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They're of on the warcrimes bit again.

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prince andy

Jan 28, 2009, 3:16:02 AM1/28/09
Yeah bush and cheney commited war crimes. were they impeached. No he's back
on the ranch, and cheney back to whatever he wishes.

And below find a bunch who insult the name by calling themselves scholars.
Cowards flaunting their cowaedly work in the gaza massacre. And calling it
war service.

Anyway this bunch of israeli patriots will no doubt foil all the wailing non
jewish americans as they always have.

Israel's Leaders Are Frantically Trying to Prevent War Crimes Proceedings
for Their Gaza Atrocities
By Jonathan Cook, AlterNet
Posted on January 26, 2009, Printed on January 27, 2009

Mounting fear in Israel that the country's leaders face war crimes charges
over their involvement in the recent Gaza offensive pushed officials into a
frenzy of activity at the weekend to forestall legal actions abroad.

The urgency was underlined after rumors last week that Belgian authorities
might arrest Tzipi Livni, Israel's foreign minister, if she attended a
summit of European counterparts in Brussels on Wednesday. In an indication
of how seriously the matter is judged, Ms Livni's advisers were on the verge
of cancelling her trip when the story was revealed to be a hoax.

Nonetheless, officials are braced for real attempts to arrest senior
political and military figures following a warning from the country's chief
law officer, Menachem Mazuz, that Israel will soon face "a wave of
international lawsuits".

In response, the government is setting up a special task force to work on
legal defenses, has barred the media from naming or photographing army
officers involved in the Gaza attack, and has placed restrictions on
overseas visits. Today, ministers were expected to approve an aid package to
help soldiers fight warrants abroad for their arrest.

The concern about war crimes trials follows a series of pronouncements by
Richard Falk, the United Nations' special rapporteur on the occupied
territories and a professor emeritus of international law at Princeton
University in the United States.

He has accused Israel of gravely violating the laws of war during its
three-week offensive, which killed more than 1,300 Gazans, most of them
civilians, and wounded thousands more.

There is a well-grounded view that both the initial attacks on Gaza and the
tactics being used by Israel are serious violations of the UN charter, the
Geneva conventions, international law and international humanitarian law,"
he said during the final stages of fighting.

Since they gained entry to the tiny enclave after a ceasefire declared a
week ago, Amnesty International and Human Rights Watch have added their
voice. The two human-rights organizations have censured Israel over its
failure to distinguish between Palestinian civilians and combatants as well
as its use of controversial weapons.

There is incontrovertible evidence, both groups say, that Israel fired white
phosphorus shells over Gaza, despite its banned use in civilian areas,
setting homes on fire and burning civilians caught under the shower of

Kenneth Roth, the director of Human Rights Watch, has also lambasted Israel
for using high-explosive shells in built-up areas of Gaza, even though the
artillery has a blast range of up to 300 meters.

Initial indications suggest that the army may have resorted also to an
experimental weapon -- dense inert metal explosive, or Dime -- that severs
limbs and ruptures the internal organs of anyone close to the blast.

The International Atomic Energy Agency, the UN's nuclear watchdog, is
investigating claims forwarded by Saudi Arabia that depleted uranium shells
were used in Gaza.

In addition, human-rights groups have begun documenting instances of the
Israeli army's targeting of civilian buildings, including UN schools, and of
soldiers taking Palestinian civilians as human shields.

A senior Israeli official told Yedioth Ahronoth newspaper: "As far as the
international arena is concerned, Israel is entering what is probably its
darkest era."

In a further sign of concern, an unnamed government minister was quoted last
week as saying: "When the scale of the damage in Gaza becomes clear, I will
no longer take a vacation in Amsterdam, only at the international court in
The Hague" -- a reference to the International Criminal Court in the
Netherlands that tries war crimes.

Over the past week about 300 human-rights organizations have jointly
prepared a 37-page dossier of evidence to be presented to the court.

According to legal experts, it will be difficult to try Israel at the ICC
because it is not a signatory to the Rome statute governing the court's
jurisdiction and function. However, an ad hoc tribunal similar to the ones
set up to deal with war crimes in Rwanda and the former Yugoslavia may be an
option. The ICC might also try to pursue individual Israeli commanders for
war crimes.

A more pressing concern for Israel is that human-rights activists in Europe
could use local "universal jurisdiction" legislation to initiate war crimes
trials in their domestic courts against Israeli leaders.

Such actions have been launched before, most notably in 2005 when Doron
Almog, the former Israeli commander in Gaza, avoided being arrested in the
United Kingdom only after he was warned to remain seated in a plane after
his arrival at Heathrow airport. Major Gen Almog had overseen the demolition
of hundreds of homes in Gaza three years earlier.

In an attempt to make life more difficult for Israeli leaders, anonymous
activists in Israel launched a website ( -- "outing" those
it accused of war crimes, including Ehud Barak, the defence minister, Ehud
Olmert, the prime minister, and Ms Livni. It also identified most of the
senior military command.

Offering photographs and information about each official's alleged offence,
the site provides contact details for the ICC and tells visitors to alert
the court when "the suspect is outside of Israel's borders".

To avert the danger of arrests for war crimes, IsraeI hurriedly initiated a
series of moves to protect its leaders. A special task force, overseen by
the prime minister's office, will convene in the next few days to start
building a defence for army commanders.

The Israeli media suggested experts on international law would seek to
compile evidence that Hamas stockpiled weapons in civilian buildings, and
that the army went to great efforts to warn residents to flee before bombing

The military censor is excising from media reports all identifying
information about senior officers involved in the Gaza operation, and
officers who wish to travel abroad will be required first to seek the advice
of military officials.

A version of this article originally appeared in The National
(, published in Abu Dhabi.

Jonathan Cook is a writer and journalist based in Nazareth, Israel. His
latest book is "Disappearing Palestine: Israel's Experiments in Human
Despair" (Zed Books). His website is

© 2009 Independent Media Institute. All rights reserved.
View this story online at:

Lest you think there must be some truth to the alleged Treblinka holocaust

NAFCASH TM is offering a $250,000.00 REWARD

For locating JUST ONE of the alleged "HUGE MASS GRAVES" of Treblinka

NAFCASH TM presents


You must scientifically - forensically prove the grave's EXACT location,
its EXACT dimensions and its EXACT volumetric density.

