Next release candidate: Lots of changes to download folder management, Qt 5.9

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Nir Arbel

Aug 11, 2017, 6:28:06 PM8/11/17
I'm itching to release this build as it already fixed a lot of issues for quite a few users, but since it includes changes to very sensitive download folder management code I'm a little wary of releasing it just yet. I'm hoping you guys can try it out and let me know if you run into any new problems or whether it works well for you. Changes include:
  • Remote folder structures with more than one level of subfolders should now be properly recreated locally, and not flattened as before.
  • By default, the top-level folder for each download is the name of the user the file was downloaded from. Thank you grinsanscat for suggesting this! The behavior can be turned off under Options->File Sharing.
  • Files with illegal filename characters should now properly download on Windows.
  • All empty subfolders in the 'downloading' folder are now erased after every download.
  • Close all searches button. Also thanks to grinsanscat!
  • Qt 5.9.1 seems to work better for a number of Windows 10 users.
  • First time using AppImage for the Linux build! Hopefully works on most Linux distributions.
11/21: Rolled back to Qt 5.8 for the Mac build due to a yet unresolved UI bug. Other updates since the 7/29 build include minor fixes discussed in this thread.
12/21: Many users confirm Qt 5.9 works much better on OSX. The Mac build posted below uses 5.9 again, which means tab titles are back to looking screwed up. Hopefully this'll be fixed in Qt soon.

Let me know!

Thanks, Nir


Aug 12, 2017, 6:42:34 AM8/12/17
to Soulseek Technical Discussion
Hello Nir. Can you publish Linux build?

Aug 12, 2017, 11:16:56 AM8/12/17
to Soulseek Technical Discussion
Will there be a new linux build with this release?


Aug 13, 2017, 1:39:34 AM8/13/17
to Soulseek Technical Discussion
The good news is that it appears people can now download tracks containing punctuation, so they're getting the message to update their build, obviously.

I did switch off the option to download folders with usernames, but they're still coming through, and some downloaded tracks which initially appear to be missing from the downloads are showing up in the 'Downloading' folder after completing the download itself.

MacOS High Sierra version 10.13 Beta (17A330h)
SoulSeekQT Build 2017.7.29


Aug 13, 2017, 3:13:40 AM8/13/17
to Soulseek Technical Discussion
Would love a Linux build also.

Nir Arbel

Aug 13, 2017, 6:56:53 PM8/13/17
What do you guys think about AppImage, Snap, or Flatpak to make the executable work on different Linux distributions?

Aug 13, 2017, 7:00:27 PM8/13/17
to Soulseek Technical Discussion
Snap is Ubuntu default 16.04.

Nir Arbel

Aug 13, 2017, 7:20:56 PM8/13/17
to Soulseek Technical Discussion
Steve, are you saying newly downloaded files still end up in folders with the username in their path? Were those maybe files that were being downloaded while the setting was turned off?

Nir Arbel

Aug 13, 2017, 7:26:52 PM8/13/17
to Soulseek Technical Discussion
Looking into Snap and AppImage... so far I think AppImage may be better suited for distributing Qt applications. Will post here when I know more.


Aug 13, 2017, 10:00:43 PM8/13/17
to Soulseek Technical Discussion
With snap, the user would need to install the snap with the "--classic" flag, or confinement (sandboxing) would be strict which would prevent the user from accessing or adding files into certain directories, anything onder /media for example. I don't think AppImage has sandboxing.

Nir Arbel

Aug 13, 2017, 10:34:48 PM8/13/17
to Soulseek Technical Discussion
I'm not sure what the real world advantages for SoulseekQt would be with sandboxing and those security features. If I understand correctly, I can use the Qt Linux deployment tool to put the SoulseekQt executable and all the libraries it needs in one folder, then bundle the folder into a single executable using AppImage that the user can run on almost any Linux distribution without any extra tools. I also love the idea of not having to build Qt statically every time they release a new version. Will experiment more with this later today and tomorrow.


Aug 14, 2017, 12:38:01 AM8/14/17
to Soulseek Technical Discussion
I agree. I don't need sandboxing for SoulseekQt. What I meant was it would be confusing with the sandboxing security features if they installed the snap normally, because some people (like me) store music in /media and it wouldn't allow access to those directories. So the user would have to install it with the "--classic" flag. So AppImage makes more sense.

Nir Arbel

Aug 14, 2017, 12:42:13 AM8/14/17
to Soulseek Technical Discussion
Oh I see! Awesome, I'll try AppImage.


Aug 14, 2017, 2:58:43 AM8/14/17
to Soulseek Technical Discussion
It's OK, they did it once and haven't done it since.  Thank you.


Aug 14, 2017, 3:02:32 AM8/14/17
to Soulseek Technical Discussion

I have been getting this, though.  In the search header boxes, there is no 'X' to close the window, and a strange yellow and black 'bomb-like' icon appears!

Aug 14, 2017, 7:47:34 PM8/14/17
to Soulseek Technical Discussion
Thanks!! Keep up the good work!

Nir Arbel

Aug 16, 2017, 1:46:56 AM8/16/17
to Soulseek Technical Discussion
Thanks vitor!

Nir Arbel

Aug 16, 2017, 4:33:39 AM8/16/17
to Soulseek Technical Discussion
Alright! I have the first AppImage built on Ubuntu 16.04. Qt deployment tool wouldn't work on 17.04, but the AppImage runs fine on 16.04, 17.04 and Debian 9. Only 64-bit to start with, but I'll create a 32-bit version if it goes well:

Nir Arbel

Aug 16, 2017, 4:34:29 AM8/16/17
to Soulseek Technical Discussion
Steve, that's the usual flashlight icon for search tabs... are you not seeing any close buttons? Did it run out of room in the search tab bar?


Aug 16, 2017, 10:42:35 AM8/16/17
to Soulseek Technical Discussion
No, no close button.  Doesn't matter whether the search string is short or long.


Aug 16, 2017, 12:17:43 PM8/16/17
to Soulseek Technical Discussion
Works well on Mint 18.2 64bit


Aug 16, 2017, 11:45:50 PM8/16/17
to Soulseek Technical Discussion
The AppImage works great on Ubuntu MATE 17.04.

Aug 18, 2017, 3:58:39 PM8/18/17
to Soulseek Technical Discussion
Hi Nir I also forgot to mention this when you first sent me the Mac build - close buttons on tabs are missing for me too, either getting that flashlight or an empty space where the X would be. Clicking the flashlight or the empty space still closes the tab as expected.

Nir Arbel

Aug 18, 2017, 7:24:41 PM8/18/17
to Soulseek Technical Discussion
*sigh* Yeah, looks like a bug in Qt 5.9.1. Supposedly fixed in the upcoming 5.9.2:

I think Qt 5.9 fixes some other issue on OSX though, might be worth waiting for 5.9.2 before release. Here's a Qt 5.8 build in the meantime:


Aug 20, 2017, 12:14:01 AM8/20/17
to Soulseek Technical Discussion
One bug that I've noticed is that the file counts are missing for most people who are on my userlist.  This is on Windows 10.
Message has been deleted

Kristijonas Latvelis

Aug 22, 2017, 5:12:37 PM8/22/17
to Soulseek Technical Discussion
Hello, I like your idea and I want join for it's development.

Nir Arbel

Aug 23, 2017, 12:06:34 AM8/23/17
to Soulseek Technical Discussion
Anyone else having a problem with missing file counts in the user list? I'm seeing file counts for everyone on my list.

Nir Arbel

Aug 24, 2017, 1:16:52 AM8/24/17
to Soulseek Technical Discussion
Thank you for offering Kr1st1s, I'm not looking for help right now.


Aug 25, 2017, 4:34:57 PM8/25/17
to Soulseek Technical Discussion
no problems here on win7 (at least as far as i can tell, but i'm not hardcore user lately)
i might try it also on ubuntu based distro, however there i prefer to use windows version under wine (better tray icon support if i recall correctly)

Thank You for coding!


Aug 26, 2017, 5:41:09 PM8/26/17
to Soulseek Technical Discussion
Posted this some time ago in another thread, now this user have changed his directory name and everything downloads as it should.

Stumbled across similar problem, in my case user (ivstinivs) main share directory is named "__~~[]{}()". Download would not start and show Queued place 171 (this number never change), even tho search and user info Queued uploads was 0. This was using 2017-7-29 version, I tiried Soulseek NS as well and it would loop dowload starting on multiple files and not dowload either.

Hopefully this helps to pin point the issue, should be easy to test witch character is messing with download.

