Server Failure

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Opeyemi Adesina

Oct 22, 2015, 1:35:43 AM10/22/15
to Kevin Brightwell

I was wondering why the server is failing upon my commits with the following error message:

Build Error Message

/h/ralph/umple/trunk/build/build.xml:7: /h/ralph/umple/trunk/build/build.xml:12: The following error occurred while executing this line: /h/ralph/umple/trunk/build/build.sandbox.xml:60: The following error occurred while executing this line: /h/ralph/umple/trunk/build/build.sandbox.xml:25: Java returned: 1

Afterall, everything works fine on my machine.

Can anyone provide any insight on this?



Opeyemi Adesina

Oct 22, 2015, 1:40:46 AM10/22/15
to Kevin Brightwell
It has been resolved after forcing the build.

Timothy Lethbridge

Oct 22, 2015, 1:43:58 AM10/22/15
to Kevin Brightwell

Are you talking about the cc server or the Travis server?

This is the error message I have been complaining about for a long time!

Your build scripts behave differently depending on which server is

myenv=cc is what the cc server does. This runs all the tests and also does
other things like promoting UmpleOnline. However it is a bug in that it
fails to find the right version of Umple since the changes you made. I
understand you are trying to fix that. The error you reported is precisely
because it runs a build and trys to use dist/umple.jar

Right now I have to manually go in and do a first-build after every

Travis doesn't run the tests because you commented out. It uses
myenv=travis (or something like that I think).

So on your machine, before committing you need to do the following builds
to ensure safety:

myenv=local first-build
myenv=local build
myenv=local build
myenv=cc first-build
myenv=cc build
myenv=cc build

and then also do the travis build.

If all the above builds pass, then I think we will be safe. This is what I
do to test.

On Wed, 21 Oct 2015, Opeyemi Adesina wrote:

> Hi,
> I was wondering why the server is failing upon my commits with the
> following error message:
> /h/ralph/umple/trunk/build/build.xml:7:
> /h/ralph/umple/trunk/build/build.xml:12: The following error occurred while
> executing this line: /h/ralph/umple/trunk/build/build.sandbox.xml:60: The
> following error occurred while executing this line:
> /h/ralph/umple/trunk/build/build.sandbox.xml:25: Java returned: 1
> Afterall, everything works fine on my machine.
> Can anyone provide any insight on this?
> Thanks,
> Ope
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Timothy C. Lethbridge, PhD, P.Eng., I.S.P., CSDP
Professor of Software Engineering and Computer Science
/ Professeur Titulaire de génie logiciel et d'informatique
and Vice-Dean (governance) / et vice-doyen (gouvernance)
Faculté de genie / Faculty of Engineering
University of Ottawa / Université d'Ottawa
Tel: 613-562-5800x6685 Fax: 613-562-5664 Mobile: 613-252-1850

Timothy Lethbridge

Oct 22, 2015, 1:45:05 AM10/22/15
to Kevin Brightwell

It was resolved not by forcing the build, but by me going on the server
and doing a first-build (Opeyemi did a force build by coincidence after my
first-build finished).

We are waiting for Kevin's patch before evertying is properly solved.

On Wed, 21 Oct 2015, Opeyemi Adesina wrote:

> It has been resolved after forcing the build.
> On Wed, Oct 21, 2015 at 9:35 PM, Opeyemi Adesina
> <> wrote:
> Hi,
> I was wondering why the server is failing upon my commits with the
> following error message:
> /h/ralph/umple/trunk/build/build.xml:7:
> /h/ralph/umple/trunk/build/build.xml:12: The following error occurred
> while executing this line:
> /h/ralph/umple/trunk/build/build.sandbox.xml:60: The following error
> occurred while executing this line:
> /h/ralph/umple/trunk/build/build.sandbox.xml:25: Java returned: 1
> Afterall, everything works fine on my machine.
> Can anyone provide any insight on this?
> Thanks,
> Ope

Opeyemi Adesina

Oct 22, 2015, 1:48:36 AM10/22/15
to Kevin Brightwell
Thanks Tim.
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