Ran-sama's Blind Babies!

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Oct 1, 2011, 7:40:47 AM10/1/11
to Yukkuri Fanfic Translations
(Heya, all! Another story I've been planning for a bit. This is part
one of two parts- I hope you enjoy reading it.)

"*rub-rub* Happiness~!"

It's a warm summer afternoon, the golden rays of sunlight beaming down
on a scene of familial bliss; A yukkuri Chen and a yukkuri Ran, rub-
rubbing together on a grassy lawn. Well-fed and lustrous, the very
easy Ran's fluffy tails switch back and forth, with a cry of
"CHEEEEEENNNN~!", the shiny gold badge catching the light. Chen is a
little smaller than the basketball-sized Ran; The ZUN cap is a little
grimy, her catlike ears a little ragged...But still cleaner than your
typical stray.

The shoot of a stiff green stalk protrudes from Ran's forehead- Like
fruits on a branch, the round shapes of little koyukkuris sway back
and forth. The product of the love between 'Ran-shama' and Chen~ Three
adorable little koyukkuri Chens, and a single koyukkuri Ran. Already,
they're the size of little cherry tomatoes, their accessories fully-
formed...Eyes closed in sleep, as if reflecting the easiness of their

"What easy babies~ Ran-shama, Chen geds it..."

Rub-rub. Yes, the two yukkuris- One pet and one stray- are enjoying
this moment of true happiness...

"-Well, now *this* is a revolting development," I sigh, beholding the
saccharine sight. The paper bags of groceries rustle as I adjust my
grip, looking ruefully at the just-purchased castration kit poking out
of the top.

I suppose it's my fault. My gold-badge (And very expensive) yukkuri
Ran is generally well-behaved; But since I like to keep the household
pet at arm's-length, she stays in a kennel outside the house, like a
watchdog. Ever since she reached full growth, I've been meaning to
neuter her, but I kept putting it off...I suppose it had to happen
sometime, after all.

"I'm home, Ran," I say, closing the gate behind myself.

"Yuuuu~? Mister is back? Mister, take it easy!" It's almost cute how
eager Ran is, bursting with pride as she bounces to meet me- holding
back from doing rub-rub against my leg, in the usual greeting. That's
right- The stalk would get in the way, as she did. "Ran is going to
bwee a very easy mother, Mister!"

I reach down, and tousle Ran's stocking cap~ For a moment, the urge to
rip off the stalk is almost too much to bear, as my gaze turns to the
stray Chen.

"Ran-shama...Yuuuaaaa~" Oh, it looks like this stray is a *smart* one.
It's a little hesitant to approach- Both cat-tails poised warily, as
if ready to bound away. It's a hopeless gesture- Even the fastest
yukkuri isn't a match for the slowest human, after all. "Mistah Human
is scawwy..."

"Chen~! Mistah Owner is very easy~ Don't take it easy, and do a

Slowly, Chen shuffles forward- Does it look a little guilty?- eyeing
me carefully. Hmmm- Maybe it can sense something's up. That's not
going to save it, though...I'd love to crush this worthless chocolate
manju right now, but it'd be a waste if Ran gets a mental shock- The
warranty has long since expired. This bears some consideration.

"C~ chen geds it, Ran-shama! Mizder Human...T-take it easy!" Then,
rather more doubtfully; "Yuu~ Can Mister Human led Chen take it eajy,

"Yes, yes, take it easy, yukkuris." It's a bit of a pain, juggling two
big paper bags full of groceries at once- But I manage to open the
packet of lemon-scented sleeping pills that came with the castration
kit. "How about some sweet-sweets?"

"Sweed-sweets?" Chen's eyes light up~ The stray yukkuri's instinctive
wariness overcome by the offer of a treat. Ah, she must've decided I'm
not about to crush her after all...How *did* she get in, anyway? Hmmm-
From the leaves still caught in her cap, she must've crawled in under
the hedge...

Tug, tug. I look down- Ran is, somewhat anxiously, looking up at me.

"Mistah Owner...Ran is sorry- B, but little ones can really take it
easy- And Chen is Ran's sweetheart, so..." Oh, *now* you remember my
'no refreshing' policy? I'm disappointed in you, Ran. You managed to
stay away from other yukkuris...But I suppose you couldn't resist the
first stray Chen to come along.

