[tw5] Final tests for 5.1.12 before release

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Jeremy Ruston

Apr 23, 2016, 12:14:24 PM4/23/16
to TiddlyWiki
Now that the editor toolbar work is completed, I’d like to release TiddlyWiki 5.1.12 in the next couple of days. I’d be very grateful for help with testing this release; there are a lot of changes this time around which brings a potential for things to go wrong.

There’s a prerelease available for testing:


Please give it a try - be cautious about your personal data, and take careful backups. Perform a test upgrade of your wikis and check for any problems:


Please let me know if you spot any issues. This is a great time to submit documentation updates but I’m afraid its too late for any further functional changes. In particular if you have published TiddlyWiki resources that are not currently linked from http://tiddlywiki.com/prerelease do please consider submitting a pull request.

Best wishes


andrew harrison

Apr 23, 2016, 2:45:29 PM4/23/16
to tiddl...@googlegroups.com
Thank you so much Jeremy. I am still having trouble. The preview is still loosing information and the formatting buttons are functioning differently in Chrome, Internet Explorer 11 and Edge. I have an idea where to start hacking at it but it may take me awhile to figure anything out. I see you solved the disappearing preview, bravo. I don't know how much help I'll be. My feeble attempts at doing the same were months of work and I never even got close to where your toolbar is. Amazing work and it looks beautiful. I can't wait to start showing everyone.


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Apr 23, 2016, 3:13:25 PM4/23/16
to TiddlyWiki, Tiddl...@googlegroups.com

David Gifford

Apr 23, 2016, 5:53:50 PM4/23/16
to TiddlyWiki, Tiddl...@googlegroups.com
Very cool!

That color picker would be handy for the color field in edit template, where you want to have a list of recent colors used for tag backgrounds. And if it would not delete this info on closing the file, even better. Would make it easier to use colors to distinguish types of tags.


Ton Gerner

Apr 23, 2016, 7:13:16 PM4/23/16
to TiddlyWiki, Tiddl...@googlegroups.com
The toolbar is a very nice addition; makes many of my bookmarklets superfluous ;-)

The adjusted Dutch translation for TW5.1.12 can be found at http://tw5dutch.tiddlyspot.com/



Xavier Cazin

Apr 23, 2016, 8:33:05 PM4/23/16
to tiddl...@googlegroups.com
Hi Jeremy,

I'm eager to present TW5 to new people who expect that text editors feature toolbars!

I noticed one confusing thing though: the stamp button appears in the toolbar when editing a new Markdown tiddler.

By the way, I'm a bit concerned that Markdown might become the default type for creating new tiddlers: a great feature of the new editor toolbar is this ability to easily include complex Tiddlywiki with stamp-like buttons.

This is a great way for new comers to experience the power of TW5 before they learn the syntax. No such show off of TW5 powerful features if Markdown tiddlers are the default.


-- Xavier Cazin

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Mark S.

Apr 23, 2016, 11:39:30 PM4/23/16
to TiddlyWiki, Tiddl...@googlegroups.com
The NS_ERROR_FAILURE seems to still be there with the undo buttons. Might be better to not have the buttons than to have the error box.


Mark S.

Apr 23, 2016, 11:58:50 PM4/23/16
to TiddlyWiki, Tiddl...@googlegroups.com
Let me revise that, since I was using Pale Moon instead of FF.

On FF 43.0.1 the arrows don't seem to do anything, but at least don't give the NS error. Maybe they work in other browsers so they're worth having around.


Stephen Kimmel

Apr 24, 2016, 2:53:36 AM4/24/16
to TiddlyWiki, Tiddl...@googlegroups.com
I use very dark themes and palettes with my Tiddlywikis. In the previous pre-release I could style the editor but this one I seem to get glaring white with black characters no matter what I do. Perhaps it is something very simple but I'm missing it.

Mark S has pointed out that the Undo/Redo arrows don't work in Firefox or Firefox derivatives. Unfortunately, Mark, that is the Firefox design and not a mistake in Tiddlywiki.

Other than that, everything works as anticipated.


Apr 24, 2016, 7:46:06 AM4/24/16
to TiddlyWiki, Tiddl...@googlegroups.com
Mark S has pointed out that the Undo/Redo arrows don't work in Firefox or Firefox derivatives. Unfortunately, Mark, that is the Firefox design and not a mistake in Tiddlywiki.

In deed unfortunate. 
I'm thinking that those buttons would then better not show up in FF. If not for this release then for the next,
There are additional such differences in TW between, and due to, different browsers so it would be good with a general "if browser X then..." kind of command.


Jeremy Ruston

Apr 24, 2016, 8:19:16 AM4/24/16
to tiddl...@googlegroups.com
Hi Mat

In deed unfortunate. 
I'm thinking that those buttons would then better not show up in FF. If not for this release then for the next,
There are additional such differences in TW between, and

The undo/redo buttons *do* work in Firefox if you install the CodeMirror plugin. Incidentally, the CodeMirror plugin is now much more useful because it features bracket matching, which really helps when writing complex wikitext.

due to, different browsers so it would be good with a general "if browser X then..." kind of command.

I’ll investigate hiding the buttons in the specific case of running on Firefox with no CodeMirror plugin, but as usual I’m reluctant to spend too much time working around browser oddities.

Best wishes



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Jeremy Ruston

Apr 24, 2016, 8:22:07 AM4/24/16
to tiddl...@googlegroups.com
Hi Stephen

I use very dark themes and palettes with my Tiddlywikis. In the previous pre-release I could style the editor but this one I seem to get glaring white with black characters no matter what I do. Perhaps it is something very simple but I'm missing it.

I think you’ll find that after changing the palette you need to cancel and re-edit tiddlers to make the editor update to the new palette. The issue is that the textarea in the editor is embedded in an iframe in order to allow us to preserve the selection, but a side effect is that the main page styles are not visible within the iframe, so have to be manually copied across.

Best wishes


Mark S has pointed out that the Undo/Redo arrows don't work in Firefox or Firefox derivatives. Unfortunately, Mark, that is the Firefox design and not a mistake in Tiddlywiki.

Other than that, everything works as anticipated.

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Jeremy Ruston

Apr 24, 2016, 8:36:14 AM4/24/16
to tiddl...@googlegroups.com

I’ll investigate hiding the buttons in the specific case of running on Firefox with no CodeMirror plugin, but as usual I’m reluctant to spend too much time working around browser oddities.

I’ve ended up adding a warning alert when attempting to use the undo/redo buttons in Firefox:

Best wishes


Jeremy Ruston

Apr 24, 2016, 8:38:27 AM4/24/16
to tiddl...@googlegroups.com
Hi Xavier

I'm eager to present TW5 to new people who expect that text editors feature toolbars!

Ha! Great, we’ll look forward to hearing how you get on.

I noticed one confusing thing though: the stamp button appears in the toolbar when editing a new Markdown tiddler.

Yes; although the sample snippets are all WikiText, it’s possible to create Markdown snippets.

By the way, I'm a bit concerned that Markdown might become the default type for creating new tiddlers: a great feature of the new editor toolbar is this ability to easily include complex Tiddlywiki with stamp-like buttons.

The new button for adding a Markdown tiddler is only present when the Markdown plugin is installed. It’s installed by default in the prerelease, but not in the usual tiddlywiki.com release.

Best wishes


This is a great way for new comers to experience the power of TW5 before they learn the syntax. No such show off of TW5 powerful features if Markdown tiddlers are the default.


-- Xavier Cazin

On Sat, Apr 23, 2016 at 9:13 PM, Ton Gerner <ton.g...@gmail.com> wrote:
The toolbar is a very nice addition; makes many of my bookmarklets superfluous ;-)

The adjusted Dutch translation for TW5.1.12 can be found at http://tw5dutch.tiddlyspot.com/



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Apr 24, 2016, 9:12:19 AM4/24/16
to TiddlyWiki

The undo/redo buttons *do* work in Firefox if you install the CodeMirror plugin.

