Monday Motivation: 100 Creative Writing Prompts for Writers

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Writer's Digest

Apr 5, 2021, 3:06:28 AM4/5/21
In this issue, find 100 creative writing prompts for writers, 5 tips for writing a spy novel, and much more!
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Writers Digest
WD Monday Motivation

100 Creative Writing Prompts for Writers

Because I am an improviser, I get my best writing done when I have some sort of suggestion to get me going. Just like using a suggestion from the audience can give improvisers the setup to begin a scene, a small kernel of an idea is all I need to nudge me in the direction of a productive first draft of a short piece of writing.

(2021 April PAD Challenge: Day 5.)

These ideas mostly come from a small notebook I carry around to jot down ideas whenever they come to me and would probably make no sense to anyone else if they read my notes—such as “that time I put a rubber chicken in my purse and brought it to school” or “letter to that annoying kid Byron in the line at Dollar Tree.” Or sometimes it’s an idea that I’ve been obsessing over recently. Read the full article...


5 Tips for Writing a Spy Thriller Novel

Writing a spy thriller is harder than it appears. Even though I was working in intelligence when I sold my first book, The Taker, it was not a spy novel. All five of my books have a combination of historical fiction and horror or fantasy. Nary a secret agent in sight. It would take me 10 years to crack the code and write my first spy thriller, Red Widow.

(Plot Twist Story Prompts: Prank Pulled.)

If you've got your heart set on being the next Ian Fleming or John LeCarre, the following five tips should give you food for thought. Read More...


This Week in Writing

4/5—Booker T. Washington born 1856
4/5—Saul Bellow died 2005
4/6—Leigh Bardugo born 1975 (8 Bardugo Quotes for Writers)
4/6—Isaac Asimov died 1992
4/7—William Wordsworth born 1770
4/7—Donald Barthelme born 1931
4/9—Charles Baudelaire born 1821
4/10—Joseph Pulitzer born 1847
4/10—Paul Theroux born 1941
4/10—Anne Lamott born 1954
4/11—Kurt Vonnegut died 2007 (Vonnegut on the Shape of Stories)

Robert Brewer

Robert Lee Brewer

Robert Lee Brewer is a senior editor for Writer's Digest and former editor of the Writer's Market book series. He is also the author of Smash Poetry Journal and Solving the World's Problems. Find him on Twitter at @RobertLeeBrewer


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