"-Don't worry, I'm not mad," I assure Ran, as I scatter the candies on
the ground. Let them eat as much as they like; After all, the longer
they're asleep, the better. "Come on, have some candies. We'll talk
about it later."

"Yu, Chen gets it~!" It's a bizarre sight~ Chen's almost bent double,
using her dextrous tongue to flip the sweet-smelling yellow candies
into her mouth. "Munch-munch...*happiness*~!" she cries out, happily
bouncing up and down on the spot- Something that delicious must be a
rare treat, after all. "Ran-shama, do munch-munch with Chen~!"

"Sleepy..." it's not long, though, before the effects kick in. They
must've taken a half-dozen, each...Well, at least they'd be well and
truly anathesized for what's coming next. "Going sleep-sleep, Chen~"


The sight of Chen's grimy skin, rubbing up Ran, makes me wince. They
cuddle up together, yukkuri snores filling the air~ Drowsing in the
warm patch of sunlight. It's only then that I let myself smile...Ran's
been wanting babies for a *long* time. While I won't remove them- I
heard it's intensely traumatic to the mother- this seems like a good
opportunity for her to learn a *very* important lesson.

But first...

"Welcome to hell, you shit manju," I whisper to Chen; Picking up the
sleeping yukkuri, which sags in my arms like a pillow. I tuck her in
place, as I walk towards the house.


"Yuuuuu~ Mistah Fishie is so tasty~ become Chen's easy munch-

"Hey. Time to wake up, you fucking stray."

"Chen can't eaj any moar..."

I put some *snap* into the blow- Winding up, before giving Chen's
cheek a hard SLAP- One that echoes in the room like a gunshot. It
leaves a satisfying crimson bruise of the yukkuri's skin- the sting
making Chen's eyes snap out, blearily, focusing on me.

"Hurds...Mizder Human~ M...MIZDER HUMAN?" Chen wakes up all at once-
The easy dreams of delicious sardines banished, as the yukkuri jerks
back- The instinctive response is to jump backwards, away from me,

"Nyaaaaa~! Yu-yuuuuuu! Chen can'd move- DON'D GED IT!"

-It's not like Chen is going anyway. I've hammered nails right through
her tails, and into a hefty chunk of wooden board beneath- When she
jumps, she's yanked back down as if by inexorable gravity, making the
weight shift not at all. Really, I suppose it was just as well she ate
so much candy- It was wearing off by the time I slapped her away. I'm
surprised she didn't wake up earlier, in fact.



This time, I hit it *harder*. Not with my hand, but with a flexible
plastic ruler. The force of the blow actually makes Chen's flour skin
tear- Chocolate welling out of the fresh wound.

"Shut up, you shit-flavored manju. Say 'Ran-shama' again, and you're
going to be a chocolate smear, all right?" I slap the ruler against my
palm, for emphasis, and Chen cowers back- still trembling from the

"Yuuuuuu~ Chen geds it- D-don't be angry, mizder human...Chen j-just
wands to take it easy with..." I arch an eyebrow, and it seems to
reconsider it's words- "...the liddle ones..."

"That's right- Chen can *really* take it easy, right~? Chen's been
taking it easy with *my* Ran...even though I *told* her not to
refresh. Especially not with a dirty manju like you."

"C-chen isn'j di-"


On the other side, this time- Now Chen is of matching shades, on both
cheeks. A multicolored chocolate bun indeed! "YUghhhhaaaaa~ Yuuuuuu,
*yuuuuu*~" Flat on her side, Chen twitches, spastically- Chocolate
bubbling out from her mouth, as she coughs up some of her filling.

"Don't worry, Chen; I'm still going to let you take it easy with Ran."

"-itsh...eajy, eajy- Chen, chen don'd get id~ Ran, ran-shama~?" It
must be thinking, right now- If I'm going to let Chen take it easy,
*why* am I hurting it~? Well...

"-That's right. Soon you'll be taking it easy *forever*."

