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Re: Left-wing liberals blame a harmless gun OPERATED BY A GAY NUT for 50 dead homos in Orlando.

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Fight for America!

Jun 16, 2016, 1:03:22 PM6/16/16
On 6/16/2016 9:49 AM, Nathan Hale wrote:
> In article <njug9s$ovg$>
> Fight for America! <> wrote:
>> On 6/16/2016 9:17 AM, �Jones wrote:
>>> On Thu, 16 Jun 2016 09:08:10 -0600, in talk.politics.guns Fight for
>>> America! <> wrote:
>>> No, thank you.
>> Traitor!
> Kook.
Feckless Brit troll.

Ian Field

Jun 16, 2016, 1:59:38 PM6/16/16

"Fight for America!" <> wrote in message
Sitting here in the UK watching the news channel reporting on a lunatic
fringe right wing extremist murdered a Labour member of

Fight for America!

Jun 16, 2016, 2:29:02 PM6/16/16
Your nation your problem.


Ian Field

Jun 16, 2016, 3:17:22 PM6/16/16

"Fight for America!" <> wrote in message
Not exactly, the American national pastime is shooting each other - and it
seems to be contagious.

Long Live The NRA

Jun 16, 2016, 6:39:31 PM6/16/16
On 16 Jun 2016, "Ian Field" <> posted some
Let's clarify that. Democrat coddled welfare fed drug dealing / drug
addict niggers shoot at each other.

Faggots and niggers shooting each other can be laid squarely at the feet
of the democratic party and the barack obama administration.

When they militarized the police of America, they started an arms war.
The police of the USA are the unwitting enemies of the entire nation now,
thanks to ignorant democrats and barack obama.


Jun 16, 2016, 7:58:40 PM6/16/16
On Thu, 16 Jun 2016 11:03:15 -0600, Fight for America!
<> wrote:

>On 6/16/2016 9:49 AM, Nathan Hale wrote:
>> In article <njug9s$ovg$>
>> Fight for America! <> wrote:
>>> On 6/16/2016 9:17 AM, �Jones wrote:
>>>> On Thu, 16 Jun 2016 09:08:10 -0600, in talk.politics.guns Fight for
>>>> America! <> wrote:
>>>>> DROP DEAD!
>>>> No, thank you.
>>> Traitor!
>> Kook.
>Feckless Brit troll.

No Surprise.
The Brits elected a muslim mayor for London who has taken the first
step in the Islamatization of Britain.

So it's no wonder that the Brit trolls are hoping and praying(to Allah
no doubt) that America falls down the same path that their stupid
asses have.

Fight for America!

Jun 16, 2016, 8:01:05 PM6/16/16
So very right you are!

They will rue the day Boris Johnson left.

White Lives Matter Too

Jun 17, 2016, 1:12:35 AM6/17/16
In article <njvejt$905$>
The Brits have run full cycle. They have regressed to hitting
each other with rocks and stabbing with sharpened sticks because
the sissy dress-wearing socialist leadership in the UK has taken
away their firearms.

The natural violent human behavior still exists in the face of
political ignorance.

Fight for America!

Jun 17, 2016, 11:24:11 AM6/17/16
Very well analyzed sir!

Ian Field

Jun 17, 2016, 2:12:34 PM6/17/16

"Long Live The NRA" <> wrote in message
When is WW3 kicking off?

Fight for America!

Jun 17, 2016, 2:20:46 PM6/17/16
On 6/17/2016 12:13 PM, Ian Field wrote:

>> When they militarized the police of America, they started an arms war.
>> The police of the USA are the unwitting enemies of the entire nation now,
>> thanks to ignorant democrats and barack obama.
> When is WW3 kicking off?

Ask your Obamessiah/trojan horse.

It's in his and Shillary's hands, you traitor.

Ian Field

Jun 17, 2016, 4:06:31 PM6/17/16

"Fight for America!" <> wrote in message
Pretty sure Trump will make stomping some world power his highest priority
if he gets in.

Fight for America!

Jun 17, 2016, 4:12:34 PM6/17/16
Pretty sure you NEVER read any such thing from him:

Donald Trump on Foreign Policy

Reimbursement for US military bases in rich countries abroad. (Sep 2015)
Diplomacy & respect crucial to our relationship with Russia. (Sep 2015)
Putin has no respect for America; I will get along with him. (Sep 2015)
We must deal with the maniac in North Korea with nukes. (Sep 2015)
Cuban embargo: 50 years is enough. (Sep 2015)
Support NATO, but it's not us against Russia. (Aug 2015)
Post-Cold War: switch from chess player to dealmaker. (Jul 2000)
Support Russia, but with strings attached. (Jul 2000)
Don't take sides with Israel, so we can lead negotiations. (Feb 2016)
I could negotiate a deal with Israel and Palestinians. (Feb 2016)
Figure out who our allies are. (Feb 2016)
Iran deal is one of the worst I've ever seen. (Feb 2016)
Let Russia bash ISIS; let Germany defend Ukraine. (Nov 2015)
Provide economic assistance to create a safe zone in Syria. (Oct 2015)
US should not train rebels it does not know or control. (Oct 2015)
Better to have Mideast strongmen than Mideast chaos. (Oct 2015)
Good that Russia is involved in Syria. (Oct 2015)

Ian Field

Jun 17, 2016, 4:22:10 PM6/17/16

"Fight for America!" <> wrote in message
> On 6/17/2016 2:07 PM, Ian Field wrote:
>> "Fight for America!" <> wrote in message
>> news:nk1f1t$fc6$
>>> On 6/17/2016 12:13 PM, Ian Field wrote:
>>>>> When they militarized the police of America, they started an arms war.
>>>>> The police of the USA are the unwitting enemies of the entire nation
>>>>> now,
>>>>> thanks to ignorant democrats and barack obama.
>>>> When is WW3 kicking off?
>>> Ask your Obamessiah/trojan horse.
>>> It's in his and Shillary's hands, you traitor.
>> Pretty sure Trump will make stomping some world power his highest
>> priority if he gets in.
> Pretty sure you NEVER read any such thing from him:

He's already pissing several world leaders off - and he's still only a

Fight for America!

Jun 17, 2016, 4:35:38 PM6/17/16
On 6/17/2016 2:23 PM, Ian Field wrote:
> "Fight for America!" <> wrote in message
> news:nk1ljh$98e$
>> On 6/17/2016 2:07 PM, Ian Field wrote:
>>> "Fight for America!" <> wrote in message
>>> news:nk1f1t$fc6$
>>>> On 6/17/2016 12:13 PM, Ian Field wrote:
>>>>>> When they militarized the police of America, they started an arms
>>>>>> war.
>>>>>> The police of the USA are the unwitting enemies of the entire nation
>>>>>> now,
>>>>>> thanks to ignorant democrats and barack obama.
>>>>> When is WW3 kicking off?
>>>> Ask your Obamessiah/trojan horse.
>>>> It's in his and Shillary's hands, you traitor.
>>> Pretty sure Trump will make stomping some world power his highest
>>> priority if he gets in.
>> Pretty sure you NEVER read any such thing from him:
> He's already pissing several world leaders off - and he's still only a
> candidate.

Nice snip, was the FACTUAL data I shared not to your liking, coward?????

How well has kow-towing to "world leaders" worked out for Obola?

Newspaper in Russia Calls “Weak Obama” Ruler of Sodom & Gomorrah
AUTHOR Mr. Conservative
JUNE 22, 2013 11:34AM PST
Obama promised to “reset” the U.S. relationship with Russia, and he
succeeded: Russia went from disliking, but respecting, America and
President Bush, to loathing, and looking down upon, America and,
especially, her president.

The photograph of Obama and Russian President Putin sitting side-by-side
radiating hatred spells it all out. One of the reasons given for Putin’s
hostility, in addition to Obama’s decision to aid Syria’s Al Qaeda
rebels, while Russia is aiding Bashar al Assad’s Iranian and Hezbollah
fighters, is Edward Snowden’s revelation that the US is spying on
Russia. That, of course, is ridiculous. The US has been spying on Russia
since the Cold War began. Indeed, vaguely hostile, actively hostile, and
even friendly countries routinely spy on each other.
What’s really going on is that Putin despises Obama. “Despising” someone
isn’t the same as disliking them. It means that you dislike them because
you think they’re unworthy of being liked. Indeed, they are so unworthy,
because they are weak or morally flawed, that you “despise” them.
Pravda, which is Russia’s “official” newspaper – meaning that it spouts
the government line – has an opinion piece by Xavier Lerma detailing
just how poorly Putin and Russia view Obama and America. The article
begins by describing the June 17, 2013 meeting between Putin and Obama,
which involved Obama nervously talking about basketball to a man who is
a black belt in judo (both physical and mental):

The weak eyed Obama went on further to say, “And we both agree as you
get older it takes more time to recover. ” He unbelievably even talked
about the removal of the Jackson-Vanik Act. Obama nervously looked over
his notes as Putin spoke clearly from his memory and intelligence. At
meetings end Obama then went on to try and slap a handshake. It was met
with President Putin’s stone hand which withered Obama’s smile away.
Putin’s firm grip declared who’s top dog in this world

Obama promised that he would fundamentally change America. Those who
weren’t paying attention were stupid to think that this promise was a
good thing. It’s not. It’s a very, very bad thing, and the jackals,
including the big, bad, oil rich Russian jackal, are beginning to circle.

Much to President Obama’s apparent astonishment, Vladimir Putin has just
called his (latest) bluff on Syria. And by all accounts, the president
has no idea what to do about it.

We understand Obama’s shock: Just last June, he boasted, “Once again,
the United States is the most respected country on Earth.”

Of course, no one but Obama himself actually believed that. Now the
Russian autocrat has provided another very public demonstration of just
how untrue it is.

Despite Team Obama’s repeated warnings, Russia is flying sophisticated
military equipment and personnel to Syria in order to bolster strongman
Bashar al-Assad in his genocidal civil war.

Washington got Bulgaria to close its airspace to the flights, so Moscow
simply switched to an air corridor over Iran and Iraq — and vowed to
keep it up.

Last Friday, Obama said at Fort Meade, “We are going to be engaging
Russia to let them know that you can’t continue to double down on a
strategy that’s doomed to failure.”

But Putin doesn’t think his strategy’s doomed to failure — because he
doesn’t think the West has the guts to stop him.

And he’s let the president know precisely what he thinks of those
warnings by publicly laughing in his face.

After all, Assad did the same thing, resuming the use of deadly chemical
weapons against his own people after Obama blinked at his own “red line.”

Of course the Russians are blatantly ignoring Secretary of State John
Kerry’s warning that intervention in Syria would “further escalate the
conflict.” It will — indeed, it’ll guarantee an even greater flood of
refugees — but Putin doesn’t care.

And Obama, determined to go down in history as the president “who ended
two wars,” refuses to get involved.

Indeed, the White House may actually pretend Moscow is a new partner
against ISIS — whose record of atrocities is more than matched by Assad’s.

President Theodore Roosevelt famously enacted a foreign policy of “Speak
softly but carry a big stick.” President Obama continues to do just the

Ian Field

Jun 17, 2016, 4:41:30 PM6/17/16

"Fight for America!" <> wrote in message
> On 6/17/2016 2:23 PM, Ian Field wrote:
>> "Fight for America!" <> wrote in message
>> news:nk1ljh$98e$
>>> On 6/17/2016 2:07 PM, Ian Field wrote:
>>>> "Fight for America!" <> wrote in message
>>>> news:nk1f1t$fc6$
>>>>> On 6/17/2016 12:13 PM, Ian Field wrote:
>>>>>>> When they militarized the police of America, they started an arms
>>>>>>> war.
>>>>>>> The police of the USA are the unwitting enemies of the entire nation
>>>>>>> now,
>>>>>>> thanks to ignorant democrats and barack obama.
>>>>>> When is WW3 kicking off?
>>>>> Ask your Obamessiah/trojan horse.
>>>>> It's in his and Shillary's hands, you traitor.
>>>> Pretty sure Trump will make stomping some world power his highest
>>>> priority if he gets in.
>>> Pretty sure you NEVER read any such thing from him:
>> He's already pissing several world leaders off - and he's still only a
>> candidate.
> Nice snip, was the FACTUAL data I shared not to your liking, coward?????

A bunch of favourable soundbites selected from a swamp of inappropriate and
offensive remarks.

Fight for America!

Jun 17, 2016, 4:49:10 PM6/17/16
The actual chronicled and fact-checked citations, you lying shitbag.

Now fuck off back to your own Unfree Kingdom, serf!

Ian Field

Jun 17, 2016, 4:54:54 PM6/17/16

"Fight for America!" <> wrote in message
A bit too FACTUAL for you eh?

Ian Field

Jun 17, 2016, 4:56:46 PM6/17/16

"Fight for America!" <> wrote in message
The newsgroup I'm posting on is,

Fight for America!

Jun 17, 2016, 4:59:12 PM6/17/16
Let's revisit which one of us PRESENTED the facts...

And which one of us SNIPPED the facts...

You're a remarkably inept debater, one of the worst from a nation
generally presumed to house sentient beings.

Fight for America!

Jun 17, 2016, 4:59:57 PM6/17/16
Feel free to excise it from any further cross-posts into OUR groups
then, serf.


Jun 17, 2016, 5:09:03 PM6/17/16

On Fri, 17 Jun 2016 21:07:46 +0100, in talk.politics.guns "Ian Field"
<> wrote:

>Pretty sure Trump will make stomping some world power his highest priority
>if he gets in.

Problem is that we don't have a *clue* what he's going to do.

Build a wall? Hasn't that already been tried someplace in Germany?
Berlin, wasn't it? Can't you just hear Putin standing in Juarez: "MR
TRUMP!" he will shout, "TEAR DOWN THIS WALL!" And the Donald will
stand on the wall and "moon" him.

Ban Muslims? Don't we still have the first amendment in place? I
thought it was still there the last time I looked.

What he's going to do is lose the election profoundly and damage the
GOP for generations. It'll be even worse for the GOP if he wins,
though. We need two functioning parties and, even though I'm a
marginal democrat, I don't want to see a democratic party sweep...
unless the democrats will extend an olive branch, which is unlikely.


Ian Field

Jun 17, 2016, 5:09:33 PM6/17/16

"Fight for America!" <> wrote in message
Ja mein fuhrer.

Fight for America!

Jun 17, 2016, 5:10:15 PM6/17/16
You almost had that in your life path before we saved your bacon.

Ian Field

Jun 17, 2016, 5:34:45 PM6/17/16

"Fight for America!" <> wrote in message
Saved who's bacon?!!!

A significant proportion of the American population wanted to join the war
on the Axis side - blissfully ignorant of the fact they were just a little
way further down the hit list.

At least 3 of the German aircraft manufacturers were contracted to develop
the; "Amerikabomber" and the rocket scientists had been ordered to develop a
long range V2 booster stage to reach America. The germans were a lot closer
to a viable nuke than they realised - but Hitler would have been content
with planting a few dirty nukes on the US.

America didn't join WW2 to do us any favours - that was entirely down to the
jap attack on Pearl Harbour, due to a signed treaty - Hitler was obliged to
issue a formal declaration of war on America on the 11th Dec 41.

America didn't come to help us - they came to use Britain as a forward base.

Fight for America!

Jun 17, 2016, 6:08:09 PM6/17/16

You serfs sure make up some whoppers!

Here's a hint, the anti-interventionists were not on the Axis side, they
were simply against fighting yet another YuroPeon war.

Lynne Olson’s brilliant Those Angry Days: Roosevelt, Lindbergh, and
America’s Fight Over World War II, 1939–1941, published in early spring,
is hard to put down. She richly portrays the debate (when it wasn’t a
shouting match or a fistfight) that swept up America between the
isolationists and interventionists. A large majority of Americans deeply
opposed sending their boys to fight another war in the Old World, yet
even more strongly supported the last free nations holding out against
Nazi terror. Most understood that if the Brits (and later the Russians)
fell, America would almost certainly confront a very powerful foe in
Hitler. But would offering aid to the Allies court war with the Axis
powers or prevent it? As Lindbergh, who would emerge as the chief
spokesperson for America First, the most organized anti-interventionist
movement, told a cheering crowd of Yale students a week before the 1940
Election Day, “If we desire peace, we need only stop asking for war.
Nobody wishes to attack us, and nobody is in a position to do so.”


Jun 17, 2016, 11:49:01 PM6/17/16

"Ian Field" <> wrote in message
True and the Russians were the ones that defeated the Germans to a very
large extent


Jun 18, 2016, 12:45:44 AM6/18/16
Doesn't the Russian Orthodox church still use the Julian Calendar
associated with Roman Empire (HETEROS) governance as Satanism?

SEE ALSO: "Morality, Piety, Value Systems and Lawful Christian Religious
Belief" [Part 1]:


I don't think you quite understand the gravitas as the logical
consequence for the reliance of Holy Catholic Tradition upon the
within the Pythagorean HETEROS Theory of Number (1 ... 10), that is by
implication a serial basal (ie. bottom) as its fundamental reliance upon
the initial constituent: as a progression of #15 ... #369 Magic Squares.

Historically philosophical/theological frameworks of belief have sought
to find the substance for their civil and sacred practice of
heterosexual marriage from a Universal Theory of Number (generally
Pythagorean in Origin) which provides the symbolic basis for an
autonomic transformative prototype (required because the union of 1x1
has a √2 diagonal that is incommensurate) which didn't regard the first
in the series: 1 & 2 as actual elements of Number, and to which a gender
character and a spermatic attribution was applied:


ONE (MONAD): This number represents the beginning of all things. In
effect, all number are manifestations of one. Some ancients even argued
against counting one as number, as it is the source of numbers. It is
the initial impulse and the sum of all things. It is the unity of the
Godhead made manifest and the symbol of wisdom.

- Mind: because the Mind is stable, and every way alike, and has
- Hermaphrodite: It is both Male and Female, Odd and Even, it partakes
of both natures, being added to the even, it makes odd, to the odd, even;
- God: because it is the beginning and end of all, it self having
neither beginning nor end;
- Good: for such is the Nature of one;
- Chaos: confusion, contemplation, obscurity;
- Matter: receptacle of all, because it produces Duad, which is properly
- Tower of Jupiter: Custody of Jupiter, Throne of Jupiter from the great
power which the Centre hath in the Universe, being able to restrain the
general Circular Motion, as if the Custody of the Maker of all things
were constituted therein;
- In Greater and Lesser: Equal, in intention and remission, middle; in
multitude, mean, in time, now, the present because it consists in one
part of time which is always present;
- Seminal Reason: because this one only is one to the retractors, and is
alone, and the rest are procreated of it, and it is the only seminary of
all Numbers. Author of Life;
- Geniture: because without it no number has being;
- Substance: because substance is primary;
- Cause of Truth: Simple Exemplar, Constitution of Symphony;
- Form or Species: because it circumscribes. comprehends, and
terminates, and because it produces the rest of the effects;
- Jupiter: because he is the Father and Head of the Gods whence the
Pythagorean verse: "Hear noble Number, Sire of gods and men."
- Mnemosyne: the personification of memory;
- Vesta or Fire: For the nature of Monad, like Vesta, is seated in the
midst of the World, and keeps that Seat, inclining to no side;

TWO (DUAD): The number two represents polarity and duality. By the
power of the Duad the deep was created as a mirror to the heaven above.
It symbolized ignorance, but the Pythagoreans also called it the mother
of wisdom.

- Genius: evil, darkness, sinister, unequal, unstable, moveable;
- Matter: because indefinite; indeterminate Duad, proceeds from Monad as
Matter. The cause of tumor and division;
- Cause of dissimilars;
- Marriage: Juno being both wife and sister to Jupiter;
- Soul: from motion hither and thither;
- Fountain of Distribution:
- Diana: because the Moon takes many settings from all the fixed stars,
and because she is forked, and called half-moon;
- Ignorance:
- Opinion:
- Motion, Generation, Mutation, Division: First longitude, augmentation,
composition, communion, misfortune, sustentation because it first
suffered separation;
- Science: for all demonstration, and credit of science, and all
syllogism collects from some things granted, the things in question, and
easily demonstrates another; the comprehension of which things is science;

peace, prudence, temperance, friendship and it is the cause of wisdom
and understanding. The ancients considered the triad sacred, because it
contains the MONAD and DUAD in perfect balance and harmony.

