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Re: the Ukraine mess

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Aug 5, 2015, 4:20:14 PM8/5/15
On 5/08/2015 11:59 p.m., jonathan wrote:

> I'm trying to figure out how to pay 200,000 protesters
> and keep it secret. But they must have been paid, the
> idea the people of Ukraine had anything to be upset about
> is so absurd.
> No wait a minute, I take that all back, it was all
> an American conspiracy, America controls everything
> and everyone like puppets.
> And don't you forget it~
For one thing there would never be (from the left) more than 200
organisers and a couple of hundred dreamers who follow.
Most of the funding was through unions and those 'Friendship' groups...

Oleg Smirnov

Aug 5, 2015, 8:06:21 PM8/5/15
jonathan, <>
> On 8/3/2015 3:32 PM, Kerryn Offord wrote:
>> On 8/4/2015 6:43 AM, jonathan wrote:
>>> On 7/14/2015 3:38 AM, Oleg Smirnov wrote:

>>>> <>
>>>> The Mess that Nuland Made
>>>> July 13, 2015
>>>> Exclusive: Assistant Secretary of State Victoria
>>>> Nuland engineered Ukraine's
>>>> "regime change" in early 2014 without weighing the
>>>> likely chaos and consequences.
>>> Hod did she do that, exactly? How did she get all those
>>> protesters to demonstrate? Did she send out emails
>>> asking them to protest? Or hypnotize them?
>>> How did she engineer the uprising?
>> The money to support/ pay for those "protesters" came
>> from somewhere...
> I'm trying to figure out how to pay 200,000 protesters
> and keep it secret. But they must have been paid, the
> idea the people of Ukraine had anything to be upset about
> is so absurd.
> No wait a minute, I take that all back, it was all
> an American conspiracy, America controls everything
> and everyone like puppets.
> And don't you forget it~

"Meet the Americans Who Put Together the Coup in Kiev"
1 <>
2 <>

The writer of this stuff is even anti-Putin and not Russia-friendly.

And there's no need to pay to protesters, it's rather possible to pay to the
mass media owners and 'leaders of public opinion' to artificially exaggerate
lies, hysteria and incite the mob.

The next research is right about that, a must-read for the American public.


Subsequent psychological studies as well as observation of humans throughout
history demonstrate that they are indeed malleable and capable of a wide range
of behaviors; but there is nothing indicating that humans are doomed to act
like brutal mobs or genocidal maniacs unless they are led in that direction by
powerful social forces.

Bernays' work and the philosophy underpinning it have paved the way for the
cynical use of grand ideas like freedom, democracy and human rights to sell
mindless consumption, wars, coups, color revolutions (i.e. contrived regime
changes under the pretense of spreading democracy or "western values"), and
instability - all in the service of a small group of people who benefit. ..


Aug 6, 2015, 5:27:46 PM8/6/15
You mean like when the govt has complete
control of all the mass media, and only
allows their own self-serving views to air?

Is that what you mean?

> The next research is right about that, a must-read for the American public.
> <>
> Subsequent psychological studies as well as observation of humans
> throughout
> history demonstrate that they are indeed malleable and capable of a wide
> range
> of behaviors; but there is nothing indicating that humans are doomed to act
> like brutal mobs or genocidal maniacs unless they are led in that
> direction by
> powerful social forces.

A few American embassy workers do not constitute
'powerful social forces', those are forces that
flow from large groups of people....from the people.

> Bernays' work and the philosophy underpinning it have paved the way for the
> cynical use of grand ideas like freedom, democracy and human rights to sell
> mindless consumption, wars, coups, color revolutions (i.e. contrived regime
> changes under the pretense of spreading democracy or "western values"), and
> instability - all in the service of a small group of people who benefit. ..

Like that old saying, what what people do, not what they say.

Which side, the west or Russia, backs up their words
when it comes to ideals such as freedom, democracy and
human rights?

It's not Russia, that's for certain.


Message has been deleted

Oleg Smirnov

Aug 13, 2015, 6:41:03 PM8/13/15
<> Ukrainian domestic news

According to official Kiev government claim, about 8000 servicemen have
now switched side and are fighting within the Donbas forces. They say
the number includes 5000 from police and 3000 from military. This is an
official number, it's most likely that the figure is understated, and
it doesn't include 'passive' sympathizers from the military and police.

> <>
> America's Ukraine Policy and Maidan Ukraine's War Crimes

Oleg Smirnov

Aug 15, 2015, 7:03:22 PM8/15/15

US Sliding Into Vietnam-Style War in Ukraine - Stephen Cohen

POLITICS 21:44 15.08.2015

The United States is sliding into a Vietnam-style war in Ukraine, Professor
Stephen F. Cohen warns, suggesting that Washington and Kiev are potentially
planning to force the breakaway Donbass regions out of Ukraine.

US hawks go even so far as to suggest sending more American boots on the
ground in Ukraine, the Baltics and Poland, risking to find themselves amid a
similar devastating war the US had faced in Vietnam, professor of Russian
studies at Princeton University and New York University Stephen F. Cohen

"One of the things that strikes me, though this is a generational remembrance,
is how we got into Vietnam," the professor emphasized, drawing a historic
parallel between the US' current activity in Ukraine and the beginning of the
Vietnam War.

"We began with some trainers and some intelligence folks and some people
just to aid our side in the South. Then we found proxies in the South and
we armed them. And the next thing, you know, were six hundred thousand
American troops fighting and dying in Vietnam in a war that we could never
win," Professor Cohen stressed.

Now the Pentagon is sending more American troops to provide military training
to the Ukrainian National Guard and regular armed forces, prompting further
escalation of the conflict in the region and aggravating tensions with Russia.
However, without substantial military support from Washington, Kiev cannot
take over Donbass.

Simultaneously, there is another idea emerging in Kiev and in Washington. It
has been floating around for about three or four months and is being discussed
in a "hush-hush" way behind closed doors, the professor noted.

"[They say] wouldn't it be better for Ukraine if we [US neocons and Kiev
government] want - that is a Ukraine in NATO or allied with NATO - just to
get rid of Donbass. It's Russian, it's ethnically Russian, it's married
biologically to Russia, it [has] always [been] dependent in its economy on
Russia," Professor Cohen noted.

They acknowledge that they cannot win the hearts and minds of people in
Donetsk and Lugansk and that at the same time they are incapable of defeating
them militarily. And they say "let's sever it," the professor underscored. So
far, both some US decision makers and Ukrainian ultra-nationalists are now
considering two "Ukraines."

Simultaneously, Washington continues to provoke Russia by increasing its
"colonial" presence in the historically Russian city of Odessa, the scholar
emphasized. By appointing former Georgian president Mikheil Saakashvili as the
Governor of Odessa region, the US and its puppet Ukrainian government has sent
a clear signal to Russia. Saakashvili is known for his 2008 military
aggression against South Ossetia and Abkhazia and it is not a coincidence that
John McCain's protégé assumed the high post in the Ukrainian city of Odessa,
the scholar hinted. (OS: Mr Saakashvili after his 'bright' reforms in Georgia,
is now considered a serious criminal at home <>).

The more military trainers Washington sends to Ukraine, the more risk factors
related to a possible dangerous confrontation with Moscow emerge, the
professor warned.

"If this trend continues and American involvement grows, something really
bad is going to happen," Stephen F. Cohen noted.

Oleg Smirnov

Aug 15, 2015, 8:28:07 PM8/15/15
>> More Czech thoughts.


Those arguing that Russia is in crisis don't know what they're talking about


Russia is apparently located within an economic crisis because its GDP has
fallen. This is a typical simple view of the Western economist who are 'market
chaos' adepts. The fact that the GDP growth has fallen doesn't mean a crisis,
as those Western politicians and economists are trying to instill.
Say, a country, in this case, Russia - thanks to the pointless Western
sanctions and lower oil prices - really gets into position when it starts to
export and produce a little less materials and products, therefore its GDP
growth falls. Has anyone ever explained to us why this must mean a crisis - in
the case of Russia?! ..

The Russian Federation is such a country which, even in worst-case scenario -
if the silly Obama's dream had come true, and Russia was totally economically
isolated from the rest of the world - can still survive. After all, it was
once in such a situation - the USSR before the WW2 - and then it eventually
achieved the largest GDP growth in the human history (15 - 30% per year).

Russia is a country that possesses everything .. a lot of resources .. When
attacking from outside, it does not give up and crumble, but, on the contrary,
rallies, it is becoming stronger and gathers strength to get out of its own
difficulties .. Russian Federation may therefore temporarily drop its GDP even
more than the 5% of which the Western economists are loudly shouting now, but
that does not mean a crisis, but merely a reorganization of their economy,
with reorientation of foreign trade and new priorities in domestic production.

If you really want to talk about an economic crisis, gentlemen, then speak and
write about the US, which federal debt is already around 150% of GDP (and also
there are still the separate debts of the individual states) ..

> <>
> Eventually we'll likely run to Russia, fleeing from the immigrants

Oleg Smirnov

Aug 16, 2015, 8:29:45 AM8/16/15

This Means War? US Special Forces Prepare Ukraine's Army for Warfare

EUROPE 07:34 16.08.2015 (updated 07:35 16.08.2015)

Donbass is at the threshold of renewal of full-scale warfare, as Kiev violates
every single term of the Minsk ceasefire protocol on daily basis, bombing both
residential and public areas on the east of Ukraine, says American journalist
Stephen Lendman.

Special troops from the US and the UK are actively preparing Ukrainian forces
for the escalation of conflict in the Donbass region, Lendman wrote in his

Eduard Basurin, the spokesperson for the self-proclaimed Donetsk People's
Republic, said that the Ukrainian military had attacked the territory of DPR,
using tanks and heavy armament in violation of Minsk agreements on August 10.

"They knew that we had lived up to our commitment to withdraw all heavy
weapons, including with a caliber under 100mm (from the disengagement line),
and decided to take advantage of the situation to move deep into the DPR's
territory," Basurin said as quoted by CounterPunch.

The ceasefire agreement has never been observed since its establishment in
February and "dozens of shellings" occur in Donbass every day, Lendman said,
citing LPR's special envoy Vladislav Deinego.

"Obama wants war, not peace - using Kiev proxies to do his dirty work,"
Lendman wrote.

According to Deinego, peace was never an aim for Kiev as well. Despite the
collapse of Ukraine's economy, state authorities reserved another $250 million
for expanding military might in Donbass. And at the same time the country
badly lacks money for "constructive purposes," Lendman added.

Meanwhile, British Defence Secretary Michael Fallon announced the UK would
train twice as many soldiers for Ukraine's army by the end of 2015. So far, UK
coaches prepared over a thousand Ukrainian troops for active warfare.

With help from the US and the UK in preparing the Ukraine's military forces,
Kiev may start full-scale aggression any day now, Lendman concluded.

OS: The Lendman's article <>.

Oleg Smirnov

Aug 16, 2015, 11:08:38 AM8/16/15

Top Army leader: Russia is "most dangerous" threat facing U.S.

By Theodore Schleifer and Jim Sciutto, CNN

Updated 8:39 PM ET, Wed August 12, 2015

Washington (CNN) The outgoing Army chief of staff said Wednesday that Russia
posed the "most dangerous" threat facing the United States today, thanks to
its "sophisticated" operations in Ukraine.


In what way Russia can be a threat to the US? Russia doesn't encroach on any
legitimate interests of the US, nor on legitimate interests of 'the West' in
general. The stupid persons that're making the American foreign policy today,
have come to epic failure in the Ukraine case, and now, in order to justify
their utter stupidity and incompetence they invent 'Russian "sophisticated"
operation' as a bogus excuse for themselves. And the bloody military command,
of course, wants more money from the state budget under this pretext. A large
part of the current US leadership is really crazy and out of touch with
reality. They're living in a virtual world like a drug addict living on drugs.
The only reason why Russia may be a threat to the current US establishment is
that the Russia-related issues expose big falsehood of their false narratives.


Aug 16, 2015, 11:17:09 AM8/16/15
On 08/16/2015 08:11 AM, Oleg Smirnov wrote:
> Washington (CNN) The outgoing Army chief of staff said Wednesday that
> Russia
> posed the "most dangerous" threat facing the United States today, thanks to
> its "sophisticated" operations in Ukraine.

Yeah, you know how the Russians keep operating in our territory in
Ukraine. Very dangerous.

Oleg Smirnov

Aug 16, 2015, 11:22:51 AM8/16/15
talishi, <>
And you seem to be on drugs as well.

Oleg Smirnov

Aug 16, 2015, 4:33:05 PM8/16/15

"At present, about 136 suicides have been reported since the beginning of
the Anti-Terrorist Operation implementation, according to a source in the
Ukrainian Defense Ministry, Ukrainian news agency TSN reported. .. volunteer
services, currently dealing with soldiers, sound the alarm .. assistance of
mental health professionals .."

The main reason is that a large part of the pro-Kiev military find the
fratricide war pointless and hopeless, but the Kiev freaks chase the cattle
for slaughter. This causes a natural depression among the military staff.
Falsehood about the 'mental health professionals' and artificial 'patriotic'
ardor hardly will help. In turn, the Donbas militias are naturally motivated
to protect their land from invaders. So their morale is more strong against
those who are forcibly (18-60 y/o) drafted into army by the new Kiev regime.

Beam Me Up Scotty

Aug 16, 2015, 5:19:31 PM8/16/15
On 08/16/2015 04:33 PM, Oleg Smirnov wrote:
> <>
> "At present, about 136 suicides have been reported since the beginning of
> the Anti-Terrorist Operation implementation, according to a source in the
> Ukrainian Defense Ministry, Ukrainian news agency TSN reported. ..
> volunteer
> services, currently dealing with soldiers, sound the alarm .. assistance of
> mental health professionals .."

Gays and transsexuals and all the gender benders have the same suicide
problems, Senator Feinstein suggested that Veterans should have their
gun rights taken away in the USA, so why NOT include taking the guns
away from gender benders with the same law she wants to use to take
veterans right to keep and bear arms?

There's that Democrat war on women....
That's Karma

Oleg Smirnov

Aug 19, 2015, 4:31:51 PM8/19/15



Britain's oldest Conservative think tank, the Bow Group, has published a paper
from six Eastern European analysts on the affect of sanctions against Russia
on Eastern Europe and the wider West.
The report exclusively reveals that the estimated financial costs of sanctions
to the West could exceed $700bn.

"The costs to Europe include ?120bn worth of exports to Russia are in danger,
a total volume of business of ?326bn, almost 2 million jobs are at risk, as
well as potential default on $147bn of Russian debt held by EU banks.

"The cost to the UK alone: ?8.6bn of total exports, 119,000 jobs at stake,
£27bn of Russian capital invested in the UK.

"Cost to the US: total trade worth $137bn, $38bn US exports to Russia, up to
$30bn US capital tied up in Russia."

"This results in a total potential exposure of approximately $755bn to Western

The paper has been criticised by neo-liberal activists who feel the European
Union should be united in a strong stance against Russia via sanctions.

Bow Group Chairman Ben Harris-Quinney said: "Like most papers we publish not
everyone in the Bow Group agrees, and I disagree with many of the conclusions
this paper draws.

"It's important to consider foreign perspectives, but Britain must maintain a
position of strength in perception and reality. Just as we are currently
seeing in Cuba and Iran, détente without conditionality is defeat.

"However, after a decade of ill-advised diplomatic and military misadventure
it has to be acknowledged that the theory of neo-liberal interventionism is

"It is therefore important to acknowledge the massive potential cost of
sanctions to the UK and wider West, at over $700 billion, and explore other

"The strategy that Ronald Reagan and Margaret Thatcher advocated - peace
through strength - must be a better answer. If, in partnership with other NATO
powers we spent a proportion of that $700 billion on strengthening our
military at home and abroad, it's highly unlikely that NATO borders would be
challenged by Russia or any other opportunist expansionism. That's something
that sanctions have not and will never achieve.

"For a Conservative Prime Minister the last 5 years has been a disappointment
in terms of defence and care of our armed forces.

The Bow Group is challenging the government to now take a more detailed and
long term approach to the Strategic Defence and Security Review, commit to 2
per cent GDP spending on defence, and a more pragmatic approach to using our
resources to achieve this."

The think tank has also pressured for the government to extend the Strategic
Defence and Security view after many criticised the government's new approach:
consultations in no more than 300 words from stakeholders.

Oleg Smirnov

Aug 19, 2015, 4:38:34 PM8/19/15


AUGUST 17, 2015

The Bow Group <>, 'the United Kingdom's oldest
conservative think tank', is as 'Establishment' an institution as one could
hope to find. Its board includes prominent former Conservative cabinet
ministers such as Norman Tebbit and Geoffrey Howe as well as right-wing
academics like philosopher Roger Scruton. I was intrigued, therefore, to hear
its chairman, Ben Harris-Quinney, announce <> last week
that, 'the theory of neo-liberal interventionism is bankrupt.'

The context of Harris-Quinney's remarks was the publication of a new Bow Group
report <> entitled 'The Sanctions on Russia'. In the
report's introduction, editor Adriel Kasonta declares:

Given that many people in Ukraine actually consider themselves to be
Russian, and that the justifications for sanctions may have shifted, it
appears necessary to revise our approach to what could be considered one of
the greatest challenges of the 21st century. We might do worse than explore
for [sic] a peaceful solution to this crisis, engaging EU member states
and Russia in a meaningful and inclusive dialogue.

The title 'The Sanctions on Russia' is actually misleading as only the first
of the report's three parts directly covers the sanctions imposed on Russia by
Western countries. The report's second part digresses into a discussion of the
'Russian soul', and the third focuses not on Russia but on Ukraine and what
that country has to do to solve its problems.

In the section of the report dealing with sanctions, Elina Kyselchuk of the
Ukrainian Business Centre in London shows that the sanctions have had a
negative impact on the Russian economy but have not altered Russian behaviour
in Ukraine. Given that the latter was their intention, the sanctions have
failed. Kyselchuk concludes that:

There must be reached a diplomatic compromise, which will allow Russia to
remain an influential political player in Eastern Europe, while letting
Ukraine choose its own internal political regime and foreign policy
orientation. A diplomatic solution will require all sides to find middle
ground and to focus on their fundamental economic needs, which will
perhaps not mean the best possible outcomes or absolute victory. Finding
such a compromise will not be easy. However, it is vital for the West and
Russia to work together towards reconciliation and building a stable,
prosperous Ukraine.

The report's economic analysis is easy to follow. The same could not be said
of its dissection of the 'Russian soul'. (OS: What's the point to speculate
much about the Russian soul nowadays? One can meet a lot of the Russians in
the internet and ask them directly about something. Oh I've forgotten, they
all are those paid Kremlin trolls, you know. This is a nice trick intended to
help you preserve your habitual delusions.) Think tanks are meant to speak to
policy makers rather than to academics. But in his chapter on 'Russian
Christian thought as a key to understanding Russian politics', Artur
Mrowczynski-Van Allen of the International Center for the Study of the
Christian Orient makes little concession to those not well versed in theology,
as he explains the thinking of philosophers such as Pavel Florensky, Nikolai
Berdyaev, and Vladimir Solovyov. For instance, he writes:

It is very easy to see that "Vernunft [reason]" accompanies "Adam:"
philosophy and theology (and, ultimately, all spheres of life, culture,
politics, economy, etc.) form a unit. A unit that is revealed in
metaphysics, anthropology, and historiosophy-historiosophy intimately tied
to ecclesiology. It is not just a theoretical question, but rather a real
and rational way of thinking and living that can be defined as an
eschatological pragmatism.

I am man enough to admit that I haven't the slightest clue what the author is
talking about here, and I suspect that most readers will shake their heads in
befuddlement and skip this part of the report after reading just a few lines.
But Mrowczynski-Van Allen's final words are at least relatively clear:

Rather than imposing our own paradigms of interpretation, we must at least
listen to others, be attentive to their counterdiscourses, come closer to
the ontology, anthropology, and historiosophy that beat in the heart of a
people and make it live, that make it live in a particular, unique way,
whether in the case of Russia or of so many other peoples and cultures that
are resisting modern colonization by the dominant and prevailing discourse
of secular modernity.

In simpler words, we should respect cultural differences. Liberal
interventionists will not like this conclusion, as it suggests that Western
liberalism does not embody universal values which must be spread to the rest
of the world. They will probably also dislike the contribution to the third
part of the report by Nikolai Petro of the University of Rhode Island, which
again warns against the imposition of artificial cultural unity.

'Stable democracy does not result from having homogeneous political or
cultural attitudes,' writes Petro, 'but from society's ability to develop
institutions that not only manage these conflicting elements within a culture,
but also preserve a balance among them.' (OS: In the case of the Ukraine the
American / Western meddling was rather intended to aggravate the conflicting
elements and push to solution of the conflict not 'within a culture' but via
rude violence, by implementing the anti-constitutional / anti-democratic coup.
The coup has not made the Ukraine more democratic, it's rather made it less
democratic by setting a [yet one] precedent of unlawful / violent 'success',
needless to say about those neo-Nazis. And thus 'the West' has come to moral
bankruptcy. The Atlanticist masterminds still continue to incite hatreds in
the Ukraine, covering their unsightly efforts by presenting various lies to
the ordinary Western sheep.) The way out of Ukraine's crisis, he continues, is
'to develop a unifying civic culture that encompasses both its Russian and
Ukrainian speaking communities.' This will be impossible, 'if Ukrainian elites
persist in trying to promote national unity by imposing highly divisive
national symbols, rallying around an "eternal enemy" (Russia), and insisting
on a new national identity as a litmus test of loyalty... Ukraine will thrive
only if its bicultural and bilingual identity is seen as a source of strength,
rather than as a weakness to be eradicated.' (OS: He is either naive or
hypocrite. Such a 'unifying civic culture' is / was quite developed already,
and the main goal of American political technologists from the very beginning
was rather to deliberately destroy it, since that's the only way to 'tear off'
the Ukraine from Russia.)

Western analysts, Petrio concludes, should:

First, stop talking about Ukrainian identity as if it were a monolithic
concept, rather than two closely related, but distinct, cultural heritages.

Second, oppose attempts to ignore or minimize the importance of the Russian
cultural component of Ukrainian national identity. Historically such efforts
have always resulted in bloodshed.

Third, stop trying to force Ukrainians to choose between Europe and Russia.
Instead, adopt a broader view of European identity that accepts both Russia
and Ukraine as quintessential parts of Europe.

Finally, recognize that all actors share a common interest in resolving this
crisis through a direct dialogue of the conflicting parties.

This is all excellent advice. I know from my own experience
<> that conservative think tanks in the UK are not always
open to ideas which challenge the hegemony of liberal interventionist ideas.
It is encouraging, therefore, to see the Bow Group offering an alternative
point of view.


The contemporary 'liberal interventionists' are not much different from those
early Bolsheviks (which dreamed of a world communist revolution) and from the
global jihadists (whose effort is to convert the whole world to Islam).

