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The case for the Impeachment of BUSH

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Tom Jigme Wheat

Jul 3, 2007, 4:43:52 PM7/3/07
to alt.politics, soc.culture.china
The Case for the Impeachment of George W. Bush
Chapter 1


Thomas J. Wheat

George W. Bush was never legally elected President in the Florida 2000
elections. Also He was either complicit or inept in preventing the
9/11/01 terrorist attacks. It was his father's administration who put
Osama on the CIA payroll. He ignored multiple warnings that the
terrorists were going to strike. Finally Bush's family history shows
that his grandfather was a banker for adolph hitler, and that Bush was
in Business with James Bath who was in business with Osama Bin Laden's
elder brother, Salem Bin Laden. Bush must be impeached from office. He
is bad for America. He's allowed the NSA to spy on our phonecalls.
Bush will trample civil liberties to cement the Republican
establishment long after he is gone. Consider what would happen if Al
Gore would have won. We would have had two Democrat appointed Supreme
Court Justices. These are lifetime appointments. Presidents'
throughout history have used foreign policy to expand their control
over domestic policy. The White House Administration's War on Terror
is a cloak for partisanship, terrorist blackmail and is an attempt to
salvage the President's failed Domestic agenda.

The Florida 2000 Election Conspiracy
According to Greg Palast and Martin Luther King III Bush gerrymandered
the vote in Florida. In all it is believed that 90,000 eligible black
and Hispanic voters were denied the right to vote. These people were
denied the right to vote because Database Technologies (ChoicePoint)
incorrectly classified these eligible voters as felons. Florida
Secretary of State Kathleen Harris hired Database Technologies. She
was in charge of elections in Florida. Database Tech. was hired
approximately a year before the elections offering a $4.3 million
dollar bid to tabulate votes. The former company who had tabulated the
votes for Florida offered a bid for $5700 dollars.

Essentially, what happened was that if an eligible black voter with no
felonies on his record shared the same surname as another felon both
people were denied the right to vote. It was Kathleen Harris who was
also in charge of Bush's reelection campaign.

Some features of DBT's voting irregularities include for instance
people being charged for future crimes that they never had committed.
For instance take the case of Thomas Alvin Cooper, who was denied the
right to vote in 2000 for a crime he supposedly committed in 2007. All
told some 325 eligible voters were denied the right to vote because of
future crimes they had never committed. Remember Al Gore lost Florida
by 537 votes when the US Supreme Court stopped Florida vote recount.
Out of that some 140,000 ballots were never counted.
Furthermore, 4917 eligible black voters were disqualified from voting
for felonies they never committed and for which DataBase Technologies
had blank conviction dates.

Sources Cited:,12271,824555,00.html

Greg Palast is a reporter for the BBC, the Observer, and the
Manchester Guardian. Also, he is the author of, "The Best Democracy
Money Can Buy," a book about the 2000 elections and multinational
corporate corruption.

Also Check out Alan Dershowitz's book: "Supreme Injustice: How the
High Court Hijacked Election 2000" Dershowitz is a professor
at Harvard Law school.

Background on the Bush family:
The NAZI Connection
Bush's grandfather Prescott Bush was a banker for Adolph Hitler. In
1942 He had his assets in the Union Banking Corporation seized under
the Trading with the Enemy Act. Prescott's Union Banking Corp worked
for Brown Brothers Harriman, which was owned by Nazi Financier Fritz
Thyssen. Bush helped Thyssen move assets through front companies
around the world. Thyssen became wealthy when Hitler decided to rearm
Germany. He had owned the largest steel company in Germany. Bush also
had financial dealings with several German companies who utilized
slave labor from NAZI concentration camps.

For more info:,12271,1312540,00.html

Bush is also the descendant of English royalty on his mother's side.
This country was founded as the result of the tyranny of King George.
According to this Guardian article George Bush is a direct descendant
of William of Normandy. According the guardian, "Mr. Bush has direct
descents from William the Conqueror, Henry II and Charles II according
to Burke's Peerage.",2763,393341,00.html

Bush and the CIA had plenty of warnings to know that Osama Bin Laden
was planning a terrorist attack on American soil. The first warning
that Osama was targeting US government installations was when his Al
Qaeda organization bombed the Khobar towers in Riyadh, Saudi Arabia in
1996. The second warning came in 1998when Osama bombed 2 US embassies
in Nairobi, Kenya and Dar es alaam, Tanzania. The next warning came in
2000, when Osama bombed the US naval ship, the USS Cole.