James Bassdrop

Aug 27, 2017, 7:10:07 AM8/27/17
to Soulseek Technical Discussion
I love the username download folders, but unfortunately on the third folder I tried to download it appears to have completely frozen my computer (Windows 7), requiring a hard power off by holding down the computer's power button...

Admittedly, I had quite a bit running on my computer at the time so I can't guarantee with 100% certainty that this caused it, but my computer's uptime was 35 days and was toast within 2-3 minutes of running this build of Soulseek... the very last thing I did before the computer froze was right click on a folder while browsing someone's files and click Download Folder... as soon as the right click menu disappeared, the computer was frozen, with the mouse cursor still beside that folder name.

If it were any other issue, I'd give it another go to confirm, but I don't want to risk data/drive corruption.


Aug 27, 2017, 7:26:01 AM8/27/17
to Soulseek Technical Discussion
Also, I can confirm that the folder was, in fact, added to my queue... but not created until as soon as I started soulseek again (using version 2017.02.20)... seeing as there was no remote queue, seems unlikely that something else crashed the computer within that split second window before beginning the transfer.

Cheers, hope this helps :)

The Scarlet Fire

Aug 27, 2017, 7:39:40 AM8/27/17
to Soulseek Technical Discussion
Hi Nir,

Hope all is well. Thank you for the new Linux app update, I've been testing it for a little while now and have a few things to share back with you. First, I've tried this on my Ubuntu laptop as well as a virtual machine, and both have this issue: I cannot minimize Soulseek. To tray, dock, nothing. The whole GUI just flickers briefly once and each time I hit the minimize button in the upper corner of the GUI. Maximize and exit/close work fine but minimize won't work. Can you reproduce on Ubuntu (mint)?

Also, I am happy to report that I am seeing significantly better performance w/ this build of SSqt. Lower resource usage as well as more responsive user share browsing, etc.

Thanks again for all the work you do for this app.

Aug 27, 2017, 10:49:24 AM8/27/17
to Soulseek Technical Discussion
With this release a lot of my uploads fail with status "local error".
In the terminal window I have this message : "QIODevice::write (QTcpSocket): device not open"
using SoulseekQt-2017-7-29-64bit.AppImage on Ubuntu 17.04

Aug 28, 2017, 12:57:47 AM8/28/17
to Soulseek Technical Discussion
One minor bug I've noticed (not limited to the new build) is the "scroll to" location of the left pane on a "Browse user's files" operation.

Expected behavior is that right pane shows dir contents, while left pane, which is typically a very long list of expanded dirs, would scroll to show the current selection
Observed behavior is that right pane shows dir contents, but left pane is scrolled to a portion of the dir list that does not include currently selected dir

To reproduce:
Right click on a search result, select "Browse user's files"
View switches to "Browse" tab
Split pane view shows dir hierarchy (Left) and dir contents (Right)
Left pane scrolls to a random portion of the dir list that does not include the currently selected dir

Nir Arbel

Aug 28, 2017, 7:37:22 PM8/28/17
to Soulseek Technical Discussion
Hey Scarlet and Psynature,

Your replies in this thread are either empty or deleted for some reason. I posted to the Google Groups product forum describing this issue in case you're curious:

Nir Arbel

Aug 29, 2017, 1:43:05 AM8/29/17
to Soulseek Technical Discussion
Scarlet, I'm not having any issues minimizing SoulseekQt-2017-7-29-64bit.AppImage on either Mint 18.2 (or Ubuntu 16.04). Are you on a different version of Mint?

Nir Arbel

Aug 29, 2017, 1:48:11 AM8/29/17
djsarcastro, it might have been precipitated by the transfer, but there's very little SoulseekQt can do on its on to crash your computer, so there might be something else going on on your machine. Has it happened again since?

Nir Arbel

Aug 29, 2017, 1:57:38 AM8/29/17
to Soulseek Technical Discussion
sylvainfaivre, is this only happening to you with that particular build? Is there a build that's not having this problem?

Aug 29, 2017, 3:59:21 AM8/29/17
to Soulseek Technical Discussion

On Tuesday, August 29, 2017 at 7:57:38 AM UTC+2, Nir Arbel wrote:
sylvainfaivre, is this only happening to you with that particular build? Is there a build that's not having this problem?

Hi, I never had this problem (uploads fail with "local error") with SoulseekQt-2016-1-17-64bit. I've been using it again for a few days because that problem was too annoying.
The message in the terminal window "QIODevice::write (QTcpSocket): device not open" also happens with SoulseekQt-2016-1-17-64bit so it might not be related to the problem. It also happens less often than the upload problem.


Aug 30, 2017, 8:07:13 AM8/30/17
to Soulseek Technical Discussion

hi Nir, here just a tip for dropbox links, if you replace the last 0 with a 1, the link becomes a direct link. 

like this:

The Scarlet Fire

Aug 30, 2017, 8:50:41 AM8/30/17
to Soulseek Technical Discussion
Hi Nir,

I've attached a 1MB mp4 file showing the minimize issue, as well as how the Soulseek logo icon appears in a dock or panel. It's quite pixelated and blurry and blown out. Dock or panel, both look quite skewed.

Did you need an SVG or PNG icon for Soulseek? :)
Wasn't sure if you knew how it looked on Linux. Thank you!

For NIR.mp4

Aug 30, 2017, 2:49:58 PM8/30/17
to Soulseek Technical Discussion
Hi Nir, in fact it seems that I have the failed uploads bug with SoulseekQt-2016-1-17-64bit too, but in this version the status in Soulseek is "aborted" instead of "local error" in the latest release.
Is there anything I can do to help you troubleshoot this ?

Aug 30, 2017, 3:50:30 PM8/30/17
to Soulseek Technical Discussion
On Wednesday, August 30, 2017 at 8:49:58 PM UTC+2, wrote:
Hi Nir, in fact it seems that I have the failed uploads bug with SoulseekQt-2016-1-17-64bit too, but in this version the status in Soulseek is "aborted" instead of "local error" in the latest release.
Is there anything I can do to help you troubleshoot this ?

OK, so I looked into it, and this is not the same problem. Uploads failing with status "aborted", both on SoulseekQt-2016-1-17-64bit and SoulseekQt-2017-7-29-64bit.AppImage, are when a folder name contains characters which are illegal on Windows file system, for example a colon ':'
I could confirm with another user than upgrading to the latest release on the downloader's side fixed this problem.

My other problem with uploads failing with status "local error" is unrelated, and happening only with the latest release. I'm going to try and find a pattern when this happens again.

Aug 30, 2017, 5:18:17 PM8/30/17
to Soulseek Technical Discussion
Something weird I noticed, which is also valid for the previous build on Mac OS (I am running 10.12.6) is that the dock icon will stop working after Mac reboot.   "?" symbol will be displayed, instead and I would have to drag the SoulSeekQt application back into Dock to work.  However, when I start it, it opens another active SoulSeekQt icon in the dock, instead of using the one I just clicked...  Please check it out.

Nir Arbel

Aug 30, 2017, 10:30:52 PM8/30/17
to Soulseek Technical Discussion
tripfog, thanks, good to know. It's actually sending me back to dl=0 in my default browser (probably because of the Dropbox cookie), but in my secondary browser it does indeed download the file directly.

Nir Arbel

Aug 30, 2017, 11:40:30 PM8/30/17
Scarlet, this should let you hide the client on Xfce and keep it in the tray when you close it by toggling 'Minimize to tray on close' in Options->UI.

The 'Minimize to tray' setting is normally hidden and ignored on Linux, but still actually toggled by default. Just re-enabling it would mean other Linux users who upgrade may not be aware that the client no longer shuts down when they close the window (and is only accessible via a potentially non-existent tray), so I had to reimplement it as a new Linux specific setting that's off by default. 

Let me know if you run into any problems!

Thanks, Nir

Nir Arbel

Sep 1, 2017, 2:51:59 PM9/1/17
to Soulseek Technical Discussion
aei, I'm unable to reproduce this on 10.12.6 over here. Looking online it sounds like question marks appear in the dock if the application is moved from where it originally was, but it doesn't sound like you're doing that... not sure if this is relevant to your situation, but you could try removing all SoulseekQt icons from the dock, running SoulseekQt which will show the SoulseekQt icon in the dock again, right click that and select Options->Keep in Dock.
Message has been deleted


Sep 2, 2017, 10:18:18 PM9/2/17
to Soulseek Technical Discussion
On Tuesday, 29 August 2017 01:48:11 UTC-4, Nir Arbel wrote:
djsarcastro, it might have been precipitated by the transfer, but there's very little SoulseekQt can do on its on to crash your computer, so there might be something else going on on your machine. Has it happened again since?

Good news (sorta).. seems to be drive-related on my part, it it ended up happening again earlier while Soulseek wasn't even open... guess it was purely coincidental that the first time it happened was immediately after installing this.