Oleg Smirnov

Aug 19, 2015, 6:28:18 PM8/19/15
Mr Babitsky's a controversial person. Read more about his story here
<>. After he was fired frome the RFE/RL (a CIA-
backed US-Congress-funded diversionary / psyop news media outlet), he
established his own media outlet right in Donetsk, DPR, and what he is
writing today about the situation in Donbas.

Hardly I expect resumption of full-scale combat hostilities, but the
war in the form in which we have it, will likely continue indefinitely
for one simple reason. For Kiev, it is a very important political tool.
It allows to implement various political and military procedures on the
territory controlled by Kiev: mobilize the population under the banner
of holy war with the neighbor, to raise prices, to introduce the most
severe censorship over the mass media, and more like that. Rejection of
war would mean for Kiev to be face to face with the necessity to answer
a lot of unpleasant questions, to which Kiev seems to have no answers:
about the catastrophic deterioration of the living conditions of people,
about the corruption, which is said to have grown at times, about the
unemployment, meager pensions and salaries etc. The war also provides
an excellent opportunity to pass skidded at high speed past all these
issues, focusing on the need to protect the integrity of the state.
In turn, the self-proclaimed republics have, in addition to the damage
caused by the war and the uncertain outlook, something prevailing once
and for all, what could be called the foundation, which has nowhere to
move. This is the total unwillingness of their population to be living
within the Ukraine, and somehow deal with the Ukraine, to see it, hear
it, touch it. Such an attitude will remain unchanged for many years.

Oleg Smirnov

Aug 19, 2015, 8:28:01 PM8/19/15

Getting Russia right
What is now needed in western capitals is an acknowledgement that they have
not always gotten Russia and Putin right

Jonathan Power August 05, 2015

Even today, in many different ways, the US and Russia remain close. There is
cooperation in space, not least the International Space Station. The US
regularly hires Russian rockets to launch its crews to the station and to
launch satellites. Russia sells advanced rocket engines to the US. Russia
allows war material en route to Afghanistan to pass through its territory on
Russian trains. Russia worked hand in glove with the US to successfully remove
the large stocks of chemical weapons possessed by Syria. It shares
intelligence on Muslim extremists including Islamic State (IS). Conceivably,
it could enter the battle against IS. It has encouraged western investment
including joint oil exploration of the Artic. Recently, it stood side by side
with the US and the EU as they forged an agreement with Iran on its nuclear
industry. At the UN Security Council, Russia and the US voted together for a
resolution approving the agreement. President Barack Obama phoned President
Vladimir Putin to thank him.

US diplomats are now conceding that Russia's claim that the neo-fascist,
so-called "Right Sector" in Ukraine is wreaking havoc is true. The Right
Sector, in the eyes of many, was a key - and violent - element in the success
of last year's Maidan demonstrations that toppled President Viktor Yanukovich.
When the Russian, French and German foreign ministers hammered out an
agreement, with the support of Ukraine's Parliamentary opposition, for
Yanukovich to step down at the next election, the west totally 'forgot' about
it in the next few days as the Maidan demonstrators drove Yanukovich into
exile. (OS: Here's a mistake or a typo: there was no Russian foreign minister,
there was Polish one, and there was Russian special envoy Mr Lukin who didn't
sign anything since he was there rather as an observer.) Washington and other
western capitals supported the 'democratic revolution', rather than demanding
the fulfilment of the agreement. No wonder Putin was livid.

What is now needed in western capitals is an acknowledgement that they have
not always gotten Russia and Putin right. For example, in the Ossetian /
Georgian war in 2008, Russia was accused of starting it. In fact, as is now
widely accepted in the west, it was Georgia's bombing of the South Ossetian
capital that triggered the war. Today many western observers believe that the
degree of Russia's intervention in the Donbass in eastern Ukraine is grossly
overstated. Not long ago, the US commanding general in NATO warned that Russia
was about to invade - an ill-informed or deceitful (depending on one's
perspective) viewpoint that was quickly shot down by the head of French

Back in 1999 NATO's bombing of Belgrade, which led to an independent Kosovo,
went against international law because the invaders were not themselves under
threat. Russia, at the UN, voted against this campaign, arguing that changing
a country's boundaries by force was illegal. If the west had not waged its
Kosovo campaign, it is probable that Russia would never have taken over
Crimea. Russian paranoia was understandable when the second Russian-Chechen
war broke out. Many powerful Washington insiders ignored the jihadi nature of
the Chechen invasion of neighbouring Dagestan, focusing only on Russian
violations of human rights. Yet today emirs, controlling perhaps as much as 80
percent of the Caucasus Emirate mujahideen, have declared their loyalty to IS.

In 2011, Russia abstained from a resolution at the UN Security Council, which
authorised a western initiative to use its air forces to attack those in
favour of the regime of Muammar al-Qaddafi, in order to save civilians from
being massacred. In fact, the western powers went far beyond their UN mandate
and fought to bring down Qaddafi. This led to the present chaos in Libya,
which is reducing the new 'free' state to anarchy and seems to have no end in
sight. Russia felt it had been double-crossed which, indeed, it had.

Gordan Hahn, the Russian watcher, who once was a Senior Associate of
Washington's prestigious Center for Strategic and International Studies,
writes: "All this demonstrates again the utter futility in expanding NATO into
Russia's sphere of influence (breaking a solemn agreement made with Russia).
It undermines Western security in two respects. It has alienated Russia and
transformed it into the West's "greatest geo-political foe" that the
Republican presidential candidates misconceptualise. Second, it runs directly
contrary to the requirements of an effective global fight in the war against
jihadism, which must include all major powers in a robustly institutionalised

Of course Putin, on occasion, is boorish and heavy-handed, but it is no
surprise that Putin has overwhelming support in his confrontation with the
west. I believe the opinion polls show that he has a high 80 percent approval
rating. In the last nine months, I have walked the streets of Russia on three
visits, doing my own amateur poll. Russia responds to the policies and actions
of the west. It is always the west that makes the first move on the
chessboard. Russia has developed, writes Hahn, "carefully thought out plans
designed to defeat the West, regardless of what the West may or may not do."

The writer has been a foreign affairs columnist for the International Herald
Tribune for 20 years and author of the much acclaimed new book, Conundrums of
Humanity - the Big Foreign Policy Questions of Our Age. ..

> <>
> Monsters of Ukraine: Made in the USA


Aug 19, 2015, 8:50:09 PM8/19/15
On 8/19/2015 4:30 PM, Oleg Smirnov wrote:
> <>

So I suppose that means Russia would like some MORE sanctions then?

You've also parroted that the sanctions make Russia
more independent too, so why doesn't Putin just say
..."more sanctions please"?


Dr. Vincent Quin, Ph.D.

Aug 20, 2015, 3:13:03 AM8/20/15
I attack at dawn...are you with me?


Aug 20, 2015, 8:03:12 AM8/20/15
In article <mr2vqp$mhb$>, Oleg Smirnov says...
The idea that "socialism" is at the base of current Russian low productivity is
valid. The "worker's republic" set norms for each worker, which in practice
could be achieved in a half a day.

Oleg Smirnov

Aug 20, 2015, 8:23:32 AM8/20/15

Ukrainian / pro-Kiev media informs that about 1400 servicemen have deserted
from the SBU units in the recent months, including four colonels. It's more
than 5% of total (27000) staff, and this is an official number, so it may be
understated. The SBU is Ukrainian analog of KGB, and their military units are
considered a sort of special elite military for special missions.

Dr. Vincent Quin, Ph.D.

Aug 20, 2015, 3:15:14 PM8/20/15
i attacked but had to retreat...jonathan did not show up...he's all mouth


Aug 20, 2015, 6:39:01 PM8/20/15
Russia just lost the war, in ended on July 14, 2015
apparently you missed it. Look for yourself....{"range":"2y","allowChartStacking":true}

Oleg Smirnov

Aug 21, 2015, 2:09:50 PM8/21/15
In the Minsk-2 is really dead than thanks to American foreign policy makers
for that. The February 21, 2014 agreement between Yanukovych and opposition
was a 'European' project, worked out under auspices of those three EU foreign
ministers. But, immediately, the opposition decided to violate the agreement.
The most likely version is, the Americans gave them 'a guarantee of impunity'.
Then, the Minsk-2 was worked out largely by Merkel and Hollande. If Kiev kept
the agreement, then it would be a path to peace. But Kiev didn't. The most
likely answer is, the American patrons incited the Kiev freaks to violate it.
The US policy makers are really evil and evil-minded.


Minsk-2: A Rotting Corpse

Christopher Black 21.08.2015

The Minsk-2 ceasefire agreement is dead but no one wants to bury the rotting
corpse. Since it was signed in February of this year the Donbas governments
and Russia have bent over backward to comply with the terms of that agreement
hoping against hope that the Kiev junta would do the same. They hoped in vain.

Poroshenko and his fascist allies instead have refused to change the
constitution to accommodate the concerns of the Donbas republics, have tried
to suppress the Communist Party and other parties in opposition, have refused
to withdraw heavy weaponry from the line of contact, have maintained
increasingly heavy artillery attacks on the civilian populations and areas and
cut off routes for essential foodstuffs, medical aid and technical equipment.
Rather than enjoying a ceasefire, the peoples of the Donbas are under a state
of siege.

Poroshenko openly calls for a military solution to the crisis and has
increased the draft in the west. The NATO alliance continues to pour in its
forces disguised as "advisers" and "mercenaries" and puts additional pressure
on Russia with multiple military exercises from the Baltic to Bulgaria, where
more tanks have been recently dispatched to "send Russia a message."

The reality of the situation was stated on the 18th of August when President
Putin stated, "It was the Donbas militias that suggested withdrawing all
military equipment with calibre under 100mm. Unfortunately, the opposite side
didn't do that. On the contrary, according to the available data, it is
concentrating its units there, including those reinforced with military
hardware." He continued to pay lip service to the Minsk-2 agreement, stating,
"As for the Minsk-2 agreement, I believe there is no alternative for resolving
the situation and that peace will prevail in the long run. " and continued
with "Our task is to minimize the losses with which we will come to this

There can be no doubt that the Minsk-2 agreements do provide the framework for
a peaceful settlement of the impasse but there is also no doubt that the Kiev
and NATO forces have no intention of abiding by its terms and are preparing
for another offensive. Putin also stated, "I hope that it will not come to
direct large scale clashes." Yet, the people of the Donbas would be surprised
to be told that the thousands of shells raining down on them from the Kiev
junta's artillery in order to provoke those clashes do not count.

Bu what is the purpose of this state of siege? Since the Donbas forces have
proved their strength and resilience the Kiev regime has little hope of
achieving the total destruction of those forces and imposing its will on the
Donbas. Kiev and NATO also know that Russia does not want to be drawn into a
direct clash with NATO that could lead to a general war. In consequence the
Kiev-NATO axis have decided to engage in operations that have direct political
repercussions designed to disrupt the Russian-Donbas alliance or to paralyze
it and try to enlist new allies. At the same time they have decided to make
the war more costly for the Donbas and Russia both in military and economic
terms, and to try to bring about a gradual exhaustion of their physical and
moral resistance.

We see this strategy being played out with the constant increase of economic
warfare against Russia, which is clearly the ultimate target, the increasing
use of propaganda including the planting in the media of the most absurd
stories about Russia and its government, the use, once again of the OSCE
observes as intelligence agents for NATO as happened in the Yugoslav war, and,
in the political sphere, attempts by the United States and Britain to
humiliate Russia with the politically motivated attempt to set up a tribunal
regarding the downing of flight MH17.

Clausewitz said that "war is a pulsation of violence, variable in strength and
therefore, variable in the speed with which it explodes and discharges it
energy' and that "If we keep in mind that war springs from some political
purpose, it is natural that the prime cause of its existence will remain the
supreme consideration in conducting it."

Indeed, we see in Ukraine the expression of the Anglo-American-German
political purpose: the desire to force Russia to submit to their will. They
failed in World War I. The attempt failed again in World War II. The so-called
Cold War succeeded in bankrupting the socialist state but the capitalist state
that rose from that sad decline is gathering its strength once again and
refuses to submit to any one's diktats. And so the NATO coup in Kiev, in order
to take Ukraine away from Russian influence as the Nazis tried to do in World
War II.

But the Kiev-NATO cabal cannot break the will of the peoples of the Donbas nor
of Russia and so the constant attacks, the constant propaganda, the constant
turning of the economic screws.

These actions are all illegal under international law and the laws of war.
They are violations of the principles and articles of the UN Charter. They are
violations of several Geneva Conventions and other international treaties. The
attacks on civilians are war crimes. The use of prohibited weaponry, in these
attacks, is a war crime. The collective punishment of entire populations is a
war crime. The use of economic warfare is a war crime. Yet nothing is done by
any western government to stop it nor does the International Criminal Court
lay any charges where it can. Instead it stands by and condones these crimes
by its inaction.

Article 7 of the Rome Statue that created the ICC states, "that crimes against
humanity includes persecution of an identifiable group or collectivity on
political, racial, national, ethnic.grounds."

Article 7-2(b) states that the crime of extermination includes the intentional
infliction of conditions of life, inter alia, the deprivation of access to
food and medicine, calculated to bring about the destruction of part of a

Article 8 defining war crimes, states that it includes wilful killing,
wilfully causing great suffering, extensive destruction of property not
justified by military necessity, and carried out unlawfully and wantonly,
intentionally directing attacks against the civilian population not taking
part in hostilities, intentionally directing attacks against civilian objects,
attacking or bombarding by whatever means towns, villages, dwellings or
buildings which are undefended and which are not military objectives,
declaring that no quarter will be given, using weapons designed to inflict
unnecessary suffering or are indiscriminate, and intentionally using
starvation as a method of warfare. The list goes on and is a compendium of the
crimes being committed by the Kiev-NATO axis powers in Ukraine.

On April 17, 2014 the Kiev regime sent a declaration under Article 12(3) of
the Rome Statute accepting jurisdiction of the ICC over alleged crimes
committed on its territory from November 21 2013 to 22 February 2014. This was
clearly a propaganda gesture at the time to justify the coup that overthrew
the legitimate government. The Prosecutor has not reacted publicly to this
declaration nor to its meaning but the argument can be made that if the Kiev
regime speaking for Ukraine has accepted the ICCs jurisdiction for crimes in
one time frame it should also accept it for the crimes committed since then.
One could argue that the situation is so grave that the ICC must take action
against any persons committing crimes in a territory over which it has
jurisdiction that being Ukraine. Even if that argument were rejected on
technical grounds, one would think that the Prosecutor would at least make a
statement that the operations of the Kiev-NATO axis constitute war crimes
under the Rome Statue and that they should stop those operations at once. But
the Prosecutor stays silent, as silent as she was when she served US interests
at the Rwanda War Crimes Tribunal and did not protest the on -sided
indictments handed out there. As the saying goes, "Once in the American
pocket, always in their pocket."

On August 18th the Russian Foreign Ministry called for all sides to adhere to
the Minsk agreements and expressed concern that the "bellicose rhetoric coming
from Ukraine which is encouraged by a number of its foreign patrons, causes
major concern and clearly attests to the intention to prepare the public
opinion for another attempt to resolve the Ukrainian crisis by force. Under
the circumstances, all responsibility for the negative consequences of such
provocative actions will be borne by the current Ukrainian authorities."
Ominous words.

When the Minsk Agreements were signed in February I wrote an article doubting
that the Kiev-NATO side had any intention of using it except as a means of
pausing their operations in order to reorganise and prepare for the next
offensive. My doubts proved justified.

The only way forward is to resolve the conflict at the political level on the
basis of the recognition of the right to self-rule and autonomy for the Donbas
republics, the creation of a federal state to assure ethnic stability, and the
commitment by Ukraine that it will be a neutral state and not part of any plan
to "contain" Russia, a plan that can only lead to world war.

But the NATO puppets in charge of Ukraine do not act in the interests of
Ukraine. They act in the interests of the masters of war who have no concern
for humanity in general or Ukrainians in particular and if they continue their
operations they will not succeed in uniting Ukraine but only in laying it

Christopher Black is an international criminal lawyer based in Toronto, he is
a member of the Law Society of Upper Canada and he is known for a number of
high-profile cases involving human rights and war crimes, especially for the
online magazine "New Eastern Outlook" <>.

Oleg Smirnov

Aug 21, 2015, 4:51:34 PM8/21/15

US Has Been Planning to Wipe Out Russia Since 1945


An article on Sputnik by Ekaterina Blinova, <>, provides
a history of US and British plans to destroy the Soviet Union with nuclear
weapons in the early post-World War II years before the Soviets got the bomb
and prior to President John F. Kennedy reining in the plans to use nuclear
weapons against Soviet civilian populations. If truth be known, the Cold War
was entirely a Washington creation.

The military/security complex, against which President Dwight Eisenhower
warned the American people to no avail, has found that its profits cannot
survive the end of the Cold War and has orchestrated its resumption.
Washington has revived its plans for surprise nuclear attack on Russia and
this time on China as well. These plans are known and have destroyed the trust
among nuclear powers, leading to an even more dangerous situation than existed
during Cold War I.

The American people are not politically competent, and they are easily
brainwashed by Washington's propaganda. It has only taken two years for
Washington's demonization of Russia to convince hapless Americans that Russia
is the Number One Threat to the United States. This unbelievable hogwash is
constantly broadcast by the presstitute media and is now believed by a
majority of the American Sheeple.

Armageddon will be the consequence.


Aug 21, 2015, 5:03:49 PM8/21/15
In article <mr82te$uvk$>, Oleg Smirnov says...
We can afford it, Russia can't. Armegeddon will be like when the Soviet Union
folded, not with a bang but a whimper.

Oleg Smirnov

Aug 22, 2015, 3:47:56 PM8/22/15
David E. Powell, <>

> Ad hominem attacks do not change reality.
> Going back to the boilerplate propaganda seems to be the
> default position.
> No Russians were involved in the taking of Crimea? Just
> state the lie, trusting that it will suffice as long as
> no one objects forcefully enough.

What exactly do you believe is a lie in my reasoning?

I never denied that the Russian troops in Crimea took part in the
organization of Crimean reunification with Russia, I have rather
explained their mission, - which wasn't 'invasion'.

A conqueror uses troops to suppress people's will and coerce them
to submit to the brute power of the conqueror. That's what the new
Kiev regime, under Western patronage, tries to implement against
the Donbas people presently. In Crimea, the overwhelming majority
was and is clearly pro-Russia, so there was no any need to coerce
them forcibly to anything, there was rather a necessity to exclude
possibility of violent coercion / destabilization.

This picture is clearly confirmed not only by the referendum, but
also by various independent polls in Crimea (all this doesn't
mean that there are no internal political struggles in Crimea
around various domestic issues, which your propagandist media may
try to misrepresent as alleged mass protests against Russia).

> Both the USA and Russia have gone halfway before. It
> never works well. I guess it is Putin's turn to do it.
> (Yes, he is Russia's National Command Authority. The
> Russian military does not act except at his command.
> Unless that has changed, which would be worrisome for a
> lot of people, I suppose.)
> I can sympathize with the bind you are in, however, Oleg.
> When one has some knowledge of strategy and tactics, as
> you do, it is difficult to see those higher in the chain
> of command making unclear decisions. I watched the US
> High Command in Iraq steadfastly refuse to learn from and
> apply counterinsurgency tactics for years. Including ones
> they should have known from Vietnam. Then I saw Iraq
> stabilized by hearts and minds efforts combined with
> solid applications of direct force to pin down the
> guerrillas, isolate them from popular support, and blast
> them with superior firepower. The US military had learned
> and applied the necessary lessons. Then a new National
> Command Authority got into office, pulled support, and
> let Iraq fall apart politically and in terms of defensive
> capability. They did nothing as Iran walked in from one
> side and the Jihadis created by Assad's instability in
> Syria came in from the other.
> I am sure you are experiencing similar feelings now. I am
> not attacking you, I sympathize. Unless Russia's
> government can define goals and what they are willing to
> do to accomplish them, they are in a tough spot, and so
> are the Russians sent into battle in the Ukraine, along
> with the locals backing them. Fortunately, there is
> nothing like ISIS or Iran in Ukraine now, and Russia has
> no cost in accepting a deal where they keep Crimea and
> pull out of the rest of the Country. It would still be a
> win for them, the one they could have had rather
> bloodlessly at the beginning of this mess. The problem is
> that the government in Moscow may not want to settle for
> that now. They may want to push on, but if they have not
> defined how far they will push and by what methods as
> yet, that makes things very difficult.

I don't quite understand how exactly you see a similarity between
American involvements in the war in Iraq and elsewhere, and the
Russian involvement in the Ukraine.

The American foreign wars are caused by lust to global dominance
in combination with false messianic agenda. The US foreign policy
makers have 'democracy' and 'universal values' on their banner in
very similar way to the global jihadists that are pursuing the
idea of the global islamisation. How can it be similar to Russia?

American ideologists and media master minds misrepresent Russian
agenda to Western audience as an alleged desire to reestablish
the Soviet-like bloc, revive Russian imperial greatness, and so on.
This falsehood can be bought only by domestic American public. It
has a little to do with how the Russian policy makers see things.

For Russia, the US (the American establishment, policy makers) is
a sort of maniacal psycho, that developed strong fixation towards
the USSR previously, and now redirects it to another entity. For
example, Mr Kissinger has confirmed recently that 'breaking Russia
has become an objective' for the 'neoconservatives and liberal
hawks in Washington, DC'. So, on Russian part, it's important to
protect the country and people from such a bloodthirsty madman.

Russia doesn't have a globalist agenda in contrast to the American
interventionism or the global Jihad, and the Russian involvement
in the Ukraine has nothing to do with a desire 'to conquest lands'
in imperial-like way. Absorption/annexation of territories where
the locals feel unfriendly to Russia is the last thing the Russians
would need. Nor Russia would be interested to make them happy by
bringing them 'democracy' the US-style.

If you know this then you can also understand utter absurdity of
the idea that Russia is interested to invade / conquer the Ukraine
(and further everywhere: the Baltics, Poland, Finland and so on).

The Ukrainian conflict was caused by the anti-constitutional and
anti-democratic coup implemented by a part of the Ukrainian
establishment in alliance with the local neo-Nazi militant groups
under strong political and media support - in violation of the
Budapest memorandum - from the US government and its EU vassals.

The new regime and the coup-imposed illegitimate government was
clearly rejected by a part of the Ukrainian people. The Western
powers supported the anti-constitutional coup, the Western mass
media promoted the false image of 'revolution against a tyrant',
so they could not afford to honestly recognize the fact that a
noticeable part or the Ukraine had rejected what was established
under Western patronage. So they started to blame Russia instead.
In such conditions those in the Ukraine who protested against
the anti-democratic coup could only seek for help from Russia.
On Russia's part, it'd be immoral to betray hopes of the people
and left them helpless against the coup-imposed freaks in Kiev.