The cremated remains must total AT LEAST one percent of the alleged mass


There are other indications as well that the theory of mass destruction of
the Hungarian Jews is incorrect: the witnesses to this destruction
unanimously claim that during these alleged mass exterminations the limited
capacity of the Birkenau crematoria necessitated the excavation of enormous
pits, in which the bodies were burned. Dark clouds of smoke, they claim,
darkened the sky over Birkenau during this procedure. Fortunately (or
unfortunately, depending on one's perspective) the aerial reconnaissance
photographs taken by the Allies during this time prove that in the Birkenau
camp, which was not obscured by clouds of smoke when the pictures were
taken, there were neither open fires, nor giant pits, nor smoke activity on
any scale large or small, nor piles of dead bodies, nor great supplies of
firewood, nor anything else of the sort.[45] The Polish Historical Society
concludes that in light of this evidence the number of victims in Auschwitz
must be reduced by another 400,000 plus 74,000 (Polish Jews from the
liquidated ghetto Lodz, who are also claimed to have been gassed around this
time), leaving some 500,000 victims for Auschwitz.[46]

"al92653" <> wrote in message

> Israel's Leaders Are Frantically Trying to Prevent War Crimes Proceedings
> for Their Gaza Atrocities
> By Jonathan Cook, AlterNet
> Posted on January 26, 2009, Printed on January 27, 2009
> Mounting fear in Israel that the country's leaders face war crimes charges
> over their involvement in the recent Gaza offensive pushed officials into
> a
> frenzy of activity at the weekend to forestall legal actions abroad.
> The urgency was underlined after rumors last week that Belgian authorities
> might arrest Tzipi Livni, Israel's foreign minister, if she attended a
> summit of European counterparts in Brussels on Wednesday. In an indication
> of how seriously the matter is judged, Ms Livni's advisers were on the
> verge
> of cancelling her trip when the story was revealed to be a hoax.
> Nonetheless, officials are braced for real attempts to arrest senior
> political and military figures following a warning from the country's
> chief
> law officer, Menachem Mazuz, that Israel will soon face "a wave of
> international lawsuits".
> In response, the government is setting up a special task force to work on
> legal defenses, has barred the media from naming or photographing army
> officers involved in the Gaza attack, and has placed restrictions on
> overseas visits. Today, ministers were expected to approve an aid package
> to
> help soldiers fight warrants abroad for their arrest.
> The concern about war crimes trials follows a series of pronouncements by
> Richard Falk, the United Nations' special rapporteur on the occupied
> territories and a professor emeritus of international law at Princeton
> University in the United States.
> He has accused Israel of gravely violating the laws of war during its
> three-week offensive, which killed more than 1,300 Gazans, most of them
> civilians, and wounded thousands more.
> There is a well-grounded view that both the initial attacks on Gaza and
> the
> tactics being used by Israel are serious violations of the UN charter, the
> Geneva conventions, international law and international humanitarian law,"
> he said during the final stages of fighting.
> Since they gained entry to the tiny enclave after a ceasefire declared a
> week ago, Amnesty International and Human Rights Watch have added their
> voice. The two human-rights organizations have censured Israel over its
> failure to distinguish between Palestinian civilians and combatants as
> well
> as its use of controversial weapons.
> There is incontrovertible evidence, both groups say, that Israel fired
> white
> phosphorus shells over Gaza, despite its banned use in civilian areas,
> setting homes on fire and burning civilians caught under the shower of
> phosphorus.
> Kenneth Roth, the director of Human Rights Watch, has also lambasted
> Israel
> for using high-explosive shells in built-up areas of Gaza, even though the
> artillery has a blast range of up to 300 meters.
> Initial indications suggest that the army may have resorted also to an
> experimental weapon -- dense inert metal explosive, or Dime -- that severs
> limbs and ruptures the internal organs of anyone close to the blast.
> The International Atomic Energy Agency, the UN's nuclear watchdog, is
> investigating claims forwarded by Saudi Arabia that depleted uranium
> shells
> were used in Gaza.
> In addition, human-rights groups have begun documenting instances of the
> Israeli army's targeting of civilian buildings, including UN schools, and
> of
> soldiers taking Palestinian civilians as human shields.
> A senior Israeli official told Yedioth Ahronoth newspaper: "As far as the
> international arena is concerned, Israel is entering what is probably its
> darkest era."
> In a further sign of concern, an unnamed government minister was quoted
> last
> week as saying: "When the scale of the damage in Gaza becomes clear, I
> will
> no longer take a vacation in Amsterdam, only at the international court in
> The Hague" -- a reference to the International Criminal Court in the
> Netherlands that tries war crimes.
> Over the past week about 300 human-rights organizations have jointly
> prepared a 37-page dossier of evidence to be presented to the court.
> According to legal experts, it will be difficult to try Israel at the ICC
> because it is not a signatory to the Rome statute governing the court's
> jurisdiction and function. However, an ad hoc tribunal similar to the ones
> set up to deal with war crimes in Rwanda and the former Yugoslavia may be
> an
> option. The ICC might also try to pursue individual Israeli commanders for
> war crimes.
> A more pressing concern for Israel is that human-rights activists in
> Europe
> could use local "universal jurisdiction" legislation to initiate war
> crimes
> trials in their domestic courts against Israeli leaders.
> Such actions have been launched before, most notably in 2005 when Doron
> Almog, the former Israeli commander in Gaza, avoided being arrested in the
> United Kingdom only after he was warned to remain seated in a plane after
> his arrival at Heathrow airport. Major Gen Almog had overseen the
> demolition
> of hundreds of homes in Gaza three years earlier.
> In an attempt to make life more difficult for Israeli leaders, anonymous
> activists in Israel launched a website ( -- "outing"
> those
> it accused of war crimes, including Ehud Barak, the defence minister, Ehud
> Olmert, the prime minister, and Ms Livni. It also identified most of the
> senior military command.
> Offering photographs and information about each official's alleged
> offence,
> the site provides contact details for the ICC and tells visitors to alert
> the court when "the suspect is outside of Israel's borders".
> To avert the danger of arrests for war crimes, IsraeI hurriedly initiated
> a
> series of moves to protect its leaders. A special task force, overseen by
> the prime minister's office, will convene in the next few days to start
> building a defence for army commanders.
> The Israeli media suggested experts on international law would seek to
> compile evidence that Hamas stockpiled weapons in civilian buildings, and
> that the army went to great efforts to warn residents to flee before
> bombing
> areas.
> The military censor is excising from media reports all identifying
> information about senior officers involved in the Gaza operation, and
> officers who wish to travel abroad will be required first to seek the
> advice
> of military officials.
> A version of this article originally appeared in The National
> (, published in Abu Dhabi.
> Jonathan Cook is a writer and journalist based in Nazareth, Israel. His
> latest book is "Disappearing Palestine: Israel's Experiments in Human
> Despair" (Zed Books). His website is
> © 2009 Independent Media Institute. All rights reserved.
> View this story online at:


Despite the central place of the Talmud in traditional Jewish life and
thought, significant Jewish groups and individuals have opposed it
vigorously. The Karaite sect in Babylonia, beginning in the 8th century,
refuted the oral tradition and denounced the Talmud as a rabbinic

I would point out that stormfront is the only critical of the Talmud.

Like the holocaust no non jew cared enough to really study the matter till
we found our freedoms encroached and our lives threatened by the Talmud
driven jews.

Assimilated Jews Must Address "Dark Side" of Judaism

Ø Moed Kattan 17a . If a Jew is tempted to do evil he should go to a
> city where he is not known and do the evil there.

If you can lower jewish influence and change the jew ridden republican party
that would improve matters???


Sanhedrin 55b . A Jew may marry a three year old girl (specifically,
> three years "and a day" old).

Sanhedrin 54b . A Jew may have sex with a child as long as the child
> is less than nine years old.