Thanks for info. 

>>due to, different browsers so it would be good with a general "if browser X then..." kind of command.
 but as usual I’m reluctant to spend too much time working around browser oddities.

Yes, but my point was exactly that, i.e to avoid spending time on working around browser oddities by instead having a crude sniffbrowser-toggler; "if browser X then disable Y". So whenever an oddity is found, it's just shoved into this "sniff-toggler" to postpone the problem until either the browser people straightens it out or until a fellow tiddlywikian feels the urge to make a workaround. The alternatives seem to be to just cut out the feature completely, regardless of browser (like what happened with position sticky) or to have the feature "just not working" as was the case with undo/redo until some minutes ago.


Devin Weaver

Apr 24, 2016, 10:13:44 AM4/24/16
to TiddlyWiki, Tiddl...@googlegroups.com
I have released my personal blog site with the pre-release version. I haven't noticed any problems yet. If anyone is interested in checking it out feel free: https://tritarget.org/

Figured a looks good to me account of things would be helpful.

Jeremy Ruston

Apr 24, 2016, 11:23:22 AM4/24/16
to tiddl...@googlegroups.com
Hi Devin

I have released my personal blog site with the pre-release version. I haven't noticed any problems yet. If anyone is interested in checking it out feel free: https://tritarget.org/

Great to see your site; I’ve added it as an example:

Best wishes


Figured a looks good to me account of things would be helpful.

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Jeremy Ruston

Apr 24, 2016, 11:32:18 AM4/24/16
to tiddl...@googlegroups.com
Hi Stephen

I think you’ll find that after changing the palette you need to cancel and re-edit tiddlers to make the editor update to the new palette. The issue is that the textarea in the editor is embedded in an iframe in order to allow us to preserve the selection, but a side effect is that the main page styles are not visible within the iframe, so have to be manually copied across.

I’ve fixed things so that the styles are dynamically updated:

Best wishes


Pau Deluca

Apr 24, 2016, 11:39:11 AM4/24/16
to TiddlyWiki, Tiddl...@googlegroups.com


I'm very excited about it. I'm setting up my professional project site with TW5 and the editor toolbar gives my ~~illiterate~~ windowsofficed collaborators a more familiar approach.
A quick test tells me drool over some of the enhancements, like the snippet tool, the preview dropdown, but, most of all, the excision tool.

After my quicktest (on firefox), I just have a suggestion and a couple questions:

a) Ctrl-P shortcut toggles off the preview only. When trying to toggle the preview back, the shortcut collides with with the system shortcut, opening the print dialog. Would it be possible to make it e.g. Ctrl-Mays-P? Any possibility to customise the shortcuts in the editor to better adapt to, eg, different localisation standards?

b) I see a lot of work ahead in my domain (i.e., documentation and translation). Is the prerelease translators plugin also updated with the new strings yet?

c) Just whistle in case the documentation of the new features needs to be written.


Jeremy Ruston

Apr 24, 2016, 12:26:49 PM4/24/16
to tiddl...@googlegroups.com
Hi Pau

a) Ctrl-P shortcut toggles off the preview only. When trying to toggle the preview back, the shortcut collides with with the system shortcut, opening the print dialog. Would it be possible to make it e.g. Ctrl-Mays-P? Any possibility to customise the shortcuts in the editor to better adapt to, eg, different localisation standards?

Good point, Ctrl-P probably isn’t a good choice. I’ll change it to Alt-P.  However, a problem remains: after using the shortcut, the editor no longer has the focus so further keyboard shortcuts aren’t recognised. I don’t have a fix for this at the moment.

There is a full shortcut editor in the control panel, by the way.

b) I see a lot of work ahead in my domain (i.e., documentation and translation). Is the prerelease translators plugin also updated with the new strings yet?

Yes, it is up to date.

c) Just whistle in case the documentation of the new features needs to be written.

Thanks! There are many holes in the documentation, and much to do,

Best wishes



El sábado, 23 de abril de 2016, 14:14:24 (UTC+2), Jeremy Ruston escribió:
Now that the editor toolbar work is completed, I’d like to release TiddlyWiki 5.1.12 in the next couple of days. I’d be very grateful for help with testing this release; there are a lot of changes this time around which brings a potential for things to go wrong.

There’s a prerelease available for testing:


Please give it a try - be cautious about your personal data, and take careful backups. Perform a test upgrade of your wikis and check for any problems:


Please let me know if you spot any issues. This is a great time to submit documentation updates but I’m afraid its too late for any further functional changes. In particular if you have published TiddlyWiki resources that are not currently linked from http://tiddlywiki.com/prerelease do please consider submitting a pull request.

Best wishes


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Jeremy Ruston

Apr 24, 2016, 12:43:40 PM4/24/16
to tiddl...@googlegroups.com
Hi Ton

Many thanks. I’ve committed the changes here:


I’ve also updated the prerelease build, so you can see the new translation at:


Best wishes


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andrew harrison

Apr 24, 2016, 5:46:10 PM4/24/16
to tiddl...@googlegroups.com
I have done testing with Chrome and Microsoft Edge and the buttons perform almost perfect. Internet Explorer 11 doesn't like any buttons that use param="prefix-lines". I get error Object doesn't support property or method 'repeat'. Apparently repeat() must not have been included yet in IE 11 and not until Edge. I can live with this and everyone else can also. I can always create a plugin with modified buttons for IE11 if I really want them using param="wrap-lines" and just include the prefix and then suffix="". I feel this is going to be the biggest release since TW5. I'm standing on my feet cheering.

Pau Deluca

Apr 24, 2016, 8:30:49 PM4/24/16
to tiddl...@googlegroups.com
I've now seen the shortcut editor. It's just great.

Regarding translation plugin, I just have a doubt. I see the new translatable strings on the translators edition. Ok so far, but:

The already translated strings belong to the existing 5.1.11 version, which I have already revised for version 5.1.12 and I am now testing while translating the documentation.

How could I manage to have those strings I  already have revised (present in languages/es-ES in my translation es-ES GitHub branch)?

I think I could just translate the new strings and leave the old ones untouched, then extract all the tiddlers and merge the new output folder with those already in languages/es-ES, refusing to replace the already existing files, but I would like to be sure if there is a simpler method I am just overlooking. Thanks


Alex Hough

Apr 26, 2016, 5:44:29 AM4/26/16
to tiddl...@googlegroups.com

I am on the iPad .... Just wondered if the edit toolbar would benefit from a [[link]] button.

Best wishes 


On Sunday, 24 April 2016, Pau Deluca <pau...@alamier.com> wrote:
I've now seen the shortcut editor. It's just great.

Regarding translation plugin, I just have a doubt. I see the new translatable strings on the translators edition. Ok so far, but:

The already translated strings belong to the existing 5.1.11 version, which I have already revised for version 5.1.12 and I am now testing while translating the documentation.

How could I manage to have those strings I  already have revised (present in languages/es-ES in my translation es-ES GitHub branch)?

I think I could just translate the new strings and leave the old ones untouched, then extract all the tiddlers and merge the new output folder with those already in languages/es-ES, refusing to replace the already existing files, but I would like to be sure if there is a simpler way I am jut overlooking.


I've polished the translation

Jeremy Ruston

Apr 26, 2016, 7:27:59 AM4/26/16
to tiddl...@googlegroups.com
Hi Alex

I am on the iPad .... Just wondered if the edit toolbar would benefit from a [[link]] button.

