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Agnes Wife of Sir William Clarell of Aldwark

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John Watson

Feb 25, 2008, 7:26:53 PM2/25/08
Hi all,

In many pedigrees, Agnes wife of Sir William Clarell of Aldwark (ca.
1280 - 1332) is named as the daughter of William Walleis. For
instance, this identification appears in Douglas Richardson's Magna
Carta Ancestry [1]. However I am unable to find any contemporary
references to this William Walleis (or le Waleis or le Waleys) and I
doubt that he existed.

So where did this information come from? The identification of
"William Walleis" seems to have come from a pedigree of the Clarells
produced by Ralph Brooke, York Herald in 1598. A copy of this pedigree
was published in Miscellanea Genealogica et Heraldica in 1912 [2].
This shows "Sir Willm. Clarell of Tykhyll Lord of Aldwarke & Clarehall
married Agnes dot. & heyr of Willm. Wallers or Regat." William
Wallers or Regat seems to have been later transformed into William
Walleis. This is still not much help in trying to identify him.
However, the Nottinghamshire Archives: Foljambe of Osberton: Deeds and
Estate Papers, available on the Access to Archives website
( contains some better clues to the parentage of

On 21 Nov 1322, Robert de Reynbergh and Alice his wife had licence
from the king to to enfeoff William Clarel and Agnes his wife of a
moiety of the manor of Adwick, held in chief as of the honor of
Tickhill and retaining the manor of Somerby, Leicestershire [3 & 4].

There is a deed dated four days later in the Foljambe of Osberton
papers: 24 Nov 1322, Roger (Robert?) Walgrim of Rayneberge and his
wife Alice grant to Sir William Clarel, knight, and his wife Agnes the
manor of Addewick, which he had from Roger son of Sir Nicholas de
Leycestre, together with lands inherited from his mother Matillis

From these documents it would appear that the wife of Sir William
Clarell was Agnes daughter of Robert Walgrim de Rayneberg and his wife
Alice Folenfaut.

The family of Walgrim or Walgrym was settled at a place called
Rayneberg, now called Rainbrow in the parish of Wath-upon-Dearn, and
appears by various deeds in the Foljambe of Osberton papers to have
been called either Walgrim, or de Rayneberg (various spellings), or
Walgrim de Rayneberg. I have a suspicion that the name of Walgrim de
Rayneberg has somehow been transformed into "Wallers or Regat".

The Rayneberg family must have held all or part of the manor of Adwick-
upon-Dearn which was later held by the Clarell and the Fitzwilliam of
Sprotborough families. Hunter in his South Yorkshire was unable to say
how exactly the manor descended to the Clarells [6]. He gives the
earlier part of the descent from Swein fitz Ailric which, using
various clues from the Foljambe of Osberton papers concerning the de
Rayneberg family, can be extended as follows:

Swein fitz Ailric ( - ca. 1129)
Adam fitz Swein
Amabel = Alexander de Crevequer
Cecily de Crevequer = William de Neville
Alexander de Neville
Alexander de Neville = Mascelonia
Juliana de Neville = Ingelram Folenfaut
Alice Folenfaut = Robert Walgrim de Rayneberg
Agnes Rayneberg = William Clarell
Thomas Clarell = Isabel Comyn
William Clarell = Elizabeth de Reygate
Thomas Clarell = Maud Montgomery
Margaret Clarell = John Fitzwilliam

Your comments or corrections would be appreciated.



1. Douglas Richardson, Magna Carta Ancestry (Genealogical Publishing
Company: 2002) p 202
2. W. Bruce Bannerman, ed., Miscellanea Genealogica Et Heraldica,
Fourth Series, Vol IV (1912) p 70
3. Calendar of Patent Rolls, Edward 2, Vol 4, p 219
4. Chancery: Inquisitions Ad Quod Damnum, Henry III to Richard III: C
5. Nottinghamshire Archives: Foljambe of Osberton: Deeds and Estate
Papers [DD/FJ/1/194/7]
6. Joseph Hunter, South Yorkshire, Vol 1 (London: 1828) p 388

Douglas Richardson

Feb 26, 2008, 3:06:36 PM2/26/08
< Your comments or corrections would be appreciated.
< John

Dear John ~

Interesting post.

