51:072023/01/31
To: Алексей Никулов、Bell Inequalities and quantum foundations、GeraldoAlexandreBarbosa、Mark Hadley、Chantal Roth、Inge Svein Helland、Austin Fearnley
Dear Alexei

You are wrong. Seems you don’t know the maths very well. Perhaps you should read the famous paper of Bohm and Aharanov again, in which the so-called EPR-B model was described, which Bell subsequently used.

The calculations are nowadays reproduced in every standard text on quantum mechanics.


Sent from my iPhone

> On 31 Jan 2023, at 18:40, Алексей Никулов <> wrote:
> Dear Richard,

Mark Hadley

2023/01/31 13:02:352023/01/31
To: Richard Gill、Алексей Никулов、Bell Inequalities and quantum foundations、GeraldoAlexandreBarbosa、Chantal Roth、Inge Svein Helland、Austin Fearnley
Dear Alex,
You need to learn QM. I'd recommend the books rather than research papers. 
You have been told where your errors are. I suggest that you stop posting until you have read and understood more. 

It's an experimental fact that people use QM to make correct predictions. 

Richard Gill

2023/01/31 13:46:232023/01/31
To: Алексей Никулов、Bell Inequalities and quantum foundations、GeraldoAlexandreBarbosa、Mark Hadley、Chantal Roth、Inge Svein Helland、Austin Fearnley
Bell’s work does not use any calculation of a correlation between repeated measurements on one particle. I have no idea where you got this weird idea from.

Sent from my iPad

> On 31 Jan 2023, at 18:40, Алексей Никулов <> wrote:
> Dear Richard,

Алексей Никулов

2023/02/01 4:24:452023/02/01
To: Richard Gill、Bell Inequalities and quantum foundations、GeraldoAlexandreBarbosa、Mark Hadley、Chantal Roth、Inge Svein Helland、Austin Fearnley
Dear Richard,
You wrote: “The principle that operators acting on different particles
commute is a sound principle, very well supported by the fact that
experiment agrees with the predictions based on that principle. Thanks
to the principle, the empirical predictions of quantum mechanics live
in a peaceful if not harmonious coexistence with the empirical
predictions of relativity theory”.
And Bell said in his talk ”Speakable and unspeakable in quantum
mechanics” at Naples-Amalfi meeting 1984 about experimental evidence
of violation of Bell’s inequalities obtained by Alain Aspect with
co-authors in 1982: ”For me then this is the real problem with quantum
theory: the apparently essential conflict between any sharp
formulation and fundamental relativity. That is to say, we have an
apparent incompatibility, at the deepest level, between the two
fundamental pillars of contemporary theory... and of our meeting”, see
p. 172 in [1].
You wrote correctly that the principle that operators acting on
different particles commute prevents the contradiction of quantum
mechanics with the theory of relativity. Bell understood that
violation of his inequalities means the essential conflict between
quantum mechanics and fundamental relativity. This conflict would not
have been possible, as you correctly wrote, if the principle that
operators acting on different particles commute had not been rejected.
I read the famous paper of Bohm and Aharanov and I understand that
Bell deduced the prediction of the correlation, for example (4) in
‘Bertlmann’s socks’ [2], on the basis of Bohm’s quantum mechanics.
Bell's mistake was that he did not understand that Bohm's quantum
mechanics is not orthodox quantum mechanics. Bohm had to reject the
principle that operators acting on different particles commute in
order to postulate the EPR correlation in his book 1951 and in the
famous paper of Bohm and Aharanov 1957. According to this paper the
EPR state
|EPR> = (|A+,B-> + |A-,B+>)/2^0.5 (1)
jumps (or reduces as Bohm and Aharanov wrote) to the Bohm – Aharanov state
|BA> = |A+,B-> or |BA> = |A-,B+> (2)
“in accordance with the result of measurement”. The expressions (2)
predict the EPR correlation and violation of Bell’s inequalities. We
can deduce the expression (4) in ‘Bertlmann’s socks’ [2]
P(up,up) = P(down,down) = 0.5|sin (a-b)/2|^{2} (3)
using (2) and the operators of finite rotations of coordinate system
which allow calculate the probability |sin (a-b)/2|^{2} of the result
of measurement of the second particle along the angle b. I draw you
attention that the results of measurement of the first particle along
a (the probability equals 0.5) differ fundamentally from the results
of measurement of the second particle along b (the probability equals
|sin (a-b)/2|^{2}). I hope that you, as a mathematician, understand
that such a difference is impossible if operators acting on different
particles commute. I hope that you also understand that the jump of
the both particles of the EPR pair (1) “into an eigenstate of the
dynamical variable” measured only on one particle, postulated in the
famous paper of Bohm and Aharanov, absolutely fantastic. Such fantasy,
brought to the full absurdity, is absent in orthodox quantum
[1] J.S. Bell, Speakable and unspeakable in quantum mechanics.
Collected papers on quantum philosophy. Cambridge University Press,
Cambridge (2004).
[2] J.S. Bell, Bertlmann’s socks and the nature of reality. Journal de
Physique, 42, 41-61 (1981).