Good point. One could imagine a dropdown that showed a search dialogue; clicking a result would paste the link at the cursor position. I’ll have a look if I have time, but would suggest that it would be a neat little self contained improvement if anybody else wants to give it a try. Bonus points for re-using the existing search infrastructure (so that the dropdown shows the optional search result tabs).

Best wishes



Apr 27, 2016, 5:45:34 AM4/27/16
to tiddl...@googlegroups.com

The Bo

Apr 27, 2016, 9:35:27 AM4/27/16
to TiddlyWiki, Tiddl...@googlegroups.com
Wow, the editor looks perfect to me. This will increase the usability of tw a lot.

Message has been deleted

Jeremy Ruston

Apr 27, 2016, 9:40:46 AM4/27/16
to tiddl...@googlegroups.com
Wow, the editor looks perfect to me. This will increase the usability of tw a lot.

Thanks Bo, much appreciated.

Best wishes


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Alex Hough

Apr 27, 2016, 2:54:45 PM4/27/16
to TiddlyWiki
Hi Jeremy,

Yes indeed , the editor looks and feels really good

One of the things it does is to encourage experimentation right away in the edit template. With the preview page, I think that seeing the transformation happen instantly is one of the features that makes TW so addictive.

For the future, the search filter from advanced search could be incorporated along with the [[link]]. Like I mentioned before somewhere, there is a scale of complexity which starts with formating moves onto links then into filters and macros. I think the toolbar could be a great way of introducing these features.


Pau Deluca

Apr 27, 2016, 10:18:57 PM4/27/16
to TiddlyWiki, Tiddl...@googlegroups.com
There are some strange shortcut behaviours of text editors on Firefox 45.0.2

Both bulleted and numbered lists behave weirdly when handled by shortcuts:

Ctrl-L and Ctrl-N work only at the first level. Trying to nest the items by composing Ctrl-L or Ctrl-N twice toggles on and off the first item indicator (* #)

Combining nested bulleted and numbered items by shortcuts don't work:

Trying to *# by composing Ctrl-L+Ctrl-N inverts the order and inserts a space between both indicators (# *)
Trying to #* by composing Ctrl-N+Ctrl-L inverts the order and inserts a space between both indicators (* #)

Jeremy Ruston

Apr 28, 2016, 7:45:52 AM4/28/16
to tiddl...@googlegroups.com
Hi Pau

There are some strange shortcut behaviours of text editors on Firefox 45.0.2

The behaviour you describe is intentional: the list-number and list-bullet toolbar buttons work on the top level only.

I did investigate trying to make it possible for the toolbar buttons to make arbitrary additions/removals from the list items, but found it complicated and confusing and so settled on the simple behaviour you see now. I’m sure it could be improved but I think it might take more buttons to cover more use cases (eg a button to remove a level from the selected list rows).

Best wishes


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Pau Deluca

Apr 28, 2016, 2:05:11 PM4/28/16
to TiddlyWiki
Ok, then. I said it just in case.


Jeremy Ruston

Apr 29, 2016, 6:24:55 PM4/29/16
to tiddl...@googlegroups.com
I’ve just uploaded an update to the prerelease with a new “link” button for the editor toolbar, along the lines suggested by Alex below:

* Click the button to search for the target tiddler
** The dropdown search shares the same extensible tab system as the sidebar search
* Click the title of the tiddler to insert the link
* If there is no selection, a plain [[link]] is created
* If there is selected text, a [[selected text|link]] is created

As part of the work, I’ve also added a new way to invoke action widgets that allows them to be used with the select widget and the linkcatcher widget:

I’m still keen to release 5.1.12 in the next few days, so please do keep the feedback coming,

Best wishes



Apr 29, 2016, 8:46:27 PM4/29/16
to TiddlyWiki
Jeremy, and everyone who is contributing - thank you for fantastic creations!

Some feedback

I've implemented a stamping tool in QuickTid (the button called "Content"). One feature of it is that some snips can surround already typed content. This is useful e.g when stamping html tags (start and end) but also to, say, in one go stamp both Hello and a Goodbye+signature. The Example with prepost is intended to illustrate this and how it works (see edit mode).

IMO, the user should be able to create a link to a not yet existing tiddler. I.e if Foo doesn't exist as a selectable title, there's some kind of "make" button that stamps [[Foo]] - or, perhaps more elegantly, just clicking enter creates it.

...and, btw, the X button for the Link tool would be prettier if it looked like e.g the search tool X button.

Button layout
The backticks button appears grouped (slightly left distanced) with X2 rather than blockticks. 

I feel (now) it would be valuable to see the name of the tool as a tooltip so it is easier to reference it such as when writing about them here on the boards.

Setting tools
It is very rare that I use, say subscript or superscript. It is not convenient to have have it appear all the time or to have it disabled and then be forced to go deep into the Ctrlpanel to activate it, (possibly even just for a few seconds). I would strongly suggest a setting accessed tiddler-locally, perhaps a popup like the more button, floating to extreme right. (I've expressed similar opinions before regarding local controls of things, but for the text editor toolbuttons this is even more relevant because of the number of buttons and how infrequently some are used.)

Markdown editor (yay!):
Instead of a page controll button to open a tiddler with that special editor, I think it would be much better with a toggle button showing in tiddler edit view - either appearing just like one of the other buttons, but at one of the extreme ends - maybe even out in the (left) gutter.

Clicking the more(?) button opens empty popup.

ctrlpanel > Appearance > Toolbars > ViewToolbar ... seems to be missing icon for bottom most item.

I see no mention of DesignWrite.
And IMO at least the conversations between you and prof. Steve could be linked to in the Videos tiddler.


Alex Hough

Apr 29, 2016, 10:33:13 PM4/29/16
to tiddl...@googlegroups.com
This release is looking shaping up to be a real milestone. the next hangout is hangout 100, it seems to me at least that there should be some kind of celebration.

Best wishes 

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Apr 30, 2016, 3:36:57 AM4/30/16
to TiddlyWiki
Now in IE 11, the whole edit field now clears if you change views and also randomly. Something is wrong. It was working better. What changed?

Jeremy Ruston

Apr 30, 2016, 11:06:27 AM4/30/16
to tiddl...@googlegroups.com
Hi Andrew

> Now in IE 11, the whole edit field now clears if you change views and also randomly. Something is wrong. It was working better. What changed?

Nothing has changed in the code that updates the textarea. I think the problem that we’re seeing in IE11 with the textarea display not being updated is some kind of random bug.

I’ve spent a few more hours investigating the problems with IE11 and once again I’m out of ideas; I’ve been repeatedly finding the same outdated information via searching Google, StackOverflow etc.

The code in question is this part of framed.js:

// Attempt to use a TextEvent to modify the value of the control
var textEvent = this.domNode.ownerDocument.createEvent("TextEvent");
if(textEvent.initTextEvent) {
textEvent.initTextEvent("textInput", true, true, null, operation.replacement, 9, "en-US");
} else {
this.domNode.value = newText;

IE11 has the initTextEvent method, and so calls the first code path. The problem is that the value underlying the textarea is updated, but the display is not updated to match.

Best wishes


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Jeremy Ruston

Apr 30, 2016, 11:24:04 AM4/30/16
to tiddl...@googlegroups.com
Hi Mat

I've implemented a stamping tool in QuickTid (the button called "Content"). One feature of it is that some snips can surround already typed content. This is useful e.g when stamping html tags (start and end) but also to, say, in one go stamp both Hello and a Goodbye+signature. The Example with prepost is intended to illustrate this and how it works (see edit mode).

Sorry Mat, can you be a bit clearer; I clicked through to QuickTid but didn’t see a button labelled “Content”. Perhaps you can just show the code that you want me to see?

IMO, the user should be able to create a link to a not yet existing tiddler. I.e if Foo doesn't exist as a selectable title, there's some kind of "make" button that stamps [[Foo]] - or, perhaps more elegantly, just clicking enter creates it.

