TSA Regs and restrictions

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Terry C

May 21, 2012, 2:14:01 PM5/21/12
to tidal-potoma...@googlegroups.com
I am heading to Montana in July for a fishing trip.  I have a 4 pc. 6wt. rod that I don't see as a problem on a plane, however, I also want to bring my 2pc. 4 wt.  Does anyone have any first hand knowledge of TSA regs  on fly rod tubes.  thanks

Mike B

May 21, 2012, 4:53:51 PM5/21/12
to tidal-potoma...@googlegroups.com
When I flew out to Wyoming last year, I just had my tube (9 ft,4 piece) strapped on to my backpack. I had no problems getting through security and onto the plane.

Enjoy the trip!

Brad Gentner

May 21, 2012, 5:52:46 PM5/21/12
to tidal-potoma...@googlegroups.com
TSA doesn't care about rods in my experience. I regularly carry on 2 and
4 piece rods. The airlines have hassled me once for the 2 piece tube,
but I have never found an overhead bin too full to fit a 2 piece rod
tube. YMMV.

Hooks on the other hand......I have quit carrying hooks on myself. Never
have gotten away with saltwater size flies but used to get away with
trout sized flies. I won't risk either anymore.
> of TSA regs on fly rod tubes. thanks --
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Trent Jones

May 21, 2012, 9:09:05 PM5/21/12
to tidal-potoma...@googlegroups.com


Go to the TSA webpage on hunting and fishing gear. It clearly states that expensive and delicate gear like rods, reels, and flies should be carried on. Print this page and bring it in case a TSA agent has questions. I have been to FL a few times with 2/0 and 3/0 Salt water hooks and never had a problem.

Rods are an issue for your carrier, but I have seen plenty of 2 piece rod tubes carried on in both the Denver and Bozeman Airports. I personally have never had an issue with 4 piece rods.


Howard A

May 21, 2012, 10:27:29 PM5/21/12
to tidal-potoma...@googlegroups.com
The only place I ever had problems with flies was in Bangkok on my way home, and that was at a secondary screening at the gate after they went through the metal detectors. They said the hooks were too big and made me check them. Domestic flights I have not had a problem.

The regs say you can carry on small hand tools without a blade up to 6" (read as Pliers or forceps), but unless you are trying to avoid checking a bag entirely it's not worth the potential hassle IMHO.



May 21, 2012, 11:46:06 PM5/21/12
to tidal-potoma...@googlegroups.com
No issues here down under. Got all my gear through security at Dulles and Sydney. Customs wanted to make sure all flies were dry as they fear didymo introduction. No issues with switch rod tube on plane either.

Sent from my iPhone
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Jeff Silvan

May 22, 2012, 10:43:36 AM5/22/12
to tidal-potoma...@googlegroups.com
If you're checking bags, I can't imagine any of it would be a problem. They let you check skis as normal baggage. Some gate agents will be annoying since it technically doesn't fit in their "sizer," but in reality nothing does. I'd argue that they allow people to carry on their guitars which take up more space.

On Monday, May 21, 2012 2:14:01 PM UTC-4, Terry C wrote:

Brad Gentner

May 22, 2012, 11:27:07 AM5/22/12
to tidal-potoma...@googlegroups.com
Don't check rods unless you have a bulletproof case.

Do check flies unless you are interested in summoning a TSA manager and arguing your photo copy of the regs with them. If you are feeling like an argument, get to the airport with an extra hour to spare. I've argued successfully before, but it simply isn't worth my time anymore. Particularly if you are bringing some other banned item like a knife (would never dream of wading without one), just check the sharp stuff.
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May 22, 2012, 12:45:13 PM5/22/12
to Tidal Potomac Fly Rodders
On my next trip I am going to use my hard ski case. It can telescope
up or down as far as necessary, and I can get, I believe, multiple
rods in it. I will use rubber bands around individual rods, keeping
them in their socks. Then I plan to bind them together with one or
two strips of velcro. And I can put a lock on the case. But, of
course, it will have to be checked, but I think it should be safe from
theft and/or damage. Hard ski cases are very durable. I never had an
problems with skis, and they will not know it has only fishing rods in
it, and not skis. FWIW.

Brad Gentner

May 22, 2012, 12:55:57 PM5/22/12
to tidal-potoma...@googlegroups.com
When I pack one piece conventional rods and large 2 piece surf rods, I
use a Bazuka Tube. I use a similar technique - I wrap rods in t-shirts
and band the whole mess. I fill all empty spots with socks or other
clothes I would normally pack. I use a TSA approved lock and usually
duct tape it closed as well. I have used this method to transport rods
domestically and internationally and never had a problem.

