OCEAN CITY -stripers- hotel & kayak outfitter

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Oct 29, 2011, 2:05:51 PM10/29/11
to tidal-potoma...@googlegroups.com

On a recent striper fishing trip to Ocean City, MD,  I had an EXCELLENT experience with the hotel & kayak outfitter listed below.
Current ocean water temps are 64 ish
According to local shops, prime fall run water temps 52-60 degrees
Best fishing still ahead
Would emphatically encourage you to visit both hotel & kayak outfitter below

PARK PLACE HOTEL ...on the (OC) boardwalk ($60 waterfront rate)       www.ocparkplacehotel.com
AYERS CREEK ADVENTURES   www.ayerscreekadventures.com
Overall rating


Aug 19, 2012, 12:59:15 PM8/19/12
to tidal-potoma...@googlegroups.com

I am heading to ocean city for the week. Any other recommendations for fly fishing ocean city?

Matt Geiman

Aug 19, 2012, 1:13:04 PM8/19/12
to tidal-potoma...@googlegroups.com
Have'nt been there mysel,f but Cape Henlopen State Park in Delaware is supposedly a good place for fly fishing. There are wadable flats there. It's about an hour north of ocean city. check out the link below.

Gaucho Fly

Aug 20, 2012, 1:46:50 PM8/20/12
to tidal-potoma...@googlegroups.com
If you are in OC and shore bound you can try fly fishing at Stinky Beach, on the west side of Ocean city just above the inlet and near the OC fishing center.  Fishing there right now is good for snapper bluefish, schoolie stripers and the ocassional weakfish, at dusk or later on the incoming tide.  This little strip of beach drops off into about 20 feet of water right away and there are lots of fish moving through there.  You may also do well there after dark.  If you have a boat the inlet on both sides can be great.  I have done well with rod and reel but also done quite a bit of free diving in the inlet, and you would be amazed at the number and variety of fish that are in there, including some big sharks and stingrays...
The most common prize fish around here this time of year is the Tautog, but have not ever caught one of those on the fly...

Jeff Cook

Aug 20, 2012, 1:56:13 PM8/20/12
to tidal-potoma...@googlegroups.com
I was about to ask whether it's suitable for kayaks on that side, but I think "big sharks" answers that.

Jeff Cook


Aug 20, 2012, 7:40:29 PM8/20/12
to tidal-potoma...@googlegroups.com, tidal-potoma...@googlegroups.com
I also like Indian river inlet . Follow the tides and there is also good night time fishing near the coast gaurd station and buble gum beach . The jetty is great for casting the other 2 , not so much.

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Gaucho Fly

Aug 21, 2012, 9:55:39 PM8/21/12
to tidal-potoma...@googlegroups.com
lots of guys on kayaks... you'll be fine. You can fish either side of the inlet.  Park near Ake's marine and just cross over to Asseteague and the inlet wall.
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