NSW (Intersect) MyTardis Changes

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Steve Androulakis

Mar 4, 2013, 7:18:37 PM3/4/13
to tardis...@googlegroups.com
Hi all,

Jared Berghold from Intersect pointed out that some changes were made by Intersect to MyTardis 2.5 to suit local deployments (usyd, unsw et al).. mostly to do with synchrotron data.

I wanted to highlight this a bit because it contains the fabled 4th element (project) in the hierarchy. We may want to adopt this or a similar way of grouping experiments.

His changelog:

Here are the major changes to the MyTardis code for the DC2C project:
- Change from 3 tier to 4 tier hierarchy of: Project > Experiment > Dataset > Datafile
- Minor updates to the "ANDS Register" tab/module
- General metadata/schema changes (e.g. added fields such as FOR Codes)
- Changes to RIF-CS output (for ANDS RDA feed)

In case you need further information, you can view the source code:


Stephen Crawley

Mar 5, 2013, 7:59:22 AM3/5/13
to tardis...@googlegroups.com
I'm afraid the 4 level model is too late to be helpful to us here at UQ.  (And 4 levels is not what CMM's users need anyway.  They want / need a proper folder mechanism.)  The rest of those changes sound like they are duplicating Tim's work.

If the Intersect guys took the time to rebase their repo against mytardis/mytardis and submit pull requests ... perhaps I'd feel a bit more enthusiastic. 

-- Steve

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