Guess I'll give this build another go then :)

Sep 3, 2017, 8:28:10 AM9/3/17
to Soulseek Technical Discussion
aei, I'm unable to reproduce this on 10.12.6 over here. Looking online it sounds like question marks appear in the dock if the application is moved from where it originally was, but it doesn't sound like you're doing that... not sure if this is relevant to your situation, but you could try removing all SoulseekQt icons from the dock, running SoulseekQt which will show the SoulseekQt icon in the dock again, right click that and select Options->Keep in Dock.
Yes, I tried it a few times e.g. removed SoulseekQt icon from the dock, then ran SoulseekQt, then moved the icon where in the dock it should be and made sure "Keep in dock" was checked.   After reboot, there's always the question mark.   Something else, which might be relevant: if I drag SoulseekQt application over to my dock and then run it, another SoulseekQt icon appears at the end of the dock, making it two icons....   Something is wrong, but I don't know what.  I tried to reset Dock and re-install SoulseekQt, all to no avail.

Any thoughts?

Sep 7, 2017, 6:49:37 AM9/7/17
to Soulseek Technical Discussion
Hello Nir, i tried out your new release but unfortunately i get the same crashes as with the previous ones... I hope you'll be able to fix it sooner or later. Good Luck.

Here is the report :

Process:               SoulseekQt [40058]
Path:                  /Applications/
Identifier:            com.example.SoulseekQt
Version:               0
Code Type:             X86-64 (Native)
Parent Process:        ??? [1]
Responsible:           SoulseekQt [40058]
User ID:               502

Date/Time:             2017-09-06 22:35:33.889 +0200
OS Version:            Mac OS X 10.12.6 (16G29)
Report Version:        12
Anonymous UUID:        6F516B98-A28D-6AA0-9A54-1D7A7AB74523

Sleep/Wake UUID:       FC271F1D-0600-4DE7-9F32-B20375E7C264

Time Awake Since Boot: 620000 seconds
Time Since Wake:       99000 seconds

System Integrity Protection: enabled

Crashed Thread:        10

Exception Type:        EXC_CRASH (SIGABRT)
Exception Codes:       0x0000000000000000, 0x0000000000000000
Exception Note:        EXC_CORPSE_NOTIFY

Application Specific Information:
abort() called

Thread 0:: Dispatch queue:
0   libsystem_kernel.dylib         0x00007fff9cf1c6be close + 10
1   org.qt-project.QtNetwork       0x0000000104b25647 0x104a65000 + 788039
2   org.qt-project.QtNetwork       0x0000000104b22c35 0x104a65000 + 777269
3   org.qt-project.QtNetwork       0x0000000104b0e835 0x104a65000 + 694325
4   org.qt-project.QtNetwork       0x0000000104b0e8c1 0x104a65000 + 694465
5   org.qt-project.QtNetwork       0x0000000104b10104 0x104a65000 + 700676
6   org.qt-project.QtCore         0x0000000104619a81 QMetaObject::activate(QObject*, int, int, void**) + 913
7   org.qt-project.QtCore         0x00000001046223b4 QTimer::timerEvent(QTimerEvent*) + 100
8   org.qt-project.QtCore         0x0000000104612aa0 QObject::event(QEvent*) + 48
9   org.qt-project.QtWidgets       0x0000000103913bdd QApplicationPrivate::notify_helper(QObject*, QEvent*) + 269
10  org.qt-project.QtWidgets       0x00000001039164ac QApplication::notify(QObject*, QEvent*) + 5852
11  org.qt-project.QtCore         0x00000001045e89f4 QCoreApplication::notifyInternal2(QObject*, QEvent*) + 164
12  org.qt-project.QtCore         0x0000000104640326 QTimerInfoList::activateTimers() + 1142
13  libqcocoa.dylib               0x000000010658bde2 0x106564000 + 163298
14       0x00007fff8768d321 __CFRUNLOOP_IS_CALLING_OUT_TO_A_SOURCE0_PERFORM_FUNCTION__ + 17
15       0x00007fff8766e197 __CFRunLoopDoSources0 + 423
16       0x00007fff8766d716 __CFRunLoopRun + 934
17       0x00007fff8766d114 CFRunLoopRunSpecific + 420
18           0x00007fff86bcdebc RunCurrentEventLoopInMode + 240
19           0x00007fff86bcdcf1 ReceiveNextEventCommon + 432
20           0x00007fff86bcdb26 _BlockUntilNextEventMatchingListInModeWithFilter + 71
21               0x00007fff85166a54 _DPSNextEvent + 1120
22               0x00007fff858e27ee -[NSApplication(NSEvent) _nextEventMatchingEventMask:untilDate:inMode:dequeue:] + 2796
23               0x00007fff8515b3db -[NSApplication run] + 926
24  libqcocoa.dylib               0x000000010658c9bf 0x106564000 + 166335
25  org.qt-project.QtCore         0x00000001045e4631 QEventLoop::exec(QFlags<QEventLoop::ProcessEventsFlag>) + 401
26  org.qt-project.QtCore         0x00000001045e9099 QCoreApplication::exec() + 393
27  com.example.SoulseekQt         0x00000001034ddddc main + 3516
28  libdyld.dylib                 0x00007fff9cded235 start + 1

Thread 1::
0       0x00007fff87610991 CFArrayGetValueAtIndex + 97
1       0x00007fff876a9976 __CFSocketManager + 1462
2   libsystem_pthread.dylib       0x00007fff9d00693b _pthread_body + 180
3   libsystem_pthread.dylib       0x00007fff9d006887 _pthread_start + 286
4   libsystem_pthread.dylib       0x00007fff9d00608d thread_start + 13

Thread 2:: Qt bearer thread
0   libsystem_kernel.dylib         0x00007fff9cf1d19e poll + 10
1   org.qt-project.QtCore         0x000000010463d1d0 qt_safe_poll(pollfd*, unsigned int, timespec const*) + 112
2   org.qt-project.QtCore         0x000000010463e845 QEventDispatcherUNIX::processEvents(QFlags<QEventLoop::ProcessEventsFlag>) + 885
3   org.qt-project.QtCore         0x00000001045e4631 QEventLoop::exec(QFlags<QEventLoop::ProcessEventsFlag>) + 401
4   org.qt-project.QtCore         0x000000010441d19e QThread::exec() + 110
5   org.qt-project.QtCore         0x0000000104420e7f 0x1043f5000 + 179839
6   libsystem_pthread.dylib       0x00007fff9d00693b _pthread_body + 180
7   libsystem_pthread.dylib       0x00007fff9d006887 _pthread_start + 286
8   libsystem_pthread.dylib       0x00007fff9d00608d thread_start + 13

Thread 3:: QThread
0   libsystem_kernel.dylib         0x00007fff9cf1d19e poll + 10
1   org.qt-project.QtCore         0x000000010463d380 qt_safe_poll(pollfd*, unsigned int, timespec const*) + 544
2   org.qt-project.QtCore         0x000000010463e845 QEventDispatcherUNIX::processEvents(QFlags<QEventLoop::ProcessEventsFlag>) + 885
3   org.qt-project.QtCore         0x00000001045e4631 QEventLoop::exec(QFlags<QEventLoop::ProcessEventsFlag>) + 401
4   org.qt-project.QtCore         0x000000010441d19e QThread::exec() + 110
5   org.qt-project.QtCore         0x0000000104420e7f 0x1043f5000 + 179839
6   libsystem_pthread.dylib       0x00007fff9d00693b _pthread_body + 180
7   libsystem_pthread.dylib       0x00007fff9d006887 _pthread_start + 286
8   libsystem_pthread.dylib       0x00007fff9d00608d thread_start + 13

Thread 4:: QThread
0   libsystem_kernel.dylib         0x00007fff9cf1d19e poll + 10
1   org.qt-project.QtCore         0x000000010463d380 qt_safe_poll(pollfd*, unsigned int, timespec const*) + 544
2   org.qt-project.QtCore         0x000000010463e845 QEventDispatcherUNIX::processEvents(QFlags<QEventLoop::ProcessEventsFlag>) + 885
3   org.qt-project.QtCore         0x00000001045e4631 QEventLoop::exec(QFlags<QEventLoop::ProcessEventsFlag>) + 401
4   org.qt-project.QtCore         0x000000010441d19e QThread::exec() + 110
5   org.qt-project.QtCore         0x0000000104420e7f 0x1043f5000 + 179839
6   libsystem_pthread.dylib       0x00007fff9d00693b _pthread_body + 180
7   libsystem_pthread.dylib       0x00007fff9d006887 _pthread_start + 286
8   libsystem_pthread.dylib       0x00007fff9d00608d thread_start + 13