The Warnings on Bush's Watch
On July 10th 2001, Kenneth Williams an agent with the FBI submitted a
memo to his superiors indicating that agents of Osama Bin Laden were
attending Arizona and Florida flight schools and that they were not
staying long enough to learn how to land. The FBI's Phoenix memo was
classified by the Counter terrorism Division as a low threat priority.
Two of the suspects in Williams's investigation, Hani Hanjour and
Nawaf al Hamzi later crashed flight 77 into the pentagon on 9/11/01.

Excerpt from the memo:

"The purpose of this communication is to advise the Bureau...of the
possibility of a coordinated effort by Usama Bin Laden to send
students to the United States to attend civil aviation
universities...Phoenix has observed an inordinate number of
individuals of investigative interest who are attending or who have
attended civil aviation colleges in the state of Arizona"

"Phoenix believes that it is more than a coincidence that subjects who
are supporters of UBL [Usama Bin Laden] are attending Civil aviation...
colleges in the state of Arizona. As receiving offices are aware,
Phoenix has had significant UBL associates/operatives living in the
state of Arizona conducting activity in support of UBL. Wadih El Hage,
a UBL lieutenant recently convicted for his role in the 1998 bombings
of US embassies in Africa, lived in Tuscon, Arizona for several years
in the 1980's.",8816,238661,00.htmlfix link

fix link

The second warning came when Bush was given a memo, entitled "Bin
Laden Determined to Strike US," in which it underlined that Bin Laden
was planning to "bring the fighting to America." Bush gave the memo
low priority.


"Clandestine, foreign government and media reports indicate Bin Laden
since 1997 has wanted to conduct terrorist attacks in the US."

The declassified version of the Memo is available @

Bush also received warnings from German and Russian intelligence
services. Both The German and Russian sources said terrorists were
planning to hijack planes and that Al Qaeda was planning to attack US


"German Intelligence alerted the Central Intelligence agency,
Britain's MI-6 intelligence service, Israel's Mossad in June 2001 that
Middle Eastern terrorists were training for Hijackings and targeting
American and Israeli interests...Russian President Vladimir Putin has
said publicly that he ordered his intelligence agencies to alert the
United States last summer [2001] that suicide pilots were training for
attacks on US Targets.",2933,53065,00.html

A total lapse in Judgment: The State Department's Visa Express Program
In June of 2001The US State department instituted a new program for
Saudi nationals wanting to visit the US. The Visa Express program did
not require a face to face interview. Most applicants only had to send
off their applications by mail to gain approval. According to Unger
and a US Consular official Jessica Vaughan, the mailing of
applications and approval of visas by mail created a likely scenario
of identity fraud.

Three people who were approved for Visas by the State Department's
Visa Express program in Saudi Arabia, turned out to 9/11 hijackers.
Their names were Abdulaziz Alomari, Khalid Almidhar and Salem Alhazmi.
Alomari with Muhammed Atta at the controls crashed Flight 11 into the
World trade center. Almidhar crashed Flight 77 into the Pentagon.
Alhamzi was on the same flight as Al-midhar.


Unger, Craig. "House of Bush House of Saud," pgs. 231, 247-248, 260

Collusion with other Intelligence sources:
Just as the two jets slammed into the World Trade Center, 5 Israelis,
two of them with ties to Mossad were seen videotaping the terrorist
attacks and were seen celebrating the event. A woman saw the melee and
called the police. By 4 pm the group was arrested. In the van the
police found $4700 dollars, foreign passports and box cutters, the
same used by the terrorist hijackers. After a brief incarceration the
group was deported in November 2001.

A shot in the Dark
According to the Jewish Newspaper, Haaretz, in an article entitled
"Odigo says workers were warned of attack," by Yuval Dror, two
employees of the Odigo received instant messages warning that
terrorist attacks were going to occur a full two hours before they

Source: full URL?

Irony or Prophesy
According to statement posted on former Congressman Christopher Cox's
website on the day of the terrorist attacks, Cox describes that he is
with Paul Wolfowitz and Don Rumsfeld discussing how they could win
enough votes for Bush's defense plan. Cox then says, Donald Rumsfeld
blurted out: "And let me tell you, I've been around the block a few
times. There will be another event." He repeated it with
emphasis""There will be another event." "Within minutes of that
utterance, Rumsfeld's words proved tragically prophetic." Christopher
Cox was the former republican chairman of the House Select Committee
on Intelligence. In 2005 he was appointed by Bush to be the chairman
of the SEC.

