As a result of a recent commit a few temporary test files are being left
lying around in the build directory
One has to do
rm build/Student2.php build/Teacher.php build/teachercdt.gv build/umpleClassTest.ump
to get rid of them. Proper cleanup after tests needs to be done. If you
recognise these files could you let us know and resolve this please.
Timothy C. Lethbridge, PhD, P.Eng., I.S.P., CSDP
Professor of Software Engineering and Computer Science
/ Professeur Titulaire de génie logiciel et d'informatique
and Vice-Dean (governance) / et vice-doyen (gouvernance)
Faculté de genie / Faculty of Engineering
University of Ottawa / Université d'Ottawa
613-562-5800x6685 Fax:
613-562-5664 Mobile: