Bitcoin is nice, but just a start, I agree. What you are proposing
along the lines of an IOU is also what I've been thinking about:
Money should be created at the time and place where value is created,
not in some central bank under government control, like the ECB has
It'd be interested to trade those publicly... someone I never met could
walk up to me and demand a beer from me, heheh :)
I've been thinking along the lines of using physical gold as the basis
for the IOU, like at, and possibly declare an explicit
counterparty risk on top of that (you might expect a Bit or Grolsch but
end up receiving Heineken or Budweiser, for example). This idea is still
floating in my head and hasn't crystalised.
You won't cut it with storage only, IMHO. You'll need some way to
process payments. This may also call for the type of protocol I was
disucssing yesterday, as that also involves establishing a sequence
from a stream of incoming events from various sources, in such a way
that the distributed world agrees -- which is part of bitcoin too.
The interesting thing about money is that you'd have to care for
reliable, verifiable and non-repudiable processing. That'd sure make
it interesting :)
Other than that, bitcoin is an open call to spend a lot of energy, up
to the break-even point of burning just the Euro's that your bitcoins
are worth. Not very environmentally friendly...
Sorry if I'm a bit responsive on this list -- this is a favourite topic.
Will reply to OP in a bit ...
Every time an IOU is issued, the money supply increases.
Both systems have merits and attack vectors, but agree decentralized
has been shown to be fault tolerant.
> It'd be interested to trade those publicly... someone I never met could
> walk up to me and demand a beer from me, heheh :)
> I've been thinking along the lines of using physical gold as the basis
> for the IOU, like at, and possibly declare an explicit
> counterparty risk on top of that (you might expect a Bit or Grolsch but
> end up receiving Heineken or Budweiser, for example). This idea is still
> floating in my head and hasn't crystalised.
See voucher safe
Yes, IMHO this is the single most important idea of the decade! :)
The main operation of a bank is to store a number. Something that
most people can today on a mobile phone.
In a nutshell, if you have access to a network shared file on your
device, you have decentralized the banking system!
> bitcoin detaches payments from central banks by introducing a decentralized
> coin. i think that's not what we need (bear with me here...). Coins are not
> where the monopolies are. It's banks that have the monopoly. So instead of
> decentralizing money, i think we should decentralize "I owe you..." letters
> (IOUs). IOUs are the fundamental transport layer of economy. On top of that
> is money. On top of that is lending. In fact, bank notes started out as
> written IOUs. What if we define a protocol for IOUs, on top of
> remoteStorage. Is there such a protocol already?
Work is ongoing in this area.
The best system of its kind is opentransactions: (The PGP of money)
Here are two wonderful podcasts explaining the the last decade of development:
More work is being done in the W3C payments group, bitcoin, agorist
community and a few others.
> We would need three types of messages: invoices, IOUs and receipts. Both
> PGP-signed, but also manually checked and reconfirmed by both parties
> (everybody ultimately is responsible to check their own monthly statements
> and see if it's all correct).
> an IOU would need an amount and a currency. I owe you a beer. I owe you 20
> euros from the other day. Initially, this would be something you use among
> friends. Somebody at jsconf (i forgot who it was) showed me an app they used
> to keep track of who paid for the badminton court that week, and who was
> there. Simple bookkeeping between friends. It would be an awesome thing to
> have in a phone app (i'm sure people have already experimented with apps for
> this use case). fill in the names of 4 friends, one person paid for the gas,
> the other each owe that friend 13,33 euros. The person who pays for the gas,
> while getting back into the car, opens his Unpaid app, selects amount '40',
> currency 'euros', and clicks 'take one for the team'. the others in the car
> get an alert 'Ben is claiming 13,33 euros from you [agree] / [dispute]'. if
> you click 'agree', you PGP-sign an IOU from you to Ben. Or, if Ben owed you
> money from last time, it says 'substracted, Ben and you are now even.' - you
> get the point. in this last case, Ben would get a receipt from you instead
> of an IOU, because you're cancelling a pre-existing Owe-A-Bro.
You just need to capture the semantics:
<a> accountEntry
owes <b>
20 EUR
date 1/1/2012
It needs to be REAL simple. No complex markup for the first version, IMHO
I've thought about those for some time and I think you need something
I term NATO
Nettings and Transactions Ontology. Basically capture transactions.
Capture Balances. Allow signing. Allow transactions to occur offline
and sync later (a la git)
> all types of actions (invoice, issue IOU, issue receipt), are confirmed to
> both parties, and show up in the history of both parties, so you don't get
> misunderstandings.
> in case misunderstandings arise, you resolve them out-of-band.
Yes, this cuts costs.
> IOUs can also be resolved out-of-band, for instance, after we come back from
> holiday, I still owe Peter 320 euros (he paid the car rental, and i didn't
> buy any of the beer), so i make a POBS (plain-old-banking-system)
> transaction to Peter.
