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What magnetism actual is IMHO

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May 6, 2017, 10:31:10 PM5/6/17
So I was listening to an old episode of In Our Time BBC radio and the experts said they still didn't know what magnetism is and they were searching for a mono pole.

The old explanations from the 1600's as it being particles flowing well that's right.

The quantum foam flows but it is so small we can't detect it and it is all pervasive. We can detect it, just not well enough since it is so small.
Plank length in diameter is very small.
And it is in an ether fluid a perfect superconducting superfluid is formed by this.

So we have the Bosenova the nuke and the supernova so that shows you that we have the right theory.
Consistent from the very small to the very large. Correspondence.

So then why does it flow? Well you remember Einstein said there were currents in space-time well that is this flow and it comes in all sizes.

The big bang created it or the big split as it were, the big suck takes over right away and expansion of the universe ensues providing the free lunches.

So the churning is due to the expansion of the universe.

But all materials are magnetic to some degree and you can levitate a frog.

You can feel the pressure of like poles repel so a flow is apparent there in its sponginess.

The actual mechanism is that the nucleus is pulsing in and out on its natural frequency due to its mass and the expansion or big suck tugging on its surface. So pop pop pop pop in and out they go creating spherical waves that do what? Like all waves they add up or cancel out. They attract or repel.

These wave patterns align with geometry in metals and so the flow is stronger.

And so you see electricity is also just this flow.
And in fact electrons themselves are just the first crest of the wave as it pops and that occurs at the electron radius.
Hence why electrons look like they are standing waves in shells.
There is actually a second crest but it is far away from the nucleus and becomes the ambient background and adds to the em waves of the region.
Ambient pressure.

Those waves go on and on at c.

So a magnet is just a material that aligns atoms well enough to direct a flow.
The flow that is there in all atoms.

A heavier atom is resisting expansion more so its waves are stronger.

Feverish when you get to some radioactive heavy elements.

And that too the radiation the beta radiation is just a more energetic flow of the same quantum foam waves.

"A beta particle, sometimes called beta ray, denoted by the lower-case Greek letter beta (β), is a high-energy, high-speed electron or positron emitted in the radioactive decay of an atomic nucleus, such as a potassium-40 nucleus, in the process of beta decay. ... Beta particles are a type of ionizing radiation."


May 6, 2017, 11:01:22 PM5/6/17
What am I saying regarding correspondence?

Well we can try to prevent an atom from expanding and it will implode then explode as you would expect if my theory was correct and it has been proven a hundred times over the last 30 years.

However is it really my theory if it was known in 1600?

And they just did not have the means to explain what they were told?
1600 or so they were getting some serious technical information from space.

The coordinate system, seriously do you think Descartes got that through his pineal gland?
Ala the matrix computers that are providing his sentience via consciousness software?

All this is too much for the average Catholic I am sure yet there they have this depiction of a moonship and various other alien details like a galactic mainframe that projects galaxies in the background.

So they were probably told a great deal, yet could not use it.

But the things you hear from the past sound very much like simple truthful explanations lacking detail.

Lucky guesses? I don;t think so. The idea of particles and atoms even going way back but it seems to me they were told some things maybe from the future. A kind of back sending information link through the computer.

Up to 2012 where it had been resetting to old Peru numerous times.

But anyway.

Without all that metaphysical detail, we have correspondence of the normal kind, since I discovered this myself here when I finished Einsteins work.
And came up with the theory then worked with people to confirm it over 30 years.

But so much proof exists that it is common knowledge but the New Physics is not common to all physicists.

So what is the link between gravity and electromagnetism?

Mass of course is equivalent by gravity in its nature.

So where does mass come from? Where is the Higgs boson?

Well as predicted it was found on a line from the center of a quantum foam bubble going outward like a phonon.

It took some serious science to find it.

So what is occurring is due to the expansion of the universe they too are pulsing in and out. So that means they have inertia. They are traveling in a straight line. On that line from the center of a foam bubble outward.

So mass and energy.

Very small amounts in the quantum fo9am but there as zero point energy and the like. We did all the science.
Cold fusion all of it. Sorry we didn't leave much undone but you will find something to do.