- Coacervation (ie. Latin cum ‘(together) with’ + acervus ‘heap’) of
- Saturnia:
- Marriage: friendship, peace, concord, because it collects and unites,
not similiars, but contraries;
- Justice:
- Prudence, Wisdom: because men order the present, foresee the future,
and learn experience by the past;
- Piety, Temperance: All virtues depend upon this number, and proceed
from it;
- Mind: It is the cause of Wisdom and Understanding. It is Knowledge
which is most proper to Number;

The combined source of this Monad, Duad, Tetrad information was the
Occult Encyclopedia of Magic Squares (Planetary Angels & Spirits of
Ceremonial Magic) (c) 2009 by Nineveh Shadrach; with additional
attributions obtained from the photographic facsimile of the 9th edition
as the 1687 edition of the History of Philosophy [Freemason Stanley
Hall, (c) 1970, Philosophical Research Society]

The metaphysical existence of the potential 1x1 and 2x2 shouldn't be
dismissed solely due to the impossibility of its calculation in our
reality... Let us look again at how the primal 3x3 magic square is

The even numbers (feminine) appear in the corners, containing the odd
numbers (masculine). This is a mathematical symbol of sacred union or
MARRIAGE. The male cross is contained by and united in the female womb.

The grounds for all opposition as religious dogma, as their non
acceptance of any gay and lesbian self identity, having any legitimate
basis in being a viable construct of an autonomous right under the law,
derived by a natural principle. In that, the very basis for that
opposition is itself obtained from a faux natural conception obtained
from the Pythagorean formulation of it as a progression of thought, as a
wisdom conception conveyed by a specious sophistry made of its initial
series: 1 as Monad, 2 as Duad, and 3 as Tetrad.

And its consequence within the conclusion of the series of Magic Squares
is 9x9 = #369 as intrinsic to the formulation of the Greco-Roman Magic
Square, which according is claimed as being the Ignorance informing
itself as to the Cosmic Order and the basis for Roman Imperial
Governance. The eternal and omnipresent, Chronos (ie. Roman Saturn)
produced from within himself the calm light of Aether (the Quintessence
of the Cosmos) and likewise Chaos, the abysmal darkness. [C. Kerényi.
The Gods of the Greeks. (London, Thames and Hudson, 2006): 114]

And also comprises the cause of symbolic planetary associations which
were made and had a generalized acceptance in being common to pagan
religious belief systems such as the Mithraic Mysteries as Religion of
State, Judaism's contemporaneous understating (ie. Sefer Yetzirah: The
Book of Creation) and the probable as belief basis for a schism with
Jewish Messianic expectations which later coagulated into Christian

Furthermore, it is a reliance upon that same architecture as the
progression of Magic Squares, which comprises the symbolic planetary
association as an astrological derived belief in a planetary basis for
Angelic and Daemonic influences as a paradigm known by the name
Celestial Hierarchy which is a theological common element of Jewish,
Roman Catholic and its Christian heritage as tradition and then
subsequently Islam.

In that, Satan's temptation against Jesus {He is saved/A savior; a
deliverer} of Nazareth {Sovereign; one chosen or set apart; separated;
crowned; sanctified} within the wilderness is made against the
Sovereignty of Roman Empire Governance:

a) Showed unto him all the KINGDOMS (BASILEIA) of the WORLD (OIKOUMENĒ);

b) Said unto him, 'All this power (EXOUSIA) will I give thee";

c) Jesus refused this Satanic prerogative (ie. as a dependency on the
Pythagorean HETEROS Theory of Number and its reliance upon the
progression of #15 ... #369 as faux-sophistic wisdom) in deference for
regard to the Creator God as the Father (Godhead/Divine Nature as Mind)
[Luke 4:5-24 (KJV)];

To the contrary, Jesus {He is saved/A savior; a deliverer} of Nazareth
{Sovereign; one chosen or set apart; separated; crowned; sanctified} as
the Scriptures clearly convey:

a) Effectually spoiled the PRINCIPALITIES (ARCHE) and POWERS (EXOUSIA)
and "made a show of them openly, triumphing over them in it."
[Colossians 2:15-23 (KJV)]

b) Specifically said: "Render unto Caesar that which is Caesar's, and to
God that which is God's." [Luke 20:25]

c) The Gospel therefore is all about the fellowship of the MYSTERY,
which from the BEGINNING OF THE WORLD hath been hid in God, who created
all things by Jesus Christ: To the intent that now unto the
(EPOURANIOS) might be known by the church the manifold WISDOM (sophia:
wisdom [higher or lower, worldly or spiritual]:--wisdom) of God."
[Ephesians 3:1-21 (KJV)]

ACCORDINGLY, I HAVE SHOWN IT (ie. #15CE ... #34CE ... #65CE as a Holy

I did this by conveying specific Scripture (historical and gospel)
readings which were associated to computed 'Categories of
*Understanding*' (ie. SUPER (MALE) IDEA and EGO (FEMALE) IDEA) and
obtained by means of my intellectual property (as a natural endowment)
associated to the Grapple Homoiotic Noumenon as a theoretical and
metaphysical concept of the Godhead/Divine Nature as Mind.

By showing a natural comparison between the chronological placement of
the series:

#15 ... #34 ... #65 of the progression of Magic Squares associated with
the traditional Pythagorean mystical HETEROS basis to the Theory of
Number as a binary apparatus (ie. gender and spermatic attributions) and
the institutional basis for sacred marriage, attributed time as the
Celestial Hierarchy which is common to Judaism, Roman Catholicism et al
Christian communities, Masonry and Islamic religious belief and Roman
Empire governance.

I have previously said, that the motto of the British Monarchy and our
Justice System is DIEU ET MON DROIT (ie. GOD AND MY RIGHT) and this
totality of a "Sovereign and Autonomous Right" as the "Power to Rule"
and "Dispense Justice" by "Edict as a Divine Authority", can be
understood in God (Godhead/Divine Nature as Mind) being defined by:

- "I am Alpha (ie. of Hebrew origin; the first letter of the alphabet)
and Omega (ie. last letter of the Greek alphabet)" [Revelation 1:8, 11;
21:6, 13],
- "The first-PRŌTOS and the last-ESCHATOS" [Revelation 1:11; 22:13];
- "The beginning-ARCHE and the ending-TELOS" [Revelation 1:8; 21:6; 22:13].

I have as the product of "works of faith" and Divine Revelation,
acquired an Intellectual Property: a mathematical paradigm as an
alternative HOMOIOS Theory of Number being a theoretical and
metaphysical noumenon, conception of the Godhead/Divine and a determined
contrivance associated with attributed time (COURSE-trochos OF
NATURE-genesis), rationality and the reasoned mind:

Telos (6,000) = Arch (0) + c² : arch kai telos oida {1 + 2 + 3 + 4 = 10}

Where the c² is equivalent to a constant dependent on n, calculated by
the formula:

M = [n(n² + 1)] / 2

The A-U-M aspect of the traditional Chaldean (Babylonian) form of the
Hebrew letters can then be considered as a TRIAGE (ie. the Scales of
Justice) of our vMEMETIC view of the GRAPPLE HOMOIOTIC NOUMENON--Which
appears to be the thematic character of the Letters Patent to the
Australian Constitution of 1901."

Whilst the Roman Catholic Church showed some disrespect towards the
enactment of the Australian Constitution of 1901: "Both Patrick Francis
Moran (16 September 1830 – 16 August 1911) was the third Roman Catholic
Archbishop of Sydney (14 March 1884) and the first Australian Cardinal
(27 July 1885 with the title of Saint Susanna) and the Anglican
Archbishop, Saumarez Smith, were in favour of Section 116 of the
Constitution of 1901, which prevented Sabbatarian legislation, and
ensured that the governor-general could not proclaim days of humiliation
and thanksgiving:

'The Seventh-day Adventists had managed a very effective counter
campaign. They were painfully aware that William and Henry Firth had
been sentenced to the stocks in Parramatta on 22 April 1894.

They had been prosecuted by the New South Wales Council of Churches for
working on Sunday. In addition to their in-house paper, the Bible Echo,
they also published the Quarterly Sentinel, and Herald of Liberty,
modeled on a similar journal in the United States of America.

It reached a circulation figure of 4,000 and its emphases were welcomed
by some of the major dailies.

The small Seventh-day Adventist Church was able to exercise such
leverage ... [in] distribut[ing] tracts door-to-door in tens of
thousands and, as a result, won over 22,000 signatures to their petition
against any religious clause or declaration of the belief in the

Even the Bulletin approved of their common sense, but the recognition
petition still managed to gain more than twice the number of signatures,
as well as some weighty political supporters.'

The first referendum on Federation failed on 3 June 1898.

Cardinal Moran, who had unsuccessfully stood for the Convention in 1896,
carefully intervened in the late stages of the campaign prior to the
second referendum, with the result that many priests urged their
parishioners to vote for the bill.'

The issue of prayers in Parliament, and questions of ecclesiastical
precedence, caused some discussion, but the latter was a prerogative
matter. Nevertheless, it caused considerable tension, because of the
symbolic importance of the issues involved.

Cardinal Moran refused to share in the official inauguration ceremony
when his claim to precedence on seniority was rejected. Archbishop
Smith read the prayer on 1 January 1901. Presbyterians also had some
claim to precedence because of links with the Church of Scotland, but
failing that they argued for equality.

At the opening of Parliament, Lord Hopetoun read a prayer, which created
an important precedent. W. Knox and J. T. Walker moved, in each house,
that prayer begin each session. They had the support from all major
church leaders in Victoria, and though some argued that this would break
Section 116 of the Commonwealth's Constitution, the majority agreed that
a standing order was not a law.

But the prayer was theist rather than Christian, showing, yet again,
that lay Christianity was non-sectarian and not interested in issues of
dogma. The prayer was read by the Speaker.

There has never been a chaplain to either house, unlike the practice in
the United States Congress. Only a New Zealand delegate asked about the
constitutional position of the Aborigines, who were completely ignored
in the final drafts." [A History of Churches in Australasia (Churches
and Federation), Oxford History of the Christian Church, Ian Breward
2001, p 219-221]

Thus in my humble opinion, Queen Victoria's Imperial Edict as the
enabling 10 paragraphs (ie. of Roman Numerals) as Letters Patent to the
Australian Constitution of 1901 represents:

arch kai telos oida {1 + 2 + 3 + 4 = 10}

By the good word of God as Divine Graciousness, it was by Queen
Victoria, no less a bestowal of a "HEAVENLY (EPOURANIOS) GIFT (DŌREA)"
which conveys all the necessary "POWERS (DUNAMIS) of the WORLD (AIŌN)"
[Ephesians 3:1-21; Hebrews 6:4-12 (KJV)] as expressing the totality of a
"Sovereign and Autonomous Right", the "Power to Rule" and "Dispense
Justice" by "Edict as a Divine Authority" which can be understood in God
(Godhead/Divine Nature as Mind).

However, it also possesses a latency as the effectual means to bring
about the potential as potency of "Sovereign Autonomy" from a continual
and parental custodial submission to the enabling British Empirical and
Imperial Authority, which is bequeathed in perpetuity to its sovereign

It's realization of potential therefore requires:

a) A coming of age as the self-realization that the Commonwealth of
Australia may become a "Sovereign and Autonomous" entity governing with
authority in its own right;

b) A recognition and gratitude in awareness for Queen Victoria's
bestowal of such a Divine and Gracious gift;

c) Its acceptance and enabling as "Sovereign and Autonomous" entity by
the decoupling of the parental Sovereign control according to the Letter
Patent's thematic structure:



- Nature contains Nature (Scales of Merit: arch kai telos oida {1 + 2 +
3 + 4 = 10})

- (I) Nature contains Nature (The tongue of decree deciding between
them: 10 paragraphs of the Letters Patent of the Australian Constitution
1 January 1901)

- (IX) Autonomous Nature (Scales of liability: bequeathed in perpetuity
to its sovereign descendants)

Thus, with respects to my having also been a silent witness, comforting
the afflicted and tormented, in observing on several occasions Cardinal
(then Archbishop) George Pell's refusal of communion to all individuals
wearing a rainbow sash, at Saint Patrick's Cathedral, Melbourne on:


.jackNote@zen: 6, row: 2, col: 8, nous: 30 [Super: #244 / #21 - Guiding
the Physical, Emptying the Heart; I-Ching: H31 - Influence; Tetra: 42 -
Going to Meet, Ego: #418 / #30 - Government without Coercion, Be Chary
of War; I-Ching: H45 - Congregation; Tetra: 59 - Massing]

I quote now from section #21 of Richard John Lynn's translation related
to the Chinese Classic on the Way of Virtue known as Tao Te Ching:

"A capacity for the virtue of emptiness, this alone allows conformance
with the Dao.

The Dao as such is but dim, is but dark (ie. the appearance of that
which is formless and not attached to anything).

Dark, oh, dim, oh, but within it some image is there. Dim, oh, dark,
oh, but within it something is there.

Abstruse, oh, indistinct, oh, but within it the essence of things is there.

Its essence is most authentic, for within it authentication occurs.

From antiquity until now, its name has never been revoked.

We use it to convey what the father of everything is.

How do I know that the father of everything is so? It is by this."

I quote now from section #30 of Richard John Lynn's translation related
to the Chinese Classic on the Way of Virtue known as Tao Te Ching:

"One who would assist the ruler of men in accordance with the Dao does
not use military force to gain power over all under Heaven.

As for such matters, he is wont to let them revert (ie. rebound: those
that live by the sword die by the sword)."

Where armies deploy, there *thistles* and *thorns* grow [cf: Hebrews
6:8]. The aftermath of great military operations is surely a year of famine.

One good at this desists when result (ie. result [guo] means relief
[ji]) is had and dares not use the opportunity to seize military supremacy.

Have result but do not take credit for it; have result but do not boost
about it; have result but do not take pride in it;

Have result but only when there is no choice; have result but do not try
to gain military supremacy.

Once a thing reaches its prime, it grows old. We say it goes against
the Dao, and what is against the Dao comes to an early end. (ie. a
whirlwind does not last an entire morning, and a rainstorm does not last
an entire day; Thus a sudden rise surely goes against the Dao and will
come to an early end)"


.jackNote@zen: 6, row: 3, col: 4, nous: 42 [Super: #382 / #49 - Sage's
Constancy, Trust in Virtue; I-Ching: H3 - Initial Difficulties; Tetra: 4
- Barrier, Ego: #385 / #42 - Generating Things, Reason's Modifications;
I-Ching: H60 - Restraint; Tetra: 52 - Measure]

I quote now from section #49 of Richard John Lynn's translation related
to the Chinese Classic on the Way of Virtue known as Tao Te Ching:

"The sage has no constant heart/mind [changxin] but takes the heart/mind
of the common folk as his heart/mind.

The good I regard as good; those who are not good I also regard as good.

This is to transform goodness into virtue.

The trustworthy I trust; those who are not trustworthy I also trust.
This is to transform trust into virtue. The sage resides among all
under Heaven with perfect equanimity and impartiality and for the sake
of all under Heaven merges his heart/mind with theirs. [The common folk
all fix their ears and eyes on him.

And the sage treats them all as his children."

I quote now from section #42 of Richard John Lynn's translation related
to the Chinese Classic on the Way of Virtue known as Tao Te Ching:

+ 0, 27, 54 {ie. Realm of its Nature as Heaven - Formula of Universal Law}
+ 0, 9, 18 {ie. System's Cosmology as Earth - Formula of Humanity}
+ 0, 3, 6 {ie. Self identity - Formula of Autonomy}
+ 1, 2, 3 {ie. Formula of Progression of individual phenomena as myriad
of things (Wan Wu)}

= Tetragrammation hierarchy value as NUMBER.

+ 0, 81, 9(9²+1)/2 = #369 {ie. Organization of the myriad or number of

"The Dao begets the ONE; the ONE begets TWO; TWO begets THREE; and THREE
beget the myriad things. The myriad things, bearing yin and embracing
yang, form a unified harmony through the fusing of these vital forces."

COMMENTARY: "Although the myriad things [Wan Wu] exist in a myriad of
forms, they all revert to the ONE. What is it due to that they all
ultimately become ONE? It is due to nothingness [Wu]."

IMAGE: Author consoling Catholic mother of a gay son & PFLAG President,
Nanette McGregor - The Rainbow Sash Protest (Refusal of Communion) on
'Pentecost Sunday' 31 May 1998, Saint Patrick's Cathedral, Melbourne

The Australian newspaper (front page) of 1 June 1998


(c) 1 June 1998 - James Croucher (photographer), News Ltd / Newspix,
Licenced for Facebook usage only

"What people most hate are 'the orphan', 'the widower', and 'the
unworthy', yet lords and princes use these terms to refer to themselves.
Thus it is that, some are augmented by being diminished, and others
are diminished by being augmented.

What others teach, I also teach.

The dangerously bold do not get to die a natural death [Job 36:2-20], so
I am going to use them as fathers of my teaching."

That Cardinal (then Archbishop) George Pell has acted presumptuously in
the mistaken and delusional belief, that in becoming a Vatican
City/State within 1929, he has therefore a prerogative by means of a
"symbolic dogma" to disparage and contravene as an unbridled act of
treason, the "Sovereign and Autonomous Right", the immutable "Power to
Rule" and "Dispense Justice" by the absolute "Edict as a Divine
Authority" previously bestowed by Queen Victoria's Gracious and Divine
Gift as provisioned by the Letters Patent to the Australian Constitution
of 1901.

Thus given my clarification of a prerogative to "Sovereign and
Autonomous Right" by the absolute "Edict as a Divine Authority", if it
does not give rise to a spontaneous class action by competent lawyers on
behalf of "all individuals wearing a rainbow sash" suffering religious
persecution as damages of "affliction and torment".

That such continuing and prolonged belligerence shown by the legal
fraternity as contempt similarly directed towards any transcendent
recognition of a prerogative to "Sovereign and Autonomous Right" under
the Australian Constitution of 1901. Should in my view, not only deny
them the right to continue in the practice of law within Australia, but
subject them to a term of imprisonment.

In thus manner, the Roman Catholic Church and its Vatican City/State is
brought to the Gates of Hell, it's fall from God's Grace is made
dramatic, with no capable means for redemption: "For it is impossible
for those who were once enlightened, and have tasted of the HEAVENLY
(EPOURANIOS) GIFT (DŌREA: a gratuity:--gift), and were made partakers of
the Holy Ghost.

And have tasted the good word of God, and the powers (DUNAMIS: force
[literally or figuratively]; specifically miraculous power [usually by
implication a miracle itself]:--ability, abundance, meaning, mighty
deed], [worker of miracles], power, strength, violence, mighty wonderful
work) of the WORLD (AIŌN) to come.

If they shall fall away, to renew them again unto repentance; *seeing*
*they* *crucify* *to* *themselves* *the* *Son* *of* *God* *afresh*, and
put him to open shame.

For the earth which drinketh in the rain that cometh oft upon it, and
bringeth forth herbs meet for them by whom it is dressed, receiveth
blessing from God:

But that which beareth *thorns* and *briers* is rejected, and is nigh
unto cursing, whose end-TELOS is burned.

But, beloved, we are persuaded better things of you, and things that
accompany salvation, though we thus speak.

For God is not unrighteous to forget your work and labour of love, which
ye have shewed toward his name, in that ye have ministered to the saints
and do minister.

And we desire that every one of you do shew the same diligence to the
full assurance of hope unto the end-TELOS: That ye be not slothful, but
followers of them through faith and patience inherit the promises."
[Hebrews 6:4-12 (KJV)]

dolf: "You evidently didn't read my post in its entirety because it was
substantial and integral, such that it would be self evident as being
the product of a sound and enlightened mind who knows the Creator God
and his son by which it all came to being."

SEE ALSO: "Morality, Piety, Value Systems and Lawful Christian Religious
Belief" [Part 2]:


The Orthodox Christians’ observance of Christmas Day on or near January
7 is not a nationwide public holiday in the United States. However,
parking and traffic around Orthodox Christian churches may be busy
around this time of the year.

There are Orthodox Churches in the United States that recognize the
holiday dates according to the Julian calendar, for example the Russian,
Ukrainian, and Serbian Orthodox Churches. Christmas is still on December
25 in the Julian calendar so the January 7 date is only valid between
1901 and 2100. The Gregorian date for Orthodox Christmas will be January
8 in 2101 if the Julian calendar is still used.

The Julian calendar was revised in 1923 and this version is more in line
with the Gregorian calendar. Some Orthodox churches follow the revised
Julian calendar but many Orthodox churches still follow the more
traditional Julian calendar, which has the original dates for Christian
observances prior to the Gregorian calendar’s introduction.

According to the Orthodox Church in America, many Americans of Orthodox
Christian faith celebrate Christmas according to the revised Julian



Jun 18, 2016, 2:05:12 AM6/18/16
Dear Vladimir Putin,

Doesn't the Russian Orthodox church still use the Julian Calendar
associated with Roman Empire (HETEROS) governance as Satanism?

So you might need [to] think about the virtue of sharing Hell with
Hitler and having your soul rescued from Satan...
Thus we arrive at the quintessential homoerotic language as the source
for the idea of religious prohibitions on homosexuality and lesbianism,
which is held as a common historical dogma and tradition as being God
given, is based on a misconception.