The Bush-Bin Laden Connection
According to Judicial Watch a public interst law firm in Washington
D.C. Bush's father worked for the Bin Laden family when he was on the
board of directors of the Carlyle group. The article goes on to
suggest that due to GHW Bush's financial dealings with the Bin Laden
group and the Saudi Arabian government, " raises, in the least a
conflict of interest problem." The article goes on to suggest that
Bush gave the Saudis the 'kid gloves' treatment after 9/11/01 despite
the fact that the majority of the hijakkers were Saudis. Unger himself
supports this assertion by stating, "Over time the Bin Laden's did
business with such icons of western culture as Disney, the Hard Rock
cafe, Snapple, and Porrsche. In the mid-nineties they joined various
members of the House of Saud in becoming business associates with
former Secetary of state James Baker and former President George H.W.
Bush by investing in the Caryle group..."(Unger, 6)

The Judicial Watch article suggests that is possible that the US's
deferential treatment shown to Saudi Arabia could be derived in part
to Bush's father's close relationship with the Saudi regime. Bush II
also had indiect ties to the Saudis in the 1980's. The Saudi's did so
because they were desirous of gaining the Attention of Bush's father
when he was Vice President and later President, by investing in his
son's failing companies, Arbusto and Harken energy. Bush was in
Business with James Bath who was in business with Osama Bin Laden's
elder brother, Salem Bin Laden. As Unger States:"...The Bin Laden's had
only indirect connections to Bush family and its allies. James Bath
the american business representitive of Salem Bin Laden, knew both
George W. Bush and George H.W. Bush. Khalid Bin Mafouz who was close
to the Bin Ladens and the royal family, had helped finance the Houston
Skyscraper for the Texas Commerce Bank, in which James Baker had a
significant stake. He also had ties to Bath." (Unger, 101)

Unger, Craig. "House of Bush House of Saud," Scribner, 2004

The Great Escape
The US government allowed the Bin Laden family to fly out of the
country without being interrogated while all Air traffic had been
grounded in the days after the terrorist attacks. Certaintly this was
a sign of special treatment being accorded to the Bin Laden family by
Bush. Unger states; "On Tuesday, september 18th, at Logan Airport, a
specially reconfigured Boeng 727...had been chartered by the Bin
Ladens and flew 5 passengers, all of them members of the Bin Laden
family, out of the country from Boston."(11) The Bin Laden family was
allowed to leave the country without interrogation and was allowed to
fly when the FAA declared a ban on all privately chartered flights.
"The Commission's report omits the fact that the passenger Learjet
flew from Tampa to Lexington when restrictions on private plans were
still operative. " (Unger, 291)

In conclusion I hope this paper establishes some reasonable doubt in
the minds of Americans concerning the benign qualities of our
president. Consider the fact that Al gore won the popular vote and
Bush had to use the republican dominated Supreme Court to legitimise
his presidency. The fact is that the Bush re election campaign
committed fraud and disenfranchised thousands of african americans.
Also Bush was counting on the Pearl Harbor Syndrome to give him
unlimited power after 9/11. His approval ratings before 9/11 were
40-50% and right after 9/11 they skyrocketed. Now his ratings have
nose dived again and so he searchs for a way to use foreign policy and
terrorist blackmail to make him a leader who circumvents the
democratic process in the name of patriotism.

Tom Jigme Wheat

Jul 9, 2007, 2:18:00 PM7/9/07

Check out Alan Dershowitz's book: "Supreme Injustice: How the High
Court Hijacked Election 2000" Dershowitz is a professor at
Harvard Law school.

Dershowitz essentially argues in his book that the supreme court
decision Bush vs. Gore, 2000) violated the past supreme court ruling
Marbury v Madison 1803 specifically the principle of Judicial review.
He argues that Article II of the US constitution gives state
legislatures the right to determine how they conduct elections.
However he argues that marbury versus madison gives the state
judiciary the right to rule on laws that are contradictory,
essentially the same power enjoyed by the us supreme court. At issue
was the fact that the Florida Supreme court had ruled that pursuant to
the Florida election law principle of Clear voter intent via the
numerous errors by the votomatic machines warranted an extension of
the secretary of state's voter certification deadline by 12 days in
order to conduct a manual recount.