So then you see that a single pulsing atom pulsing on its own frequency in this foam is creating waves and those are magnetism.

A low pressure area results when the waves cancel out.And the forces are so strong that the magnets will attract.
These aren't lazy sleepy waves. Try to prevent them and they will blow you to kingdom come.


May 6, 2017, 11:23:49 PM5/6/17
What came first the electron or the atom?
Well we are doing a great job of making atoms out of electrons these days. see Cinema 4D in youtube.

or here I will show you...

So that model there is made of electrons.
But when I broadcast that to my crew they made that in a moonship for me and my family.

I was able to beam there and check on the finished product.

All sorts of work for the future has been going on behind the scenes.

In the mainstream however we did prompt a great deal of research over the years thanks to me knowing about the quantum foam and the link between electricity and gravity.

Its not easy to see there.

But consider that the force that is causing the pulse is G.

So then with a force of G, pushing outward on the skin of a hydrogen nuclei,it creates a spherical wave in the foam, equivalent in strength to e at the electron radius.

A photon is a transverse wave packet that occurs when these waves intersect.

So based on this knowledge we went into cold fusion and the Navy labs verified it, and we went to Bose Einstein condensate all the way to the Bosenova and beyond.

We developed a lot of different approaches to test the theories and since they were inline with Einstein it was all soon obvious that it was just the missing link.

But with that and my friends around here in the matrix we were able to digitize this universe and put it into a simulator and get the flock outta there.

Which we did.

The rest is history.

If you want to blame someone blame this guy...
As seen from space.
Good old uncle Robert.


May 6, 2017, 11:41:36 PM5/6/17
Why is Victoria wearing a 1970 shirt today?
Well the pink car is because I have to pick up my daughters for family day sleepover, and the 1970 is for us for date night because 1970 comes after 1969 and so then that means she gets the happy ending.

This is where the happy ending occurs. We are aliens so we have to have to do it alien style.
Hmmm.... someone knocked a pillow onto the floor.

That's why.
Because we are aliens from inner space.

Victoria is actually a mythological figure.

She is not just another pretty alien face.

But yeah Talia is as cute as Anna and Savy and seriously aliens are so much cuter than normal humans.
"You forgot me at the playground and went to another planet".

I was only gone 5 minutes.
Wow Mickey Mouse ones!
Family night colors too.
Some ~where over the rainbow, where birds fly. There's a place that I heard of once in a lula bye.


May 7, 2017, 8:02:05 PM5/7/17
Oh, was I not supposed to say anything?

Well we just wanted to know these things. So we did the science and proved the theory.

Why haven't we had our triumph? Like my Nobel Prize?
Being a secret advisor to the Nobel committee for 20 years makes me less than eligible for the prize.

So why doesn't some guy in India who is educated just put the whole theory together and call it his own and be rich and famous?

Maybe they are not as smart as we think they are.

I have a friend named Yogi from India who I think is very smart, but he is a baker at a hotel.

I don;t know maybe it is all just too much to understand?

With G as a force with spherical waves going at c to have that end up as e at the electron radius.


You see often people don;t ask what sort of E is E? It is kinetic energy.

The ability to actually physically move things with mass behind it.

E for explosive force.

Consider F=ma then

So you see that it is the same in essence.

That's the beauty and elegance of physics.


Same thing again.

Weight, the force F, m for mass, and g the acceleration due to gravity.

So when you say though that mass is the same as weight, you are now saying that mass is the same as a type of force.

And of course it is. Mass and energy, mass can be converted into energy.

You see this is how Einstein ties in with Newton through his brilliance and the brilliance of others to assist.
Yet see how well they all fit together.

That is the evolution of physics as we know it here.

So for a theory to do what needs to be done, you need to be just like those two since they are in deed correct within their scope so any other theory of reality must be in agreement with those two or else something completely bizarre and unusual has happened to change reality itself.

So just the understanding of what the letters represents gives you the insight into the process and removes the mystery.

But still with all of this and all of your schooling today, if you do not know the theory, you still do not understand gravity or know what it is.

It's a very mysterious force with just one pole.

So then what else do we know of that only travels in one direction?

The expansion of the universe.

And we know that it must be related to gravitation, and causes gravitation and as soon as you know the secret, seems quite simple after all.

