RFC Versioned many_many

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Damian Mooyman

2016年9月25日 晚上8:12:532016/9/25
收件者:SilverStripe Core Development
Hello all, I'm looking at gathering feedback on a feature we would like to develop for silverstripe 4.0.0 alpha3.

In order to support versioning of many_many relationships we are looking to implement versioning through a versioned has_many relationship. This is sometimes called "has many through" relationship, which has an equivalent in ruby on rails http://guides.rubyonrails.org/association_basics.html#the-has-many-through-association.

The advantage of this is that you can apply any extensions you like (such as Versioned) to the mapping table class, whereas many_many_extraFields wasn't backed by any real extendable objects. It would also open up the option to support translatable or subsite specific relations.

Rather than developing a new syntax or separate configuration for dataobjects, I've been looking at ways we can extend the current syntax for many_many.

I've put up a few options at https://github.com/silverstripe/silverstripe-framework/issues/5615, and am accepting suggestions for other ideas.

Please let me know if you have any feedback. :)

Kind regards,

Damian Mooyman


2016年9月26日 凌晨3:32:072016/9/26

Seems like a good approach, when you have a data-model that fits the has-many-through architecture… but what about a strict many_many relation? Are you considering versioning for these as well?

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Sam Minnée

2016年9月26日 凌晨3:40:172016/9/26
No, the plan is that if you have data that is currently stored as a strict many-many, you will need to convert it to a many-many-through structure.
Sam Minnée
SilverStripe Limited


2016年9月26日 凌晨3:59:472016/9/26

I see. Wouldn't that lead to several unnecessary DataObjects that are just being used as intermediate objects? Seems pretty unintuitive to set up a plain many_many relation…

Have you considered something like different join tables for the different stages? Eg. if you have "Page - many_many - Images", you would get "Page_Images", "Page_Images_Live" and "Page_Images_versions" join tables?

I guess the drawback of this is, that it's introducing a special case to version many_many relations… and your approach uses already existing tools.

But my most common use case for many_many are File relations by a large margin. So I would end up in doing something like this?

Page - has-many - PageImageHolderObject
Image - has-many - PageImageHolderObject
Page - many-many - Images through PageImageHolderObject

Or did I misunderstand the many-many-through architecture? Could you make an example how to set up a Page - many-many - Files relation with many-many-through?

Thanks - Roman

Sam Minnée

2016年9月26日 凌晨4:18:312016/9/26
Over the years we've hit a lot of limitations with many-many relations and in general we want to put our efforts into get the many-many-through feature working well.

Once it's in place there's a possibility that we could refactor the implicit many-many feature to work by generating an inferred DataObject. But that's for the future.

Your assessment of the set-up is more or less correct, although I think it would be sufficient only to define the pair of has_one relations on the PageImage data object - the has-many relations would only be necessary if you wanted a way of accessing the PageImage objects themselves.
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