You've cited the record of a license and a deed above as evidence of
kinship between the Walgrim family and the Clarell family, but neither
record indicates any such relationship. From these documents you
appear to have concluded Agnes, wife of Sir William Clarell, was the
daughter of Robert Walgrim de Rayneberg, for whom you have worked out
an extended pedigree. However, the documents you cite don't support
this assumption or conclusion. Regardless, it good to see you have an
open mind and are considering alternative possibilities.

If Agnes Clarell was truly the "dot. & heyr of Willm. Wallers or
Regat" as stated in the Clarell family pedigree, there should be some
record of this heirship. I recommend you keep looking further for the
Wallers/Walleis or Regat connection. As far as it goes, I doubt Regat
is a misreading of Rayneburg as you have suggested.

Best always, Douglas Richardson, Salt Lake City, Utah

John Watson

Feb 26, 2008, 4:08:50 PM2/26/08

Dear Douglas,

My post was only a summary, and a better idea of the descent of Adwick
between 1280 and 1354 can be gained from a study of the Foljambe of
Osberton papers. If you are wondering how I arrived at my conclusions,
I give you below my notes:

1280: Ingram Folenfaut, lord of Adwick-on-Dearn in right of his wife
Juliana (de Neville)
28 March 1280
1) Ingram Folemfaunt of Adwyk.
2) Emma widow of Wm. called Lord, of Adwyk, and Wm. her son.
(1) to (2) for life all wardships, marriages, reliefs and escheats for
1 tenement in Adwyk held of (1).
Witn.: Nich. de Leycester, Sir Hen. chaplain of Adwyk, Nich. Dun, Adam
de Herligton, etc.
5 Kal. April.
[Nottinghamshire Archives: Foljambe of Osberton: Deeds and Estate
Papers [DD/FJ/1/194/27]

1294: Ingram Folenfaut, lord of Adwick-on-Dearn and his his wife
Juliana rent the manor of Adwick to Sir Nicholas de Leicester for the
life of Ingram Folenfaut.
19 Dec. 1294
1) Ingeram Folemfaunt of Addewyck and wife Juliena.
2) Sir Nich. de Leicester.
For £7 13s 4d p.a. for life of I.F., (1) to (2) manor of (Adwick) and
11 bovates land and meadow, -- wood and 60s. rent in Addewyck,
Mckesburg, Swynton, Tankerlay, Schelmarthorp and Raddeburn.
Witn: Rob. Tilly, John de Cresacre, Stephen de Bella aqua, John le
Vavasour, John de Wynteworte, Alan Bachin of Wath, Adam de Mckesburg,
clerk, etc. At Addewick, Sunday before Xmas, 23 Edw. I.
[Nottinghamshire Archives: Foljambe of Osberton: Deeds and Estate
Papers [DD/FJ/1/194/1]

1295: The grant to Sir Nicholas de Leicester is confirmed by Ingram,
the son of Ingram Folenfaut. Ingram is possibly not the the son of
Ingram and Juliana, since he is not heir to Adwick.
15 Jan. 1294/5
1) Ingram s. of Ingram Folemfaunt.
2) Sir Nich. de Leycestre.
(1) to (2) all premises as above.
Witn.: Stephen de Bella aqua. John de Cresacre, John le Vavasur, Rob.
Tilly, etc.
At Addewick, Sat. after Hilary, 23 Edw. I. Seal.
[Nottinghamshire Archives: Foljambe of Osberton: Deeds and Estate
Papers [DD/FJ/1/194/2]

About 1296: Robert Walgrim of Rayneburg grants some of his land in
Adwick to his brother. He may already be married to the daughter of
Ingram Folenfaut and Juliana. Sir Nicholas de Leicester and Ingram
Folenfaut the son?, are still alive.
n.d. (Edw.I.)
1) Rob. Walgrym of Raynberg, s. of Rob. de W. of Raynberg.
2) Thos. his brother.
(1) to (2) 1 bovate in Addewike, in tail 18d p.a.
Witn.: Sir Nich. de Leycester, kt., Iggram Folemfaunt, Roger de
Woombwell, Nich. Dun, etc.
[Nottinghamshire Archives: Foljambe of Osberton: Deeds and Estate
Papers [DD/FJ/1/194/19]