I step to the side, to reveal the blender- A press on the button, and
the industrial-processing blades spin, churning away with a (rather
melodic) whirring noise. "Wha...What iz that? Mistah spin-spin...looks
like id can't take id easy..."

"That," I inform Chen, with a flourish, "-Is Chen's new home."
Chen looks completely lost. "Chen- Chen don'd want to go in there-
Chen doesn't..."

"It's all right. You're going to be with Ran and your little ones
forever...At least until you turn into poop...as their munch-munch."
It's an elegant solution, I've thought- After all, there's no better
way to dispose of a filthy stray, *and* feed Ran's family at the same

Now, you're probably thinking- "But how does Chen *fit* in there?"
Well, it's true that Chen is a good-sized yukkuri, packed full of
chocolate- And things like her accessories are hardly going to blend
well. But think of Chen as a paper carton of chocolate milk...

-Once you remove the 'skin', everything inside is mostly liquid.

EASY...LED CHEN RUN AWAY!" In her panic, Chen pulls and *pulls*, as if
trying to wrench her own tails off at the root~ She tries to twist
around, ready to gnaw them right off. It's useless, by the way- The
whole fluffy length has been nailed down multiple times, to prevent
*just* such an eventuality.

I reach down, and retrieve a gutting knife- Ironically, one I've used
to drain fish before- from the counter. It makes a scraping sound as I
drag it along the board, towards Chen; Not good for the edge, but then
I don't need it to be *particularly* sharp.

DON'D GED ID..." In her terror, the yukkuri begins to babble- Even as
I begin the incision around her circumference, sawing away as Chen's
skin parts- widening the gash left by the ruler, splitting her across-
My free hand pressing down on its head, to hold Chen in place.

But seriously, all the screaming is getting annoying.

"Take it easy, Chen!" I shout, raising my voice to be heard.

"Aaaaaaa- T-TAKE IT EAJY~!" Chen gurgles, eyes rolling crazy- "DON'T

"TAKE IT EASY!" I've made a good-size cut, now- I slip the shining
blade *under* Chen's skin, rubbing it back and forth, like spreading
peanut butter on bread- scraping it away from the semisolid chocolate


"That's the spirit," I mutter- DRAG goes the knife- Chen's skin is
peeling away in strips, which must be *unspeakably* painful for
it...Still, it's nothing compared to what's coming next. To my
pleasant surprise, the quivering chocolate beneath is clinging
together- rivulets of ooze run over Chen's lower half, but the rest
somehow stays together, forming a rounded layer over what, I assume,
would be her paste core. "C'mon, Chen~ Take it easy with me!"

"...Aaaaaaaaaa~ E-EAJY, EASY-"


And then I tear it off.

Like peeling an orange- Once you have a sufficient incision, you don't
*need* the knife any more. Chen's entire top half- Her hair, her cap,
her twitching ears- are all gone in one hard *pull*, the skin like one
of those novelty masks- complete with eyeholes! I hold the dripping
skin in my hand, for a moment- Then, I drop it into the wastebasket.
Chen has gone momentarily quiet, though the yukkuri's eyes still roll
around crazily in agony.

Maybe they can't talk without the skin? Huh.

Two snips with a scissors, and her tails fall away, too- Now, I'm
holding a quivering, vaguely hemispherical mass of chocolate delight,
my hands cupped under the remaining 'skin' of the lower half, pinching
it in place. Carefully, I lift it up, ignoring the way some of it is
spilling across the table- yukkuris are *such* messy creatures.
Tilting my hands, I empty it *all* into the blender- So it means,
technically, that Chen is upside-down, her eyes and wetly gaping mouth
still moving, even as I fit the cover on.

"Bye-bye, Chen," I tell it, my finger hovering over the switch-
stroking it gently. Man, I must look like a *mess* now- I totally
should've gone with gloves. "Ran-sama must be a pitiful single mother,

I press the button.



Oh, the *sound*! Somehow, Chen finds the strength to scream- And
*what* a scream it is! Almost loud enough to make the make the sloppy
mess of her filling judder- The blades beginning to rotate. Slowly at
first, then faster and faster.



I catch a glimpse of Chen's eyes- A dark thing that might be the core-
whirring round and round, as the blender does its work. It's not
certain when she stops screaming- It seems she can sing every bit as
well as a Reimu, though.

