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Thailand and the Amnesty Bill.

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Nov 5, 2013, 4:36:29 AM11/5/13

Nov 6, 2013, 12:01:03 AM11/6/13

Unless the Thai government withdraw the proposed law, the latest event in Egypts might repeat here...

Nov 6, 2013, 11:01:56 PM11/6/13

Govt given ultimatum on amnesty Protest grows, Pheu Thai withdraws six other bills Published: 7 Nov 2013

Nov 7, 2013, 3:02:16 AM11/7/13
Yingluck takes a gamble, and puts all at risk Published: 7 Nov 2013 at 00.00

Nov 9, 2013, 9:07:42 PM11/9/13

Thailand’s Big Brother Drama

By William Pesek Nov 8, 2013 5:19 AM GMT+0700

“Welcome to the Republic of Thaksin.” You won’t see these words displayed in the customs hall when arriving in Thailand, but the Land of Smiles has indeed morphed into the land of Thaksin Shinawatra.

That should be giving Southeast Asia’s second-biggest economy plenty to frown about. Seven years after the former prime minister was ousted in a coup, Thaksin’s long shadow continues to dominate Thai politics. Since then, the country has seen six prime ministers, the most recent one being Thaksin’s baby sister, Yingluck Shinawatra.

Like many loving siblings, Yingluck looks out for her kin. Recently she tried to ram a get-out-of-jail-free card for Thaksin and other politicians through the parliament -- as big a political blunder as Asia has seen in years. Markets plunged and more than 32,000 people joined demonstrations in the capital and 17 other provinces. This week, Yingluck backed down and agreed to scrap the bill for now.

But anyone who thinks that’s the end of Thailand’s Thaksin nightmare is wrong. The proud and acerbic billionaire, Asia’s answer to Italy’s Silvio Berlusconi, isn’t about to shelve his obsession with returning home, reclaiming the portion of his telecommunications fortune frozen by the state and succeeding his sister. Many fear Yingluck is little more than a placeholder for big bro.

Thaksin’s Ambitions

With his ambitions thwarted for now, the focus has turned to how much money this setback will cost Thaksin. Thais should be worrying instead about how much this political circus is hurting their $366 billion economy. Every day that politicians and policy makers in Bangkok spend obsessing over Thaksin’s return is one that’s not being used to modernize the economy, increase competiveness and avoid the “middle-income trap” that befalls many developing nations and may soon ensnare Thailand.

The politics of personality aren’t confined to Thailand. Asia is awash with larger-than-life populists bigger on charisma and spin than concrete reforms: leaders like Shinzo Abe in Japan, Xi Jinping in China and, in some ways, Benigno Aquino in the Philippines. The same problem afflicts several figures who have yet take the helm, including India’s Rahul Gandhi. All have neglected tough policy work in hopes that a strong personality will be enough to carry them through and bolster their approval ratings.

But Thaksin raised the strategy to an art form, essentially making an entire nation about him. His tenure from February 2001 to September 2006 saw nothing less than the wholesale bastardization of Thai democracy. He neutered its institutions and enriched his family members and cronies in ways that would have made a Russian oligarch blush.

Like former Italian Prime Minister Berlusconi, Thaksin was a powerful tycoon who leveraged his business success to become leader. Thaksin, like Berlusconi, was later accused of bending the government to his will and in alignment with his business interests. He got away with it by literally bribing the rural communities that formed his power base. His “Thaksinomics” program of flooding the hinterlands with cheap loans was never more than Tammany Hall-like doling out of cash for support. The money did nothing to improve the economy’s fundamentals or capacity for innovation.

It’s a strategy Yingluck copied early and often after becoming prime minister in 2011. Take her disastrous rice-subsidy plan, which by the latest estimate has cost $19 billion since October 2011 and over time has recorded losses equivalent to 59 percent of that figure.

Distorted Markets

Thailand is now sitting on two years of export production, which has distorted rice markets in the Mekong River region and cost Thailand the title of world’s biggest rice exporter. What’s depressing is that in that time Thailand could have, say, built a new state-of-the-art airport. Instead Suvarnabhumi Airport, opened the same month in 2006 in which Thaksin was ousted, continues to struggle with capacity constraints that are impeding the all-important tourism market.

Why champion such a debacle? The rice program is sure to pay huge dividends for Yingluck, and by extension Thaksin, come early 2014 when her government may call a snap poll. The hope would be for Yingluck’s party to demonstrate enough of a mandate to resurrect the amnesty bill. To do that, they will need the farmers. Hence the linear focus on boosting rice prices.

It’s frustrating to think where Thailand might be today had the nation not squandered the last seven years on all things Thaksin. By overreaching so spectacularly with the amnesty bill, Yingluck displayed a level of cluelessness that will further hobble her ability to govern.

The bill might have gotten further if it had also applied to people charged with lese-majeste, which mandates prison sentences as long as 15 years for defaming or insulting the king, queen, heir apparent or regent. Instead the bill would have allowed Yingluck’s brother, army officers and former Prime Minister Abhisit Vejjajiva, who faces murder charges for authorizing soldiers to use weapons during unrest in 2010, to walk free -- not average Thais. It left the pro-Thaksin Red Shirts and opponents known as the Yellow Shirts wondering who, or what, they had been fighting for.

It’s time that the Republic of Thaksin became less about one man and more about the aspirations and needs of Thais.

(William Pesek is a Bloomberg View columnist.)

To contact the writer of this article: William Pesek in Tokyo at

To contact the editor responsible for this article: Nisid Hajari at

pheejhmoo เอาหัวชนฝาเหล็กเพื่อเจาะรู

Nov 10, 2013, 3:13:14 PM11/10/13
that country had a record of using military force to solve this type of issue so do not be surprise if THAILAND REPEAT the familiar armed force again. i´m glad i´m several thousand-miles away from that HOT SPOT. if the military had to flood BKK i´ll not be stuck at the airport just waiting for a flight

pheejhmoo เอาหัวชนฝาเหล็กเพื่อเจาะรู

Nov 13, 2013, 3:38:45 PM11/13/13
Just take a look at THAILAND constitution history and we will see that it was in continuous replacement. typically each replacement was made after a military coup. the one i mentioned can be found here:

the constitution is suppose to be stable and the GRAND LAW of the nation YET it was being kick and step over so often in THAILAND let alone those political parties. PROTEST and coup are the NORM. just let them do their NORMAL routine. after a few days they will learn how to settle those issues themselves and the LWG market would be stable for all tourists in that religion. i´ll just need to wait a little over a few months and the region will be back to the normal FUN place for vacation destination especially when my G-FRIEND is in that region. perhaps it is time for me to switch to a G-FRIEND in a different region or move the current GF to different and stable region.

Nov 25, 2013, 1:22:55 AM11/25/13
It's likely that the Pheua Thai Party regime's days are numbered!


Nov 25, 2013, 11:32:56 AM11/25/13
When my family was refugee in Thailand, the Thai government looked down on us and treated us like animals. I just wish that Thailand goes to war and their blood flow into the Chao Phraya river. Thailand is a sin city and it's time to clean up the bad elements. God will punish Thailand big time.


Nov 25, 2013, 1:03:40 PM11/25/13




Her Lao

Nov 25, 2013, 2:41:57 PM11/25/13

Okay, you tell me, Casalao, how's the "revered" Thai king gonna garner his "reverence" or "revere-ness" if he DID NOT have that power you said he has?

What you think people --- the Thais and all these other relatively primitive people and societies who believe in a wise, benevolent, and dutiful "king" or "queen" --- gonna bow to the generalissimo, if he didn't have some fuckin' serious leverage over them?

You gotta think straight and think logically, man!

Look at the silly and totally powerless and pitiful kings, queens, and royalties of backward and primitive societies like England, Norway, Luxemburg, Belgium, Denmark, Spain, Sweden, etc.

Do people bow to those kings and queens? Nah, man.

That's because those kings and queens don't have the SMARTS to keep some of the leverage the Holy King of Thailand has! Thai's king is a demig-god and you and I --- and anyone else who has 2 brain cells --- will pay prison time, if we insult a demi-god living on earth, brother!

All smart Thais say so; all smart Thai politicians say so... in fact, they usually crawl on their knees, when they approach their holy and revered demi-god King Bhumibol Adulyadej... I love seeing people do fuckin' weird things like that in front of each other.

Facetiousness aside, I am with the late physicist Richard Feynman:

I have never been able to understand why people put on funny hats or other childishly decorated objects in their heads or hair, wear strange clothes or robes or dresses, and carry cans, stuffs, or swords .... and EXPECT other humans to bow in front of them AND OTHERS DO.... from "the Pope" to retarded queens and kings and statues of imaginary persons and figures.... the NAKED APE is truly a fascinating, primitive, and infantile species.

After all the heartfelt, pain-on-my-side giggles I do, after the perplexing thoughts I go through.... I still am fascinated by our species stupendously childish, strange, vulgar, and violent behaviors and practices and other natural and learned proclivities...

Nov 25, 2013, 10:37:47 PM11/25/13
The 1986 People Power Revolution in Philippine is about to repeat itself in Thailand...Just wait and see...


Nov 26, 2013, 12:59:12 PM11/26/13
On Monday, November 25, 2013 7:37:47 PM UTC-8, wrote:
> The 1986 People Power Revolution in Philippine is about to repeat itself in Thailand...Just wait and see...



Her Lao

Nov 26, 2013, 3:30:15 PM11/26/13

In other words, it is very TRIBAL. With the King and his military being the most powerful, "behind-the-scene" tribes.

I saw a short documentary on how bullets were sent to competing politicians and I say to myself: Asians are FUCKED UP!, whether we're talking the THEOCRATS, COMMUNISTS or pseudo Democratic-Republican-oriented societies... Each tribe, each region, thinks their little chants, rituals, and fairy tales are THE BIG PICTURE OF THE UNIVERSE... the "correct picture" of reality...