With best wishes,


вт, 31 янв. 2023 г. в 21:46, Richard Gill <>:
> To view this discussion on the web visit

Richard Gill

2023/02/01 4:43:092023/02/01
To: Алексей Никулов、Bell Inequalities and quantum foundations、GeraldoAlexandreBarbosa、Mark Hadley、Chantal Roth、Inge Svein Helland、Austin Fearnley
Alexei, you are wrong.

Bohm and Aharanov used the same, conventional, quantum mechanics as almost everyone today.

You are grasping at straws! Please read a modern textbook and check the maths yourself.

Sent from my iPhone

Алексей Никулов

2023/02/18 16:35:222023/02/18
To: Richard Gill、Bell inequalities and quantum foundations
Dear Richard,
One does not need to be an outstanding mathematician to understand
that quantum mechanics cannot predict the EPR correlation and
violation of Bell inequalities because of its principle that the
operators acting on different particles commute. One only needs to
know the very basics of quantum mechanics and understand that the
false concept of the EPR correlation appeared only because most
physicists did not want to understand that A. Einstein, B. Podolsky,
and N. Rosen (EPR) have refuted the symbols of the faith in quantum
mechanics, the Heisenberg uncertainty principle and the Bohr
complementarity principle.
Numerous authors who are now writing about the EPR correlation do not
know that these principles claim that two physical quantities
described by non-commuting operators cannot be accurately measured in
the same state. They did not read the EPR paper [1] in the abstract of
which it is written: “In quantum mechanics in the case of two physical
quantities described by non-commuting operators, the knowledge of one
precludes the knowledge of the other”. We cannot accurately measure
the momentum and coordinate of one particle in the same state since
their operators do not commute and as a consequence have different
eigenstates. But we can accurately measure the momentum of one
particle A and the coordinate of another particle B if their operators
commute since ”the commutability of the operators is a necessary and
sufficient condition for the physical quantities to be simultaneously
measurable” [2]. We can accurately know the momentum and coordinate of
the particle B, contrary to the Heisenberg uncertainty principle and
the Bohr complementarity principle, since we can accurately know the
total momentum of the both particles.
The EPR [1] used the requirement of locality instead of the principle
of quantum mechanics that the operators acting on different particles
commute. The whole story with the EPR correlation and Bell’s
inequalities became possible because of this fact and the blind faith
of most physicists in quantum mechanics. The only way to refute the
arguments of the EPR was the claim about ‘spooky action at a distant’.
Bohr used in his response [3] to the EPR [1] just this absurd claim
that measurement of particle A can change the quantum state of
particle B regardless of the distance between them. The faith in
quantum mechanics was so blind that no one except a few scientists
understood that Bohr was claiming the full absurdity. Bell belonged to
a few scientists. He ”felt that Einstein’s intellectual superiority
over Bohr, in this instance, was enormous as vast gulf between the man
who saw clearly what was needed, and the obscurantist” [4] and
explained why Bohr was the obscurantist in Appendix 1 - The position
of Bohr of his “Bertlmann’s socks” [5].
But even Bell did not understand that Bohr had to reject the principle
that the operators acting on different particles commute in order to
claim the possibility of ‘spooky action at a distant’. Bell also
failed to understand that Bohm had to reject this principle in order
to postulate the EPR correlation. I explain in detail in section 4
“The assumption used at the deduction of the GHZ theorem makes
impossible the prediction of violation of Bell’s inequalities” of the
manuscript “Physical thinking and the GHZ theorem” that quantum
mechanics can predict violation of Bell’s inequalities only if the
operators acting on different particles can fail to commute. This
manuscript is considered by a reviewer of ‘Foundations of Physics’
since August last year.