The Biblical notion being advanced, is made in relation to being mindful
in our knowing of God (ie. not changing the truth of God into a lie),
which is expressed by the Apostle Paul about not having a mindset
encapsulated by the profession of wisdom that is contradictory (ie. a
situation in which inconsistent elements are present) and ostensibly
presumptuous conduct, as our ability of the mind to not be intentioned
by the preoccupation in the engagement of foolishness and vain

The apparent incongruity and inconsistent attribution with this paradigm
is that according to the Pythagorean HETEROS (ie. Gender and spermatic)
basis of the Theory of Number and the foundation of religious dogma on
the sacredness of male/female marriage actually depicts God as ONE and
having IT attributed by being Hermaphrodite (ie. Being both male and

Thus if God has both sexual organs is IT then homosexual, lesbian,
bisexual or heterosexual by nature?

Encapsulated knowledge is not precisely explicit, even though this term
has generally been juxtaposed with tacit knowledge, because it is
knowledge concealed from its users, and explicitness implies observability.

An example of this conception as the concealment of encapsulated
knowledge relating to the religious mysteries associated with a
perspective on the constant sequence of the sun/moon cycle and the
ordering of male/female as the canonical model for all eternity. Is
that of a book titled, "The Canon of Supreme (secret) Mystery" by Yang
Hsiung, which provides a treatise on time attributed schemas concerning
the amalgam of the #64 elements comprising the I CHING and the #81
elements comprising the DAO TE CHING as concerns for Chinese empire
governance published in 4 BCE.


Jun 18, 2016, 5:47:03 AM6/18/16
-- Morality, Piety, Value Systems and Lawful Christian Religious Belief

(c) 2016 Dolf Leendert Boek, Revision: 18 June, 2016

dolf: "Hail God of Hymen!

What do you say to the claim that Jubilee 2000 celebrations was the
worship of Satanism?


1) The RUDIMENTS (STOICHEION: something orderly in arrangement:
Pythagorean HETEROS Theory of Number (1 ... 10), that is [by
implication] a serial basal, fundamental, initial constituent: It's
reliance upon a progression of #15 ... #369 Magic Squares; [literally],
proposition [figuratively]:--element, principle, rudiment)

OF THE WORLD (KOSMOS: orderly arrangement, that is a decoration; by
implication the world [in a wide or narrow sense, including its
inhabitants, literally or figuratively or morally]:—adorning, world)

2) "And having spoiled PRINCIPALITIES (ARCHE: [properly abstract] a
commencement, or [concrete] chief in various applications of order,
time, place or rank:--beginning, corner, at the first estate,
magistrate, power, principality, principle, rule)

and POWERS, (EXOUSIA: in the sense of ability; privilege, that is,
[subjectively] force, capacity, competency, freedom, or [objectively]
mastery [concretely magistrate, superhuman, potentate, token of
control], delegated influence:--authority, jurisdiction, *liberty*,
power, right, strength)

HE (ie. Jesus of Nazareth) made a show of them openly, triumphing over
them in it." [Colossians 2:15-23 (KJV)]

3) The fellowship of the MYSTERY, which from the BEGINNING OF THE WORLD
(AIŌN: properly an age; by extension perpetuity and also past; by
implication the world; specifically [Jewish] a Messianic period [present
or future]:--age, course, eternal, for-ever-more], never, [beginning of
the, while the] world [began, without end])

hath been hid in God, who created all things by Jesus Christ: To the
intent that now unto the PRINCIPALITIES (ARCHE: see above) AND POWERS
(EXOUSIA: [eg: the *Statue* *of* *Liberty* *is* *a* *colossal*
*neoclassical* *sculpture* *on* *Liberty* *Island* *in* *New* *York*
*Harbor* *in* *New* *York* *City*, *in* *the* *United* *States* *of*
*America*]; see above) IN HEAVENLY PLACES (EPOURANIOS: above the
sky:--celestial, in heavenly, high; celestial hierarchy) might be known
by the church the manifold WISDOM (SOPHIA) of God." [Ephesians 3:1-21 (KJV)]

4) "And the devil, taking him up into an high mountain, showed unto him
all the KINGDOMS (BASILEIA: properly royalty, that is, [abstractly]
rule, or [concretely] a realm [literally or figuratively]:--kingdom, +
reign) of the WORLD (OIKOUMENĒ: land, that is, the [terrene part of the]
globe; specifically the Roman empire:--earth, world) in a moment of time.

And the devil said unto him, 'All this power (EXOUSIA) will I give thee,
and the glory of them: for that is delivered unto me; and to whomsoever
I will I give it. If thou therefore wilt worship me, all shall be thine.'

And Jesus {savior; deliverer} answered and said unto him, 'Get thee
behind me, Satan: for it is written, Thou shalt worship the Lord thy
God, and him only shalt thou serve.'" [Luke 4:5-24 (KJV)]

5) "Then saith Pilate {armed with a dart} unto him, 'Speakest thou not
unto me? Knowest thou not that I have power (EXOUSIA) to crucify thee,
and have power (EXOUSIA) to release thee?'

Jesus answered, 'Thou couldest have *no* *power* (EXOUSIA) *at* *all*
*against* *me*, *except* *it* *were* *given* *thee* *from* *above*
(ANŌTHEN: from above; by analogy from the first; by implication
anew:--from above, again, from the beginning, very first, the top):
*therefore* *he* *that* *delivered* *me* unto thee *hath* *the*
*greater* *sin*'.

And from thenceforth Pilate {armed with a dart} sought to release him:
but the Jews cried out, saying, 'If thou let this man go, thou art not
Caesar's friend: *whosoever* *maketh* *himself* *a* *king* *speaketh*
*against* *Caesar*.'" [John 19:10-12 (KJV)]

6) "For it is impossible for those who were once enlightened, and have
tasted of the HEAVENLY (EPOURANIOS) GIFT (DŌREA: a gratuity:--gift), and
were made partakers of the Holy Ghost.

And have tasted the good word of God, and the powers (DUNAMIS: force
[literally or figuratively]; specifically miraculous power [usually by
implication a miracle itself]:--ability, abundance, meaning, mighty
deed], [worker of miracles], power, strength, violence, mighty wonderful
work) of the WORLD (AIŌN) to come.

If they shall fall away, to renew them again unto repentance; *seeing*
*they* *crucify* *to* *themselves* *the* *Son* *of* *God* *afresh*, and
put him to open shame." [Hebrews 6:4-12 (KJV)]

THE SECOND COMING by William Butler YEATS, written in 1919

Turning and turning in the widening gyre
The falcon cannot hear the falconer;
Things fall apart; the centre cannot hold;
Mere anarchy is loosed upon the world,
The blood-dimmed tide is loosed, and everywhere
The ceremony of innocence is drowned;
The best lack all conviction, while the worst
Are full of passionate intensity.

Surely some revelation is at hand;
Surely the Second Coming is at hand.
The Second Coming! Hardly are those words out
When a vast image out of Spiritus Mundi
Troubles my sight: somewhere in sands of the desert
A shape with lion body and the head of a man,
A gaze blank and pitiless as the sun,
Is moving its slow thighs, while all about it
Reel shadows of the indignant desert birds.
The darkness drops again; but now I know
That twenty centuries of stony sleep
Were vexed to nightmare by a rocking cradle,
And what rough beast, its hour come round at last,
Slouches towards Bethlehem {house of bread} to be born?


Uploaded on 21 November, 2010


ENGLISH FACULTY, Published on 14 October, 2014

GYRE {ie. Primary: External Fate (Physical Space/Moral Objective);
Antithetical: Internal Destiny (Spiritual Time/Aesthetical)}


For a further elucidation (ie. annulment of the series #15 ... #34 ...
#65) of this see Facebook Post:




There will be no more pleasant talk between us, as I will curse you with
every word from my mouth, such is my God ordained right to do so.

Your opportunity for repentance is gone.

You have lost your soul."

Duke (Catholic) Earl Weber: "God doesn't give us desires. He gives us
the good sense and the proper guidance to get us to elect to turn
against the hate, bad, wrong and to embrace the love, good, right in
love of God.

Barry (Athiest/Heisenberg) O'Grady: "Why doesn't God give us desirable

Duke (Catholic) Earl Weber: "You refused them."

Gordon ( "God gave us suitable desires as you suggest
but Satan is also in the midst of our thinking and he has burdened us
with those undesirable desires. And, God is using our exposure to this
as a means for maturing us to a suitable level of understanding and
controlling those desires. It is God's intention that we will mature to
a level that will make us suitable for immortality and absolute

Absolute sovereignty would never have been possible had God
pre-programmed us as perfectly behaved puppets, nor would intimidating
us into compliance as slaves have worked. The only process that will
work is to let us learn by direct and indirect exposure to the effects
of sin and rebellion. When we've completed this learning phase we will
then do God's will exactly, because God's will and our individual,
sovereign personal wills shall then be exactly the same."

Gys de Jongh ( "Thanks Gordon, that explains it all.

You are so good in this, why don't you start a religion yourself?

Or are you GOD?

Testing his creatures on Usenet?"

Barry (Athiest/Heisenberg) O'Grady: "Why does God cause Satan to act
that way?"

Gordon ( "Satan's behavior was [and] is a matter of his
sovereign will and non-compliance with the will of God."

Barry (Athiest/Heisenberg) O'Grady: "Why does God want that?"

Gordon ( "Satan and the fallen angels had no experience
or in-depth understanding from hands on learning about the effects of
sin and rebellion. Had God deleted Satan and those fallen angels it
would likely have been only a matter of time before another group of
God's angels went the same way."

Barry (Athiest/Heisenberg) O'Grady: "Has God lost control of his creation?"

Gordon ( "The key point in all this is that there is no
way any of us could use our sovereign will to learn about the effects of
sin and rebellion.

God had to let Satan go into this and let us humans go along for the
learning process."

Barry (Athiest/Heisenberg) O'Grady: "Sounds like Satan is an essential
part of God's plan and that Satan will have a special wonderful place in
heaven when this is all over.

Should we worship Satan for his part in our redemption?"

dolf: "Catholic cockroaches ought to learn *procreational* restraint and
breed only within their economic means (animals by nature breed when
nature is conducive -- but not Catholics)

Do cease being so carnally promiscuous as locusts and some of you ought
to die off."

Lest you become a bare, destitute and economically failed State such as
is occurring within South America.

God forsaken Christ-murderers that they are."

Rod (Catholic): "I had nothing at all to do with whatever crazy stuff is
going on in your life, Dolt ... sorry ... I mean Dolf.

If you weren't completely a loon I wouldn't be laughing so hard!

You are cracking me up!"

Duke (Catholic) Earl Weber: "He's a total waste."

dolf: "Another person with a lost eternity -- enjoy your temporal
reality and mind while it lasts..."

Nadegda (Atheist): "I'm pretty sure Kensi is too rational in her outlook
to fear your invented hell."

Kensi (Atheist): "You would be correct:

'To explain the unknown by the known is a logical procedure; to explain
the known by the unknown is a form of theological lunacy.' [Quote from
David Brook]"

dolf: "You stupid, perverse and depraved bitches (ie. [informal] a
spiteful or unpleasant woman) wouldn't realize that the paradigm I'm
advocating is entirely a logical matter of rational and reasoned mind as
a similitude of the Divine Mind (Godhead)."

Nadegda (Atheist): "[SMACK A KOOK!]

Oh, boy, *now* you've done it.

*goes to fetch the popcorn*"

dolf: "I guess you missed the logical and metaphysical proposition I
make below.

As an atheist, since you have no moral compass (ie. used in reference to
a person's ability to judge what is right and wrong and act
accordingly), do you know what logical impetus drives your carnal mania
as a hellish (ie. [informal] extremely difficult or unpleasant) ethos?"

Sergio ( @ 0914 hours on 16 June 2016: "So, how long have
you been this way?"

Nous: #32
Time: 09:10 hrs
Date: 2016.8.9
Torah: #80 #5 #30 %81 = #34
Dao: Natural Guide, Virtue of Holiness
Tetra: #43 - Encounters
I-Ching:H44 - Coming On

Latin: Bonus {Redemptor God} Alt: Chabaoyah {Hide Within God} {
4. Sothis - The Opener of the Year with the rising of Sirius {the
Dog-Star} as the Star of Isis-Sothis on whose rising the Great Bear
cycle was founded

Abraham {Father of a multitude, chief of multitude}

For a further elucidation of this Angel/Daemon see Facebook Posts:

GENESIS [GREEK]) of 24 March - 8 May, 2016





#6, #2, #40, #60, #200, #40 - mocar (H4561): 1) discipline, correction;

"Then he openeth the ears of men, and sealeth their instruction
{mocar-instruction [H4561]: #348}," [Job 33:16]

#6, #40, #70, #200, #2, #10, #20 - ma`arab (H4627): 1) merchandise,
articles of exchange;

"Thy riches, and thy fairs, thy merchandise {ma`arab-merchandise
[H4627]: #348}, thy mariners, and thy pilots, thy calkers, and the
occupiers of thy merchandise {ma`arab-merchandise [H4627]: #348}, and
all thy men of war, that are in thee, and in all thy company which is in
the midst of thee, shall fall into the midst of the seas in the day of
thy ruin." [Ezekiel 27:27]

"When thy wares went forth out of the seas, thou filledst many people;
thou didst enrich the kings of the earth with the multitude of thy
riches and of thy merchandise {ma`arab-merchandise [H4627]: #348}."
[Ezekiel 27:33]

"In the time when thou shalt be broken by the seas in the depths of the
waters thy merchandise {ma`arab-merchandise [H4627]: #348} and all thy
company in the midst of thee shall fall." [Ezekiel 27:34]

#30, #300, #10, #8 - siyach (H7878): 1) to put forth, mediate, muse,
commune, speak, complain, ponder, sing; 1a) (Qal); 1a1) to complain;
1a2) to muse, meditate upon, study, ponder; 1a3) to talk, sing, speak;
1b) (Polel) to meditate, consider, put forth thoughts;

"Sing unto him, sing psalms unto him, talk {siyach-talk [H7878]: #348}
ye of all his wondrous works." [1Chronicles 16:9]

"Therefore I will not refrain my mouth; I will speak in the anguish of
my spirit; I will complain {siyach-talk [H7878]: #348} in the bitterness
of my soul." [Job 7:11];

"I remembered God, and was troubled: I complained {siyach-talk [H7878]:
#348}, and my spirit was overwhelmed. Selah." [Psalm 77:3]

"*Let* *the* *proud* *be* *ashamed*; *for* *they* *dealt* *perversely*
*with* *me* *without* *a* *cause*: but I will meditate {siyach-talk
[H7878]: #348} in thy precepts." [Psalm 119:78]

"I remember the days of old; I meditate on all thy works; I muse
{siyach-talk [H7878]: #348} on the work of thy hands." [Psalm 143:5]

"I will speak {siyach-talk [H7878]: #348} of the glorious honour of thy
majesty, and of thy wondrous works." [Psalm 145:5]

"He was taken from prison and from judgment: and who shall declare
{siyach-talk [H7878]: #348} his generation? For he was cut off out of
the land of the living: for the transgression of my people was he
stricken." [Isaiah 53:8]

#5, #80, #1, #3, #3, #5, #30, #10, #1, #10, #200 - epaggelia (G1860): 1)
announcement; 2) promise; 2a) the act of promising, a promise given or
to be given; 2b) a promised good or blessing;

"For the promise {epaggelia-promise [G1860]: #348} is unto you, and to
your children, and to all that are afar off, even as many as the Lord
our God shall call." [Acts 2:39]

"But do not thou yield unto them: for there lie in wait for him of them
more than forty men, which have bound themselves with an oath, that they
will neither eat nor drink till they have killed him: and now are they
ready, looking for a promise {epaggelia-promise [G1860]: #348} from
thee." [Acts 23:21]

"That is, They which are the children of the flesh, these are not the
children of God: but the children of the promise {epaggelia-promise
[G1860]: #348} are counted for the seed." [Romans 9:8]

#20, #10, #50, #8, #200, #10, #50 - kinesis (G2796): 1) a moving, agitation;

"In these lay a great multitude of impotent folk, of blind, halt,
withered, waiting for the moving {kinesis-moving [G2796]: #348} of the
water." [John 5:3]


#40, #300, #6, #5 - shavah (H7737): 1) to agree with, be or become like,
level, resemble; 2) (Piel) to set, place; 1a) (Qal); 1a1) to be like;
1a2) equivalent (participle); 1a3) to set, place; 1a4) setting
(participle); 1b) (Piel) to level, smooth, still; 1c) (Hiphil) to make
like; 1d) (Nithpael) to be alike;

"'To whom then will ye liken me, or shall I be equal {shavah-laid
[H7737]: #351}?' saith the Holy One." [Isaiah 40:25]

"To whom will ye liken me, and make me equal {shavah-laid [H7737]:
#351}, and compare me, that we may be like?" [Isaiah 46:5]

"What thing shall I take to witness for thee? What thing shall I liken
to thee, O daughter of Jerusalem {vision of peace}? What shall I equal
{shavah-laid [H7737]: #351} to thee, that I may comfort thee, O virgin
daughter of Zion {monument; raised up; sepulcher}? For thy breach is
great like the sea: who can heal thee?" [Lamentations 2:13]

"Israel {who prevails with God} is an empty vine, he bringeth
{shavah-laid [H7737]: #351} forth {shavah-laid [H7737]: #351} fruit unto
himself: according to the multitude of his fruit he hath increased the
altars; according to the goodness of his land they have made goodly
images." [Hosea 10:1]

#30, #1, #70, #4, #10, #20, #5, #10, #1, #200 - Laodikeia (G2993): 1) a
city of Phrygia {dry; barren}, situated on the river Lycus not far from
Colosse {punishment; correction}. It was the seat of the Christian
church. It was destroyed by an earthquake in 66 CE and rebuilt by Marcus
Aurelius [Latin: Marcus Aurelius Antoninus Augustus]: (26 April 121 - 17
March 180 CE) was Roman Emperor from 161 to 180 CE.

He was the last of the Five Good Emperors, and is also considered one of
the most important Stoic philosophers.

"Salute the brethren which are in Laodicea {just people;
Laodikeia-Laodicea [G2993]: #351}, and Nymphas {spouse; bridegroom}, and
the church which is in his house." [Colossians 4:15]

"And when this epistle is read among you, cause that it be read also in
the church of the Laodiceans {just people}; and that ye likewise read
the epistle from Laodicea {just people; Laodikeia-Laodicea [G2993]:
#351}." [Colossians 4:16]

"Which some professing have erred concerning the faith. Grace be with
thee. Amen." [1Timothy 6:21]

"Saying, I am Alpha and Omega, the first-PRŌTOS and the last-ESCHATOS:
(ie. the beginning-ARCHE and the ending-TELOS [Revelation 1:8]) and,
What thou seest, write in a book, and send it unto the seven churches
which are in Asia; unto Ephesus {desirable}, and unto Smyrna {myrrh:
bitter}, and unto Pergamos {height; elevation}, and unto Thyatira {a
perfume; sacrifice of labor}, and unto Sardis {prince of joy}, and unto
Philadelphia {love of a brother}, and unto Laodicea {just people;
Laodikeia-Laodicea [G2993]: #351}." [Revelation 1:11]

In that regard, I have as an Intellectual Property, a mathematical
paradigm as an alternative HOMOIOS Theory of Number being a theoretical
and metaphysical noumenon, conception of the Godhead/Divine and a
determined contrivance associated with attributed time (COURSE-trochos
OF NATURE-genesis), rationality and the reasoned mind:

Telos (6,000) = Arch (0) + c² : arch kai telos oida {1 + 2 + 3 + 4 = 10}

Where the c² is equivalent to a constant dependent on n, calculated by
the formula:

M = [n(n² + 1)] / 2




.jackNote@zen: 3, row: 4, col: 6, nous: 32 [Time: 0910 hrs, Super: #348
/ #54 - Culturing Perspectives and Intuition; I-Ching: H55 - Abundance;
Tetra: 45 - Greatness, Ego: #351 / #32 - Natural Guide, Virtue of
Holiness; I-Ching: H44 - Coming On; Tetra: 43 - Encounters]


@memeBrain [Telos: #160, Super: #36 - Natural Reversals, 'Secret'
Explanation; I-Ching: H4 - Youthful Inexperience; Tetra: 12 -
Youthfulness, Ego: #79 - Recognizing Agreements, Keeping Obligations;
I-Ching: H56 - Wanderer; Tetra: 31 - Packing]


#2, #4, #10, #20 = bad (H907): 1) empty talk, idle talk, liar, lie;

"Should thy lies {bad-lie [H907]: #36} make men hold their peace? And
when thou mockest, shall no man make thee ashamed?" [Job 11:3]

"I will not conceal his parts, nor his power, nor his comely
proportion." [Job 41:12]

"We have heard of the pride of Moab {of his father}; he is very proud:
even of his haughtiness, and his pride, and his wrath: but his lies
{bad-lie [H907]: #36} shall not be so." [Isaiah 16:6]

"That frustrateth the tokens of the liars {bad-lie [H907]: #36}, and
maketh diviners mad; that turneth wise men backward, and maketh their
knowledge foolish;" [Isaiah 44:25]

"I know his wrath, saith the LORD; but it shall not be so; his lies
{bad-lie [H907]: #36} shall not so effect it." [Jeremiah 48:30]

"A sword is upon the liars {bad-lie [H907]: #36}; and they shall dote: a
sword is upon her mighty men; and they shall be dismayed." [Jeremiah 50:36]

#2, #4, #30 = badal (H915): 1) a piece, severed piece, a piece (of an ear);

"Thus saith the LORD; As the shepherd taketh out of the mouth of the
lion two legs, or a piece {badal-piece [H915]: #36} of an ear; so shall
the children of Israel {who prevails with God} be taken out that dwell
in Samaria {watch-mountain} in the corner of a bed, and in Damascus {a
sack full of blood; the similitude of burning} in a couch." [Amos 3:12]


#6, #40, #1, #2, #30 = 'ebel (H60): 1) mourning; 1a) for the dead; 1b)
for rites of mourning (metaph); 1c) mourning garb; 1d) period of mourning;

"Therefore the LORD, the God of hosts, the Lord, saith thus; Wailing
shall be in all streets; and they shall say in all the highways, Alas!
Alas! And they shall call the husbandman to mourning {'ebel-mourning
[H60]: #79}, and such as are skilful of lamentation to wailing." [Amos 5:16]

"And I will turn your feasts into mourning {'ebel-mourning [H60]: #79},
and all your songs into lamentation; and I will bring up sackcloth upon
all loins, and baldness upon every head; and I will make it as the
mourning {'ebel-mourning [H60]: #79} of an only son, and the end thereof
as a bitter day." [Amos 8:10]

"Therefore I will wail and howl, I will go stripped and naked: I will
make a wailing like the dragons, and mourning {'ebel-mourning [H60]:
#79} as the owls." [Micah 1:8]

#40, #2, #2, #30, #5 = Babel (H894): 1) Babel or Babylon, the ancient
site and/or capital of Babylonia (modern Hillah) situated on the Euphrates;

"Then came Isaiah {the salvation of the Lord} the prophet unto king
Hezekiah {strength of the Lord}, and said unto him, 'What said these men?