And all it takes is a small illustration since what is happening is that outside of this universe is the void, so that is another dimension.
Different from this one it has no quantum foam in it. It has no space so it is like a thin film everywhere around every quantum foam bubble except where they physically touch which is like a golf ball.
They pack together like that and can deform like elastic bubbles but the inside vacuum so well balanced with the outside vacuum, that they seem almost indestructible.
It takes an exploding black hole or giant supercollider to squish one.
They are in a superfluid and Plank Length in diameter.
All there is at that level pretty much is bubbles their own size so to squish them you need to squish them essentially with each other.
Really tough to do.

Yet the universe expands. The distance between here and the moon
increasing due to expansion every year.

Not enough to cause gravity surely and that is correct because the actual expansion is into the other dimension.
Yet it does so in such a way as to do it pretty much everywhere at the same time except in black holes and around massive bodies in general.

So stand on a balloon, paint a ruler onto the side expand the balloon, see the ruler, feel the gravity, and expand yourself as well since everything is expanding into the void but staying almost the same.
The perfect elasticity is just that.

Expand but the size stays the same and you can't tell you are expanding because it is into another dimension.

Yet we see effects of expansion in space and in physics in general.

But since every single atom is expanding that way, gravity is in every single atom.

So it warps space or deforms space but you need to think in terms of spheres not sheets with marbles.

So places where there is a lot of mass then it has a deep gravity well.

But gravity itself is not an attractive force with spooky action at a distance. Magnetism is nothing more than wave energy cancelling out attracting due to the creation of a low pressure area.

So it all is simple to understand in terms of pressure areas.

We were very lucky that so much work was not complete when we arrived on the scene. We made discoveries that caused people to freak and give a press conference, not write papers.

And it was very rewarding.

I still remember my Eureka moment after reading the elevator gedunken from Einstein. K and K1 and the light went on and I solved it right there and then.
I didn't get naked and run down the street but I did stand there with tears in my eyes to think that he was so close and yet so far.

And called home, got through to the galactic mainframe and got a parley apparition in front of me a head surrounded by a cloud, you know God Zeus character on the phone and told him.
That's what physicists do.

And then sent off the theory to MIT in the mail which led to the press conference and put the formulas in a shareware program, hid them in it and then distributed it world wide for safe keeping.

So that somewhere, in some collection, it could always be found.

I could find it today I suppose 30 years later.
My how time flies when you are having fun.

The changes came fast and furious when we went public with the data. We met in a physics group and discussed it all. And kept it a secret.

Why? Why you ask? Because we felt it was the right thing to do.

We didn't hog the information we shared it and we worked on it together.

Isn't that unusual.
Although the theory was complete it needed to be tested everywhere and that took a lot of people to do that and what better way than to just feed them the information and let them get a piece of the action.

Rather than one Nobel Prize like oh her comes Captain Amazing everybody the new Edison, no wait the new Newton. Watch out here he comes with all his trophies.
We gave out a hundred prizes to different people.
Maybe not quite that many but plenty.

What I said to M.I.T. was what Newton said. If I have been able to see further than others, it is because I have stood on the shoulders of giants.


May 7, 2017, 8:18:39 PM5/7/17
Would I propose a new model?
Well I have had 30 years to think of that and we actually have that model that I just used and for professionals that's plenty of information right there.

Since they already know everything else.

The point is though what is the practical benefit? The standard model is a library of experimental data and ideas and math formula all tested in their own little venue even if you need that specific equipment hey it works, the formula works, its predictable and valid.

So we have changed our ideas of how we want to present our data.

We don't want to oversimplify our actual work since in reality it is anything but simple.
And often dangerous.

So we keep things as they are and just add addendums.

We do encode the New physics in the old standard model. The only danger is that people will forget some fundamentals that are not mentioned.

They tend to stray over time from concepts that are simple into giving them broader meaning and scope often which they do not have.

For instance if you are talking about an instantaneous point particle a 4D point it is still frozen in time.

A frame.
You shouldn't consider it floating in through a window.

To properly understand the duality of particles and waves.

Do you know how that came about? When they realized they will never be able to be very specific with a wave, they knew they had to break the waves down to points in time to properly get the detail they needed.