Thread 5::
0   libsystem_kernel.dylib         0x00007fff9cf1434a mach_msg_trap + 10
1   libsystem_kernel.dylib         0x00007fff9cf13797 mach_msg + 55
2       0x00007fff8766e434 __CFRunLoopServiceMachPort + 212
3       0x00007fff8766d8c1 __CFRunLoopRun + 1361
4       0x00007fff8766d114 CFRunLoopRunSpecific + 420
5               0x00007fff852b3f02 _NSEventThread + 205
6   libsystem_pthread.dylib       0x00007fff9d00693b _pthread_body + 180
7   libsystem_pthread.dylib       0x00007fff9d006887 _pthread_start + 286
8   libsystem_pthread.dylib       0x00007fff9d00608d thread_start + 13

Thread 6:: QNetworkAccessManager thread
0   libsystem_kernel.dylib         0x00007fff9cf1d19e poll + 10
1   org.qt-project.QtCore         0x000000010463d380 qt_safe_poll(pollfd*, unsigned int, timespec const*) + 544
2   org.qt-project.QtCore         0x000000010463e845 QEventDispatcherUNIX::processEvents(QFlags<QEventLoop::ProcessEventsFlag>) + 885
3   org.qt-project.QtCore         0x00000001045e4631 QEventLoop::exec(QFlags<QEventLoop::ProcessEventsFlag>) + 401
4   org.qt-project.QtCore         0x000000010441d19e QThread::exec() + 110
5   org.qt-project.QtCore         0x0000000104420e7f 0x1043f5000 + 179839
6   libsystem_pthread.dylib       0x00007fff9d00693b _pthread_body + 180
7   libsystem_pthread.dylib       0x00007fff9d006887 _pthread_start + 286
8   libsystem_pthread.dylib       0x00007fff9d00608d thread_start + 13

Thread 7:
0   libsystem_kernel.dylib         0x00007fff9cf1c44e __workq_kernreturn + 10
1   libsystem_pthread.dylib       0x00007fff9d006621 _pthread_wqthread + 1426
2   libsystem_pthread.dylib       0x00007fff9d00607d start_wqthread + 13

Thread 8:
0   libsystem_kernel.dylib         0x00007fff9cf1c44e __workq_kernreturn + 10
1   libsystem_pthread.dylib       0x00007fff9d00648e _pthread_wqthread + 1023
2   libsystem_pthread.dylib       0x00007fff9d00607d start_wqthread + 13

Thread 9:
0   libsystem_pthread.dylib       0x00007fff9d006070 start_wqthread + 0
1   ???                           0x0000010304a2cb20 0 + 1112474307360

Thread 10 Crashed:
0   libsystem_kernel.dylib         0x00007fff9cf1bd42 __pthread_kill + 10
1   libsystem_pthread.dylib       0x00007fff9d009457 pthread_kill + 90
2   libsystem_c.dylib             0x00007fff9ce81420 abort + 129
3   org.qt-project.QtCore         0x000000010440c259 0x1043f5000 + 94809
4   org.qt-project.QtCore         0x000000010440dc27 QMessageLogger::fatal(char const*, ...) const + 231
5   org.qt-project.QtCore         0x000000010463d82f QEventDispatcherUNIXPrivate::QEventDispatcherUNIXPrivate() + 527
6   org.qt-project.QtCore         0x000000010463dfc5 QEventDispatcherUNIX::QEventDispatcherUNIX(QObject*) + 37
7   org.qt-project.QtCore         0x0000000104420ce3 0x1043f5000 + 179427
8   org.qt-project.QtCore         0x0000000104420df3 0x1043f5000 + 179699
9   libsystem_pthread.dylib       0x00007fff9d00693b _pthread_body + 180
10  libsystem_pthread.dylib       0x00007fff9d006887 _pthread_start + 286
11  libsystem_pthread.dylib       0x00007fff9d00608d thread_start + 13

Thread 10 crashed with X86 Thread State (64-bit):
  rax: 0x0000000000000000  rbx: 0x0000000000000006  rcx: 0x00007000049a9c78  rdx: 0x0000000000000000
  rdi: 0x000000000000ed5b  rsi: 0x0000000000000006  rbp: 0x00007000049a9ca0  rsp: 0x00007000049a9c78
   r8: 0x0000000000000040   r9: 0x00007fffa5ce5040  r10: 0x0000000008000000  r11: 0x0000000000000206
  r12: 0x0000610000989960  r13: 0x000000000000ed5b  r14: 0x00007000049aa000  r15: 0x0000610000989938
  rip: 0x00007fff9cf1bd42  rfl: 0x0000000000000206  cr2: 0x00007fffa5ce3128
Logical CPU:     0
Error Code:      0x02000148
Trap Number:     133