And from whence came they unto thee?'

And Hezekiah {strength of the Lord} said, 'They are come from a far
country, even from Babylon {incongruity; confusion; mixture;
Babel-Babylon [H894]: #79}.'" [2Kings 20:14]

"Behold, the days come, that all that is in thine house, and that which
thy fathers have laid up in store unto this day, shall be carried into
Babylon {Babel-Babylon [H894]: #79}: nothing shall be left, saith the
LORD." [2Kings 20:17]


@memeBrain [Telos: #3769, Super: #34 - Great Guide, Trust in its
Perfection; I-Ching: H18 - Arresting Decay; Tetra: 27 - Duties, Ego: #43
- Absolute Negation, It's Universal Application; I-Ching: H50 -
Cauldron; Tetra: 44 - Stove]


#5, #4, #6, #4, #1, #10, #40 = duwday (H1736): 1) mandrake, love-apple;
1a) as *exciting* *sexual* *desire*, and *favouring* *procreation*;

"The mandrakes {duwday-mandrake [H1736]: #70} give a smell, and at our
gates are all manner of pleasant fruits, new and old, which I have laid
up for thee, O my beloved." [Songs 7:13]

#1, #9, #10, #30, #20 = tuwl (H2904): 1) to hurl, cast; 1a) (Pilpel) to
throw away, carry away, hurl; 1b) (Hiphil) to throw, cast, cast out; 1c)
(Hophal); 1c1) to be hurled, hurled down; 1c2) to be cast, be thrown, be
cast out, be thrown down;

"The lot is cast {tuwl-cast [H2904]: #70} into the lap; but the whole
disposing thereof is of the LORD." [Proverbs 16:33]

"Behold, the LORD will carry {tuwl-cast [H2904]: #70} thee away with a
mighty captivity, and will surely cover thee." [Isaiah 22:17]

"Therefore will I cast {tuwl-cast [H2904]: #70} you out of this land
into a land that ye know not, neither ye nor your fathers; and there
shall ye serve other gods day and night; where I will not show you
favour." [Jeremiah 16:13]

#10, #30, #30 = yelel (H3214): 1) a howling (of beasts);

"He found him in a desert land, and in the waste howling {yelel-howling
[H3214]: #70} wilderness; he led him about, he instructed him, he kept
him as the apple of his eye." [Deuteronomy 32:10]

#6, #2, #40, #8, #6, #3, #5 = mechuwgah (H4230): 1) circle-instrument,

"The carpenter stretcheth out his rule; he marketh it out with a line;
he fitteth it with planes, and he marketh it out with the compass
{mechuwgah-compass [H4230]: #70}, and maketh it after the figure of a
man, according to the beauty of a man; that it may remain in the house."
[Isaiah 44:13]


#6, #5, #70, #30, #5, #6 = `alah (H5927): 1) to go up, ascend, climb;
1a) (Qal); 1a1) to go up, ascend; 1a2) to meet, visit, follow, depart,
withdraw, retreat; 1a3) to go up, come up (of animals); 1a4) to spring
up, grow, shoot forth (of vegetation); 1a5) to go up, go up over, rise
(of natural phenomenon); 1a6) to come up (before God); 1a7) to go up, go
up over, extend (of boundary); 1a8) to excel, be superior to; 1b)
(Niphal); 1b1) to be taken up, be brought up, be taken away; 1b2) to
take oneself away; 1b3) to be exalted; 1c) (Hiphil); 1c1) to bring up,
cause to ascend or climb, cause to go up; 1c2) to bring up, bring
against, take away; 1c3) to bring up, draw up, train; 1c4) to cause to
ascend; 1c5) to rouse, stir up (mentally); 1c6) to offer, bring up (of
gifts); 1c7) to exalt; 1c8) to cause to ascend, offer; 1d) (Hophal);
1d1) to be carried away, be led up; 1d2) to be taken up into, be
inserted in; 1d3) to be offered; 1e) (Hithpael) to lift oneself;

"And when the morning arose {`alah-come [H5927]: #122}, then the angels
hastened Lot, saying, Arise, take thy wife, and thy two daughters, which
are here; lest thou be consumed in the iniquity of the city." [Genesis

"And let us arise, and go {`alah-come [H5927]: #122} up to Bethel {the
house of God}; and I will make there an altar unto God, who answered me
in the day of my distress, and was with me in the way which I went."
[Genesis 35:3]

#2, #70, #40, #4, #6 = `amad (H5975): 1) to stand, remain, endure, take
one's stand; 1a) (Qal); 1a1) to stand, take one's stand, be in a
standing attitude, stand forth, take a stand, present oneself, attend
upon, be or become servant of; 1a2) to stand still, stop (moving or
doing), cease; 1a3) to tarry, delay, remain, continue, abide, endure,
persist, be steadfast; 1a4) to make a stand, hold one's ground; 1a5) to
stand upright, remain standing, stand up, rise, be erect, be upright;
1a6) to arise, appear, come on the scene, stand forth, appear, rise up
or against; 1a7) to stand with, take one's stand, be appointed, grow
flat, grow insipid; 1b) (Hiphil); 1b1) to station, set; 1b2) to cause to
stand firm, maintain; 1b3) to cause to stand up, cause to set up, erect;
1b4) to present (one) before (king); 1b5) to appoint, ordain, establish;
1c) (Hophal) to be presented, be caused to stand, be stood before;

"And Elijah {God the Lord, the strong Lord} said, As the LORD of hosts
liveth, before whom I stand {`amad-stood [H5975]: #122}, I will surely
show myself unto him to day." [1Kings 18:15]

"Wherein the king granted the Jews which were in every city to gather
themselves together, and to stand {`amad-stood [H5975]: #122} for their
life, to destroy, to slay, and to cause to perish, all the power of the
people and province that would assault them, both little ones and women,
and to take the spoil of them for a prey," [Esther 8:11]

"The Jews gathered themselves together in their cities throughout all
the provinces of the king Ahasuerus {prince; head; chief}, to lay hand
on such as sought their hurt: and no man could withstand {`amad-stood
[H5975]: #122} them; for the fear of them fell upon all people." [Esther

"But the other Jews that were in the king's provinces gathered
themselves together, and stood {`amad-stood [H5975]: #122} for their
lives, and had rest from their enemies, and slew of their foes seventy
and five thousand, but they laid not their hands on the prey," [Esther 9:16]

#6, #10, #4, #2, #100 = dabaq (H1692): 1) to cling, stick, stay close,
cleave, keep close, stick to, stick with, follow closely, join to,
overtake, catch; 1a) (Qal); 1a1) to cling, cleave to; 1a2) to stay with;
1b) (Pual) to be joined together; 1c) (Hiphil); 1c1) to cause to cleave
to; 1c2) to pursue closely; 1c3) to overtake; 1d) (Hophal) to be made to

"Therefore shall a man leave his father and his mother, and shall cleave
{dabaq-cleave [H1692]: #122} unto his wife: and they shall be one
flesh." [Genesis 2:24]

"Behold now, thy servant hath found grace in thy sight, and thou hast
magnified thy mercy, which thou hast showed unto me in saving my life;
and I cannot escape to the mountain, lest some evil take {dabaq-cleave
[H1692]: #122} me, and I die:" [Genesis 19:19]

"Ye shall walk after the LORD your God, and fear him, and keep his
commandments, and obey his voice, and ye shall serve him, and cleave
{dabaq-cleave [H1692]: #122} unto him." [Deuteronomy 13:4]

"And there shall cleave {dabaq-cleave [H1692]: #122} nought of the
cursed thing to thine hand: that the LORD may turn from the fierceness
of his anger, and show thee mercy, and have compassion upon thee, and
multiply thee, as he hath sworn unto thy fathers;" [Deuteronomy 13:17]


On the basis of an inferred as implied "Illegality Defense", Legal
Counsel made an application to the Tribunal, for an order to dismiss any
surviving legal claim that I still had before the Tribunal, in that it
had survived an earlier and initial Directions Hearing held sometime in
March 2001. I acquiesced to this application and consequentially some
$6,000 in legal costs were awarded against me. Whilst the Insurer has
never sought to recover those costs, neither has it required for me,
under the provisions of the Salary Continuance Policy, to provide any
further medical evidence in substantiation of a Total and Permanent
Disability claim. And after 12 years of having provided such medical

This wrongful conduct by Peter Riddell, to mischievously represent such
telephone messages as the substance of the allegation, I had engaged
within "criminal" conduct, being then the grounds for an extra-ordinary
VCAT hearing, seeking to dismiss any surviving legal claim. It's
gravity can better be understood, by his 25 January 2013 published
comments, made as Managing Partner of Turks Legal (2002-present)
Melbourne office.

Legal Counsel for the Insurer, Mr. Riddell by hand delivered letter
dated 4 December 2001 to Cate McKenzie, Deputy President,
Anti-Discrimination List, Victorian Civil & Administrative Tribunal,
claiming: "I wish to bring to your attention a most serious matter in
relation to the above proceedings.

The writer has recently received a number of threatening calls from the
Applicant. A report has been made to the Victoria Police who have
considered the matter to be serious. They have noted details of the
threats and have asked to be updated if there are any further occurrences.

A transcript of the threatening messages is attached for your perusal.

This matter has now proceeded through a protracted timetable (see
enclosed documentation) in which Mr Boek has been given the opportunity
by the Tribunal to re-submit voluminous and irrelevant material on
numerous occasions.

The Respondents have real concerns about the manner in which the
Tribunal has managed Mr Boek's complaint, which has now escalated to a
point where the security of the Respondents' representatives has been

In these circumstances, I would request an opportunity to meet with the
Tribunal so it may listen to the voicemail messages and advise as to
what steps VCAT will be taking to address the events which have developed.

I await your urgent response.

Yours faithfully."

The following is a transcript (which may contain transcription and
conceptual errors due to reduced audibility) dated 11 February 2004
obtained from tapes provided by the Victoria Civil & Administrative
Tribunal (anti-discrimination list) as proceedings of 0936 hours 7
December 2001 before Deputy President Ms. Cate McKenzie presiding over
A500 of 2000 in matter of Australian Casualty & Life (AXA Global Group
Insurance) and Mark Capecchi. The proceedings were conducted by
telephone hook-up.


Thank you. Mr Riddell, you are appearing by

MR RIDDELL: Yes, madam, I appear by way of telephone. I also have
Shannon Lindner with me who is a solicitor in the actual legal group.

THE D.PRESIDENT: Very well now, this directions hearing has been called
on as a result of a letter which has been sent by the respondents to the
Tribunal. The best way I can summarise, in effect, what that letter
raised were concerns about certain conduct of Mr Boek which, as I
understand it, has been the subject of a report to police. The reason
why the Tribunal deals with these matters initially at least, unless
there is some exceptional circumstance that would warrant otherwise by
bringing on a directions hearing, is so that the Tribunal can, if
necessary, receive evidence of what the relevant matter is and then
determine how best to deal with it.

In this case, and in fact every case where a directions hearing is held,
if there is a request made by a party to appear by telephone the
Tribunal is very happy to accommodate that request and that is in fact
what has happened today. Now, I might get you, Mr Riddell, to explain
what aspects of Mr Boek's conduct have concerned the respondents and, of
course, I will give you a chance to reply, Mr Boek, after Mr Riddell has
finished. Very well, Mr Riddell.

MR RIDDELL: Thank you, madam. On 30 November [2001] in the morning I
received a telephone call from Mr Boek, a threatening telephone call,
advising that he had left a number of messages for me. I then accessed
those messages on my voice mail and was quite threatened by the content
of those messages and I had grave concerns for my safety and the safety
of my family. I, that morning, contacted the Victoria Police and
reported the matter and they viewed the matter most seriously. They
suggested that I not present myself in the presence of Mr Boek, which is
why I am presenting myself by way of telephone today.

THE D.PRESIDENT: Yes, and as I say, there is no difficulty about that. Yes?

MR RIDDELL: Two messages. I have forwarded to the Tribunal a transcript
of those

THE D.PRESIDENT: Have you a recording of them?

MR RIDDELL: I do and I would like to play that for the Tribunal.

THE D.PRESIDENT: Certainly. May I just, before you do, get my associate
to take an affirmation from you because given the seriousness of the
matter it ought to be on evidence.

MR PETER ANTHONY RIDDELL, affirmed [9.36am on 7 December 2001]

THE D.PRESIDENT: Recording. Thank you. Now, if you would play the tape

MR RIDDELL: If it is not clear please let me know and I will adjust the


TELEPHONE MESSAGE ONE: "Mr Riddell, this is Dolf Boek [calling]. I'm
just wondering whether you['ve been self congratulatory about my
previous submissions to the court and have failed to recognise their
transcendent logic built on time]. They are religious model that
co-ordinates or synchronises over 6000 years to the 9 September of this
year. That means [when this year expires,] my court case will be a
matter of an accusation of fascism against yourself at the company from
which I will not cease until I have your soul.

You may return this message if you like, [number omitted]. You have
until the end of this year and then I would never again turn my hand
against the action that I am going to take. Meaning? I will conclude
when one of us going to the grave."

TELEPHONE MESSAGE TWO: Mr Riddell, Dolf Boek. You do realise that if you
are not prepared to come clean with your justifications of your past
treatment of me that as of the new year we will not be having another
contract because I will not be co-operating with you further and we will
are more likely to go to court at some stage. At some stage you are
going to have to recognise the fact that you are a blasphemer. Your
religious context has no continuing validity and since I am able to
rationally prove that with a mathematical model..... you are going to
understand how forceful and hard metaphysics is."

MR RIDDELL: That concludes the two voice mail messages.


MR RIDDELL: - - - submission that Mr Boek has conducted himself in such
a way that he shows he has no intention of according to the rules of the
court. He has indicated quite clearly that his court case will now be a
matter of fascism against myself and AXA and in those circumstances a
false claim is frivolous and vexatious and should be struck out forthwith.

THE D.PRESIDENT: Boek. Mr Boek? Very well, all right. Now, I will hear
from Mr

MR BOEK: Yes, ma'am, I have - you would have noticed that there were no
actual words of threat. They were words that were based on fact in that
particular phone call. Here I have a particular mathematical model which
is mentioned in that particular phone call. It is based upon a work by
Johann Kepler, a German astronomer born in 1571 to 1630. He came up with
three rules of which I have come up with a fourth:

[Associated to the ephemeral and mundane as a transcendent fecundate
connection to the Vernal and the Autumn Equinox in the 6th year of the
22nd Course of Gamul {a recompense}:

7 x 24 x 13 x 49 = 6J or 294 x 364 days or 365.2423 x 293 years - Vernal
Equinox Wednesday 20 March 1996 / New Moon Thursday 21 March 1996].

His three rules in terms of astronomical cycles were: (1) that the
planet... And then I will get to my bit of relevance to the 6000 years.

THE D.PRESIDENT: Yes, yes, yes.

MR BOEK: (1) That the planets move in elliptical orbits around the sun
which is situated at one of the focus of the ellipses; (2) that the
radius vectors joining each planet to the sun describes equal areas in
equal times; (3) that the ratio of the square of the planet's year to
the cube of the planet's mean distance from the sun is the same for each

Now, what I am suggesting is that the 6000 year cycle fits a
mathematical model on logic and reason called Telos equals Arch plus

Telos [122J3W1D] = Arch [3W1D] + c² [9(9²+1)/2]

That has been my particular field of study as my retirement activity. A
religious pursuit which is, how can I say, an area of contemplative
life. The best model that can currently be exhibited, with regards to
this particular thesis is nothing more than Harry Potter and the
Philosopher Stone. I raise that as a particular point because the
poetry that is used in...


An example of this poetic conception (ie. prophecy in rhyme) that is
written to specific and equivalent Daemon/Angel (shown above) conveyed
by the Grapple Homoiotic noumenon as gematria associations to the
Biblical Hebrew/Greek Lexicon which are obtained from computed categories:


Is my thoughts on the Russell Street, Melbourne bombing of 1300 hours 27
March, 1986.

Answer the phone will ya.
My daughter is in the street.
Answer the phone will ya.
Flesh burning like blazing wheat.

I want to hear her sigh
Answer the phone will ya.
I just don't want her to die.
For God sake, will ya.

Just answer the phone.
There's not a plane in sight.
Don't leave her alone.
What crime this blight?

Blown glass in any shade
And every window sill.
Drawn by empathy of jade.
For the things we hold still.

"Even so the tongue is a little member, and boasteth great things.
Behold, how great a matter a little fire kindleth! And the tongue is a
fire, a world of iniquity: so is the tongue among our members, that it
defileth the whole body, and setteth on fire the course-TROCHOS of
nature-GENESIS; and it is set on fire of hell.

For every kind of beasts, and of birds, and of serpents, and of things
in the sea, is tamed, and hath been tamed of mankind: But the tongue can
no man tame; it is an unruly evil, full of deadly poison. Therewith
bless we God, even the Father; and therewith curse we men, which are
made after the similitude of God." [James 3:5-9 (KJV)]



MR RIDDELL: Madam, could I object?


MR RIDDELL: *I* *am* *not* *sure* *that* *the* *intention* *is*
*entirely* *relevant*. *It* *is* *the* *manner* *in* *which* *I*
*reasonably* *interpreted* *those* *phone* *messages*. *There* *is* *a*
*transcript* *before* *the* *court*. *I* *was* *threatened*.

Mr Boek, by his conduct today and in the past, on any objective view
appears to be unstable. I think it is inappropriate that this matter be


TITLE: "The Illegality Defence: Has your insured been misbehaving?"

Insurers and superannuation fund trustees assessing life and disability
claims may have cause to consider an insured's unlawful conduct and
whether grounds arise to decline a claim on the basis of the illegality
defence. There are a number of aspects to the illegality defence. This
paper reviews the impact of public policy on claims for indemnity
arising out of unlawful conduct on the part of insureds.

Insurers and superannuation fund trustees assessing disability insurance

Unlawful conduct by an insured may allow an insurer to deny liability
for an insurance claim on the grounds that it would be against public
policy to allow an insured to receive a benefit under the policy.

As the application of public policy often involves making difficult
value judgments, each case will depend upon its own particular
circumstances. As such, you may first wish to seek advice as to what
action to take having regard to the facts of your particular claim.