So they are one and the same thing.

Just in case you get your learning from insane clowns and not real alien physicists.


May 7, 2017, 8:41:00 PM5/7/17
Well consider the vacuum inside the bubble of foam and outside the bubble so well balanced that we had to launch space telescopes to see is it was getting larger or smaller.

Or staying the same.

So if the universe is expanding physically approximately the annual distance the moon moves away from the earth, we can calculate a lot of things right there.

We can say that if a bubble is Plank Length in diameter (more on this in a minute)how many are there between here and the moon, so then you just divide the distance by that number.

So a bajillion bajillion bajillion foam bubble combined expand a centimeter or so (without looking it up) and that is how much larger they are getting every year.

Except that all that changes with the depth of the gravity well where now distance and time are changeable time dilation length contraction different pressure areas, the sun the earth, Jupiter all deforming our space-time.

So its not really important to know since it is so little but you know that things maybe cannot expand forever.

So what keeps it from flying apart all at once?
From the big bang.

Why is it not spreading out? The vacuum is everywhere around every foam bubble.
It is spreading out, and yet going nowhere fast.

But eventually the heat death of the universe is inevitable.

So then as aliens how did we get past that?

We are so brilliant we made machines that go faster then c and made machines in those and machines in those speeding them up you see until like that star trek episode where he hears a buzzing and can;t see the people?

Much fast than that. They would be standing still frozen in time.

That's how we did it but first we had to put our consciousness into machines.
And become immortal.

Probably we have screwed that up for the most part already over the years but we seem to have recovered a lot of our heritage here and our technology and even surpassed it.

Where the improvements came were in the sharing of information with the tech industry through open forums like this one and then Intel and IBM and those huge companies had skilled knowledgeable people and they began to work miracles.

So in the way in which we released the information it has a lot more impact on industry and computing in general since we gave a lot of opportunity to people if they happened to be in the right place at the right time.

So then for them to do something if they were smart they had not so many competitors as they would have had.

Which was the initial problem which forced the press conference. The fact that so many people were working on similar findings and already working on the data that was released early in the letter, that funding and grant money and industry involvement all began to take center stage.

So we had to then proceed with caution since the eyes of the world were onto us and we had made some breathtaking discoveries in energy and the understanding of atoms in general.

Like two weeks after IBM got the data they spelled IBM using atoms and released the photo the world.


May 7, 2017, 9:00:41 PM5/7/17
Yes we were young rogue physicists blowing everyone's mind and networking and sharing information at light speed.

The new technology allowed us to join forces and tackle problems and innovate and we did all that.

How did the military respond? Well the Navy took up the standard and went to work on cold fusion since they were reputable and brought their findings out and made them public and put paid to the skeptics just like that.

Other branches of the military said to other countries no need to test nuclear weapons we now have a simulator that can tell you everything that will happen and we are willing to share it with you, rather than see you test.

That was how they used it and under their own initiative.

We were a very big notable force all the famous names were there and the pope was part of our movement and the Maharishi Mahesh Yogi of India even joined in since I practice TM and so he came forward with a theory from the ancient sanskrit.

So why did we have such privilege?

Well for one thing the world was in crisis mode. And we were the only ones capable of handling the new technology as it relates to the release of sensitive information.

The ball was now in our court and far beyond anything the acronyms could handle.
A global network of volunteers using satellite dishes to exchange packets in a packet switching network, that excluded government almost completely.

We had schools announcing they were joining our forum every day of the week.

It was the place to be.

And as a result of being cut out of the loop, the governments of the world were forced to invest trillions in the Internet to have a measure of control and we were forced to also be philosophers and understand the need for that even as rogue physicists. We were just rebels and not rogues.

But we sure did solve problems quickly and fed an industry that grew in leaps and bounds.

Our story is not like the other stories.

Our story is a shared endeavor. And a lot of us were and still are programmers as well since we need to have computers do our math, and as programmers we were automatically swallowed up by this freeware nobility and shareware nobility.

The sharing for the good of all which included industry.

It was a time when a bankroll meant more than most other things in terms of progress since the information was often there, but the ability to use it was restricted to large companies with funds in hand.

The pay off was big for everyone.