But at last- too soon- it's over. When I lift the cover, the smell of
rich, chocolate scent wafts up, of surpassing sweetness; A frothy
treat, flavored by Chen's agony. Almost *too* rich for a yukkuri alone
to enjoy...Still, it's nice to give your pet a surprise now and then.

Especially since it'd ruin the tastebuds of any koyukkuri that tries
it...But I like to think that's a 'feature', rather than a flaw.

Outside, still snoring, Ran sleeps on- As do her little koyukkuris,
lost in blissful slumber. This time- After rinsing my hands- I take my
lighter and a thin metal skewer, exquisitely fine...The kind you use
for kebabs. Alas, Ran's long-awaited 'little ones' will never see the
light of day- But maybe, in the process, Ran will learn a valuable
lesson about not refreshing.

Atzumo Kayami

Oct 8, 2011, 1:19:47 PM10/8/11
to Yukkuri Fanfic Translations
Ahhh, this is the kind of story I enjoy the most. Warmly waiting for
more, and in hopes that Ran will be fine at the end... Or at least


Oct 8, 2011, 10:14:08 PM10/8/11
to Yukkuri Fanfic Translations
Hope next part comes soon, simple yet descriptive and the rare chen
abuse is always interesting to read.


Oct 13, 2011, 9:06:55 AM10/13/11
to Yukkuri Fanfic Translations

The setting sun casts a ruddy illumination on the grass as I kneel,
the orange light of the lighter flickering; Slowly, the tip of the
long, thin metal skewer begins to *glow* red-hot, under the constant
flame. With a satisfied sigh, I sit down, my legs crossed, regarding
the still-slumbering Ran.

"Yuuuu~" Ran mumbles in her sleep, her tails twitching in time to the
gentle sway of the little koyukkuris; I've noticed that Ran-types like
to wrap their tails around themselves, to form a warm, fluffy blanket-
I'd worry that the ramune candy might spoil her sleeping patterns, if
not for the fact that yukkuri spend almost *all* the time sleeping or
'taking it easy', anyway. "-Cheeennnnnn~"

That makes me smile, as I glance over at the water-dish filled with a
frothy chocolate concotion; Barring the occasional treat, Ran usually
just gets plain but nutritious kibble- But given the *very* satisfying
fate of stray Chen, I could hardly refuse. Besides, it's not really
for her, but for her 'precious little ones'- Perfect to spoil their
tastebuds for anything else.

I wave the skewer through the air, admiring the way the glowing tip
continues to smolder as I lean in towards Ran...Or, more particularly,
towards the thick green stalk that grows from the yukkuri's forehead,
right beneath her stocking cap. Entirely oblivious to the world, the
four little koyukkuri slumber on; Already in an advanced stage of
development, they resemble unripe fruit on a branch, their features
and accessories already perfectly formed- The koyukkuri Chen at the
end twitches on the stalk, tiny ears waving gently in time to Ran's
steady snores...

This, as they say, is the delicate part. Slowly, the red-hot skewer
draws closer and closer...Gently tapping the sleeping koyukkuri, just
once, on the mamumamu. As if sensing the heat, it makes a "> <" face,
the edges of it's mouth curving downwards- Even as I trace the tip up
and over, homing in on the target.

SIZZLE. There's almost no resistance at all- Just a little 'springy'
sensation- as I press the skewer to the koyukkuri's closed eyelids-
then *harder*, poking right through~! Even from here, I can hear the
"sssss" of dough frying, as a tiny trickle of sugar-water spills over
Chen's cheeks- The koyukkuri's features twisting, too securely
fastened by the stalk to pull away.

The little mouth opens in a cry- Tongue twitching in a soundless cry-
as I scorch its eyes, burning them to blindness with exquisite care.
When I lift the skewer away, black scorchmarks are all that's left of
it's eyes, seared shut forever by the scorching heat. To my
satisfaction, I notice how the koyukkuri's very easy expresson has
wrinkled up, into a frown that says 'I canjch takch id eajy!'

That's right. They weren't born to take it easy...But to teach Ran an
important lesson.