Really, the new Kiev regime is ugly, and sane people naturally
dislike it, its propaganda exploits very low instincts / promotes
hatreds and lies, and it needs a war to stay somehow afloat.

All this explains the logic of Russian involvement in the Ukraine.
There are no 'the Russians sent into battle in the Ukraine along
with the locals backing them', there are the local folks in the
battle along with the volunteers from Russia helping them, there
are humanitarian supplies from Russia to Donbas, and there is
Kremlin's effort to stop the Kiev freaks from murdering people
and coerce Kiev to negotiate with Donbas.

In turn, the American foreign policy makers are interested to
encourage and help Kiev to suppress the Donbas resistance by
brute military force, - to achieve this goal the US propaganda
via the MSM along with various US-related NGOs try their best to
demonize Russia and misrepresent its objectives.

> On the Ukrainian side of the coin, the Russians will have
> to concentrate on "Hearts and Minds," but as long as
> force on force fighting is going on, that makes it tough.
> To really do this stuff, one has to occupy territory,
> become a provider of services and a guarantor of security
> for people who trust and side with your forces. The whole
> country is not yet occupied, and the more fighting goes
> on, the more bad feelings get worse. Especially with the
> news coming out of Crimea and other territories of
> industrial equipment being taken back to Russia, as with
> the Shipyards. The locals need jobs and a secure
> environment to keep them happy. If the Shipyard workers
> figure the new government isn't taking care of them, they
> turn into Lech Walesa. There are a lot of balls to keep
> in the air.
> This situation as it stands is just with the current
> situation on the ground and the current economic
> sanctions. There are ways it could get worse. Russia, of
> course, has several options to escalate things as far as
> political pressure and military power, but I am guessing
> that so far the National Command Authority in Moscow has
> weighed the costs of those measures as outweighing the
> potential benefits they could provide.
> So the war drags on, with the Russian forces not fully
> committed, and not uncommitted. This isn't an accusation
> meant to incite or to impugn any nation, it is a
> statement of objective conditions on the battlefield as
> they have stood for some time now. It is a tough spot for
> any military to find itself in. That is, again, not
> speculation or meant as insult, but an objective
> statement of conditions based in historical study of
> several instances.


Aug 22, 2015, 4:13:29 PM8/22/15
In article <mr7pe4$odb$>, Oleg Smirnov says...
I guess if the Russian forces are there under an agreement for use of facilities
then it isn't an "invasion". Looks like a duck, quacks like a duck, walks like a
duck. It's a duck.

Oleg Smirnov

Aug 23, 2015, 12:05:13 AM8/23/15
>>> More Czech thoughts.

Interview with Czech security expect.

<> Czech parliamentary newspaper

Jan Schneider <> former BIS <> employee.

.. Ukrainian oligarchs should have been learnt from the fate of the
representatives of German Big Money that eighty years ago supported Hitler's
rise to power. Sure, at first he cracked down the lefties, but what did happen
in the end? .. There are some positive signs, but there is quite a little
reason for optimism. These feral militant extremist forces will likely make
more problems in the Ukraine. The situation essentially reproduces what the
West did in the last decade around the world: blew nasty genies out of the
bottle just in order to destabilize various regions. Please, that's not the
Russian propaganda, it's a crucial finding from the Stratfor's George Friedman
analysis. The West still is trying to learn from its mistakes, when it finds
that the genie is really bad it tries to do something about it, and replaces
it with something much worse. First Taliban, then al-Qaeda, and then Islamic
State. ..

.. The Ukrainian government is now in a desperate situation. He feels that
things are starting to happen somewhere else, the Ukraine is no longer in
focus, sinking into oblivion. Therefore they will try more futile gestures,
some of which might be deliberately provocative, similar to Georgia's attack
against Tskhinval in 2008, in order to provoke conflict with Russia. Another
reason for the Ukraine to rattle weapons is due to the fact that Porosenko is
probably quite scared of all the fascist forces that exist in various forms
around him, but not under his command. They do what they want. This motivates
him to seize the initiative under anti-Russian slogans, but, in fact, what he
really wants is to protect himself in front of those hordes of ungovernable
gunmen. ..

Oleg Smirnov

Aug 27, 2015, 12:29:33 PM8/27/15
>>>> More Czech thoughts.

This time more Slovak thoughts.


In a recent op-ed for Czech online newspaper Nova Republika, Slovak-Ukrainian
politician, writer and political analyst Sergei Chelemendik suggested that it's
time for Russia to stop playing the game of geopolitics according to the rules
established by the West. .. Chelemendik noted that "after the collapse of the
USSR, Russia for a quarter century now has played by rules which were imposed
on it from outside and logically, has lost out as a result. One cannot win a
game of cards with a heavily armed gang of swindlers ..


Sputniknews' retelling is too polite.


The USA .. controls the Europe's elite absolutely and completely. .. Europe is
managed by American puppets, not vassals - how some are often saying - since
vassals have some - albeit limited - sovereignty, and they may change their
masters, and enter into alliances. The puppets are not allowed to do anything
close to that. The [major] European politicians today are - except for rare
exceptions - exactly that, - just puppets. This means that for us there's no
big difference who exactly rules France: Hollande the Handsome or Sarkozy the
Playboy. And Merkel the Auntie also can be replaced by someone else at any
time. She knows very well about that, and that's why she's trying her best to
please the masters. The European policy today is nothing but a puppet theater
where the American globalist oligarchy acts - with a whip - as an owner of the

What do we do in this situation?

(OS: Read the article further to learn more about what is necessary to do.)

Oleg Smirnov

Aug 28, 2015, 12:54:02 PM8/28/15
The anti-American sentiment had raised in Russia already in spring 2014, when
it became clear that the US gov't and American MSM (+ their puppets in Europe)
have chosen path of absolute lies and bold trolling about the Ukraine coup.

Mr. Scales is a sort of typical American swine, but his personal contribution
to hatreds is rather small, eg. Mr. Osama's idiotist rants about Russia vs
Ebola, those "in tatters" etc, certainly contributed much more to the hatreds.

The American exceptionalism resembles the German Nazis' ideas of superiority,
most of the Russians have an allergy about things like that, so the stupid
Yanks <> are on their way to reproduce the Nazis' experience.


Anti-American Sentiment Surges in Russia as US Officer Taunts From Perch at Fox
News / Retired General who called for US to 'start killing Russians' says he
bought a polonium detector

By Mikhail Klikushin | 08/25/15 8:00am

Since the beginning of the year, Putin's propaganda industry, feeling the
economic crisis, has had to tighten its belt. The Russian Information Agency
TASS announced a 25 percent staff reduction and 20 percent salary cut for its
employees. Rossiyskaya Gazeta, which holds the monopoly on the official
publications of new laws and government decrees, fired 10% of its staff.
Similar examples are innumerable, as Bloomberg reported <>
in January.

Despite all the economizing, the level of anti-Americanism in Russia has
reached its all-time high, fluctuating from 70 percent to 73 percent of
negative and strongly negative feelings towards the US this year, according to
the respected polling institution Levada-Center.

The possible explanation-somebody else is doing all the heavy-lifting for the
Kremlin propaganda machine, helping it to save millions and outsource the
humongous task of proving to the Russians that the West started the final,
doomed-from-the-start crusade against Mother Russia.

One of the big helpers has been the Fox News channel and a handful of its
analysts. (Yes, one can watch Fox News in Russia, as well as CNN, EuroNews and
unlimited number of other TV channels the world knows).

This year, Fox News analyst retired US Major General Robert H. Scales saved a
lot of money for the Kremlin propaganda machine. And now he's saving even more.

Back in March, Maj. Gen. Scales infuriated the Russian public with his solution
on how to help Ukraine regain control over the territories that have fallen
into the arms of pro-Russia insurgents. "The only way the United States can
have any effect in this region and turn the tide," Mr. Scales said, "is to
start killing Russians . killing so many Russians that even Putin's media can't
hide the fact that Russians are returning to the motherland in body bags. But,
given the [small] amount of support we've given to the Ukrainians, given the
ability of the Ukrainians themselves to counter-attack against these, what?
12,000 Russians camped in their country . eh.sadly, it's not gonna likely to

This gift from Fox News was eagerly accepted by the Kremlin propaganda machine
and Russian media bit into the story like a pitbull.

Russian Ministry for Foreign Affairs reacted with angry statement and its
official representative Alexander Lukashevich called the retired general's
remarks "disgusting."

"No less disgusting was the fact that the calls for the killings of our
fellow citizens-of you and me-were made live by one of the leading national
channels, during the prime-time, aiming at the maximum audience possible.
This is exactly how the country's mainstream media forms the atmosphere of
hatred towards Russia in American society."

The representative of the Russian Investigative Committee, Vladimir Markin,
reacted with less political correctness, Tweeting the following: "We thought
that, at the arrival of the spring, only maniacs, schizophrenics and pedophiles
become more active, but it turns out, American retired generals also. We will
keep this fact in mind."

The US State Department, when asked for explanation, shrugged off the whole
thing, stating that they didn't comment on the views expressed by retired
military personnel.

Russian media immediately made an anti-celebrity out of Mr. Scales, the main
argument being "What if a Russian retired general would have gone on a major
Russian TV channel and called for killing Americans in Ukraine? How would the
State Department have reacted?"

As the scandal was growing, Mr. Scales was surprised to discover that Russians
watch Fox News in addition to the "official propaganda" TV channels. "Isn't it
funny they watch us?" He said during his next interview on Fox. "I got emails
today from people in Russia I've never heard of before. I didn't know that the
Fox News was watched in Russia but I'll tell you this-Fox is not Vladimir
Putin's favorite network because ... we are trying to tell the truth about
what's going on in places like Ukraine."

He was even more surprised to discover that his statement launched a criminal
case against him under the Russian Criminal Code Article 354 "Public calls to
start aggressive war, made with the use of mass media" whose punishment varies
from 500,000 rubles (or the criminal's income of three years) to five-years
jail term. According to the argument of the Russian Criminal Investigation
team, "taking part in the live show of one of the TV channels, retired general
of the US Army Robert Scales called on the highest political and military
leadership of the USA, American citizens to conduct the military operations on
the territory of Ukraine and to killing of the citizens of the Russian
Federation, and, also, Russian-speaking people."

In addition, Russia's Investigative Committee stated that the retired general's
calls to "kill Russians" broke international norms, including Article 20 of the
International Pact on Civil and Political Rights of 1966, which prohibits any
war propaganda and any incitement to discrimination, animosity and violence.

"No vodka and no borsch for me" was the retired general's public reaction to
the investigation, expressed live on Fox News again. "If we don't help the
Ukrainians do something to take back lost territories in the east, if we don't
give the Ukrainians the weapons they need . The Russian military is in
disarray. . Only military actions by the Ukrainians that we support will turn
the tide," he added.

Mr. Scales was not concerned "at all" about the criminal investigation that
Russians launched against him, although he stated that his wish to vacation in
Russia "is not gonna happen".

According to Mr. Scales, the attack on him by the Russians was an attack on the
First Amendment in the US and an attempt to intimidate the free press. Despite
all the bravado, he abruptly canceled plans a cruise to the Baltics, being
careful about the long arms of Russian Femida.

One of the papers wrote: "All the meaning of American politics is hidden, which
is based on the unlimited egoism and egocentrism. It turns out that, according
to the US general, to call for mass murder of the citizens of a particular
ethnicity in front of multi-million audience - that is within the framework of
things, it is allowed to him, but to call him to justice is an attack on
western media and freedom of speech!"

Mr. Scales' public statement that he had to buy the polonium detector as a
precaution against the evil Russians most likely already plotting against
him-an obvious referral to the mysterious murder of the ex-KGB Alexander
Litvinenko in London in 2006-again hit the headlines in Russia, adding gasoline
to the fire.

"How many diapers does he use in a day?" asked the representative of the
Russian Investigative Committee Vladimir Markin via Twitter. "And the spring is
still ahead of us!" Vice-Prime Minister in charge of the Russia's
military-industrial complex Dmitry Rogozin echo-also on Twitter-"He [ret. Maj.
Gen.] is a real cuckoo! Let's send him a diaper!"

"US general was prescribed diapers" was the least vicious of the newspaper

Nobody knows if the Russians in fact did send Mr. Scales a package of diapers
or if he used his new detector to check it for polonium poisoning upon its
arrival, but definitely the Russians have been on alert for his every word ever

Take my word for it-in Russia people don't usually pay attention to San Diego
Union-Tribune or to the opinions expressed in it-unless the opinion belongs to
the retired major-general Robert H. Scales.

The very title of his piece <>, published on August 15,
"The Army is broken," was music to the ears of Russia's hawks and

On the day after Mr. Scales' opinion appeared, Russian news media giant RIA
Novosti published a story with the sensational headline, "The General Who Said
'Kill Russians' Complains about the Decline of the US Army." Shrugging off the
general's intimate emotions expressed in the piece, the Kremlin media machine
provided a dry summary of Mr. Scales' outcry.

The US army is destroyed for the third time since the mid-20th century-this
time, by the reduction of the army and defense budget cuts by 'ahistorical
and strategically tone-deaf leadership in Washington.' The US army is broken
by the lack of training and antiquated equipment. Low morale, alcoholism,
hard drug abuse by soldiers, domestic violence and suicides among US troops
led to the decline in 'military spirit.' Young army leaders are voting with
their feet.

In other words, implied RIA Novosti, the US army is not as strong an adversary
as it looks. It cannot be otherwise, since no less a celebrity Russophobe than
retired major-general Robert H. Scales said so, the one who is wanted by
Russian police for calling for the killing of Russian citizens.

There were no mocking Tweets this time, nobody offered to send diapers to
America for Mr. Scales.

While retired US army general's story was unfolding in Russia, the US State
Department announced the renewal of its crusade against what it called "Russian
propaganda," heralding the increase in spending on the program, including a
$500,000 grant to train journalists to fight "Moscow lies" in the Baltic states
alone. If the point is to counter Russian rhetoric, the State Department might
do better to spend its half million keeping General Scales away from
microphones and keyboards.

Oleg Smirnov

Aug 29, 2015, 3:07:30 AM8/29/15

Europe in Free Fall


Europe is in free fall. Nobody can doubt that any more. In fact, the EU is
simultaneously suffering from several severe problems and any one of these
could potentially become catastrophic. Let's look at them one by one.

The 28 member EU makes no economic sense ..

The EU is on the verge of a social and cultural collapse ..

The EU is just a colony of the United States ..

The EU is in a deep political crisis ..

Oleg Smirnov

Aug 29, 2015, 4:27:57 AM8/29/15

Donetsk Republic Leader Warns of Ukrainian Army Offensive on Election Day

EUROPE 09:09 29.08.2015 (updated 09:17 29.08.2015)

Alexander Zakharchenko said that Kiev might set out on an offensive to disrupt
local elections in the Donetsk People's Republic in October.

DONETSK (Sputnik) - The leader of the self-proclaimed Donetsk People's Republic
(DPR) confirmed on Saturday the east Ukrainian breakaway region would go ahead
with local elections in October, and warned that Kiev might launch a military
offensive to disrupt the vote.


It's very symbolic what 'the West' systematically opposes in the Ukraine case:
democratic vote. They refused to send their observers to the Crimean referendum
and now on that basis they claim it wasn't legitimate. They refused to notice
the pro-autonomy referendum in Donbas, and, moreover, they incited Kiev freaks
to terrorize the people in order to make the vote more difficult.

The Atlanticist policy makers use 'democracy' as a fetish for propaganda and
(self-)delusion, they dislike democratic procedures that were not orchestrated
by their political technologists. In addition to that, there's a background of
essentially racist nature behind this attitude. 'The West' believes that the
Russia-friendly Ukrainians are subhumans that shouldn't have any right to vote.

Solid majority in Donbas supports the anti-Kiev resistance, and the Kiev freaks
are insanely hysterical about the upcoming elections because it will further
destroy their stupid false tales about alleged 'Russian terrorists' in Donbas.

Oleg Smirnov

Aug 29, 2015, 12:23:22 PM8/29/15

Weaponizing Migrants

written by anne williamson wednesday august 26, 2015

Europeans ought to be demanding Uncle Sam's head on a silver platter, and those
of their own leaders on pikes.

Thanks to 25 years of lunatic US foreign policy initiatives and relentless
military aggressions, the steady drip of illegal immigration into Europe from
Africa and the Middle East has become a crisis of refugees. Not only has the US
killed and maimed at least a million people and displaced millions more, it has
destroyed the property - water, sanitation and transport systems - that support
the networks of trade and commerce essential to the survival of developed human
communities. The US has salted great swaths of the Middle East with the
desiccated and irradiated debris of war. Disease and contagions lurk in shadows
while the agents of violence march in the noonday sun.

Think about it. How many millions might truly have no place to go?

The worst consequence of the US's attempt to remodel the Middle East may prove
to be having opened the gates to a mass migration the likes of which Europe
hasn't seen for centuries. If so, then Christian Europe will be swallowed up.

Europe's decision to outsource its defense to the American occupiers after
World War II freed up the financing for an increasingly prosperous Europe to
build welfare states that in time grew so generous as to challenge the
viability of the competing structures of Church and Family and led,
higgledy-piggledy, to a demographic crisis. Fewer and fewer western European
nations enjoy a replacement birth rate. It is not improbable that a migrant
population of size composed largely of of young, unattached males
<> could overwhelm Europe's single rising population of
white-haired burghers and villeins <>.

There is precedent for such an outcome.

The remnants of Rome and those tribes already settled in the west of what is
the Eurasian continent sorted themselves out through episodic wars and
fantastic intrigues into various kingdoms and principalities that became, more
or less, the prototypes of the nations of Europe.

The East, however, was shaped by ongoing mass migrations out of Asia and the
Middle East. In what is today's Ukraine, Crimea, Caucuses, and Turkey, waves of
migrants wreaked havoc on established polities.

Kingdoms and empires rose and fell. Entire populations vanished from the
historical record.

When the Russians showed up a thousand years ago, they first put down roots
along the northern slopes of the Carpathian mountains only to move onto the
open steppe near where Kiev stands today. To retain those broad, open lands
which lay across essential trade routes, the Russians were compelled to fend
off the Pechenegs, then the Torks, then the Cumans, only to succumb for nearly
300 years to the Mongols, who were led at different times by two of history's
fiercest conquerors, Ghengis Khan and Batu.

To escape the Mongol horde, the Russians migrated northward to forested lands
<> so dense a horse, and thus a Mongol, could not pass.
After some centuries, the Moscow princes succeeded in throwing off the Mongol
yoke. Their reward? Two hundred more years of wars involving Poland, Lithuania,
Cossacks, and rebellious serfs before Imperial Russia could reclaim the steppes
only to have to again fight the earlier invaders' descendants then on return
trips from the West; Poland, Lithuania, and a new contender, Sweden.

It is an echo of history that Poland, Lithuania and Sweden are the very
European nations which initiated and continue to sponsor the EU's Eastern
Partnership Treaty, whose rejection by the corrupt but elected Yanukovich
government delivered the premise and the conditions for the US-manufactured
2014 coup in Ukraine. In time, Ukraine delivered to Russia at least a million
Ukrainian refugees <> (registered and unregistered)
fleeing the subsequent civil war in their homeland.

Once burdened with a failing Ukraine it did not know or understand, Europe then
found itself obliged to enter into the sanctions regime against Russia the US
demanded in the wake of Crimea's vote for the third time in the last quarter of
a century to exit Ukraine and re-unite with Russia. In July 2014, the US's
repeated and spurious charges that Russia was responsible for the shoot down of
a passenger jet which Ukrainian air controllers had inexplicably re-routed over
their own country's war zone in the east stage-managed the world's emotions to
a fever pitch. Absurd characterizations of, and allegations against, Vladimir
Putin littered the pages of the lamestream media.

Constant pressure from Nato alarmists and chest beaters for Europe to up its
military game succeeded in getting the EU's further agreement for the alliance
to station missiles and men along Russia's border from the Black Sea to the
Baltic, an unnecessary provocation for which only Poland and Lithuania
clamored. A posturing Nato has yet to squeeze out of the Europeans a firm
commitment to increase their contributions to Nato funding.

The Russians for their part are alert to both their Eastern border with
Ukraine, the venue of the US's most recent weapons and personnel dump, and to
possible incursions into the Caucuses along the motherland's southern border by
armed bands of ISIS fighters.

As US bellicosity continues its pursuit of mayhem in the Middle East, the
numbers of refugees arriving in Italy and Greece by boat from Libya are growing
exponentially. From refugee camps in southern Europe the migrants travel
northward to the more fiscally fit and generous welfare states.

An April estimate of an expected 300,000 refugees <> into
Germany grew to 800,000 <> by mid-August and that figure
too will need revision by year's end. The situation is the same across Europe.
Hungary is building a fence <> along its border with
Serbia and installing 1,000s of police officers to patrol it in defiance of EU
demands for each member of the union to accept quotas of refugees. Macedonia
has declared a state of emergency <> over the influx, her
border police forces having been overwhelmed. The entrance to the Eurotunnel at
the port of Calais on France's northern coast is the site of daily battles
between police and migrants <> seeking entry into Great
Britain. Reports of loud demonstrations of citizens demanding protection have
become common while violent incidents <> between locals
and migrants are on the rise.

Most telling of all is the Latvian Ambassador's recent declaration
<> to Nato that the biggest threat his country is facing
is not from Russia but from the inflow of Ukrainian refugees and the outflow of
its own native population.

On Thursday last, Nicolas Bonnal, writing for the French website Boulevard
Voltaire <>, reported on an Austrian magazine's scoop
<> - courtesy of leaks from military intelligence
stationed in Vienna - that the US government is paying guides and middlemen who
bring migrants to Europe across the Mediterranean Sea. The original Info-Direkt
article reported that the guides are well-equipped with technology, and are old
hands at working Facebook, Twitter and Skype, as were the agents who instigated
the Arab Spring.

With the targets of "color revolutions" having caught on to the CIA's game of
sedition, has inducing mass migrations meant to re-jigger the world so as to
better serve their global purposes become the very latest weapon in the US
neo-cons' arsenal?

It's hard to credit the idea that Hillary Clinton, then the US Secretary of
State, didn't understand the consequences <> of the
"responsibility to protect" attack on Libya she and her foreign policy gal pals
cooked up around the boiling cauldron that is US foreign policy. Muammar
Gaddafi himself loudly warned both Italy and France, who so unwisely joined in
the US-instigated Libyan melee, of the flood of refugees that would come from
toppling his gatekeeper government.

But why would a flood of refugees into Europe interest US policymakers?

Possibly because the US's many attempts to bait Russia into attacking Ukrainian
armed forces and thereby scare up increased Nato funding from the alliance's
membership have proved a risible failure. Flooding Europe with "swarms"
<> of refugees just might convince Europeans that there is
a useful purpose <> an expanding Nato presence could
fulfill immediately.