It is well established that a claim that arises out of a loss caused
directly in the commission of a felony or similarly serious criminal
offence by an insured can be denied on the ground that to pay the claim
would be contrary to public policy.(1) This is based on the principle
that no person should benefit from their crime or wrongdoing ("the
public policy principle").


(1) See Troja v Troja (1994) 33 NSWLR 269; Helton v Allen (1940) 63 CLR
691; Beresford v Royal Insurance Co, Ltd [1938] AC 586 at 596-599; Gray
v Barr [1971] 2 QB 554



"Saying, I am Alpha and Omega, the first-PRŌTOS and the last-ESCHATOS:
(ie. the beginning-ARCHE and the ending-TELOS [Revelation 1:8) and, what
thou seest, write in a book, and send it unto the seven churches which
are in Asia; unto Ephesus {desirable}, and unto Smyrna {myrrh: bitter},
and unto Pergamos {height; elevation}, and unto Thyatira {a perfume;
sacrifice of labor}, and unto Sardis {prince of joy}, and unto
Philadelphia {love of a brother}, and unto Laodicea {just people;
Laodikeia-Laodicea [G2993]: #351}." [Revelation 1:11]

I have as an Intellectual Property, a mathematical paradigm as an
alternative HOMOIOS Theory of Number being a theoretical and
metaphysical noumenon, conception of the Godhead/Divine and a determined
contrivance associated with attributed time (COURSE-trochos OF
NATURE-genesis), rationality and the reasoned mind:

Telos (6,000) = Arch (0) + c² : arch kai telos oida {1 + 2 + 3 + 4 = 10}

Where the c² is equivalent to a constant dependent on n, calculated by
the formula:

M = [n(n² + 1)] / 2



And in this regards, is ample consideration that sufficient grounds
exist to overturn the reasoning given within Paragraph 41 of VCAT 29
March 2001 Reasons for Decisions of Strikeout, namely the view that
"...the complaint insofar as it alleges discrimination based on
political or religious belief or activity [is] manifestly hopeless and
should be dismissed. The religious belief on which Mr Boek relies, and
as his religious activities, are that he is a Seventh Day Adventist and
he has a belief, and has supported that by substantial writing in the
area, in God's manifestation in nature and in human languages and
numerical systems as a unified system. The political belief or activity
on which he relies is his support for gay rights; his participation in
gay and lesbian networks associated with the Victorian Police Force for
some two years, ending in 1998, and his preparation of a document
concerning discrimination against gay people." [Victorian Civil &
Administrative Tribunal, Anti-Discrimination List Ref A500/2000]

This is associated to my anti-terrorism Internet activity of now some 20
years duration which is substantiated by my possessing an Intellectual
Property as a mathematical paradigm as an alternative HOMOIOS Theory of
Number being a theoretical and metaphysical noumenon, conception of the
Godhead/Divine and a determined contrivance associated with attributed
time (COURSE-trochos OF NATURE-genesis), rationality and the reasoned
mind (described below).

On 19 May 2016, I released this into the public sphere a prototype of
this Grapple Project as a metaphysical conceptual 'noumenon'. I
expressed the view that it is a preliminary resource, which still
requires substantial research and testing into it's:

i) AUTHENTICITY (ie. concerns the truthfulness of origins, attributes,
commitments, sincerity, devotion, and intentions),

ii) CONGRUITY: (ie. is the state achieved by coming together, the state
of agreement),

iii) INTEGRITY: (ie. the quality of being honest and having strong moral
principles; the state of being whole and undivided; the condition of
being unified or sound in construction) and

iv) WHOLESOMENESS: (ie. conducive to or suggestive of good health and
physical well-being; conducive to or promoting moral well-being)

Made in relation to its usefulness as a functional utility effectual in
providing a regime of governance and religious belief associated to
attributed time.

Despite the clear theological/philosophical context of those two
telephone statements, I was categorically prohibited and frustrated by
the Tribunal, which prevented me from conveying any such religious
explanation as thought content within my discourse as any defense made
to the Tribunal.

The great thing about this Intellectual Property as a legal argument:
(Dieu et mon droit) is that this technology for "Judging, Weighing and
Integrity of Words" is not only embedded within the Bible as Scriptures
and given assent to through an oath, swearing by Almighty God, but is
compatible with the regime of numbered and natural jurisprudence (ie.
the Categories of Understanding as #729 appraisals within the Grapple
Homoiotic Noumenon as a theoretical and metaphysical conception of the
Godhead/Divine Nature as Mind, in being a reasonable consideration, then
ought to equate with the numbered paragraphs) as being a mandatory
prerequisite for the presenting of any legal case before a court of law.

The extra-ordinary VCAT hearing was presided over by the visually
impaired madam Deputy President Cate MacKenzie (and to whom such
Intellectual Property would be most beneficial), because the Insurer, by
such conduct of mine, sought to dismiss any surviving legal claim that I
continued to have before the Tribunal and which had an initial
Directions Hearing held sometime in March 2001.

This assertion relating to my undertaking of an intentioned
anti-terrorism initiative as PLANS. And this occurring as my only
activity made in SUPPORT, continued whilst I remained a recipient of a
salary continuance benevolence made under the provisions of an Insurance
Policy in full compliance as an acceptance of my Total and Permanent
Disability status. Is then capable of being established, as an
indisputable matter of fact, by a transcription record of the 7
December, 2001 proceedings occurring as an extra-ordinary hearing before
the Victorian Civil and Administrative Tribunal (VCAT). It records my
self representation in a dispute with AXA Group Insurance made in
relation to my salary continuance policy. And my attempt to explain as
testimony then given to the Tribunal of my relative and lived actions,
as an activity which occurred contemporaneously to the Islamic terrorist
EVENTS of 11 September, 2001. As my ardent belief in it being at the
time, a milestone date as TELOS (ie. an ultimate object or aim. In the
hedonistic life, people lose some moral purpose, a TELOS which provides
the moral justification for the society).

The impetus and nature of my own covert religious based activism and
advocacy activity as an anti-terrorism initiative, has sought:

a) To effect a denial of any claimed "divine imperative" by the Islamic
terrorist group Al-Qaeda associated to the EVENT of 11 September, 2001
as terror attacks against the United States of America;

b) A PLAN to undermine the foundations of Islamic extremist religious
belief; and

c) Give an auxiliary and prerogative (ie. a privileged right of the
sovereign that is theoretically subject to no restriction) SUPPORT to
any Gay and Lesbian Community's initiatives towards the adoption of same
sex marriage legislation.

And further on the notion of TELOS I would agree (beyond its Biblical
eschatological notion) with Epicurean and other Greek Philosophers
additional deliberations of it:

Because Epicureanism posits that pleasure is the ultimate good (TELOS),
it has been commonly misunderstood since ancient times as a doctrine
that advocates the partaking in fleeting pleasures such as constant
partying, sexual excess and decadent food.

This is not the case. Epicurus regarded ataraxia (tranquility, freedom
from fear) and aponia (absence of pain) as the height of happiness and
that such pleasure is the ultimate good (TELOS). He also considered
prudence an important virtue and perceived excess and overindulgence to
be contrary to the attainment of ataraxia and aponia. [Epicurus, "Letter
to Menoeceus", contained in Diogenes Laertius, Lives of Eminent
Philosophers, Book X; Wikipedia 2016:Epicurus]

There is also in relation to TELOS, a sense of eudemonia (flourishing),
by the enabling of work as the service or a duty in regard of others and
pursuit of a higher ideal.

Understanding the purpose of work brings meaning to what we do. And
deeply a desire to 'make a differ­ence' in the world. In order to do
this, we must first work. But in the midst of all this work, it can be
easy for disillusionment and cynicism to take root; people become
frustrated with their work. There are many reasons for this, not the
least of which is burnout. I believe we often lose sight of the purpose
of work, the meaning of work, and the end goal of work. Put simply: Why
do we work? What is the goal? In order to answer this question, I will
borrow and modify Aristotle's conception of a TELOS, or 'purpose.'

Aristotle's TELOS can be thought of as an ultimate object or aim. This
TELOS in Aristotle's view is Eudemonia (flourishing), which Aristotle
describes as "the meaning and the purpose of life, the whole aim and end
of human existence." [Aristotle, Ethics, Bk. 1 Ch. 7] Although Aristotle
frames flourishing as an abstract end, I have taken this concept away
from the philosophical and applied it. For me, this flourishing can be
achieved through my work. In order to accomplish Eude­monia through
work, we must have a goal. Otherwise, work feels meaningless. We must be
working towards something. Meaningful work has a vision, a long-run mission.

What does this end goal, or TELOS, look like? Put simply, it can be
expressed as service. There is a dual purpose to work as service:
serving other's needs, and through that, serving a higher aim or ideal.
This unique perspective is what is most important to me. I serve not
because of some blind adherence to rules, or out of some Kantian
conception of Duty. I believe that the work I do genuinely serves
others, fulfilling the TELOS of work, thereby reflecting the im­age of
God. [Created to Serve: The TELOS of Work, Josh Satre, The Augustine

Through tying it to the Dead Sea Scrolls 364 day/year calendar reprise
EVENT occurring on the Equinox of Wednesday 20 March, 1996 / New Moon of
Thursday 21 March, 1996 and then further associating it to the
historical and conventional mapping as a Magic Square paradigm (ie.
Celestial Hierarchy) of attributed time and governance, providing a
custodial centre #41 of the seven #369 magic squares on 13-17 September,
2001. I had by such a cataclysmic EVENT as a transcendent chronological
and mathematical principle, seriously challenged the foundations of
Islamic belief, internalized and silenced their conflicted state and
that of other religious belief systems such as Judaism, Freemasonry,
Catholicism and Christianity in it's many forms.

So ardently did I hold such a cosmological and metaphysical belief
concerning TELOS, which in my view was of such a grave character in
having a sufficient degree of seriousness or "moral culpability" as a
matter of public concern. That out of a consideration of courtesy, I
then telephoned legal counsel for the Insurer. Unfortunately this
occurred after I had rushed up and down four flights of stairs within my
home. Such that, my temporary exhausted state introduced an exasperated
tone within my phone messages, which I had left in the absence of
speaking directly to Mr Peter Riddell as their Legal Counsel
(2000-2002). It was by such a strenuous characteristic, that it
unnecessarily gave rise to an opportunistic cause for the Insurer to
have an implied recourse to an "Illegality Defense". As an improper and
misconceived view of the essential character of those messages which was
mischievously represented by the Insurer's Legal Counsel, as possessing
a characteristic of it being "frightening and threatening in nature".

Such as to require the incident being reported to the Victoria Police,
as an alleged criminal conduct. And who then viewed the matter most
seriously, suggesting that Legal Counsel not then present himself in the
presence of Mr Boek, which is why he represented himself by way of
telephone this day of 7 December, 2001.

The extra-ordinary VCAT hearing was presided over by the visually
impaired madam Deputy President Cate MacKenzie, because the Insurer, by
such conduct of mine, sought to dismiss any surviving legal claim that I
continued to have before the Tribunal and which had an initial
Directions Hearing held sometime in March 2001.

Despite the clear theological/philosophical context of those two
telephone statements, I was categorically prohibited and frustrated by
the Tribunal, which prevented me from conveying any such religious
explanation as thought content within my discourse as any defense made
to the Tribunal.

As considerations made of work-progress and informal Theory of Number
and Natural Jurisprudent research expressed as philosophical/theological
opinion on the possibility of deploying theoretical meta-principles,
which I had observed in practice by the Victoria Police and the
Judiciary as Tenancy Tribunal of New South Wales, namely:


I informally made this opportunistic public comment as the means for an
effectual resolution to global religious based extremism, by obtaining a
consideration of a value added consensus. It was a response to the
Islamic outrage and violent protest which occurred just prior within
proximity to the War Memorial in Hyde Park, Sydney.

I quote from that public statement: "I want to propose a formula of
progression with respects to transitioning #277 - RIGHT TO PLACE A TEST
towards a computational function and the ability to deploy other
transformative prototypes for corrective, policy or administrative

In order to do so, I suggested taking the Hierarchy of Categories from
this #277 - RIGHT TO PLACE A TEST which especially have temporal
connections and cascading these within the #237 - USE OF FORCE.

After all, the A-U-M aspect of the traditional Chaldean (Babylonian)
form of the Hebrew letters can then be considered as a TRIAGE of our
vMEMETIC view of the GRAPPLE HOMOIOTIC NOUMENON--Which appears to be
the thematic character of the Letters Patent to the Australian
Constitution of 1901."

It is also possible to view this dispensational basis of governance
shown above by memetic specific colour attributions {ie. vBeige/vBronze:
#69, vPurple: #9, vRed: #32, vBlue: #20, vOrange: #61, vGreen: #73,
vYellow: #35, vTurquoise/vCyan: #58, vCoral: #41} accompanying the
conception of Pythagorean Number and Platonic solids as also capable of
being conveyed in terms of stages, tectonics of knowledge or process,
states or provinces, or phases of a cycle or development {eg: the
Indigenous Australian Aboriginal regard (mythical or otherwise) for
seven climatic zones comprising the seasonal year}, historically, as a
milestone, by covenant, as authority and power, or simply as specific
daemons provided by the temporal / noumenal reality mapping at the
chronological 4th plane of the Grapple paradigm:

#69 - Profound Use, Function of the Mysterious; I-Ching: H34 - Strength
of Greatness; Tetra: 22 - Resistance;
#9 - Inconstancy of Achievement, Practicing Placidity; I-Ching: H7 -
Army; Tetra: 32 - Legion;
#32 - Natural Guide, Virtue of Holiness; I-Ching: H44 - Coming On;
Tetra: 43 - Encounters;
#20 - Left without Language, Different From the Vulgar; I-Ching: H33 -
Withdrawal; Tetra: 50 - Vastness/Wasting;
#61 - Virtuous Humility at Using 'Beneath'; I-Ching: H64 - Before
Completion; Tetra: 78 - On the Verge;
#73 - Employing Deeming, Daring to Act; I-Ching: H46 - Moving Upward;
Tetra: 7 - Ascent;
#35 - Great Guiding Signs?, Virtue of Benevolence; I-Ching: H17 -
Allegiance; Tetra: 19 - Following;
#58 - Political Reversal, Adaptation to Change; I-Ching: H43 -
Resolution; Tetra: 29 - Decisiveness;
#41 - Playing with Reversal, Sameness in Difference; I-Ching: H26 -
Restraining Force; Tetra: 60 - Accumulation

Mr Peter Bowditch with encouragement from the Skeptics Society of New
South Wales (Australian Skeptics Incorporated), has attempted to make a
parody of myself and hobby as determined activity which is confirmed
within this May-August 2002 entry upon his www-page. Being a record of
my objection made against his unreasonable interference within my
associated private and informal activity as consequential to dialogue
which had previously occurred with Mr. Christopher Cowan as co-author in
1996 of 'Spiral Dynamics: Mastering Values, Leadership and Change'.
Against whom, he also disparages by an inclusion within his catalogue of
loon curiosities solely to satisfy his debauched and narcissistic desire
for entertainment without regard for others and oblivious to any

My Internet discussion with Mr. Christopher Cowan occurred before the
EVENT of 11 September 2001 and was the impetus for my subsequent
interest as the development of a theoretical and metaphysical noumenon,
conception of the Godhead/Divine and a determined contrivance associated
with attributed time (COURSE-trochos OF NATURE-genesis), rationality and
the reasoned mind.

And by the time of the occurrence of such EVENT, I had already comprised
the 4th (chronological) dimensional plane of what became a nine stratum
paradigm, which is reliant upon the transitional and cryptographic
proposition as an occultation of vGREEN (Yod - 10th September 2001) of
SOVEREIGN AUTONOMY and vBLUE (Mem - 13th September 2001) of CUSTODIAL
by the proposition of:

a) Our Australian Prime Minister John Howard (SOVEREIGN AUTONOMY)
presence within New York and witness of the EVENT--HIS STATE OF

b) The custodial seizure of the CENTRE by the use of 7 x #369 magic
squares with a common property of #41 which is not ONLY a subsumed
characteristic of the Pythagorean (HETEROS) Theory of Number that is
otherwise reliant upon a 7 fold progression of magic squares from #15 to
#369 and is commonly used by Jewish, Catholic (et al Christian), Islam
and Masonic belief systems.

c) This TELOS as the chronological occultation of the custodial CENTRE
(#41 on 13-17th September 2001) is also a cosmological viewpoint of such
TELOS related to the sun/moon cycles and is associated to a reprise of
the cosmogony as a notion of the Genesis Principle and has horological
implications conveyed by the Book of JUBILEES as Time Division by Days,
Weeks and Jubilees.

It is not a claim that the earth and universe is only 6,000 years old,
but rather a proposition of relativity within billions of years and a
noumenal focal point as a development by which rationality transpires,
reason springs forth and that is characteristic to being human:

HOMO ('man') / HOMOIOS (*same*, *equal* *in* *force*, *a* *match* *for*
*one*, *all* *one* *to* *us*, of *numbers*, *square*, *the* *product*
*of* *two* *equal* *factors*), SAPIENS ('thinker') / SAPIENT ('being a
wise/wisdom thinker') [Deuteronomy 4:32; Genesis 1:26]

As the relativity and grounding of the Infinite to the temporal reality
(ie. the phenomenology as the deterministic unfolding of history) which
is implied by the notion of rational PI and the cosmogonical Genesis
reprise of the lunar / solar cycle occurring on the equinox of Wednesday
20th March 1996 / New Moon on Thursday 21st March 1996.

These statements are quite acceptable jurisprudence when understood in
the Natural and Common Law context of religious belief having a value
statement about the permissibility of an inclusiveness as a
self-identity which is free from institutional impunity (ie. #237 - USE
OF FORCE and #277 - RIGHT TO PLACE A TEST) as a transcendent and
sovereign autonomous right--Which our human rights and equal opportunity
legislation does not recognize.

MattB (trdell12345): "Duke misses the days when the Catholics could have
people burned who disagreed with any of the[ir] Dogma.

The Roman Catholic Church will never have such power again."

Michael Christ: "Even the world has dumped their bullshit dogma ...
[and] divorced itself [into] real[it]y."

Duke (Catholic) Earl Weber: "We Catholics follow Jesus.

How do you judge which of Jesus' teachings you're going to reject?"

Michael Christ: "What are you going to do, cut and paste all your dogma
again for the millionth time?

And show us how 'righteous' you are?

But you're not, Dickster.

You're not. Oh dear, what perplexity."

Duke (Catholic) Earl Weber: "It's not going to change.

Scripture reveals what Jesus said and did, and you refuse to."

Michael Christ: "The truth doesn't change because of your opinion, Dickster.

'A good tree ... CANNOT ... produce evil fruit'.

GET out [of that scamming church] while you yet can."

Duke (Catholic) Earl Weber: "You're the one living with the scam. The
Roman Catholic Church follows Jesus. You are eviden[ce] of following a

MattB (trdell12345): "The Problem with these that call themselves
Christian here is many don't follow the Bible they take this piece and
that piece and make it say what they want and have so much hate."

Patrick (Catholic) Barker: "Who says that? LIAR?"

Duke (Catholic) Earl Weber: "He doesn't have a clue. It's easy to see
in what he says."

MattB (trdell12345): "Some even say tradition overrides the words of Jesus."

Duke (Catholic) Earl Weber: "By definition, 'Holy Tradition' is the
words and actions of Jesus before they were scripted.

Hee hee hee. Don't mess with something you don't understand."

dolf: "That is the issue entirely.

I don't think you quite understand the gravitas as the logical
consequence for the reliance of Holy Catholic Tradition upon the
within the Pythagorean HETEROS Theory of Number (1 ... 10), that is by
implication a serial basal (ie. bottom) as its fundamental reliance upon
the initial constituent: as a progression of #15 ... #369 Magic Squares.

In that, Satan's temptation against Jesus {He is saved/A savior; a
deliverer} of Nazareth {Sovereign; one chosen or set apart; separated;
crowned; sanctified} within the wilderness is made against the
Sovereignty of Roman Empire Governance:

a) Showed unto him all the KINGDOMS (BASILEIA) of the WORLD (OIKOUMENĒ);

b) Said unto him, 'All this power (EXOUSIA) will I give thee";

c) Jesus refused this Satanic prerogative (ie. as a dependency on the
Pythagorean HETEROS Theory of Number and its reliance upon the
progression of #15 ... #369 as faux-sophistic wisdom) in deference for
regard to the Creator God as the Father (Godhead/Divine Nature as Mind)
[Luke 4:5-24 (KJV)];

Will not God recompense you and your Roman church for their Christ
murdering, Hitler loving and lying deceiving tongue?

The 'Roman' Question: Is it justified to label the Roman Catholic Church
as 'Christ Murderers'?