1297: Sir Nicholas de Leicester and Ingram Folenfaut senior are dead
and Roger, son of Sir Nicholas grants the manor of Adwick to Robert
Walgrim de Rayneberg, (whose wife is the heir of Ingram Folenfaut and
2 June 1297
1) Roger s. and h. of Sir Nich. de Leycester, kt.
2) Rob. Walgrim of Rayneberg.
(1) to (2) manor of Addewick.
Witn.: Sir Roger s. of Thos., Sir Peter de Rotherfeld, Sir Hen.
Tyneslawe, kts., Stephen de Bella aqua, John le Vavasur, etc.
At Addewick, Whit. Sun., 25 Edw. I. Seal.
[Nottinghamshire Archives: Foljambe of Osberton: Deeds and Estate
Papers [DD/FJ/1/194/3]

1299: Ingram Folenfaut was definitely dead.
12 April 1299
1) Juliana widow of Ingeram Folemfaunt of Adderwick.
2) Wm. s. of Wm. le Louerd of Addewick.
(1) to (2) ½ bovate (2)'s father had from Matilda, servant of Wm.
Kyng, in Addewick, and of land called le Stubbyng.
Witn.: Rich. Bastard, Wm. de Herlington, Wm. Squiere, etc.
At Addewick, Palm Sunday.
Frag. seal.
[Nottinghamshire Archives: Foljambe of Osberton: Deeds and Estate
Papers [DD/FJ/1/194/28]

1299 Juliana, widow of Ingram Folenfaut confirms the grant of Roger de
12 April 1299
1) Juliana wid. of Ingeram Folenfaunt.
2) Rob. de Rayneberg.
(1) to (2) all lands he had of Roger de Leycester in Addewick.
Witn.: Wm. de Loverid, Rob. Typion of Boulton, Rich. Bastard.
At Addewick, Palm Sunday, 27 Edw. I.
[Nottinghamshire Archives: Foljambe of Osberton: Deeds and Estate
Papers [DD/FJ/1/194/4]

1303: The name of Robert Walgrim de Rayneberg's wife is Alice.
12 May 1303
1) Wm. Fitzwilliam, kt.
2) Rob. de Raynebergh and wife Alice.
(1) to (2) all lands in Addewyk (1) inherited after death of aunt
Agnes, d. of Thos. Fitzwilliam.
Witn.: John de Donecastre, Rob. Tilly, John de Eland, Ingelram
Folenfaunt, etc.
At Doncaster, Sun. after St. John of Beverley, 31 Edw.I.
Armorial seal.
[Nottinghamshire Archives: Foljambe of Osberton: Deeds and Estate
Papers [DD/FJ/1/194/20]

1332: Robert Walgrim de Rayneberg and his wife Alice grant the manor
of Adwick to Sir William Clarell (son of Robert de Aldwark) and his
wife Agnes.
24 Nov. 1322
1) Roger? Walgrim of Rayneberge (Rainbrow, Wath) and wife Alice.
2) Sir. Wm. Clarel, kt., and wife Agnes.
(1) to (2) manor of Addewick, had from Roger s. of Sir Nicholas de
Leycestre, together with lands inherited from mother Matillis.
Witn.: Sir Adam de Rerisby, kt., John de Gresacre, etc.
Given at Adwick, Wed. before St. Katherine, 1322.
2 seals.
[Nottinghamshire Archives: Foljambe of Osberton: Deeds and Estate
Papers [DD/FJ/1/194/7]

1329: Sir William Clarell and Agnes are still alive.
27 April 1329
1) Wm. le Lord of Addewyk.
2) Sir Wm. Clarell and wife Agnes.
(1) to (2) in tail road or way through middle of court of (2),
recovered from Rob. de Raynebergh by assise of novel disseisin.
At Addewyk, Thurs. after St. George.
[Nottinghamshire Archives: Foljambe of Osberton: Deeds and Estate
Papers [DD/FJ/1/194/31]