> A girl who is three years of age and one day may be betrothed by
> cohabitation. . . .(Yeb. 57b)


A maiden aged three years and a day may be acquired in marriage by
> coition, and if her deceased husband's brother cohabited with her she
> becomes his. (Sanh. 69a, 69b, also discussed in Yeb. 60b)

The example of Phineas, a priest, himself marrying an underage virgin of
> three years is considered by the Talmud as proof that such infants are
> "fit for cohabitation."
> The Talmud teaches that an adult woman's molestation of a nine year old
> boy is "not a sexual act" and cannot "throw guilt" upon her because the
> little boy is not truly a "man." 9 But they use opposite logic to
> sanction rape of little girls aged three years and one day: Such infants
> they count as "women," sexually mature and fully responsible to comply
> with the requirements of marriage.
> The Talmud footnotes 3 and 4 to Sanhedrin 55a clearly tell us when the
> rabbis considered a boy and girl sexually mature and thus ready for
> marriage. "At nine years a male attains sexual matureness. The sexual
> matureness of woman is reached at the age of three."


Where the Catholics got some of their stuff.
> Some Teachings of the Talmud Erubin 21b. Whosoever disobeys the
> rabbis deserves death and will be punished by being boiled in hot
> excrement in hell.
> Moed Kattan 17a . If a Jew is tempted to do evil he should go to a
> city where he is not known and do the evil there.
> Non-Jews are Not Human Baba Mezia 114a-114b. Only Jews are human
> ("Only ye are designated men"). Also see Kerithoth 6b under the sub-head,
> "Oil of Anointing" and Berakoth 58a in which Gentile women are
> designated animals ("she-asses").
> Jews are Divine Sanhedrin 58b. If a heathen (Gentile) hits a Jew, the
> Gentile must be killed. Hitting a Jew is the same as hitting God.
> O.K. to Cheat Non-Jews Sanhedrin 57a . A Jew need not pay a Gentile
> ("Cuthean") the wages owed him for work.
> Jews Have Superior Legal Status Baba Kamma 37b. "If an ox of an Israelite
> gores an ox of a Canaanite there is no liability; but if an ox of a
> Canaanite gores an ox of an Israelite...the payment is to be in full."
> Jews May Steal from Non-Jews Baba Mezia 24a . If a Jew finds an object
> lost by a Gentile ("heathen") it does not have to be returned.
> (Affirmed also in Baba Kamma 113b).
> Sanhedrin 76a . God will not spare a Jew who "marries his daughter to
> an old man or takes a wife for his infant son or returns a lost article
> to a Cuthean..."
> Jews May Rob and Kill Non-Jews Sanhedrin 57a . When a Jew murders a
> Gentile ("Cuthean"), there will be no death penalty. What a Jew steals
> from a Gentile he may keep.
> Baba Kamma 37b. Gentiles are outside the protection of the law and God
> has "exposed their money to Israel."
> Jews May Lie to Non-Jews Baba Kamma 113a. Jews may use lies
> ("subterfuges") to circumvent a Gentile.
> Non-Jewish Children Sub-Human Yebamoth 98a. All Gentile children
> are animals.
> Abodah Zarah 36b . Gentile girls are in a state of niddah (filth) from
> birth.
> Abodah Zarah 22a-22b . Gentiles prefer sex with cows.
> Abodah Zarah 67b . "The vessels of Gentiles, do they not impart a
> worsened flavor to the food cooked in them?"

> Sanhedrin 43a . Jesus deserved execution: "On the eve of the Passover,
> Yeshu was hanged...Do you suppose that he was one for whom a defense
> could be made? Was he not a Mesith (enticer)?"
> Attacks Christians and their Books Rosh Hashanah 17a . Christians
> ("minim") and others who reject the Talmud will go to hell and be
> punished there for all generations (see footnote #11 for the definition
> of minim).
> Sanhedrin 90a . Those who read the New Testament (uncanonical books,
> see footnote #9) will have no portion in the world to come.
> Shabbath 116a (p. 569). Jews must destroy the books of the Christians,
> i.e. the New Testament. See footnote #6.

> Sanhedrin 76a . God will not spare a Jew who "marries his daughter to
> an old man or takes a wife for his infant son or returns a lost article
> to a Cuthean (gentile)..."

> Jews May Steal from Non-Jews Baba Mezia 24a . If a Jew finds an object
> lost by a Gentile ("heathen") it does not have to be returned. (Affirmed
> also in Baba Kamma 113b).


> Non-Jewish Children Sub-Human Yebamoth 98a. All Gentile children
> are animals.
> Abodah Zarah 36b . Gentile girls are in a state of niddah (filth) from
> birth.
> Abodah Zarah 22a-22b . Gentiles prefer sex with cows.

Is all this true? Game to read the Talmud below. Of course the Talmud is not
the basis of other religion as it is a book written by Rabbi. The Torah is
the old testament bible which Christians believe in and which of course have
the same commandants that professed Christians follow as the laws of their
religion and god.

"Alaric II" <> wrote in message

> The Nadels were known for their civic activities, serving on boards and
> donating money. They donated heavily to Jewish Family & Children's
> Services
> and Girls Inc. all received cash gifts and pledges from the couple in
> recent
> years. "We're very fortunate in that way," said Rose Chapman, president
> of
> Jewish Family & Children's Services. Moody was co-chair of the
> organization'
> s capital campaign.
> No sign of Fla. financier or his clients' millions
> By CHRISTINE ARMARIO, Associated Press Writer
> SARASOTA, Fla. - In this quaint seaside community, Arthur G. Nadel was
> looked upon as a trusted and generous philanthropist.
> The 75-year-old hedge fund manager raked in high returns for his clients
> but
> left the luxury cars and the exorbitant lifestyle to others. So confident
> were investors in his ability to manage their money that they entrusted
> hundreds of thousands of dollars apiece to his care.
> Now they're wondering where Nadel is and what he's done with their money.
> The Sarasota Police Department had received at least seven complaints as
> of
> Sunday from investors, some of whom say they have lost upward of $700,000.
> It wasn't clear how much money was invested or how much might be missing,
> though one investor said the hedge fund had been worth as much as $350
> million and might have been completely drained.
> "I'm angry," Brad Lerner, a doctor who invested $500,000 with Nadel three
> years ago, said Sunday. "I'd like to see the truth come out and (the)
> money
> returned."
> Nadel's family reported him missing Wednesday, and on Thursday, police
> found
> his green Subaru in an airport parking lot. He left a note for his family,
> in which he appeared to be "very distraught," the Sarasota County
> Sheriff's
> Office said.
> "The alleged perpetrator and victims in this case were all
> philanthropists,"
> he said. "They knew each other. They had a strong bond. And for our
> community, I don't care even if it's a big city ... this is a lot of
> money."
> Then on Thursday, Lerner said he received a visit at his office from Neil
> Moody, a business associate of Nadel's. Lerner said he was told that Nadel
> had disappeared, and that the $350 million fund appeared to be empty. He
> didn't get many more details.
> Warner said investors are embarrassed.
> "People lost their life savings with this guy," he said. "People who had a
> great lifestyle and were secure, and all of a sudden, it's

True Blue

Jan 28, 2009, 3:36:34 AM1/28/09

"prince andy" <> wrote in message

> Yeah bush and cheney commited war crimes. were they



Jan 28, 2009, 5:57:15 AM1/28/09

A British soldier's view of Operation Cast Lead


"The casual bandying around of terms like ‘war crimes' so enraged me
when I heard it directed at British soldiers during protest in
I feel no different when it is levelled at Israeli soldiers. I accept
that soldiers enjoy no immunity from the law and that our actions
be scrutinised but that judgement must be a measured weighing of
factors, not a knee jerk emotive statement such as that made by Ban
Moon nor a trial by media. I believe that I and other soldiers
understand the stress, friction and confusion that combat brings in a
way that media commentators and UN bureaucrats never can."


