On Jan 6, 10:38 am, Andi Albrecht <
> On Wed, Jan 5, 2011 at 1:41 AM, dsidlo <
dsi...@gmail.com> wrote:
> > I found that it was possible to reformat a modified token tree using
> > the following...
> > def reformatTokens(tokens):
> > # To reformat the tokenized SQL...
> > sqlX = ""
> > # Convert tokens into strings, and append into 1 string
> > for t in tokens[:]:
> > sqlX = sqlX + str(t)
> > # Use the existing format method to perform reformat
> > print sqlparse.format(sqlX, reindent=True, keyword_case='upper')
> Glad to hear that!
> Instead of appending each token to a string you can simply write
> sqlparse.format(''.join(str(t) for t in tokens), ...)
> > To determine the token type, it seemed easier to use _get_repr_name()
> > instead of match().
> > I needed to perform transformations on 'Identifier' tokens. The text
> > data of these tokens was
> > not available via 'value'; I found it via unicode(tokenVar) instead.
> ah, ok... I've filed a bug report for this as a reminder (issue30).
> > And, to modify an existing token, I found that I had to use the
> > __init__() method because
> > the tokens value is stored via __slots__, which make the values
> > unchangeable in some cases.
> Can you give an example? Did you try to set the value attribute of an
> Identifier? The identifier token may contain a subtoken (Name) and
> somehow changing "value" of identifier is ignored in that
> case. However, the behavior is somewhat unexpected.
You are right. <Identifier...> actually contains a subset of tokens.
In my problem, I am targeting variables that look like
"MetaTable::MetaFld" so that I can transform them
into more complex functions such as regexp_extract(...).
The variables are showing up as <Identifiers because sqlparse treats
'::' as a type cast.
So the fact that the <Identifiers value can't be changed is prob not
an issue.
But it is interesting and seemingly useful that I can at least change
<Identifier as I need to via __init__().
When I change the <Identifier via __init__(). I loose the token list
held by that <Identifier.
But .tokens on the <Identifier token just returns the string that I
init'ed it to.
(Which works for my current needs).
It might be useful to add a method that allows one to change the code
string under a token list such as <Identifier, <Parenthesis, etc..
that would change the string for the token list and reparse/regenerate
the tokens below it. Thus, keeping the token tree correct.
On the other hand, one simply needs to perform:
sqlparse.parse(''.join(str(t) for t in tokens))
to bring all tokens up to date.
> > Finally, I am creating an expression that needs to be added to the
> > where clause of the existing tokenized SQL.
> > I need to insert this expression in it's tokenized form into existing
> > tokenized SQL.
> > To generate the tokenized form of the machine generated expression I
> > just call sqlparse.parse(expStr) on the
> > expression string. Then I'll manipulate the token structures to
> > perform the insertion...
> > Looks like this library is working out for me... Thanks again.
> Thanks for the feedback!
> -Andi
> > --
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In [1]: import sqlparse
In [2]:
In [3]: sqlstr = " \
...: select \
...: dt, \
...: sv, \
...: userid, \
...: action \
...: from \
...: ( select \
...: _::dt, \
...: _::sv, \
...: trustmw::svuserid, \
...: wfimw::action \
...: from poc \
...: where linedate_p = '2010-11-08' \
...: and trustmw::svuserid > '1000' \
...: and wfimw::action <> 'turnover' \
...: ) a \
...: where linedate_p = '2010-11-08' \