Perhaps. It seems a bit roundabout to use the ‘link’ tool to create a link to a non-existent tiddler, since the whole raison d’etre of the tool is to permit searching of existing tiddlers.

...and, btw, the X button for the Link tool would be prettier if it looked like e.g the search tool X button.


Button layout
The backticks button appears grouped (slightly left distanced) with X2 rather than blockticks. 

That’s intentional; the tools are now divided into groups. I’ll increase the spacing so that people don’t think it’s accidental.

I feel (now) it would be valuable to see the name of the tool as a tooltip so it is easier to reference it such as when writing about them here on the boards.

Can you give an example of a tool where the current tooltip doesn’t include words that could be used to describe the tool here?

Setting tools
It is very rare that I use, say subscript or superscript. It is not convenient to have have it appear all the time or to have it disabled and then be forced to go deep into the Ctrlpanel to activate it, (possibly even just for a few seconds). I would strongly suggest a setting accessed tiddler-locally, perhaps a popup like the more button, floating to extreme right. (I've expressed similar opinions before regarding local controls of things, but for the text editor toolbuttons this is even more relevant because of the number of buttons and how infrequently some are used.)

That sounds like an optimisation. I’d be concerned about clutter, and I’m not really convinced that people need to be regularly switching toolbar buttons on and off.

Markdown editor (yay!):
Instead of a page controll button to open a tiddler with that special editor, I think it would be much better with a toggle button showing in tiddler edit view - either appearing just like one of the other buttons, but at one of the extreme ends - maybe even out in the (left) gutter.

I think you’re suggesting two separate things here:

* Move the tiddler type controls into the toolbar. The obstacle here is that not all editor types support the toolbar, so one would lose the ability to change the type for those tiddlers
* Have a separate button for each type, rather a dropdown (this seems less scalable than a dropdown)

Overall, I’m confused why one would want to optimise changing the type of an existing tiddler; isn’t specifying the type of a new tiddler more common?

Clicking the more(?) button opens empty popup.

In situations where there are no hidden toolbar buttons then the more dropdown will be empty. You see the same thing with the more button in the view template or in the sidebar when the dropdown is empty.

ctrlpanel > Appearance > Toolbars > ViewToolbar ... seems to be missing icon for bottom most item.\

That last item is the “fold bar” introduced a few releases ago. It doesn’t appear as an icon, which is why there’s no icon shown.

I see no mention of DesignWrite.
And IMO at least the conversations between you and prof. Steve could be linked to in the Videos tiddler.

Good point,

Best wishes



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Jeremy Ruston

Apr 30, 2016, 1:43:23 PM4/30/16
to tiddl...@googlegroups.com
OK, after my disappointment recorded below, I came up with another approach and I think have now got things working on Internet Explorer 11:


It needs thoroughly testing under other browsers too, but seems to work for me,

Best wishes


Sylvain Naudin

Apr 30, 2016, 4:18:24 PM4/30/16
to TiddlyWiki

Hi Jeremy,

I've notice that wikibar for Markdown is shorter than WikiText, for example there is no underline icon, but on prerelease notes we can suppose it does (with support for Markdown)

Maybe a bug with bullet and number list with Markddown ? Not seen this in WikiText.

I'm very happy like others fr this huge release for TiddlyWiki :)


@Xavier : you have new wikitext link to translate in french :p

Best wishes 

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Apr 30, 2016, 4:42:08 PM4/30/16
to TiddlyWiki

Sorry Mat, can you be a bit clearer; I clicked through to QuickTid but didn’t see a button labelled “Content”. Perhaps you can just show the code that you want me to see?

Well, the actual code is a likely not pretty (tiddler TidSec/Tool/Content) but the functionality is seen using the Content button which should be found in the QuickTid toolbar - i.e you click the thumbtack and, well, the button is there next to the Done buttons.

IMO, the user should be able to create a link to a not yet existing tiddler. I.e if Foo doesn't exist as a selectable title, there's some kind of "make" button that stamps [[Foo]] - or, perhaps more elegantly, just clicking enter creates it.

Perhaps. It seems a bit roundabout to use the ‘link’ tool to create a link to a non-existent tiddler, since the whole raison d’etre of the tool is to permit searching of existing tiddlers.

I interpreted the raison d'etre is to be able to create links generally? Not a difficult task but with the suggested funtionality, one can create a missing link right away both in the case of wanting to do that to begin with or in the case of not finding the title one was hoping for.
Button layout
The backticks button appears grouped (slightly left distanced) with X2 rather than blockticks. 

That’s intentional; the tools are now divided into groups. I’ll increase the spacing so that people don’t think it’s accidental.

Ok, I figured it belongs more with the group on its right than on its left. 

I feel (now) it would be valuable to see the name of the tool as a tooltip so it is easier to reference it such as when writing about them here on the boards.

Can you give an example of a tool where the current tooltip doesn’t include words that could be used to describe the tool here?

Ok, disregard thsi. No tooltips showed at all and I now suspect this was due to my computer/browser because there have been other browser issues for me lately. On computer reboot the tooltips now look good and sufficient.

Setting tools [...]

That sounds like an optimisation. I’d be concerned about clutter, and I’m not really convinced that people need to be regularly switching toolbar buttons on and off.

Sorry, my misunderstanding, please forget about it! I didn't realize the unchecked buttons appear in the More menu but thought one was forced into Ctrlpanel to use a turned off formatting button.
Markdown editor (yay!):
Instead of a page controll button to open a tiddler with that special editor, I think it would be much better with a toggle button showing in tiddler edit view - either appearing just like one of the other buttons, but at one of the extreme ends - maybe even out in the (left) gutter.

I think you’re suggesting two separate things here:

* Move the tiddler type controls into the toolbar. The obstacle here is that not all editor types support the toolbar, so one would lose the ability to change the type for those tiddlers

No, I am only referring to the "Create a new Markdown tiddler " button. I'm suggesting it is enough with the usual "Create a new tiddler" button and then, in the text editor toolbar, instead have a button to toggle between those tiddler types that do feature different editor toolbars.
Clicking the more(?) button opens empty popup.
In situations where there are no hidden toolbar buttons then the more dropdown will be empty. You see the same thing with the more button in the view template or in the sidebar when the dropdown is empty.

Ah. That's a bit confusing to me. Particularly if default is to have it empty as it is in the prerelease.
I see no mention of DesignWrite.
And IMO at least the conversations between you and prof. Steve could be linked to in the Videos tiddler.
Good point,

(ah, at least I managed  to make something made sense, hehe ;-) 


andrew harrison

Apr 30, 2016, 4:51:58 PM4/30/16
to tiddl...@googlegroups.com
I'm still getting the delete effect in Internet Explorer 11. Interestingly if you click the edit button it shows "Type the text for this Tiddler" at the beginning before all the text already in the tiddler and the preview window initially shows a preview and then clears. I think it has something to do with the new setText function in framed.js. It wasn't doing that before it was merged from http://rich-text-editor.tiddlyspot.com/. It used to be called the getEditInfo function and had a lot more to the function. Now Internet Explorer hits it first and passes a value of null via text where as the other browsers don't even seem to initially hit that function at all, maybe because of focus. It is checking if it has focus and then it does this.domNode.value = text; which deletes the text because at this point text has nothing in it. Strange how it only does this in IE 11 and not Chrome or Edge.
Please forgive me Jeremy if I am completely wrong.