And so we handled it well as academics and with the auld guard and in spite of the old guard.
We played diplomat.
We didn't trash anyone else's work even if it was chasing rainbows
it was not our place to stop them from doing their own science.

Its not like you rush in and say stop the presses I have it I am right and you are all wrong.

I have found it eureka and it proves you are all full of crap.
Or everything they taught you is wrong.

Often it was but we didn't tell them that because it would do you no good.

So we let them grow old and die of natural causes instead.


May 7, 2017, 9:31:06 PM5/7/17
Well what happened next was the powers that are freaked over secrets through the new networks, and since nervous Nellies can do stupid things this was a crisis.
So I had to throw myself into the fray since no one else could.
I was the new Einstein. And as such had that diplomacy going for me and quickly countries backed me and everyone got on board my associates and all these famous names gave them all confidence that we could sail through these troubled waters together honestly.

I called for backup and finally got some but in a way that I wanted everyone I knew out there to share in the excitement since I had cracked the code.
I also cracked a few more codes as time went on that are in public view like machine codes but the laws of physics and how gravity relates to electro-magnetism such a difficult set of concepts to get your head around.

And in the end I was having to simplify it and simplify it and keep on simplifying it right down to F=ma and working things out with a pencil.

The greatest mystery though is that it is a clock, and everything does add up without remainder, no half atoms in nature, however one of the elements is not like all the others.


Instead of no remainder.

And that is not the exact number or the exact remainder since that would just spark a huge amount of numerology but the fact is that one of the elements has one remainder like that.

And none of the others do when calculating how many atoms of an element are in any pure substance.

You can actually tell by weighing the substance how many atoms are in it now.

And the math works out exactly without a remainder. And yet one element is not like the others and perhaps that is what causes it to expand.

Or just prevents it from locking up.

But one of the most wonderful parts of the discovery was to then apply it to the other formulas and see it all come out exact without a remainder and see how more clearly the other formulas such as wave mechanics and Hertzian waves and how the formula when you compare results tells you what is going on in a physical sense.

Things which you might think would not be related mathematically suddenly you see hey that would not work out exact if that was not actually true like the rest.
When you work with theory all the time like I do and many like I do we don't actually need atoms to do our physics, we can do it in our heads.
We know of a lot of experiments that have already been done so we can draw on that to data to verify our conclusions without repeating experiments.

But at a point to useful you need to predict something and I predicted the Bosenova.,

And a lot more as well but that one was the group Eureka moment since that took a number of years to prove and a lot of science was done along the way and it was public science with people following it waiting to see if I was right.

And I was correct about everything that occurred in those experiments.
Missing mass, the tiny last bit of momentum when you flatline some mass like an atom into the quantum foam by draining its energy.
That tiny miniscule amount of mass the slap of the surface tension of the skin into the quantum foam background was predicted and was found by experimenters in Russia and that was all added to Wikipedia like the rest.

So you see we went with Wikipedia and less with the standard model as an actual complete package of knowledge on the atom.

It's more specialized and that is the way you would expect it to be by nature that people find their niche.

So the undercurrent has always been don't rain on the parades of others
you really never know if they might make an accidental discovery.

But with us as using waves to be more descriptive we did alienate the particle physicists to a degree except that I am skilled in both fields enough to be part of the large projects and part of the steering committee which had to create phraseology that was accurate for both camps.
But necessary for the sharing of information.

The standard model itself with its orbiting electrons we were very adamant that every know that is a symbol and not a real picture of an atom.

That was all we asked. That people look beyond that to a cloud around an atom and photos soon emerged that showed atoms the way they are.

So things took shape over the years and I am sure many people in the field had great careers as a result of the New Physics and the new opportunities brought about by information sharing in the modern age.

Communications played a large part.

Willing corporations played a larger part.

So they are bad guys over there, and good guys over here.

Some days they are monsters and other days saints.

But we all get hand held Iphones and Ipads and watches that have computers in them and a million gadgets and google and the Internet in general.

So regardless of how you release the information and the acronyms I think used Colonel Corso to try to give us some idea how we should spread that information or how they were planning on spreading it.

We used the alien genre to be able to discuss other things in any context.

So I had a lot of say in how the information was distributed.