"Urban warfare is complicated, disorientating and utterly confusing
even in conventional operations. When an enemy, such as Hamas, is
willing to dress in civilian clothing, attack from legally protected
sites and use civilians as human shields it becomes fiendishly

"A fact often unappreciated by those with no military experience is
that the selective use of overwhelming force, aimed at key targets,
actually shortens conflict and saves lives."


Lawfare: “strategy of using or misusing law
as a substitute for traditional military means
to achieve military objectives”

NGO "Lawfare": Exploitation of Courts in the Israeli-Arab Conflict

In September 2008, NGO Monitor released a highly detailed analysis of
the exploitation of European and US courts by NGOs. These groups have
initiated criminal and civil cases against Israeli officials for
supposed "war crimes," constituting a form of political "lawfare" –
the use of legal methods to achieve military goals. The forty-page
report, part of the NGO Monitor Monograph Series, provides the first
in-depth study of this important issue, and reveals the role of NGOs
in promoting the expansion of "universal jurisdiction" statutes
worldwide; the creation of the "lawfare" strategy against Israel at
the infamous 2001 Durban Conference; and the leading role NGOs have
played in these cases. The report also documents how the main
perpetrators of NGO "lawfare" are funded by the EU, many European
governments, the Ford Foundation, and George Soros´ Open Society

To read the Executive Summary in English, click here. [PDF]

To read the PDF of the full report, click here.

Hal Ó Mearadhaigh.

Jan 28, 2009, 6:53:36 AM1/28/09

Indeed, you are perfectly correct here. A great deal of our problems arise
from the American reluctance to use Overwhelming Force in Iraq and
Afghanistan, for instance, and try to go for the cheap option instead. Never
works of course, and now these wars are costing everyone far too much as a
result. Israel was correct to use overwhelming force and continues to do so.
Hamas problems arise from a brain dead leadership who fails to control Hamas
fighters and stop attacking Israel. If Hamas stops, Israel stops! Trying to
put all the blame on Israel and the Jewish nation is completly wrong. As for
the UN buildings attacked by mistake, perhaps the UN should have had their
properties outside the city war zone? Also, it is highly likely Hamas
deliberatly fired from near or in these buildings to try to make life
difficult for Israel from a propaganda point of view. I find the UN
arguments highly suspect. The only thing the Israeli's may have done that is
wrong is possibly to use phospherous.
Ref Israels right to exist, see:

Jewish Diaspora.

We've All Been Had!

Palestine is NOT a Country.



Very similar to all the sh-one-T we have all had to put up with in Northern
Ireland from the terrorist Irish Republican Army in fact! Been there done
that bought the T shirt!

Hal Ó Mearadhaigh.

(Glac bóg an saol agus glacfaidh an saol bóg thú).

Mel Rowing

Jan 28, 2009, 9:13:45 AM1/28/09
On Jan 28, 11:53 am, "Hal Ó Mearadhaigh." <>

> Indeed, you are perfectly correct here. A great deal of our problems arise
> from the American reluctance to use Overwhelming Force in Iraq and
> Afghanistan, for instance, and try to go for the cheap option instead. Never
> works of course, and now these wars are costing everyone far too much as a
> result. Israel was correct to use overwhelming force and continues to do so.
> Hamas problems arise from a brain dead leadership who fails to control Hamas
> fighters and stop attacking Israel. If Hamas stops, Israel stops! Trying to
> put all the blame on Israel and the Jewish nation is completly wrong. As for
> the UN buildings attacked by mistake, perhaps the UN should have had their
> properties outside the city war zone? Also, it is highly likely Hamas
> deliberatly fired from near or in these buildings to try to make life
> difficult for Israel from a propaganda point of view. I find the UN
> arguments highly suspect. The only thing the Israeli's may have done that is

> wrong is possibly to use phosphorous.

Succinct and to the point!

Those who work for the UN, the International Red Cross and others
should realise that is what they do. They work for these organisations
and represent nobody but themselves. They should not do or say
anything that compromises the impartiality of these organisations, a
reputation for such which has been built up over generations but
nonetheless a reputation which is fragile.

If those who serve these organisations do not take heed in this
respect, then it is the organisations themselves that will be damaged
an lose influence in times to come.

Has anyone worked out what the age of any Palestinian Arab who for
whatever reason found cause to leave what is now internationally
recognised as Israel in 1948? 50% of the present population of Gaza is
under the age of 16! How the hell can these be refugees?

This has been going on for 60 years? How much longer is it to be
allowed to go on? Another 60 years? 120 years? 180 years? or until one
population or the other is annihilated?

The real impediment to peace lies in the fact that Gaza in particular
is ruled by no one but is under the control of brigands. It's akin to
the Barbary Coast of yesteryear. It's a dysfunctional state just as is
Somalia. If the international community really does want to see
permanent peace in the Middle East then this problem must be addressed
and addressed militarily.

Michael O'Neill

Jan 29, 2009, 12:47:36 PM1/29/09
Mel Rowing wrote:


America is a dysfunctional state.

Israel is a dusfunctional client state.

Gaza is the result of their use of disproportionate force.

Violence projects the wrong kind of people into power.

Bush, the Knesset, Hamas - scumbags the lot of them.


Robert not Roberto

Jan 29, 2009, 1:00:33 PM1/29/09

"prince andy" <> wrote in message
> Yeah bush and cheney commited war crimes. were they impeached. No he's
> back on the ranch, and cheney back to whatever he wishes.

You Bush haters are having a hard time letting go.

Jan 29, 2009, 2:12:22 PM1/29/09

Only according to bigots who snip things they can't refute.


Eli Grubman

Jan 29, 2009, 3:32:18 PM1/29/09

Aren't/aren;t you the th*ck Ir*sh cunt who killfiles people and then
COMPLAINS that you can't/can;t see their refutations, KKKohen?


Poor Eli Grabmen is a Real Psychopath! LOL

Jan 29, 2009, 3:48:08 PM1/29/09

Aren't you that unique retard who has been posting the same garbage for
about TEN YEARS now?

The Top 5 Truths About Poor Psychopathic Swine Grabmen:

the poor swine can't SLEEP anymore,
it can't FUCK anymore,
it can't get out of the house anymore,
it got NOBODY to talk to anymore,
it got no life outside Usenet AT ALL, anymore!

And the real hilarious part of it: the poor psychopathic swine keeps
desperately trying to ignore that it's misery is so OBVIOUS to ANYONE!