Message has been deleted


Apr 30, 2016, 6:34:41 PM4/30/16
to TiddlyWiki
Note/questions from a non-expert (as illustrated by the fact that I'm going to have to wait for more clever people to demonstrate/document what can be done with sticky notes and list-children, because I have no clue!):

1. Undo/Redo behaves in a couple of unexpected (to me) ways in Chrome:
- With the Preview pane open, both the undo and redo buttons have to be clicked twice in order to see the change reflected in the Preview pane.
- Making this discovery caused me to notice that when I undo an extra time (past what was "done" to begin with, but necessary in order to undo in the preview pane), "undoundo" appears in the search bar.

2. I made an early transition to TW5 from twclassic precisely because apostrophes in tiddler titles seemed to be ok (great for people's names, book titles, etc), and I've never had any trouble with those titles in TW5. So I found the new warning a bit ominous and have two questions:
- Has something really changed with this version, or is this fair warning about what has always been a risk?
- Although the prerelease notes say "Added a warning when creating tiddler titles containing troublesome characters", in fact, the warning shows up any time I edit an existing tiddler with an apostrophe in its title. Assuming my TW file is not going to blow up because of these already existing tiddlers, would it be possible to suppress the warning (save space) after the tiddler has been created?

Although I don't tend to put a lot of content into tiddlers (hence my focus on titles), I really like the Editor Toolbar - the "link" lookup is going to be extremely useful - thanks!
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Apr 30, 2016, 9:21:13 PM4/30/16
to TiddlyWiki, Tiddl...@googlegroups.com
Apropos the Markdown toolbar, I just stumbled over this that may serve as inspiration to use it;



Jeremy Ruston

May 1, 2016, 2:36:01 PM5/1/16
to tiddl...@googlegroups.com
Hi cmari & Josiah

1. Undo/Redo behaves in a couple of unexpected (to me) ways in Chrome:
- With the Preview pane open, both the undo and redo buttons have to be clicked twice in order to see the change reflected in the Preview pane.
- Making this discovery caused me to notice that when I undo an extra time (past what was "done" to begin with, but necessary in order to undo in the preview pane), "undoundo" appears in the search bar.

Well spotted. It turns out to be tricky to fix due to the browser-compatibility issues. With this and the earlier problem with Firefox I’ve decided to remove the undo/redo buttons from the core. It keeps things simpler, and saves a bit more space in the core.

2. I made an early transition to TW5 from twclassic precisely because apostrophes in tiddler titles seemed to be ok (great for people's names, book titles, etc), and I've never had any trouble with those titles in TW5. So I found the new warning a bit ominous and have two questions:
- Has something really changed with this version, or is this fair warning about what has always been a risk?
- Although the prerelease notes say "Added a warning when creating tiddler titles containing troublesome characters", in fact, the warning shows up any time I edit an existing tiddler with an apostrophe in its title. Assuming my TW file is not going to blow up because of these already existing tiddlers, would it be possible to suppress the warning (save space) after the tiddler has been created?

I’ve removed the double and single quotes from the list of “bad characters”, leaving square brackets, curly brackets and the vertical bar.

I’ve updated the docs to note that the warning is shown when editing, not just creating a tiddler.

Best wishes


Jeremy Ruston

May 1, 2016, 2:52:36 PM5/1/16
to tiddl...@googlegroups.com
Hi Josiah

If you try looking at the MODALS DEMO under zoomin it is obscured by any other tiddler open. (on firefox 45.0.2)

Good spot, thank you. Fixed for 5.1.12:

Best wishes



On Saturday, 23 April 2016 14:14:24 UTC+2, Jeremy Ruston wrote:
Now that the editor toolbar work is completed, I’d like to release TiddlyWiki 5.1.12 in the next couple of days. I’d be very grateful for help with testing this release; there are a lot of changes this time around which brings a potential for things to go wrong.

There’s a prerelease available for testing:


Please give it a try - be cautious about your personal data, and take careful backups. Perform a test upgrade of your wikis and check for any problems:


Please let me know if you spot any issues. This is a great time to submit documentation updates but I’m afraid its too late for any further functional changes. In particular if you have published TiddlyWiki resources that are not currently linked from http://tiddlywiki.com/prerelease do please consider submitting a pull request.

Best wishes

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Jeremy Ruston

May 1, 2016, 2:54:10 PM5/1/16
to tiddl...@googlegroups.com
Hi Andrew

I'm still getting the delete effect in Internet Explorer 11. Interestingly if you click the edit button it shows "Type the text for this Tiddler" at the beginning before all the text already in the tiddler and the preview window initially shows a preview and then clears. I think it has something to do with the new setText function in framed.js. It wasn't doing that before it was merged from http://rich-text-editor.tiddlyspot.com/. It used to be called the getEditInfo function and had a lot more to the function. Now Internet Explorer hits it first and passes a value of null via text where as the other browsers don't even seem to initially hit that function at all, maybe because of focus. It is checking if it has focus and then it does this.domNode.value = text; which deletes the text because at this point text has nothing in it. Strange how it only does this in IE 11 and not Chrome or Edge.
Please forgive me Jeremy if I am completely wrong.

Ah, a bit more poking around reveals that I was using the new fangled Metro-style version of IE11 under Windows 10 (I think it may be called Edge). That version does still seem to work fine, but if I switch to the ordinary IE11 then I’m seeing the same problems as you describe. I’ll investigate further,

Many thanks,



May 1, 2016, 3:00:22 PM5/1/16
to TiddlyWiki

Many thanks. I DO grasp that some characters are "reserved" to enable other processes. But quote characters are very much part of normal writing. I am glad that I can write a Tiddler Title....

  Comments on the movie "Apocalypse Now"

Simply, and without worry.


Jeremy Ruston

May 1, 2016, 5:24:51 PM5/1/16
to tiddl...@googlegroups.com
Hi Andrew

Ah, a bit more poking around reveals that I was using the new fangled Metro-style version of IE11 under Windows 10 (I think it may be called Edge). That version does still seem to work fine, but if I switch to the ordinary IE11 then I’m seeing the same problems as you describe. I’ll investigate further,

OK, I think I’ve got things working again. I’ve uploaded a new prerelease:

There are a couple of fixes:

* The deleting text issue
* The “repeat” error when using the heading buttons

Please do give it a try and let me know,

Best wishes

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Jeremy Ruston

May 3, 2016, 4:23:34 PM5/3/16
to tiddl...@googlegroups.com
Hi Josiah

As far as I can see its not fatal. All tiddlers open are there. But it is directly linked to from at least one normal tiddler 

It is indeed a frustrating little problem. It’s too late now, but I rather wish that we'd made system tiddlers display in plain text. Many of the core templates aren’t useful to view in rendered form.

I’m sure you’ll have figured out that the warning appears when a tiddler is transcluded from inside itself, setting up an infinite loop if we didn’t trap it. The situations where it crops up could be viewed as instructive :)

Best wishes


  "storyTiddler Variable"

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May 4, 2016, 7:44:18 AM5/4/16
to TiddlyWiki
It is possible to suppress the display of the 'text' of tiddlers by adding a field "hide-body" with value "yes", maybe this could be added to such troublesome tiddlers

Devin Weaver

May 4, 2016, 5:18:11 PM5/4/16
to TiddlyWiki, Tiddl...@googlegroups.com
Is this a call for new bug fixes or only bug introduced in the recent future? I ask based on this pull request I just submitted last night: https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/pull/2420

Jeremy Ruston

May 4, 2016, 6:07:56 PM5/4/16
to tiddl...@googlegroups.com
Hi Devin

On 4 May 2016, at 18:18, Devin Weaver <weaver...@gmail.com> wrote:

Is this a call for new bug fixes or only bug introduced in the recent future? I ask based on this pull request I just submitted last night: https://github.com/Jermolene/TiddlyWiki5/pull/2420

I was particularly interested in bugs in the newly introduced features. I'm working against a deadline of releasing 5.1.12 in the next 48 hours, so would rather avoid any changes that carry any risk.