...: and _::sv = 'INFO' \
...: and regexp_replace(_::dt, '([A-Za-z\s\*\%\&\?_]+|[\-\+]?[\d
\.]+|\<\>|\</\>)', '')= '\:\:,\=\-\:\=\=\=' or \
...: group by ftype, sv, userid, action; \
...: "
In [4]: stmnts = sqlparse.parse(sqlstr)
In [5]: stmnt = stmnts[0]
In [6]: stmnt.to_unicode()
Out[6]: u" select \tdt, \tsv, \tuserid, \taction from ( select
\t_::dt, \t_::sv, \ttrustmw::svuserid, \twfimw::action from poc where
linedate_p = '2010-11-08' and trustmw::svuserid > '1000' and
wfimw::action <> 'turnover' ) a where linedate_p = '2010-11-08' and
_::sv = 'INFO' and regexp_replace(_::dt, '([A-Za-z\\s\\*\\%\\&\\?_]+|
[\\-\\+]?[\\d\\.]+|\\<\\>|\\</\\>)', '')= '\\:\\:,\\=\\-\\:\\=\\=\\='
or group by ftype, sv, userid, action; "
In [7]: stmnt.tokens
[<Whitespace ' ' at 0x2af4f20f4908>,
<DML 'select' at 0x2af4f20f4950>,
<Whitespace ' ' at 0x2af4f20f4998>,
<IdentifierList 'dt, s...' at 0x2af4f2100a28>,
<Whitespace ' ' at 0x2af4f20f4cb0>,
<Keyword 'from' at 0x2af4f20f4cf8>,
<Whitespace ' ' at 0x2af4f20f4d40>,
<Parenthesis '( sele...' at 0x2af4f20c8a28>,
<Whitespace ' ' at 0x2af4f20fbd88>,
<Identifier 'a' at 0x2af4f2100398>,
<Whitespace ' ' at 0x2af4f20fbe18>,
<Where 'where ...' at 0x2af4f20e9050>,
<Keyword 'group' at 0x2af4f20fc950>,
<Whitespace ' ' at 0x2af4f20fc998>,
<Keyword 'by' at 0x2af4f20fc9e0>,
<Whitespace ' ' at 0x2af4f20fca28>,
<IdentifierList 'ftype,...' at 0x2af4f2100aa0>,
<Punctuation ';' at 0x2af4f20fcd40>,
<Whitespace ' ' at 0x2af4f20fcd88>]
In [8]: s = stmnt.tokens[11]
In [9]: s
Out[9]: <Where 'where ...' at 0x2af4f20e9050>
In [10]: s.tokens
[<Keyword 'where' at 0x2af4f20fbe60>,
<Whitespace ' ' at 0x2af4f20fbea8>,
<Name 'lineda...' at 0x2af4f20fbef0>,
<Whitespace ' ' at 0x2af4f20fbf38>,
<Comparison '=' at 0x2af4f20fbf80>,
<Whitespace ' ' at 0x2af4f20fbfc8>,
<Single ''2010-...' at 0x2af4f20fc050>,
<Whitespace ' ' at 0x2af4f20fc098>,
<Keyword 'and' at 0x2af4f20fc0e0>,
<Whitespace ' ' at 0x2af4f20fc128>,
<Identifier '_::sv' at 0x2af4f20e98c0>,
<Whitespace ' ' at 0x2af4f20fc248>,
<Comparison '=' at 0x2af4f20fc290>,
<Whitespace ' ' at 0x2af4f20fc2d8>,
<Single ''INFO'' at 0x2af4f20fc320>,
<Whitespace ' ' at 0x2af4f20fc368>,
<Keyword 'and' at 0x2af4f20fc3b0>,
<Whitespace ' ' at 0x2af4f20fc3f8>,
<Function 'regexp...' at 0x2af4f20d86e0>,
<Comparison '=' at 0x2af4f20fc7a0>,
<Whitespace ' ' at 0x2af4f20fc7e8>,
<Single ''\:\:,...' at 0x2af4f20fc830>,
<Whitespace ' ' at 0x2af4f20fc878>,
<Keyword 'or' at 0x2af4f20fc8c0>,
<Whitespace ' ' at 0x2af4f20fc908>]
--- The Identifier actually contains a token list...
In [11]: stmnt.tokens[11].tokens[10]
Out[11]: <Identifier '_::sv' at 0x2af4f20e98c0>
In [12]: stmnt.tokens[11].tokens[10].tokens
[<Name '_' at 0x2af4f20fc170>,
<Punctuation '::' at 0x2af4f20fc1b8>,
<Name 'sv' at 0x2af4f20fc200>]
- Changing the <Identifier token...
In [15]: stmnt.tokens[11].tokens[10].__init__('_::xxxx')
In [16]: stmnt.tokens[11].tokens[10]
Out[16]: <Identifier '_::xxxx' at 0x2af4f20e98c0>
- Changing the token list help by the <Identifier...
In [17]: stmnt.tokens[11].tokens[10].tokens
Out[17]: '_::xxxx'
- Changes to <Identifiers results in expected output...
In [34]: print sqlparse.format(''.join(str(t) for t in stmnt.tokens),
reindent=True, keyword_case='upper')
(SELECT _::dt,
FROM poc
WHERE linedate_p = '2010-11-08'
AND trustmw::svuserid > '1000'
AND wfimw::action <> 'turnover') a
WHERE linedate_p = '2010-11-08'
AND _::xxxx = 'INFO' <------------------------- *** Changed as
expected ***
AND regexp_replace(_::dt, '([A-Za-z\s\*\%\&\?_]+|[\-\+]?[\d\.]+|\<\>|
\</\>)', '')= '\:\:,\=\-\:\=\=\='
GROUP BY ftype,