The next Chen- slightly small than her 'sister'- doen't even wake up
when I blind it, too; But again, there's the little twist to it's
mouth, as if it's sleep is no longer peaceful-

"Y-yu~?" Ah, *now* it's getting interesting. It looks like the little
koyukkuri Ran is awake! In fact, it's staring *right* at me, an
expression of terror on it's face...Eyes as wide as saucers as I move
on to the *next* Chen. This one's rather messy; It does pee-pee as I
apply the heated brand, a thin trickle of sugar water dribbling down
onto the grass- Entirely aware of the fate that awaits her, now, Ran
can only watch as I reheat the skewer...

The koyukkuri wiggles violently as I give it a testing poke with the
skewer- The mini-manju fidgets helplessly, unable to break the stalk,
as I *push* the brand in! Wiggle, wiggle goes the round bottom, as
it's eyes boil in the sockets, going milky-white as the delicious
*sizzle* echoes for the final time...The *very* first- and last- sight
it sees.

Satisfied at last, I wipe off the skewer on the grass, and tuck the
lighter back into my pocket. My job's done here; Now, I just have to
wait for Ran to wake up...


"...Now, Ran, you have to take care of them for a *week*, understand?
I'll only let you keep them if you can raise them."

"Yu! Mistah, little ones can really take it easy- Ran will be a good
mother, and raise them to be very easy pet yukkuri!" Awww, it's really
cute how excited Ran is; With each word, she nods, making her
koyukkuri bob up and down on their stalk- To my amusement, I notice
that she can't tell they've been blinded, yet...Well, I suppose she'd
find out soon enough.

That's the deal, anyway. If she can take care of her koyukkuri for a
week, I'll take them in. If she can't, well...Them's the breaks. Of
course, given how the scale has been weighted in one direction...I
have *every* confidence she isn't going to make it. Isn't it sad, Ran?

"Good girl," I chuckle, tousling Ran's stocking cap; "I'll leave your
food and water on the porch like always, okay? See you in a week."

"Yuyu! Understood, eajy!"

I'm about to walk away, when Ran asks "...Mistah, where's Chen~? Ran
wands to see Chen again..."

I raise an eyebrow. "What, Chen isn't back yet? Come to think of
it...She said 'Chen geds it- Chen can't take it easy with scum Ran!'
when she left. Oh, well."

"Y-YU~BE!" Ran looks stricken- "C~chen...Chen can't take it easy with

I sigh. "Ran, you can't trust stray yukkuri, you know? Haven't I told
you that *all* stray yukkuri are scum?"

"But...But Chen is Ran's sweetheart- Chen said, 'Ran-shama can really
take it eajy'..."

"Oh?" I make a show of looking around. "-Then where *is* Chen, now?"

I leave her pondering that revelation, when I head back into the


Ran's kennel is a cozy little shelter, more a place to sleep than an
actual house; Still, it's well-insulated and lined with a soft
blanket, which makes a perfect 'easy place' for a yukkuri. At the back
of the kennel is a nest made of freshly-plucked grass- More of a bed,
really, piled up by Ran to give her little ones a soft place to

Shake-shake. Shake.

<Little ones are going to be born soon...>

It's late, but Ran hasn't slept the whole night; Tense with
excitement, she stays hunched over the nest...The one she worked so
hard to make. Her koyukkuri will definently love it...


Snap. 'Plop' goes little Chen, as Ran gives the stalk a gentle shake;
Dropping her first koyukkuri right into the nest~! The next one
quickly follows, and the next...Soon, there's four little koyukkuris
huddled together, forming a little pile right in the middle of the
very easy bed Ran has made...

-Except something's wrong. Usually, the first thing koyukkuri do, upon
birth, is a greeting; A 'D...Dake id eajy, Mwommie!' that warms the
heart- The acknowledgement of the parent. Ran's koyukkuri just went
'plop', flopping down with tiny 'Yu's...And, in one case, a whimpered
'hurdsch!' of landing, making no attempt to say anything?

Puzzled, Ran takes a deep breath: "Take it easy~!" she calls, waving
her tails~ "Little ones have been born easy~!"

"...Yun~? Chen donj ged it~ Wheresh mwommie?"

