Hi Coby,
your progresses turns me on :)
About the transition from hovering into dynamic flying I have those proposals.
You probably have to stay with high gains for hovering, to have the plane well stabilized.
So going from hovering to dynamic flying is hard to achieve (it happens with my Acromaster that it fails, so I have to insist), while going from dynamic into hovering is more soft.
Finally the proposals :
1) mix in your RC tx (do you still have a free mixer ?) elevator with mode channel, so when you reach e.g. the 80% of stick position either part, mode switches to manual. This let you have a safe margin, because when stick are near center you regain stabilization mode. Even more elegant could be the use of a dual rate switch so in low position (intended for dynamic flying) you don't risk to enter manual mode (e.g. to enter hovering from dynamic flying).
I think I'm going to try something similar with my Acromaster, to have full authority when doing hard aerobatics.
2) have this option programmed in MatrixPilot instead of RC tx, settable in options.h as an aerobatics mode on / off. I mean when the sticks are at e.g. 80% / -80%, stabilization goes off.
3) the more elegant one : have in MatrixPilot gains proportional to stick position (always selectable and tunable in options.h as above). Would it be possible ? A big work ?
In the case it would be possible this option could be implemented proportional to plane airspeed too. This last one was discussed several times already.
Congratulations for the flights !
Best regards,