Nov 26, 2013, 5:04:17 PM11/26/13
On Tuesday, November 26, 2013 12:30:15 PM UTC-8, Her Lao wrote:

> In other words, it is very TRIBAL. With the King and his military being the most powerful, "behind-the-scene" tribes.

on the red yellow issue, thailand is almost split in half with the central and south rallying around the yellow shirts and the ISAN and the north rallying around the red shirts. i almost think that at some point in time, thailand will have to split into four new countries to satisfy all the minorities there. the new four countries are: LANNAH, ISAN, NEW SIAM,YALA. i gave YALA as the name of the muslim stronghold in the south because i don't know other names. thailand is almost like former yugoslavia.

Her Lao

Nov 27, 2013, 2:54:12 PM11/27/13

'Tis partly why very brutal, vulgar, and primitive strong man personalities and one-ideology-is-the-best-fit-for-all as well as theocracies are favored by the less developed and backward-looking societies and people....

Because people just can't, just won't, part company with their TRIBAL or REGIONAL idiocy.

Whoever that is able to excited the biggest and most dangerous MOBS almost always run the society... that is, until SOMEONE ELSE, or another group, is able to excited AN EVERN LARGER set of mobs, etc.

That is Thailand.

Nobody gives a flying fuck about any paper/constitution. You change it at-will, when your mob comes to power; AND THE NEXT GROUP OF MOBS change it to fit their own primitive and infantile needs, when they kick your ass out the door. And the NEXT after them do the same thing.

But the Thais are apparently too stupid to know that THAT KIND OF MENTALITY --- where nobody respect their political opponents and simply re-write the fuckin' ruling document whichever way they want, WHEN THEY BRIEFLY OCCUPY the most temporarily powerful offices of the land --- that THAT kind of mentality just doesn't lend itself to long term stability in political development and foundation...

So, in Thailand, in a 10-year stretch, there could be as many as 5 to 20 prime ministers, each being put in and kicked out, at the IMPULSES of a combination of MOBS, the military junta, and the silly Jazz-playing-musician-King...

pheejhmoo เอาหัวชนฝาเหล็กเพื่อเจาะรู

Nov 28, 2013, 11:53:55 AM11/28/13
just the same thing wording it out in different style. THE BIGGER STICK win an rule the LAND who-ever have the bigger group of mobs rule the land at least history goes that way. in THAILAND they showed this point clearly by riding the BIGGEST(elephant)animal to the WAR DURING Neighborhood kicking party. the new era we might see Tanks but back in the old times they use the LARGEST animal as their vehicles of WAR. they might act childish BUT they got it right because the got countries of their own while SMARTER without childish things might not get one for themselves

Nov 28, 2013, 9:59:43 PM11/28/13
The Red shirts are almost irrelevant these days because they could gather for a few thousand of them at Rajamangala National Stadium in Bangkok to show support for the government, the Prime Minister and the Puea Thai Party. Just wait and see how many of them would show up again on November 30th for their BIG protest.

November 24th was the first time in Thailand history that more than a million protesters from all walks of life show up in Bangkok to protest against the Amnesty Bill, abuses, and MEGA corruptions by the current Pheua Thai Party's regime.

I doubt that the current regime would last very long...

pheejhmoo เอาหัวชนฝาเหล็กเพื่อเจาะรู

Nov 29, 2013, 6:51:40 AM11/29/13
perhaps in your dream regarding the current regime because the confidential votes had proved it that the current regime is still stable and strong enough to kick the other party´s bucks into the ocean

Nov 29, 2013, 7:51:20 AM11/29/13
Everyone and the opposition party knew that the no-confidence vote would fail to evict the current regime because the government has majority seats in the parliament, but the protests will. The main reason for such no-confidence vote was to let the Thai people to be aware of too many wrongdoings have been committed and about to be committed by the current regime.

There is no time in history of Thailand that more people would come out to protest against the current regime like the present one, perhaps more than million people.

Just wait and see. I don't think the regime would last very long!

pheejhmoo เอาหัวชนฝาเหล็กเพื่อเจาะรู

Nov 29, 2013, 3:15:15 PM11/29/13
JUST W8 N SEE IS THE WAY TO GO. the protesters will be runing(just like the chicken do when they see a hawk approaching) when the military and TANK is showing up their type of PROTEST

Nov 29, 2013, 8:24:40 PM11/29/13
5555 likely to see the contrary. In this case, the Thai Army tends to support the protesters more than the ruling Peua Thai Party's regime. Only the Police and Red shirt people support the government.

These two days would be the decisive days for the protesters to win or lose...

pheejhmoo เอาหัวชนฝาเหล็กเพื่อเจาะรู

Nov 29, 2013, 11:38:09 PM11/29/13
On Friday, November 29, 2013 7:24:40 PM UTC-6, wrote:
> 5555 likely to see the contrary. In this case, the Thai Army tends to support the protesters more than the ruling Peua Thai Party's regime. Only the Police and Red shirt people support the government.
> These two days would be the decisive days for the protesters to win or lose...

the report so far gave a number of 30,000 was the MAXIMUM number of people in the protest not even close to hundred thousand let alone millions of people. that might be the case when the RED take their case for protest. the ONLY reason is base on the winning of the parliament positions is much larger so it is reasonable that if call upon the RED to show up there will be much more to flood BKK area than the lesser YELLOW. we will just have to W8 N SEE.

Nov 30, 2013, 1:46:06 AM11/30/13
You are not in Thailand. Just look at the photos and just figure out by yourself how many people have shown up...Don't just trust anything reported from the government or any media networks that tend to support the government side.

Do you think the only 30,000 something people would be able to kick the regime out?!
Even the Red Shirts are so scary to come out to meet them in Bangkok!

pheejhmoo เอาหัวชนฝาเหล็กเพื่อเจาะรู

Nov 30, 2013, 11:05:45 AM11/30/13
the armed force can not act in favor of his/her desire. she/he had to follow order from the boss and in case of order the order root usually route to the KING in one way or another. it is all depend on the moots of the KING on which monkey to be kick into the ocean and who to let stay in BKK area. at the end one of them usually get KICK OUT according to history we will just have to WAIT n see.

pheejhmoo เอาหัวชนฝาเหล็กเพื่อเจาะรู

Dec 1, 2013, 7:04:42 AM12/1/13
more advance weapons are showing up such as tear gas and water cannons. if the protest persist into much more dangerous tactics from the YELLOW OR RED the TANKS are not too far away. and at that time someone will be KICK into the ocean i´m glad i am not in BKK waiting for a flight.

Dec 1, 2013, 8:46:55 AM12/1/13
Nah...there would be no tanks and Army coming out coz no one wants the Army to get involved. The protesters think that they would be able to kick the regime out peacefully. So far so good and only some minor clashes between the Red Shirts and the students resulted in 4 deaths and about 50 people injured. And only tear gases and water cannons were used by the police elsewhere to defend their positions.

The Red shirts cancelled their protest supporting the regime after shooting death a few students outside the stadium where the Red Shirts were gathered. They could gather not more than 20,000 people this time to defend the current regime based on my estimate.

The current regime appears to be very close to collapse...

pheejhmoo เอาหัวชนฝาเหล็กเพื่อเจาะรู

Dec 1, 2013, 2:58:57 PM12/1/13
On Sunday, December 1, 2013 7:46:55 AM UTC-6, wrote:
> Nah...there would be no tanks and Army coming out coz no one wants the Army to get involved. The protesters think that they would be able to kick the regime out peacefully. So far so good and only some minor clashes between the Red Shirts and the students resulted in 4 deaths and about 50 people injured. And only tear gases and water cannons were used by the police elsewhere to defend their positions.
after there are dead and injuries are involved in the protest THAN it is pushing the limit of the nation SECURITY force to use all necessary methods to hold the peace even if that mean Tanks have to roll into the city. this method is NOTHING NEW. just W8 N SEE

Dec 1, 2013, 8:20:02 PM12/1/13
But don't expect to see any tanks coming out to help the current regime. Like I mentioned previously the Army tends to support the oppositions...

Wait and see the next episodes...

pheejhmoo เอาหัวชนฝาเหล็กเพื่อเจาะรู

Dec 1, 2013, 8:54:16 PM12/1/13
might be true if the protesters are the Reds but in this case the protesters are the Yellows therefore if ARMY is moving it is to help the POLICE to stop the PROTESTERS from damaging the security of the nation. there will NOT be the case that the ARMY will clash against the POLICE in that case the protesters are the one to suffer the consequence. JUST W8 N SEE.

Dec 1, 2013, 9:23:31 PM12/1/13
You are too far from Thailand and seem to know very little about what is going on there. Whatever you mentioned seems to be in the opposite of what the reality is...Just wait and see brother, the regime will not last for long!

The Army tends to be neutral in this crisis means that they do not support the crack down or help the police cracking down on the protesters which come out in hundreds of thousand if not over millions.

pheejhmoo เอาหัวชนฝาเหล็กเพื่อเจาะรู

Dec 1, 2013, 9:51:33 PM12/1/13
there are already injured people out there and i´m sure the injured person is the protesters and not the POLICE. just keep both eyes open and we will see more dead an injuries accumulate on the protesters side if the protest keep going at this pace. moving the people against a government is to throw eggs against the rocks. the best the people can do is to use the same method that had been used against thaksin by the way of the COURT and ARMY otherwise the eggs that are being thrown is just trying to waste more lives.

you are right on the point that i´m far away but you are the one got it wrong on people vs.the ARMY and POLICE. just W8 N SEE that the next to fall down is the protester and definitely not THE POLICE NOR THE army. THE MORE DEAD AND INJURY the faster the faster the tank will roll into the city. i´m glad i´m far away enough NOT to be in the path of the tanks and the protesters.

Dec 1, 2013, 10:10:02 PM12/1/13
You don't seem to get it. As I said the Army won't help the police and the regime to crack down on the protesters. If the Army wants to protect the regime it would do so long time ago. Currently only the police are still helping the regime because some top guys in the police do not want to lose their positions and interests. But some police forces have already cooperated with the protesters...The police is also in disarray as time goes on...