1 Dec 1331: Sir William Clarell is still alive
1 Dec. 1331
1) Wm. Clarell, kt.
2) Thos. his son.
(1) to (2) whole rent of tenants in Thorp, Barley and Scoles, with
suit of court in Thorp, rent in Kynehirst and Great and Little Dalton,
and watermill and suit of same in Aldewerk, £10 p.a. Witn.: Wm. le
Lord of Addewik, Nich. Dun, Alan Dun, Rob. Elizot, Rob. Ingram, etc.
At Addewyk, Sun. after St.Andrew, 5 Edw. III.
[Nottinghamshire Archives: Foljambe of Osberton: Deeds and Estate
Papers [DD/FJ/4/32/3]]

March 1332: Sir William Clarell is dead. Agnes his widow grants the
manor of Adwick to Thomas her son, with remainder to his sister Joan,
who is married to John de Stainton. This suggests that Agnes was not
the mother of Robert, the eldest son of Sir William Clarell.
5 March 1332
Grant and counterparts:
1) Agnes, widow of Sir Wm. Clarell, kt.,
2) Thos. her son.
(1) to (2) in tail of manor of Addewyk held of Honour of Tykhill, with
remainder in tail to John de Staynton and wife Johanna. Witn.: Rob.
Haryngsell, John de Woddehall, Wm. le Wavasoure, Wm. Lowrdd, etc. At
Addewyk, Thurs. before St. Gregory Pope.
[Nottinghamshire Archives: Foljambe of Osberton: Deeds and Estate
Papers [DD/FJ/4/32/4-6]]

1332: Sir William Clarell is succeeded by his son and heir Robert.
25 Oct. 1332
1) Nich. Dun of Addewyk.
2) Rob. Clarell, s and h. of Wm. C., kt.
(1) to (2) a "place" of wood formerly belonging to Juliana wife of
Ingelram Folenffaunt, in Addewyk.
Witn.: Wm. Le Lord, Rob. le Taillour, Alan Dun, Rob. Elizot, Rob. de
Blida, clerk, etc.
At Addewyk, Sun. before SS. Simon & Jude, 6 Edw. III.
[Nottinghamshire Archives: Foljambe of Osberton: Deeds and Estate
Papers [DD/FJ/1/194/40]

1334: Robert Clarell's younger brother Thomas is married to Isabel
9 June 1334
1) John de Paldene and wife Alice.
2) Thos. s. of Sir Wm. Clarell, kt., and wife Isabella.
(1) to (2) in tail a messuage 2a. 1r. land and ½a. ½r. meadow in
Addewyk, with remainder to Joan sister of Thos.
Witn.: Wm. le Lord, Nich and Alan Dun, Thos. Shepshank, etc.
At Addewyk, Thurs. before St. Barnabas.
[Nottinghamshire Archives: Foljambe of Osberton: Deeds and Estate
Papers [DD/FJ/1/194/43]

1334: Robert Clarell was married to Isabel.
10 July 1334
1) Rob. de Houton.
2) Rob. Clarel and wife Isabella.
(1) to (2) 12d p.a. from land in Saltrefeld, Tykhull. Witn.: Rob.
deAldewerk, John s. of Nich., Wm. s. of Rob. de Houton, etc. At
Tykhull,Sun. after Translation of St. Thos. [Nottinghamshire Archives:
Foljambe of Osberton: Deeds and Estate Papers [DD/FJ/1/282/18]]

1337: Alice, widow of Robert Walgrim de Rayneburg is still alive.
28 June 1337
Alice, late the wife of Robert de Reynbergh, acknowledges that she
owes to Michael de Wath, clerk, 100l. ; to be levied, in default of
payment of her lands and chattels in co. York.
[Calendar of Close Rolls, Edward III, 1333 - 1337 (HMSO, London: 1898)
p 317]