Terry C

May 22, 2012, 2:40:27 PM5/22/12
to tidal-potoma...@googlegroups.com
Thanks for all the help on this,  I did print off the page from TSA.  Looks like I should have no problems.   Terry

On Monday, May 21, 2012 2:14:01 PM UTC-4, Terry C wrote:

Aaron O

Jul 22, 2012, 5:42:49 PM7/22/12
to tidal-potoma...@googlegroups.com
Older line of posts but I have been looking through the archives.  Anyone ever bring their fly tying kit with them?  I am thinking of bringing it with me to south carolina on plane with my rods and reels, etc...   Plan to check everything except rods (carryon).  Other than the regular tools, I have a 4" folding knife and a straight rasor (blade slides into handle) for tying but this will all be checked.  I could leave the rasor if you think that could cause an issue but I would like to pack my knife for any needs during actual fishing.  I know it states that it should all be good if i'm checking my luggage but I just want to make sure there are no problems.  Should I let them know what I have in the bag when I check it in?

Your thoughts,


Casey Peltier

Jul 22, 2012, 7:22:41 PM7/22/12
to tidal-potoma...@googlegroups.com

When we go to a condo/self catering arrangement in Florida, I always take a few kitchen essentials, especially a large and a small knife, very sharp.  I pack them carefully in the checked luggage, and I don't bother to ask anyone because the airlines web-sites repeatedly tell me to put all knives in my checked baggage.

Hope that helps.

Date: Sun, 22 Jul 2012 14:42:49 -0700
From: aa...@jorgeinc.com
To: tidal-potoma...@googlegroups.com
Subject: {Tidal Potomac Fly Rodders} Re: TSA Regs and restrictions

Older line of posts but I have been looking through the archives.  Anyone ever bring their fly tying kit with them?  I am thinking of bringing it with me to south carolina on plane with my rods and reels, etc...   Plan to check everything except rods (carryon).  Other than the regular tools, I have a 4" folding knife and a straight rasor (blade slides into handle) for tying but this will all be checked.  I could leave the rasor if you think that could cause an issue but I would like to pack my knife for any needs during actual fishing.  I know it states that it should all be good if i'm checking my luggage but I just want to make sure there are no problems.  Should I let them know what I have in the bag when I check it in?

Your thoughts,


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Aaron O

Jul 22, 2012, 8:21:04 PM7/22/12
to tidal-potoma...@googlegroups.com
Works for me.  Thanks


Jul 23, 2012, 9:15:28 AM7/23/12
to tidal-potoma...@googlegroups.com, ang...@erols.com
Brad, when you say "bullet-proof" I hope you don't mean aluminum rod tubes which, unless they are packed in some other bag, surely won't survive airport handling as a checked bag.  Years ago I met a fellow who worked for AZ Fish & Game who traveled every summer to Michigan for family reunions and vacation.  His solution to protecting rods (esp 2 piece rods)  was to pack them all in a large diameter length of Schedule 40 PVC pipe with a lock and hasp affixed to one end.  He said the thing was bomb-proof and no way near as big as checked skis.


Jul 27, 2012, 8:02:20 AM7/27/12
to tidal-potoma...@googlegroups.com
I just got back from a trip to Idaho, during which I took 4 rods, three reels, forceps, nippers, etc. plus about 200 flies as carry-on baggage. I didn't have any problems with that, but the TSA were gigantic jerkwads with respect to some other aspects of my personal baggage. The risk you run with the TSA is that the agents simply don't know what the regs are: in my case, they failed twice to obey their own rules. Telling them "these are your rules, you have to follow them" seems to confuse and anger them, and made the situation worse for me. Even when I was forced into a "private screening", they did not open my tackle case. My research project for this morning is trying to figure out if I can ever fly again without being violated by the TSA. But as I said, the fishing equipment was not at all a problem for me on this trip.

Incidentally, the TSA regulations state that it's up to the airlines to accept or reject fly-rod tubes as carry-on baggage. United was fine with me bringing the rod case on board, and I discovered that on one of the smaller commuter jets (Embraer something or other), there is a long narrow overhead compartment above first class that is perfect for a fly rod case or tube -- nothing else fits up there. I was not flying in first class, but the attendant told me I should put my rod case up there.

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