Doctor Panta

Hal Ó Mearadhaigh.

Jan 30, 2009, 6:28:12 AM1/30/09

Eli, you really MUST have that stutter seen to!

In any case, the facts are that Mel Rowling didn't say anything remotely
like what you and O'Neill quoted. He wrote the following in response to my
remarks, QUOTE:

and addressed militarily." - UNQUOTE.

So, the usual murky behaviour from bigots and racists that one has come to
expect on SCI, misinterpreting the remarks of others and spreading lies and
obfuscation. Palestinians have only themselves to blame. They should not
support terrorist groups such as Hamas. Simple!


Jan 30, 2009, 6:37:55 AM1/30/09

"Hal Ó Mearadhaigh." <> wrote in message his
usual incoherent bullshit

I imagine that Merrick would be a bit of an expert on dysfunctionality when
you consider that he is a drunken sectarian bum!

And in the end
The love you take
Is equal to the love you make

Eli Grubman

Jan 30, 2009, 6:51:18 AM1/30/09
On Fri, 30 Jan 2009 11:28:12 -0000, "Hal Ó Mearadhaigh."
<> wrote:

>Eli Grubman wrote:
>> On Thu, 29 Jan 2009 19:12:22 GMT, wrote:
>>> On 29-Jan-2009, Michael O'Neill <> wrote:
>>>> Mel Rowing wrote:
>>>> [...]
>>>> America is a dysfunctional state.
>>>> Israel is a dusfunctional client state.
>>>> Gaza is the result of their use of disproportionate force.
>>>> Violence projects the wrong kind of people into power.
>>>> Bush, the Knesset, Hamas - scumbags the lot of them.
>>> Only according to bigots who snip things they can't refute.
>>> Susan
>> Aren't/aren;t you the th*ck Ir*sh cunt who killfiles people and then
>> COMPLAINS that you can't/can;t see their refutations, KKKohen?
>> Eli
>Eli, you really MUST have that stutter seen to!

There is no stutter, boghopper.

>In any case, the facts are that Mel Rowling didn't say anything remotely
>like what you and O'Neill quoted. He wrote the following in response to my
>remarks, QUOTE:

I haven't quoted anything, you th*ck Ir*sh cunt.
Top o' the morning to youse! To be sure, to be sure.


B. Cramer

Jan 30, 2009, 7:56:03 AM1/30/09

<> wrote in message

Really? You've changed your tune?

You've always been a supporter of the scumbags mentioned above.

Jan 30, 2009, 8:49:42 AM1/30/09

On 30-Jan-2009, "Hal Ó Mearadhaigh." <> wrote:

> Eli Grubman wrote:
> > On Thu, 29 Jan 2009 19:12:22 GMT, wrote:
> >
> >>
> >> On 29-Jan-2009, Michael O'Neill <> wrote:
> >>
> >>> Mel Rowing wrote:
> >>>
> >>> [...]
> >>>
> >>> America is a dysfunctional state.
> >>>
> >>> Israel is a dusfunctional client state.
> >>>
> >>> Gaza is the result of their use of disproportionate force.
> >>>
> >>> Violence projects the wrong kind of people into power.
> >>>
> >>> Bush, the Knesset, Hamas - scumbags the lot of them.
> >>
> >> Only according to bigots who snip things they can't refute.
> >>
> >> Susan
> >
> > Aren't/aren;t you the th*ck Ir*sh cunt who killfiles people and then
> > COMPLAINS that you can't/can;t see their refutations, KKKohen?
> >

Constant projectionism & lack of any refutation - still noted.

> > Eli
> Eli, you really MUST have that stutter seen to!

As well as that problem he has embracing & eradicating his own flaws, rather
than deal with them.

> In any case, the facts are that Mel Rowling didn't say anything remotely
> like what you and O'Neill quoted.

Of course not.

Which is why bigots don't grasp it - they are even simpler.


Poor Eli Grabmen is a Real Psychopath! LOL

Jan 30, 2009, 9:08:20 AM1/30/09

Yet, she never supported you! How come, scumbag?

Doctor Panta

Poor Eli Grabmen is a Real Psychopath! LOL

Jan 30, 2009, 9:08:21 AM1/30/09

Looks like your the "fame" of your outstanding retardation and degeneration
just keeps spreading, poor psychopathic swine Grabmen! LOL

Doctor Panta


Jan 30, 2009, 9:10:41 AM1/30/09
On 28 Jan, 15:13, Mel Rowing <> wrote:
> On Jan 28, 11:53 am, "Hal Ó Mearadhaigh." <>
> wrote:
> > Indeed, you are perfectly correct here. A great deal of our problems arise
> > from the American reluctance to use Overwhelming Force in Iraq and
> > Afghanistan, for instance, and try to go for the cheap option instead. Never
> > works of course, and now these wars are costing everyone far too much as a
> > result. Israel was correct to use overwhelming force and continues to do so.
> > Hamas problems arise from a brain dead leadership who fails to control Hamas
> > fighters and stop attacking Israel. If Hamas stops, Israel stops! Trying to
> > put all the blame on Israel and the Jewish nation is completly wrong. As for
> > the UN buildings attacked by mistake, perhaps the UN should have had their
> > properties outside the city war zone? Also, it is highly likely Hamas
> > deliberatly fired from near or in these buildings to try to make life
> > difficult for Israel from a propaganda point of view. I find the UN
> > arguments highly suspect. The only thing the Israeli's may have done that is
> > wrong is possibly to use phosphorous.
> Succinct and to the point!

Not at all. far too many errors but Israeli friendly, just as you like
it. Hamas did stop attacking Israel and Israel admitted they had, but
don't let the truth get in the way of your bias.

> Those who work for the UN, the International Red Cross and others
> should realise that is what they do. They work for these organisations
> and represent nobody but themselves. They should not do or say
> anything that compromises the impartiality of these organisations, a
> reputation for such which has been built up over generations but
> nonetheless a reputation which is fragile.

Wrong, they should highlight crimes by any nation, no matter who they

> If those who serve these organisations do not take heed in this
> respect, then it is the organisations themselves that will be damaged
> an lose influence in times to come.

The truth is harmful?

> Has anyone worked out what the age of any Palestinian Arab who for
> whatever reason found cause to leave what is now internationally
> recognised as Israel in 1948? 50% of the present population of Gaza is
> under the age of 16! How the hell can these be refugees?

The same way as relatives of holocaust victims receive compensation?

> This has been going on for 60 years? How much longer is it to be
> allowed to go on? Another 60 years? 120 years? 180 years? or until one
> population or the other is annihilated?

> The real impediment to peace lies in the fact that Gaza in particular
> is ruled by no one but is under the control of brigands. It's akin to
> the Barbary Coast of yesteryear.

It's democratic. Whether we like the result or not, it was their
choice and the International community has done it's best to destroy
any chance of Hamas making a successful conversion to become a
legitimate government. So we only accept democracy if 'our' guy wins?

> It's a dysfunctional state just as is
> Somalia. If the international community really does want to see
> permanent peace in the Middle East then this problem must be addressed
> and addressed militarily.