Someone was responsible. She after all sits as queen ('and saith in her
heart, I am no widow, and shall see no sorrow.' [Revelation 18:7 (KJV)])
within her sovereign city-state bearing the same titles as tributes and
authorities of the Roman Caesar (ie. We have no King but Caesar) who,
then as a matter of Governance and religious belief, were Christ
murderers--then she having the same substance, is imputed guilt.

The latency of this imputed guilt is misconstrued by a misplaced and an
ignorant faux-conception of God's grace and the effectual working of his
Sovereign Power and Justice--For example:

I've asked the question: "And didn't the fascist Mussolini have the
Roman Catholic Church's blessing?"

Duke (Catholic) Earl Weber: "Not that I know of."

dolf: "According to Wikipedia: "The Lateran Treaty (Italian: Patti
Lateranensi; Latin: Pacta Lateranensia) was one of the Lateran Pacts of
1929 or Lateran Accords, agreements made in 1929 between the Kingdom of
Italy and the Holy See, settling the 'Roman Question'.

They are named after the Lateran Palace, where they were signed on 11
February, 1929. The Italian parliament ratified them on 7 June, 1929.
Italy was then under a Fascist government, but the succeeding democratic
governments have all upheld the treaty.

In 1947, the Lateran Pacts were incorporated into the democratic
Constitution of Italy." [Wikipedia 2016: Lateran_Treaty]

They engaged in mutual arse-licking (ie. in order to gain favour by the
action or practice of behaving obsequiously as obedience and
attentiveness to an excessive or servile degree), such was their
affection for one another.

And the civil State of Italy has only now redeemed themselves from such
conduct with the recent passage of same sex civil union legislation.

I have previously said, that the motto of the British Monarchy and our
Justice System is DIEU ET MON DROIT (ie. GOD AND MY RIGHT) and this
totality of a "Sovereign and Autonomous Right" as the "Power to Rule"
and "Dispense Justice" by "Edict as a Divine Authority", can be
understood in God (Godhead/Divine Nature as Mind) being defined by:

- "I am Alpha (ie. of Hebrew origin; the first letter of the alphabet)
and Omega (ie. last letter of the Greek alphabet)" [Revelation 1:8, 11;
21:6, 13],
- "The first-PRŌTOS and the last-ESCHATOS" [Revelation 1:11; 22:13];
- "The beginning-ARCHE and the ending-TELOS" [Revelation 1:8; 21:6; 22:13].

I have as the product of "works of faith" and Divine Revelation,
acquired an Intellectual Property: a mathematical paradigm as an
alternative HOMOIOS Theory of Number being a theoretical and
metaphysical noumenon, conception of the Godhead/Divine Nature and a
I quote now from Sections #21 and #30 from Richard John Lynn's
translation related to the Chinese Classic on the Way of Virtue known as
Tao Te Ching:

SECTION #21: "A capacity for the virtue of emptiness, this alone allows
conformance with the Dao.

The Dao as such is but dim, is but dark (ie. the appearance of that
which is formless and not attached to anything).

Dark, oh, dim, oh, but within it some image is there. Dim, oh, dark,
oh, but within it something is there.

Abstruse, oh, indistinct, oh, but within it the essence of things is there.

Its essence is most authentic, for within it authentication occurs.

From antiquity until now, its name has never been revoked.

We use it to convey what the father of everything is.

How do I know that the father of everything is so? It is by this."

SECTION #30: "One who would assist the ruler of men in accordance with
the Dao does not use military force to gain power over all under Heaven.

As for such matters, he is wont to let them revert (ie. rebound: those
that live by the sword die by the sword)."

Where armies deploy, there *thistles* and *thorns* grow [cf: Hebrews
6:8]. The aftermath of great military operations is surely a year of famine.

One good at this desists when result (ie. result [guo] means relief
[ji]) is had and dares not use the opportunity to seize military supremacy.

Have result but do not take credit for it; have result but do not boost
about it; have result but do not take pride in it;

Have result but only when there is no choice; have result but do not try
to gain military supremacy.

Once a thing reaches its prime, it grows old. We say it goes against
the Dao, and what is against the Dao comes to an early end. (ie. a
whirlwind does not last an entire morning, and a rainstorm does not last
an entire day; Thus a sudden rise surely goes against the Dao and will
come to an early end)"


.jackNote@zen: 6, row: 3, col: 4, nous: 42 [Super: #382 / #49 - Sage's
Constancy, Trust in Virtue; I-Ching: H3 - Initial Difficulties; Tetra: 4
- Barrier, Ego: #385 / #42 - Generating Things, Reason's Modifications;
I-Ching: H60 - Restraint; Tetra: 52 - Measure]

I quote now from Sections #49 and #42 from Richard John Lynn's
translation related to the Chinese Classic on the Way of Virtue known as
Tao Te Ching:

SECTION #49: "The sage has no constant heart/mind [changxin] but takes
the heart/mind of the common folk as his heart/mind.

The good I regard as good; those who are not good I also regard as good.

This is to transform goodness into virtue.

The trustworthy I trust; those who are not trustworthy I also trust.
This is to transform trust into virtue. The sage resides among all
under Heaven with perfect equanimity and impartiality and for the sake
of all under Heaven merges his heart/mind with theirs.

The common folk all fix their ears and eyes on him. And the sage treats
them all as his children."

SECTION #42: "The Dao begets the ONE; the ONE begets TWO; TWO begets
THREE; and THREE beget the myriad things. The myriad things, bearing
YIN (female) and embracing YANG (male), form a unified harmony through
the fusing of these vital forces."

+ 0, 27, 54 {ie. Realm of its Nature as Heaven - Formula of Universal Law}
+ 0, 9, 18 {ie. System's Cosmology as Earth - Formula of Humanity}
+ 0, 3, 6 {ie. Self identity - Formula of Autonomy}
+ 1, 2, 3 {ie. Formula of Progression of individual phenomena as myriad
of things (Wan Wu)}

= Tetragrammation hierarchy value as NUMBER.

+ 0, 81, 9(9²+1)/2 = #369 {ie. Organization of the myriad or number of

COMMENTARY: "Although the myriad things [Wan Wu] exist in a myriad of
forms, they all revert to the ONE.

What is it due to that they all ultimately become ONE?

It is due to *NOTHINGNESS* [Wu]."

Note the Aramaic Targum of possibly dated circa before the Fall of Rome
in 476 CE in Job Chapter 36 speaks of:

"Show them their deeds, and their transgressions because they have made
themselves strong..." [verse 9] and

"Unstops their hearing for correction, and he says that they should turn
from your evil deeds which are like *NOTHINGNESS*" [verse 10]

IMAGE: Author consoling Catholic mother of a gay son & PFLAG President,
Nanette McGregor - The Rainbow Sash Protest (Refusal of Communion) on
'Pentecost Sunday' 31 May 1998, Saint Patrick's Cathedral, Melbourne

The Australian newspaper (front page) of 1 June 1998


(c) 1 June 1998 - James Croucher (photographer), News Ltd / Newspix, and
licenced for Facebook usage only

"What people most hate are 'the orphan', 'the widower', and 'the
unworthy', yet lords and princes use these terms to refer to themselves.
Thus it is that, some are augmented by being diminished, and others
are diminished by being augmented.

What others teach, I also teach.

The dangerously bold, do not get to die a natural death [Job 36:2-26],
so I am going to use them as fathers of my teaching."

READING FROM ARAMAIC TARGUM OF JOB: "Wait for me a little that I may
show you, for there are still words on God's behalf. I will bring my
knowledge from afar, and to my Maker I will give justice.

For in truth my words are not false; one who is perfect in knowledge is
among you. Behold, God is great. He does not reject the just, because
he is great in strength and wise of heart.

He will not let the sinner live, but will give judgment to the
afflicted. He will not withhold his eyes from the just but he will make
them sit upon the throne of his kingdom with established kings, and he
builds them up for ever and they are exalted.

And if the wicked were bound in chains, and locked up in the ropes of
affliction, then he would show them their deeds, and their
transgressions because they have made themselves strong.

And he unstops their hearing for correction, and he says that they
should turn from their evil deeds which are like *NOTHINGNESS*

[Note: Commentary on the Tao Te Ching Section #42 speaks of 'ONE' can be
called *NOTHINGNESS*].

If they listen and serve him they will finish and complete their days in
prosperity, and their years in ripeness.

And if they do not listen they will pass from the world by the arms of
war, and they will perish from lack of knowledge. And the wanton of
heart and the accuser of heart store up anger; they do not ask for my
mercy when he binds them.

They die in corruption; they die in youth and their lives like lords of
prostitution. He delivers the poor by his affliction, and by difficulty
enables them to listen.

And indeed he has delivered you from the mouth of oppression. He will
widen it so that there i no narrowness in its stead, and in repose your
table will be full of fatness.

And you completed and finished the judgment of the sinner; justice and
ordinance support you. Lest his anger lead you astray, let not
overwhelming good fortune nor the greatness of the precious riches turn
you aside.

It is possible that your petition should be set forth in a time of
anger, or all those who are strong find strength?

[VAR: Is it possible that your prayer be proffered without difficulty,
and all those who are strong in strength, will the gain vigor?]

Do not seduce the wife of your neighbor in the night, having the peoples
go up on their behalf.

[VAR: Do not remove yourself in the night, so that the peoples go up in
their place.]

Take heed that you do not return to falsehood, for this you have chosen
rather than affliction.

Behold, God alone is strong in his might; who like him teaches uprightness?

Who avenges his way upon him, or who can say: '*You* *have* *done* *wrong*?'

Remember that his work is enlarged, which just men have sung.

Every human being has looked on it; man observes it from afar.

Behold, God is great and we did not know; the number of his years has no
end." [(c) 1991 by The Order of Saint Benedict, Aramaic Targum of Job
Patrick (Catholic) Barker: "[This was] not my post.

It is too long, and doesn't have a point immediately. I don't even know
i[f] it does have a point.

[As it is] too long to read."

Anonymous Nobody ( "What you have there is a forgery
(ie. no it's frogging so as to seek a redress for the faux-piety and
ignorance in by-passing their kill-file enabling as murderous and
contemptuous action), [and such activity is] frowned upon.

Send complete headers [of any] offending post [as] X-Complaints-To:"

Rod (Catholic): "Yes ... and he goes by the name of Dolf Boek."

Patrick (Catholic) Barker: "Ahhh. I [have] kill-filed him a long time ago."

Rod (Catholic): "He is still here and just as crazy."

dolf: "Thus your comment speaks of the great abysmal depth of depravity
and perversity which is entirely your own claim to a faux-piety as an
enduring exonerated state of being and cockroach ignorance which it
claims is a virtue.

You are a Christ-killer Catholic neophyte after all.

I have the substance of apperception to make such an unremorseful pious
claim as the lawful basis of my own religious belief.

I've now ceased all civil pleasantry with your ilk and am purposefully
engaged in a more rigorous tone of dialogue.

Godless scum that you are."

- dolf

Morality, Piety, Value Systems and Lawful Christian Religious Belief
[Part 1]


Morality, Piety, Value Systems and Lawful Christian Religious Belief
[Part 2]


Initial Post: 16 June, 2016

Ian Field

Jun 18, 2016, 3:13:32 PM6/18/16

"Dechucka" <> wrote in message
Even the Russians fell for the lend-lease con - their government along with
ours was paying America for the armaments so Russian and British troops
could die fighting the country that had declared war on America.

The battle of Stalingrad alone cost more Russian war dead than Britain and
America put together for the whole war.

Can't put my finger on the historical records - but I think the total
Russian war dead wasn't far off half the total dead for the whole war.

Leastaways - Russia suffered the highest casualties while America made the
most profit.

The UK only finished paying off its lend lease debt a few years ago.

Fight for America!

Jun 18, 2016, 3:45:26 PM6/18/16
On 6/18/2016 1:14 PM, Ian Field wrote:
> America made the most profit.
> The UK only finished paying off its lend lease debt a few years ago.

Debt is not "profit" you Marxist oaf!

Ian Field

Jun 18, 2016, 3:52:58 PM6/18/16

"Fight for America!" <> wrote in message
The debt we paid became profit in greedy Americans bank accounts you fucking
stupid brain dead cunt.

Fight for America!

Jun 18, 2016, 4:04:54 PM6/18/16
No it didn't.

You just repaid what you were lent and leased from us, you limey piker.

Ian Field

Jun 18, 2016, 4:27:42 PM6/18/16

"Fight for America!" <> wrote in message
The great lend lease con - we bought American armaments so our troops could
die fighting a country that declared war on America.

And the typical American response: - "the British will fight to the last

The Americans remained "isolationist" while they waited for the film units
to get there...................

Fight for America!

Jun 18, 2016, 4:44:12 PM6/18/16
On 6/18/2016 2:29 PM, Ian Field wrote:
> "Fight for America!" <> wrote in message
> news:nk49h5$coh$
>> On 6/18/2016 1:54 PM, Ian Field wrote:
>>> "Fight for America!" <> wrote in message
>>> news:nk48cl$a18$
>>>> On 6/18/2016 1:14 PM, Ian Field wrote:
>>>>> America made the most profit.
>>>>> The UK only finished paying off its lend lease debt a few years ago.
>>>> Debt is not "profit" you Marxist oaf!
>>> The debt we paid became profit in greedy Americans bank accounts you
>>> fucking stupid brain dead cunt.
>> No it didn't.
>> You just repaid what you were lent and leased from us, you limey piker.
> The great lend lease con - we bought American armaments so our troops
> could die fighting a country that declared war on America.

The shame you still have as a nation for begging our help is not healthy.

Ian Field

Jun 18, 2016, 4:57:31 PM6/18/16

"Fight for America!" <> wrote in message
So was Germany - for a while at the start of the war, America was supplying
strategic materials to anyone that waved money under their nose.

They didn't figure out what was going on till the Japs hit Pearl Harbour.

Fight for America!

Jun 18, 2016, 5:05:27 PM6/18/16
On 6/18/2016 2:58 PM, Ian Field wrote:
> "Fight for America!" <> wrote in message
> news:nk4bqr$lr0$
>> On 6/18/2016 2:29 PM, Ian Field wrote:
>>> "Fight for America!" <> wrote in message
>>> news:nk49h5$coh$
>>>> On 6/18/2016 1:54 PM, Ian Field wrote:
>>>>> "Fight for America!" <> wrote in message
>>>>> news:nk48cl$a18$
>>>>>> On 6/18/2016 1:14 PM, Ian Field wrote:
>>>>>>> America made the most profit.
>>>>>>> The UK only finished paying off its lend lease debt a few years ago.
>>>>>> Debt is not "profit" you Marxist oaf!
>>>>> The debt we paid became profit in greedy Americans bank accounts you
>>>>> fucking stupid brain dead cunt.
>>>> No it didn't.
>>>> You just repaid what you were lent and leased from us, you limey piker.
>>> The great lend lease con - we bought American armaments so our troops
>>> could die fighting a country that declared war on America.
>> The shame you still have as a nation for begging our help is not healthy.
> So was Germany - for a while at the start of the war, America was
> supplying strategic materials

That's global bidniss.

At least we stopped.

The Pope's family didn't:

In his book 'Behold a Pale Horse,' former US Naval Intelligence Officer
William Cooper relates a story associated with the IG Farben Chemical

In the early 1940s, that company employed a Polish chemist and salesman
who sold cyanide gas, Zyklon B and Malathion to the Nazis for
extermination of groups of people in Auschwitz.

After the war the salesman joined the Catholic church and was ordained a

In 1958 he became Poland's youngest bishop and after Pope John Paul I's
mysterious death, the ex-cyanide gas salesman Karol Wojtyla was elected
to the papacy as Pope John Paul II in October 1978.

In March 2000, he publicly apologized not for his war effort, but for
the wickedness of the Christian religion. The plea for forgiveness also
sought to pardon the use of 'violence in the service of truth' an often
used fragile and treoubling referenece to the Inquisition.

The apology read by the Pope was the result of four years of work by a
panel of 28 theologians and scholars and was by far the most sweeping
act by a leader of a major religion.

On few occasions have ecclesiastical authorities ever acknowlegdegd the
faults or abuses of which they themselves were guilty. There was concern
that the apology was a major theological miscalculation that could
undermine the Pope's weakening authority and the unanswered question
posed by the international media was --
'In whose name was the Pope asking for forgiveness?' (Excerpted from
'The Crucifixion of Truth' by Tony Bushby)

Ian Field

Jun 18, 2016, 5:11:10 PM6/18/16

"Fight for America!" <> wrote in message
Is that supposed to upset me?

I DGAF about any religion.

Fight for America!

Jun 18, 2016, 6:03:47 PM6/18/16
Just spit and fume, little limey troll.

Governor Swill

Jun 19, 2016, 9:20:54 AM6/19/16
On Thu, 16 Jun 2016 18:57:10 -0500, First-Post wrote:
>The Brits elected a muslim mayor for London who has taken the first
>step in the Islamatization of Britain.
>So it's no wonder that the Brit trolls are hoping and praying(to Allah
>no doubt) that America falls down the same path that their stupid
>asses have.

Banning sexy ads in public sounds like something the religious right
would love to do.

S. E. Cupp has characterized Trump as wearing the Republican party
like a rented tuxedo. When the prom is over, it's going to end up on
the floor with the liquor stains and cigarette butts.

Governor Swill

Jun 19, 2016, 9:30:52 AM6/19/16
On Fri, 17 Jun 2016 19:13:49 +0100, "Ian Field" wrote:
>"Long Live The NRA" wrote

>> When they militarized the police of America, they started an arms war.

Fact: You're referencing the 1033 program which was passed in 1997,
long before Obama was in the White House and when the Democrats were
the minority in both houses.

>> The police of the USA are the unwitting enemies of the entire nation now,
>> thanks to ignorant democrats and barack obama.

Fact: Obama has limited the types and quantities of military
equipment that can be transferred to police departments.

"On May 18, 2015, President Barack Obama announced limits on the types
of military equipment which can be transferred to police departments
and the implementation of training programs to assure the appropriate
use of other items. The military can no longer transfer some weapons,
such as grenade launchers, weaponized vehicles, and bayonets to
police. Obama stated that "We’ve seen how militarized gear can
sometimes give people a feeling like it’s an occupying force as
opposed to a force that’s part of the community that’s protecting them
and serving them,...So we’re going to prohibit equipment made for the
battlefield that is not appropriate for local police departments."

>When is WW3 kicking off?

As soon as Ian can figure out how to start it.

Governor Swill

Jun 19, 2016, 9:33:22 AM6/19/16
On Fri, 17 Jun 2016 21:23:25 +0100, "Ian Field" wrote:
>"Fight for America!" wrote
>> On 6/17/2016 2:07 PM, Ian Field wrote:
>>> Pretty sure Trump will make stomping some world power his highest
>>> priority if he gets in.
>> Pretty sure you NEVER read any such thing from him:
>He's already pissing several world leaders off - and he's still only a

Except for Kim Jong Il and Vladimir Putin. They like Trump. Putin
has stated that he hopes Donald wins the election because he appears
to be somebody they can deal with.

Governor Swill

Jun 19, 2016, 9:41:49 AM6/19/16
On Fri, 17 Jun 2016 14:12:26 -0600, Fight for America!
<> wrote:

>Reimbursement for US military bases in rich countries abroad. (Sep 2015)


>Diplomacy & respect crucial to our relationship with Russia. (Sep 2015)

Tell it to Vlad, Don.

>Putin has no respect for America; I will get along with him. (Sep 2015)

Vlad loves you, Don! He's hoping you win because he thinks you'll be
easier to deal with than Hillary.

>We must deal with the maniac in North Korea with nukes. (Sep 2015)

Kim likes you too! Why do our enemies like you more than our allies

>Cuban embargo: 50 years is enough. (Sep 2015)

50 years is too much.

>Support NATO, but it's not us against Russia. (Aug 2015)

Change his mind on NATO *and* Russia a couple of times, hasn't he?

>Post-Cold War: switch from chess player to dealmaker. (Jul 2000)

Donald's deals aren't all he brags them to be and there is no better
analogy for international relations than chess.

>Support Russia, but with strings attached. (Jul 2000)

Tried that and they turned on us.

>Don't take sides with Israel, so we can lead negotiations. (Feb 2016)

Abandon Israel?

>I could negotiate a deal with Israel and Palestinians. (Feb 2016)


>Figure out who our allies are. (Feb 2016)

I think we already know that.

>Iran deal is one of the worst I've ever seen. (Feb 2016)

How would he know? He hasn't seen the "deal".

>Let Russia bash ISIS; let Germany defend Ukraine. (Nov 2015)

Haven't we learned anything about arming Europe in the past hundred

>Provide economic assistance to create a safe zone in Syria. (Oct 2015)

Spend! Spend! Spend! Every dime we'd invest in Syria would end up
in ISIL's hands just like the weapons we gave Iraq.

>US should not train rebels it does not know or control. (Oct 2015)

Which is why we aren't in the rebel training business anymore.