Those same US policymakers are actively working to inundate the US with
millions of migrants from Mexico and Central America, another imperial
playground, on the flimsy basis of a Barack Obama Executive Order. Eager for a
youthful, docile, dependent and cheap population of worker bees, the US federal
government is now engaged in draining the last wealth <>
of the American middle class for use in settling and supporting many millions
of immigrants, whose children will become the future taxpayers and voters
<> the grotesquely obese federal government requires for
its own future survival.

At last then, the long-sought weapons of mass destruction have been located. We
can see them clearly now: They are Africa's and the Middle East's desperate and
dispossessed migrants, and Central America's young and unwitting illegals, of
"the free world's" creation, and they are on the move.

Oleg Smirnov

Aug 30, 2015, 7:21:38 PM8/30/15

The Neocon Foreign Policy Walmart

written by daniel mcadams sunday august 30, 2015

One of the most depressing things about watching -- even from a distance -- the
quadrennial race for the White House is seeing what passes for debate on the
one area where the president does have some Constitutional authority: foreign

Candidates who have spent little or no time studying or traveling to the rest
of the world, and, in the fashion of many Americans in the age of Empire, see
the rest of the world as just a series of US colonial outposts, apparently
consider foreign policy unworthy of serious consideration.

So little do Republican candidates care about foreign policy that most of them
have "outsourced" <> their foreign policy to a single
neocon-dominated foreign policy shop called the "John Hay Initiative." If you
wonder why most Republican candidates sound exactly the same on foreign policy,
it's because they are nearly all getting their advice from the same people.

When nearly all candidates look to someone like Eliot Cohen
<>, a founding member of the Project for a New American
Century (PNAC), to provide an off-the-shelf foreign policy, it should be no
surprise that the "debate" in the Republican party is only over which country
to attack first.

Any candidate who thinks so little about something so important as America's
place in the world should be automatically disqualified.

But the neocons love it! The "experts" who brought us the 2003 Iraq war and the
Libya "liberation" are still in the driver's seat when it comes to foreign

"Jeb!" has John Hay Initiative members Michael Chertoff and Michael Hayden
(remember those crooks? <>) on board as his advisors.

Marco Rubio reportedly draws from Hay Project member Roger Zakheim
<>, the son of GW Bush administration "vulcan," Dov
Zakheim <>. Zakheim père, we remember, joined with his
fellow neocons to lie the US into war with Iraq, enriching the
military-industrial complex, before absconding to the "private sector" to make
his millions from the same military-industrial complex. Zakheim quickly and
quietly left his position as the Pentagon's chief financial officer after a
trillion dollars went missing <> and the Government
Accountability Office was critical of his handling of matters.

Scott Walker, a soporific candidate who nevertheless still gives neocons like
Bill Kristol the vapors <>, also shops the neocon Walmart
of foreign policy, the John Hay Initiative. It should be no surprise, then,
that at his big foreign policy coming out speech <> at the
Citadel military college Friday, he unveiled an "aggressive" foreign policy --
crying out "America will not be intimidated. And neither will I" -- as he
promised more war and vowed that "the retreat is over!"

Is this <> the retreat he is talking about?

Walker reportedly taps into the McCain Institute's David Kramer, a John Hay
member, for his foreign policy wisdom. Kramer is another PNAC alumni, also
putting in time at the CIA-affiliated Freedom House and as director of the Bush
State Department's Office of Policy Planning. This must explain Walker's
obsession with taking out Iran. He vowed to "roll back the theocrats in
Tehran," but in fact unlike the US, Tehran has not invaded another country in
hundreds of years. What's to "roll back?"

If Walker actually paid any attention to the quality of advice he gets from his
PNAC/John Hay gang he might call for his money back. Walker's speech was
peppered with macho language about "defeat[ing] the barbarians of ISIS," while
also vowing to destroy the two forces actually fighting ISIS -- Syria and Iran!
In fact, his vow to use the US military to overthrow the Syrian government
would without question result in the greatest ISIS victory to date -- control
of Syria. One need not sympathize with Assad to recognize that he is literally
the only thing keeping the whole of Syria out of the hands of ISIS.

John Hay Initiative "experts" also wrote the foreign policy speeches of
candidates Carly Fiorina and Chris Christie. No doubt they were behind
Fiorina's astonishingly ignorant vow to make her first call as president to
Israeli Prime Minister Netanyahu to "to reassure him that we stand with the
state of Israel" and to make her second call to Iran to "to tell him that
whatever the deal is that he signed with Obama, there's a new deal and the new
deal is this: Until you submit every facility [where] you have nuclear uranium
enrichment to a full set of inspections, we're going to make it as hard as
possible for you to move money around the global financial system."

Pure PNAC.

These neocons should be in jail, not still deeply ensconced in the Beltway
foreign policy halls of power, dining in sumptuous splendor while the rest of
America is impoverished by the destructive wars they push. Their lies have cost
millions of innocent lives overseas as well. They are a cancer on the country.
Any candidate who cares so little about the issues as to accept a "virtual
staff" of foreign policy "experts" from those who have gotten every single
major foreign policy issue of our time totally and catastrophically wrong has
no business holding any elected office.

John Hay? I'd rather shop for a foreign policy expert at Walmart.

Copyright © 2015 by RonPaul Institute. Permission to reprint in whole or in
part is gladly granted, provided full credit and a live link are given.
Please donate to the Ron Paul Institute <>


America in decline.

Oleg Smirnov

Sep 1, 2015, 12:17:37 AM9/1/15

Kiev Violates Minsk Agreements on Political Changes

POLITICS 04:42 01.09.2015 (updated 05:07 01.09.2015)

Ukrainian President Petro Poroshenko has called into question the
implementation of the peace deal with the breakaway southeastern regions when
he proposed unilateral changes to the constitution, Russia's EU envoy Vladimir
Chizhov said Monday.

ALPBACH (Austria), (Sputnik) - The Ukrainian parliament is debating changes to
the constitution that are part of Kiev's agreement with militias, reached in
February. Under the Minsk ceasefire deal, the warring parties are to thrash out
around a dozen of laws to decentralize Ukraine, including greater autonomy and
a "special status" for Donetsk and Luhansk.

"Constitutional amendments were proposed by President Poroshenko without any
consultation with them as foreseen by the Minsk agreements," Chizhov said at
the European Forum Alpbach in Austria.

"The political part of the Minsk agreements is unfortunately not being
implemented at all because it foresees a law on special status for those
regions of Donetsk and Luhansk, negotiated between the Ukrainian governments
and the authorities in those two areas,"

But President Poroshenko assured the parliament last week there was not a word
on special status for the breakaway territories in the draft constitutional

"I think the core of the problem is the inability, or unwillingness, or both,
of the Ukrainian government and President Poroshenko to sit down and negotiate
directly with representatives of Donetsk and Luhansk," Chizhov suggested.

On Monday, 265 out of 450 Ukrainian lawmakers backed in the first reading a
bill to devolve more powers to regions, prompting violent clashes outside the
parliament between riot police and members of Ukraine's nationalist political
parties. One police officer died of wounds he sustained when an alleged Svoboda
party member detonated a grenade. Over a hundred of people were injured.


Before their vote for the bill in the first reading Parashenko issued special
elucidation that we must please our supporters in the West - it means that
Merkel and Hollande pressured him - but, actually, the voting means a little
because the final decision may be tightened as long as needed. Now Kiev have
concentrated a large number of freshly recruited cannon fodder near Donbas.
Sooner or later it will start a large-scale attack, the question is in what
way 'rationale' for the attack will be made-up to public.

Oleg Smirnov

Sep 1, 2015, 12:19:15 AM9/1/15
The US establishment is crypto-cannibalistic.


.. When, in 2006, White House press secretary Tony Snow casually dismissed the
deaths of 2,500 American soldiers in the Iraqi war as "it's a number," his
words reflected the indifference of human costs in calculating political
purposes. He could just as perfunctorily have been commenting on the number of
cattle slaughtered at a meat-packing plant in a given period of time. So, too,
did former Secretary of State Madeleine Albright express her disregard for the
deaths of 500,000 Iraqi children who died as a consequence of the Clinton
administration's economic boycott of that country. "The price was worth it,"
she publicly proclaimed, as though she was commenting on the beef bourguinon at
her favorite French restaurant. Of course, as with all political programs, the
costs are always borne by others, never by those who institute and profit from
them! Such is the character of cannibalism.
The cannibalistic nature of the established order manifests itself in so many
other ways ..

Read it in full <>


Oleg Smirnov

Sep 2, 2015, 2:43:26 AM9/2/15

Ukraine not Russia is the Main Threat to Poland

Konrad Stachnio 02.09.2015

Banderastan grows in strength. Only someone completely fooled by propaganda, or
deliberately misleading can claim otherwise. Unfortunately, all of these
categories include people governing in Poland.

The defeat of president Bronislaw Komorowski, the main advocate of Ukrainian-
Polish reconciliation surprised me a bit. Moreover, I thought just as probably
Mr Komorowski that his presidency will last forever, that Poland will kneel in
front of Ukraine and do what we have been doing to the United States, as it was
called by the former Polish Foreign Minister, Radoslaw Sikorski, 'blow job'.

Not that I have anything against reconciliation between Poles and the
Ukrainians. However, at the stage where is Ukraine now, something so daring as
'reconciliation 'between Poland and Ukraine is not possible at all.

Part of the so-called Polish political class has already understood that maybe
it is not a good direction. However, they figured out that it is a little too
late. Thanks to their generous support, a genocidal ideology plague has already
been bred in Ukraine and there is no indication that it is going to disappear
soon. Ukrainian 'Patriots' are not (as they are represented by multiple
lobbyists for Ukraine in Poland) harmless students.

'We aren't police, we can act a bit more radically'. These are the words of
Andrea Sanin, a local organiser of the Right Sector said after 'taking over
duties' <> of Police by the Right Sector in

In Poland, since the outbreak of Maidan, almost every Polish citizen was
commanded to love the struggle for independence of the Ukrainians. Anyone who
has Internet could see on their own eyes how Ukraine gained this independency.
At present, there is a combination of Bandera Right Sector, Azov etc. Nazis and
worshipers of Oskar Dirlewanger from such units as Misanthropic Division who
fight in the ranks of Azov.

Significant example of the ideological similarities of the 'reformers', that
is, ISIS and neo-Nazis in Ukraine is also what recently happened in Szyrokino
in Mariupol, where 'patriots' from Misanthropic Division
<> (fighting in the ranks of Azov) publicly
burned icons and Bibles. On the pictures, we can see them showing a flag with
the inscription "Toten fur Wotan" - "Kill for Wotan (Odin)".

The fact that the Right Sector is now entering officially into the structure of
the SBU (the Ukrainian intelligence) to form a special group Alpha is perhaps
part of 'a new stage of the Ukrainian revolution' <>
which was mentioned in Jarosz's speech. It will help Ukrainian 'patriots' to
get weapons, specialized training, money and, above all, the legitimacy of the
government for their actions. Although, unfortunately, not everyone is so
optimistic about this novel idea.

'I hope that the leaders of the SBU and Alpha will have enough common sense not
to accept absolutely unprepared and (from the psychological point of view!)
inadequate people into their ranks. Preparation of a Spetznaz officer requires
more than one year. In the Soviet years, Alpha was a rather strong division
with a good school. All the credit was taken to Peter Zakrevsky . According to
President of the Association of Veterans of Anti-terrorist Division Alpha,
Sergey Goncharov "if these "volunteers" will become a part of SBU, it won't be
an elite anti-terror division, but the rabble".

Why 'patriots' are not suitable candidates from the 'psychological point of
view'? We can see on this record <>. How will Ukraine look
like in the hands of those people serving in the SBU, it is easy to predict.
Government of Hungary realized this fact and protects their national minorities
in Ukraine. Entry of 'patriots' from the RS into the structure of the Ukrainian
intelligence means only that the Bandera and neo-Nazi ideology is becoming
(maybe it has already become) an official political doctrine for Ukraine and
the people who hold it are installed in the official structures of the State,
which will have an impact on the functioning of the entire country.

Polish presidential candidate Grzegorz Braun said: 'Since the end of World War
II, there were no people in Europe who armed themselves, referring with the
positive sentiment to the tradition of murdering of Poles and Jews, "-.

However, as you can see, it happened. Now even those Poles who personally sent
Ukrainians bulletproof vests to support them in the fight against 'Russian
aggression' changed their minds and now alerting Poles about the threat from
neo-Nazis and Bandera supporters from Ukraine.

Tomasz Maciejczuk - Open Dialog Foundation volunteer who delivered the Polish
bulletproof vests for Ukrainians fighters on the front said: '. Anyway it is
worth talking and explaining to Ukrainians why the swastika, the SS Dirlewanger
symbols or Volhynia Massacre are extremely negative and unwanted elements. Our
voice must be heard, the dialogue must finally begin'.

After months of Polish support and propaganda for Ukraine, isn't it too late
for naive gestures' of talking and explaining the Ukrainians why the swastika,
the SS Dirlewanger symbols or Volhynia Massacre 'are extremely negative and
undesirable'? I think that a large part of the Ukrainians, despite doubts of Mr
Maciejczuk is well aware of why the swastika is not exactly our favourite

Meanwhile, during these 'educational' talks of Mr. Maciejczuk, the Right Sector
enters into the structure of government and wants to overthrow the president
and continue to fight in the Donbas. Not as the so-called 'terrorist
operation', but as a normal, regular war with Russia.

According to Ukrainian leadership, part of the regular units of the army does
not want <> to fight anymore. Part of the army wants to
overthrow the government in Kiev. Others want to dodge the military service in
the Ukrainian 'army'. That's why, Ukrainian 'patriots' entering the SBU has
become one of the main and real forces in Ukraine.

Only a small spark is needed to aggravate and lead to a real conflict in
Polish-Ukrainian relations. Volunteer battalions, established by Polish Xportal
<>, that patrol the Polish-Ukrainian borders in search of
Bandera militia members show us the state of these relationships.

It is also demonstrated by how the Polish Legia fans were treated in Kiev.
'They (Ukrainian fans) had knives and slashed us like a hunted animals', or by
incident in which Ukrainians beat three employees of the Polish Embassy in Kiev
<>. It is also proven by the change in official
media narrative in Poland and abroad. The threat from Russia is now shifted to
Ukraine. It is noted that the Ukrainians are not such exemplary democrats as we
used to think <>.

Historian and lecturer Andrzej Zapalowski, Ph.D. said: "There are tens of
thousands of weapons out of control in Ukraine, there is an ideology that
inspires young people in the west of the country. If no one in this country did
not mind the fact that, for several months, hundreds of kilometres from the
front political militias paraded on the streets with guns, what more do you
need? In fact, the threat is at our borders'.

To illustrate this in a slightly different manner, I will use an anecdote. My
friend works in the bar in Cracow (Polish city). Once I came to her work for a
coffee. Behind the bar (as a bartender) was a Ukrainian, and another Ukrainian
stood drinking. I got into a discussion with Ukrainian drinking outside the
bar. He told me that he is a member of the Right Sector, 'but that does not
mean anything because the Right Sector is different than Bandera supporters
from the past - 'They like Poles'. 'Besides, only about two thousand
'militants' of Right Sector is actually under arms so there is nothing to

This gentleman, as it turned out, works in one of Cracow bars.

The same friend also told me that the greatest number of people who apply for
job in this bar are Ukrainians. What is certainly very good news for Polish
entrepreneurs who, in order to cut their costs, will be able to employ
Ukrainians illegally as a cheap labour, instead of Polish people complaining
all the time about the rates and working conditions.

On the other hand, maybe there is nothing to be afraid of? Even if something
happened in Poland from the side of Bandera patriots, we are protected by
Fraternal Assistance Act, which says that, as a result of the country's
security threats, the officers of foreign states will be able to operate
legally on Polish streets, including the permission to use weapons. What
officers? Perhaps the officers of nationality which holds 90 percent of the
media in Poland, of this nationality which the UPA 'heroes' willingly
collaborated with during Second World War?

Konrad Stachnio is an independent Poland based journalist, he hosted a number
of radio and TV programs for the Polish edition of Prison Planet, exclusively
for the online magazine "New Eastern Outlook" <>.

Oleg Smirnov

Sep 2, 2015, 8:53:13 AM9/2/15

.. Investigative reporters have discovered that IMF bailout funds intended for
Ukraine have mysteriously found their way to a Cyprus bank account controlled
by notorious Ukrainian oligarch Ihor Kolomoyskyi.
A huge chunk of the $17 billion in bailout money the IMF granted to Ukraine in
April 2014 has been discovered in a bank account in Cyprus controlled by exiled
Ukrainian oligarch Ihor Kolomoyskyi, the German newspaper Deutsche Wirtshafts
Nachrichten [DWN] reported on Thursday. <> ..


Then, the US Amb. in the Ukraine fired Kolomoyskyi from position of governor.

> <>
> America's Ukraine Policy and Maidan Ukraine's War Crimes

Oleg Smirnov

Sep 3, 2015, 8:51:58 AM9/3/15
> <>
> .. Investigative reporters have discovered that IMF
> bailout funds intended for Ukraine have mysteriously
> found their way to a Cyprus bank account controlled by
> notorious Ukrainian oligarch Ihor Kolomoyskyi. A huge chunk of the $17
> billion in bailout money the IMF
> granted to Ukraine in April 2014 has been discovered in a
> bank account in Cyprus controlled by exiled Ukrainian
> oligarch Ihor Kolomoyskyi, the German newspaper Deutsche
> Wirtshafts Nachrichten [DWN] reported on Thursday.
> <> ..



By John Helmer, Moscow

Officials of the International Monetary Fund (IMF) are in flight from evidence
of negligence, incompetence, and corruption in their management of billions of
dollars in loans for Ukraine.

Nikolai Gueorguiev, head of the Ukraine team at IMF headquarters in Washington,
DC, and Jerome Vacher, the IMF representative in Kiev, refuse to respond to
questions on their role in the offshore diversion of IMF loan money through
Privatbank and Credit Dnepr Bank, banks owned by Ukrainian oligarchs Igor
Kolomoisky and Victor Pinchuk. The Fund's Managing Director Christine Lagarde
(lead image, front) and her spokesman, Gerry Rice (rear), are covering up
evidence of conflicts of interest and multiple violations of the IMF Staff Code
of Conduct which have been occurring in the Ukraine loan programme. Simonetta
Nardin, head of the Fund's media relations, refuses to explain her apparent
violations of the Code, or respond to evidence that she fabricated elements of
her career resume. ..

Oleg Smirnov

Sep 4, 2015, 6:03:47 AM9/4/15

Outright lies from the New York Times: What you need to know about the
dangerous new phase in the Ukraine crisis
While establishment media toe Washington's line, violence and instability have
shaken the Ukraine this week

The slightly fetid "phony war" in Ukraine-the unsettling stagnation noted in
this space a month ago-is emphatically over. Suddenly there is movement on
several fronts, and some of it is promising. But this is a dangerous moment,
too, chiefly because Washington's bet on the post-coup government in Kiev, bad
from the outset, is on the brink of producing a result so ugly and shameful its
consequences all around cannot now be calculated.

I refer to the very real potential, as of Monday, for a coup mounted by
violence-adoring ultra-rightists-those neo-Nazis airbrushed out of the news
coverage even as they now maraud through the Ukrainian capital almost with
impunity. "The far right won't make a full move on the Poroshenko government
now," a Ukrainian émigré said on the telephone Tuesday. "I think it'll be a
couple of months before we see that."

Comforting, isn't it?

In effect, we will now watch a race between those attempting to forge a
negotiated settlement in Ukraine - and the prospects for this look good once
again - and the collapse of the Kiev government precisely because the European
powers are now forcing it to accept such a settlement. You tell me who is going
to break the tape.

Before I go any further, there is an aspect of this new phase in the Ukraine
crisis that needs to be noted right away. The narrative advanced over the past
18 months by most Western media - and all corporate American media, without
exception - is coming unglued before our eyes. This is going to make it even
more difficult than heretofore to understand events by way of our newspapers
and broadcasters.

Already we see the kind of contorted reporting always deployed when our media
have to cover their tracks after long periods of corrupt, untruthful work. Per
usual, the most consequential offenses occur in the government-supervised New
York Times.

Example: Petro Poroshenko, the Ukrainian president, now confronts "Ukrainian
nationalists" over plans to decentralize power because Vladimir Putin forced
this upon him, "with a metaphorical gun to his head." This we read in Tuesday's
paper. And here we need a trigger warning for the faint of heart, because I
have two strong words for this report, written with deliberation.

Outright lies. We are beyond lies of omission now. These are the real thing.

One, these are not "nationalists." France's Front Nationale is nationalist.
The U.K. Independence party is nationalist. The majorities on Capitol Hill are
nationalist. These are black-shirted ultras who vote with explosives and
assassins' bullets. You deserve to know this, and it does not change simply
because Washington backs them covertly and John McCain - ask him - does
smiling photo ops with Oleh Tyahnybok, their openly fascist leader.

Two, there is no accounting at all for the "gun to his head" bit, but Putin's
view that federalization is the sensible solution to the Ukraine crisis is (1)
plainly the sound way to hold the nation together while addressing its
differences and (2) vehemently endorsed by the French and German governments.
Chancellor Merkel, with no gun to her head, made this plain Tuesday, when she
insisted that autonomy legislation now pending in Kiev must be acceptable to
the leadership in the rebellious eastern regions. You deserve to know this,

Chronology is all if we are to understand the events of the past week or so.
You have not seen a chronology, because this is the very worst time, from the
official and media perspectives, for you to understand events. A brief sketch
of the errant timeline, which will do for now, looks like this: ..

OS: Read it in full <>

I see two major misapprehensions immediately at issue. One is the neoliberal
model, arising as it does out of the Chicago School's free-market ideology,
econometrics, rational choice theory, and the drastic tilt toward mathematics
and computer modeling in postwar social sciences. It strips all history,
culture, tradition and human preference out of our thinking such that we can
pile into Ukraine and expect to win the day.

Impossible. This is the irrationality of hyper-rationality. It is a proven
loser. Let the losses pile up.

Two, of course, is the exceptionalist impulse, and it is closely allied to
neoliberal thinking. I have little faith that we Americans will abandon our
claim to providential righteousness - the ideological cloak draped over our
incessant drive for markets - until the world tells us one too many times to
keep it to ourselves. Drop the mythological veneer, and we Americans can have
a proper debate as to whether we want to subvert nations such as Ukraine for
the sake of corporations such as Chevron.