Binary Images:
       0x1034d9000 -        0x10380afff +com.example.SoulseekQt (0) <A93C22A3-DC30-358A-8C58-97E6849453A7> /Applications/
       0x103902000 -        0x103d67fff +org.qt-project.QtWidgets (5.9 - 5.9.1) <A4CFEC5D-5488-32B6-B7C8-A6A90493598B> /Applications/
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       0x10a01b000 -        0x10a02eff7 +libqcorewlanbearer.dylib (0) <8C3525B5-212F-33DF-9A7B-33254BD0AA74> /Applications/
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       0x10a2a1000 -        0x10a2a5ff7 +libqmacjp2.dylib (0) <46E82B09-032C-33CC-890E-1AC0941370A5> /Applications/
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    0x7fff84143000 -     0x7fff8415affb  libCGInterfaces.dylib (331.5) <17109679-A284-3C72-AA60-DBA815D3062B> /System/Library/Frameworks/Accelerate.framework/Versions/A/Frameworks/vImage.framework/Versions/A/Libraries/libCGInterfaces.dylib
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    0x7fff9b96e000 -     0x7fff9b97cff7  libbz2.1.0.dylib (38) <ADFA329A-DCE7-356D-8F09-A3168DFC6610> /usr/lib/libbz2.1.0.dylib
    0x7fff9b97d000 -     0x7fff9b9d3ff7  libc++.1.dylib (307.5) <0B43BB5D-E6EB-3464-8DE9-B41AC8ED9D1C> /usr/lib/libc++.1.dylib
    0x7fff9b9d4000 -     0x7fff9b9fdff7  libc++abi.dylib (307.4) <BC271AD3-831B-362A-9DA7-E8C51F285FE4> /usr/lib/libc++abi.dylib
    0x7fff9b9fe000 -     0x7fff9ba0effb  libcmph.dylib (6) <2B5D405E-2D0B-3320-ABD6-622934C86ABE> /usr/lib/libcmph.dylib
    0x7fff9ba0f000 -     0x7fff9ba25fcf  libcompression.dylib (39) <F2726F95-F54E-3B21-BCB5-F7151DEFDC2F> /usr/lib/libcompression.dylib
    0x7fff9ba26000 -     0x7fff9ba26ff7  libcoretls.dylib (121.50.4) <64B1001E-10F6-3542-A3B2-C4B49F51817F> /usr/lib/libcoretls.dylib
    0x7fff9ba27000 -     0x7fff9ba28ff3  libcoretls_cfhelpers.dylib (121.50.4) <1A10303E-5EB0-3C7C-9165-021FCDFD934D> /usr/lib/libcoretls_cfhelpers.dylib
    0x7fff9bae2000 -     0x7fff9bbc7ff7  libcrypto.0.9.8.dylib (64.50.6) <D34E16A7-990A-37A9-933A-DFAA46554EAA> /usr/lib/libcrypto.0.9.8.dylib
    0x7fff9bd65000 -     0x7fff9bdb8ff7  libcups.2.dylib (450) <9950BFCB-7882-33C9-9ECF-CE66773C5657> /usr/lib/libcups.2.dylib
    0x7fff9be35000 -     0x7fff9be35fff  libenergytrace.dylib (15) <A1B040A2-7977-3097-9ADF-34FF181EB970> /usr/lib/libenergytrace.dylib
    0x7fff9be45000 -     0x7fff9be4aff7  libheimdal-asn1.dylib (498.50.8) <A40E3196-235E-34CE-AD9A-8D1AFC5DE004> /usr/lib/libheimdal-asn1.dylib
    0x7fff9be4b000 -     0x7fff9bf3dff7  libiconv.2.dylib (50) <42125B35-81D7-3FC4-9475-A26DBE10884D> /usr/lib/libiconv.2.dylib
    0x7fff9bf3e000 -     0x7fff9c163ffb  libicucore.A.dylib (57166.0.1) <CCD2ED24-3071-383B-925D-8D763BB12A6F> /usr/lib/libicucore.A.dylib
    0x7fff9c169000 -     0x7fff9c16afff  liblangid.dylib (126) <2085E7A7-9A34-3735-87F4-F174EF8EABF0> /usr/lib/liblangid.dylib
    0x7fff9c16b000 -     0x7fff9c184ffb  liblzma.5.dylib (10) <44BD0279-99DD-36B5-8A6E-C11432E2098D> /usr/lib/liblzma.5.dylib
    0x7fff9c185000 -     0x7fff9c19bff7  libmarisa.dylib (5) <9030D214-5D0F-30CB-AC03-902C63909362> /usr/lib/libmarisa.dylib
    0x7fff9c19c000 -     0x7fff9c444ff7  libmecabra.dylib (744.8) <D429FCC9-42A4-38B3-8784-44024BC859EF> /usr/lib/libmecabra.dylib
    0x7fff9c477000 -     0x7fff9c4f1ff3  libnetwork.dylib (856.60.1) <191E99F5-4723-3180-8013-02AF2F9AE4B8> /usr/lib/libnetwork.dylib
    0x7fff9c4f2000 -     0x7fff9c8c4047  libobjc.A.dylib (709.1) <70614861-0340-32E2-85ED-FE65759CDFFA> /usr/lib/libobjc.A.dylib
    0x7fff9c8c7000 -     0x7fff9c8cbfff  libpam.2.dylib (21.30.1) <71EB0D88-DE84-3C8D-A2C5-58AA282BC5BC> /usr/lib/libpam.2.dylib
    0x7fff9c8cc000 -     0x7fff9c8fdfff  libpcap.A.dylib (67.60.1) <F6BC6ED6-AEE4-3520-B248-0C342636E2B0> /usr/lib/libpcap.A.dylib
    0x7fff9c91a000 -     0x7fff9c936ffb  libresolv.9.dylib (64) <A244AE4C-00B0-396C-98FF-97FE4DB3DA30> /usr/lib/libresolv.9.dylib
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    0x7fff9cbc9000 -     0x7fff9cbd6fff  libxar.1.dylib (357) <69547C64-E811-326F-BBED-490C6361BDCB> /usr/lib/libxar.1.dylib
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    0x7fff9ccf1000 -     0x7fff9cd02ff3  libz.1.dylib (67) <46E3FFA2-4328-327A-8D34-A03E20BFFB8E> /usr/lib/libz.1.dylib
    0x7fff9cd11000 -     0x7fff9cd15ff7  libcache.dylib (79) <093A4DAB-8385-3D47-A350-E20CB7CCF7BF> /usr/lib/system/libcache.dylib
    0x7fff9cd16000 -     0x7fff9cd20fff  libcommonCrypto.dylib (60092.50.5) <8A64D1B0-C70E-385C-92F0-E669079FDA90> /usr/lib/system/libcommonCrypto.dylib
    0x7fff9cd21000 -     0x7fff9cd28fff  libcompiler_rt.dylib (62) <55D47421-772A-32AB-B529-1A46C2F43B4D> /usr/lib/system/libcompiler_rt.dylib
    0x7fff9cd29000 -     0x7fff9cd31fff  libcopyfile.dylib (138) <819BEA3C-DF11-3E3D-A1A1-5A51C5BF1961> /usr/lib/system/libcopyfile.dylib
    0x7fff9cd32000 -     0x7fff9cdb5fdf  libcorecrypto.dylib (442.50.19) <65D7165E-2E71-335D-A2D6-33F78E2DF0C1> /usr/lib/system/libcorecrypto.dylib
    0x7fff9cdb6000 -     0x7fff9cde7fff  libdispatch.dylib (703.50.37) <6582BAD6-ED27-3B30-B620-90B1C5A4AE3C> /usr/lib/system/libdispatch.dylib
    0x7fff9cde8000 -     0x7fff9cdedffb  libdyld.dylib (433.5) <9B2AC56D-107C-3541-A127-9094A751F2C9> /usr/lib/system/libdyld.dylib
    0x7fff9cdee000 -     0x7fff9cdeeffb  libkeymgr.dylib (28) <7AA011A9-DC21-3488-BF73-3B5B14D1FDD6> /usr/lib/system/libkeymgr.dylib
    0x7fff9cdef000 -     0x7fff9cdfbfff  libkxld.dylib (3789.70.16) <BD02EF3F-6E09-3A64-AB21-553D5B1D2859> /usr/lib/system/libkxld.dylib
    0x7fff9cdfc000 -     0x7fff9cdfcfff  liblaunch.dylib (972.70.1) <B856ABD2-896E-3DE0-B2C8-146A6AF8E2A7> /usr/lib/system/liblaunch.dylib
    0x7fff9cdfd000 -     0x7fff9ce02ff3  libmacho.dylib (898) <17D5D855-F6C3-3B04-B680-E9BF02EF8AED> /usr/lib/system/libmacho.dylib
    0x7fff9ce03000 -     0x7fff9ce05ff3  libquarantine.dylib (85.50.1) <12448CC2-378E-35F3-BE33-9DC395A5B970> /usr/lib/system/libquarantine.dylib
    0x7fff9ce06000 -     0x7fff9ce07ffb  libremovefile.dylib (45) <38D4CB9C-10CD-30D3-8B7B-A515EC75FE85> /usr/lib/system/libremovefile.dylib
    0x7fff9ce08000 -     0x7fff9ce20ff7  libsystem_asl.dylib (349.50.5) <096E4228-3B7C-30A6-8B13-EC909A64499A> /usr/lib/system/libsystem_asl.dylib
    0x7fff9ce21000 -     0x7fff9ce21ff7  libsystem_blocks.dylib (67) <10DC5404-73AB-35B3-A277-A8AFECB476EB> /usr/lib/system/libsystem_blocks.dylib
    0x7fff9ce22000 -     0x7fff9ceaffef  libsystem_c.dylib (1158.50.2) <E5AE5244-7D0C-36AC-8BB6-C7AE7EA52A4B> /usr/lib/system/libsystem_c.dylib
    0x7fff9ceb0000 -     0x7fff9ceb3ffb  libsystem_configuration.dylib (888.60.2) <BECC01A2-CA8D-31E6-BCDF-D452965FA976> /usr/lib/system/libsystem_configuration.dylib
    0x7fff9ceb4000 -     0x7fff9ceb7fff  libsystem_coreservices.dylib (41.4) <7D26DE79-B424-3450-85E1-F7FAB32714AB> /usr/lib/system/libsystem_coreservices.dylib
    0x7fff9ceb8000 -     0x7fff9ced0fff  libsystem_coretls.dylib (121.50.4) <EC6FCF07-DCFB-3A03-9CC9-6DD3709974C6> /usr/lib/system/libsystem_coretls.dylib
    0x7fff9ced1000 -     0x7fff9ced7fff  libsystem_dnssd.dylib (765.50.9) <CC960215-0B1B-3822-A13A-3DDE96FA796F> /usr/lib/system/libsystem_dnssd.dylib
    0x7fff9ced8000 -     0x7fff9cf01ff7  libsystem_info.dylib (503.50.4) <611DB84C-BF70-3F92-8702-B9F28A900920> /usr/lib/system/libsystem_info.dylib
    0x7fff9cf02000 -     0x7fff9cf24ff7  libsystem_kernel.dylib (3789.70.16) <34B1F16C-BC9C-3C5F-9045-0CAE91CB5914> /usr/lib/system/libsystem_kernel.dylib
    0x7fff9cf25000 -     0x7fff9cf6cfe7  libsystem_m.dylib (3121.6) <86D499B5-BBDC-3D3B-8A4E-97AE8E6672A4> /usr/lib/system/libsystem_m.dylib
    0x7fff9cf6d000 -     0x7fff9cf8bff7  libsystem_malloc.dylib (116.50.8) <A3D15F17-99A6-3367-8C7E-4280E8619C95> /usr/lib/system/libsystem_malloc.dylib
    0x7fff9cf8c000 -     0x7fff9cfe5ffb  libsystem_network.dylib (856.60.1) <369D0221-56CA-3C3E-9EDE-94B41CAE77B7> /usr/lib/system/libsystem_network.dylib
    0x7fff9cfe6000 -     0x7fff9cfefff3  libsystem_networkextension.dylib (563.60.2) <B021F2B3-8A75-3633-ABB0-FC012B8E9B0C> /usr/lib/system/libsystem_networkextension.dylib
    0x7fff9cff0000 -     0x7fff9cff9ff3  libsystem_notify.dylib (165.20.1) <B8160190-A069-3B3A-BDF6-2AA408221FAE> /usr/lib/system/libsystem_notify.dylib
    0x7fff9cffa000 -     0x7fff9d002fe7  libsystem_platform.dylib (126.50.8) <897462FD-B318-321B-A554-E61982630F7E> /usr/lib/system/libsystem_platform.dylib
    0x7fff9d003000 -     0x7fff9d00dff7  libsystem_pthread.dylib (218.60.3) <B8FB5E20-3295-39E2-B5EB-B464D1D4B104> /usr/lib/system/libsystem_pthread.dylib
    0x7fff9d00e000 -     0x7fff9d011ff7  libsystem_sandbox.dylib (592.70.1) <4B92EC49-ACD0-36AE-B07A-A2B8152EAF9D> /usr/lib/system/libsystem_sandbox.dylib
    0x7fff9d012000 -     0x7fff9d013ff3  libsystem_secinit.dylib (24.50.4) <F78B847B-3565-3E4B-98A6-F7AD40392E2D> /usr/lib/system/libsystem_secinit.dylib
    0x7fff9d014000 -     0x7fff9d01bffb  libsystem_symptoms.dylib (532.50.47) <3390E07C-C1CE-348F-ADBD-2C5440B45EAA> /usr/lib/system/libsystem_symptoms.dylib
    0x7fff9d01c000 -     0x7fff9d02fff7  libsystem_trace.dylib (518.70.1) <AC63A7FE-50D9-3A30-96E6-F6B7FF16E465> /usr/lib/system/libsystem_trace.dylib
    0x7fff9d030000 -     0x7fff9d035ffb  libunwind.dylib (35.3) <3D50D8A8-C460-334D-A519-2DA841102C6B> /usr/lib/system/libunwind.dylib
    0x7fff9d036000 -     0x7fff9d05fff7  libxpc.dylib (972.70.1) <BF896DF0-D8E9-31A8-A4B3-01120BFEEE52> /usr/lib/system/libxpc.dylib