There is a high probability that the regime would quit by popular force very soon...


Dec 1, 2013, 11:03:56 PM12/1/13
On Sunday, December 1, 2013 7:10:02 PM UTC-8, wrote:
> There is a high probability that the regime would quit by popular force very soon...


Dec 1, 2013, 11:37:57 PM12/1/13
There are many red shirts defected to the anti-government side or do not show up to a major rally in support of the regime at Rajamangala stadium in Bangkok on November 30th, perhaps, found out that the current Peua Thai Party worked in the interest of lining up the Taksin's cronies's pockets and helping Taksin to avoid a two-year jail term for a corruption conviction as the main goals...

Facing the larger number of anti-government protesters which may be as much as more than million people, the Red shirts cancelled their rally, based on my estimation as shown on every TV stations in Thailand, would be no more than 20-25 thousands at most.

The anti-protesters appear to have a high motivation for their protest this time...

pheejhmoo เอาหัวชนฝาเหล็กเพื่อเจาะรู

Dec 2, 2013, 4:30:10 AM12/2/13
On Tuesday, November 5, 2013 3:36:29 AM UTC-6, wrote:
> This seems to be the Bill that looks for BIG trouble again...

whoever sell those tear gas is making a good profit of $

in this VDO protesters are running away and falling. more protest=>injuries=>dead that is the formula there is no other road unless the protesters use the same method they did to thakxin by using the COURT and ARMY. that formula is COURT+ARMY==> no PM for the opposing party or regime just pick the one you like.

Her Lao

Dec 2, 2013, 4:18:02 PM12/2/13
There is always a "time and a place" for everything, every activity, every momentum.

Now, the "Yellow Shirts" have the number and momentum. It WAS the "Red Shirts" a year or two, or three, in the past.

The ARMY's "non-involvement" MAY BE as you said; or it may be as some others have suggested: that after ENDLESS involvement, there seems to be some sense of "maturity" or "maturation" developing within the HEADS of the top officers in charge of the armed forces, too...

After all, THEY look around the world, and the most developed nations/people/societies DO NOT ever have their armed forces backing one faction of the people or another.

Thailand, as a society in transitional development, IS MOVING to become a "developed" status nation/society. If neither people NOR army officers could control THE ARMED FORCES, your society JUST DOESN'T HAVE A CHANCE to become truly developed. Period.

So, again, senior officers in the various branches of the ARMED FORCES must have conferred upon one another... and they must have made some deal, however tentative right now, NOT to be "drawn into popular citizenry protests" of one group or another.

But the ARMED WILL COME OUT in full force, if the protests go beyond the "red shirts" and the "yellow shirts"....

That is, the Thai armed forces will put Thailand into a military junta mode IMMMEDIATELY if the southern provinces of Yala, Pattani, and Narathiwat came out in the tens of thousands.

Of the two branches of 7th century Holy Islam, the Sunnis TEND to be the more radical --- the more primitive --- and Thai Muslims seem to be more Sunni-oriented than Shiite oriented. The American "created" Al Qaida network folks are, for example, Sunni Moslems.

Even very rigid and primitive SHIITES Moslems SEEM to understand that we live in the 21st century, and you CAN'T and you SHOULN'T MAKE OTHERS observe YOUR TRIBAL nonsense. And many Shiites CLERICS seem to tolerate, for example, WESTERN and other non-Moslem WOMEN JOURNALISTS to interview them WITHOUT covering their heads.

That is NOT TRUE of Sunni Moslems, most of whom think RETURNING to the "pure" doctrine of Mohammed and to live like Mohammed lived, in the 7th century, IS THE WAY TO MOVE BACKWARD, to Allah's world.

Sunnis tolerate NO WOMEN --- journalists, non-journalist, Moslem and non-Moslem --- in front of them, if they DONT' COVER THEIR HEAD/HAIR.

The Thai ARMED FORCES will come out, if their Sunni Moslem Thais started congregating in significant numbers in one or two southern provinces... regardless what the "red shirts" or the "yellow shirts" tribes in the northern and eastern provinces do... or do not do...

Thaksin and his little sister are, of course, unbelievably corrupted, like ALL POLITICIANS ARE, in all societies. It's just that Thailand, being a second world status, the corruption is CRUDER and everyone could see it... But, then, again, no Thai politicians is beyond this primitive tactics... or MOB MENTALITY.

The guy just before Thaksin's little sister SEEMED reasonable enough: he more or less took the attitude of most modern politician: I may win or I may very well lose; but if I lose, I lose as a man, as one man. I step out and allow whoever that wins to run the country.

Perhaps he was/is just as corrupt; but that decent attitude gave me some superficial thoughts about his decent disposition.

Perhaps he or some others like him could come to the fore, when the Thaksin family mafia --- literally --- is run out of town, brother and sister together... But, then, of course, the EASTERN Thai folks, the Esan folks, the bulk of the former mighty "red shirts" would now be at the very bottom in the Thai political totem pole, next to the oppressed southern Sunni Moslem Thais...


Dec 2, 2013, 6:26:32 PM12/2/13

On Sunday, December 1, 2013 5:20:02 PM UTC-8, wrote:
> But don't expect to see any tanks coming out to help the current regime. Like I mentioned previously the Army tends to support the oppositions...
If Thai Army tends to support Suthep, we expect to see a CIVIL WAR soon.

I don't know, presonally, my Heart is still with YingLuck and her gov.


Her Lao

Dec 2, 2013, 9:27:00 PM12/2/13

Thailand, the Thais, and their MOB-RULED-government.

The composition of the MOB, of course, changes over time.... as it is usually a combination of the military junta, a certain segment of the populace, the police, a few powerful-and-well-connected politicians and their associates, and the jazz-playing king, or a bigger or small faction of those.

Except for a few political science professors and historians, at a few Thai higher learning universities, the general populace an Thailand, as a while, HAVE NOT LEARNED that if you keep changing governments --- prime ministers --- according to "popular will," virtually ANY DESIRED MOB can be erected, eventually, by a number of well orchestrated groups, USUALLY CONSISTING some slick politician or business people, the police and military and king...

When you start a TRADITION in which the IN-COMING mobs and THEIR politicians, epitomized in the PM, think THE LAST ONE was totally corrupt and that THEY, NOW, must RE-WRITE the Constitution, etc., EVERY NEW INCOMING MOB who seize the government WILL DO THE SAME THING... so the Constitution becomes a silly piece of nothing that NO INDIVIDUAL or group respects...

Dec 2, 2013, 9:30:32 PM12/2/13
I don't know what method of protests the protesters are trying to do, but so far it appears that both sides are not intending to cause severe harms or death on each other although there are few deaths and injuries from clashes. As I mentioned the Army tries to be NEUTRAL meant that it favors the opposition forces more than the government. If the Army comes out, it would be a military coup vis-a-vis the current regime for sure...Not the other way around!

Dec 2, 2013, 10:01:16 PM12/2/13
As an outsider, I have no hate nor love of the current regime and the opposition forces. But corruptions and the abuses of power by the Peua Thai Party led current regime seem to be the cause of all of this. The latest unrest began when the Peua Thai Party tried to ram the controversial amnesty bill through intended to help the fugitive brother of Yingluck, PM, to avoid a two-year jail term and others corruption charges.

The opposition forces considered the regime illegitimate after the Peua Thai Party and its allies refused to acknowledge the power of the Constitution Court.

Democracy, after all, is not only winning the election. The politicians must be ethical or else...
Being elected to the parliament and control the helm of the country does not mean that they could do everything includes unethical things!!!

The parliament members who voted "YES" to the Amnesty Bill and refused to recognize the Constitution Court ruling should feel ashamed and quit. The unethical politicians deserved not to be in that potitions, period!

Do not compare a one-man one-vote between Thailand and the US and other developed nations. Most uneducated rural people in Thailand are easily brainwashed and bought!

The current protest seem to virtually follow the path of the People Power Revolution which happened in Philippine years I see it.

Dec 2, 2013, 10:24:58 PM12/2/13
This is the first time in Thailand history that too many people from all walks of life coming out to protest the current regime. Even The popular uprising of 14 October 1973 (Thai: เหตุการณ์ 14 ตุลา, was a watershed event in Thailand's history) looks pale in comparison.

Dec 2, 2013, 10:48:29 PM12/2/13
And the protest will not likely to end until the political machine of Thaksin
has been uprooted, according to the so called People's Democratic Reform Committee.

As of my writing, the protests seem to be about to enter the Government building
and the Metropolitan police one without facing tear gas and water cannons...
Message has been deleted
Message has been deleted

Dec 3, 2013, 12:57:34 AM12/3/13
As of this writing the protesters are entering the Government compound already!


Dec 3, 2013, 1:24:57 AM12/3/13
They should kill the Bill only, not the Government.

Her Lao

Dec 3, 2013, 1:48:33 AM12/3/13
On Tuesday, December 3, 2013 12:24:57 AM UTC-6, KC wrote:
> They should kill the Bill only, not the Government.


That's almost comparable to asking the nice folks, during the French Revolution, not to kill Antoine Lavoisier.

"After all, you honorable and reasonable citizens, Monsieur may be a nobleman, by birth... some thing he couldn't have done any thing about ... but he is also the father of modern chemistry," says the mathematician Joseph-Louis Lagrange.

Someone... I think it was Jean Paul-Marat... called out, "reasonably":

"Let the guillotine blade fall, comrades! If the gentleman monsieur Lavoisier is not guilty of his crimes, of exploiting the French peasants, he won't die! Only the guilty ones could be killed, would be allowed to be killed, by THE LORD JESUS, the most just arbiter in the Cosmos"...

Dec 3, 2013, 1:49:12 AM12/3/13
There are many more than what you know, KC! The government and their parties' members voted for the Bill which considered unethical is just ONE of many reasons for people from all walks of life to come out protesting this time. The coalition government led by the Peua Thai Party tried to amend some article of the constitution which rejected by the Constitutional Court. Then, the regime and their parties' members refused to recognize the power of the Court. Therefore, the protesters considered them to be illegitimate!