The only weakness in this argument, so far as I can see, is undue optimism -
and yes, you read the sentence correctly. It may be that I overestimate this
nation's capacity to learn from its mistakes. Maybe I see higher aspirations
among us than the policy cliques will ever reflect and, in a drastically
changing political scene, see a chance for these to rise to the surface as they
might have before the three assassinations that changed everything 50 years

We will see. Let us watch how our failure in Ukraine computes out. Two wishes
in the meantime.
One, the odious triumphalism that arose in the 1990s-so tinny and unbecoming
when seen from the perspectives of others-will go straight to hell at last. I
detest it.

Two, the shockingly bad performance of our media, notably but not only the
government-supervised New York Times, will prove a turning point in the arrival
of alternative media. It is they that have got the Ukraine story right, shining
more light on it than news organizations commanding a hundred times the
wattage. Given this performance, we should not consider them an alternative to
anything, I like to think-only new growth on the old tree.

Patrick Smith is Salon's foreign affairs columnist. A longtime correspondent
abroad, chiefly for the International Herald Tribune and The New Yorker, he is
also an essayist, critic and editor. His most recent books are "Time No Longer:
Americans After the American Century" (Yale, 2013) and Somebody Else's Century:
East and West in a Post-Western World (Pantheon, 2010). Follow him
@thefloutist. His web site is <>.

Sep 4, 2015, 2:37:31 PM9/4/15
I can't figure out where you are in this situation, as far as politics and geography. You seem to be getting what you want. The Ukrainian government is passing decentralization laws to amend their constitution, and what appears to be independence, amnesty, and self-determination for the LPR and DPR sectors, and perhaps the laws will affect other sectors. This is in accord with what Russia among others negotiated in Minsk agreements. They get what they want in spite of bombing and shelling the Ukraine government controlled areas, and having allegedly shot down an innocent civilian airplane from the Indonesia/Malayan location. The OSCE monitors are doing their job and report on what is seen and heard. They do not take sides in the matter.

Nuland praised the courage of the reformist who were fighting corruption, not necessarily the pro-Russian presidents that they overthrew, although it may have been a factor for the right. They were struggling to create as much of a democratic republic as possible with the people's support when Putin took over the Crimea and the pro-Russians started fighting in the east.

The US government supported the Minsk 2 and so do the Russians. So, there you have it, they will get what they want. The nationalists, of course, do not like it. They see it purely as encroachment of Russia into the Ukraine, and that the land is being given up with no retribution.

Pragmatists see it as a means to end fighting and get back to as much a normal life as the Ukrainians can have with belligerents on their door step.

If you want to go on harping about what the US does, did or whatever, you can of course, because in the USA, we do not arrest people for nonviolent behavior as they arrest unpopular journalists in Russia. We are free to express ourselves. What has happened to writers in Russia who criticized Putin? There was an elderly woman writer who died somehow, wrote a book, do not remember her name, but she was against Putin? I will look her book up again and write bout what she said, if i can find it.

If you are a US voter, vote for a different group in the White House. If you live in Russia, however, apparently, you do not have term limits, and Putin can go on being re-elected. How do Russians get to vote there?

Best wishes, and keep writing.

Sep 4, 2015, 2:53:25 PM9/4/15
I am sorry. This thread is too involved to follow and seems to be about many different topics and you quote too many others taking in more than the main topic. My last response a few minutes ago is at the bottom of the page and was responding to the Nuland comment. After trying to scan the thread and responss in a short time, it appears that you have a different take on the matter, quite involved, so I will leave it at that. Not sure what result you want from the US, Ukraine, Russian, or other governments. Try to keep each post on one topic and not so long, so that your views can be read easily, and responses can be to he point, as well. Send different posts for differing topics.

Oleg Smirnov

Sep 5, 2015, 5:21:14 PM9/5/15

Letter from President Obama to President Xi On the Occasion of the 70th
Anniversary of the End of WWII.
By John V. Walsh

September 5, 2015

Dear President Xi,

On September 3, your country is hosting a commemoration of the end of World War
II on the 70th Anniversary of the day recognized as its termination in the
Asia-Pacific. You have invited both me and President Abe of Japan. We both
have chosen to refuse - just as we refused to attend the earlier commemoration
of the defeat of Fascism in Moscow last Spring.

As you very well know, Jinping, if I may use your given name, this makes the
United States look pretty mean spirited. And to put it plainly, your cooking up
these events with Vlad pisses me off. The world knows that the Chinese and
Russians made unparalleled sacrifices to defeat Nazism in the West and Japanese
militarism in the East. The world knows that China suffered almost 20 million
casualties and great atrocities exemplified by the Rape of Nanjing. And the
world knows that close to 30 million Russians gave their lives in that
struggle. The U.S. in contrast lost 460,000 souls, and so it looks pretty
shoddy when I do not show up to acknowledge your victory and the great debt we
owe China and Russia since your loss of life minimized our own. It looks bad
for us. But you know that, and you know it damned well. So do not think for a
moment that I do not see through this "parade" on September 3 as an exercise in
soft power. But I also warn you that you will not succeed, as I will make clear

First let me survey the further damage that I think you and Vlad are trying to
do. Let me emphasize that word "trying," because, I repeat, you will fail. Even
as you celebrate the victory over neo-Nazism in the West, we were using
neo-Nazi forces in Ukraine to overthrow the elected government of Ukraine and
assault Russia. And to top it off we are pushing Abe to rekindle the fascist
militarism in Japan, which he is ramming through - successfully I might add -
despite the objections of over half his population, taking the form of hundreds
of thousands demonstrating against his new militarism <>.
Even South Korea is deserting us over this, and I might say it angers me
mightily to see the South Korean President attend your September 3
celebrations. We have warned her that she might not get re-elected if she keeps
this up. We have our ways. Ask the surviving relatives of Ngo Dinh Diem.

Yesterday it was called to my attention that SputnikNews ridiculed my White
House spokesperson <>, Joshua Earnest, when he said he,
and I, know nothing of your commemoration cum parade. The accompanying cartoon
was really over the top, and it was rerun in China Daily I am told. We
notice these things, especially Hillary who gets quite vexed by them. Then she
is on the phone to me, which ends up being the hardest part of my day - except
when Bibi calls.

And there are other complaints drifting in to me. Many of the countries in the
developing world are telling me that I should take the occasion to congratulate
China on its enormous progress since the end of WWII. They especially needle
me about the roughly 700 million people brought out of poverty in the last 30
years, which has accounted for almost all the progress against poverty in the
world during this period. In no uncertain terms, they say that your model is
peaceful and ours is warlike. I do not like to hear that one bit, Jinping.
Where is the respect? It really fries my derriere.

And then there is your AIIB <>, on which all of our allies
deserted us, save for Japan. Larry Summers, of all people, and the
indispensible Madeline Albright complained about that and rubbed my nose in it
publicly. Finally, there is all the hype you are dishing out about the One
Belt, One Road Initiative <>. Enough is enough,

But as I said this stuff will not succeed. It will not count one wit unless
the people of the West and the American people wake up to it. That is where
you will fail. We have very sophisticated means of reaching our people. Each
of our big dailies, the NYT, the Wall Street Journal and USA Today, each of
which reaches 1 million people or more weekly, not to mention the Washington
Post, will never broadcast these themes. The very fact of 700 million brought
out of poverty is rarely mentioned even in the final paragraphs of an article.
Then there is our crown jewel, National Public Radio, which might as well be
broadcasting directly from the Pentagon and State and sometimes do. NPR's
audience has a mean income of $90,000. These are our opinion receivers and
repeaters and they are very reliable. They have no idea they are in the dark.
They have been educated in the best schools. You will not catch nary a one of
them reading China Daily <>, for example. In fact
you might as well stop distributing that particular rag in the U.S. It does
you no good.

One final thing, Jinping. We are tired of hearing of your philosophy of
"win-win" when it comes to relations between nations. We in Europe and the U.S.
have been in the global driver's seat for half a millennium now. We know from
our own history that interactions between nations involve win-lose, domination
and conquest. If it is true for us, how could it be otherwise for anyone else?
The mere fact of nuclear weapons will not change that. We are ready to fight
on. Exceptionalism will prevail.

And Jinping, if you think that I am uncooperative or aggressive, you ain't seen
nothin' yet. Wait until Hillary becomes president. She is a whirling dervish
when it comes to the pivot to Asia. Then you will know what standing on the
precipice of oblivion looks like.

Sincerely yours,
Barack H. Obama

The Best of John V. Walsh <>

Oleg Smirnov

Sep 6, 2015, 8:07:45 AM9/6/15
Thoughts from South Africa (ANC <> document)


.. The rise of China as the second strongest economy, with the re-emergence of
economies of Russia, and major countries of the South, is gradually redefining
the world towards a multi-polar order. Therefore, the growing influence of China
on the global economy is an important factor in the balance of global power

Further giving credence to "shifting balance of forces", as opposed to static
observation, of the dominant US led unipolar world, is the emergence of BRICS
constituted by Brazil, Russia, India, China and South Africa. The formation of
BRICS as a powerful political and socio economic bloc is necessarily not just
about the size of the population of the member states but also the abundance of
the requisite markets.

.. The US does not appreciate the resurgence of China and Russia as dominant
factors in the arena of international power relations. It has instead declared a
cold war against these two emerging world powers.

- The US is bent on portraying China as the world's worst polluter and a threat
to the environment with the intention being to suggest that China is but a paper
tiger whose economic rise is not sustainable.

- The US, backed by its ideological apparatus, has tried a repeat of the
Tiananmen Square against the Chinese government by parading to the world counter
revolution as a popular uprising and counter revolutionaries as human rights

- The US is exploiting China's dispute with some of its Asian neighbours over
the North and South China Sea islands to rally these neighbours against China,
including trying to build an anti-China alliance of Asian satellite statesthat
will take its ordersfrom Washington.

Russia has not been spared the wrath of US-led Western imperialism. As with
China, the Russian leadership is constantly being portrayed in the Western media
and official discourse as monsters abusing human rights. As with China, counter
revolutionary demonstrations and marches are being staged and given huge
publicity in the Western media in order to destabilise and / provoke the Russian

Whatever genuine concerns may exist within the Russian population and
populations of former Soviet Union, there is a clear plot to exploit this in
order to contain the rise of Russia globally. It is an encirclement strategy
that seeks to isolate Russia in the manner that is being attempted on China as

This is the context within which the crisis in Ukraine should be understood by
the world progressive forces. The war taking place in Ukraine is not about
Ukraine. Its intended target is Russia. As with China, Russia's neighbours are
being mobilised to adopt a hostile posture against Moscow, and enticed to join
the European Union and NATO. Pro-West satellite states are being cultivated or
as we saw with the coup in Ukraine, even invented, to encircle Russia and allow
their territory to be used for the deployment of NATO's hostile military
hardware faced in the direction of Russia. These Western manoeuvres, directed
from Washington, are reminiscent of Cold War. They have vowed in Washington that
there will be Russia or China to challenge the US hegemony.

Washington's sponsored destabilisation is not limited to Russia and China. We
see it unfolding in the streets of Latin America including in Venezuela which
the US has strangely declared a threat to its "national security", in the Middle
East and in African countries with the sole intention of toppling a progressive
democratically-elected governments. This has a bearing on the nature of conflict
and the scourge of terrorism we see in the world today. ..


Sep 7, 2015, 3:12:17 PM9/7/15
On Mon, 7 Sep 2015 18:22:23 -0000, "Oleg Smirnov" <>

>New Violence in Kiev - But Nobody Seems to Care Much
>02 September 2015 4:02 PM
>Forgive me for mentioning it, but serious violence has returned to Kiev, scene
>(in February 2014) of the lawless overthrow of the legitimate President of
>Ukraine. Viktor Yanukovych, by a violent, armed mob. For a list of the 18
>police officers incontestably killed in the 2014 events, whose deaths are
>proof that this was not a wholly one-sided clash between ruthless state and
>peaceful, unarmed people, see here <>
>This supposedly spontaneous events of 2014 (in my experience as a
>revolutionary, spontaneity takes a lot of organising), in which serving
>foreign politicians and diplomats openly showed their partiality towards the
>demonstrators, and the legitimate President was unconstitutionally removed
>from office, has now passed into myth as a laudable exercise in idealistic and
>disinterested people power, supposedly aimed at ending the corruption and
>general squalor of Ukraine's oligarch-dominated state.
>To which one can only respond with helpless if bitter laughter, as the
>resulting government is actually headed by an oligarch and entirely dominated
>by them, and if Ukraine has since ceased in any important way to be
>Olympically corrupt, then I have to say I have seen no reports of this.
>Now, I have from time to time, in many debates on this subject, pointed out
>that grave danger in which the Kiev government finds itself. Having come to
>power through mob violence, it has no real moral protection from falling in
>the same way. ..
>What's striking is that the reports of these events tend to be well inside the
>newspapers and well down the broadcasts, and to be pretty strictly factual,
>lacking the breathless emotionalism of the reports on the famous 'Maidan' of
>the winter of 2013-2014. ..
>By the way, now that we all know so much more about the 'democratic' process
>by which Britain was brought into the EU, its dishonesty and general lack of
>real knowledge, can people please stop telling me that the countries of
>central Europe are willing members of the EU and NATO? Their elites are
>certainly willing. But I think the views of the people are a lot more
>ambiguous. I feel a special pang for Poland, released from Soviet captivity
>only to be immediately led, with chains of money, into the open prison of the
>I wonder if the anti-Russian frenzy of Poland's more populist politicians can

why on earth would poles be wary of you lot....

apart from the mass racist and religious killings of poles...and a
little matter of your invasion with your ally, adolf......

you're almost a cabaret act

>be compared to the fervent anti-Israel feelings encouraged in the police
>states of the Muslim world - a safety valve in which genuine discontent can be
>funnelled into phoney emotionalism against an enemy who isn't really an enemy
>at all. Poland doesn't even have a border with Russia, unless you count the
>Kaliningrad exclave. But it is now wholly dominated by a German-led EU.
>(OS: It's somewhat close to truth. One may see a little interest to Poland in
>Russian media and society while internal Polish information space is obsessed
>with Russia in unhealthy way. This makes a large part of the Poles sort of
>loonies. Artificial image of Russia is used by the Polish MSM - controlled by
>Atlanticist masters, mostly - as a tool for domestic social engineering. They
>are in persistent search for various Russian conspiracies against Poland, they
>blame each other to be veiled Russian agents and spies, and like that.)
>Read full article here <>
>> <>
>> Outright lies from the New York Times: What you need to know about the
>> dangerous new phase in the Ukraine crisis



Sep 7, 2015, 3:20:28 PM9/7/15
In article <mskkl4$ej0$>, Oleg Smirnov says...
>be compared to the fervent anti-Israel feelings encouraged in the police
>states of the Muslim world - a safety valve in which genuine discontent can be
>funnelled into phoney emotionalism against an enemy who isn't really an enemy
>at all. Poland doesn't even have a border with Russia, unless you count the
>Kaliningrad exclave. But it is now wholly dominated by a German-led EU.
>(OS: It's somewhat close to truth. One may see a little interest to Poland in
>Russian media and society while internal Polish information space is obsessed
>with Russia in unhealthy way. This makes a large part of the Poles sort of
>loonies. Artificial image of Russia is used by the Polish MSM - controlled by
>Atlanticist masters, mostly - as a tool for domestic social engineering. They
>are in persistent search for various Russian conspiracies against Poland, they
>blame each other to be veiled Russian agents and spies, and like that.)
>Read full article here <>
>> <>
>> Outright lies from the New York Times: What you need to know about the
>> dangerous new phase in the Ukraine crisis

Always fun to try to read Oleg's products, he cites rioght wing nuts to show
that Obama is reducing the American profile in the world and then some other
crazy about how Obama is increasing the influence of America in the world.
Russia wants bad Americans but can't stand the ones that keep them from losing
their shirts.


Sep 10, 2015, 7:34:43 AM9/10/15
In article <msqogg$shp$>, Oleg Smirnov says...
>Mr. Sarkozy, <>
>We see a serious mistake which was the creations of conditions for a new cold
>war with Russia. We need Russia due to Syria mess. We must turn the page of the
>Cold War with Moscow .. Russia should return to the G8 ..
>> <>
>> How Neocons Destabilized Europe

I realize you have no clue as to how American democracy works, and I mean works.
This is just the warm up, reality sets in about March of 2016 when all of this
back and forth settles down to a few candidates. There is no media push to any
of this and your fantasy that the media drives the democracy is inverse, the
democracy drives the media. Pay attention, you need the drill for the next

Peter Skelton

Sep 10, 2015, 10:29:39 AM9/10/15

"jack595" wrote in message
Everything after 'clue' in your post is extraneous.

Oleg Smirnov

Jul 14, 2015, 3:38:44 AM7/14/15

The Mess that Nuland Made

July 13, 2015

Exclusive: Assistant Secretary of State Victoria Nuland engineered Ukraine's
"regime change" in early 2014 without weighing the likely chaos and
consequences. Now, as neo-Nazis turn their guns on the government, it's hard
to see how anyone can clean up the mess that Nuland made, writes Robert

By Robert Parry

As the Ukrainian army squares off against ultra-right and neo-Nazi militias
in the west and violence against ethnic Russians continues in the east, the
obvious folly of the Obama administration's Ukraine policy has come into
focus even for many who tried to ignore the facts, or what you might call
"the mess that Victoria Nuland made."

Assistant Secretary of State for European Affairs "Toria" Nuland was the
"mastermind" behind the Feb. 22, 2014 "regime change" in Ukraine, plotting
the overthrow of the democratically elected government of President Viktor
Yanukovych while convincing the ever-gullible U.S. mainstream media that the
coup wasn't really a coup but a victory for "democracy."

To sell this latest neocon-driven "regime change" to the American people, the
ugliness of the coup-makers had to be systematically airbrushed, particularly
the key role of neo-Nazis and other ultra-nationalists from the Right Sektor.
For the U.S.-organized propaganda campaign to work, the coup-makers had to
wear white hats, not brown shirts.

So, for nearly a year and a half, the West's mainstream media, especially The
New York Times and The Washington Post, twisted their reporting into all
kinds of contortions to avoid telling their readers that the new regime in
Kiev was permeated by and dependent on neo-Nazi fighters and Ukrainian
ultra-nationalists who wanted a pure-blood Ukraine, without ethnic Russians.

Any mention of that sordid reality was deemed "Russian propaganda" and anyone
who spoke this inconvenient truth was a "stooge of Moscow." It wasn't until
July 7 that the Times admitted <> the importance of the
neo-Nazis and other ultra-nationalists in waging war against ethnic Russian
rebels in the east. The Times also reported that these far-right forces had
been joined by Islamic militants (OS: <>). Some of those
jihadists have been called "brothers" of the hyper-brutal Islamic State.

Though the Times sought to spin this remarkable military alliance - neo-Nazi
militias and Islamic jihadists - as a positive, the reality had to be jarring
for readers who had bought into the Western propaganda about noble
"pro-democracy" forces resisting evil "Russian aggression."

Perhaps the Times sensed that it could no longer keep the lid on the
troubling truth in Ukraine. For weeks, the Right Sektor militias and the
neo-Nazi Azov battalion have been warning the civilian government in Kiev
that they might turn on it and create a new order more to their liking.

Clashes in the West

Then, on Saturday, violent clashes broke out <> in the
western Ukrainian town of Mukachevo, allegedly over the control of
cigarette-smuggling routes. Right Sektor paramilitaries sprayed police
officers with bullets from a belt-fed machinegun, and police - backed by
Ukrainian government troops - returned fire. Several deaths and multiple
injuries were reported.

Tensions escalated on Monday with President Petro Poroshenko ordering
national security forces to disarm "armed cells" of political movements.
Meanwhile, the Right Sektor dispatched reinforcements to the area while other
militiamen converged on the capital of Kiev.

While President Poroshenko and Right Sektor leader Dmitry Yarosh may succeed
in tamping down this latest flare-up of hostilities, they may be only
postponing the inevitable: a conflict between the U.S.-backed authorities in
Kiev and the neo-Nazis and other right-wing fighters who spearheaded last
year's coup and have been at the front lines of the fighting against ethnic
Russian rebels in the east.

The Ukrainian right-wing extremists feel they have carried the heaviest
burden in the war against the ethnic Russians and resent the politicians
living in the relative safety and comfort of Kiev. In March, Poroshenko also
fired thuggish oligarch Igor Kolomoisky <> as governor
of the southeastern province of Dnipropetrovsk Oblast. Kolomoisky had been
the primary benefactor of the Right Sektor militias.

So, as has become apparent across Europe and even in Washington, the Ukraine
crisis is spinning out of control, making the State Department's preferred
narrative of the conflict - that it's all Russian President Vladimir Putin's
fault - harder and harder to sell.

How Ukraine is supposed to pull itself out of what looks like a death
spiral - a possible two-front war in the east and the west along with a
crashing economy - is hard to comprehend. The European Union, confronting
budgetary crises over Greece and other EU members, has little money or
patience for Ukraine, its neo-Nazis and its socio-political chaos.

America's neocons at The Washington Post and elsewhere still rant about the
need for the Obama administration to sink more billions upon billions of
dollars into post-coup Ukraine because it "shares our values." But that
argument, too, is collapsing as Americans see the heart of a racist
nationalism beating inside Ukraine's new order.

Another Neocon 'Regime Change'

Much of what has happened, of course, was predictable and indeed was
predicted, but neocon Nuland couldn't resist the temptation to pull off a
"regime change" that she could call her own.

Her husband (and arch-neocon) Robert Kagan had co-founded the Project for the
New American Century in 1998 around a demand for "regime change" in Iraq, a
project that was accomplished in 2003 with President George W. Bush's
invasion. ..

(OS: Read the full article here <>)

.. Nuland saw her big chance on Feb. 20, 2014, when a mysterious sniper -
apparently firing from a building controlled by the Right Sektor - shot and
killed both police and protesters, escalating the crisis. On Feb. 21, in a
desperate bid to avert more violence, Yanukovych agreed to a
European-guaranteed plan in which he accepted reduced powers and called for
early elections so he could be voted out of office.

But that wasn't enough for the anti-Yanukovych forces who - led by Right
Sektor and neo-Nazi militias - overran government buildings on Feb. 22,
forcing Yanukovych and many of his officials to flee for their lives. With
armed thugs patrolling the corridors of power, the final path to "regime
change" was clear.

Instead of trying to salvage the Feb. 21 agreement, Nuland and European
officials arranged for an unconstitutional procedure to strip Yanukovych of
the presidency and declared the new regime "legitimate." Nuland's "guy" -
Yatsenyuk - became prime minister.

While Nuland and her neocon cohorts celebrated, their "regime change"
prompted an obvious reaction from Putin, who recognized the strategic threat
that this hostile new regime posed to the historic Russian naval base at
Sevastopol in Crimea. On Feb. 23, he began to take steps to protect those
Russian interests.

Ethnic Hatreds

What the coup also did was revive long pent-up antagonisms between the ethnic
Ukrainians in the west, including elements that had supported Adolf Hitler's
invasion of the Soviet Union during World War Two, and ethnic Russians in the
south and east who feared the anti-Russian sentiments emanating from Kiev.