#2420 looks like a welcome fix for an old oversight, but I'm concerned that I won't have enough time to properly test it, so I would rather leave it until after 5.1.12.

Best wishes


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andrew harrison

May 7, 2016, 9:23:45 PM5/7/16
to tiddl...@googlegroups.com
I know 5.1.12 is about to be released without undo but I still think it would be nice to have undo and redo buttons included. I think that the functionality was all there. It is just a matter of doing something like the following, can't quite figure it out how to capture the text of the hidden dummy iframe after the undo but it should be so easy:
in undo.js:
    document.execCommand("undo", false, null);
    operation.replacement = this.iframeDoc.text;


May 8, 2016, 12:04:20 AM5/8/16
to tiddl...@googlegroups.com

I use a theme that is not white (Solar Flare), and a bigger font in the editor. In my opinioin, the new editor needs the following before it’s released: a possibility of styling it, and an opt-out switch that reverts to the old plain textarea editor.

I looked briefly at the code. Maybe I misundestood, but I thought copyStyles is supposed to copy styles from dummy text area, that has a class .tc-edit-texteditor assigned to it, to the textarea inside the iframe. It does not do so currently, and the only styles the textarea has are display, height, margin, and width - those are assigned explicitly in the code.

Out of curiosity, I inspected GitHub comments editor - it manages without an iframe, and selection preservation is there.

Would like to add that

  1. There is a noticeable lag when typing fast in the new editor. No lag in 5.1.11.
  2. Undo button. I know it’s gone from the pre-release now, and it never worked in Firefox without CodeMirror, but while testing at http://rich-text-editor.tiddlyspot.com/, I also found that if I click on it repeatedly and rapidly, the textarea empties out.


On Sunday, April 24, 2016 at 1:22:07 AM UTC-7, Jeremy Ruston wrote:

Hi Stephen

I use very dark themes and palettes with my Tiddlywikis. In the previous pre-release I could style the editor but this one I seem to get glaring white with black characters no matter what I do. Perhaps it is something very simple but I'm missing it.

I think you’ll find that after changing the palette you need to cancel and re-edit tiddlers to make the editor update to the new palette. The issue is that the textarea in the editor is embedded in an iframe in order to allow us to preserve the selection, but a side effect is that the main page styles are not visible within the iframe, so have to be manually copied across.

Best wishes


Mark S has pointed out that the Undo/Redo arrows don't work in Firefox or Firefox derivatives. Unfortunately, Mark, that is the Firefox design and not a mistake in Tiddlywiki.

Other than that, everything works as anticipated.

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Tobias Beer

May 8, 2016, 6:37:06 AM5/8/16
to TiddlyWiki, Tiddl...@googlegroups.com
Hi Jeremy,

Congratulations, this looks really good. Will do some more testing.

At first I was a little skeptical reading "editor toolbar", that I would not necessarily want to see such a thing in the core, but now that I'm playing with it, I believe there's some major productivity enhancements in store, if only for the editing shortcuts. I assume it would have been too complicated, perhaps even impossible, to have this be a plugin?

Best wishes,


Alex Hough

May 8, 2016, 3:15:35 PM5/8/16
to TiddlyWiki

Hard line breaks in the new wikitext edit tools?


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Jeremy Ruston

May 8, 2016, 3:37:43 PM5/8/16
to tiddl...@googlegroups.com
Hard line breaks in the new wikitext edit tools?

There's no shortcut for entering hard line breaks at the moment.

Best wishes


Jeremy Ruston

May 8, 2016, 3:41:10 PM5/8/16
to tiddl...@googlegroups.com
Hi Tobias

At first I was a little skeptical reading "editor toolbar", that I would not necessarily want to see such a thing in the core, but now that I'm playing with it, I believe there's some major productivity enhancements in store, if only for the editing shortcuts. I assume it would have been too complicated, perhaps even impossible, to have this be a plugin?

Great, glad you like it, and good to see on the groups again.

It would have been feasible to make the toolbar be a plugin but I was concerned that the purpose of the toolbar is ease of use, and if it is a plugin then it is a lot less accessible to beginners, the people who might benefit the most from it.

But I'm also aware that the editor has expanded the core by 20 or 25% in terms of the number of shadow tiddlers. I argue that we've never really tried to optimise the size of the core, and so there is plenty of scope to do so without having to remove the editor toolbar functionality.

Best wishes


Jeremy Ruston

May 8, 2016, 3:41:51 PM5/8/16
to tiddl...@googlegroups.com
Hi Rustem

The editor should work with custom palettes because that was a bug I fixed a few weeks ago. Perhaps there's been a regression; I'll investigate.

Best wishes

On 7 May 2016, at 18:04, Rustem <8pa...@gmail.com> wrote:

I use a theme that is not white (Solar Flare), and a bigger font in the editor. In my opinioin, the new editor needs the following before it’s released: a possibility of styling it, and an opt-out switch that reverts to the old plain textarea editor.

I looked briefly at the code. Maybe I misundestood, but I thought copyStyles is supposed to copy styles from dummy text area, that has a class .tc-edit-texteditor assigned to it, to the textarea inside the iframe. It does not do so currently, and the only styles the textarea has are display, height, margin, and width - those are assigned explicitly in the code.

Out of curiosity, I inspected GitHub comments editor - it manages without an iframe, and selection preservation is there.


On Sunday, April 24, 2016 at 1:22:07 AM UTC-7, Jeremy Ruston wrote:

Hi Stephen

I use very dark themes and palettes with my Tiddlywikis. In the previous pre-release I could style the editor but this one I seem to get glaring white with black characters no matter what I do. Perhaps it is something very simple but I'm missing it.

I think you’ll find that after changing the palette you need to cancel and re-edit tiddlers to make the editor update to the new palette. The issue is that the textarea in the editor is embedded in an iframe in order to allow us to preserve the selection, but a side effect is that the main page styles are not visible within the iframe, so have to be manually copied across.

Best wishes


Mark S has pointed out that the Undo/Redo arrows don't work in Firefox or Firefox derivatives. Unfortunately, Mark, that is the Firefox design and not a mistake in Tiddlywiki.

Other than that, everything works as anticipated.

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May 8, 2016, 4:10:09 PM5/8/16
to TiddlyWiki
I have still been trying to figure out why undo was acting strange and I am so close. I think that the functionality was all there. It is just a matter of doing something like the following, but I can't quite figure it out how to capture the text of the hidden dummy iframe after the undo but nothing seems to work:
in undo.js:
    document.execCommand("undo", false, null);
    operation.replacement = textarea.value;

    document.execCommand("undo", false, null);
    operation.replacement = this.parentDomNode.getElementsByTagName("textarea")[0].value;

Jeremy Ruston

May 9, 2016, 4:01:11 PM5/9/16
to tiddl...@googlegroups.com
Hi Andrew

There were two reasons I dropped the undo/redo buttons, one superficial, and one more fundamental:

* The endless problems I encountered getting the execCommand() call to work consistently across browsers. This is a notorious area for poor cross-browser compatibility, and there is every indication that it’s impossible to make the native execCommand(“undo”) work with textareas under Firefox.
* The deeper problem that the OS undo/redo only extends back to the last time that the textarea was refreshed. To an end user, the result is highly confusing: one can only undo back to an arbitrary and unpredictable point

So, my conclusion was that decent undo/redo handling will require us to engineer the undo/redo logic ourselves.

Best wishes


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Mark S.

May 9, 2016, 4:07:38 PM5/9/16
to TiddlyWiki, Tiddl...@googlegroups.com
If it's not too late to make a suggestion.

Currently you can set the height of the edit side of the screen, and turn it into a scrollable area. Great!