As I see, Thailand would be better of if its people could uproot the Taksin's machine and its patronage system and some of its populist policies which in long term would ruin Thailand's economy...

Dissolving the parliament and reelection at this time will return to the status quo unless all major political reform has been done as called for by the current protesters!

If the protesters do not come out this way, no way for them to uprood Taksin's policy, perhaps, forever...

Remember the People Power Revolution in Philippine. No way for others to win over Marcos in the election! The protest in Thailand seems to do such that...

pheejhmoo เอาหัวชนฝาเหล็กเพื่อเจาะรู

Dec 3, 2013, 6:34:35 AM12/3/13
THAILAND is in condition of SPLIT the south/north and southeast part of the country WHICH will be an FULL RED ALERT for protesting without government control. the FINAL say is at the hand of the KING he would evaluate the situation to the clearest he EVER COULD do it THAN it will be ALLOVER for the protest when he bring both party leader to knee down in-front of the KING. THE king HAS THAT much power at his expense to play with. At least all of the history of protests in BKK area went down/silenced that way. JUST W8 N SEE how this case will end. protester want the PM TO STEP DOWN BUT THE GOV claimed that is unconstitutional for the PM to step down which point to a MAJOR crack down soon if i were there in BKK area i would start running away as far as my Legs allow me to run. both parties are using the lives of the people to achieve his/her goals. the KING will step in to save his favor and kick the other out soon.

Dec 3, 2013, 6:50:32 AM12/3/13
Whatever you mentioned won't happen. As long as the Army stays neutral as it's right now, or doesn't take the complete order from the current regime, there would be no crackdown, period! The police alone can't resist the protesters for so long without military assistance. The protesters, on the aother hand, vowed that "No win no return home!"

pheejhmoo เอาหัวชนฝาเหล็กเพื่อเจาะรู

Dec 3, 2013, 8:39:01 AM12/3/13
just keep praying for no change in POLICE and ARMY tactics. of course whatever i say mean nothing BUT when the TANK start rolling into the city and we will see if the protesters would still keep the same words to WIN or will not go home. another solution is when the KING calls both party leader to meet for an order. whoever get the boot will not matter much BUT all that matter most is that the protesters will just vanish from BKK. the history had shown one of these solution at a point. the GOV. already claimed unconstitutio9n for PM to step down in protest so a maximum FIGHT might be on the planing stage to get rid of the protesters just to make the condition fit into the constitution to restore peace and order. the protester WIN million $ i would not get a penny if they lose millions $ i would NOT have to pay one penny so let them scream as they wish just wish them no more INJURY or dead.

pheejhmoo เอาหัวชนฝาเหล็กเพื่อเจาะรู

Dec 3, 2013, 8:46:17 AM12/3/13
On Tuesday, December 3, 2013 5:50:32 AM UTC-6, wrote:
just remember that both the POLICE and ARMY are people of order. they both take order and act accordingly. if the boss give out order than P0OLICE and ARMY just follow. both of they have boss in the GOVERNMENT especially the KING group of leaders. the ARMY and P0OLICE are just like kids when order from the top so anything can happen

Dec 3, 2013, 9:38:14 AM12/3/13
You could say anything you like but you seem to know too little about Thailand and the so many parties there indeed! The fight in Thailand right now is not like black and white! It's very complicated and the change for Army to crack down on the anti-government protesters looks virtually nil, thus, no condition for the King to step in...

pheejhmoo เอาหัวชนฝาเหล็กเพื่อเจาะรู

Dec 3, 2013, 2:34:31 PM12/3/13
On Tuesday, December 3, 2013 8:38:14 AM UTC-6, wrote:
> You could say anything you like but you seem to know too little about Thailand and the so many parties there indeed! The fight in Thailand right now is not like black and white! It's very complicated and the change for Army to crack down on the anti-government protesters looks virtually nil, thus, no condition for the King to step in...

you mentioned ¨virtually nil¨ BUT that is NOT the case because history had shown it to the contrary that often in PROTEST case the KING step in to settle the case. soon it will be the evaluation case of the PM and the protest leader whoever come on to p in value will be the WINNER the other is consider trouble maker.

people who know DOES NOT TALK people who talk too much does not know. in this INTERNET forum the same word can be applied. we talkers do not have a clue while the ones who know the situation just sitting quietly and planning all the moves to settle the case. the protesters do not know they are being used to archive a goal of a political guy/girl. the one who know already had his/her eyes locked into the situation. the reward will follow.

Dec 3, 2013, 8:42:45 PM12/3/13
pheejhmoo, You could say anything you like b/c you know so little about Thailand after all. Each situation is different and what you think is not always what you would see to happen. The King might only intervene only when all other conditions are getting worse and too much bloods have been shed. So far none of those conditions happen.

The only likely thing to happen is that the Army intervenes and a military coup if the situation is getting worse...and that's it!

So far the Army stays neutral, NOT TAKING ORDER from the government to crackdown on the protesters. The government is so afraid that by cracking down hard on the protesters the Army would have an excuse to intervene with military coup as in Egypt!

So far, the Army doesn't seem to be on the side of the regime!

Whatever news and info you got and learned from the dictionary and books and history might not always repeat itself as used to, but on different circumstances. Democracy is not only winning the election one man one vote and do whatever as you wished!

FYI I am right there in the heart of Bangkok right now!
I won't say anything much if I don't know much about it. I might not respond or comment on your post anymore to waste my time...

pheejhmoo เอาหัวชนฝาเหล็กเพื่อเจาะรู

Dec 3, 2013, 9:16:08 PM12/3/13
of course i´m not in THAILAND and i know very little about it but i keep hearing about PROTEST in Thailand once in a few years each time with a few deads and dozen injuries THAN there were the ARMY and KING step in to settle the PROBLEM. just in 2006 the ARMY already created a coup to throw out the PM and rewrite the constitution and that was not the FIRST time that THAILAND did the coup and rewrite the constitution.

if we look at the history of THAI CONSTITUTION and we would see that since 1932 it had been change 14 times each time after a successful coup:

14 times is not a SMALL number and NOT CLOSE TO nil AS SOMEONE BELIEVE IT. just W8 N SEE. the two political parties will encourage the citizens to throw their lives away for the goal of the few politicians.

Dec 4, 2013, 7:07:02 AM12/4/13
In regard to Thailand senate just see the info here from Wikipedia:

Election and Selection[edit]Elections[edit]Out of the 150 Senators, 77 are directly elected from the 76 Provinces of Thailand plus 1 Metropolitan district (Bangkok). These members are elected using the First Past the Post electoral system. The election is a one-man-one vote, secret ballot vote in which a province is counted as a single representative constituency. Multiple candidates may apply, however, all must be non-partisan candidates and cannot have any connection to a political party.

See most recent election at: Thai Senate election, 2008

Selection[edit]The remaining 73 members are to be selected by a Senators Selection Committee. The Committee is established in Section 113, Part 3 and Chapter 6 of the Constitution. The Committee is composed of:

President of the Constitutional Court
Chairman of the Election Commission
Chairman of the State Audit Commission
A Judge in the Supreme Court of Justice holding office not lower in rank than Judge of the Supreme Court of Justice as entrusted by the general assembly of the Supreme Court of Justice.
A Judge of the Supreme Administrative Court as entrusted by the general assembly of judges of the Supreme Administrative Court.
Within themselves they must elect a Chairman who will preside over the committee. The Committee will select members of the Senate based on 5 categories of profession:

1.The Academic Sector
2.The Public Sector
3.The Private Sector
4.The Professional Sector
5.And Others
The Constitution states that:

“In the selection of persons [for the Senate], particular regard shall be had to the knowledge, expertise or experience beneficial to the performance of duties of senators, and regard shall also be had to factors in relation to persons with varying knowledge and capability in varying fields, sexual opportunities and equality, a close proportion of persons in each sector…, and the provision of opportunities to the socially underprivileged persons”

The reasons for the selection is for the selected senators not to be controlled by any party according to the purpose of the current Constitution. In reality though many senators are still easily bought...and controlled by the Peua Thai Party.

The Peua Thai led parliament wants to modify the article of the constitution to have all senators elected from popular voting, so that the Peua Thai Party would have absolute control of both Senate and lower parliament. With alsolute power, of course.

Or click on the link:

On Monday, November 25, 2013 6:03:40 PM UTC, CASALAO wrote:


Dec 4, 2013, 7:37:27 AM12/4/13
thailand as a country is addicted to coup and stuff. don't like a government? let's have a coup.

to become a full-fledged democracy, thailand must break away from this crappy habit. a dully elected government must be able to serve its terms out.

here we have the minority in the parliament who doesn't like its minority status just say the hell with the constitution and have mass demonstration to try to topple a government and replace it with a people's council. what the fuck is that kind of politics, you say?

now here in america, there were plenty of unhappiness or strong dislikes of bush the nukular man and the current muslim president but people don't go out on the street and start a coup to topple either one of these governments. we let them serve their terms out and reelect a new government four years later.

one can keep arguing that the current yingluck government is shit this crap that but it was dully elected by the majority of the people of thailand so it must be able to serve its terms out despite strong dislikes by the bangkok folks, people like this suthep.

and stop saying ไม่เปันไร because it is เปันไร.


Dec 4, 2013, 7:43:48 AM12/4/13

Over the past week, Thailand’s political unrest has descended into serious, chaotic violence. On Monday and Tuesday, protesters entered the grounds of both police headquarters and Government House, having already occupied other ministries. Last weekend at least three people were killed in clashes between anti-government protesters, pro-government supporters, police, and unidentified agitators. Dozens more were wounded, and parts of Bangkok near government ministries now look more like Syria-esque war zones than the streets of one of the most cosmopolitan capitals in Southeast Asia.