First, in Crimea and then in the so-called Donbas region, these ethnic
Russians, who had been Yanukovych's political base, resisted what they viewed
as the illegitimate overthrow of their elected president. Both areas held
referenda seeking separation from Ukraine, a move that Russia accepted in
Crimea but resisted with the Donbas.

However, when the Kiev regime announced an "anti-terrorism operation" against
the Donbas and dispatched neo-Nazi and other extremist militias to be the tip
of the spear, Moscow began quietly assisting the embattled ethnic Russian
rebels, a move that Nuland, the Obama administration and the mainstream news
media called "Russian aggression."

Amid the Western hysteria over Russia's supposedly "imperial designs" and the
thorough demonizing of Putin, President Barack Obama essentially authorized a
new Cold War against Russia, reflected now in new U.S. strategic planning
that could cost the U.S. taxpayers trillions of dollars and risk a possible
nuclear confrontation.

Yet, despite the extraordinary costs and dangers, Nuland failed to appreciate
the practical on-the-ground realities, much as her husband and other neocons
did in Iraq. While Nuland got her hand-picked client Yatsenyuk installed and
he did oversee a U.S.-demanded "neo-liberal" economic plan - slashing
pensions, heating assistance and other social programs - the chaos that her
"regime change" unleashed transformed Ukraine into a financial black hole.

With few prospects for a clear-cut victory over the ethnic Russian resistance
in the east - and with the neo-Nazi/Islamist militias increasingly restless
over the stalemate - the chances to restore any meaningful sense of order in
the country appear remote. Unemployment is soaring and the government is
essentially bankrupt.

The last best hope for some stability may have been the Minsk-2 agreement in
February 2015, calling for a federalized system to give the Donbas more
autonomy, but Nuland's Prime Minister Yatsenyuk sabotaged the deal in March
by inserting a poison pill <> that essentially demanded
that the ethnic Russian rebels first surrender.

Now, the Ukraine chaos threatens to spiral even further out of control with
the neo-Nazis and other right-wing militias - supplied with a bounty weapons
to kill ethnic Russians in the east - turning on the political leadership in

In other words, the neocons have struck again, dreaming up a "regime change"
scheme that ignored practical realities, such as ethnic and religious
fissures. Then, as the blood flowed and the suffering worsened, the neocons
just sought out someone else to blame.

Thus, it seems unlikely that Nuland, regarded by some in Washington as the
new "star" in U.S. foreign policy, will be fired for her dangerous
incompetence, just as most neocons who authored the Iraq disaster remain
"respected" experts employed by major think tanks, given prized space on
op-ed pages, and consulted at the highest levels of the U.S. government.

[For more on these topics, see's "Obama's True Foreign
Policy Weakness" <> and "A Family Business of Perpetual
War." <>]

Investigative reporter Robert Parry broke many of the Iran-Contra stories for
The Associated Press and Newsweek in the 1980s. You can buy his latest book,
America's Stolen Narrative, either in print here <> or
as an e-book (from Amazon <> and
<>). You also can order Robert Parry's trilogy on the
Bush Family and its connections to various right-wing operatives for only
$34. The trilogy includes America's Stolen Narrative. For details on this
offer, click here <>.


Jul 14, 2015, 4:20:43 AM7/14/15

"Oleg Smirnov" <> wrote in message
> <>
> The Mess that Nuland Made
> July 13, 2015
> Exclusive:

Standard bullshit Russian propaganda, but not exclusive.

Oleg Smirnov

Jul 14, 2015, 4:48:26 AM7/14/15
Pelican, <news:mo2h8e$ra2$>
> "Oleg Smirnov" <> wrote in message

>> <>
>> The Mess that Nuland Made
>> July 13, 2015
>> Exclusive:
> Standard bullshit Russian propaganda, but not exclusive.

You can't cope with / just don't want to
know facts, so you have to sheepishly repeat
the 'Russian propaganda' mantra.


Jul 14, 2015, 3:58:01 PM7/14/15
On 14/07/2015 7:38 p.m., Oleg Smirnov wrote:
> <>
> The Mess that Nuland Made

It stops being a mess when Russia goes back behind their own borders.

Oleg Smirnov

Jul 17, 2015, 6:51:11 AM7/17/15
Subcarpathian Russia (a.k.a. Transkarpatia) is a peculiar region where a
part of the natives for centuries is dreaming about independence (eg.
<>). In addition to that, 15 - 20% of the regional
population are ethnic Hungarians, many of them have passports of Hungary
(read about how Mukachevo / Munkács is linked to Hungary's history eg. here
<>). Bulling of the 'patriotic' Ukrainian neo-Nazi
freaks is the last thing the people of the region would see at their home.


It's becoming more difficult the Kiev government to cope with the Ukrainian
extremists that openly armed corps refuse to surrender. The weekend firefight
that broke out in Mukachevo indicates that the Ukrainian war is now on two
fronts. The pro-Russian separatists in the east, and the extreme paramilitary
units in the west are now both the opponents of the Petro Porosenko regime.
.. The Right Sector has become independent, its members don't obey military
command, they rather try to define themselves as a self-policing force. ..


Yet anther interest Hungarian reading.


Hungary to upgrade its espionage capabilities


The massive reorganization at Hungary's "Information Office", the country's
non-military intelligence gathering agency, is finished. The next big
reorganization will take place at the Constitutional Protection Office,
Hungary's counter-intelligence agency.

In June, the Hungarian parliament's national security heard testimony from
high-ranking members of the country's clandestine services, including the
minister responsible for civilian intelligence ..

The Information Office

János Lázár, the Information Office's quasi-director, said reorganization at
the civilian intelligence gathering agency has finally ended. Until 2010,
intelligence gathering and counter-intelligence operations were overseen by
the Prime Minister's Office and a minister-without-portfolio. In 2010,
responsibility for these activities was transferred to the foreign ministry.
The change caused a number of problems. The unplanned mixing of diplomacy and
spying supposedly did not work out so well for the foreign ministry, and
responsibility for overseeing the country's spy service was transferred to
the Prime Minister's Office, now led by János Lázár.

Lázár said that Hungary's spy service was in poor condition prior to 2010
because "instead of carrying out deep intelligence gathering, its top
activity had become hasty analysis". But this has changed over the past five
years, Lázár said. ..

Regional security

He cited the Russian-Ukrainian conflict as a primary example of radical
changes to security in the region over the past year. Hungary shares borders
with a country engaged in an armed conflict. According to Lázár, Hungarian
spies have been active in Kiev, just like the spies of other regional
neighbors, to ensure that political leaders are able to promote Hungary's

He also stated that the government and the Information Office are convinced
that the future of Hungarians living in the Transcarpathia (southwestern
Ukraine) will be a serious issue in the coming decade, and that the
Information Office is carrying out operations to protect Hungarian citizens
in the Carpathian Basin. These operations are the first in twenty-five years
in which the Hungarian government is openly undertaking activities in Ukraine
in total opposition to the wishes of the Ukrainian government. Ukraine's
foreign ministry is doing what it can to stop Hungary's spies and Hungarian
diplomats from undertaking operations in Ukraine, Lázár said.

Lázár: United States may be behind Romania's persecution of ethnic Hungarians

Lázár transitioned from the situation in Ukraine to what is happening in
Romania. He said Romanian authorities are charging ethnic Hungarians living
in the country with "conceptional crimes". ..

Brussels isn't our friend and the situation can get worse, so we need more
spies in there

Lázár said he has ordered the Information Office to ramp up its activities
with respect to Hungary's relationship with the European Union. He said
Hungary would never spy on its allies as the United States has done, but that
it is important Hungary be informed about how decisions are being made at the
EU level. ..

Unabridged text is here <>.


Jul 17, 2015, 6:54:22 AM7/17/15
On 17/07/2015 11:51, Oleg Smirnov wrote:
> Subcarpathian Russia (a.k.a. Transkarpatia) is a peculiar region where a
> part of the natives for centuries is dreaming about independence

Putin had better invade.

Oleg Smirnov

Jul 17, 2015, 7:40:29 AM7/17/15
More Czech thoughts.

<> Parliamentary News

The EU faces the same fate as the ancient Egypt ..

Under the guise of protecting human rights and European values, promotion
of democracy etc, the more developed countries try to subjugate those
that are less developed, they determine what is right for them, and forcing
them to do what they would never do voluntarily. This disharmony takes a
lot of energy, - the costs are higher than benefits from their parasitism
on the weaker countries. Bureaucracy has already reached such an extent
that I expect that we will determine the monthly quota for toilet paper,
and those who exceed it will be fined. Those who really control the world
economy are certainly aware, and they are preparing for collapse of the EU.

We (ie. the Czechs) will be in good company with France, Italy, Austria, and
Slovakia. Poland, Romania, and Bulgaria chose a different path, - the NATO
bases on their territory will not allow independent development even after
the breakup of the EU. Germany is not yet decided what it wants. The rest of
the world follows better economic way. Look at BRICS.

The media may try to make our citizens believe that the EU is the navel of
the universe, but unfortunately it is not, the world clearly goes in another
direction, and the recent behavior of traditional US's partners shows that.

Full interview <>

Oleg Smirnov

Jul 19, 2015, 12:18:52 PM7/19/15

Former Russian Intel Officer Predicts Putin's Fall ..
- When do you expect Putin's regime to fall?
- Exactly in a year. Call me on July 23, 2015, I'll pour
some peppered horylka, take a piece of salo and give you
the answer.


Just a couple of days remains before Putin's fall.

Hold your breath.

Oleg Smirnov

Aug 3, 2015, 5:36:46 AM8/3/15

Monsters of Ukraine: Made in the USA

written by justin raimondo friday july 31, 2015

.. Remember Ukraine? I seem to recall blaring headlines <>
about a supposedly "imminent" <> and "massive"
<> Russian invasion of that country: the Anglo-Saxon media
was ablaze <> with a veritable countdown to D-Day
<> and we were treated to ominous sightings
<> of Russian troops and tanks gathering at the border
<>, allegedly just awaiting the order from Putin to take
Kiev. And it turns out there has been an invasion, of sorts - although it isn't a
Russian one. It's the Kiev regime's own foot-soldiers returning from the front
and turning on their masters.

The war is going badly <> for the government of oligarch
Petro Poroshenko <>. The east Ukrainians, who rose in revolt
<> after the US-sponsored coup <> threw
out democratically elected <> President Viktor Yanukovych,
show no signs <> of giving up: they've repulsed
<> the "anti-terrorist" campaign launched by Kiev,
withstanding relentless bombardment <> of their cities and
enduring many thousands of casualties <>, not to mention
widespread destruction. Indeed, the brutal protracted war waged by Kiev against
its own "citizens" has arguably steeled the rebels' resolve and made any thought
of reconciliation unthinkable.

As is usual with violent fanatics, the war aims of the Kiev coup leaders - to
bring the eastern provinces back into the fold - have been rendered impossible by
their methods and conduct. The de facto blockade imposed on the east has bound
the separatists all the more tightly to Russia <>, and
so economics as well as searing hatred of a government the easterners regard as
"fascist" has sealed the country's fate.

Unable to crack the rebels' resolve, the "revolutionaries" who once gathered in
the Maiden have begun to turn on each other. .. A standoff <>
between the Right Sector militia and Ukrainian police the other day culminated in
a pitched battle as the rightists attacked police positions in Mukachevo, in
western Ukraine .. The big problem <> for the Kiev regime is
that Right Sector and allied far-rightist militias are the core of their military
operation against the east. ..

Mired in debt <>, and rapidly sinking into an economic
abyss <>, Ukraine is literally coming apart at the seams -
and the ugly underside <> of the Maiden "revolution" is being
exposed to the light of day. The most recent atrocity is the uncovering of a
torture chamber used by members of the "Tornado" Battalion, another far-right
grouping, in which militia members kidnapped, tortured, raped, and robbed citizens
in the eastern Luhansk region ..

The Aidar Battalion <>, also operating in eastern Ukraine,
has been accused by Amnesty International of committing war crimes .. Then there's
the openly neo-Nazi Azov Brigade <>, whose members sport
fascist symbols from the World War II era, and whose leader, Andriy Biletsky,
declares that the goal of his group is to "lead the White Races of the world ..

Yes, your tax dollars are going to arm, train, and feed neo-Nazis in Ukraine.
That's what we bought into when Washington decided to launch a regime change
operation in that bedraggled corner of southeastern Europe. ..


Read it in full <>


Aug 3, 2015, 2:43:10 PM8/3/15
On 7/14/2015 3:38 AM, Oleg Smirnov wrote:
> <>
> The Mess that Nuland Made
> July 13, 2015
> Exclusive: Assistant Secretary of State Victoria Nuland engineered
> Ukraine's
> "regime change" in early 2014 without weighing the likely chaos and
> consequences.

Hod did she do that, exactly? How did she get all those
protesters to demonstrate? Did she send out emails asking
them to protest? Or hypnotize them?

How did she engineer the uprising?


Kerryn Offord

Aug 3, 2015, 3:32:29 PM8/3/15
The money to support/ pay for those "protesters" came from somewhere...


Aug 3, 2015, 4:11:23 PM8/3/15
It's just Oleg trying to earn his wage by spreading anti American


Aug 3, 2015, 4:12:53 PM8/3/15
Ah. So a rentamob member admits to external funding....

Oleg Smirnov

Aug 4, 2015, 5:17:38 AM8/4/15

OSCE: See No Evil, Hear No Evil, Speak Every Evil


.. Recently, the people of Donbass demonstrated against OSCE's lack of
action, as they give every indication of being deaf, dumb and blind. In
Donetsk, on 23 July, a rally of outraged residents of Donetsk gathered near
the hotel where the members of the international mission of the OSCE and
the International Committee of the Red Cross are staying. ..


The OSCE (as well as many of 'human rights' representatives engaged in
certain activities in Donbas) is just a bunch of shameless hypocrites that
play clearly pro-Kiev, but they have to pretend that they are 'neutral'.

Those demonstrating folks seem to have illusions about OSCE.



Latest from OSCE Special Monitoring Mission .. 2 August 2015 ..
The SMM found that all weapons previously recorded at three "DPR" sites were
in situ. An armed man guarding the facility at one of the sites claimed that
he and those present at the site were part of the 16th airborne brigade from
Orenburg, Russian Federation. They did not wear identifying insignia. ..


One may look at the website of Russia airborne forces <>
or at wikipedia <> and find that there's no such unit
as '16th airborne brigade' in Russia. The Russian airborne forces include,
inter alia, four brigades, but no N16 among them. And there's no any airborne
units in / near Orenburg <>. Non-official lists of all
Russian mil. units, run by enthusiasts, also say (eg <>)
that there's no any airborne units in the Orenburg region, nor any units with
N16 or somehow close to N16. It takes ~ 15 minutes to check this information,
but the OSCE folks have preferred to spread obvious lies.

Oleg Smirnov

Aug 5, 2015, 5:26:02 AM8/5/15
"Ukraine loses grip on militia 'breaching ceasefire'
Ukraine is struggling to control its own paramilitary groups .."

What is 'Ukraine'?

It's funny how these moronic scribblers use the labels.

The Times surprisingly tells pretty same as the below, just in carefully
softened terms. The neo-Nazi Right Sector refuses to obey central command,
continues its own guerilla war in 'demilitarized zones', considers the
elected freak-president Parashenko a traitor, and demands his resignation.
The ranks of the Right Sector include from three to up to 10 thousands
militants. They have not only firearms but also heavy weapons seized
previously in army warehouses. Previous attempts to disarm the neo-Nazi
units by the regular army were not successful. Some of the most rich
domestic oligarchs fund(s) them.

It's a change in the view of situation, it's clear that the neo-Nazis will
not go anywhere. The stupid Yankee strategists planned that Yats the Guy
(Viky Sexy Nuland's favorite) and similar other clowns could push the
radical far-right aside and establish 'decent' puppet regime but it turned
out not to be the case. The real approval rating of the Atlanticist puppet
figures in the Ukraine is about 15% today. Even with 50-thousand [notably
reluctant] army it will be impossible to suppress 'the heroes'.

Oleg Smirnov

Aug 5, 2015, 7:47:59 AM8/5/15
> More Czech thoughts.


Better Putin rather than Muslim

The Great Britain should not have been meddling into the WW1, it had to wait
until Germany win, then the Germans would found the European Union 40 years
earlier, and Britain would not be a small island ..

But then, there would be no Czechoslovakia and WW2, and the half a century of
the Soviets. Then, we would not experience the heady November 1989, but there
would be no the immigrants here, too. The latter is now proving to be a big
problem. Not the refugees as such, but namely the 'arabized' Muslims are a
problem. They are hateful to our culture, generally. .. Optimists among us
believe that eventually we will be in the position of the Christians in the
Ottoman Empire. Go ask the Bulgarians or Serbs about how it was in practice.


The writer points out that there's a growing frustration among the Czech
public about the current EU elites ("all those environmentalists, genderists
and human-rightists") and their policies, as well as people consider the huge
flow of refugees a natural consequence of American globalist / interventionist
foreign policy: support for the 'color revolutions', the 'Arab Spring' etc.

With that, more Czechs see Russia an alternative to the Atlanticist insanity.
".. People are looking for a way out. .. media observers noticed in the
internet an increasingly growing number of supporters of Russia and Putin.
That is despite the fact that the Russians have taken Crimea. Or maybe that's
due to this fact."

"The media barrage against Russia and Putin begins to be counterproductive. At
least 50% of people in Europe disagree with the fact that the only causer of
the situation in Ukraine is Russia." Obama's perfidious policy against East
European states .. led to criminalization of governance, and in combination
with the EU it led to the situation that people are extraordinary dissatisfied
with bureaucratic bullshit. "It's unbelievable what the US foreign policy for
twenty-five years could produce from the friendly countries, the countries
that welcomed US and the West as their patrons." Now a large part of the
population is changing their moods. And the elitist jerks in the EU also could
sicken the entire Union in the eyes of its residents. One can consider that
an extraordinary political result, - in the negative sense.

> More Czech thoughts.


Eventually we'll likely run to Russia, fleeing from the immigrants

.. Honestly I'm not sure is still there a way to prevent the approaching end
of our European civilization. Everything that has been built and defended by
our heroic ancestors may be destroyed soon ..
In the end, there can really come a day when most of normal, not so rich
Europeans, will flee to Russian Federation (the wealthy are likely to have
already negotiated asylum in the US) and ask this great country for help and
acceptance. Russia is the last large powerful European country that is not in
the EU. It does not need to obey orders from Brussels crazies (which in turn
obey orders of other crazies in Washington) and that alone have enough space
(if they allow) for many people to accept them, and is has large and powerful
army to make its citizens protected against chaos and desolation ..


Of course one should not understand literally these expressive Czech appeals.
They are far from to be going to change their current Atlanticist master and
go to Russia's embraces. They are just blackmailing the Atlanticist master.

The East European societies are extremely nationalist, their people are not
accustomed to tolerate the 'alien' foreigners to such extent as, say, French
or British ones were accustomed to do that.

> <> Parliamentary News
> The EU faces the same fate as the ancient Egypt ..
> Under the guise of protecting human rights and European values, promotion of
> democracy etc, the more developed countries try to subjugate those
> that are less developed, they determine what is right for them, and forcing
> them to do what they would never do voluntarily. This disharmony takes a
> lot of energy, - the costs are higher than benefits from their parasitism
> on the weaker countries. ..


Aug 5, 2015, 7:59:03 AM8/5/15
I'm trying to figure out how to pay 200,000 protesters
and keep it secret. But they must have been paid, the
idea the people of Ukraine had anything to be upset about
is so absurd.

No wait a minute, I take that all back, it was all
an American conspiracy, America controls everything
and everyone like puppets.

And don't you forget it~




Aug 5, 2015, 8:08:35 AM8/5/15
They were paid by the Soros-Blackwater-Nuland New World Order
conspiracy fund.

A 15 minute phone call could get you 15% more...

Everyone knows that~



Aug 5, 2015, 9:35:54 AM8/5/15
In article <>, jonathan says...
Russia is in a state of self-hypnosis, running out of everything--money, ships,
aircraft, food--and only the "Atlanticists" to blame for it.

Oleg Smirnov

Aug 5, 2015, 9:41:53 AM8/5/15
jack595, <>
That are you who are under self-hypnosis.

Oleg Smirnov

Aug 12, 2015, 3:13:51 AM8/12/15

America's Ukraine Policy and Maidan Ukraine's War Crimes

by Gordon M. Hahn

.. So where lies and how much of the overall responsibility lies on the Barack
Obama administration, the State Department, Deputy Secretary of State Victoria
Nuland, US Ambassador to Ukraine Geoffrey Payet, and their numerous
mouthpieces in the American think tank and journalistic community? Simple. The
Maidan regime deliberately recruited criminal and neo-fascists in to the
volunteer batalions and helped fund and arm neo-fascist groups like Right
Sector that brought the regime to power. All this was openly discussed in the
media and described by Maidan regime leaders such as President Petro
Poroshenko, Prime Minister Arsenii Yatsenyuk, SBU chief Vitaliy Nalyvaichenko,
MVD chief Arsen Avakov, neo-fascist Radical Party leader Oleh Lyashko, and
Right Sector leader Dmitro Yarosh. While knowing full well that the Maidan
regime was organizing and then had unleashed these and many other criminal and
neo-fascist volunteer battalions on the Donbass people, they either denied or
remained silent on the issue, as these units raped, killed, and mamed.
Moreover, the same neo-fascists actually transformed the Maidan demonstrations
from peaceful protest into a violent revolution and who seized power by force,
deploying snipers to shoot at police and protestors. <>

US officials have spent all of their energy covering up for the neo-fascist
element in the Maidan revolt. For example, US Congressman Dana Rohrbacher
inquired whether there were any neo-fascists on the Maidan - Nuland refused
to respond to the question, and arrogantly repeated that there were "mothers,
grandmothers, and veterans... all colors of Ukraine, including ugly colors"
on the Maidan and that the violence is "subject to investigation."
<> But, as I noted above and detailed elsewhere, the
snipers were from the ranks of the neo-fascists, who have never been
investigated for these crimes by any official entity in Washington, Brussels,
or Kiev, despite one Estonian official's "sense" that elements tied to the
Maidan regime were behind the sniper attacks. <> Nuland
tries to insinuate that Russia was behind the sniper attacks by referring to
"outside agitators" about whom there is "good evidence" of their role, she
claims, though neither Washington, Brussels, nor Kiev has ever presented such
evidence. <> Thus, using its dual-use (regime change by
transition or revolution), 'democracy-promotion' political technology, the
West politically and financially supported forces that both sought to
overthrow Yanukovich and thus paved the way for the neofascist-led overthrow
of freely and fairly elected Ukrainian President Viktor Yanukovich.