> also dispute resolution would be out-of-band. if we meet through a friend of
> a friend (or through e-bay for that matter), and when we meet so i can buy
> your Stratocaster, we get out our phones and i send you an unhosted
> ("unpaid" ;) IOU. i'm basically saying "I hereby sign a contract, saying
> that I will pay you for the guitar within reasonable time". and then i
> don't. then you can take me to court in either the country where you live,
> or where i live. it's the same as a rental contract. or a labour contract.
> or any other civil transaction. you just sign "yes, i will pay". that in
> itself is not the real transaction.
> you could build clearing houses on top of this, at a higher level. and you
> could build lending with interest (the IOUs would need a pay-by-date added
> into them: "I agree to pay you back before the end of the year").
Tons of infrastucture can be build on top of the simple idea..
> the system is not linked to any coin. i'm giving examples in euros here, but
> you could use dollars, or yens. and you could also write your IOUs in
> bitcoins. or in kWh (electricity is probably one of the most universal goods
> of our times, as was suggested this morning).
Yes you can have a URL or 'ricardian contract' to describe the asset.
> there would be no need to keep the private keys on the client. you can keep
> your private key on your remoteStorage. in case your remoteStorage gets
> compromised, people would be able to send whatever type of messages in your
> name, and it wouldn't legally bind you. also, you would get notified on your
> statements - weird payments would show up. and you would have to go and
> dispute them. your private key could also be written on a physical card that
> you keep in your wallet. if you lose your wallet, you quickly log in online
> to generate a new keypair (block your creditcard and request a new one).
> maybe you want to pay 2% of all your payments to a disputes-service, so that
> you can get your money back should someone steals your "creditcard". all of
> this would be /on top of/ the actual IOU-transaction system.
This is where WebID can be handy! Or Oauth tokens.
> by making the underlying IOU-system an open distributed system, in the
> spirit of the web, and independent of any currencies or dispute-resolution
> hubs or even interest rates, and make easy phone-apps for it so people can
> "unpay" each other, we could decentralize some of the power inherent in the
> current banking system. taxes don't apply here, because it's not the real
> transactions that are happening. tax would be levied when the actual payment
> ensues, which from this system's perspective, is out-of-band. And POBS
> transactions would be the default way to clear IOUs, but no longer
> necessarily the only one.
> let me know if you see any flaws in this. also, let me know if you are the
> person who showed me the badminton app at jsconf. :)
There's one major ingredient left.
All currencies are based on trust.
Gold is trusted to be pure and have a limited supply
Bitcoin is trusted to open source and secure
National currencies (fiat) are backed by a govt
State currencies (landes, WIR, North Dakota) are backed by a state
The trust infrastructure must grow side by side with the accepted
currencies. This is a project in itself, but I think we're at a
point where things can get started!
> cheers!
> Michiel
You're right ... the security part is key in having a bank that you
can trust. Trust is the life blood of any financial system.
As an aside ... it's possible to run person to person 'tally' systems
(ledgers?) using a shared file, say in Ubuntu One or Dropbox (cross
platform). I do think using uhosted as a base system would be
superior than ubuntu one / dropbox, and adding layers of security and
trust can make it that much more robust.
> -Fellow Traveler
On 10/18/2011 01:31 PM, Melvin Carvalho wrote:
> You're right ... the security part is key in having a bank that
> you can trust. Trust is the life blood of any financial system.
The real challenge is to create a decentralised system wher trust is
handled directly and via transfer of trust to a "middleware" layer
called banks.
The real solution would be a P2P system where trust is in the network
and not in the accumulation of financial value (this is why we trusted
banks, which now is in a crisis).
> As an aside ... it's possible to run person to person 'tally'
> systems (ledgers?) using a shared file, say in Ubuntu One or
> Dropbox (cross platform). I do think using uhosted as a base
> system would be superior than ubuntu one / dropbox, and adding
> layers of security and trust can make it that much more robust.
That would be at the max a machine to machine tally system. A true P2P
system would work fundamentally different. Using whatever shared file
system is attractive for abuse (see bitcoin's problems with the
wallet.dat file).
Quite some smart people are thinking about alternatives and we should
be part of that discussion instead of trying to come up with Yet
Another System.
You should meet Georg Zoche, a good friend of mine, who has spent at
least 10+ years in analyizing the current situation, where it went
wrong and what axioms should be defining for a new and better system.
- --
Jan Wildeboer - -
Open Source Evangelist. Open Standards Fundamentalist.
Software Patents worst nightmare. Decentralizing whatever exists.
Citizen of the first Transnational Republic
Version: GnuPG v1.4.11 (GNU/Linux)
Comment: Using GnuPG with Mozilla -
Systems that are based on IOU or tally's have one problem -- they
are founded in debt. This is what goes wrong in the current
banking system, according to the Austrian school of economy. A
very good book on that issue is
A Dutch version also exists (many of you here, it seems),
with ISBN 9789033480942.
> Quite some smart people are thinking about alternatives and we should
> be part of that discussion instead of trying to come up with Yet
> Another System.
I've been thinking that too :)
> You should meet Georg Zoche, a good friend of mine, who has spent at
> least 10+ years in analyizing the current situation, where it went
> wrong and what axioms should be defining for a new and better system.