External Modification Summary:
  Calls made by other processes targeting this process:
    task_for_pid: 2
    thread_create: 0
    thread_set_state: 0
  Calls made by this process:
    task_for_pid: 0
    thread_create: 0
    thread_set_state: 0
  Calls made by all processes on this machine:
    task_for_pid: 306328
    thread_create: 0
    thread_set_state: 0

VM Region Summary:
ReadOnly portion of Libraries: Total=293.2M resident=0K(0%) swapped_out_or_unallocated=293.2M(100%)
Writable regions: Total=605.3M written=0K(0%) resident=0K(0%) swapped_out=0K(0%) unallocated=605.3M(100%)
                                VIRTUAL   REGION 
REGION TYPE                        SIZE    COUNT (non-coalesced) 
===========                     =======  ======= 
Accelerate framework               128K        2 
Activity Tracing                   256K        2 
CG backing stores                 20.2M        5 
CG image                           492K       17 
CoreAnimation                      120K        9 
CoreUI image data                 2728K       14 
CoreUI image file                  184K        5 
Foundation                           4K        2 
Kernel Alloc Once                    8K        2 
MALLOC                           552.1M       47 
MALLOC guard page                   48K       10 
MALLOC_LARGE (reserved)            100K        2         reserved VM address space (unallocated)
Memory Tag 242                      12K        2 
Memory Tag 251                      12K        2 
STACK GUARD                       56.0M       12 
Stack                             13.1M       12 
VM_ALLOCATE                        336K       16 
__DATA                            32.2M      239 
__GLSLBUILTINS                    2588K        2 
__IMAGE                            528K        2 
__LINKEDIT                       120.5M       26 
__TEXT                           172.6M      235 
__UNICODE                          556K        2 
mapped file                       50.4M       14 
shared memory                     16.4M       14 
===========                     =======  ======= 
TOTAL                              1.0G      670 
TOTAL, minus reserved VM space     1.0G      670 

Model: MacBookPro11,3, BootROM MBP112.0138.B40, 4 processors, Intel Core i7, 2,3 GHz, 16 GB, SMC 2.19f12
Graphics: Intel Iris Pro, Intel Iris Pro, Built-In
Graphics: NVIDIA GeForce GT 750M, NVIDIA GeForce GT 750M, PCIe, 2048 MB
Memory Module: BANK 0/DIMM0, 8 GB, DDR3, 1600 MHz, 0x02FE, -
Memory Module: BANK 1/DIMM0, 8 GB, DDR3, 1600 MHz, 0x02FE, -
AirPort: spairport_wireless_card_type_airport_extreme (0x14E4, 0x134), Broadcom BCM43xx 1.0 (
Bluetooth: Version 5.0.5f1, 3 services, 27 devices, 1 incoming serial ports
Network Service: AirPort, AirPort, en0
Serial ATA Device: APPLE SSD SM0512F, 500,28 GB
USB Device: USB 3.0 Bus
USB Device: Apple Internal Keyboard / Trackpad
USB Device: BRCM20702 Hub
USB Device: Bluetooth USB Host Controller
Thunderbolt Bus: MacBook Pro, Apple Inc., 17.1


Sep 9, 2017, 6:28:48 AM9/9/17
to Soulseek Technical Discussion
i tHINK tha All Ur   probles with  Soulseek  Are Getting Started with   Sys. Op   +  Bad Config aboutports and   Setup With Orfdinary  
    Pc &  RIGHT  config  in windows /  Linux ./  RedHat  /   Mac  ./  or   Better Try like    windows Xp Who Works better just  updating
      all   kind of Fast  settings  just   use  practic          OP     Systems     or  Try to  install all  Drivers to Ports Directory  to work

Nir Arbel

Sep 11, 2017, 2:54:15 PM9/11/17
to Soulseek Technical Discussion
vpcha76, this may have something to do with the number of open sockets. See this post about how to get more information when it crashes:

If you're getting anything in the terminal, please post it here.

Sep 13, 2017, 2:42:44 PM9/13/17
to Soulseek Technical Discussion

I am using 8-30 x64 on Linux Debian testing and the main issue I have is that the memory usage starts going up slowly. In couple days it is using %65 (out of 4b) of my avail memory. When it starts up it is around %20 but the number goes up slowly.

Is there a way to lower the mem use? It gets more and more sluggish as the mem use goes up.


Sep 16, 2017, 7:54:53 AM9/16/17
to Soulseek Technical Discussion
Just posting back. Benn using the latest linux build with appimage. And everything is working flawlessly!

The Scarlet Fire

Sep 16, 2017, 8:27:32 AM9/16/17
to Soulseek Technical Discussion

I've tried the most recent AppImage you sent out and I still seem to have that XFCE minimize issue. It's not working, just the same flickering, window border glitches, etc. - while everything in the SoulseekQt app itself indeed works pretty damn flawlessly here too ;) Thanks man.

Sep 17, 2017, 2:07:33 PM9/17/17
to Soulseek Technical Discussion
Looks like i'll try this download .. my old computer broke that had soulseek . I was lucky to find my password .. looking forward to getting back on Soulseek , Badrockradio

Nir Arbel

Sep 18, 2017, 4:44:33 PM9/18/17
to Soulseek Technical Discussion
Scarlet, are you seeing the minimize to tray on close option? If it's checked you should be able to close the client window instead of minimizing it to hide it. It sounds like there's some very basic compatibility issues between XFCE and Qt, I'm not sure if there's a way to get around them...

Nir Arbel

Sep 18, 2017, 4:47:05 PM9/18/17
to Soulseek Technical Discussion
tiginzade, are you keep a lot of browsed shares or search tabs open? There's a general issue of memory fragmentation that will cause memory consumption to go up over time no matter what. One thing that might work is using a 32-bit version of the client which will halve the size of pointers (of which there are many) in the application. I haven't produced a 32-bit app image yet, and I'm not sure if it'll just run on a 64-bit linux machine but I'll look into it.

Sep 27, 2017, 5:45:01 PM9/27/17
to Soulseek Technical Discussion
There is one quirk I'm wondering about. Let's say a user has a directory called "ThisAlbum" and inside is a directory called "Artwork." When I search for "ThisAlbum," the parent directory is listed in the search results. The child directory is listed underneath it. I use the "show files in folder dialog" option to ensure I'm downloading all the files in a dir. I would expect that when I right click on the parent and select "Download dir", in the files dialog I would see "Artwork" listed there, and it would be added to the download queue. Instead, I need to select "browse dir" and switch to the browse tab to download. (I'd also expect to see the tree represented in the "downloads" tab instead of the flattened view reminiscent of the old D/L behavior) Perhaps this is in place to prevent users accidentally downloading large dir trees?