Unfortunately, you can not scroll the preview side of the screen. This means that the preview and edit areas can be far apart, and impossible to line up. This means you end up going back and forth while editing. If you could scroll the preview side like you can the edit side, then editing would be much easier.


Jeremy Ruston

May 9, 2016, 4:15:26 PM5/9/16
to tiddl...@googlegroups.com
Hi Rustem

I use a theme that is not white (Solar Flare), and a bigger font in the editor. In my opinioin, the new editor needs the following before it’s released: a possibility of styling it, and an opt-out switch that reverts to the old plain textarea editor.

Taking the style question first, that should work. In my tests, the “Solar Flare” theme works OK (see the screenshot below). What browser/OS are you using?

I’ll look at adding a configuration option to revert to the non-framed editor without a toolbar.

I looked briefly at the code. Maybe I misundestood, but I thought copyStyles is supposed to copy styles from dummy text area, that has a class .tc-edit-texteditor assigned to it, to the textarea inside the iframe. It does not do so currently, and the only styles the textarea has are display, height, margin, and width - those are assigned explicitly in the code.

As I say, this is a different result than I’m seeing.

Out of curiosity, I inspected GitHub comments editor - it manages without an iframe, and selection preservation is there

They’ve got a much easier case: there is only a single editor on the page, so they can just stash the selection globally during event handling. The issue for TW5 is that the editor might be torn down and recreated at any time by the refresh mechanism.

Best wishes



On Sunday, April 24, 2016 at 1:22:07 AM UTC-7, Jeremy Ruston wrote:

Hi Stephen

I use very dark themes and palettes with my Tiddlywikis. In the previous pre-release I could style the editor but this one I seem to get glaring white with black characters no matter what I do. Perhaps it is something very simple but I'm missing it.

I think you’ll find that after changing the palette you need to cancel and re-edit tiddlers to make the editor update to the new palette. The issue is that the textarea in the editor is embedded in an iframe in order to allow us to preserve the selection, but a side effect is that the main page styles are not visible within the iframe, so have to be manually copied across.

Best wishes


Mark S has pointed out that the Undo/Redo arrows don't work in Firefox or Firefox derivatives. Unfortunately, Mark, that is the Firefox design and not a mistake in Tiddlywiki.

Other than that, everything works as anticipated.

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Jeremy Ruston

May 9, 2016, 4:34:38 PM5/9/16
to tiddl...@googlegroups.com
Hi Rustem

On 9 May 2016, at 10:15, Jeremy Ruston <jeremy...@gmail.com> wrote:

I’ll look at adding a configuration option to revert to the non-framed editor without a toolbar.

Jeremy Ruston

May 9, 2016, 4:39:31 PM5/9/16
to tiddl...@googlegroups.com
Hi Mark

On 9 May 2016, at 10:07, 'Mark S.' via TiddlyWiki <tiddl...@googlegroups.com> wrote:

Unfortunately, you can not scroll the preview side of the screen. This means that the preview and edit areas can be far apart, and impossible to line up. This means you end up going back and forth while editing. If you could scroll the preview side like you can the edit side, then editing would be much easier.

I agree that would be an improvement, and will explore how do-able it is.

Best wishes


Jeremy Ruston

May 9, 2016, 4:44:51 PM5/9/16
to tiddl...@googlegroups.com
Hi Mark

I noticed that if you use the macro for excision, that the "transcluded" text does not include images and leaves out formatting. If you do a plain transclusion with curly brackets, it does include images. It seems to me that the macro should do a real transclusion so you you can see what you're actually getting.

Excising to a macro call is designed to be used with your own custom macros. The default “translink" macro that is provided is intended to demonstrate how to use the feature; it’s not particularly useful in it’s own right.

After some more experimentation, I see that the problem may be the <$transclusion> widget -- it doesn't include images or formatting either.

Do you mean the <$transclude> widget? By default, it wikifies the target text, and so does indeed include images and formatting.

On the other hand, changing the macro to use curly brackets doesn't bring back the formatting, and everything is displayed in inline mode. So it will take more than one tweak to get right.

What do you mean by “changing the macro to use curly brackets”? 

Can you perhaps show some specific examples that do not behave as you expect?

Best wishes


Jeremy Ruston

May 9, 2016, 4:45:55 PM5/9/16
to tiddl...@googlegroups.com
 I'm working against a deadline of releasing 5.1.12 in the next 48 hours, so would rather avoid any changes that carry any risk.

And I’m afraid I missed that deadline. I’m now aiming to release 5.1.12 in the next few days.

I’ve posted a new prerelease for evaluation here:

Best wishes



May 9, 2016, 6:15:34 PM5/9/16
to TiddlyWiki
And I’m afraid I missed that deadline. I’m now aiming to release 5.1.12 in the next few days.

Just a reflection: I can't speak for anyone else but 5.1.11 is fantastic so even if I'm really excited about .12, I really hope nobody is stressed out over it.

I just love TW.



May 9, 2016, 6:30:51 PM5/9/16
to TiddlyWiki
On the latest hangout there was brief mention of the problem with the Preview icon (the closed eye).

If it hasn't yet been solved, an idea is to simply add 4-5 eye-lashes and it is clear it's a closed eye.

While at it, the little baby button next to it could be a full button but positioned inside the preview pane, perhaps floating top+right there. It doesn't contribute anything (but clutter) without the preview pane open anyway.


Message has been deleted

Sylvain Naudin

May 9, 2016, 7:22:28 PM5/9/16
to TiddlyWiki

+1 :) Thanks Mark. When I record my screencast and test it, I've notive that would be a good improvement, and continue tu see toolbar.



May 9, 2016, 7:24:12 PM5/9/16
to TiddlyWiki
Works in Chrome.

In Firefox, both Windows and Linux, I get this. Tested with a new profile, as well as on another person's machine - same result.

Auto Generated Inline Image 1

Jeremy Ruston

May 9, 2016, 8:16:02 PM5/9/16
to tiddl...@googlegroups.com
Hi Rustem

> In Firefox, both Windows and Linux, I get this. Tested with a new profile, as well as on another person's machine - same result.

Great, thank you. Fixed here:


I’ve uploaded a new prerelease too,

Best wishes


Jeremy Ruston

May 9, 2016, 8:37:47 PM5/9/16
to tiddl...@googlegroups.com
Hi Mat

If it hasn't yet been solved, an idea is to simply add 4-5 eye-lashes and it is clear it's a closed eye.

The current version of the icon already includes lashes:

While at it, the little baby button next to it could be a full button but positioned inside the preview pane, perhaps floating top+right there. It doesn't contribute anything (but clutter) without the preview pane open anyway.

The dropdown button adjacent to the preview button only appears when additional preview are loaded (eg, via the “Internals” plugin that is present in the prerelease). The trouble with floating the dropdown at the top of the preview itself is that it will disturb the layout of the preview.

Best wishes



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May 9, 2016, 10:22:15 PM5/9/16
to TiddlyWiki
The current version of the icon already includes lashes:

Ah! It´s either my eyes or my screen but I just didn't see them. Here's a crude sketch of what I have in mind - before and after, as it appears on my screen. The arc is also raised some 2px to prevent if from appearing like a mouth.



May 9, 2016, 11:04:05 PM5/9/16
to TiddlyWiki
Thanks for the quick fix.

I wanted to like the new editor, but it messes with browser keyboard shortcuts, for example Ctrl-T to open a new tab. I see those can be reconfigured, I might try that later.

Also, Shift-Ins (paste) is not working. I prefer that over Ctrl-V. So, thank you for the off switch as well :)



May 10, 2016, 12:01:35 AM5/10/16
to TiddlyWiki

This seems to be the thread to go for anything new-editor-related. So…

Wish: Relocate preview button (and accompanying dropdown) to inside (or next to) <div class="tc-edit-tags">, so it could be used with the simple editor as well.
Bug: Upon pressing Alt-P to open/close preview, the editor loses focus and needs a mouse click inside to continue editing.