1338: Maud, daughter of John, son of Robert de Rayneberg, who was
probably a younger brother of the Robert de Rayneberg who married
Alice Folenfaut, releases land to Thomas Clarell.
25 June 1338
1) Matilda d. of John s. of Rob. de Raynbergh.
2) Thos. Clarel.
Peter de Quedale.
Rob. Clarel.
(1) to (2) a messuage and 1 bovate in Addewyk which John Walgrym had
from Matilda widow of Rob. Walgrym.
Witn.: Wm. Scot, kt., Wm. de Bulton, Wm. le Vavasour, etc.
At York, Morrow of St. John Baptist, 12 Edw. III.
Armorial seal of Wm. de Waterton.
[Nottinghamshire Archives: Foljambe of Osberton: Deeds and Estate
Papers [DD/FJ/1/194/24]

1343: Robert Clarell is still alive.
14 Sept. 1343
1) Maud, d. of John Walgrym of Raynbergh.
2) Rob. and Thos Clarell.
(1) to release to (2) and Isabella wife of Rob. tenements in Addewyk
Sir Wm. Clarell, father of (2), had from Rob. Walgrym, grandfather of
At Doncaster, Exalt. of Holy Cross, 17 Edw. III.
2 seals.
[Nottinghamshire Archives: Foljambe of Osberton: Deeds and Estate
Papers [DD/FJ/1/194/25]

1343: Confirmation that Agnes was the daughter of Robert Walgrim de
Rayneberg and probably dead before 1343.
21 Oct. 1343
1) Matilda as above.
2) Thos. Clarell.
(1) to (2) premises as above with reversion of lands held for life by
Agnes d. of Rob. Walgrym.
Witn.: John de la Woodhall, Hugh de Totehill, John Frore, Wm. le
At Doncaster, Tues. after St. Luke, 17 Edw. III.
[Nottinghamshire Archives: Foljambe of Osberton: Deeds and Estate
Papers [DD/FJ/1/194/26]

1354: Robert Clarell was dead without heirs.
26 May 1354
Confirmation of grant.
1) Edward III.
2) Margery de Sutton.
(1) confirms to (2) grant by Queen Philippa of premises late Rob.
Clarell's in Addewyk, Swynton, Tykhill and la Folde which escheated to
Queen on death of R.C. without heirs of body, his next heir John s. of
John de Stokes being outlawed for felony; also (1) to (2) the same in
fee after death of Queen. At Westminster, 28 Edw. III.
[Nottinghamshire Archives: Foljambe of Osberton: Deeds and Estate
Papers [DD/FJ/1/194/15]]



Feb 26, 2008, 5:07:47 PM2/26/08

1354: Robert Clarell was dead without heirs.
26 May 1354
Confirmation of grant.
1) Edward III.
2) Margery de Sutton.
(1) confirms to (2) grant by Queen Philippa of premises late Rob.
Clarell's in Addewyk, Swynton, Tykhill and la Folde which escheated to
Queen on death of R.C. without heirs of body, his next heir John s. of
John de Stokes being outlawed for felony;

I don't see how Robert Clarell's next heir could be John de Stokes

Feb 26, 2008, 6:05:04 PM2/26/08
On Feb 27, 8:08 am, John Watson <> wrote:

> 1343: Confirmation that Agnes was the daughter of Robert Walgrim de
> Rayneberg and probably dead before 1343.
> 21 Oct. 1343
> Release.
> 1) Matilda as above.
> 2) Thos. Clarell.
> (1) to (2) premises as above with reversion of lands held for life by
> Agnes d. of Rob. Walgrym.
> Witn.: John de la Woodhall, Hugh de Totehill, John Frore, Wm. le
> Vavasur.
> At Doncaster, Tues. after St. Luke, 17 Edw. III.
> Seal.
> [Nottinghamshire Archives: Foljambe of Osberton: Deeds and Estate
> Papers [DD/FJ/1/194/26]


Unfortunately, I'm not sure we can identify the Agnes named in the
1343 document as being Agnes, wife of Sir William Clarell.