You people make me laugh. I would bet that you have never been
anywhere near a conflict zone. You're a fucking loud mouthed coward
Rowing, who is very quick to send others into war when there are
clearly other options. There is a far easier solution so far as this
conflict is concerned and no need for any violence. The Jewish
settlers that are illegally living on the West Bank should go back to
where they came from and there should be an end to the siege of Gaza.
It's as simple as that.

Jan 30, 2009, 9:11:29 AM1/30/09
On 30 Jan, 14:49, wrote:

> On 30-Jan-2009, "Hal Ó Mearadhaigh." <> wrote:
> > Eli Grubman wrote:

You should know ......

Hal Ó Mearadhaigh.

Jan 30, 2009, 10:12:16 AM1/30/09

"Biased" you say? Well, you certainly prove the saying "it takes one to know

Israel is a perfectly legal and correctly ordered State according to
International Law. What more do you want? READ the links I gave and you will

Eli Grubman

Jan 30, 2009, 10:13:14 AM1/30/09
On Fri, 30 Jan 2009 13:49:42 GMT, wrote:

>On 30-Jan-2009, "Hal Ó Mearadhaigh." <> wrote:
>> Eli Grubman wrote:
>> > On Thu, 29 Jan 2009 19:12:22 GMT, wrote:
>> >
>> >>
>> >> On 29-Jan-2009, Michael O'Neill <> wrote:
>> >>
>> >>> Mel Rowing wrote:
>> >>>
>> >>> [...]
>> >>>
>> >>> America is a dysfunctional state.
>> >>>
>> >>> Israel is a dusfunctional client state.
>> >>>
>> >>> Gaza is the result of their use of disproportionate force.
>> >>>
>> >>> Violence projects the wrong kind of people into power.
>> >>>
>> >>> Bush, the Knesset, Hamas - scumbags the lot of them.
>> >>
>> >> Only according to bigots who snip things they can't refute.
>> >>
>> >> Susan
>> >
>> > Aren't/aren;t you the th*ck Ir*sh cunt who killfiles people and then
>> > COMPLAINS that you can't/can;t see their refutations, KKKohen?
>> >
>Constant projectionism & lack of any refutation - still noted.

You did read what I just wrote about not seeing refutations,
didn't/didn;t you, KKKohen? In spite of the fact that you've/you;ve
killfiled me?

>> > Eli
>> Eli, you really MUST have that stutter seen to!
>As well as that problem he has embracing & eradicating his own flaws, rather
>than deal with them.

Now what about this problem of yours, KKKohen, you th*ck Ir*sh cunt?
You know - pretending to be a jew?

<Ir*sh banshee screeching b'rissed>


Poor Eli Grabmen is a Real Psychopath! LOL

Jan 30, 2009, 10:48:37 AM1/30/09
On Fri, 30 Jan 2009 10:13:14 -0500, Eli Grubman, the mental, emotional and
sexual cripple, wrote:

> On Fri, 30 Jan 2009 13:49:42 GMT, wrote:
>>On 30-Jan-2009, "Hal Ó Mearadhaigh." <> wrote:
>>> Eli Grubman wrote:
>>> > On Thu, 29 Jan 2009 19:12:22 GMT, wrote:
>>> >
>>> >>
>>> >> On 29-Jan-2009, Michael O'Neill <> wrote:
>>> >>
>>> >>> Mel Rowing wrote:
>>> >>>
>>> >>> [...]
>>> >>>
>>> >>> America is a dysfunctional state.
>>> >>>
>>> >>> Israel is a dusfunctional client state.
>>> >>>
>>> >>> Gaza is the result of their use of disproportionate force.
>>> >>>
>>> >>> Violence projects the wrong kind of people into power.
>>> >>>
>>> >>> Bush, the Knesset, Hamas - scumbags the lot of them.
>>> >>
>>> >> Only according to bigots who snip things they can't refute.
>>> >>
>>> >> Susan
>>> >
>>> > Aren't/aren;t you the th*ck Ir*sh cunt who killfiles people and then
>>> > COMPLAINS that you can't/can;t see their refutations, KKKohen?
>>> >
>>Constant projectionism & lack of any refutation - still noted.
> You did read what I just wrote about not seeing refutations,
> didn't/didn;t you, KKKohen? In spite of the fact that you've/you;ve
> killfiled me?

HAHAHAHAHHAAAA!!! Poor retard!

>>> > Eli
>>> Eli, you really MUST have that stutter seen to!
>>As well as that problem he has embracing & eradicating his own flaws, rather
>>than deal with them.
> Now what about this problem of yours, KKKohen, you th*ck Ir*sh cunt?
> You know - pretending to be a jew?
> <Ir*sh banshee screeching b'rissed>
> Eli

Now what about this problem of yours, psychopathic swine Grabmen? You know -
of not being able to hide what a psychopathic swine you really are?

I really would like to hear your answer to this! <BG>

Doctor Panta

Replying to Grabmen's posts is as recreational as stomping cockroaches.

Michael O'Neill

Jan 30, 2009, 11:38:54 AM1/30/09
to wrote:


> Only according to bigots who snip things they can't refute.
> Susan

Have we met before Susan?


Michael O'Neill

Jan 30, 2009, 11:42:55 AM1/30/09
Hal Ó Mearadhaigh. wrote:
> Eli Grubman wrote:
> > On Thu, 29 Jan 2009 19:12:22 GMT, wrote:


> > The only thing the Israeli's may have done that
> > is
> > wrong is possibly to use phosphorous.

> Suc-<SLAP!>

Yes, you suck Merrick.

You and all the other fascist apologists rushing to lick Israel's wounded
pride better.

Israel did this in the full light of international publicity.

Right when the 4th estate was on its moral high horse about Obama.

Blew up food stores, killed civilians, used disproportionate force.

All criminal acts by a nation of criminals.

Past time to stop giving them the BOD.

Fuck these fascist Israelis!


Michael O'Neill

Jan 30, 2009, 11:44:16 AM1/30/09
Eli Grubman wrote:


> Th-th-th-th-th_<SHADDAP!>


Michael O'Neill

Jan 30, 2009, 11:46:14 AM1/30/09
to wrote:


> Which is why bigots don't grasp it - they are even simpler.
> Susan


Ah yes. Its Susan Cohen, isn't it?

Where's that fat gay boi Riain Barton these days?

You know, the one who got his IDF number by acting as a filing clerk?


Michael O'Neill

Jan 30, 2009, 11:49:00 AM1/30/09
Hal Ó Mearadhaigh. wrote:


> Israel is a perfectly legal and correctly ordered S-<SLAP!>

Shitheap, I agree.

How many UN Resolutions is it currently defying?


Mel Rowing

Jan 30, 2009, 12:30:23 PM1/30/09
On Jan 30, 2:10 pm, ""

<> wrote:
> On 28 Jan, 15:13, Mel Rowing <> wrote:

> Not at all. far too many errors but Israeli friendly, just as you like
> it. Hamas did stop attacking Israel and Israel admitted they had, but
> don't let the truth get in the way of your bias.

Does not that beg the question as to why Hamas was attacking Israel in
the first place?

Why the car bombs?

Why the suicide bombers?