The new 'democratic' Maidan regime refused to negotiate with the Donbass
rebels and immediately declared its 'anti-terrorist' operation (ATO) against
them using heavy artillery, tanks, and bombing from the air against civilians.
Neither Nobel Peace Prize recipient President Obama nor any other American
official, nor any U.S. mainstream media criticized the Maidan regime for
failing to negotiate or took any steps to pressure them to do so. Given the
Maidan regime's desperate economic situation and total dependence on US
political and military support, a few simple words on or around 14 April 2014
could have forced negotiations: 'no negotiations, no money.' Not a word was
said; the Obama administration clearly preferred an intra-Slavic war to
intra-Slavic peace. The blood and tears of six thousand deaths, tens thousand
wounded, and a million refugees are therefore in good part on its hands.
'Putin's war' in Ukraine is as much, if not more, the West's war in Donbass.

Read the unabridged article <>

Oleg Smirnov

Sep 19, 2015, 7:23:11 PM9/19/15

Capitalism devours its own tail / The world may soon enter an era where
you could become rich only by birth. Modern capitalism begins to show more
and more similarities to feudalism.


Pretty tough anti-capitalist writing in the mainstream Polish newspaper.
That's the fourth major newspaper in Poland, 'moderately conservative'. You
may read it in full via google translator here <>.

> <>
> NYT asks: Are Western values losing their sway?

Oleg Smirnov

Sep 21, 2015, 12:23:39 AM9/21/15
>>>>> More Czech thoughts.


Yes, those refugees who at first flooded their Muslim neighborhood, now begin
to change their route. And hey, it's still just a handful of what seems to come.
Who's to blame? Of course, the West, which cynical politics is linked with
various, most brutal, Islamist groups in order to overthrow secular governments
in the region that maintain stability but are not completely humble.

Let's speak frankly. If Hussein and Kaddafi were not toppled, and if the West
did not support, at any cost, Islamic State against Syrian president Assad for
already 5 years, then there would be virtually no refugees in Germany et al.

The West's policy was inexcusable and bestial. And now comes the fruit ...
Whatever the case, the millions of refugees do not aspire to the Czech Republic,
Slovakia, Poland and the Baltics. .. It's almost comical, but it's also fair.

East European countries didn't bomb Iraq and Libya, they didn't devastate Syria.
It is the work of West Europe and their teacher - the US.
If West Europe wants to be destroyed, it has deserved that. If they want - like
those rats following their piper, ie. the United States - to move towards their
self-destruction, then shall it happen.
The Czechs, Moravians and Silesians, we can observe such a development with some
pain. But we existed before the EU, and we will exist afterwards.

> <>
> <>
> The USA .. controls the Europe's elite absolutely and completely ..

Oleg Smirnov

Sep 21, 2015, 2:26:30 AM9/21/15

European migrant crisis: Iraqi soldiers ditch fight against Islamic State for
life in Europe / .. Interviews with asylum seekers and an analysis of social
media activity show scores of fighters from the national army, police and
special forces as well as Shiite militias and Kurdish Peshmerga have left in
recent months or plan to go soon.
They join more than 50,000 civilians who have left Iraq in the past three
months, according to the United Nations, part of an even larger exodus from
neighbouring Syria and other conflict zones across the Middle East.
The inability of Iraq to retain its soldiers threatens to further erode morale
in a military that has partially collapsed twice in the past year in the face
of the IS group. / It could also undermine the efforts of a US-led coalition
that has spent billions of dollars training and equipping Iraqi forces to take
on the militants.

> <>
> How America Failed to Rebuild Afghanistan
> .. it has failed wherever it was trying to 'rebuild' anything ..

Oleg Smirnov

Sep 22, 2015, 3:03:59 AM9/22/15
.. The supposedly heroic new President of the supposedly free and uncorrupt
and generally wonderful new Ukraine, the oligarch who doesn't like being
called an oligarch, Petro Poroshenko, has announced a ban on lots of
journalists (and indeed other individuals). ..

Western groups, agencies and HROs, including Transparency International and
Gallup International are seeing notable increase in corruption in the Ukraine.
66% of the Ukrainians believe that the judicial system is totally corrupt (it
was 47% in the Yanukovych age). Similar dynamics is observed in other fields.
Corruption in law enforcement is noted by 64% (it was 46%), in state
governance 56% (it was 44.9%), in medicine 54% (it was 41%).

> <>
> Stephen Cohen: Ukraine Situation More Dangerous than Middle East

Oleg Smirnov

Sep 22, 2015, 3:03:59 AM9/22/15
.. a way of fostering ruling class solidarity ..


Is Britain Ruled by a Secret Pig Fucking Cabal?

by Sam Kriss September 21, 2015

.. the real question isn't why he fucked a dead pig, but why anyone else
managed to find out about it. According to the Mail's source, an anonymous MP,
the act of forbidden love was part of his initiation into Oxford's Piers
Gaveston society; it's also alleged that Count Gottfried von Bismarck, his
contemporary at the university, threw dinner parties prominently featuring
pig's heads. This was pig fucking raised to the level of high ritual. It fits
in to accounts of similar Oxford behaviour: we have heard, for instance, the
claim that one of the initiations into the Bullingdon Club, of which David
Cameron and Boris Johnson were members, is to burn a fifty-pound note in front
of a homeless person <>.

But in fact, the anthropological archive is full of this stuff. Among the Tiv
people of West Africa, for instance, it's a fairly common belief that the most
powerful members of society are part of a secret organisation called the
mbatsav, who meet at night to dig up bodies from graves and eat them. The Poro
secret society of Liberia, which occasionally functions as a parallel
government, is ruled by the commandment ifa mo - do not speak of it. Some kind
of initiation rite exists in every culture: I had a Bar Mitzvah, you might
have had Confirmation, or you might have necked a pint of piss during
Fresher's Week, and David Cameron is alleged to have fucked a dead pig.

It seems that the higher up you go in society, the more cruel and grotesque
the ritual becomes. There's an obvious reason for all this: for the upper
classes, good connections really matter. If you're going to have a secret
society, first you need to have a secret. Whether it's singing in screechy
adolescent Hebrew or corpse-eating and pig fucking, these initiations help
bind people together, and a student society in which everyone knows that
everyone else has done something unspeakable to a piece of ham is bound to
stay close afterwards. If anyone breaks ranks, or acts against the interests
of the collective, they can be instantly exposed. Groups like the Bullingdon
and the Piers Gaveston societies are not just rugby clubs for the ultra-rich,
a vehicle for youthful excess; they're a way of fostering ruling class

In a highly stratified society like the UK, where we're still ruled by those
chinlessly perverse dweebs who can trace their ancestry to the Norman
conquest, necro-bestiality isn't a weird affectation of the aristocratic
classes but something intrinsic to the way our country is organised. In places
with a greater degree of social mobility, like much of continental Europe,
there's less of a scope for this kind of institutional ossification of
perversion. But Britain is a profoundly sick society, and where you were born
still determines how the rest of your life will pan out. The ruling classes
will go to any lengths to keep it that way. These kids know that they might
one day end up leading the country, which is why it's essential that they cum
in a pig's mouth. It's not just enjoyment, it's class warfare. ..

> <,1230715-Kapitalizm-pozera-wlasny-ogon.html>
> Capitalism devours its own tail / The world may soon enter an era where
> you could become rich only by birth. Modern capitalism begins to show more
> and more similarities to feudalism. .. <> ..

Oleg Smirnov

Sep 22, 2015, 4:22:45 AM9/22/15

Ukraine's 'Democratic' Dictatorship

Maidan was a democratic revolution against authoritarian Yanukovich and for
European values - so why is Kiev banning journalists right, left and center?
Justin Raimondo

Originally appeared at <>

The media narrative about Ukraine - that the "Maiden revolution" was a
democratic European-values oriented revolt against a tyrannical
Russian-controlled puppet - has always been a fairytale, largely perpetrated
by the Western media in complicity with the US State Department and the
European Union. Yet now that same media is being forced to reexamine their
bias in the wake of the Ukrainian government's banning <>
of 34 journalists and seven bloggers from entering the country. The list of
the banned includes journalists from Britain, Switzerland, Israel, Slovakia,
Germany, Spain, Kazakhstan, Hungary, Estonia, Bulgaria, Germany, Latvia,
Moldova, Macedonia, and Serbia.

Unlike most of the rest of the English-speaking news media, the Committee to
Protect Journalists is reporting <> that the list of
banned journalists represents but a portion of a larger blacklist consisting
of 388 individuals and over 100 organizations forbidden from entering the
country on the grounds of "national security" and an alleged threat to
Ukraine's "territorial integrity. ..

When the Western-backed coup overthrew the democratically-elected government
of Viktor Yanukovich, I warned that - in spite of the Western media narrative
depicting the "Maiden" rebellion as "democracy"-loving liberals - Ukraine was
headed for authoritarian rule <>. My prediction has been
borne out several times over. ..

The reason is because the US government and its European sock puppets have
installed a friendly regime in Kiev, and are determined to subsidize and even
protect the oligarch Poroshenko from his own people by military force - all
under the guise of resisting "Russian aggression." The reality is that the
only real aggression taking place in Ukraine is the Kiev government's directed
at Ukrainian citizens, in the western provinces as well as in the east. Tens
of thousands of young people are fleeing the country <>
in order to avoid being conscripted into Poroshenko's slave army, while the
few remaining independent media outlets are being shut down by government
decree. ..

This is utter madness. We have no business supporting the Ukrainian
dictatorship and the idea of going to war with Russia is Strangelovian
<>, to say the least. ..

> <>
> EU Taxpayers to Pay 1 Bln Euros for Ukraine's Gas Out of Their Own Pockets

Oleg Smirnov

Sep 22, 2015, 9:37:07 AM9/22/15

.. Our politics rests on a psychological substructure that distorts, or even
precludes, rational political discourse and judgment. Obama got creamed when
he questioned the concept of American exceptionalism directly several years
ago. In the agreement that now stands as his legacy on the foreign side, he
forwent theory and took it on in practice.

This deal says in deed what Obama could not say in words back in 2012: All
people are exceptional, we no more than everyone else. We must forget about
our values as universal values and engage others while accepting difference.
We work with allies now-depend on them, even-for the era of our primacy is
behind us.

These realities offend many. They cause fear and the gnashing of teeth. ..

Oleg Smirnov

Oct 1, 2015, 7:27:37 PM10/1/15

Analyst: Ukraine's economy is dead

September 30, 2015

Political analyst Aleksei Blyuminov is interviewed by Lug-Info:

[...] Lug-Info - In general, how do you assess the political situation in

- The political situation is absolutely unstable. There are no "fodder
reserves" that could maintain stability. Roughly speaking, earlier, for
example, under Yanukovych, this stability could be maintained by two things:
the first - the legitimate state apparatus, and the second - the availability
of some money. Now, both are missing. There are a lot of people who can toss
grenades at the prosecutor's office, and there is no money to cajole them.

Going back to the main problem - the regime is under external control, so
all flames of instability are to be artificially extinguished. For example,
there was a source of instability in the form Kolomoisky - he was removed
after the mediation of the US Ambassador. There was a similar source of
instability in the form of Nalyvaychenko: he was also removed. Therefore,
external overseers are helping Poroshenko to keep the situation under control
and consolidate his regime. Obviously, it cannot last forever, but as long as
the Americans are interested in some kind of stability, they will not allow
the spread of destabilizing tendencies.

Lug-Info - How important is the factor "of people returning from the front?"

- According to the association of owners of firearms (they are lobbying for
legalization of the process), Ukraine is the largest supplier of illegal
weapons to the EU. There have been some known attempts to smuggle
multiple-launch rocket systems "Grad" across the country to Chernovtsi in
order to sell them in Romania. We see that in all conflicts in Ukraine,
including Mukachevo, heavy weapons are used. In Kiev, grenade explosions are
heard and soon, in all probability, howitzers will be available. In spite of
this, a more or less "glossy cover" of Ukraine is maintained yet.

Lug-Info - What about the situation in the Ukrainian economy?

- The economy is dead. According to the official data, the GDP has
contracted by 12.5%. This demonstrates that the main branches of industry,
which produced income: metallurgy, machine-building, chemistry, etc. - are in
deep crisis. What more or less is still functioning to some degree is tied to
the agricultural sector and exports through the port of Odessa. That is why,
by the way, it is such a contested asset. Even lenders admit it.

Standard & Poor's rating agency predicts that a default is inevitable. Not
such a long time ago a technical default was admitted. But at the same time,
due to political considerations, the same lenders say that they will continue
to lend to Ukraine despite the fact that its economy is dead. Clearly, this is
a purely political decision - to keep the bankrupt regime afloat. It cannot go
on for a long time, but for some period they will be able to drag on.

Lug-Info - How will it look like?

- Without external credit borrowings Kiev is unable to form the budget for
2016. For this reason, Natalia Yaresko (Finance Minister) urges the Parliament
to vote for all the conditions attached by the lenders as a package,
blackmailing the deputies that otherwise default is inevitable. These
conditions demand more severe cuts in all social programs, forcing the
population to tighten their belts even more. Without this even the agreement
about forgiving Ukraine 20% of its debt will not come into effect. But this
debt write-off is not a victory. This means credit bondage, only delayed in
time. Only the payment of the principal will be stretched for four years while
the interest will be charged anyway. But this money will have to be returned
by other people. Neither Yatsenyuk nor Yaresko will remain in their positions
by then. However, it will be impossible to avoid a technical default. The
government will have to impose a moratorium on debt payments in September and
October. It is also necessary to return three billion dollars to Russia while
Moscow made it clear that it is not going to forgive Ukraine's debt.

Lug-Info - What is happening in the "social sphere"?

- In the social sphere there is a systematic reduction, squeezing,
tightening of all social programs starting from the Chernobyl victims,
pensioners, benefit recipients, and children of war. For example, in Kiev the
categories of people who use public transportation for free have been
significantly reduced. Only those people who have the so called "Kievite's
cards" have such a privilege. But this is a very small group. All other
persons, including a huge number of migrants living in the capital of Ukraine
illegally, do not have these preferential rights.

- And what about the prices?

- The prices are rising. On the one hand, the authorities caused the
collapse of imports, on the other hand, exports crumbled as well. As a result,
on paper the budget has reached equilibrium that is called deflation. In
addition, without any sanctions and blockades, the assortment of goods in
shops has been significantly reduced. For example, in the past there used to
be 15 types of yogurt or mayonnaise, but now there are only three. What
remains is the cheapest goods. There is no sense to sell expensive ones in
mass retail stores. [...]

Read in full Ukraine: Complete degeneration of the system at Fort Russ


> <>

Oleg Smirnov

Oct 3, 2015, 12:55:36 PM10/3/15
<> the RI

Stephen Cohen Speaks Out to Top German News Site, Rips Media Demonization of
Putin / "This is a multi-million dollar discredit Putin."

This interview originally appeared in German Economic News
<>. Translated by Werner Schrimpf for Russia Insider.

.. Deutsche Wirtschafts Nachrichten: Was Russia not involved and integrated in
these negotiations to the EU-agreement?

Stephen Cohen: When the issue of an EU association agreement came up middle
of 2012 the Kremlin believed that this might be positive for all parties. In
those days Putin was elaborating the characteristics of a Eurasian economic
union and he suggested that the agreement should be trilateral including
Ukraine and the EU on the one hand and Russia and the EU on the other hand.

For many centuries Ukraine and Russia maintained intense economic relations.
Having this fact in mind, Putin thought the more trade and production so much
the better and suggested to integrate Russia in this agreement. But the EU
rejected and confronted Ukraine with a tough ultimatum: Either EU or Russia!
They violated a country with close historical connections to Russia in terms
of culture, politics and economics to exclusively team up with the EU and to
exclude Russia. For sure the result would have been a disaster.

Deutsche Wirtschafts Nachrichten: What is the reason for this EU boycott
against an agreement with Russia?

Stephen Cohen: Well, most likely a mixture of foolishness and malignity. When
Janukowitsch became aware that this agreement would destroy billions of
dollars in trade with Russia and gain just a few millions in return from the
EU, he hesitated with his signature and asked for more time.

No rational Ukrainian politician without bias would have been prepared to sign
this type of an agreement. But the EU wanted to close the deal and put
pressure on Yanukovych and issued a final ultimatum - which was criticized by
Putin later on.

Deutsche Wirtschafts Nachrichten: George Friedman, boss of the U.S. think tank
Stratfor, just recently stated that one of the major objectives of US foreign
policy is the prevention of any potential German-Russia alliance. Does this
ideology influence the current US policy towards Ukraine?

Stephen Cohen: Officially the US did not have a role in the game for Ukraine
but behind the scenes the US controlled everything.

NATO and the IWF were involved and both organizations were orchestrated by the
US. A trilateral agreement between Russia, EU and Ukraine was not in the
interest of US foreign policy. It is difficult to judge whether this tactic is
part of a bigger plan like George stated. The issue with George is his strong
connections to the CIA and he is assuming a high degree of brains and
strategic thinking with western politicians. If we asked tomorrow our US
congressmen if the statement is true whether the main objective of US foreign
policy is to disturb any alliance among Russia and core Europe, most of them
would not know what we are talking about.

If we, however, would limit the addressees of this question to a small circle
of well educated decision makers in Washington George could probably be right.


Read in full here <>

Oleg Smirnov

Oct 3, 2015, 6:00:58 PM10/3/15
.. So it seems that there just becomes less and less to hold onto, less and
less that you can believe in. Everything seems to be corrupt, or corrupted.
You don't seem to be able to trust anything as real. Whatever the government
tells you, there's always now giant question marks of doubt.

Oleg Smirnov

Oct 3, 2015, 10:10:46 PM10/3/15
Yet more evidence the American policy makers are living in a virtual reality.


U.S.' Billions Fail to Sustain Foreign Forces

WASHINGTON - With alarming frequency in recent years, thousands of
American-trained security forces in the Middle East, North Africa and South
Asia have collapsed, stalled or defected, calling into question the
effectiveness of the tens of billions of dollars spent by the United States on
foreign military training programs ..


And the far the more the US foreign policy becomes destructive.


The Destructive U.S.-Backed Campaign in Yemen


Oleg Smirnov

Oct 4, 2015, 1:25:59 AM10/4/15

Why the U.S. Military Isn't Winning

.. In June 2014, the Islamic State of Iraq and Greater Syria swept
through Mosul, Iraq's second largest city, and drove out the Iraqi
forces that the U.S. had spent $20 billion training and equipping. Last
May, they did much the same in Ramadi, the capital of Iraq's Anbar
Province. This week, the Taliban-the Islamic fundamentalists running
Afghanistan who sheltered Osama bin Laden as his lieutenants plotted
the 9/11 attacks-retook the northern Afghan city of Kunduz after the
U.S. invested $60 billion building Afghanistan's military. It marked the
first time the Taliban have taken a provincial capital since 2001.
.. Such efforts only make the U.S. look feckless, when the original rosy
projections bear little resemblance to what's left behind. ..


It's not just 'the U.S. Military isn't winning', the entire agenda of
American foreign policy is failed. It's driven by delusions and baser
instincts covered with hypocritical 'democracy' rants and brazen lies.
The American policy makers are like a drug addict living in a virtual
reality that feels good as far as he / she remains on drugs (the false
narratives in the MSM and the 'group think'), but sooner or later the
real reality would come and bite the junkie.

> <>
> U.S.' Billions Fail to Sustain Foreign Forces

Oleg Smirnov

Oct 4, 2015, 5:25:30 PM10/4/15
In response to speculations of the American scribblers about alleged Russian
'dumb bombs' in Syria the Russian ministry of defense issued a clarification.
They say the main weapon the aircraft uses in Syria is Kh-29 missile with
laser guidance system. In regular design its CEP is about 4 meters when it is
launched from maximum range (~ 13 km), and declared less than 2 meters when
launched from a distance of 5 km and less. They say it is a reliable and
proven machine. Afaiu the main disadvantage of the precision laser guidance
against more advanced systems is usually related to weather conditions. It is
still not the typical case for places like Syria.


Western warmongers killed 1.5 million Muslims in 'war on terror'; falsely
accuse Russia of '30 civilian casualties' in airstrikes against ISIS

Joe Quinn Fri, 02 Oct 2015 18:37 UTC

.. Comparing recent BBC headlines with BBC headlines from 4 years ago when
NATO obliterated several cities in Libya, you could be forgiven for thinking
that BBC journalists and editors have only now realised that bombs kill
people, in particular Russian bombs (the British, French and American variety
only ever killing 'bad guys' with 'pin-point accuracy').

Four years ago, not a word, much less a headline, was carried by Western
newspapers about the slaughter of the people of Sirte by NATO war planes. The
information was available, they just failed to report it.

In a call from a satellite phone to Reuters' office in Tunis on Saturday 17th
September 2011, Libyan politician Moussa Ibrahim said <>:

"NATO attacked the city of Sirte last night with more than 30 rockets
directed at the city's main hotel and the Tamin building, which consists of
more than 90 residential flats.

"The result is more than 354 dead and 89 still missing and almost 700
injured in one night."

"In the last 17 days more than 2,000 residents of the city of Sirte were
killed in NATO air strikes."

But U.S., British and French slaughter of civilians in Libya pales into
relative insignificance when compared to the overall death toll from the last
12 years of the U.S.-led 'war on terror'.

Washington's Middle East Mass Murder

The best academic estimates <> on the number of civilians
killed in the illegal U.S.-led wars on the Iraqi, Afghani and Pakistani
peoples amount to at least 1.5 million as a direct result of Western military
action of one form or another. Several million more deaths can be added when
indirect deaths are included. At least 20 million more have been displaced
from their homes.

As some may remember, Washington's 'war on terror' was justified by the 9/11
attacks, which were blamed on "al-qaeda", which the U.S. government initially
claimed to be fighting but is now funding (along with other terrorists)
against the Syrian government <>. ..

Syria's Phony Revolution

Despite what Western governments would like us to believe, the beginning of
the 'Syrian revolution' in 2011 did not involve a mass uprising of ordinary
Syrian people. It involved relatively small anti-government demonstrations
<> and extremely large pro-government rallies. These
were, however, quickly overshadowed by violent attacks on demonstrators,
Syrian police and government buildings by well-equipped groups that were
trained and armed by Western military and intelligence forces stationed in
Jordan, Iraq and Turkey <>.

Since then, the "war" in Syria has been waged, not by the Syrian people, but
by groups of foreign mercenaries shipped into the country and controlled by
US, Turkish, Qatari and Saudi state actors. In 2012, even UN Secretary General
Ban Ki Moon acknowledged <> that 'al-Qaeda' were behind
the many car bombings that killed so many innocent Syrians. What Ban might not
be aware of is that at least one of the massacres attributed to Assad was
carried out by a 'security contractor' paid directly by the U.S. government

The U.S. government and its Middle East allies have spent the last 4 years
waging a vicious proxy war on the Syrian people because they chose the wrong
President. But why was Assad the 'wrong choice'? Back in 2002 Assad - a
long-term supporter of Palestinian rights and critic of Israeli terrorism -
and his wife paid a state visit to the UK, where Assad held talks with war
criminal Tony Blair and tolerated an audience with the Queen at Buckingham
palace. British officials at the time were also considering honoring Assad
with a knighthood ..

