Creating a report to easily export work items in a release/project

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Nov 18, 2016, 1:35:53 PM11/18/16
to VersionOne-users
Hi folks. I'm new to VersionOne (formerly a TFS user). I'm enjoying the product, but have a hit a road block. I'm Scrum Master for 4 teams and also generate the release notes for my teams. That being said, I'm looking for efficiency as we release monthly. 
When I create release notes or want to pull various metrics, I need the ability to export data with specific information so I can work with the data in Excel. 
For example:
  • For Release Notes, I want to include my custom and standard fields: Release Notes, Release Notes Type, Title, User Role, Requested By, Reported By, ID, Project, etc. Sprint, Team
  • For Metrics I want ID, Title, Points, Details Estimate, Completed Work, Team, Project, Sprint, etc.
Is this possible and how without constantly changing my views by turning on and off columns to display in either Release or Backlog areas? 

Thank you in advance for your help,

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