Slow On Merging...

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Tobias Beer

Dec 10, 2017, 2:02:19 AM12/10/17
to TiddlyWikiDev
Just wanted to share this rare sight and point out that it takes quite some time to get down to this starting from some 600+ notifcations, that may just pile up after a wee time off.

Now, off to actually doing more stuff, I mean: creating more stuff for Jeremy to get off his notification list. ;-)

Hans Wobbe

Dec 10, 2017, 12:22:03 PM12/10/17
to TiddlyWikiDev
Congratulations !!

I understand how much work that must have been and how rare this result actually is.

Thanks a lot, to one and all, for this and indeed all of your contributions!



Dec 10, 2017, 3:36:58 PM12/10/17
to TiddlyWikiDev
Big thumbs up!


Jeremy Ruston

Dec 12, 2017, 1:22:09 PM12/12/17
Hi Tobias

It’s terrific to have you back. You have been tremendously helpful over at GitHub, and I’m only sorry that you’re shaming me and my slow responses!

One of the things I want to do over the next few weeks is to migrate the TW5 repo to; then we’ll be able to appoint collaborators such as yourself to spread the workload.

One thing I’d love to do is to consider moving your “tips” site across to and have it serve as the basis for user contributed tips (the idea being that contributing a standalone “tip” could be much less demanding than a full fledged contribution to the docs).

Best wishes


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Tobias Beer

Dec 13, 2017, 2:52:52 AM12/13/17
Hi Jeremy,
It’s terrific to have you back. You have been tremendously helpful over at GitHub, and I’m only sorry that you’re shaming me and my slow responses!

That was actually the opposite of what I wanted to convey. ;-)

Barely keeping up with notifications while providing the occasional contribution can quickly become a lot. So, with all the merge-foo, release-foo, strategy-foo and review-foo on your plate ...shame is certainly not warranted. :-) 
One of the things I want to do over the next few weeks is to migrate the TW5 repo to; then we’ll be able to appoint collaborators such as yourself to spread the workload.

You mean the repo for That would make a lot of sense, yes.
One thing I’d love to do is to consider moving your “tips” site across to and have it serve as the basis for user contributed tips (the idea being that contributing a standalone “tip” could be much less demanding than a full fledged contribution to the docs).

It is definitely a good idea to have more of a two step process.
  1. lower barrier: record noteworthy tips, e.g. from answers in the groups or resolutions on github
  2. stricter quality control: review whether some of that should be reflected (in a less prosaic manner in the docs)
I recently suggested that the docs should be slightly more self contained, not necessarily in the sense of a plugin alone (which they should possibly also be), but also in the sense of having a "ControlPanel" / dedicated hub for the docs... rather than and its sidebar being the overall hub to everything.

However, if you consider a "tips" subomain, pehaps we should really also have a "docs" subdomain... so that really is a front-door to better scoped sub-wikis / editions, each with their own purpose.

One crucial bit here will be inter-linking between those subdomains, We might want some helper macro to simplify linking accross wikis, e.g.:

instead of [[Plugins]] we would have a macro pointing to the main hub / or a specific variant, e.g.

  • <<tw-com Plugins
    "basic details as to what they are, conceptually and what they (allow to) do">>

  • <<tw-docs Plugins
    "all things about working with plugins">>

  • <<tw-tips Plugins
    "a hub for tips regarding certain plugins, e.g. filterable lists">>

  • <<tw-dev Plugins
    "how to create / maintain / git plugins">>

  • <<tw-node Plugins
    "plugins and extensibility for the node.js side of tw">>
best -tb

Tobias Beer

Dec 13, 2017, 7:21:43 AM12/13/17
So, I think rather than "only" a "tips" edition, we should possibly have these, each with their own "link-icon", when cross referencing, e.g. an "i" bubble for doc links, in front of a link to any tiddler in @docs etc.:


    the hub to everything else
    => Welcome (Hellothere, About, etc...)

  • docs

    References & co

  • dev

    dev material

  • tips

    as a log for "how to do x?"
    => encouraging Groups users to make PRs for "lessons learned"

  • learn

    to put together instruction manuals for various skill sets / target groups
    so => Learning /  Working with TiddlyWiki / Customise TiddlyWiki / etc...

  • contribute

    a wiki dedicated solely to have people engage in improving tw in terms of the edition that they feel comfy with
    => Community

  • plugins

    a plugin reference for core plugins and other listed plugins and plugin libraries

  • core

    an edition that sheds light on the underlying structure of TiddlyWiki and makes it more "explorable" from the inside,
    not how to use, but rather how it works and how components behave
    => in contrast to dev, which is targeting more at engineering extensions, this centers more around the architecture of the framework

  • node

    for all things node, except node dev (that should probably be in dev)

  • editions

    standard + community editions (not in the core repo)

  • languages

    language specific stuff, not intermingled with editions, including translations

  • apps

    references / overviews to all kinds of implementations of tw in some vertical or platform implementation
    => including "Platforms" and Platform support details, because that's what those are to the end user, "apps"

  • foobar

    I surely must have forgotten something else :D
best -tb


Dec 13, 2017, 7:49:49 AM12/13/17
to TiddlyWikiDev
@Tobias - how can we ensure this does not mean further administrative work for Jeremy?


Tobias Beer

Dec 14, 2017, 2:40:34 AM12/14/17
to TiddlyWikiDev
Hi Mat,
@Tobias - how can we ensure this does not mean further administrative work for Jeremy?

Quite simple, we could have various trustworthy users with owner privileges for the individual repos who may approve PRs separately.

It's not just core vs. But rather core vs. vs. docs. vs. dev vs.... various areas each with their own concern, although interrelated.
It would definitely allow more fine grained control over who gets to approve what.

Plus, you would probably need a build env that provides cross-access to repos, so that there is at least one type of "" repo to hold shared resources to be employed throughout those subsites, like macros for linking or representation.

best -tb

Tobias Beer

Dec 15, 2017, 2:35:30 AM12/15/17

This is really a first 10 minute draft of where I think should be headed,
whereas each blue subitem below should probably be its own edition / subdomain / repo.

To me we should have a common fixed topmenu with dropwdowns in all editions such as this:

...and of course, separate ToCs in each edition, to cut down on the overload in that area.

Engage would perhaps be one subdomain to cover all three of the subitems.

Platform would give a general intro to "Features" / Capabilities / platform support and first of all,
provide some "Hub" listing all subdomains and their intent as well as
a reference to the repo w/ the sources for that edition.

Home, of course, is not meant as the literal text, but a link (home icon) to the landing page(s)

best -tb


Dec 15, 2017, 4:12:04 AM12/15/17
to TiddlyWikiDev
On Thursday, December 14, 2017 at 8:40:34 AM UTC+1, Tobias Beer wrote:
Hi Mat,
@Tobias - how can we ensure this does not mean further administrative work for Jeremy?

Quite simple, we could have various trustworthy users with owner privileges for the individual repos who may approve PRs separately.

Other big projects have a mechanims like this. There's always a review process for PRs and if 2 out fo 3 or 3/4 responsible contributors sign a PR with a "LGTM" Looks Good To Me, it's merged. 

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