>Better to have Mideast strongmen than Mideast chaos. (Oct 2015)

Ok, I'll agree with that one but Bush already rubbed the lamp and that
genie is never going back in.

>Good that Russia is involved in Syria. (Oct 2015)

Too bad they're pulling out now.

Governor Swill

Jun 19, 2016, 9:45:00 AM6/19/16
On Fri, 17 Jun 2016 14:49:03 -0600, Fight for America! wrote:
>On 6/17/2016 2:42 PM, Ian Field wrote:
>> A bunch of favourable soundbites selected from a swamp of inappropriate
>> and offensive remarks.

>The actual chronicled and fact-checked citations, you lying shitbag.

You didn't provide a single cite in that list of Trump claims you
wrote. Not one.

You also failed to note he's changed his position repeatedly on those

>Now fuck off back to your own Unfree Kingdom, serf!

You're just a hater, aren't you? Must be why you like Trump. Haters
like him. I guess that's why Putin and Kim sing his praises.

Governor Swill

Jun 19, 2016, 9:45:44 AM6/19/16
On Fri, 17 Jun 2016 21:58:01 +0100, "Ian Field"
<> wrote:

>"Fight for America!" <> wrote in message
>> On 6/17/2016 2:42 PM, Ian Field wrote:
>>> "Fight for America!" <> wrote in message
>>> news:nk1mup$dug$
>>>> On 6/17/2016 2:23 PM, Ian Field wrote:
>>>>> "Fight for America!" <> wrote in message
>>>>> news:nk1ljh$98e$
>>>>>> On 6/17/2016 2:07 PM, Ian Field wrote:
>>>>>>> "Fight for America!" <> wrote in message
>>>>>>> news:nk1f1t$fc6$
>>>>>>>> On 6/17/2016 12:13 PM, Ian Field wrote:
>>>>>>>>>> When they militarized the police of America, they started an arms
>>>>>>>>>> war.
>>>>>>>>>> The police of the USA are the unwitting enemies of the entire
>>>>>>>>>> nation
>>>>>>>>>> now,
>>>>>>>>>> thanks to ignorant democrats and barack obama.
>>>>>>>>> When is WW3 kicking off?
>>>>>>>> Ask your Obamessiah/trojan horse.
>>>>>>>> It's in his and Shillary's hands, you traitor.
>>>>>>> Pretty sure Trump will make stomping some world power his highest
>>>>>>> priority if he gets in.
>>>>>> Pretty sure you NEVER read any such thing from him:
>>>>> He's already pissing several world leaders off - and he's still only a
>>>>> candidate.
>>>> Nice snip, was the FACTUAL data I shared not to your liking, coward?????
>>> A bunch of favourable soundbites selected from a swamp of inappropriate
>>> and offensive remarks.
>> The actual chronicled and fact-checked citations, you lying shitbag.
>> Now fuck off back to your own Unfree Kingdom, serf!
>The newsgroup I'm posting on is,

This thread is heavily crossposted. Check the headers.

Fight for America!

Jun 19, 2016, 10:23:08 AM6/19/16
On 6/19/2016 7:45 AM, Governor Swill is a paid Dem operative from
Hotlanta who lives in gay coven.

Fight for America!

Jun 19, 2016, 10:23:47 AM6/19/16
On 6/19/2016 7:44 AM, Governor Swill is a paid Dem operative from

Fight for America!

Jun 19, 2016, 10:24:05 AM6/19/16
On 6/19/2016 7:41 AM, Governor Swill is a paid Dem operative from

Fight for America!

Jun 19, 2016, 10:24:17 AM6/19/16
On 6/19/2016 7:33 AM, Governor Swill is a paid Dem operative from

Fight for America!

Jun 19, 2016, 10:24:28 AM6/19/16
On 6/19/2016 7:30 AM, Governor Swill is a paid Dem operative from

Fight for America!

Jun 19, 2016, 10:24:38 AM6/19/16
On 6/19/2016 7:20 AM, Governor Swill is a paid Dem operative from

Ministry of Vengeance and Vendettas

Jun 19, 2016, 10:35:43 AM6/19/16
Fight for America! <> wrote in news:nk69sc$2q2$

> On 6/19/2016 7:45 AM, Governor Swill is a paid Dem operative from
> Hotlanta who lives in gay coven.

It is quite unnecessary to repeat yourself.

Swill is filth and I simply blocked him. Filling my inbox with repetititive
retorts to him will get you blocked.

"...And what country can preserve its liberties, if its rulers are not warned
from time to time, that this people preserve the spirit of resistance? Let
them take arms. The remedy is to set them right as to the facts, pardon and
pacify them. What signify a few lives lost in a century or two? The tree of
liberty must be refreshed from time to time, with the blood of patriots and
tyrants. It is its natural manure."--Thomas Jefferson, Nov. 13, 1787

Governor Swill

Jun 19, 2016, 10:36:03 AM6/19/16
On Fri, 17 Jun 2016 16:07:57 -0600, Fight for America! wrote:
>On 6/17/2016 3:35 PM, Ian Field wrote:
>>> You almost had that in your life path before we saved your bacon.
>> Saved who's bacon?!!!

Britain's. Despite the Royal Navy, Hitler's sub fleet had cut off
trade and supply. His conquest of the continent had excluded getting
food from there which left the US as the only viable alternative for

>> A significant proportion of the American population wanted to join the
>> war on the Axis side -
>You serfs sure make up some whoppers!
>Here's a hint, the anti-interventionists were not on the Axis side, they
>were simply against fighting yet another YuroPeon war.
>Lynne Olson’s brilliant Those Angry Days: Roosevelt, Lindbergh, and
>America’s Fight Over World War II, 1939–1941, published in early spring,
>is hard to put down. She richly portrays the debate (when it wasn’t a
>shouting match or a fistfight) that swept up America between the
>isolationists and interventionists. A large majority of Americans deeply
>opposed sending their boys to fight another war in the Old World, yet
>even more strongly supported the last free nations holding out against
>Nazi terror. Most understood that if the Brits (and later the Russians)
>fell, America would almost certainly confront a very powerful foe in
>Hitler. But would offering aid to the Allies court war with the Axis
>powers or prevent it? As Lindbergh, who would emerge as the chief
>spokesperson for America First, the most organized anti-interventionist
>movement, told a cheering crowd of Yale students a week before the 1940
>Election Day, “If we desire peace, we need only stop asking for war.
>Nobody wishes to attack us, and nobody is in a position to do so.”

Lindbergh famously admired Hitler and the Nazis as did Henry Ford.
It's a stretch to say, "A significant proportion of the American
population wanted to join the war on the Axis side" but considering
the popularity of anti Jewish rallies in American cities through the
late thirties, German sympathies in the US can't be completely

Governor Swill

Jun 19, 2016, 10:39:36 AM6/19/16
On Sat, 18 Jun 2016 13:48:49 +1000, "Dechucka" wrote:
>"Ian Field" wrote
>> At least 3 of the German aircraft manufacturers were contracted to develop
>> the; "Amerikabomber" and the rocket scientists had been ordered to develop
>> a long range V2 booster stage to reach America. The germans were a lot
>> closer to a viable nuke than they realised - but Hitler would have been
>> content with planting a few dirty nukes on the US.
>> America didn't join WW2 to do us any favours - that was entirely down to
>> the jap attack on Pearl Harbour, due to a signed treaty - Hitler was
>> obliged to issue a formal declaration of war on America on the 11th Dec
>> 41.
>> America didn't come to help us - they came to use Britain as a forward
>> base.
>True and the Russians were the ones that defeated the Germans to a very
>large extent

Russia suffered more casualties and damage in the war than any other
nation. Even in the heat of the war, the West used it against the
communists. Stalin tried for years to get the Allies to invade Europe
and take some of the pressure off the USSR.

The allies waited though, until the Soviets had already broken
Hitler's power in eastern Europe to invade. From that point, it was
simply a race to Berlin which the Soviets won.

Fight for America!

Jun 19, 2016, 11:10:57 AM6/19/16
On 6/19/2016 8:39 AM, Governor Swill is a paid Dem operative from

Fight for America!

Jun 19, 2016, 11:11:09 AM6/19/16
On 6/19/2016 8:36 AM, Governor Swill is a paid Dem operative from


Jun 19, 2016, 11:20:43 AM6/19/16
In article <nk6cmd$bmu$>
Fight for America! <> wrote:
> On 6/19/2016 8:36 AM, Governor Swill is a paid Dem operative from
> Hotlanta who lives in gay coven.


Fight for America!

Jun 19, 2016, 11:22:49 AM6/19/16
Byte me, dizum whore!

Ian Field

Jun 19, 2016, 2:19:11 PM6/19/16

"Governor Swill" <> wrote in message
> On Fri, 17 Jun 2016 16:07:57 -0600, Fight for America! wrote:
>>On 6/17/2016 3:35 PM, Ian Field wrote:
>>>> You almost had that in your life path before we saved your bacon.
>>> Saved who's bacon?!!!
> Britain's. Despite the Royal Navy, Hitler's sub fleet had cut off
> trade and supply. His conquest of the continent had excluded getting
> food from there which left the US as the only viable alternative for
> support.

We were getting on top of that.

We invented the cavity magnetron and centimetric radar that could detect a
submerged U-boat at 5 miles as long as it was using its snorkel to take on

We gave the cavity magnetron to America in exchange for their manufacturing
capacity so we could equip all our armed forces in the shortest possible

Centimetric radar was the basis of H2S PPI radar - America built theirs
under license with the name H2X.

The Colossus decrypting computer at Bletchley Park was amongs other thing;
telling us where the U-boat Wolf packs were going to strike next - whenever
resources permitted; our destroyers were waiting for them.

America benefitted from intelligence decrypted by our computer before they
even got into the war - Pearl Harbour might not have been quite such a
surprise if they'd been paying attention at the back.

Its estimated that these inventions shortened the war by at least a couple
of years - we were pretty much just mopping up a few fanatics by the time
America turned up in time to claim the glory.

We had jet engines more or less the same time as the Germans - as the jet
age dawned after the war, America was buying most of its jet engines from
us, they did eventually get around to license building British designs.

Entirely American manufacture wasn't without casualties, I think it was
Westinghouse that dropped out of making jet engines because they just
couldn't do it right - I forget which American jet engine manufacturer go a
lot of aircrews killed in SE Asia because their engines left a smoke trail
that enemy pilots could pick up half way across the land mass.

Ian Field

Jun 19, 2016, 2:28:55 PM6/19/16

"Governor Swill" <> wrote in message
> On Sat, 18 Jun 2016 13:48:49 +1000, "Dechucka" wrote:
>>"Ian Field" wrote
>>> At least 3 of the German aircraft manufacturers were contracted to
>>> develop
>>> the; "Amerikabomber" and the rocket scientists had been ordered to
>>> develop
>>> a long range V2 booster stage to reach America. The germans were a lot
>>> closer to a viable nuke than they realised - but Hitler would have been
>>> content with planting a few dirty nukes on the US.
>>> America didn't join WW2 to do us any favours - that was entirely down to
>>> the jap attack on Pearl Harbour, due to a signed treaty - Hitler was
>>> obliged to issue a formal declaration of war on America on the 11th Dec
>>> 41.
>>> America didn't come to help us - they came to use Britain as a forward
>>> base.
>>True and the Russians were the ones that defeated the Germans to a very
>>large extent
> Russia suffered more casualties and damage in the war than any other
> nation. Even in the heat of the war, the West used it against the
> communists. Stalin tried for years to get the Allies to invade Europe
> and take some of the pressure off the USSR.

Some of Russia's misfortune was entirely Stalin's own doing.

Just before the war, he had a purge and bumped off most of his best

Our computer had decrypted German communications and we knew of the
impending attack on Russia - Stalin was informed of this but chose to ignore
it - as a result; most of his air force was destroyed on the ground.

Its ironic that a team of mathematicians escaping from Poland brought us a
sample of the German Enigma machine and schematics - the Poles indirectly
helped Russia in so many ways, and all Russia ever did was shit on them!

Governor Swill

Jun 19, 2016, 10:56:39 PM6/19/16
On Sat, 18 Jun 2016 20:54:16 +0100, "Ian Field"
<> wrote:

>"Fight for America!" <> wrote in message
>> On 6/18/2016 1:14 PM, Ian Field wrote:
>>> America made the most profit.
>>> The UK only finished paying off its lend lease debt a few years ago.
>> Debt is not "profit" you Marxist oaf!
>The debt we paid became profit in greedy Americans bank accounts you fucking
>stupid brain dead cunt.

"Greedy"? Was the price for your freedom too high for your taste? Was
America supposed to come charging in on our white horse and save you
from your shortsightedness gratis? Why should we pay for your

Look at it another we. WE paid for YOUR war and carried that debt for
decades until you finally discharged the obligation.

And what, btw, is wrong with profit?

Governor Swill

Jun 19, 2016, 11:23:15 PM6/19/16
On Sat, 18 Jun 2016 21:29:00 +0100, "Ian Field" wrote:
>"Fight for America!" wrote
>> On 6/18/2016 1:54 PM, Ian Field wrote:
>>> The debt we paid became profit in greedy Americans bank accounts you
>>> fucking stupid brain dead cunt.
>> No it didn't.
>> You just repaid what you were lent and leased from us, you limey piker.

>The great lend lease con -

No con. The prices and terms were set up front. If you didn't like
lend lease, you should have paid cash for the tanks and trucks and
food we shipped you. After all, the British Empire on which the sun
never set, was filthy rich. From the treasures of Tutankhamen's tomb
to the Kohinoor diamond, the crown was awash in riches stolen from
it's conquered provinces. You couldn't pony up to buy your own

>we bought American armaments so our troops could
>die fighting a country that declared war on America.

Germany didn't declare war on the US until December, 1941. Americans
were dying in North Africa by May 1943. Japan declared war that same
month and we had troops in action against them in 1942. Meanwhile,
the US had been supplying war materiel and food to Britain, the USSR
and China since 1940.

>And the typical American response: - "the British will fight to the last

Is that anything like Stalin begging the allies to open a front in
western Europe which Churchill steadfastly refused to do?

>The Americans remained "isolationist" while they waited for the film units
>to get there...................

FDR borrowed to buy your guns and trucks and fuel and food because you
didn't have the cash. The US carried that debt for you until you paid
it back.

Americans remembered with distaste the callous way we were dismissed
once we'd helped you win your first world war. Why should we rescue
you again?

And now, nearly three quarters of a century later, you have the
temerity to complain that you had to pay your own war bills? And it
took you - by your own admission - more than half a century to do it.

And btw, the film crews were there long before Germany's declaration
of war. The American news media was sending home newsreel footage of
the war in Europe from early 1940 and as early as spring 1941,
Hollywood was cranking out anti Nazi propaganda movies intended to
whip up popular support for American entry into the European action.

Governor Swill

Jun 19, 2016, 11:25:22 PM6/19/16
On Sat, 18 Jun 2016 21:58:50 +0100, "Ian Field"
<> wrote:

>So was Germany - for a while at the start of the war, America was supplying
>strategic materials to anyone that waved money under their nose.

It helped keep alive the fiction of American neutrality while we
struggled to keep you and the Soviets fed and armed. Not that you
paid for any of that help. We had to front the cash and carry those
debts for decades.

>They didn't figure out what was going on till the Japs hit Pearl Harbour.

We knew exactly what was going on. We just didn't want any part of it
until Japan forced our hand.

Fight for America!

Jun 20, 2016, 11:27:45 AM6/20/16
On 6/19/2016 9:25 PM, Governor Swill is a paid Dem operative from

Fight for America!

Jun 20, 2016, 11:27:59 AM6/20/16
On 6/19/2016 9:23 PM, Governor Swill is a paid Dem operative from

Fight for America!

Jun 20, 2016, 11:28:13 AM6/20/16
On 6/19/2016 8:56 PM, Governor Swill is a paid Dem operative from

Ian Field

Jun 20, 2016, 3:36:41 PM6/20/16

"Governor Swill" <> wrote in message
> On Sat, 18 Jun 2016 21:58:50 +0100, "Ian Field"
> <> wrote:
>>So was Germany - for a while at the start of the war, America was
>>strategic materials to anyone that waved money under their nose.
> It helped keep alive the fiction of American neutrality while we
> struggled to keep you and the Soviets fed and armed. Not that you
> paid for any of that help. We had to front the cash and carry those
> debts for decades.
>>They didn't figure out what was going on till the Japs hit Pearl Harbour.
> We knew exactly what was going on. We just didn't want any part of it
> until Japan forced our hand.

A lot of what you knew was going on, was because of British intelligence and
the decrypt computer at Bletchley Park.

Germany and Japan had signed a treaty and Britain was decoding the radio
traffic that revealed what was looming.

The Japs had a simpler cypher machine than the German Enigma, and America
could crack some of the codes some of the time.

The Germans started supplying Enigma machines to Japan later in the war -
this was known because a captured U-boat on its way to Japan had a few
crates of them in the hold.

Ian Field

Jun 20, 2016, 3:39:34 PM6/20/16

"Governor Swill" <> wrote in message
> On Sat, 18 Jun 2016 20:54:16 +0100, "Ian Field"
> <> wrote:
>>"Fight for America!" <> wrote in message
>>> On 6/18/2016 1:14 PM, Ian Field wrote:
>>>> America made the most profit.
>>>> The UK only finished paying off its lend lease debt a few years ago.
>>> Debt is not "profit" you Marxist oaf!
>>The debt we paid became profit in greedy Americans bank accounts you
>>stupid brain dead cunt.
> "Greedy"? Was the price for your freedom too high for your taste? Was
> America supposed to come charging in on our white horse and save you
> from your shortsightedness gratis? Why should we pay for your
> mistakes?

You didn't - we paid YOU for the armaments to fight the country that
declared war on YOU.

Fight for America!

Jun 20, 2016, 4:47:29 PM6/20/16
On 6/20/2016 1:40 PM, Ian Field wrote:

> we paid YOU for the armaments to fight the country that declared war on YOU

Ah no, YOU declared war on Germany FIRST, you revisionist limey!

On this day (9-03) in 1939, in response to Hitler’s invasion of Poland,
Britain and France, both allies of the overrun nation declare war on

December 11, 1941 Adolf Hitler declares war on the United States,
bringing America, which had been neutral, into the European conflict.

Sucks to be such an easily refuted liar, eh?

Ian Field

Jun 20, 2016, 5:07:22 PM6/20/16

"Fight for America!" <> wrote in message
> On 6/20/2016 1:40 PM, Ian Field wrote:
>> we paid YOU for the armaments to fight the country that declared war on
>> YOU
> Ah no, YOU declared war on Germany FIRST, you revisionist limey!

We had a treaty with Poland and Germany invaded Poland.

Just as Germany had a treaty with Japan, so when Japan attacked Pearl
Harbour on 7th Dec 41 - Germany declared war on America 11th Dec 41.

Treaties actually meant something back then.

Fight for America!

Jun 20, 2016, 5:22:48 PM6/20/16
On 6/20/2016 3:08 PM, Ian Field wrote:
> "Fight for America!" <> wrote in message
> news:nk9kov$udm$
>> On 6/20/2016 1:40 PM, Ian Field wrote:
>>> we paid YOU for the armaments to fight the country that declared war
>>> on YOU
>> Ah no, YOU declared war on Germany FIRST, you revisionist limey!
> We had a treaty with Poland and Germany invaded Poland.

Is that a YES or just rationalization?

> Just as Germany had a treaty with Japan, so when Japan attacked Pearl
> Harbour on 7th Dec 41 - Germany declared war on America 11th Dec 41.
> Treaties actually meant something back then.

Petty deflection after your last loony claim:

"we paid YOU for the armaments to fight the country that declared war
on YOU"

They were already fighting YOU long before they declared war on US,
weren't they now, Brit liar?

1939 iirc?

And the start of Lend-Lease?

Proposed in late 1940 and passed in March 1941, the Lend-Lease Act was
the principal means for providing U.S. military aid to foreign nations
during World War II.

Ooopsie widdle Brit troll, that was ///9 montnhs/// before they declared
war on US!

Ian Field

Jun 20, 2016, 5:31:16 PM6/20/16

"Fight for America!" <> wrote in message
Completely blind to the global threat till the Japs attacked them - then
everyone else had to pay (and die) for America's war.

And the thanks we got:- "The British will fight to the last American".

Fight for America!

Jun 20, 2016, 5:45:23 PM6/20/16
How could it be OUR War when no war was fought on OUR Soil?

And when YOU and France started it?

Our thanks for Lend-Lease?

A declaration of war on us.

Thanks, limey bastids!

> And the thanks we got:- "The British will fight to the last American".

You lied and were caught easily, this is all obfuscation now, child.


