I had a wagtail install that was initially these versions:
wagtail 1.5.3
django 1.8.14
django-taggit 0.14
I upgraded the install to be:
wagtail 1.6
django 1.10
and ran migrate which ran fine.
Then as part of getting the site running again I upgraded django-taggit to 0.18.0 per django 1.10's install_requires. This taggit version jump included a new migration. The currently installed wagtaildocs and wagtailimage both have a migration dependency on taggit '__latest__' and these migrations have already run. But since I upgraded taggit, it now has a new migration and this means that migration operations all throw a django.db.migrations.exceptions.InconsistentMigrationHistory since both wagtaildocs and wagtailimage both think they have applied migrations before a dependent migration has been applied (taggit __latest__).
I have run over this quite a bit in my head and can't see what I did wrong. How do you handle an app already having applied migrations that are dependent on another apps.__latest__ and that other app starts showing up with new migrations? Is the use of __latest__ in the wagtaildocs and wagtailimage apps incorrect and is this an issue?