"Why ish ict shtill dark, ebem though we were bown?"

"Mwommie~ Mwommieeeee~! Do wub wubbbb~ Chen is scawed~!"

"Ran...donj wansch hurd-hurd..."

(...Yu? What are little ones saying?)

"L-Liddle ones? Mommy's...Mommy's right here~?"

At the sound of her voice, the little koyukkuri twist round- rolling
over, in a chorus of squeals and complaints- towards Ran...And then-

"Can'd shwee Mwomie~ Chen don'd get it!"

"Yuyu?" What's happening? Ran doesn't understand it- Even after being
born, none of her koyukkuris have opened their eyes. Instead, they
struggle to right themselves, lifting their heads towards the sound;
All except for little koyukkuri Ran, curled up on her side, trembling
as she whimpers.

"Why...Whyyyyy won't little ones open your eyes~? Mommy's here- Look
at mommy~!" There's a note of despair in Ran's words, now, as her
blind little ones continue to squirm, not *quite* sure what's going
on...Not even sure that they've been *born* yet.

That's right...There's one more thing she's supposed to do. Ran shakes
her head vigorously, until the stalk drops right into the nest, too-
Not too sweet, not too sour, filled with nutrients, it's the perfect
meal for newborn koyukkuri.

"Little ones, take it easy~! Do munch-munch easy!"

One of the koyukkuri Chens bumps up against the fallen stalk...
Tentatively, it takes a cautious nibble, and a belated "Happiness~!"
lights up it's features.



After their first meal, they'll surely open their bright eye-eyes, and
take it easy with Mommy. That's what Ran thinks. She watches anxiously
as, drawn by the scent, her koyukkuris shuffle around...Until they
begin to gnaw on the tasty stalk. Even little Ran revives enough to
crawl forward, laboriously, gnawing on one end...All except for a
little Chen, going exactly the wrong way.

"Chen wands choo munch-munch too..."


...And takes a *big* bite out of koyukkuri Ran's back!

"Yugyaaaaa!" the response is *electric*- little Ran hops straight up
and away in panic, crashing down on her side~ sticky rice filling
leaks from her back, as she rolls around in agony. Maybe it's because
she's already received a mental shock before her birth, but she's much
more timid than her sisters, who weren't fully conscious when they
were blinded; The koyukkuri trembles weakly as it spasms, struggling
to *see*...Unaware that it's eyes *are* open, but entirely useless.

"Ah~! Little one, don't munch-munch your sister!"

"H~happiness! Y~yu? Liddle sish?"

"Yu...yupi~ Ran...can'd taksch id...eajy..."

"Little one, be easy! Mommy will do lick-lick..." Doing her best to
seal the wound in the koyukkuri's back, Ran licks and licks against,
ignoring the taste of it's filling...The injury is thankfully small,
but koyukkuri Ran's twitching isn't helping, forcing more paste out of
the wound each time she moves.

(Ran...Ran wishes Mistah Owner was here...)


"Mya-myaaaa! Don'd leave Chen~ It'sch dark!"

"Ran...can'd see..."

"Yu...YUUGGGIII! Chen doensch wand Ran-shamaaa to go~!"

It's a new morning. The koyukkuris fell asleep soon after their first
meal, nestled together like four little manju; The sound of their yu-
snores really let Ran take it easy, enough for her believe that the
circumstances of their birth was just a one-off occurence...

-Except, in the full light of the day, Ran's realized the truth...Her
children are blind. They can't see bright Mister Sun, or the colors of
Mister Grass...To them, it's always dark and scary, no matter what
happens. The way they are, they can't leave the nest...But Ran can't
just wait with them.

The food and the water for the day are on the porch- A short distance
across the grassy lawn for Ran, an eternity for hungry and thirsty
little koyukkuri. Despite her size, Ran has no arms- She can't move
the large bowls without spilling them. Worse, Mistah didn't put it in
the usual spot- Right in front of her kennel- so there's no easy way
of bringing the food to her koyukkuris.

