Anyone interested in joining me

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Terry C

Aug 3, 2012, 10:42:31 PM8/3/12
Thought I would get out early and beat the heat, put the kayak in tomorrow morning at Riverbend park around 7:00. Anyone interested in joining me.


Aug 4, 2012, 10:20:14 PM8/4/12
I had an awesome day there wading.  I caught three fish in the 15" class that were healthy and FAT!  I lost one that I had on for over 5 minutes and it may have been the biggest smallie that I have hooked.  My biggest smallie landed is 20" and was just over 5 pounds.  I watched the fish that I lost take my popper.  At the end of the fight it had broken the popper in half!  I have never had this happen before.  It made several huge jumps and it even took some drag on my 8 weight rod. 

The water is nice and clear.  I was able to see well (I watched the big smallie until he went into some heavy current).  It is definitely advantageous to fish late or early.

Good luck.

Terry C

Aug 5, 2012, 12:32:36 AM8/5/12
I put in at 7:00 and fished to 2:00. Picked up smallies until about 10:30, then it got tougher. Used a clousers crayfish, tried a popper, only got bluegills on it.


Aug 6, 2012, 4:20:52 AM8/6/12

On Saturday, August 4, 2012 8:32:36 PM UTC-4, Terry C wrote:
I put in at 7:00 and fished to  2:00.  Picked up smallies until about 10:30, then it got tougher.  Used a clousers crayfish, tried a popper, only got bluegills on it.

Funny thing I have discovered for the last couple weeks or so is that the Smallies do not seem that interested in the traditional poppers. Its kind of strange because I still see the Damsel Flies in the blue and yellow flora all over the places I haunt. What they are slamming with a vengeance is those tiny Bluegill poppers in the yellow and blue variety. Normally I have to at least work the popper a bit before they take, but these guys are not even waiting for that with the small poppers. As soon as it hits the water I can see 3-4 big guys rush it, then they sit under it for a couple seconds like they are trying to decide whose turn it is, then one of them rises up and slams it like it was his last meal. I mean its not just a nose up and slowly slurp it in kind of take, its a full on grab and run. Its great! I don't even have to worry about setting the hook. The one thing you can always count on from a Smally is a damn strong fight. Best fighting fish I know. Trout have nothing on these guys.


Aug 6, 2012, 4:32:25 AM8/6/12
I had a lot of luck in a large yellow popper.  When they bite it, they destroy it.  Blue has not worked well at all for me.

They do like Shenk's White Streamer and the Shannon's Streamer (Shannon's Streamer yielded 3 bass in the 15" class last time I was out). 

You HAVE to be impressed with their jumps.  They definitely fight hard.

Michael Smith

Aug 6, 2012, 3:27:25 PM8/6/12
I live and die by the Betts Frugal Frog in the small size.  It works for bluegill, it works for the basses.  It seems too small to work for bass, but I've caught some huge ones on it.

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