May 10, 2016, 12:04:35 AM5/10/16
to TiddlyWiki
wish: make the toolbar sticky, even if it causes problems with some browsers.



May 10, 2016, 12:04:42 AM5/10/16
to TiddlyWiki


May 10, 2016, 1:05:30 AM5/10/16
to TiddlyWiki
Actually, why not invoke the preview type dropdown from the preview button itself? Just add "none" to the list of choices.

The open eye icon could remain the same for any preview type except "none".



May 10, 2016, 12:38:02 PM5/10/16
to TiddlyWiki
Ciao Jeremy & Mat

I think the reason they apparently aren't there for me and Mat will be somewhat to do with how our browsers are set. To see them properly in Firefox on the edit page I have to Ctrl+Plus twice. I think its a visual illusion that might go away if the hair lengths & widths were increased a pixel or two.

My 2 cents.


May 12, 2016, 4:13:04 PM5/12/16
to tiddl...@googlegroups.com


yes please!

Am 10.05.2016 um 02:04 schrieb PMario:
wish: make the toolbar sticky, even if it causes problems with some browsers.

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Jeremy Ruston

May 12, 2016, 4:21:55 PM5/12/16
to tiddl...@googlegroups.com
Hi Rustem

I wanted to like the new editor, but it messes with browser keyboard shortcuts, for example Ctrl-T to open a new tab. I see those can be reconfigured, I might try that later. 

TiddlyWiki is a community development. I can’t personally keep track of every interaction on every platform. I use TiddlyWiki every day on the Mac and on iOS. I’m really dependent on feedback from Windows and Linux users to improve the experience there.

You’ve phrased it as “I don’t like the toolbar because it doesn’t work properly for me in these situations”. But really it’s up to you to help me improve it so that it does work properly for as many situations as possible.

So, perhaps it would be useful if you could review the default keyboard shortcuts and provide some feedback so that we can improve them together.

Also, Shift-Ins (paste) is not working. I prefer that over Ctrl-V. So, thank you for the off switch as well :)

Again, I think this is a bug, but you are reporting it as if it is an intrinsic problem with the editor toolbar.

Best wishes



On Monday, May 9, 2016 at 1:16:02 PM UTC-7, Jeremy Ruston wrote:
Hi Rustem

> In Firefox, both Windows and Linux, I get this. Tested with a new profile, as well as on another person's machine - same result.

Great, thank you. Fixed here:


I’ve uploaded a new prerelease too,

Best wishes


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Jeremy Ruston

May 12, 2016, 4:26:05 PM5/12/16
to tiddl...@googlegroups.com
Hi Rustem

Wish: Relocate preview button (and accompanying dropdown) to inside (or next to) <div class="tc-edit-tags">, so it could be used with the simple editor as well.

It doesn’t seem right to make the preview button be part of the tags machinery, but I recognise the problem. I’d rather explore extending the toolbar so that those buttons that don’t need focus preservation (such as the preview button) will work with the simple editor.

Bug: Upon pressing Alt-P to open/close preview, the editor loses focus and needs a mouse click inside to continue editing.

I see the problem, but I don’t see a good solution. Switching the preview off requires us to refresh the tiddler, and that loses the focus.

Best wishes



On Monday, May 9, 2016 at 4:04:05 PM UTC-7, Rustem wrote:

Thanks for the quick fix.

I wanted to like the new editor, but it messes with browser keyboard shortcuts, for example Ctrl-T to open a new tab. I see those can be reconfigured, I might try that later.

Also, Shift-Ins (paste) is not working. I prefer that over Ctrl-V. So, thank you for the off switch as well :)


On Monday, May 9, 2016 at 1:16:02 PM UTC-7, Jeremy Ruston wrote:
Hi Rustem

> In Firefox, both Windows and Linux, I get this. Tested with a new profile, as well as on another person's machine - same result.

Great, thank you. Fixed here:


I’ve uploaded a new prerelease too,

Best wishes


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Jeremy Ruston

May 12, 2016, 4:32:32 PM5/12/16
to tiddl...@googlegroups.com
wish: make the toolbar sticky, even if it causes problems with some browsers.

Sadly, the peculiar rules governing position: sticky mean that doing so would require a major reorganisation of the HTML generated by the editor. You can experiment with your browser devtools but I couldn’t find a place for position: sticky that has the desired effect.

Best wishes



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Jeremy Ruston

May 12, 2016, 4:35:06 PM5/12/16
to tiddl...@googlegroups.com
Hi Rustem

Actually, why not invoke the preview type dropdown from the preview button itself? Just add "none" to the list of choices.

Because then it would take two clicks to turn the preview on or off.

Also, the preview type dropdown only appears when additional preview types are loaded (eg via the “Internals” plugin that is included in the prerelease).

Best wishes


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Mark S.

May 12, 2016, 5:13:48 PM5/12/16
to TiddlyWiki
Hi Jeremy,

When I look at the keyboard shortcuts, I notice that there aren't any for cut/paste.

On FF in Windows, Ctl-V still works, but Shift-INS (which personally I never use) is not working in the pre-release. Shift-INS does work in the current full release version, so I assume it has something to do with the short-cut handling. That is, the short-cut handler is "eating" all the keystrokes, but only sending on certain ones.

Maybe if cut/paste were added to the configuration shortcuts, people could add whatever keys they thought most intuitive?


Jeremy Ruston

May 12, 2016, 5:17:51 PM5/12/16
to tiddl...@googlegroups.com
Hi Mark

When I look at the keyboard shortcuts, I notice that there aren't any for cut/paste. 

No, the cut/copy/paste keyboard shortcuts are implemented by the browser.

On FF in Windows, Ctl-V still works, but Shift-INS (which personally I never use) is not working in the pre-release. Shift-INS does work in the current full release version, so I assume it has something to do with the short-cut handling. That is, the short-cut handler is "eating" all the keystrokes, but only sending on certain ones.

I can’t test this as I don’t have access to a Windows PC; I usually test in a VM on the Mac, but that doesn’t give me an “INS” key.

It would be helpful if you could use this site and report back the keycodes you get for the “INS” key in Firefox and other browsers:

Maybe if cut/paste were added to the configuration shortcuts, people could add whatever keys they thought most intuitive?

The trouble is that the implementation of those copy and paste shortcuts would be the same execCommand() call that has caused us such problems with Undo/Redo.

Many thanks,


On Thursday, May 12, 2016 at 9:21:55 AM UTC-7, Jeremy Ruston wrote:

So, perhaps it would be useful if you could review the default keyboard shortcuts and provide some feedback so that we can improve them together.

Also, Shift-Ins (paste) is not working. I prefer that over Ctrl-V. So, thank you for the off switch as well :)

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May 12, 2016, 6:17:06 PM5/12/16
to TiddlyWiki

Sorry it came out too harsh. As a user of a bleeding-edge version, I appreciate the off switch immensely, while we work out the kinks.


Mark S.

May 12, 2016, 6:41:52 PM5/12/16
to TiddlyWiki
Hi Jeremy,

Using http://keycode.info/, I find that that site doesn't work at all for Pale Moon. Odd.

On Fire Fox, it breaks the sequence into each step. So

Shift == 16
Ins == 45

It does not report that Shift-Ins (together) as different from Shift-Ins as two step sequences.

Although the browser may do the paste/cut, the TW5 application must be grabbing key sequences. Shift-INS works in the old (current) TW5, but not in the new (pre-release) TW5 ... in the SAME browser.


David Gifford

May 19, 2016, 11:29:39 PM5/19/16
to TiddlyWiki
So, any update on the release date of 5.1.12?

It is loading more messages.
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