The supreme court in a 5-4 decision ruled on procedural grounds that
this violated article II. It should be noted that the five judges who
voted to stop the recount were all republican appointees. Florida's
clear voter intent law says even if ballots are improperly cast if
there is sufficient evidence to prove voter intent the ballots must be
counted.The certification deadline conflicted with the spirit of clear
voter intent because it made it impossible to conduct a manual recount
when there was strong evidence showing machine malfunction and
confusingly designed ballot cards. Dershowitz argues that according to
the principle of Judicial review the Florida Supreme court acted
within its jurisdiction by extending the voter certification deadline.

Bush filed suit to US supreme court relying on the doctrine of equal
protection from the 14th amendment. He argued that improperly cast
ballots regardless of the circumstances were void and should not be
counted. He argued that to count these ballots would be discriminatory
to him and create a process called voter dilution. Essentially he
argued that only properly submitted ballots should be cast (even
despite the mechanical error of the votomatic machines) and that to
count disqualified ballots would dilute his share of the vote and
thereby violate the Equal protection clause of the 14th amendment.

Dershowitz rightly states that The 14th amendment was originally
created to end discrimination against minority races and that it was
appaling that such a law was used to disenfranchise minorities when it
had been crafted for their benefit. The bush dominated supreme court
used that very same amendment to disenfranchise african american's
from voting. By far the largest number of rejected ballots were cast
by blacks and voters who traditionally voted democrat. It should be
noted that the chief justice william Rehnquist was a strong supporter
of racial seggregation early on in his career. He argued that Plessy
vs. ferguson should be upheld and that brown v board of education was
unconstitutional.(Dershowitz, 142)

179,855 ballots were not counted because of the malfunctioning voting
machines or because in the case of butterfly ballots they were
designed ambigously. Only when the intial manual recount was closing
the gap on the Bush lead did he claim a violation of equal protection.
Furthermore the Supreme court cited no legal precedent for its ruling
in nullyfying the state's rights jurisdiction of the florida supreme
court other than to say Article II had been violated.

It is humorous to acknowlege that republicans always bring up the
state's right argument but in this case they clearly violated the
power of the state court to interpret and rule on conflicting laws.

Also the Newsweek article "The Truth behind the pillars," exposed the
fact that Justice Sandra day O'conner already had a partisan viewpoint
regarding the election. while at a party eyewitness accounts overheard
here saying that Gore's lead in the polls was 'terrible.',12271,824555,00.html

> Out of that some 140,000 ballots were never counted.

> Furthermore, 4917 eligible black voters were disqualified from voting
> for felonies they never committed and for which DataBase Technologies
> had blank conviction dates.
> Sources Cited:


> terrorist attacks were going to occur a full ...
> read more »

Tom Jigme Wheat

Jul 9, 2007, 8:42:16 PM7/9/07
> unconstitutional.(Dershowitz, 142)

> 179,855 ballots were not counted because of the malfunctioning voting
> machines or because in the case of butterfly ballots they were
> designed ambigously. Only when the intial manual recount was closing
> the gap on the Bush lead did he claim a violation of equal protection.
> Furthermore the Supreme court cited no legal precedent for its ruling
> in nullyfying the state's rights jurisdiction of the florida supreme
> court other than to say Article II had been violated.
> It is humorous to acknowlege that republicans always bring up the
> state's right argument but in this case they clearly violated the
> power of the state court to interpret and rule on conflicting laws.
> Also the Newsweek article "The Truth behind the pillars," exposed the
> fact that Justice Sandra day O'conner already had a partisan viewpoint
> regarding the election. while at a party eyewitness accounts overheard
> here saying that Gore's lead in the polls was 'terrible.'
updated link:

> > A shot in the Dark
> > According to the Jewish Newspaper, Haaretz, in an article entitled
> > "Odigo says workers were warned of attack," by Yuval Dror, two
> > employees of the Odigo received instant messages warning that
> > terrorist attacks were going to occur a full ...
> > read more »
...occur a full two hours before they happened.

Source: full URL?

son's failing companies, Arbusto and Harken energy. Bush was in

Business with James Bath who was in business with Osama Bin Laden's

contact: or

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