Jun 21, 2016, 12:40:20 AM6/21/16
In article <nk921g$k7f$>
Fight for America! <> wrote:
> On 6/19/2016 9:25 PM, Governor Swill is a paid Dem operative from
> Hotlanta who lives in gay coven.


Ian Field

Jun 21, 2016, 2:19:28 PM6/21/16

"Fight for America!" <> wrote in message
Actually; the Japs attacked the American mainland with incendiary balloons
launched into the jet stream.

A complex system of altimeters and timers dropped incendiary bombs from the
balloons into wooded American areas.

The U-boat crews had their second "happy time" sinking American ships
silhouetted against the harbour lights.

The world war was going to happen - no matter how deep American
isolationists buried their heads in the sand.

Fight for America!

Jun 21, 2016, 2:50:30 PM6/21/16
Actually they made a comedy about that with John Belushi - "1941".

Suffice to say, no battle on US continental soil.

> A complex system of altimeters and timers dropped incendiary bombs from
> the balloons into wooded American areas.

Killing all of one church picnic...

Japan’s bizarre operation to fly 9,000 bomb-laden balloons across the
Pacific Ocean claimed its only victims 70 years ago when five children
and a pregnant woman at an Oregon church outing were killed in the war’s
only fatal attack on the continental United States.

> The U-boat crews had their second "happy time" sinking American ships
> silhouetted against the harbour lights.

For roughly 7 months.

> The world war was going to happen - no matter how deep American
> isolationists buried their heads in the sand.

You've abandoned all your specious guff I see, that's good.

The rest of this is pointless micro-debating.

Governor Swill

Jun 21, 2016, 3:11:41 PM6/21/16
On Sun, 19 Jun 2016 19:20:31 +0100, "Ian Field" wrote:
>"Governor Swill" wrote
>> On Fri, 17 Jun 2016 16:07:57 -0600, Fight for America! wrote:
>>>On 6/17/2016 3:35 PM, Ian Field wrote:
>>>>> You almost had that in your life path before we saved your bacon.
>>>> Saved who's bacon?!!!
>> Britain's. Despite the Royal Navy, Hitler's sub fleet had cut off
>> trade and supply. His conquest of the continent had excluded getting
>> food from there which left the US as the only viable alternative for
>> support.

>We were getting on top of that.
>We invented the cavity magnetron and centimetric radar that could detect a
>submerged U-boat at 5 miles as long as it was using its snorkel to take on

In the Battle of the Atlantic:
"The Allies gradually gained the upper hand, overcoming German surface
raiders by the end of 1942 and defeating the U-boats by mid-1943,
though losses due to U-boats continued until war's end."

>We gave the cavity magnetron to America in exchange for their manufacturing
>capacity so we could equip all our armed forces in the shortest possible

Actually, Churchill gave FDR virtually every bit of information they
had on military technologies. There was no "exchange" as such, just
the understanding that the two powers would pool all possible

>Centimetric radar was the basis of H2S PPI radar - America built theirs
>under license with the name H2X.

The US was also first to mount an effective sonar device which didn't
require a sub to be surfaced to be located.

>The Colossus decrypting computer at Bletchley Park was amongs other thing;

Colossus was not developed until 1943. And IIRC, you guys convicted
Alan Turing, the leading mind at Bletchley, of sodomy some years after
the war and forced him to take estrogen injections to prevent him from
having sex, as an alternative to prison. Years later he committed
suicide although an alternative theory suggests his poisoning was
accidental. But I digress.

You guys didn't figure out Germany's codes, but you did figure out how
their cipher machines worked. The Polish resistance provided you with
an older model, a newer one was taken from a damaged Uboat.

"One of the outstanding intelligence break-throughs of the war came on
9th May with the capture of an intact Enigma machine, the German
encoding device that they believed to be impossible to break. The
British had assembled a team of brilliant academics at Bletchley Park
who were making steady progress with the task of deciphering German
messages encoded with ‘Enigma’ machines. They already possessed one
Enigma machine, passed on by Polish Intelligence before the war. What
was needed were the internal rotors in the machines that were
currently being used. A number of schemes had been devised to capture
these but the boarding of U-110 came as an unexpected bonus."

"The U-boat had been forced to surface after depth charging, the crew
had abandoned ship believing that the U-boat was already sinking. The
surviving crew were rescued and quickly taken below decks so that they
would not be aware that the boat was to be boarded. The commander of
the boat Lemp died, possibly shot as he attempted to swim back to the
boat to sink her."

>telling us where the U-boat Wolf packs were going to strike next - whenever
>resources permitted; our destroyers were waiting for them.

Which wasn't often enough. The addition of sonar, American escorts
and longer range recon planes effectively ended German command of the
North Atlantic before Colossus was even built.

>America benefitted from intelligence decrypted by our computer before they
>even got into the war - Pearl Harbour might not have been quite such a
>surprise if they'd been paying attention at the back.

America had already broken the Japanese code. They knew an attack was
coming but not the specifics as those were not broadcast but
transmitted by written communiques and word of mouth.

>Its estimated that these inventions shortened the war by at least a couple
>of years - we were pretty much just mopping up a few fanatics by the time
>America turned up in time to claim the glory.

You were "mopping up a few fanatics" in May 1943?

>We had jet engines more or less the same time as the Germans -

Jet engines that didn't work. BMW was far ahead in jet engine

>as the jet
>age dawned after the war, America was buying most of its jet engines from
>us, they did eventually get around to license building British designs.

A further testament to Europe's focus on war machines and military
technology at the time.

>Entirely American manufacture wasn't without casualties, I think it was
>Westinghouse that dropped out of making jet engines because they just
>couldn't do it right - I forget which American jet engine manufacturer go a
>lot of aircrews killed in SE Asia because their engines left a smoke trail
>that enemy pilots could pick up half way across the land mass.

But the British also must bear the shame of Lucas electrics. :)

(old joke)
Q: Why do Brits drink warm beer?
A: Because they use Lucas refrigerators.

In the early seventies, my dad turned wrenches at a local import
dealer. They were getting Jaguar owners complaining about batteries
draining overnight. Took some time, but eventually my dad traced the
problem to a wire that ran from the fusebox underneath the carpet in
the driver's footwell where its bare end was grounding against the
floor pan. Nobody knew what the wire was for - it wasn't on the
electrical schematics from Jag - but it was found on every car shipped
from Britain and none were capped off with an insulator.

After that, the dealer routinely removed that wire from every new Jag
that came in and every Jag that entered the shop for any reason.

Ian Field

Jun 21, 2016, 3:19:07 PM6/21/16

"Governor Swill" <> wrote in message
America "pooled" as much money as they could get their hands on.

Russia paid the highest cost in war dead - America made the most profit.

Fight for America!

Jun 21, 2016, 3:33:54 PM6/21/16
On 6/21/2016 1:11 PM, Governor Swill is a paid Dem operative from

Governor Swill

Jun 21, 2016, 3:34:21 PM6/21/16
On Mon, 20 Jun 2016 20:40:58 +0100, "Ian Field"
<> wrote:

>"Governor Swill" <> wrote in message
>> On Sat, 18 Jun 2016 20:54:16 +0100, "Ian Field"
>> <> wrote:
>>>"Fight for America!" <> wrote in message
>>>> On 6/18/2016 1:14 PM, Ian Field wrote:
>>>>> America made the most profit.
>>>>> The UK only finished paying off its lend lease debt a few years ago.
>>>> Debt is not "profit" you Marxist oaf!
>>>The debt we paid became profit in greedy Americans bank accounts you
>>>stupid brain dead cunt.
>> "Greedy"? Was the price for your freedom too high for your taste? Was
>> America supposed to come charging in on our white horse and save you
>> from your shortsightedness gratis? Why should we pay for your
>> mistakes?
>You didn't -

Exactly. But you complained about having to do so.

>we paid YOU for the armaments to fight the country that
>declared war on YOU.

You EVENTUALLY paid for the food and materials you needed to fight a
country YOU had declared war on more than two years earlier.

Hey, bud! I think somebody else has already had our argument!

Fight for America!

Jun 21, 2016, 3:35:44 PM6/21/16
On 6/21/2016 1:20 PM, Ian Field wrote:
> Russia paid the highest cost in war dead - America made the most profit.

England started it all.

Fight for America!

Jun 21, 2016, 3:40:33 PM6/21/16
On 6/21/2016 1:34 PM, Governor Swill is a paid Dem operative from

Ian Field

Jun 21, 2016, 3:52:10 PM6/21/16

"Fight for America!" <> wrote in message
> On 6/21/2016 1:20 PM, Ian Field wrote:
>> Russia paid the highest cost in war dead - America made the most profit.
> England started it all.

Germany started it by invading a country that had a treaty with Britain.

Probably lucky for them their treaty wasn't with America eh?

Fight for America!

Jun 21, 2016, 3:53:40 PM6/21/16
On 6/21/2016 1:53 PM, Ian Field wrote:
> "Fight for America!" <> wrote in message
> news:nkc4uf$pko$
>> On 6/21/2016 1:20 PM, Ian Field wrote:
>>> Russia paid the highest cost in war dead - America made the most profit.
>> England started it all.
> Germany started it by invading a country that had a treaty with Britain.

He said, she said...wah!

> Probably lucky for them their treaty wasn't with America eh?

Ho nice, after we pull YOUR bacon out of Fritz's fire.

You ungrateful serf!

Ian Field

Jun 21, 2016, 3:54:42 PM6/21/16

"Governor Swill" <> wrote in message
Germany invaded a country protected by treaty with Britain.

But I guess treaties are just irrelevant to Americans.....................

Fight for America!

Jun 21, 2016, 3:56:49 PM6/21/16
On 6/21/2016 1:56 PM, Ian Field wrote:
> I guess treaties are just irrelevant to Americans.

Must be why we are in NATO still, you ungrateful sot!

Ian Field

Jun 21, 2016, 4:02:49 PM6/21/16

"Fight for America!" <> wrote in message
Utter bullshit - America took over Britain to use as a forward base after
Hitler declared war on America.

We could've made a pact with Hitler and sorted the Russians out so there was
no cold war - maybe fighting America's war for them was a big mistake!

Fight for America!

Jun 21, 2016, 4:07:39 PM6/21/16
On 6/21/2016 2:04 PM, Ian Field wrote:
> "Fight for America!" <> wrote in message
> news:nkc602$uc5$
>> On 6/21/2016 1:53 PM, Ian Field wrote:
>>> "Fight for America!" <> wrote in message
>>> news:nkc4uf$pko$
>>>> On 6/21/2016 1:20 PM, Ian Field wrote:
>>>>> Russia paid the highest cost in war dead - America made the most
>>>>> profit.
>>>> England started it all.
>>> Germany started it by invading a country that had a treaty with Britain.
>> He said, she said...wah!
>>> Probably lucky for them their treaty wasn't with America eh?
>> Ho nice, after we pull YOUR bacon out of Fritz's fire.
> Utter bullshit - America took over Britain to use as a forward base

We did?

I guess we should have kept you as a whiner's theme park then.

> after Hitler declared war on America.

2 years after you declared war on HIM!

> We could've made a pact with Hitler

Yeah, I think a lot of Jews had the same trouble.

> and sorted the Russians out so there was no cold war -

You think you did WHAT?!?!?!?!?

> maybe fighting America's war for them was a big mistake!

The war YOU started!

Ian Field

Jun 21, 2016, 4:13:53 PM6/21/16

"Fight for America!" <> wrote in message
> On 6/21/2016 1:56 PM, Ian Field wrote:
>> I guess treaties are just irrelevant to Americans.
> Must be why we are in NATO still, you ungrateful sot!

Basically using most of Europe as a buffer zone if Russia kicks off.

Many thousands of Europeans will die before any Americans get in harms way.

NATO exercises in the region are seen as provocative by the Eastern block,
and may yet trigger an "incident".

Ian Field

Jun 21, 2016, 4:19:52 PM6/21/16

"Fight for America!" <> wrote in message
I guess there's no way you'll ever accept that Hitler started the war -
maybe if you'd been born earlier you could've been his butt buddy.

Fight for America!

Jun 21, 2016, 4:30:03 PM6/21/16
On 6/21/2016 2:15 PM, Ian Field wrote:
> "Fight for America!" <> wrote in message
> news:nkc660$uc5$
>> On 6/21/2016 1:56 PM, Ian Field wrote:
>>> I guess treaties are just irrelevant to Americans.
>> Must be why we are in NATO still, you ungrateful sot!
> Basically using most of Europe as a buffer zone if Russia kicks off.

So we're responsible for your geographic siting too?


I do hope you realize world wars are likely to be fought with ICBMs, a
great many sea-launched.

But you know whatever, perhaps Putin will just roll his tanks into Ghent...

> Many thousands of Europeans will die before any Americans get in harms way.

Like they did on Kosovo?

No wait, we DID get involved there...

> NATO exercises in the region are seen as provocative by the Eastern
> block, and may yet trigger an "incident".

Unlike say nakedly TAKING Crimea back and invading the Ukraine?

Congratulations Neville, you're genuflecting with a limp wrist at this
generation's Hitler - a guy named Putin.


Fight for America!

Jun 21, 2016, 4:31:28 PM6/21/16
With Poland....

> maybe if you'd been born earlier you could've been his butt buddy.

I'd have been happy to go "Inglorious Basterds" on his ass.

But a lying revisionist like YOU who is ungrateful to boot?

Now that takes front and center priority.

Ian Field

Jun 21, 2016, 4:48:28 PM6/21/16

"Fight for America!" <> wrote in message
Who were under our protection..................

The German army had already occupied several other countries that didn't
exactly object. And continued to spread like cancer across Europe after

America was some way down his list - the Japs just brought it forward a bit.

Fight for America!

Jun 21, 2016, 4:50:24 PM6/21/16
And with protection like you and Fwonce offered well...we know how that
worked out...

> The German army had already occupied several other countries that didn't
> exactly object.


> And continued to spread like cancer across Europe after that.


> America was some way down his list - the Japs just brought it forward a
> bit.

Sure, Africa had the fuel the Huns needed, first things first.

Ian Field

Jun 21, 2016, 4:50:37 PM6/21/16

"Fight for America!" <> wrote in message
> On 6/21/2016 2:15 PM, Ian Field wrote:
>> "Fight for America!" <> wrote in message
>> news:nkc660$uc5$
>>> On 6/21/2016 1:56 PM, Ian Field wrote:
>>>> I guess treaties are just irrelevant to Americans.
>>> Must be why we are in NATO still, you ungrateful sot!
>> Basically using most of Europe as a buffer zone if Russia kicks off.
> So we're responsible for your geographic siting too?
> Seriously?
> I do hope you realize world wars are likely to be fought with ICBMs, a
> great many sea-launched.
> But you know whatever, perhaps Putin will just roll his tanks into
> Ghent...
>> Many thousands of Europeans will die before any Americans get in harms
>> way.
> Like they did on Kosovo?
> No wait, we DID get involved there...

Someone though there was oil there - whatever happened with that?

Ian Field

Jun 21, 2016, 4:59:47 PM6/21/16

"Fight for America!" <> wrote in message
We took care of Africa and the middle east. And diverted huge amounts of
German resources.

America bombed the occupied oil fields in Ploesti.

Fight for America!

Jun 21, 2016, 5:04:11 PM6/21/16
On 6/21/2016 2:52 PM, Ian Field wrote:
> "Fight for America!" <> wrote in message
> news:nkc84a$73i$
>> On 6/21/2016 2:15 PM, Ian Field wrote:
>>> "Fight for America!" <> wrote in message
>>> news:nkc660$uc5$
>>>> On 6/21/2016 1:56 PM, Ian Field wrote:
>>>>> I guess treaties are just irrelevant to Americans.
>>>> Must be why we are in NATO still, you ungrateful sot!
>>> Basically using most of Europe as a buffer zone if Russia kicks off.
>> So we're responsible for your geographic siting too?
>> Seriously?
>> I do hope you realize world wars are likely to be fought with ICBMs, a
>> great many sea-launched.
>> But you know whatever, perhaps Putin will just roll his tanks into
>> Ghent...
>>> Many thousands of Europeans will die before any Americans get in
>>> harms way.
>> Like they did on Kosovo?
>> No wait, we DID get involved there...
> Someone though there was oil there -


That was a pre-fracking boom police action you know.

We know who does now:

Wesley Clark Seeks Licence For Oil in Kosovo
The US General who led NATO’s campaign against Serbia in 1999 has asked
Kosovo’s government for a licence to transform the country’s untapped
coal reserves into fuel, a letter obtained by Prishtina Insight reveals.

Now chairman of the Canada-based energy firm Envidity, Clark is
returning to Kosovo with a mining application to drill across the
Dukagjini region for previously undiscovered coal reserves, which would
then be transformed into synthetic fuel.

Using little-known techniques – Underground Coal Gasification and Gas to
Liquid processes – the firm hopes to produce up 100,000 barrels of the
fuel per day – or 15 million litres.

This would make the Kosovo operation one of the largest of its kind in
the world, and, according to Envidity, bring $8 billion of investment to

The firm also boasts that it would make Kosovo self-sufficient in diesel
and aviation fuel within six to seven years.

> whatever happened with that?


Same as the fracking technology we offered you sots and were rebuffed on.

Opposition to fracking continues to outstrip support - particularly
among those who know about the controversial process, a survey for the
government shows.

More than half (53%) of those who said they knew a lot about fracking
were against it, compared to a third (33%) who said they were in favour
of it, the latest poll tracking attitudes to energy policies has revealed.

Among those who thought they knew a little about it, opposition
outstripped support by 40% to 26%, the survey for the Department of
Energy and Climate Change found.

Opposition was also higher than support among all those who were quizzed
for the survey, with 29% opposed and 23% backing extraction of shale gas
through fracking. Women were more likely to be opposed to it than men,
with only 17% backing fracking, compared to 28% of men.

Enjoy having Putin hold you by your energy nutsack, serf!

Fight for America!

Jun 21, 2016, 5:14:27 PM6/21/16
Oh bully for you and Monty!

> America bombed the occupied oil fields in Ploesti.

You'd have preferred we left them to Jerry?

Ploesti was a vast complex of oil refinery facilities located some 30
miles north of Bucharest, Romania. It supplied an estimated sixty
percent of the refined oil necessary to keep the German war machine
running. In the words of Winston Churchill, Ploesti was "the taproot of
German might." It was a strategic target whose destruction allied
planners hoped would deliver a severe blow to Germany's ability to carry
on the war.

The Ploesti Raid 8/1/43
The blow was to be delivered by American B-24 bombers flying out of
the Libyan Desert, across the Mediterranean Sea to the target and return
- a two thousand mile journey that would push the abilities of both
planes and crews to their limits. This would not be the first raid on
Ploesti - this had occurred in June 1942 -, nor the last, but it had the
highest expectations. Five bombardment groups - two borrowed from the
Eighth Air Force stationed in England - equipped with B-24 Liberator
bombers began low-level flight training in the Libyan dessert. Flying in
formation at altitudes of fifty feet or lower to avoid radar detection
and impede enemy antiaircraft fire.

Loaded with extra fuel tanks, 178 attack planes struggled aloft from
their Libyan airstrips early Sunday morning August 1, 1943. They flew
into a fiery hell that would be remembered as "Black Sunday." Trouble
began almost immediately. Unbeknownst to the air crews, the Germans had
broken their communication code and monitored their flight almost as
soon as they took off. As they approached their target, the lead flight
made a wrong turn up a mountain valley taking one of the following
flights with it. Detected by German radar, the attacking Americans had
lost the element of surprise.

Arriving on target, the B-24's were confronted with one of the most
heavily protected facilities the Germans had. Surrounded by hundreds of
anti-aircraft emplacements, heavy-caliber machine guns and defending
aircraft, Ploesti's defenses included a specially designed flak train
made up of freight cars whose sides could drop revealing anti-aircraft
artillery that spewed death from its guns as the train raced in tandem
with attacking planes. Smoke stacks obscured by billowing smoke from
exploding storage tanks also took their toll on the low-flying B-24s.

Fifty-three aircraft - each with a crew of ten - were lost in the
attack. Later surveillance flights revealed that approximately forty-two
percent of Ploesti's refining capacity had been destroyed.

In addition to the 10 refineries at Ploesti, which produced perhaps
one-third of Germany’s oil, there was a wide network of targets like
Giurgiu: storage facilities, transportation routes and shipment points.

Ian Field

Jun 21, 2016, 5:21:48 PM6/21/16

"Fight for America!" <> wrote in message
It was a necessary and costly mission - AFAICR: they had to go back and hit
it again.

The eventual benefit was mostly to America - German fuel shortages became so
acute that they couldn't train replacement pilots.

The American formation tactics were just as costly to the Germans as the 8th
air force.

The RAF night bombers were fighting mainly a technology war - but German
fuel rationing certainly helped.

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