[1] A. Einstein, B. Podolsky, and N. Rosen, Can Quantum - Mechanical
Description of Physical Reality be Considered Complete? Phys. Rev. 47,
777 (1935)

[2] L. D. Landau and E. M. Lifshitz, Quantum Mechanics:
Non-Relativistic Theory. Volume 3, Third Edition, Elsevier Science,
Oxford (1977).

[3] N. Bohr, Can Quantum-Mechanical Description of Physical Reality be
Considered Complete? Phys. Rev. 48, 696 (1935).

[4] J. Bernstein, Quantum Profiles. Princeton, 1991

[5] J.S. Bell, Bertlmann’s socks and the nature of reality. J. de
Physique 42, 41 (1981).

With best wishes,


пт, 17 февр. 2023 г. в 20:21, Richard Gill <>:
> Dear Alexei
> You say it is a mathematical fact that quantum mechanics cannot predict EPR correlation and violation of Bell inequalities because of its principle that the operators acting on different particles commute. As a mathematician I can tell you that you are wrong. This has moreover been explained to you many times by many members of our group.
> What you call an obvious contradiction Is a misunderstanding by yourself of the rather careless notation often used by physicists these days.
> Still, you are of course welcome to your opinion. Who knows, maybe you will be able to publish it, but I fear you are not likely to convince anyone.
> Yours
> Richard
> > On 23 Jan 2023, at 10:18, Алексей Никулов <> wrote:
> >
> > Dear James,
> >
> > The controversy about loopholes does not make sense since Bell's
> > inequalities appeared because of a false understanding by most
> > physicists of quantum mechanics. It is funny that no one noticed
> > during many years that the orthodox quantum mechanics cannot predict
> > the EPR correlation and violation of Bell’s inequalities due to its
> > well-known principle that the operators can fail to commute only if
> > they act on the same particle.
> >

Mark Hadley

2023/02/18 18:36:122023/02/18
To: Алексей Никулов、Richard Gill、Bell inequalities and quantum foundations
Dear Alexey,
Why do you keep repeating this. 
It's wrong. You have been shown that. It's been explained to you. 
Study the explanations that you have been given before you repeat these mistakes. 

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Austin Fearnley

2023/02/21 6:22:192023/02/21
To: Bell inequalities and quantum foundations
I sympathise with Alexei banging his head against a QM wall of defence.  His (repeated) argument, though, is too abstract for me. My background is maths/stats but I am very wary of being 'lost in maths' and maybe of being lost in philosophy, or in hidden assumptions.

My solution to Bell is retrocausality caused by backwards-in-time motion of antiparticles and antiphotons. A QM defence (which I also met from Tom Roberts on sci.physics.research) is that QM deals with it successfully already so why bother with an alternative.  But I prefer the locality of retrocausality to the apparent non-locality of QM.  Nevertheless, I need to further investigate how QM defeats the Bell correlation.

Bell's Theorem - Wikipedia gives a QM solution but unfortunately, despite being written to look like a solution of Bell,  it is merely a solution of Malus.  Likewise, Susskind's online lecture course on entanglement only gives a solution of Malus followed by a hand waving note that a correlation between two vectors is independent of the absolute angles of the two vectors.  Anyway, I am looking further for other QM solutions which can be solved with a practical non-Malus example.

One could think that Malus is sufficient as, despite being a classical Law, it contains the quantum effect within it. However, I have a classical model of the electron (as a gyroscopic effect with precession and nutation) which gives Malus's Law using a classical model.  I have also shown in simulations that Malus is not sufficient to give Bell whereas Malus plus retrocausality is sufficient, though of course there could be other solutions.
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