As protest leader Suthep Thaugsuban declares that there will be no surrender, demanding the prime minister step down and hand over power to an unelected “people’s council” of leaders, the chance of an extra-constitutional intervention— a military coup or an intervention by the royal palace—grows higher and higher. Already, the demonstrators have been able to take extraordinary steps that would have been unthinkable in most parliamentary democracies: occupying ministries, issuing deadlines to the government, taking over media outlets.

Prime Minister Yingluck Shinawatra’s government has responded weakly, allowing the demonstrators to just march into ministries, because government leaders know that if they take tough measures and many people are killed or wounded, the army—no fan of Yingluck or her populist party—would likely intervene. Indeed, Suthep already has declared that the armed forces are on the side of the protesters, who are primarily urban and middle class rather than the working class, rural supporters of Yingluck.

Thailand, in fact, is addicted to coups and other types of extra-constitutional interventions, which have badly undermined the country’s democracy. In most countries as wealthy as Thailand, coups have all but vanished since the end of the Cold War. Yet Thailand has witnessed 18 coups in the past seven decades, including one in 2006 against Yingluck’s brother, Thaksin Shinawatra, as well as other types of interventions. In 2008 and 2009, for example, after similar destructive protests by demonstrators paralyzed parts of Bangkok, leading pro-royalist elite politicians allegedly brokered backroom deals that led to the fall of a pro-Thaksin government and the installation of the opposition Democrat Party.

Why is Thailand so addicted to coups and other types of interventions? As Australian National University professor Nicholas Farrelly notes, decades of relying on coups as the default option to restore stability creates a kind of “coup culture,” in which the repeated use of coups leads elites to think they are the only way out of political stalemates. In other words, coups breed more coups.

Still, in some ways this argument is a tautology. Other countries also had such coup cultures—think of Turkey—and eventually broke the cycle to the point where coups became unacceptable. Thailand has not done so, in part, because compared to nearly every army in the world Thailand’s military is particularly bloated with senior officers unneeded for defense and war-fighting. Despite having no obvious external enemies, Thailand has over 1,700 generals and admirals—proportionally a vastly higher percentage than in the U.S. military—and most of Thailand’s senior officers have no real jobs. Instead, they come to believe that they can gain prestige, work, and money only by intervening in politics.

Thailand remains neither an absolute monarchy like states in the Persian Gulf nor a truly constitutional monarchy like the Netherlands, Britain, or Japan. Although Thailand is technically a constitutional monarchy, the king, who is the longest-reigning monarch in the world, has over the decades amassed enormous personal powers to himself and his group of allies, often called the “network monarchy.” On occasions, including in 1973 and 1992, the king intervened directly in politics to end street protests and arbitrate major disputes. In so doing, he may have helped Thailand at the time while also weakening the power of formal institutions designed to handle disputes. Royal interventions may have added to the notion that Thailand’s political divides can only be handled informally, by a few good men from the palace or army.

Can the country, the second-largest economy in Southeast Asia and a critical hub for many multinationals, ever break its extra-constitutional habits? It’s possible: After a coup in 1992, Thailand seemed to be on the road to solid democracy, and it could get back on track again. Doing so is not impossible, as many Thai elites (and some Western analysts) insist, but it will require several groups of senior Thais to make compromises.

Dec 4, 2013, 7:53:57 AM12/4/13
I think nottoo know only Thai style of democracy 'cause he seems to be so defensive of it.

Dec 4, 2013, 8:15:53 AM12/4/13
You guys seem to know only democracy on the book but know nothing about Thailand's one and what is really going on over there! Never compare that of democracy in Thailand as similar to the one in USA. It's just like orange and apple, uncomparable!

When the government is too bad, the people rise up against them and nothing wrong with that. If you think that anybody elected by the people is right no matter what including abuses of power and corruptions and so on... is OK, you need to wake up and find out the reality!

I am not defending anyone there, I just dislike corruption and abuse of power by the party or parties of the current regime thinking that they won 15 million votes of the total population of about 69 millions and could do whatever they wished without regard to ethic, the Amnesty Bill they tried to pass and voted for it in particular plus other rice buying scheme and more...


Dec 4, 2013, 8:33:20 AM12/4/13
On Wednesday, December 4, 2013 5:15:53 AM UTC-8, wrote:
> You guys seem to know only democracy on the book but know nothing about Thailand's one and what is really going on over there!

what do you mean by 'only on the book'? we are living here in the greatest democracy that the world has ever known called the united states of america so we should know a thing or two about democracy, no?

we know that thailand is a constitutional monarchy where half the senate is not elected by the people. i mean that right there is crappy enough already.

it is true that rice scheme is not a good policy but that doesn't warrant toppling the yingluck government.

yes the failed amnesty bill didn't look good but it was properly done through the constitutional process. it is a clean move, no?

Dec 4, 2013, 8:33:52 AM12/4/13

Thailand needs major political reform and strenghening the check and balance of power. Without that it will go back to the same thing again and again. Bear this in mind, too many rural people are uneducated and easily bought and brainwashed. Those people don't care whether the people they elected to parliament or to run the country are crooked politicians as long as they benefit from them, Taksin is on top of that.

Can you accept this type of saying? "Corruption is OK as long as I gain something from it." Most Redshirts would accept it.

I am not different from anyone of you there, like democracy and free and fair election and the rule of law. However, in Thailand, following the rule of law doesn't always work there!

Dec 4, 2013, 8:48:27 AM12/4/13
Just look at something as in the islamic countries. Egypt in particular, democracy won't work very well there. When the Brotherhood won, it tries to impose islamic law on others and so forth and it calls that democracy's not exactly like democracy in the developed world.

Most uneducated people are easily brainwashed including the majority of uneducated muslims women and men. They would vote for the islamic party using islams as keyword. They just think that democracy is just like a one man one vote and that's it.

Thailand is somewhat like that too b/c too many uneducated rural folks are easily brainwashed and bought. They don't care whether the politicians are crooked or not as long as they benefit from them.

Dec 4, 2013, 9:38:02 AM12/4/13

ລັດຖະບານທີ່ນຳໂດຍພັກເພື່ອໄທ ພາກັນ Voted for the Amnesty Bill ທີ່ຈະໃຫ້ Taksin ພົ້ນຜິດທຸກໆຢ່າງກ່ຽວກັບຄະດີ corruptions and abuses of power ທີ່ຕັດສິນໄປແລ້ວບາງຄະດີທີ່ໃຫ້ Taksin ຕິດຄຸກສອງປີ ແລະຄະດີອີກ 10 ກ່ວາຄະດີທີ່ບໍ່ທັນໄດ້ຕັດສິນເທື່ອ ເພາະ Taksin ຫລົບໜີໄປກ່ອນ. ຈຸດປະສົງຂອງ Amnesty Bill ແມ່ນໂດຍສະເພາະ Taksin ເປັນຫລັກ ແລະຜູ້ຜິດອື່ນໆນັ້ນ ແມ່ນຜົນພອຍໄດ້ຊື່ໆ ແລະ Taksin ກໍຈະໄດ້ເງິນທີ່ຖືກສານຢຶດໄປ 46 billion bahts ກັບຄືນ Plus interest of 7.5%...

ພວກທີ່ມາປະທ້ວງຖືວ່າພວກສະມາຊິກສະພາແລະພັກລັດຖະບານບໍ່ມີ ETHIC ຫລັກຈະຣິຍະທັມ ຈຶ່ງສ້າງກົດໝາຍແບບນີ້ຂຶ້ນມາ ແລະເຫັນສົມຄວນໃຫ້ຮັບຜິດຊອບ ມີຄວາມລະອາຍ...ແຕ່ນັກການເມືອງໄທ ໜັງໜ້າໜາ ບໍ່ຄື ຂອງ USA ເດີ ບໍ່ມີໃຜລາອອກດອກ ບໍ່ມີຢາງອາຍ.

ນອກນັ້ນ ສະພາດຽວກັນນີ້ກໍດັດແປງຣັດຖະທຳມະນູນ ເພື່ອຢາກໃຫ້ທຸກໆ SENATOR ມາຈາກການເລືອກຕັ້ງ. ຈຸດປະສົງຂອງ current Constitution ສ້າງມາແລ້ວຫັ້ນແມ່ນຕ້ອງການໃຫ້ senators ປະມານ 73 or 74 ຄົນມາຈາກການແຕ່ງຕັ້ງ ເພື່ອບໍ່ໃຫ້ຄອບງຳໄດ້ໂດຍພັກໃດພັກນຶ່ງ ເພື່ອໃວ້ເປັນຜູ້ເບິ່ງບໍ່ໃຫ້ສະພາຕ່ຳຜ່ານຫລືອອກກົດຫມາຍທີ່ບໍ່ເປັນທຳໄດ້.

Constitutional Court rejected the amendment ເພາະຖືວ່າມັນຂັດຣັດຖະທັມນູນ ທີ່ເຂົາສ້າງຂຶ້ນມາ. ຄັນຊັ້ນເຂົາສິມີສະພາສູງໃວ້ໃຫ້ເປືອງເງິນພາສີຊາວບ້ານເຮັດຫຍັງ...ຖ້າວ່າສິປ່ອຍໃຫ້ senator ເລືອກຂ້າງໄດ້.

ເມື່ອເຫັນວ່າ Constitutional Court reject their constitution amendment ພວກພັກລັດຖະບານພາກັນອອກມາປະກາດວ່າບໍ້ຮັບຮູ້ສານຣັດຖະທັມນູນ. ຕາມກົດຂອງ the current constitution ແລ້ວ ຈະບໍ່ຮັບບໍ່ໄດ້ ຄຳຕັດສິນຂອງສານແມ່ນ FINAL!

ສະນັ້ນແລ້ວພວກຜູ້ຄົນຈຶ່ງພາກັນອອກມາປະທ້ວງຫລວງຫລາຍທີ່ສຸດໃນປະວັດສາດຂອງ Thailand ເລີຍ. ພວກປະທ້ວງຖືວ່າ the current regime is illegitimate for rejecting the constitutional court's ruling.