No regard whatsoever for civilians and "international law". You did
not raise a murmur of protest.

What's all this about?

"'Israel will exist and will continue to exist until Islam will

obliterate it, just as it obliterated others before it.' (Preamble to
Hamas Covernant)

[ ... ]

"'The day the enemies usurp part of Moslem land, Jihad becomes the
individual duty of every Moslem. In the face of the Jews' usurpation,
it is compulsory that the banner of Jihad be raised.' (Article 15)

'Ranks will close, fighters joining other fighters, and masses
everywhere in the Islamic world will come forward in response to the
call of duty, loudly proclaiming: 'Hail to Jihad!'. This cry will
reach the heavens and will go on being resounded until liberation is
achieved, the invaders vanquished and Allah's victory comes about.'

(Article 33)"

"'[Peace] initiatives, and so-called peaceful solutions and
international conferences are in contradiction to the principles of
the Islamic Resistance Movement... Those conferences are no more than
a means to appoint the infidels as arbitrators in the lands of
Islam... There is no solution for the Palestinian problem except by
Jihad. Initiatives, proposals and international conferences are but a
waste of time, an exercise in futility.' (Article 13)"

> > Those who work for the UN, the International Red Cross and others
> > should realise that is what they do. They work for these organisations
> > and represent nobody but themselves. They should not do or say
> > anything that compromises the impartiality of these organisations, a
> > reputation for such which has been built up over generations but
> > nonetheless a reputation which is fragile.
> Wrong, they should highlight crimes by any nation, no matter who they
> are.

The (the UN and the International Red Cross and its sister
organisation the Red Crescent) are in Gaza for purposes only of
providing humanitarian aid and relieving suffering. The people who
work for them are mere employees, They are not mediators, they are not
peace supervisors. They do not represent the international community.

As employees their employers should withdraw them and dismiss them
immediately for compromising the impartiality of the organisations
they serve.

> > If those who serve these organisations do not take heed in this
> > respect, then it is the organisations themselves that will be damaged
> > an lose influence in times to come.
> The truth is harmful?

Indeed even if what they say is the truth. The Red Cross in particular
has operated in all theatres of war for over a century without ever
adopting a value position. There was nothing unique about this
time.That way it is able to serve both sides. If the RC does lose its
reputation for impartiality then it runs the danger perhaps here or
perhaps in some future theatre that one combatant of another will
refuse recognition and deny cooperation. If and when that happens, the
RC (and the UN) are impotent and valuable humanitarian services are

I don't know about you but I think that these services are far to
valuable to be risked for the sake of the personal wearing of hearts
on sleeves.

> > Has anyone worked out what the age of any Palestinian Arab who for
> > whatever reason found cause to leave what is now internationally
> > recognised as Israel in 1948? 50% of the present population of Gaza is
> > under the age of 16! How the hell can these be refugees?
> The same way as relatives of holocaust victims receive compensation?

But they don't! You're lying (not very nice being called a liar is

It is true that in certain countries *victims* of Nazi persecution
(survivors) are eligible and many have received limited compensation
payments. These payments are not paid to descendants of victims.

It is equally true that property claims may be made with respect to
property expropriated by the Nazis. Descendants of victims may be
eligible to inherit such claims provided they can provide proof of

The idea that European governments have been handing out cart loads of
cash willy nilly to Jews in respect of the holocaust is just one more
of these nonsenses you people propagate.

Incidentally these arrangements apply equally to non Jews who have
similarly suffered or incurred loss.

Through the passage of time it is clear that anyone much below the age
of 70 can conceivably claim to be a Palestinian refugee. What are they
running from? I doubt whether many of the Hamas rocket launchers were
past the age of 70.

At the same time there are not many Jews left in those areas from
which Jews really were expelled in 1949. Neither do we hear many calls
for "right to return". Neither am I aware of the existence of any
"refugee camps" that cater for third generation descendants.

I am aware of the fact that ~20% of the population of Israel is Arab
and are mainly descendants of those who back in 48/49 chose not to
leave. They don't seem to show much enthusiasm to leave today either.

> > This has been going on for 60 years? How much longer is it to be
> > allowed to go on? Another 60 years? 120 years? 180 years? or until one
> > population or the other is annihilated?
> > The real impediment to peace lies in the fact that Gaza in particular
> > is ruled by no one but is under the control of brigands. It's akin to
> > the Barbary Coast of yesteryear.
> It's democratic. Whether we like the result or not, it was their
> choice and the International community has done it's best to destroy
> any chance of Hamas making a successful conversion to become a
> legitimate government. So we only accept democracy if 'our' guy wins?

As I said at the time, with election comes government. With government
comes responsibility. It will be interesting.

Of course Hamas fell at the first hurdle as expected. They had a
golden opportunity to show the world that it was wrong about them.
Instead, they confirmed the rest of the world to be right.

There's more to becoming an internationally recognised government with
a place in the international community, than merely winning an
election. There are also standards of international behaviour to be
observed and that doesn't include launching rockets against one's
neighbours, issuing threats and recruiting car and suicide bombers.

> > It's a dysfunctional state just as is
> > Somalia. If the international community really does want to see
> > permanent peace in the Middle East then this problem must be addressed
> > and addressed militarily.
> You people make me laugh. I would bet that you have never been
> anywhere near a conflict zone. You're a fucking loud mouthed coward
> Rowing,

I draw the line at that! I don't address you in those terms and I
don't expect to be thus addressed. I ahve done nothing to deserve
that. One more occurence and you will be on my lengthening list of
those ne'er to be responded to.

> who is very quick to send others into war when there are
> clearly other options. There is a far easier solution so far as this
> conflict is concerned and no need for any violence. The Jewish
> settlers that are illegally living on the West Bank should go back to
> where they came from and there should be an end to the siege of Gaza.
> It's as simple as that.

Illegal? What law are they breaking? I wonder who sold them the land
they live on?

Given good will on both sides, the settlers should make no difference
to a peace settlement. If the West Bank were to become a new Palestine
State (the very first incidentally) then clearly the question of the
settlers will need to be addressed. There is more than one solution.
One could be that a new Palestinian Government could grant certain
guarantees to Israel with respect to these settlers with a view to
them becoming residents of the new state and eventually even citizens.
After all Palestinians live in Israel without any grief don't they?

Alternatively it may be better if the settlers are appropriately
compensated for any improvements they might have made to the land they
have bought and return to Israel. Some might not want to return to
Israel. Some might not wish to remain in the new state. They should be
free to sell what's theirs. You might end up with a hybrid solution.

Whatever the solution it has to be the negotiated and settled just
have other issues (waters of the Jordan for instance) The annihilation
of one side or the other is not the only settlement of the Palestinian
question that is on offer. However, time is now of the essence if ever
we are to see a Palestinian state. One gets the impression that the
rest of the world (including the Arab nations) are becoming
increasingly sick and fed up with Palestinian refugees who are no such
thing and patience is becoming exhausted.

Eli Grubman

Jan 30, 2009, 4:33:38 PM1/30/09

Shot the fock op, boghopper.