I'm also still seeing the "browse" bug where the file list doesn't scroll to the correct spot to show the selected dir. Interestingly, if I then click back to the search tab and re-select "Browse dir", then the correct dir will be highlighted.

Besides these minor quirks I've been using this build extensively and am not seeing any issues with folder recreation. Thanks again Nir for all your hard work on this most excellent new build. Viva Soulseek.

Oct 10, 2017, 1:43:01 PM10/10/17
to Soulseek Technical Discussion
Hi Nir,

thank you for good news and for new update.

in this version i have detected one problem. 

Mac Version with QT application Style: Machintosh
The Room Tabs viewed to long.
what could be the problem?


Frankie Zero

Oct 14, 2017, 4:39:26 AM10/14/17
to Soulseek Technical Discussion
Hi, guys.

I don't know if this happened to anybody else, but even after installing this new build, that I had hoped that it wotld correct it, I'm having an old problem.

I'm downloading a large number of files from one single user, and I mean LARGE. I have almost 500 folders in queue (and these include many subfolders, entire discographies, so we're talking many thousands of files).

I constantly keep being "stuck". The downloads stop but remain queued. Usually I have to hit the "retry download" option, individually for each folder so the download starts again.
This seems to work only when I "retry download" for each individual folder at a time. When I do it on the user level, it doesn't seem to do anything.

I'm using Windows 10 Home Edition (64 bit).

Does any one else noticed anythinglike this?
Could it be due to the large number of files being queued on a single user?

@Nir Arbel, keep up the great work. I'm an old time user of Soulseek (over 15 years and counting) and I still consider it the best option for music dowload, especially when it comes to more rare items.


Oct 15, 2017, 5:46:49 PM10/15/17
to Soulseek Technical Discussion
Hi Nir.

Any chance of adding an export feature in a text like notepad file (or whatever suits) of the logs of whats being downloaded?

Instead of making screenshots.

If it's possible it would be great!

No probs if not ;-)

Oct 18, 2017, 2:22:50 AM10/18/17
to Soulseek Technical Discussion
MacOS High Sierra v. 10.13.1 Beta
SoulSeek Qt build 2017.7.29

You should force users to update their SoulSeek clients when an update is available.  Having just spent five whole days tagging and renaming my music folder and subfolders and their contents, taking out punctuation marks from songs just to allow a handful of people to get the music they've been looking for because they're too bone-idle to do a quick program update.  And then some of them have the audacity to complain that I don't share music with users who don't share anything themselves.

Message has been deleted

Oct 19, 2017, 8:16:02 PM10/19/17
to Soulseek Technical Discussion
I am seeing a weird bug where downloads are removed and they unwantedly reappear right away and continue...

Leonardo Giambelluca

Oct 21, 2017, 3:46:58 PM10/21/17
to Soulseek Technical Discussion
hello Nir i tried to contac you via email but no response, again im suffering the same problem, the HDD where i have all my files (about 5TBs) is in constant use under 70% or 80% after setting my share folder, i try to close the app but hangs, im using an internal HDD seagate barracuda pro 10TB, it was solved with the version you send me via email 19-7-2017 but i had to format my computer cause fall creators update (win10) and now that version its showing same problem again, even im trying with 29-7-2017 and still the same... any help?? just to let you know, when i was on 19-7-2017 all my files where at C:\ now i have moved my files from C:\ to another HDD (not the one for windows install), G:\ that could be the problem?? that the files are not on C:\???? anyway many thanks in advance regards!

Nir Arbel

Oct 22, 2017, 9:42:01 PM10/22/17
Hey Leonardo, sorry for not responding sooner, things have been very busy lately. I'm not sure why the problem came back, do I remember correctly that you were using an older version of the client that didn't have this problem? If so, could you try the older build out and see if the problem still happens?

Regarding the files being moved to the G: drive, if it's a slow/external drive there's a chance the indexing process is taking a very long time to complete, which might explain the hard drive activity.

The only other help I can offer right now is another build against the just released Qt 5.9.2:

Leonardo Giambelluca

Oct 23, 2017, 9:06:20 AM10/23/17
to Soulseek Technical Discussion
hey Nir, yes you right i was using version 19-7-2017, the one you send me via email but at that time all my files was on C:\, now after fall creators update i tranfered all my files to another internal hhd G:\ and i have tried 19-7-2017, 29-07-2017, 22-10-2017, and an older version 22-08-2013, all present the same problem if it a problem at all, maybe it have to do with the files not being on C:\??? dunno, the only version that not have the activity problem is slsk157NS13e.exe... im totally lost here, now im trying to let the version 22-10-2017 open for a while and see if the activity of the hhd seases... its been 20 minutes now and the hhd still at 70% or 80%, like i said i have a huge amount of files between mp3s, DVDs, and BLU-RAYs.. 5TB of a 10TB internal seagate barracuda pro


Oct 26, 2017, 10:55:07 AM10/26/17
to Soulseek Technical Discussion

This download isn't working for me. I talked with you a few months ago about how my laptop doesn't open the application anymore and I was really hoping that this update would help, and it isn't. Is there something I'm doing wrong or some plug-in i deleted on accident? I just want to download music 😭



Oct 29, 2017, 12:20:20 PM10/29/17
to Soulseek Technical Discussion
Apologies if this has been mentioned already...

Downloads from people with * (asterisk) in their username instantly abort, presumably because folder/file names can't contain that character and there's no code in place yet to change it to something else like it does for usernames containing / (forward slash).

Cheers :)

Nir Arbel

Oct 30, 2017, 10:49:47 PM10/30/17
to Soulseek Technical Discussion
Sorry Leonardo, I really have no idea what's causing this. Might be it's scanning your share in the background, or sometimes new Windows versions take a while to "get used" to SoulseekQt before performance evens out...

Nir Arbel

Oct 30, 2017, 10:53:12 PM10/30/17
to Soulseek Technical Discussion
Ahh, thank you djsarcastro, I'll add asterik to the list of replaced characters.


Oct 31, 2017, 1:38:18 AM10/31/17
to Soulseek Technical Discussion
Cheers Nir :)

I've also got a couple of small suggestions/ideas with regards to the folder download dialog window...
  • By default, the focus is on the "Download Selected" button, which is good, but clicking into the "Save to subfolder" box to rename the folder title before downloading automatically switches the focus to the "Cancel" button... not sure how many times I've typed out a new folder name and hit enter to download it but accidentally cancelled it... easily hundreds of times, sometimes I don't even notice it happened.
  • It'd be nice to have the option to use the folder dialog when browsing peoples' files as well, instead of just within the search window... it could either be done as a separate checkbox in the options, or as another choice in the right-click context menu for folders within the Browse tab... e.g. adding a "Download Folder (Dialog)" to the following.

It's a pretty useful feature for staying organized while downloading, to add catalog numbers, release dates, bitrates, etc. while you go instead of figuring it out again once its downloaded... plus it's also good for skipping a few tracks within a folder you want most of.

Anyways, just a thought... Happy Halloween and keep up the good work! :)

Oct 31, 2017, 1:08:45 PM10/31/17
to Soulseek Technical Discussion
dear Nil Arbel, do you know how to fix this problem "Login failed. Reported failure reason: socket error. Please change your login settings in the Options tab and try reconnecting." i keep searching in internet and still it doesn't work

Nov 3, 2017, 11:07:22 AM11/3/17
to Soulseek Technical Discussion
Hey Nir,

I'm currently using SoulseekQt build 2017.10.22 and experienced a weird behaviour.
I've enabled the automatic warning for users not sharing. I go through my chat list and check those users manually by browsing them and when Soulseek can't connect to a user, he gets un-shared. 
But I didn't initiate the unshare. This doesn't happen when said user is online and Soulseek can connect.
Context menu says re-share on those users then and they are also in my unshare list. I doubt this is a feature.

