Understanding why specification hits deadlock upon initialization

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Somesh Chandra

Jul 15, 2018, 3:45:19 AM7/15/18
to tlaplus

I am attempting to write my first example specification using TLA+, for which TLC immediately reports deadlock at the initial state.

My specification is pasted below and i provided following input.

workers: { "w1" , "w2" }
locks: { "l1", "l2" }

---------------------------- MODULE Liveness ----------------------------
\* Specification for multiple workers, which will attempt to acquire all free locks.
\* We need to ensure that
\* 1) Safety: At most one worker can acquire all locks at any give time.
\* 2) Liveness: All workers should eventualy acquire all locks.

CONSTANT workers, locks \* The set of participating resources
VARIABLE wState, lState, lOwner \* Track state of resources.

DLTypeOK == \A w \in workers : wState[w] \in { "free", "acquired" } /\
\A l1 \in locks : lState[l1] \in { "free", "acquired" } /\
\A l2 \in locks : lOwner[l2] \in workers \cup { "none" }

DLInit == wState = [ w \in workers |-> "free" ] /\
lState = [ l \in locks |-> "free" ] /\
lOwner = [ l \in locks |-> "none" ]

CanAcquire(w,l) == lState[l] = "free" \/ \* Lock is free to be acquired by any worker
(lState[l] = "acquired" /\ lOwner[l] = w ) \* Renew: Lock re-acquired by same worker.

AcquiredAllLocks(w) == wState' = [wState EXCEPT ![w] = "acquired"]

AcquireLock(w,l) == CanAcquire(w,l) /\
lState' = [lState EXCEPT ![l] = "acquired"] /\
lOwner' = [lOwner EXCEPT ![l] = w] /\
IF (\A l1 \in locks: (\/ lOwner[l1] = w))
THEN AcquiredAllLocks(w)
ELSE wState' = wState

ReleaseLock(w,l) == lOwner[l] = w /\
lOwner' = [lOwner EXCEPT ![l] = "none"] /\
lState' = [lState EXCEPT ![l] = "free"] /\
wState' = [wState EXCEPT ![w] = "free"] \* As soon as a single lock is released, we should assume that the worker is free.

\* One or more worker can attempt to acquire or release all locks, if possible.
DLNext == \/ \E w \in workers : \A l \in locks : (\/ AcquireLock(w,l) \/ ReleaseLock(w,l))

\* No 2 workers can be in "acquired" state at the same time
DLMutualExclusion == \A w1, w2 \in workers : ~ ([](/\ w1 # w2
/\ wState[w1] = "acquired"
/\ wState[w2] = "acquired"))

\* Eventually all workers should get a chance to acquire lock
\* TODO: How should TLC be told to check this?
DLStarvationFree == \A w \in workers : []<>(wState[w] = "acquired")

DLFairness == \A w \in workers : WF_<<wState>>(AcquiredAllLocks(w))

Vars == <<wState, lState, lOwner>>

DLSpec == /\ DLInit
/\ [][DLNext]_Vars
/\ DLStarvationFree

My assumption is that TLC should pick first worker and then attempt to acquire all locks and then release all locks, and repeat the same for second worker.

What am i doing wrong to hit a deadlock during the init state itself?


Stephan Merz

Jul 15, 2018, 3:53:21 AM7/15/18
to tla...@googlegroups.com

your next-state relation is defined as

DLNext == \/ \E w \in workers : \A l \in locks : (\/ AcquireLock(w,l) \/ ReleaseLock(w,l))

I presume that "\A" should be "\E". For example, action AcquireLock attempts to acquire one lock but cannot acquire all of them.

Hope this helps,
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Somesh Chandra

Jul 17, 2018, 12:51:05 AM7/17/18
to tlaplus
Thanks. That makes sense and fixed the problem. While the safety checks work now, i don't think the liveness check is working as expected.'

In the same spec, i have the following function to ensure that eventually all workers should have acquired all locks.

DLFairness == \A w \in workers : WF_<<wState>>(AcquiredAllLocks(w))

I have the fairness check added in the spec as following.

DLSpec == /\ DLInit
/\ [][DLNext]_Vars

/\ DLFairnes

I intentionally added a bug in the AcquireLock function to skip "w1"
AcquireLock(w,l) == CanAcquire(w,l) /\
w # "w1" /\ \* Intentional bug to verify liveness check

lState' = [lState EXCEPT ![l] = "acquired"] /\
lOwner' = [lOwner EXCEPT ![l] = w] /\
IF (\A l1 \in locks: (\/ lOwner[l1] = w))
THEN AcquiredAllLocks(w)
ELSE wState' = wState

However TLC successfully evaluated the spec "DLSpec" without catching the violation of fairness expression for "w1" worker. Why so?

Stephan Merz

Jul 17, 2018, 4:02:02 AM7/17/18
to tla...@googlegroups.com

remember that you are trying to check an implication of the form

DLSpec => Property

I am assuming that the liveness property that you are interested in is DLStarvationFree, which asserts that for every worker w, infinitely often you have wState[w] = "acquired". Your fairness property DLFairness is expressed in terms of the action AcquiredAllLocks(w), defined as

AcquiredAllLocks(w) == wState' = [wState EXCEPT ![w] = "acquired"]

Note that this action has a trivial enabledness condition, hence the fairness condition boils down to

\A w \in workers : []<><< wState' = [wState EXCEPT ![w] = "acquired"] >>_wState

and this trivially implies property DLStarvationFree, whatever the rest of your specification may be.

The problem is that your fairness condition is too strong: you wouldn't know how to implement it in the actual system. It is good practice to assert only fairness conditions that appear as disjuncts of the next-state relation. In your example, a reasonable fairness condition could be

  /\ \A w \in workers, l \in locks : WF_Vars(AcquireLock(w,l))
  /\ \A w \in workers, l \in locks : WF_Vars(ReleaseLock(w,l))

When you use this, TLC will generate a useful (though quite obvious) counter-example, even for the unmodified specification.


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