B. Cramer

Jan 30, 2009, 5:52:58 PM1/30/09

"Hal Ó Mearadhaigh." <> wrote in message

No it is not.

It is a faux, illegal, ethnocentric, apartheid, terrorist state.

UNGAR 181 is an UNBINDING General Assembly Resolution and Ersatz israel has
NOT complied with any of it's contents.

What is it with you Irish wankers and your constant need to suck yid arse?

B. Cramer

Jan 30, 2009, 5:54:56 PM1/30/09

"Mel Rowing" <> wrote in message

> On Jan 30, 2:10 pm, ""
> <> wrote:
>> On 28 Jan, 15:13, Mel Rowing <> wrote:
>> Not at all. far too many errors but Israeli friendly, just as you like
>> it. Hamas did stop attacking Israel and Israel admitted they had, but
>> don't let the truth get in the way of your bias.
> Does not that beg the question as to why Hamas was attacking Israel in
> the first place?
> Why the car bombs?
> Why the suicide bombers?

All in retaliation for earlier yid atrocities committed against the
Palestinian people.

Poor Eli Grabmen is a Real Psychopath! LOL

Jan 30, 2009, 5:57:27 PM1/30/09

What's it like being EVERYONE's punching bag, poor psychopathic swine
Grabmen? LMAO!

The Top 5 Truths About Poor Psychopathic Swine Grabmen:

the poor swine can't SLEEP anymore,
it can't FUCK anymore,
it can't get out of the house anymore,
it got NOBODY to talk to anymore,
it got no life outside Usenet AT ALL, anymore!

And the real hilarious part of it: the poor psychopathic swine keeps

desperately trying to ignore that it's misery is so OBVIOUS to ANYONE!

Doctor Panta

Everyone check this: psychopath Grabmen glued to his computer today as from
02:30 a.m. again (MID: <>).
Watch the poor psycho with no life AT ALL making a complete ass of himself,
AGAIN, for the next EIGHTEEN to TWENTY HOURS (and more) at a stretch!

Hal Ó Mearadhaigh.

Jan 30, 2009, 6:05:40 PM1/30/09

<SIGH!> - Into the Kill File with you!

B. Cramer

Jan 30, 2009, 6:38:36 PM1/30/09

"Hal Ó Mearadhaigh." <> wrote in message

Oh dear. Another gutless boghopper.


Jan 31, 2009, 6:46:10 AM1/31/09

In article <>,
B. Cramer <> wrote:

> It is a faux, illegal, ethnocentric, apartheid, terrorist state.

Your beloved Australia? sure is.
"CANBERRA, Australia (CNN) -- A United Nations human rights envoy
has slammed conditions in Australia's Woomera detention camp, saying
the situation there in many cases was 'inhuman and degrading'".
"Australian navy fires on refugee boat".

Australia's culpability in East Timor's genocide
"Australian governments all sought to influence the destiny of East
Timor. This destiny became one of the longest ongoing acts of genocide
since the European Holocaust of the Second World War. I am reminded of
the French Vichy Government of that war which supplied and organised
the freight train convoys that carried persecuted Jews to the Nazi
ovens. Canberra's warts-and-all allegiance with Jakarta; the almost $2
billion in bilateral aid; the million of dollars in military gifts,
defence training and defence co-operation; and the political lobbying
in the international arena for Jakarta's position, all helped to
create a similar cattlewagon, transporting the East Timorese to their
diabolical fate." Jim Aubrey, editor, 'Free East Timor: Australia's
culpability in East Timor's genocide'.


Jan 30, 2009, 7:02:13 PM1/30/09
B. Cramer wrote:

>>> Not at all. far too many errors but Israeli friendly, just as you
>>> like it. Hamas did stop attacking Israel and Israel admitted they
>>> had, but don't let the truth get in the way of your bias.

>> Does not that beg the question as to why Hamas was attacking Israel
>> in the first place?

>> Why the car bombs?

>> Why the suicide bombers?

> All in retaliation for earlier yid atrocities committed against the
> Palestinian people.

The car and suicide bombs were carried out indiscriminately against innocent

However, they weren't taking place at the time of the Israeli attack on
Gaza. If the Palestinians are to be bombed, it should be for what they are
currently doing.



SOTW: "Rich Woman" - Robert Plant and Alison Krauss

Hal Ó Mearadhaigh.

Feb 2, 2009, 4:51:28 AM2/2/09

Currently, they, Hamas, broke the ceasefire and attacked Israel with
rockets, injuring two people. Israel has since retaliated, justifiably so
IMO, and what is wrong with these Arabs? Never twist the tail of a Tiger you
have no defence against!

Eli Grubman

Feb 2, 2009, 7:07:02 AM2/2/09

Disproportionate retaliation is justified? Are you some kind of th*ck
Ir*sh boghopper?



Feb 2, 2009, 8:10:24 AM2/2/09

"Eli Grubman" <> wrote in message

No, he's just a thick git! Thick as poundies!
And in the end
The love you take
Is equal to the love you make

Poor Eli Grabmen is a Real Psychopath! LOL

Feb 2, 2009, 9:09:20 AM2/2/09

With scum ANY retaliation is always justified. You REALLY should know,
psychopathic swine Grabmen!

Doctor Panta

Everyone check this: psychopath Grabmen glued to his computer today as from

03:28 a.m. again (MID: <>).

Tom Mogadore

Mar 18, 2009, 9:29:46 PM3/18/09

Thick as a brick. Doesn't even know shit about his culture. Goddam
good thing he's not an American-we have enough stupid shitheads on
this side of the pond.

Mar 20, 2009, 7:26:59 AM3/20/09

On 18-Mar-2009, Tom Mogadore <> wrote:

> On Feb 2, 8:07 am, Eli Grubman <> wrote:

Nw that you 2 lying losers have found each other, do honest
& decent people a favor & take your tryst off Usenet.


B.H. Cramer

Mar 20, 2009, 7:45:33 AM3/20/09

<> wrote in message

> On 18-Mar-2009, Tom Mogadore <> wrote:
>> On Feb 2, 8:07 am, Eli Grubman <> wrote:
> Nw[sic] that you 2 lying losers have found each other, do honest

> & decent people a favor & take your tryst off Usenet.

They aren't upsetting honest or decent people, suzie babes. You're the only
one upset and you don't qualify for either.

Eli Grubman

Mar 20, 2009, 11:04:02 AM3/20/09

Now that you have recovered from your reconstructive rectal surgery,
KKKohen, do honest & decent people a favour and go fuck yourself.


Poor Eli Grabmen is a Real Psychopath! LOL

Mar 20, 2009, 3:09:58 PM3/20/09

LOL Poor sod!

The Top 5 Truths About Poor Psychopathic Swine Grabmen:

the poor swine can't SLEEP anymore,
it can't FUCK anymore,
it can't get out of the house anymore,
it got NOBODY to talk to anymore,
it got no life outside Usenet AT ALL, anymore!

And the real hilarious part of it: the poor psychopathic swine keeps
desperately trying to ignore that it's misery is so OBVIOUS to ANYONE!

Doctor Panta

Everyone check this: psychopath Grabmen glued to his computer today as from

04:34 a.m. again (MID: <>).

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