Another issue are occasional crashes, I've already installed drmingw 0.8.2
Sadly it doesn't always trigger.. I only got a crash dump for build 2017.07.29:
SoulseekQt.exe caused an Access Violation at location 0000000061F29089 in module Qt5Gui.dll Writing to location 0000000000000010.

eax=00000000 ebx=02000000 ecx=14b3f888 edx=00200000 esi=00100001 edi=00200000
eip=61f29089 esp=0094b5a0 ebp=00100000 iopl=0         nv up ei pl nz na po nc
cs=0023  ss=002b  ds=002b  es=002b  fs=0053  gs=002b             efl=00010206

AddrPC   Params
61F29089 027B16C0 00000054 0094B608  Qt5Gui.dll!QOpenGLTimeMonitor::qt_metacall
61C9C072 0094BC78 00000002 00000004  Qt5Gui.dll!QTextDocumentPrivate::insert_string
0339CF0A 0094BC78 0000000A 0094BC58  Qt5Widgets.dll!QWidgetTextControl::append
03350628 0065BBAA 529F2C80 0094C96C  Qt5Widgets.dll!QTextEdit::append
00429FEC 0094BC74 00000001 0094BC78  SoulseekQt.exe!0x29fec
004F7313 0094BCF8 00000001 0094BCDC  SoulseekQt.exe!0xf7313
004687FD 00005538 FFFFFFFE 74EB7084  SoulseekQt.exe!0x687fd
005C1AF0 075488C0 00000000 0000001C  SoulseekQt.exe!0x1c1af0
68C7B152 0612135C 00000000 0612133C  Qt5Core.dll!QMetaObject::activate
005BE864 000003E9 0612135C 00000000  SoulseekQt.exe!0x1be864
004451DD 06123A58 00000000 0612133C  SoulseekQt.exe!0x451dd
68B8C1F3 00000000 00000000 00000049  Qt5Core.dll!QIODevice::readyRead
69998FC0 0094C7FC 02A5EA30 02A5DCA0  Qt5Network.dll!QAbstractSocket::resume
699A98AC 0094C7FC 0094C7FC 00000000  Qt5Network.dll!QLocalServer::qt_metacall
031B79AF 00000001 00000000 029D0008  Qt5Widgets.dll!QApplicationPrivate::notify_helper
68AA860F 00000000 00000000 00000000  Qt5Core.dll!QThread::currentThread

Nov 5, 2017, 4:54:04 AM11/5/17
to Soulseek Technical Discussion
i was using the official download SoulseekQt-2017-2-20.exe, having no troubles for the first few weeks.
TCP ports are open it says. then suddenly people have problems browsing my list ( i am online..) and when i want to download files they keep queued
browsed this forum, installed SoulseekQt-2017-7-29.exe and SoulseekQt-2017-10-22.exe but the same problems keep appearing
i portforwarded these ports and also made an exception in the ESET firewall. but this was also done before the troubles
to my knowledge i have not made any changes that could effect these



Nov 5, 2017, 8:44:32 PM11/5/17
to Soulseek Technical Discussion
Does export client data include what you have downloaded or how can I get a log of what I've downloaded ???


Nov 6, 2017, 4:29:02 AM11/6/17
to Soulseek Technical Discussion
Your latest Mac build is the most stable I've used.  Currently running High Sierra 10.3.2 Beta on a dog of a 2009 MacBook with 4GB of RAM.  No quarrels here!

Nir Arbel

Nov 8, 2017, 12:51:08 AM11/8/17
to Soulseek Technical Discussion
Hey sarcastro,

I'm seeing the button focus bug in the download folder dialog, thanks for pointing it out! I have it fixed in the code. I tried repurposing the download folder dialog for use in the browse share view, it's not as simple as I had hoped, especially when it comes to handling subfolders in the downloaded folder. I'll give it some more thought.

Nir Arbel

Nov 8, 2017, 12:58:29 AM11/8/17
to Soulseek Technical Discussion
Hey m4xmuster84, I'm not sure I understand. Is the user getting unshared automatically at some point?

The stack trace in that crash report is incomplete due to the build being a release build, but it looks like it might be related to the diagnostics tabs getting overfilled. If you have diagnostics turned on try turning them off via Options->UI and see if it makes a difference, if not I'll send you a debug version that should give us a more complete stack trace.

Thanks, Nir

Nov 8, 2017, 1:21:34 PM11/8/17
to Soulseek Technical Discussion
Yes, it happens whenever I browse a user via chat list tab and the user has gone offline i.e. soulseek can't connect to him.
If I go back to chat list and open the context menu on him again it says re-share. He is also put on the unshare list.
But as I said it was not "me" who unshared him. This doesn't happen with users who are online, regardless of whether they are sharing with me or not.

I have usually turned diagnostics on and already suspected an issue with overfill. I will disable it and watch out for any crashes.

Nov 9, 2017, 4:40:01 PM11/9/17
to Soulseek Technical Discussion

Nov 9, 2017, 7:25:05 PM11/9/17
to Soulseek Technical Discussion
I share a folder ''X" and set accessibility to "everyone". 
and after that i share folder "Y" and set just "Folder accessible to all user list users" the person who browse my files will not see anything. Normal, it should have seen just the "X" folder.
Somebody have this problem ?


Nov 14, 2017, 7:01:40 AM11/14/17
to Soulseek Technical Discussion
Hey Nir,

Awesome, glad you were able to get that focus glitch figured out!

As for the download folder dialog not being as simple to re-purpose as you'd hoped... sounds about right!  I often struggle with even mundane tasks and can spend hours just troubleshooting a simple misplaced/missing ' character in PHP, so I can only imagine what working with something as complex as Soulseek is like... if it were me, I'd probably have thrown my computer against the wall repeatedly in a fit of rage years ago haha.

Keep up the good work, your ongoing time/effort is always much appreciated :)



Nov 14, 2017, 9:14:08 AM11/14/17
to Soulseek Technical Discussion
Hi Drago,

Any chance that your "X" folder is a subfolder of "Y" on your hard drive?

Nir Arbel

Nov 14, 2017, 6:58:25 PM11/14/17
to Soulseek Technical Discussion
Thank you djsarcastro :) this should take care of the asterisk and download folder focus issues in the meantime:

Cheers, Nir

Nov 14, 2017, 8:37:35 PM11/14/17
to Soulseek Technical Discussion
I've long noticed a bug where the green "downloading" arrows are incorrectly applied to files I'm NOT downloading. For example, I search for "Slayer." User "metal" has 2 folders, "Slayer Anthology" and "Slayer: Bucket of Blood." Both directories have a "folder.jpg" file in them. If I right click one of those directories and choose to download, both "folder.jpg" files will light up and turn green. This happens with any same-named file, no matter the subdirectory. I suspect this is a holdover from the old downloading behavior, where files are seen "flattened"?

Nov 15, 2017, 8:34:07 AM11/15/17
to Soulseek Technical Discussion

First of all thanks so much for your work Nir!

I am a user of slsk from almost the very beginning, and glad to still use it 15 years later, as it is so usefull and well done/build.

But since i passed on kuduntu 17.10 i cannot change the dld folder or share any folders. It seems related to new qt version as you mentionned. But even with the new appimage you proposed it doens't work. 
What can i do? Should i update something like qt? or just wait for a new version of yours? 

Best regards from France, Stephane.

Nir Arbel

Nov 21, 2017, 9:49:46 PM11/21/17
to Soulseek Technical Discussion
@grinsancat Looks like a missing line of code to associate search results with downloads not just by user and filename but also folder :) This should fix it:

The Qt guys fixed the bug that was removing the close button in search tabs, but ruined it in other ways. I posted a bug report ( but for now I'm reverting back to Qt 5.8. Not sure if that rolls back any macOS compatibility updates that may have been part of Qt 5.9. Let me know if you run into any potentially related weirdness.


Nir Arbel

Nov 21, 2017, 9:53:29 PM11/21/17
to Soulseek Technical Discussion
Hey Stephane,

Can you post a screenshot of the Options->File Sharing tab? Are the usual buttons not appearing at the top?

Nov 22, 2017, 3:13:59 PM11/22/17
to Soulseek Technical Discussion
I cant see the windows link, I also can't seem to download off anyone all my downloads are please

Nov 23, 2017, 6:07:11 AM11/23/17
to Soulseek Technical Discussion
Hello Nir,

Why is on my Soolseek I have download yesterday standing "it looks like you're not sharing something before downloading anything from my own shares". Thanks. Because I have set the sharing from my music to everyone and the port is also open. And I see that people uploading music from my files. So I don't understand how comes. And as anecdote I have used Sooseek in the 1980 and remove it I think in 1992 and now I will used again and when it's works I will make a donation I have this also done more often in the past. 




Nov 25, 2017, 11:04:35 AM11/25/17
to Soulseek Technical Discussion
Could you add small feature - import Text file with to Wish List. Line break could be used as seperator for each entry. Thanks.

Nov 25, 2017, 6:12:37 PM11/25/17
to Soulseek Technical Discussion
Works Great so far. I just wish that once you donated to Soulseek, the Star would remain, even if you have to reinstall

Nov 26, 2017, 7:04:00 AM11/26/17
to Soulseek Technical Discussion
Thank you for the release! The Windows download link is not working.

Nov 26, 2017, 7:21:28 PM11/26/17
to Soulseek Technical Discussion
He gave a link for a newer version a few messages up :

Nov 27, 2017, 5:06:21 AM11/27/17
to Soulseek Technical Discussion
Oh, thank you!
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