Read in full here <>


Oleg Smirnov

Oct 11, 2015, 6:06:03 AM10/11/15
Here comes the idea that the Atlanticist the most top elite groups must be
practicing cannibalism or something like that, as a means to provide the most
strong interdependence and unity of their members.



.. The danger to Cameron is that PigGate makes him a laughing-stock - that his
seriousness as a political leader will be forever deflated by the cat calls
and innuendo that will, undoubtedly, follow him for the rest of his life. .. I
don't know if this kind of story, once attached to the person of a politician,
ever goes away. .. It is clearly a calculated attack. ..

And here, I think, is something much bigger and more interesting than the
details of Cameron's vivid indiscretion; here is a rare public example of how
power is wielded by Britain's elite, of how control is exerted over those they
wish to manipulate, and of how those groomed for success from a young age can
be destroyed should they be seen to diverge from the steps they're told to

Initiation ceremonies or "hazing" rituals - often of a painful, humiliating,
transgressive, or sexual nature - are a well-documented part of the culture of
many organizations run by and for young men, especially those in positions of
privilege or at elite institutions. Hazing is a fixture, albeit usually in a
less extreme form than many might imagine, of Greek life at U.S. colleges;
initiation rituals are relatively common in elite societies at top educational
institutions elsewhere. Such rituals are an especially important part of
groups that require extreme discipline, such as certain military units. The
primary social function served by these rituals is to accelerate and deepen
the bonds shared by members of the group - and the sense of loyalty to the
group each person holds. By committing transgressive acts together, members
develop a sense of sharing in a mutual secret, thus creating trust; by
overcoming some humiliation or pain, new members deepen their commitment to
the group. Their internal logic reasons that if they are willing to endure
such an ordeal, it must mean that the group is important and deserving of
loyalty (otherwise, they would have made a terrible mistake and gone through
all of that suffering for nothing). Through these acts, bonds are forged,
networks established; the "old school tie," used as a metaphor for Britain's
elite networks, is also a metaphor for the actions and rituals, transgressive
or otherwise, which created these networks during their members' formative
years. ..

This system is self-sustaining and decentralized. It's in the interest of
people in the group to promote the careers of their fellow group members,
precisely because they have control through their knowledge of that person's
transgressive acts; similarly, it's in the interest of that person to promote
the careers of the other members for the same reason.
.. The more horrifying and illegal the act committed, the more the network
"owns" its members. ..



Burning money in front of a homeless person isn't just intended to be a nasty
prank, it serves to train a Bullingdon boy's senses, to make other humans seem
somehow less. That David Cameron and his allies George Osborne and Boris
Johnson have all done this, and that they have all presided over a sharp spike
in homelessness in London and throughout the UK, are not coincidental. The MP
who provided Lord Ashcroft with the details of the pig story attended one
meeting of the expensive club but left in disgust because 'it was all about
despising poor people'. ..

The pig scandal that now has the world laughing at Cameron wasn't from the
Bullingdon Club but the Piers Gaverston, less well-known (until this week),
but with a reputation for bizarre sexual rituals and initiation rites. Where
the Bullingdon boys built their fraternity around shared values of hating the
poor, the Piers Gaverston was about sexual humiliation and the creation of
shared secrets. Its structural function is as an agreement of mutually assured
destruction between the rulers of tomorrow - I know your secret and you know
mine, so let's stay on the same side, yeah? ..

And David Cameron himself often likes to talk about the supposed existence of
meritocracy in the United Kingdom. He, too, went to Eton before joining the
Bullingdon Club and the Piers Gaverston. He is one of the most vocal
Conservatives when it comes to championing the ideology of meritocracy,
telling poor people and ethnic minorities that their lack of social climbing
is because they lack "aspiration", and that 'free' markets (that is,
unregulated financial bonanzas, by his allegiances) "can make you a better

Separate from what he says, however, his government has significantly
increased inequality and decreased social mobility, making it even harder for
people outside of his privileged background to fulfill the meritocratic values
he regularly trumpets. ..

Oleg Smirnov

Nov 13, 2015, 12:59:08 AM11/13/15

Cameron Establishes "Total Control" Over UK Citizens

Martin Berger 04.11.2015

In the 21st century the political scene of most Western countries has been
heavily dominated by oligarchs and their obedient puppets who are desperate to
corrode the rule of law and radically restrict the personal freedoms of local
residents. This process has been significantly aggravated by the tragic events
of 9/11 and the severe financial crisis that followed the collapse of Lehmann
Brothers in 2008. According to one of the leading advisers to President
Obama - Rahm Emanuel "it would be a shame not to take advantage of such a
situation." <>

The notorious Patriot Act has given the US government the right to spy on its
citizens, along with extending the privileges that the FBI and other national
intelligence services enjoy. It has been widely regarded as a straight-out
transformation of so-called "American democracy" into a sort of authoritarian
regime in blunt violation of the rights that the Fourth Amendment of the US
Constitution granted American citizens. Even though the Patriot Act has
recently been replaced by the so-called Freedom Act, the outrageous violations
of US citizens' human rights continues.

This US example has produced an indelible impression on the politicians of
nearly every other Western country that now are beginning to tighten control
over their own citizens in turn.

For instance, France's Prime Minister Manuel Valls has recently presented the
Council of Ministers with a draft of the French Patriotic Act. In fact he
proposed to provide security services with access to previously forbidden
methods - the right to spy on one's citizens on the Internet. To pass this law
that has been labeled as a "direct interference in private life"
<> by certain political forces, the ruling party has been
actively exploiting the Charlie Hebdo attack along with the recent terrorist
attacks in Tunisia.

British Conservatives have approached this issue more thoroughly. In recent
years they have rallied for a major push against civil right under the guise
of "the growing terrorist and extremist threat." ..


> <>
> <>
> .. Burning money in front of a homeless person isn't just intended to be a
> nasty prank, it serves to train a Bullingdon boy's senses, to make other
> humans seem somehow less. ..

Oleg Smirnov

Feb 25, 2016, 4:04:34 AM2/25/16

US embassy fuelling regime change - Gwede

JONISAYI MAROMO / 20 February 2016

ANC secretary general Gwede Mantashe set off a social media frenzy yesterday
when he charged that clandestine meetings, promoting regime change in South
Africa, were being held regularly at the US embassy in Pretoria.

"As we mobilise our people, we must say, be vigilant. You must see through
anarchy and people who are out there in a programme of regime change. We are
aware of the meetings taking place regularly at the American embassy,"
Mantashe told tens of thousands of ANC supporters at the Union Buildings in

"Those meetings in the embassy are about nothing else other than mobilisation
for regime change. We're aware of a programme that takes young people to the
United States for six weeks, brings them back and plants them everywhere in
the campuses and everywhere." ..


There are responses to this statement in the (pro-)American media trying to
present the politician as a paranoid clown. But it is still hardly a paranoia
from a rational perspective. Taking into account the ANC's agenda (see the
link below) and the known addiction of the American policymakers to make evil
under guise of liberation and democracy it is not unlikely that the S.African
elected government risks of being subjected to the American 'regime change'

> <>

Siri Cruz

Feb 25, 2016, 5:34:33 AM2/25/16
In article <namftd$9rh$>, "Oleg Smirnov" <>

> "Those meetings in the embassy are about nothing else other than mobilisation
> for regime change. We're aware of a programme that takes young people to the
> United States for six weeks, brings them back and plants them everywhere in
> the campuses and everywhere." ..

The Mandela Washington Fellowship for Young African Leaders,
begun in 2014, is the flagship program of President Obamaąs
Young African Leaders Initiative (YALI) that empowers young
people through academic coursework, leadership training, and
networking. In 2016, the Fellowship will provide 1,000
outstanding young leaders from Sub-Saharan Africa with the
opportunity to hone their skills at a U.S. higher education
institution with support for professional development after
they return home.

Since this is about overthrowing South Africa, I'm sure the programme and its
details are MOST SECRET. I was only able to find this site through my elite
hacking skills.

> There are responses to this statement in the (pro-)American media trying to
> present the politician as a paranoid clown. But it is still hardly a paranoia

Last week Friday, the African National Congress marched against
racism and they handed over a memorandum that was essentially
from themselves to themselves, calling on themselves to prevent
themselves and other selves from doing such things to all their selves.

Around the climax of this curiously omphaloskeptic endeavour,
the partyąs secretary general, none other than Gwede Mantashe,
rose to inform the crowd about how best to combat racism.

Daily Maverick is South Africa source which means they are not African. Since
you don't like what they're saying, that makes them pro-American. Actually I've
never heard of the Daily Maverick or Mantashe before, but given your history, I
know I can trust everything you claim.

> from a rational perspective. Taking into account the ANC's agenda (see the
> link below) and the known addiction of the American policymakers to make evil
> under guise of liberation and democracy it is not unlikely that the S.African

Does anyone in the US give a shit about RSA? Is there going to be another Gods
Must Be Crazy movie?

:-<> Siri Seal of Disavowal #000-001. Disavowed. Denied. Deleted.
'I desire mercy, not sacrifice.'
God exists since mathematics is consistent, and the devil exists since we
cannot prove the consistency. ~~ Morris Kline

Oleg Smirnov

Mar 12, 2016, 12:20:26 PM3/12/16
<> UA domestic news <>

Recent Ukraine MoD's report states that despite the fact that the
government in Kiev had established ban to the Ukrainian military and
navy servicemen on visits to 'occupied' Crimea, it turned out in the
2015, that a large part of the Ukrainian Navy officers preferred to
spend their vacation in Crimea.

In 2015, 155 naval officers visited Crimea under fictional pretexts.
In addition to that in 2015 and 2016, 650 servicemen deserted from
the Navy, so far only 130 of them returned back. High naval command
hides the facts of the AWOLs from reporting and doesn't try to prevent
visits of their officers to Crimea.

In the February-March 2014, at the time when the Crimeans voted for
reunion with Russia, about 70-80% of the servicemen in Crimea (navy,
naval avia, marines etc) switched to serve in the Russian army.

> <>
> .. new trend in Crimea: Ukrainian military servicemen cross the border
> and come to Russian borderguards in Crimea 'to chat and drink'. A few
> such cases recently. Crimean authorities were worried and conducted an
> investigation whether may it be a sly cover or diversionary activities,
> but nothing of the sort was discovered.

Oleg Smirnov

Nov 11, 2016, 6:35:18 AM11/11/16
2015-10-04, <news:muqd5d$7d4$>

> The American policy makers are like a drug addict living in a virtual
> reality that feels good as far as he / she remains on drugs (the false
> narratives in the MSM and the 'group think'), but sooner or later the real
> reality would come and bite the junkie.


Trump's Revolution

Now beware the counter-revolution

Justin Raimondo | November 09, 2016

.. Their problem is that these people live in a bubble: the conservative
writer Mollie Hemingway tweeted <> the night of the
election that " I was at a small DC dinner several weeks ago where several
people said they knew not a single Trump supporter. I was like, 'I know

This evokes the famous Pauline Kael quote, who is reputed to have responded to
Richard Nixon's 1972 landslide victory by saying: "I don't know how Nixon won.
I don't know anybody who voted for him." Actually, the acerbic film critic
didn't say that, exactly. What she really said <>
was far more telling:

"I live in a rather special world. I only know one person who voted for
Nixon. Where they are I don't know. They're outside my ken. But sometimes
when I'm in a theater I can feel them."

This puts it succinctly: the inhabitants of the "special world" of the
political class - self-satisfied pundits, self-serving politicians, avaricious
hedge fund managers, arrogant academics, less-than-thoughtful thinktankers,
politically correct scolds, neoconservative warmongers - couldn't imagine a
world in which Donald Trump could win the White House. They laughed at him
when he announced, they sneered at him even as he was winning the primaries,
and they unleashed more venom than an army of rattlesnakes when he won the
Republican nomination, even as they claimed he was headed for a Goldwater-like
defeat. The American ruling class lives in a world entirely separate from that
of their subjects: even as the peasants with pitchforks gathered in the shadow
of the castle, they never saw the Trumpian revolution coming.

In short, they have no idea why he won because they live on a different planet
than the rest of us. And yet the reason for his victory is very simple, and
it's no secret. He stated it clearly and succinctly in a remarkable television
ad in the final days of the campaign. <>

Trump understands that, as I put it in my last column <>,
"The main issue in the world today is globalism versus national sovereignty,
and it is playing out in the politics of countries on every continent." ..

And the epicenter of this global ruling elite is located in Washington, D.C.,
with the White House as the inner sanctum of the whole rotten system. And now
that Fortress of Power has been breached. Thus, the panic of the elites. ..


Let us wait and see, - for the Western-style 'democracy' it's the rule rather
than the exception that the presidential candidates forget or significantly
downplay a large part of their promises.

> <>
> Anti-Americanism Across the Continent

Oleg Smirnov

Nov 12, 2016, 1:12:40 PM11/12/16

'Prediction professor' who called Trump's big win also made another forecast:
Trump will be impeached

Peter W. Stevenson | November 11

Few prognosticators predicted a Donald Trump victory ahead of Tuesday night.
.. But a Washington, D.C.-based professor insisted that Trump was lined up for
a win - based on the idea that elections are "primarily a reflection on the
performance of the party in power." Allan Lichtman uses a historically based
system of what he calls "keys" to predict election results ahead of time. ..

At the end of our September conversation, Lichtman made another call: that if
elected, Trump would eventually be impeached by a Republican Congress that
would prefer a President Mike Pence - someone whom establishment Republicans
know and trust.

"I'm going to make another prediction," he said. ".. They don't want
Trump as president, because they can't control him. He's unpredictable.
They'd love to have Pence - an absolutely down-the-line, conservative,
controllable Republican. And I'm quite certain Trump will give someone
grounds for impeachment .."


> <>


Nov 12, 2016, 1:31:22 PM11/12/16
"Oleg Smirnov" wrote in message news:o07m1o$4nu$
> <>
> if elected, Trump would eventually be impeached by a Republican Congress
> that would prefer a President Mike Pence - someone whom establishment
> Republicans know and trust.

Pence in a just another profession politician whose perception of America
beyond the beltway is about on par with an infant looking through the bars
of its crib...

Andrew Swallow

Nov 12, 2016, 1:56:01 PM11/12/16
On 12/11/2016 18:12, Oleg Smirnov wrote:

> "I'm going to make another prediction," he said. ".. They don't want
> Trump as president, because they can't control him. He's unpredictable.
> They'd love to have Pence - an absolutely down-the-line, conservative,
> controllable Republican. And I'm quite certain Trump will give someone
> grounds for impeachment .."

The Republicans do not have to control Trump, they will find they can
make deals with him.

If they want to change the law Republicans will quickly learn that
although the President can present draft laws so can committee chairmen.
The chairman of practically all House and Senate committees is a Republican.

Oleg Smirnov

Nov 12, 2016, 3:30:47 PM11/12/16

Trump's victory another example of how Electoral College wins are bigger than
popular vote ones


For the fifth time in U.S. history, and the second time this century, a
presidential candidate has won the White House while (apparently) losing the
popular vote. ..



It might well be that the US needs an electoral reform, but the speculations
with the post-election numbers are not much credible due to a simple reason:
if the voters knew in advance that the nationwide popular vote matters then
the result of the nationwide popular vote might be different, and it may be
difficult to estimate how and how much it would change the picture. Ie. some
states were clearly pro-Killary and many of the Trump voters in these states
simply didn't bother to vote, and the same about the clearly pro-Trump states.

> <>

Oleg Smirnov

Nov 12, 2016, 8:51:28 PM11/12/16

The Silver Linings In Trump's Win - OpEd


Let's look on the bright side.

Donald J. Trump is the next president of the United States. His stunning
victory over Hillary Clinton came after he had first crushed the Republican
Party establishment ..

But Trump did more than that. He also, along with Vermont Sen. Bernie Sanders,
smashed the Democratic Party establishment too. ..

We know, thanks to principled Democratic Party leaders who quit like Hawaii
Rep. Tulsi Gabbard, the vice chair of the Democratic National Committee, and
to emails leaked by Wikileaks, that the DNC worked assiduously throughout the
primary season to undermine Bernie Sanders' insurgent primary campaign. The
DNC and the Clinton campaign - actually facets of the same malignant
organization - did this by scheduling early debates at times, like during the
Superbowl, when few people would be paying attention, by working with corrupt
mainstream journalists to plant hit pieces on Sanders, resorting to cheap
red-baiting, lying about his history of civil rights activism, and questioning
his mental abilities, and even resorting to voter suppression - usually a
tactic favored more by Republican Party operatives. ..

Hopefully, this highly visible corruption at the top of the Democratic Party
will lead to a real effort to chuck this sclerotic and wholly corrupted
organization and replace it with a genuine party of working people, the poor
and minorities on the left. That long-overdue project needs to begin

But back to other silver linings of the Trump presidential win.

Most importantly, it seems likely that we will no longer have to worry about
the US going to war with Russia. While Hillary Clinton, with her stated
desire to establish a "no-fly zone" in Syria that even leading generals said
would mean "war with Russia," Donald Trump throughout the campaign made it
clear that he did not want the US confronting Russia. .. That view, if he is
serious, bodes well for Syrians, and for Ukrainians as well. ..

Ramping down US imperial over-reach, which has caused the deaths of millions
of innocents over the last decade and a half alone, angered nations and people
around the world against the US, and cost Americans over $4.5 trillion since
2001, would be reason enough to cheer Trump's victory. ..

On the economic front, Trump has made it clear that he will oppose the pending
Trans Pacific Partnership (TPP) and that he wants to undo or renegotiate
earlier job-killing trade agreements, most notably the North American Free
Trade Agreement (NAFTA). If he is serious about this anti-globalism policy,
and acts on it, it will be a huge victory for working class Americans of all
races, and a huge blow to the Democratic Party, which since the Clinton
presidency has embraced the idea favored by corporate America that shipping
production overseas to cheap labor countries was sound economic policy. Trump
also spoke during the campaign of the need to raise the minimum wage, and in
years past even supported a tax on wealth. If he does either or both of those
things he will be a working class hero. But then, there's no telling whether
he was just campaigning, and will forget these ideas once in power.

Of course, there is no denying that Americans have elected a racist,
misogynist, xenophobic narcissist ..


> <>
> Here's One Reason Why Trump Should Become President: Tulsi Gabbard in 2020


Nov 12, 2016, 9:44:57 PM11/12/16
On 11/12/2016 12:12 PM, Oleg Smirnov wrote:

> "I'm going to make another prediction," he said. ".. They don't want
> Trump as president, because they can't control him. He's unpredictable.
> They'd love to have Pence - an absolutely down-the-line, conservative,
> controllable Republican. And I'm quite certain Trump will give someone
> grounds for impeachment .."

Might be the grass roots working voters have a say in that. Wait and
see..That is our motto.

It is hardly too strong to say that the Constitution was made to guard
the people against the dangers of good intentions. There are men in all
ages who mean to govern well, but *They mean to govern*. They promise to
be good masters, *but they mean to be masters*. Daniel Webster


Nov 12, 2016, 9:45:43 PM11/12/16
That is the survival mode of all professional Politicians.


Nov 12, 2016, 9:55:59 PM11/12/16
Such high praise is thankfully welcome. Too Damned much of this
Politically Correct crap. A bit of honesty is clearly a breath of fresh
air. The damned inbred Democrats have instituted illegal methods of
blocking even the internal thoughts of Americans. There are folks I
don't particularly care for and will not do business with. The Liberal
ass-wipes think it is their mandate to punish me for honesty. I do no
violence unless attacked and I certainly am not rude due to race, color,
or Creed.


Nov 12, 2016, 10:03:34 PM11/12/16
On 11/12/2016 7:50 PM, Oleg Smirnov wrote:
>> <>
>> Here's One Reason Why Trump Should Become President: Tulsi Gabbard in
>> 2020

I want to see only American Veterans or similar running for office in
America. I am tired or the damned aristocrats championed by the parties.
I want someone who has earned the right by service to America and I
don't mean by a career as a politician sucking up taxpayer dollars.
At leat Donald Trump attended a Military Academy and also went to a
University that specializes in Economics and Business. Not some
pandering slug that is a Communist inspired Community Organizer that is
paid for and owned by George Soros. Think about it..We are going to give
$millions plus a lifetime salary to the Obama's for the mess they made.
Pity the Secret Service that has to keep them alive under all conditions.


Nov 13, 2016, 1:19:27 PM11/13/16
"Oleg Smirnov" wrote in message news:o07u4n$21k$
> <>
> Trump's victory another example of how Electoral College wins are bigger
> than popular vote ones

Popular votes look mighty sumptuous:

Oleg Smirnov

Nov 14, 2016, 7:04:54 PM11/14/16

Why Polls Fail

November 13, 2016

Today I discussed the U.S. election with a friend who studied and practices
statistics. I asked about the failure of the polls in this years presidential
election. Her explanation: The polls are looking at future events but are
biased by the past. The various companies and institutions adjust the polls
they do by looking at their past prognoses and the real results of the past
event. They then develop correcting factors, measured from the past, and apply
it to new polls. If that correcting factor is wrong, possibly because of
structural changes in the electorate, then the new polls will be corrected
with a wrong factor and thus miss the real results.

Polls predicting the last presidential election were probably off by 3 or 5
points towards the Republican side. The pollsters then corrected the new polls
for the Clinton-Trump race in favor of the Democratic side by giving that side
an additional 3-5 points. They thereby corrected the new polls by the bias
that was poll inherent during the last race.

But structural changes, which we seem to have had during this election, messed
up the result. Many people who usually vote for the Democratic ticket did not
vote for Clinton. The "not Clinton" progressives, the "bernie bros" and
"deplorables" who voted Obama in the last election stayed home, voted for a
third party candidate or even for Trump. The pollsters did not anticipate such
a deep change. Thus their correction factor was wrong. Thus the Clinton side
turned out to be favored in polls but not in the relevant votes.

Real polling, which requires in depth-in person interviews with the
participants, does not really happen anymore. It is simply to expensive.
Polling today is largely done by telephone with participants selected by some
database algorithm. It is skewed by many factors which require many
corrections. All these corrections have some biases that do miss structural
changes in the underlying population. ..


Besides that, I believe there might be some fraud. Most of what is related to
the present day American sociology / social science is strongly affected by
the cultist 'liberalism' (as well as historical science and other humanitarian
things). The cultists tend to 'adjust' the reality in order to make it look
better fitting to their agenda and delusion.

> <>
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