ເລື້ອງອື່ນໆທີ່ຜູ້ຄົນອອກມາປະທ້ວງ ແມ່ນການກູ້ຢືມເງິນຈຳນວນຫລວງຫລາຍ for MEGA projects ທີ່ຜູ້ປະທ້ວງຄິດວ່າບໍ່ຈຳເປັນ ແລະຈະໃຫ້ຄົນໄທໃຊ້ໜີ້ໄປອີກ 50 ປີກະບໍ່ໝົດ. ເລື້ອງຈຳນຳເຂົ້າເພື່ອເອົາໃຈພວກຄະແນນສຽງນັ້ນກໍເຮັດໃຫ້ປະເທດໄທຂາດທຶນໜັກຫລາຍຮ້ອຍພັນລ້ານແລ້ວ...ເລື້ອງນີ້ກໍກຳລັງສິມີການຕລວດສອບໜັກຄືກັນ. Amnesty Bill ກໍຫວັງຢາກໃຫ້ຜູ້ທີ່ກ່ຽວຂ້ອງກັບຄະດີນີ້ກະບໍ່ຕ້ອງຜິດ.

ເລື້ອງຄະດີຂ້າຄົນແບບຕັດຕ່ອນເລື້ອງຢາເສບຕິດ 2300 ກ່ວາສົບນັ້ນກໍຄືກັນ, Amnesty Bill ຈະບໍ່ໃຫ້ໃຜຜິດ.

ຖາມວ່າເປັນຫຍັງວ່າ government ເຮັດບໍ່ຖືກແລ້ວ ບໍ່ໄປສູ້ກັນໃນສະພາ ຕາມຫລັກ democracy---ເພາະ the government ມີສຽງຂ້າງມາກ ແລະບໍ່ມີທາງທີ່ຝ່າຍຄ້ານ ຈະເຮັດຫຍັງໄດ້. ຖ້າພວກ ປຊຊ ບໍອອກມາປະທ້ວງຄັ້ງນີ້ ເຂົາຄິດວ່າບ້ານເມືອງຈະເສັຽຫາຍຫນັກດ້ວຍການ corruption ແລະ Taksin ຈະເປັນເຈົ້າຂອງໆທຸກຢ່າງໄນໄທ.

ການເລືອກຕັ້ງ ຄິດວ່າຝ່າຍຄ້ານກະຍັງສູ້ ພັກ Taksin ບໍ່ໄດ້ເທື່ອ ເພາະວ່າວັດທະນະທຳແລະການສຶກສາຂອງຄົນຈຳນວນມາກໃທແຖວໆບ້ານນອກຂອງ Thailand ຫັ້ນຍັງບໍ່ສູງພໍເທື່ອ. ພວກຊາວໄຮ່ຊາວສວນ ສ່ວນໃຫຍ່ການສຶກສານ້ອຍ ລ້າງສະໝອງຫລືຊື້ຈ້າງງ່າຍ. ໃຜສິດີຫລືຮ້າຍ ກະບໍ່ໄດ້ສົນໃຈ ຂໍພຽງວ່າໄດ້ເງິນນຳ ກໍລົງຄະແນນໃຫ້ແລ້ວ. ພວກເຂົາຍອມຮັບວ່າ corruption ແດ່ກະບໍ່ຖື ຂໍໃຫ້ໄດ້ກິນໄດ້ໃຊ້ນຳ ກະບໍ່ເປັນຫຍັງ...

On Wednesday, December 4, 2013 1:33:20 PM UTC, CASALAO wrote:

pheejhmoo เอาหัวชนฝาเหล็กเพื่อเจาะรู

Dec 4, 2013, 11:49:00 AM12/4/13
if coup keep going at this rate the royal in THAILAND might consider going back to ABSOLUTE monarchy where no one can start a coup legally. that will stable the country. just do the DEMOCRACY the ABSOLUTE monarchy style. anyone attempting a coup is the BIGGEST CRIME in the country that would limit the number of coups to make an economic suicide for the country.

Her Lao

Dec 4, 2013, 5:38:53 PM12/4/13
On Wednesday, December 4, 2013 6:37:27 AM UTC-6, CASALAO wrote:
> thailand as a country is addicted to coup and stuff. don't like a government? let's have a coup.

> and stop saying ไม่เปันไร because it is เปันไร.


Actually, Caslao, if your country is on a perpetual coup and counter-coup mode, over many decades ... take a breather and think about: it really is ไม่เปันไร!, whether it is coup or a counter-coup, or one from the Z-direction!

Dec 4, 2013, 8:43:40 PM12/4/13
This report tells a lot about the situation in Thailand well, although not in more detail.\

Thaksin's homecoming hopes dashed as Thai crisis reignites.
By Martin Petty

BANGKOK (Reuters) - Thailand's political future is cloudier than ever, but one thing is for certain - self-exiled former premier Thaksin Shinawatra won't be coming home soon.

The chances of another round of political conflict seemed slim a few months ago as the government of Thaksin's sister, Prime Minister Yingluck Shinawatra, entered its third year in office after a fairly smooth ride, much to do with outwardly cordial ties with her brother's enemies, among them generals, royal advisers and opposition politicians.

Having fled into exile to avoid a jail sentence for graft in 2008, Thaksin had hoped the climate was ripe for him to try to return. But now that seems less likely than ever.

Protesters have marched for weeks in Bangkok streets, clashing with riot police and vowing to overthrow the "Thaksin regime" and replace it with "good people", effectively suspending Thailand's democratic system. Yingluck's honeymoon period is over. Her government is clinging on.

The mistake for her, it seems, was her Puea Thai party's attempts to ram through the legislature a political amnesty bill that outraged opponents, who called it a blatant move whitewash the divisive Thaksin of his crimes.

The Senate rejected the bill and Yingluck shelved it, but the damage was already done. Thaksin's opponents among the royalist, military-backed establishment and the parliamentary opposition had the pretext they needed to launch the latest salvo.

"Thaksin is the ghost of Thailand's politics and people just can't get over him," said Pavin Chachavalpongpun of Kyoto University's Centre for Southeast Asian Studies.

..View gallery Anti-government protesters poke their hands through the main gate to the Thai Police Headquarters an …"Through the amnesty, he tested the waters, but these were deep, deep waters and that has provided the protesters with an opportunity to remove a threat to the old establishment."

Though a ceasefire of sorts has been declared between demonstrators and the government to mark the 86th birthday of much revered King Bhumibol Adulyadej on Thursday, the battle lines have again been drawn in a long-running conflict pitting a decades-old oligarchy against a new one that has emerged under Thaksin's rule.


Few think that Yingluck's party that won a 2011 election in a landslide by campaigning on Thaksin's name and populist policies is being run independently of him. The cabinet is stacked with his closest allies with whom he communicates via Skype and many Puea Thai lawmakers have met him overseas at his homes in Hong Kong and Dubai.

The amnesty bid is widely seen as a poor call by Thaksin, who might have been lulled into a false sense of security by Yingluck's peaceful run in office, her party's commanding parliamentary majority and the military's attempts to distance itself from the crisis after a series of bungled forays into politics since overthrowing Thaksin in a 2006 coup.

Under Yingluck, Thailand rebounded from the worst flood crisis in 50 years with economic growth of 6.5 percent in 2012.

A policy of tax rebates for first-time buyers of homes and cars won some middle-class support while a rice subsidy shored up already strong rural backing garnered from almost free healthcare, village grants and cheap loans under Thaksin.

Combined with a hefty war chest amassed from a telecoms business and ventures into gold and diamond mines and even a Premier League soccer club, billionaire Thaksin has the cash to spend on modern marketing campaigns that have won him or his proxies every election since 2001. It's likely they would win another if a snap poll was called, something Yingluck has refused to do.

That leaves the situation in a stalemate if Thailand wants to remain a democracy.

If Yingluck's government was forced out, it would only be a matter of time, given the electoral support, before Thaksin wrested back control, whether he's actually in Thailand or not.

Until then, Thaksin may have left his sister with a lot to contend with.

"This amnesty fiasco has blown up in his face, the anti-Thaksin crusade has been reignited and there's every indication this will not stop here," said Thitinan Pongsudhirak, a political analyst at Bangkok's Chulalongkorn University.

"These protests have been condoned and supported by large segments of the Bangkok-based establishment. It looks very clear the protesters have strategic backing and if the military intervenes, it will certainly not be on the side of the government."

(Editing by Robert Birsel and Nick Macfie)

pheejhmoo เอาหัวชนฝาเหล็กเพื่อเจาะรู

Dec 4, 2013, 8:54:13 PM12/4/13
On Tuesday, November 5, 2013 3:36:29 AM UTC-6, wrote:
> This seems to be the Bill that looks for BIG trouble again...

more INJURIES and DEADS according to this report:

if protest keep going to apply more pressure we will see more INJURIES and DEADS. HISTORY just keep repeating itself (COUP and more coups when the political candidate of the ARMY party is in the minority and NOT the party in the top government positions). HAPPY COUPING and repeat it once every few years to cleanup corruptions in the government

pheejhmoo เอาหัวชนฝาเหล็กเพื่อเจาะรู

Dec 5, 2013, 5:33:15 AM12/5/13
these coup are NOT leading from the so call plain citizens they were from the top at a LEVEL CLOSE TO THE ROYAL CIRCLE AND THE big army general THEMSELVES. those BIG and top people are under no one ELSE order EXCEPT the KING THAT´S why HISTORY HAVE SHOW THAT THE king STEPPED IN AND the protest/coup will be settle down peacefully. these top guys must be looking VERY HARD TO CREATE headache FOR THE KING by playing the ROYAL tune of cerebrating the KING´S B-DAY but behind that tune is the razor sharp knife that they want to poke the KING´S throat. i GUESS the KING must have a SMART team of secret agents to know when to step aside and let the coupers do their jobs to get rid of the corrupter and as soon as the KING know the coupers will be out of order than he STEP IN to settle the case.

pheejhmoo เอาหัวชนฝาเหล็กเพื่อเจาะรู

Dec 5, 2013, 2:43:43 PM12/5/13
On Tuesday, November 5, 2013 3:36:29 AM UTC-6, wrote:
> This seems to be the Bill that looks for BIG trouble again...


according to the news above the leader of the protest had been issued a warrant for a crime punishable by DEAD or live in prison. it seemed as the government had compiled enough evidences to CHARGE someone of a MAJOR CRIME. just W8 N C.