Agnes the daughter of Robert [Walgrim] de Reynebergh is named in
another primary source:

Calendar of Patent Rolls, 1 August 1318: "Agnes the daughter of Robert
de Reynbergh" complains she was assulted at Adwick and her goods were
carried away (an entry for the same day records the complaint of her
sister Beatrice that she too was robbed at 'Haddewyk Onderne' - ie

Since no husband is named, this suggests that Agnes was unmarried in
1318. Yet it seems that Thomas Clarell, the son of William and Agnes,
was of age by 1338, when he appears to have been acting as a feoffee,
in which case he would have been born before 1318; he was married by

Similarly, the 1343 grant of a reversion held for life by Agnes
daughter of Robert indicates that that Agnes was then still living,
and that the life interest she held was going to revert to Maud
daughter of John (it seems that Agnes was the paternal aunt of Maud).
This also suggests the provision of maintenance for an unmarried

FWIW, in addition to the Foljambe deed of 1322 ("Roger"), and the
PROCAT reference at C 143/160/11 ("Robert") there is also a CPR entry
for 21 November 1322 which seems to confirm that the grantor was
"Robert de Reynbergh, and not Roger.

> 1354: Robert Clarell was dead without heirs.
> 26 May 1354
> Confirmation of grant.
> 1) Edward III.
> 2) Margery de Sutton.
> (1) confirms to (2) grant by Queen Philippa of premises late Rob.
> Clarell's in Addewyk, Swynton, Tykhill and la Folde which escheated to
> Queen on death of R.C. without heirs of body, his next heir John s. of
> John de Stokes being outlawed for felony

If Robert Clarell was not the son of Agnes, but nevertheless held at
Adwick, then William Clarell must have inherited or otherwise acquired
other land there. It is possible that John de Stokes was his next
heir (but for the outlawry) because of the doctrine of the half-blood
- ie Thomas Clarell was passed over since he was only Robert's half-

Cheers, Michael

John Watson

Feb 26, 2008, 6:24:55 PM2/26/08

Hi Will,

Neither do I, unless he had a sister who married Stokes. I don't
think that Agnes was the mother of Robert Clarell. I think that Sir
William Clarell had another wife before Agnes. John de Stokes may
possibly be a relative of this first wife.

Agnes gave the manor of Adwick to her son Thomas, with remainder to
Joan, presumably his sister. She does not give anything to Robert:

5 March 1332: Grant and counterparts: 1) Agnes, widow of Sir Wm.
Clarell, kt., 2) Thos. her son. (1) to (2) in tail of manor of Addewyk
held of Honour of Tykhill, with remainder in tail to John de Staynton
and wife Johanna. Witn.: Rob. Haryngsell, John de Woddehall, Wm. le
Wavasoure, Wm. Lowrdd, etc. At Addewyk, Thurs. before St. Gregory
Pope. [Nottinghamshire Archives: Foljambe of Osberton: Deeds and
Estate Papers [DD/FJ/4/32/4-6]]

However, Sir William Clarell was the father of both Robert and Thomas:

14 Sept. 1343: Covenant. 1) Maud, d. of John Walgrym of Raynbergh. 2)
Rob. and Thos Clarell. (1) to release to (2) and Isabella wife of Rob.
tenements in Addewyk Sir Wm. Clarell, father of (2), had from Rob.
Walgrym, grandfather of (1). At Doncaster, Exalt. of Holy Cross, 17

Edw. III. [Nottinghamshire Archives: Foljambe of Osberton: Deeds and
Estate Papers [DD/FJ/1/194/25]]



John Watson

Feb 26, 2008, 6:33:23 PM2/26/08

Hi Michael,

You may be correct about Agnes and Beatrice de Raynbergh. The father
of Robert de Raynbergh was also called Robert - so they could be
sisters of the Robert who married Alice Folenfaut.

By the way - does anyone know what is the accepted spelling of
Folenfaut? I find a lot of variations on the name. I presume it comes
from the village of Follifoot in the parish of Spofforth. On the other
hand the village may be named after the family.



Feb 26, 2008, 8:22:14 PM2/26/08
On Feb 27, 10:33 am, John Watson <> wrote:
> Hi Michael,
> You may be correct about Agnes and Beatrice de Raynbergh. The father
> of Robert de Raynbergh was also called Robert - so they could be
> sisters of the Robert who married Alice Folenfaut.

