Shenandoah Smallies

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Charlie Church

Aug 6, 2012, 3:11:13 PM8/6/12
Parker, Steve, and I hit the Shenandoah yesterday. Parker and I from a canoe and Steve in a yak. We did an 8 mile float out of FRCC.

The weather was nice (except for a strong headwind at times) and the fishing was good until we came across quite a large inner tube hatch near the end of the float.

No big fish for the trip but here are some photos. All fish came on poppers (Blue and Orange ones).

Hard to beat a trip like that within an hour drive of the DC area.

I wasn't able to get too many photos of Steve since we were usually spread out a little bit.

Here are a couple photos. I have more on my blog ( I would post them all here but havent compressed them enough (and can't at work).


Matt Geiman

Aug 7, 2012, 4:08:54 PM8/7/12
Cool! My friend and I are planning on doing an overnight float on the Doah in September/early October. Looking forward to it!

paul spica

Aug 10, 2012, 3:47:51 PM8/10/12
I did the same trip wednesday, (8/8/12), with my girlfriends younger brother.  Really easy trip, and its amazing that its only an hour out of the city.  I didn't do much fishing myself, mostly played guide for him.  It was his first real fishing trip and I think that he really enjoyed it.  We fished down stream at Hwy 17 during the early morning (6:30am) and really didnt have any luck on the top even with a lot of fish breaking all over.  Not sure what the problem was, and I was worried that the trip would be a bust for him.  I switched gears when we started the canoe trip, got him rigged up with a clouser claw with a 1/16 split shot to get the line out on the spinning rig and then sink a little better in the current.  
Basically we targeted any areas that had shade and current variations.  Casting upstream and bouncing the bottom with a tight line really worked well.  Mark really picked up on areas that would be likely holding fish by the end of the trip, and I think he really took a lot away from the day.    The presentation would have worked well on the fly rod as well  I think we brought in around 15 smallies with the learning curve and had a great day on the river.     
doah smallie.JPG

Charlie Church

Aug 10, 2012, 6:18:33 PM8/10/12
Glad you guys got them. Thats a nice fish. Looking at your canoe makes me feel like I brought too much stuff when I went...
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