Dec 6, 2013, 7:32:31 AM12/6/13
Yes, it's a serious charge against the protest leaders. However, since the protesters do not recognize the authority of this regime deemed illegitimate like I posted previously in some thread, they are not afraid and will show up at the court later to fight all charges after their mission is accomplished.

For the time being, the government is trying to find the way out of this crisis...Just wait and see how it is progresses...

pheejhmoo เอาหัวชนฝาเหล็กเพื่อเจาะรู

Dec 6, 2013, 6:36:22 PM12/6/13
more news the following youtube news indicates that after the arrest warrant had been issue the protesters are now calm down. it looks like the protest had some idea that the government had co9mpiled enough evidence to CHARGE the protest leader for a BIG CRIME so the normal non-leader of the protest is running out of hope to WIN. the protest leader has tons of money to defense himself in the COURT OF LAWS but for those normal Joe protests SEEMED TO FEAR THE MONEY TO DEFENSE HIMSELF SO HE is playing it soft to avoid getting a BIG charge into his protest record. IF I WERE THE NORMAL PROTESTER I WOULD AVOID GETTING ARREST AND PROSECUTE BY THE LAW. BECAUSE THE PROTEST LEADER WILL NOT PROVIDE AL THE MONEY for every protesters´ defense. each of the protesters is on his own to defense himself or face jail times. JUST W8 N C on Monday as claimed by protester leader that it will be a WINING DAY. WE WILL KNOW IT SOON ENOUGH in just a few more days.

pheejhmoo เอาหัวชนฝาเหล็กเพื่อเจาะรู

Dec 6, 2013, 6:46:57 PM12/6/13
On Friday, December 6, 2013 6:32:31 AM UTC-6, wrote:
> Yes, it's a serious charge against the protest leaders. However, since the protesters do not recognize the authority of this regime deemed illegitimate like I posted previously in some thread, they are not afraid and will show up at the court later to fight all charges after their mission is accomplished.

the protesters will ¨recognize the authority of this regime¨ or NOT does not matter because this regime came to the office by the the VOTING process according to the CONSTITUTION therefore in the eyes of the public and the ROYAL system in THAILAND this regime is legitimate and has the authority to enforce the LAW n ORDERS. THE PROTESTERS WILL HAVE near ZERO chance to WIN the case we will see it soon.

Dec 6, 2013, 8:47:08 PM12/6/13
Regardless of whatever you know about democracy and election from the book and dictionary, I doubt that the regime would last very long!

pheejhmoo เอาหัวชนฝาเหล็กเพื่อเจาะรู

Dec 7, 2013, 11:06:01 AM12/7/13
just do a little logic work and we know that the protest leader had rab out of options such as:
#1 run as a PM cadidate-- the protest leader knows he will not WIN.
#2 use the peaceful CORT system-- the protest leader have little to no evidence for the COURT to put the PM in jail for 2 years just as they did to THAKXIN.

after options 1 and 2 are closed the protest leader ONLY have optin 3 to PROTEST.

NOW WE KNOW THAT THE PROTEST LEADER DID NOT TAKE OTION #2 THEREFORE he had NOTHING to defense or call the PM illegitimate. if he had that EVIDENCE he would have chosen option #2 awhile ago before he use option #3. from this little logic it seems as the protest LEADER have NOTHING in evidence to call the current regime illegitimate. and without evidences to support the legitimacy of the current regime the result is the COURT WILL CALL THE CURRENT regime is legitimate and THUS have the AUTHORITY TO issue curfews and control the peaceful of the country an as such action is LEGAL the PROTEST leader is time to be in JAIL for a live time. or dead penalty. any protester who still hang around the protest leader deserve to be lock in jail for 5-10 years. iḿ glad i´m not part of the protest. when MONDAY come the protester THINK it is their ultimate day to WIN but the opposit is showing up because that could be the day they are going to JAIL. only a few more day just w8 n c.

pheejhmoo เอาหัวชนฝาเหล็กเพื่อเจาะรู

Dec 7, 2013, 7:55:31 PM12/7/13
according to this news below the protest leader promise to go to JAIL if normal protesters did not show up in millio9n by MONDAY. I think he know he is NOT going to WIN he just call for protest one LAST CHANCE before he go to serve his JAIL TERM. it lookslike he is following the little LOGIC i have been thinking that he got NO EVIDENCES to support the illegitimacy of the current regime so he ran out of idea to make a defense position for himself so JAIL or dead penalty is surely coming his way soon so he is calling for massive PROTEST before he will go to JAIL for a LONG time. if he has a secret military friends they will likely show up MONDAY to do some BUTT KICKING of the current regime. if no military show up than the protest leader just MISLEADING his group of protesters that the military is joining his idea. this little secret word MISLEADING the normal JOE protesters that the military will at one time MOVE in the way they did it to THAKXIN. this WRONG assumption of the protesters is a fatal flaw to clash against the government/POLICE. just sleep at home and no INJURY and no dead is guarantee otherwise those water canon and rubber bullets do not know how to avoid hitting the normal JOE PROTESTERS. once hit someone will FALL down and risking lives to archive the GOAL of a few CRUEL politicians.

pheejhmoo เอาหัวชนฝาเหล็กเพื่อเจาะรู

Dec 7, 2013, 7:56:42 PM12/7/13

Dec 7, 2013, 8:35:09 PM12/7/13
pheejhmoo เอาหัวชนฝาเหล็กเพื่อเจาะรู, You don't know what you are talking about! Do you think that the more than a-million people who showed up on the 24th of last month for the demonstration are stupid? Whatever comments you've posted shown that you know only the tip of the iceberg!

pheejhmoo เอาหัวชนฝาเหล็กเพื่อเจาะรู

Dec 8, 2013, 2:59:49 AM12/8/13
YES I'M 2FAR AWAY 2KNOW THE WHOLE POLITIC in THAILAND. BUT the news below show that military is showing up which it mean Thailand is turning protest jnto a coup AGAIN;

HAPPY COUPTNG THE KING MIGT STEP IN SOON. EITHER the PM get a kick on her butt or a protester is going to JAIL this time

pheejhmoo เอาหัวชนฝาเหล็กเพื่อเจาะรู

Dec 8, 2013, 3:37:23 AM12/8/13
On Saturday, December 7, 2013 7:35:09 PM UTC-6, wrote:
> pheejhmoo เอาหัวชนฝาเหล็กเพื่อเจาะรู, You don't know what you are talking about! Do you think that the more than a-million people who showed up on the 24th of last month for the demonstration are stupid? Whatever comments you've posted shown that you know only the tip of the iceberg!

THOSE PROTESTERS ON THE 24TH as you mentioned are NOT STUPID but were Miss-leaded. when they join the PROTEST THEY ARE SIGNING AWAY THEIR LIVES. to know the tip of the iceberg and just use a little LOGIC to speculate the detail behind it still BETTER than knowing NOTHING and just join the protest knowing someone will FALL DOWN INJURE or DEAD and someone will get to go to JAIL or get kick in the BUTT. history shown that MANY A TIME. one of it just happened in 2006 to the current PM´S BROTHER thakxin. THAT ONE WAS A LITTLE much MORE LEGITIMATE BY THE COUP BECAUSE THE court WERE ABLE TO Give a 2-year-JAIL-SENTENCE. IF THE coup CAN DO THE SAME THIS TIME than BRAVO to the coup to get rid of a corrupter by convincing the COURT that the coup had evidence enough that the PM had been corrupted and did NOT deserve to hold the PM position so she deserve to be KICK on her BUTT hard enough to send her away from THAILAND for several years at the minimum. if the protesters just claim the PM is the puppy of THAKXIN without the proper evidence to back it up for the COURT than the protester deserve to be in JAIL for that FALSE acquisition against an elected official. just WAIT N C in another few days.

Dec 8, 2013, 4:31:20 AM12/8/13
Just wait and see tomorrow, it would be a decisive day for the protesters. If you think the more than a million-people shown up at the rally on the 245th were misled, you are absolutely wrong on that. These folks consisted of people from all walks of life including universities' students, professors, professionals, worker unions, commerce associations, and etc...Unlike the red-shirts which are mainly the rural uneducated people who are easily brainwashed and bought. Look at this video clip of 2010 for instance.

No one wants a military coup and it won't solve any problem. So far the military has shown no indication to step in.

As of this writing, all parliament members from the Democrat Party decide to quit and will join the BIG and, perhaps, a final rally against the government tomorrow. There is high probability that the regime would be forced out one way or another...

pheejhmoo เอาหัวชนฝาเหล็กเพื่อเจาะรู

Dec 8, 2013, 4:45:32 AM12/8/13
you can show 10 VDO that there are NO MILITARY INVOLVEMENT to counter it i just need ONE VDO to prove that the military is in the protesters GROUP and I already post the LINK in my previous reply. this case will flo9w according to THAILAND´S way of DEMOCRACY WITH SOME OLIGARCH WHO HAS GOOD CONNECTION WITH THE MILITARY somehow THAILAND is following the Myanmar system of MILITARY control the government where the PRESIDENT was elected BUT can not perform her duty. THAILAND keep kicking the PM out by the military so what GOOD is the election of the PM.

happy COUPING and pray that no one FALL DOWN or go to JAIL.

Dec 8, 2013, 6:25:27 AM12/8/13
As I've said previously that the military tends NOT to take the side of the Peua Thai Party (current) regime, but the police. You don't seem to get it! If the tanks coming out, that would be in the protesters' favor. Although no one wants military to get involved or make another coup d'etat, if something is getting worse, however, it might step in.