Cheers John - I forgot to mention the plurality of Roberts. In fact,
this is what enables us to say that it seems the Agnes mentioned in
1318 and 1343 is not the daughter of Robert and Alice, but of another

From the deeds of 1338-1343 (DD/FJ/1/194/24-26) and the CPR entry for
1.8.1318, we can propose the following:

1. Robert de Raynbergh; issue:

2a. Beatrice, ff 1318
2b. Agnes, ff 1318-1343
2c. John de Raynbergh; issue:

3. Matilda, ff 1338-1343

We can add to this. On PROCAT, we see some debt cases. One of these
is dated 14 February 1315, and refers to a debt owed by Robert de
Raynbergh of Yorkshire, who is now represented by John Raynbergh his
son (C 241/80/94). There are other, earlier debts for "Robert de
Raybergh of Addewyk" (eg C 241/55/16, dated 9 December 1307).

If, as seems likely, this Robert and John can be equated with the
above Robert and John, this indicates that the Robert Reynbergh who
was father of Agnes was dead by 1315 - in which case, he must be a
different man to the Robert who married Alice, the grantors of 1322,
since that Robert and Alice ff 1303-1322.

On the basis of DD/FJ/1/194/24 [wherein Matilda daughter of John son
of Robert conveys an interest in property at Adwick that John had had
from Matilda the widow of Robert], we are probably safe in concluding
that John's father Robert was married to a Matilda.

And on that basis, we can tentatively place Robert the husband of
Alice as another son of Robert and Matilda, since DD/FJ/1/194/7 tells
us that Robert the husband of Alice was the son of a Matilda, and DD/
FJ/1/194/19 refers to "Robert Walgrym de Raynberg son of Robert de
Walgrim de Raynberg [and Thomas his brother]", dated Edward I

This permits the following POSSIBLE stemma:

1. Robert de Reynbergh, dead by 1315; married Matilda. Issue:

2a. Robert de Reynbergh, ff 1303-1322; dead by 1332; married by 1303
Alice, ff 1303-1337

2b. Thomas de Reynbergh, ff Edward I; probably to be identified with
"Thomas, son of Robert de Reynbergh" who received a royal pardon at
the instance of John, Earl of Surrey, "for the death of Ingelram
Folenfaunt" (CPR, 8 April 1310)

2c. Beatrice de Reynbergh, ff 1318

2d. Agnes de Reynbergh, ff 1318-1343

2e. John de Reynbergh, ff 1315; dead by 1338; issue:

3. Matilda de Reynbergh, ff 1338-1343

Under this reconstruction, Robert (ff 1303-1322) could well have been
the son and heir of Robert (dead by 1315), who was probably the one of
that name who acquired the manor of Adwick in 1297; this would account
for the second Robert's being able to dispose of it to the Clarells in

Tempting though the identification seems, though, we still need firm
evidence that Agnes Clarell was the daughter of Robert and Alice.

Cheers, Michael

John Watson

Feb 27, 2008, 2:21:13 AM2/27/08

Hi Michael,

Thank you for your analysis - better than mine. At the moment there is
no direct evidence that Agnes was the daughter of Robert and Alice,
but I have an idea that there may be something in the Nostell priory
or Monk Bretton charters that might give better information, but as I
have no access to either at the present time, I will have to wait.



Feb 28, 2008, 2:13:17 AM2/28/08

My pleasure, John - and thanks to you for sharing your idea, which
remains a good one. It would be interesting to know whether there is
anything relevant in the two cartularies you mention.

By the way, according to the list at pp 309-310 of the 'Booke of
Entries of the Pontefract Corporation' (R. Holmes, Pontefract, 1882),
Dame Agnes Clarell was buried in the church of the Friars Preachers at

Cheers, Michael

Mar 1, 2008, 4:14:48 PM3/1/08
Hi John et al

"There is a deed dated four days later in the Foljambe of Osberton
papers: 24 Nov 1322, Roger (Robert?) Walgrim of Rayneberge and his
wife Alice grant to Sir William Clarel, knight, and his wife Agnes the
manor of Addewick, which he had from Roger son of Sir Nicholas de
Leycestre, together with lands inherited from his mother Matillis

[5]." from your earlier post

If we equate "Matillis" with the Matilda married to the Robert de
Reynbergh, dead by 1315, then Agnes would be daughter of the Robert
who married Alice Folenfaut. A bit of a stretch...........

Doug Smith

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