Tiddlywiki and GitHub Pages and Travis-CI

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Apr 4, 2019, 4:19:01 PM4/4/19
to tiddl...@googlegroups.com
Announcement: New Demo and Documentation to create websites on GitHub Pages
Date: Apr 5th, 2019

Referring to the good works by Danielo, Talha, and Joe, an some other people ,
for the documentation purpose, I have prepared two demo wikis with documentation to show

Setup websites using Tiddlywiki 5, and Travis-CI hosted on GitHub Pages

Setup websites using Tiddlywiki 5, and hosted on GitHub Pages

I appreciate your comments, help and idea to improve these wikis.


S. S.

Apr 4, 2019, 6:37:03 PM4/4/19
to TiddlyWiki
Good work Mohammad!

Glad you included Daniel Rodríguez: TW5-auto-publish2gh-pages - that is how I set up my Github Pages.

One day you will have to explain why you chose that yellow background colour!


On Friday, April 5, 2019 at 3:19:01 AM UTC+7, Mohammad wrote:
Announcement: New Demo and Documentation to create websites on GitHub Pages
Date: Apr 5th, 2019

Referring to the good works by Danielo, Talha, and Joe, an some other people ,
for the documentation purpose, I have prepared two demo wikis with documentation to show

Setup websites using Tiddlywiki 5, and Travis-CI hosted on GitHub Pages


Apr 4, 2019, 10:26:36 PM4/4/19
to tiddl...@googlegroups.com

This is an invaluable piece of documentation you have created. I have not followed it yet but will.

  • Do I understand correctly that the key purpose would be to build your own tiddlywiki edition or custom build and permit contributions via github?
  • I understand it is not really a practical means of maintaining an online wiki for continuous use because changes would not be saved to the index.html? or this would be overwritten with an update
Of possible interest is with the pre-release the local storage plugin, edits could be saved locally and overlay those contained in the index.html (while noting the caveats), thus if the underlying index.html is changed the user modified tiddlers will still be layered on top of the index.html, thus an appropriate save button would allow the wiki, modified or default to be saved to a standalone wiki as required, as such this also acts both as a distribution method, and a test platform from which the user can save off their modified version, or just their differences. It is with this in mind I have been working on ensuring the user is set such that tiddlers created and modified by the user can be identified with createdby and modifiedby (Hidden fields).

Using a similar method to the above created by and modified by it should be possible to allow users to add comments (Saved in local storage) then exported to json file. This file can then be sent to an author and imported and read by the author and fixes applied to source tids. A slight adjustment to the import process would make this comment import more reliable.


On Friday, April 5, 2019 at 7:19:01 AM UTC+11, Mohammad wrote:
Announcement: New Demo and Documentation to create websites on GitHub Pages
Date: Apr 5th, 2019

Referring to the good works by Danielo, Talha, and Joe, an some other people ,
for the documentation purpose, I have prepared two demo wikis with documentation to show

Setup websites using Tiddlywiki 5, and Travis-CI hosted on GitHub Pages


Apr 5, 2019, 1:43:09 AM4/5/19
to TiddlyWiki
Hi S.S.

On Friday, April 5, 2019 at 3:07:03 AM UTC+4:30, S. S. wrote:
Good work Mohammad!

Glad you included Daniel Rodríguez: TW5-auto-publish2gh-pages - that is how I set up my Github Pages.

One day you will have to explain why you chose that yellow background colour!

It uses a palette by Jeremy on Federatial!  
Simply change the palette and back to default TW!



Apr 5, 2019, 1:48:03 AM4/5/19
to TiddlyWiki
Hi Tony!
 These demos only shows how to have a website hosted on the GitHub Pages!
  • The first case just uses a simple index.html no matter how you produce it! but here I used Tiddlywiki
  • The second case uses Tiddlywiki node.js version integrated with Travis to produce the website automatically when you commit any change to your repository!
So, at the end both of them produce an index.html to act as website nothing more!



Apr 5, 2019, 3:16:46 AM4/5/19
to TiddlyWiki

I suppose I understand that, but GITHub is involved and I am trying to both understand 
  • the use case for this type of publishing, 
  • and consider the extension of this in the future.


Aug 20, 2019, 12:45:53 PM8/20/19
to TiddlyWiki
Announcement: New Demo and Documentation to create websites on GitHub Pages
Date: Aug 20, 2019
New update

Updated to latest Tiddlywiki revision and improved documentation!
Note that the repository has been renamed to Tiddlywiki-Travis-CI

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