The protesters asked and welcome everyone includes military and all other security personnel to take off their uniforms to join in the rally unarmed as a free citizen of Thailand to kick the unethical and most corrupt regime out peacefully and return the power to the real owners of the country! Therefore, nothing wrong for military and other security personnel to join the rally, their basic rights.

In regard to election that you seem to repeat again and again, what is good for the election if the ones elected to rule are too corrupt and unethical and feel no ashamed about it??? Remember the WATER GATE's case? President Nixon quit the presidency for just merely committing a very light (I thought) unethical thing! The Thai politicians face skins are too thick to do likewise...

Although Thailand's military still has a lot of influence, but it rarely makes a military coup, only one, after the 1997 Constitution was used.

Only the major political reforms would stabilize Thailand in the long run. Any military coup won't solve anything and the military has learned that so well from the last coup...

I don't thing there would be any military coup this time but the people power revolution sounds more likely or else...

pheejhmoo เอาหัวชนฝาเหล็กเพื่อเจาะรู

Dec 8, 2013, 8:41:15 AM12/8/13
according to this NEWS link the DEMOCRAT party QUIT their parliament duties in PROTEST because they are too few to WIN any VOTE now they DEMANDED a new council as government instead of the normal PRIMINISTER system of government.

GOOD LUCK SMART PROTESTERS. THAT DEMAND is to create a new system of government instead of the CURRENT type of government SYSTEM which it mean they NEED a RESTRUCTURING of the WHOLE THAI GOVERNMENT systyem which IS NOT a small THING ABOUT the PM OF THE CURRENT REGIME. IT INVOLVE THE current regime of the ROYAL system as well. just keep your head low or else the TANK will be rolling in soon if the KING hear your DEMAND according tio the NEWS LINK BELOW. this is NOT a SMALL thing that is WHY the government issued an arrest warrant for LIVE in prison or DEAD. creating a NEW GOVERNMENT or converting it to a new thing will certainly Face THIS dead TYPE OF PUNISHMENT if the government have enough evidences. the QUOT from this NEWS LINK is enough an evidence to commit the protesters into the HEAVIEST of the KNOWN punishment. the current regime INCLUDING the KING will belightning fast to eliminate thi8s type of TROUBLE MAKERS. the next time those water canons and rubber bullets will be REAL canon and metal bullets. any PROTESTERS OUT there in support of this p0olitical leader of this PROTEST is NOT only stupid BUT STUPIDx99 and deserve to throw his/her live right on street.

WHERE are those national security agents? those agents are 2LAZY and NOT WORKING as design or else something like this would had been known along time ago and eliminate this type of issue at the earliest time possible. at least NOT until millions of people are in PROTEST. if the current regime including the KING fail this time THAN they deserved it for having a LAZY and NON-FUNCTIONAL an allowing this new type of security system to evaluate NATIONAL SECURITY. THAT ALLOW this type of NEW/REP0LACEMENT government to grow right UNDER their noses. it would be a good thing if this new system is NOT from VIETNAM or CHINA. if it involved one of those countries than THAILAND will be GONE SOON.

Dec 8, 2013, 9:17:39 AM12/8/13

Dec 8, 2013, 9:26:39 AM12/8/13
Arm each side of the groups and let the kill each other to death. Thailand really needs to take a lesson the physical destruction that war will bring tio it. So far Thai people have not been to war and they don't know the sufferings. They need a LIBYA style of war that will level buildings from the past to present then start over again. Just grab couple BEER lao and watch, however, ask the Lao immigrants to stay out of the Thai's war.

pheejhmoo เอาหัวชนฝาเหล็กเพื่อเจาะรู

Dec 8, 2013, 9:45:22 AM12/8/13
if a WAR is required as you mentioned than contact VIETNAM or CHINA they will be glad to hear from you the LPDR is too small for a WAR just ignore that one.

you claim that I do not know what i was talking. you might be right BUT at least i know that converting or replacing the democracy voting system with an appointing GOVERNMENT mean INJURY and DEAD and that i should stay away as far as i can. those PROTESTERS are 2 SMART to sign away their LIVES for that TROUBLE maker protest LEADER.


Dec 8, 2013, 10:27:23 AM12/8/13

ok now the democrats are resigning en masse under the pretext that the yingluck was an illegitimate government.

it looks like the yellow shirts may not have the full support of the army so they are resorting to a new tactic. the army and the generals may be under the magic spell of yingluck. i mean... it's not every day that you have a beautiful defense minister. they probably keep saying stuff like คุนยิงล้ก ไม่เป้นไร นะครับ

and yingluck is proposing a referendum. it's probably a good idea but one that is still fraught with peril. i mean... suthep and his democrat party will always find another way to cause turmoil like taking over the suvannaphoum airport again.

pheejhmoo เอาหัวชนฝาเหล็กเพื่อเจาะรู

Dec 8, 2013, 12:21:34 PM12/8/13
the DEMOCRAT know they are the minority and can not WIN in parliament bote nor the election votes so the are looking for an apointing type of council GOVERNMENT WHERE THE rich can just BUY their way into the high government position that is WHY they demanded the new COUNCIL appointing type of government instead of election. they might as well change their name to ANARCHY instead of DEMOCRACY because that DEMOCRACY mean election through VOTES. not by appointing or BUYING WITH $.

pheejhmoo เอาหัวชนฝาเหล็กเพื่อเจาะรู

Dec 8, 2013, 2:16:14 PM12/8/13
ONE major PROBLEM WITH THAT APPOINTING COUNCIL GOVERNMENT IS heavily the advantage of the RICH did the democrat forgot that THAKXIN is one of the one in that boat. THAKXIN can just jump in and use $ power easier by the appointing council government. the other factor is DOES the KING agree to use that council type of government? the DEMO clearly press the WRONG BUTTON IN THIS CASE. THEY WILL BE PUNISH just wait to see how heavy the punishment will be. it is unlikely on the light side. otherwise the current regime will not declare a DEAD OR LIVE TIME IN PRISON without some evaluation on their part. as the GOVERNMENT and the one who know and command the nation the current regime know the right penalty for the CRIME. IT will be heavier than the protest leader had wished.

pheejhmoo เอาหัวชนฝาเหล็กเพื่อเจาะรู

Dec 8, 2013, 2:31:13 PM12/8/13
it might be a time for THAILAND to redesign it´s government BUT that is NOT the duty of the protesters. the KING might just bring the NATION back into his control by RE-USING the ABSOLUTE MONARCHY system that the THAI king had switched in 1932. if the democrat want to see an appointing system just wait N C that ABSOLUTE MONARCHY system where every major positions will be app0ointed by the KING. no more election and voting. whoever is IN the the TRUST CIRCLE of the KING will get the government position the other that are NOT in that circle will be KICK into the Mekong and when they finally swim out to the shore they will be somewhere in CAMBODIA. JUST PRAY THEY DO NOT GET EATEN by the giant cat fish before they swim to the shore.

Dec 8, 2013, 8:47:27 PM12/8/13

We value the Democratic system and a free- and- fair election of getting our representatives to run the have the government like " government of the people, by the people, and for the people". Yes, it's great and I love it forever!
But Thailand is not the USA! Winning the election there doesn't mean that the winners could do whatever they wanted included the unethical things, an Amnesty Bill for instance, that would have wiped out a corruption conviction that keeps Thaksin in self-imposed exile and allowed all other corrupt and crooked politicians after 2007 avoid all criminal charges.
(An excerpt) รัฐบาลในระบอบประชาธิปไตยของประเทศที่กำลังพัฒนา มักเข้าใจผิดว่ารัฐบาลที่ได้รับการเลือกตั้งเสียงข้างมากสามารถที่จะดำเนินนโยบายบริหารบ้านเมือง หรือใช้อิทธิพลผลักดันรัฐสภาเสียงข้างมากของตนในการออกกฎหมาย หรือแก้รัฐธรามนูญเพื่อประโยชน์ทางการเมืองของตนอย่างไรก็ได้ และรัฐบาลเสียงข้างมากในลักษณะนี้มักทำลายกลไกการตรวจสอบถ่วงดุลในระบบจนไม่มีประสิทธิภาพ...
The protesters have good reasons to come out. Without that they think Thailand would be plundered indefinitely by the Thaksin’s machine and they could do nothing about it. Without political reform regardless of the dissolution of parliament and new election, the protesters feel that they would get the same crooked government again and again. That’s why they propose the political reform by the People's Council.
It’s very complicated…it’s not like black and white…democracy vs. authoritarian…


Dec 8, 2013, 8:53:12 PM12/8/13
Most of your posts are irrelevant to the real situation. That's all I can say about your comments.

Dec 8, 2013, 8:58:28 PM12/8/13
pheejhmoo เอาหัวชนฝาเหล็กเพื่อเจาะรู,

As I previously expected the Peua Thai Party led government can't resist the popular resistant any longer declared the dissolution of parliament without any TANKS and military involved!

You'd better research more before posting too many nonsense comments!
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Dec 8, 2013, 10:22:41 PM12/8/13
Finally, the Peua Thai Party led regime dissolved the parliament but Yingluck, PM, said she will remain the head of the interim government until there is a new cabinet. The protesters are not likely to accept that. They want all current crooked politicians to quit, period!

The rally won't stop until the interim government quits also!

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Her Lao

Dec 8, 2013, 10:27:43 PM12/8/13
Both Ukraine and Thailand are in the process of kicking out their top elected "public servants."

I never understood why or how Thaksin's little sister --- who really had no knowledge of politics, no knowledge of politicians, no knowledge of how to run any public office ... except being a person from Thaksin's mafia billion dollar business empire --- was elected PM in the first place.

Of course, if you're rich or powerful and have the military and semi-"god" king on your side, or at least being "neutral," I guess any thing is possible in Thailand, a country on perpetual coups, since the early 1900s....
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