Georg probably knows the book above... and is likely to agree.
It is possible to make the argument that all systems of debt will end badly.
However, almost all human interactions are based on some kind of debt
(explicit or implicit), or in fact doing favours for one another.
Sometimes it's not quantified (as often in families and small
communities) sometimes it is, e.g. with a common measurement system
aka money.
A decentralized system is generally more fault tolerant than a
centralized. In practice, you're probably going to need elements of
both. The central models are well established, but decentral less
well investigated.
A shared file space using unhosted could be a valuable start on the
decentralized side!
On 10/18/2011 02:31 PM, Rick van Rein wrote:
> Georg probably knows the book above... and is likely to agree.
He also wrote his own book - Clash of Currencies, online at:
Don't dismiss it based on the somewhat in-your-face webdesign. It's
the content that counts.
Building a system based on Keynes Bancor principles is something that
is discussed on the highest levels in the financial world ATM.
If the FOSS world could build it, it would be a revolution to the
better ;-)
- --
Jan Wildeboer - -
Open Source Evangelist. Open Standards Fundamentalist.
Software Patents worst nightmare. Decentralizing whatever exists.
Citizen of the first Transnational Republic
Version: GnuPG v1.4.11 (GNU/Linux)
Comment: Using GnuPG with Mozilla -
Quite some smart people are thinking about alternatives and we should
be part of that discussion instead of trying to come up with Yet
Another System.
You should meet Georg Zoche,
who is currently using a system that /simplifies/ the sending of IOUs between people who already know each other
Human written is very limited. With a little extra overhead you can
capture the semantics and make it web scale
I think something like this works (using xml for convenience)
I think something like that and you're almost done.
I think something like that and you're almost done.
There's two concepts here.
1. Account balance (shows your ledger)
2. Transactions (changes your balances)
Both are very similar concepts.
Balance is an overview,
Transactions have all the same fields as balances, but can have a
timestamp, a note, and unique id (if you can canonicalize it, you can
sign it)
Many different ways to implement, but you can have a queue of
transactions that get processed periodically.
I suggest if starting simple to tackle balances first, then move on to
Thanks for the link.
Looks like quite a complicated spec, perhaps overkill for this idea.
It may be an idea to reuse some of the terms, or "embrace and extend",
but I dont know if OASIS licensing even allows this?
> --
> -Thad
I think something like that and you're almost done.
Hi,It's been really great to discover this thread and see so much information on this kind of thing. I'd just like to suggest that the data that comes from it,
rather than being siphoned away by a central organisation as happens these days, can be shared responsibly and democratically amongst the members of the barter or exchange network.By knowing about other transactions and having a say in them, you can then achieve one of the objectives of participatory economics or parecon - self management. This could be as simple as feeding back anonymous data on what is being bought and sold across an area, and training participants on how to interpret that data and visualise it, as that could then help to see what the effect of certain shortages or other problems would have on the whole thing.Ale
By knowing about other transactions and having a say in them, you can then achieve one of the objectives of participatory economics or parecon - self management. This could be as simple as feeding back anonymous data on what is being bought and sold across an area, and training participants on how to interpret that data and visualise it, as that could then help to see what the effect of certain shortages or other problems would have on the whole thing.Ale
you mean establishing market prices without the use of a centralized clearing house? interesting! although after thinking about it for a bit, you would still need a market place, and this market place would be a very logical place to also act as the statistics-publisher. we can see what kind of structures and activities can be built on top of opentabs once we have it working. stuff like that is definitely interesting!
In terms of use of data, I'm more interested in the ethical aspect of people being aware of possible problems in an economy and dealing with them with mutual aid, solidarity or just by being organised.
There is also the ideal of transparency(for example if you knew something radioactive was being traded in your street, you might want to have a say in it), but I think that needs a lot more thought. I'm only talking about voluntarily opting in, as you say. For example you might choose to share production data to trusted people, or as anonymous stats, knowing that they depend on the product of your labour or of others in your area or sector.
I hope that explains it a bit!
I'm a techie not an economist, but I'd be very interested in helping develop functionality like this!
On Fri, Nov 25, 2011 at 1:23 PM, Michiel de Jong <> wrote:
> most people want to earn
> money proportionally to the value of their gross product
> if your choices are not influenced by money, then that means your quality of
> life is not influenced by money. you just have "enough" money. that means,
> in turn, that when you're looking for a job, you will choose a job you like,
> or a job you think you will be good at, and your job search is influenced by
> differences in salary only very slightly; you just pick your preferred job
> out of the pool of jobs that earn "enough". Open source software, as well as
> art (e.g. poetry) are prime examples of economies that have no money-based
> resource routing.
See »The surprising truth about what motivates us« by Dan Pink:
(might / should be pretty well-known)
»As long as the task involved only mechanical skill – bonuses worked
as they would be expected: The higher the pay, the better the
performance. […] But once the task called for even rudimentary
cognitive skill – a higher reward lead to poorer performance.«
»Pay people enough so the issue of money is off the table.«
»To motivate and satisfy people, we need to maximize purpose instead of profit.«