"L-little ones, understand easy! Mommy will be right back, so be


That's why Ran is inching her way across the grass, now, a little Chen
gripped firmly in her mouth; She has no choice but to bring the
koyukkuris over, one-by-one, then feed them...Or at least that's the

"Chen gedsch it...Id feelsh like fwying in the sky~" Well, at least
*one* koyukkuri is happy; Even if she can't see, she can still feel
the cool breeze against her skin, as Ran carries her towards the food,
hopping up the step- Hovering over the water bowl, which isn't filled
with water at all, but...


(Yu~ Mistah is so kind, Mistah has left delicious sweet-sweets for
Ran's little ones!)

Yes; It's a chocolate delight, contributed by Ran's beloved Chen- A
thick concotion that's almost a milkshake, tantalizing to *any*
yukkuri! The little ones will definently enjoy this-


And the koyukkuri falls from Ran's open mouth, into the deep water
dish. It isn't even aware what's happened, until it feels the cool
liquid all around; When the koyukkuri opens its mouth to scream, it
gulps in a big mouthful of delicious sweet-sweet...And *sinks*.

"Glugglug*glug*-" Yukkuri have an innate fear of water; It doesn't
take much to make their flour 'skin' melt, even if they don't need to
breathe. Suddenly under the surface of the liquid, little Chen
struggles, not understanding *why* mommy can't hear her-

(Shabe meeeee! Mwommieeee!)

"YUAAAAAAA!!!" Frantic, Ran bumps up against the bowl- peering
frantically into it, trying to make out where her koyukkuri is! She
can't see it, only flailing ripples- Let alone reach in! A yukkuri can
only reach so far, after all; She needs a stick, or something she can
use for Chen to grab onto...But there isn't anything within reach!

A trail of bubbles reach the surface, as Ran bumps up against the
dish, making liquid chocolate slop against the sides; She'd upend it
in a heartbeat, but Ran wants sweet-sweets too...And the little ones,
the little one will...

"Sorry little ones...Ran has no choice!"

A fierce body-blow knocks the dish off the step; With a SPLOOSH it
upends onto the grass, all the delicious sweet-sweet spilling out in a
brown stain...And with it, a small, thoroughly soaked chocolate manju,
soggy and swollen with water!

Ran sighs in relief- "Yuyun~ Ran's little one is safe. Mommy was
scared for a moment, there..."

No answer.


Carefully, skirting the edges of the stain, she draws closer...And
only then does she see the chocolate filling oozing from the
koyukkuri's melted skin. It wasn't the soaking that killed her, but
the fall; Once knocked out of the bowl, even the smallest impact was
enough to rupture the koyukkuri. Indeed, it could be said that the
moment it was waterlogged, little koyukkuri Chen was dead; Even with a
sweet liquid, the smallest movement would've made her fall apart.

The little koyukkuri is semi-transparent from the soaking- Her face
all but melted into a formless lump, a tiny starbust of filling
fanning out from her 'foot', unnoticeable amid the spilled milkshake.
It's still squirming in pain, but it's effectively dead- Ran rushes to
her side to lick her, but...


And then the koyukkuri falls silent forward, sinking a bit further
into the mess.


Ran can only cry, rocking back and forth next to the melted ruin of
her precious little one. "Whhhyyyyy did she dieeeee~? YUGYAAAAA~ I

The pain of losing her very first koyukkuri- It stabs deep into Ran's
paste core. More than anything, she wants Mistah Owner to tell her
that everything's going to be all right, to pat her, but...

-That's right. There's still six days to go...

Rakuro Kamigami Justice easy

Oct 13, 2011, 4:42:52 PM10/13/11
to Yukkuri Fanfic Translations
Wanch cho wid mow!
> but...
> read more »


Dec 7, 2011, 12:26:16 AM12/7/11
to Yukkuri Fanfic Translations
This is so good, I hope you didn't stop writing!

On Oct 13, 3:42 pm, Rakuro Kamigami Justice easy

> ...
> read more »


Dec 9, 2011, 7:04:52 AM12/9/11
to Yukkuri Fanfic Translations
Funny YOU should say that...

> ...
> read more »


Dec 9, 2011, 7:05:32 AM12/9/11
to Yukkuri Fanfic Translations
But on that note, yes, it is a pretty good story so far, so if you do
write more count on me reading it.

> but ...
> read more »

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