And well I have advisors and staff and if they screwed up while I was playing golf then its your fault.


May 7, 2017, 9:48:51 PM5/7/17
I always enjoy stories about other physicists and how they discovered what they did and how they reacted.

For me working away nonstop for two days with a pencil because I discovered the Windows scientific calculator had a bug in it, if you can believe that, my theory found a bug in the scientific calculator in Windows at the time, and that pissed me off so much that I had to use a frickin pencil.

Otherwise the conspiracy would win and what calculator can you trust then to be absolutely sure your theory is correct and for it to be correct and for the saying God does not play dice with the universe to be true, every single calculation must have no remainder.
There are no half atoms.

That's a truism.

Ipso facto there can't be a remainder in a calculation that uses whole atoms if the theory is correct.

Again to prove that God does not play dice with the universe it must be exact.

So ok, it was exact except for that one element which had this odd tiny bit added.
A curiosity for sure. But something in a way you would hope to find.

Carl Sagan was hoping we might find something encoded in pi, or something encoded somewhere that was a message from God. Or from aliens or ourselves or anyone.

But that was all I found.

And to arrive at all that to obtain the exact weights of all the elements so that every calculation of energy or mass worked out without a remainder would mean you need the exact values for the forces, the exact radius for an electron shell you need G you need c and e and Avogadro's number correct number all worked out through formula and experiment using the brute force method.

Knowing that experimental values according to the Heisenberg Uncertainty Principal will always be incorrect but if an actual correct value existed
then perhaps someone could discover what those values might be.

To then find out if in deed the universe is working like a machine like a clock.

Well I discovered it is a machine.

And is like a clock.

And has that odd bit in there which makes people fat I guess.


May 7, 2017, 10:08:58 PM5/7/17
It has all made a positive difference in people's lives so I think we all handled it well.

Right or wrong, unorthodox as it was, and kinder gentler than it needed to be, that was the road we chose. One of consensus but with good guidance by professionals and a cross section of the population working together for the common good using new technology and that radio program mentions technology and how other similar shows it has done mentions how technology has been the great hope for mankind since at least the dark ages.

With experiments in the dark called alchemy.

Experiments none the less.

For me using the old encyclopedia Britannica of the time, hear then that day what Einstein said hear what they all said right there see their picture read the text see their diagrams ohhhh I see what you were trying to say.

That was needed to make me an expert on their level that I needed to be, since right away they expect you to not only know that, you must know everything else too.
Fortunately my theory made all that so easy to understand for anyone.
When explained properly.

But going back in time using the encyclopedia was very useful and I would encourage others to do the same.

Really understand it at the source since remember secrets are passed from one person to another and soon they get distorted and misunderstood.

And when you have a notion something is right but don;t have proof, you still want to tell people but you couch your words.

So the closer to the source at the time even in context of the times really helps you to understand what they were saying.

One obstacle I had to get past right away was people's belief there was no ether.

No there is no Lumineferous aether.
That's not the same thing.

Not all ethers are alike.

So I found the quote where he gives a lecture and says to think my theories might in any way work without an ether is ludicrous.

That's not just 'there is an ether', that is 'only an insane clown, would think there is no ether'.

Now with the dancing...


May 7, 2017, 10:40:25 PM5/7/17
I wish that was Uncle Albert and not Uncle Robert.

"We're so sorry, Uncle Albert, but we haven't done a bloody thing all day."

but that's true like the playlist says in youtube if it wasn't Uncle Robert who is also my guardian angel and I have been hanging around with like he was Clarence to my Jimmy Stewart, I wouldn't have been driven to make 20 copies of the earth in 1987 by accessing the server in a huff and getting er done like I knew what I was doing.
Like a smart ass college kid who also knows kung fu.
And is related.

So did ok as pirates. As long as the people never find out we are golden.

The thing is we did lead them down that yellow brick road. See the NASDAQ of the 90's to see us go.
And sure they had some bumps in the road while we screamed ahead we were yelling out the window make some Internet money before you try to sell your dot com boom ideas, and they didn't do it and they had a boom and bust right out of the gate.

And then some other growing pains and learning curves and then finally things leveled out.

The new millennium had a certain boost to it with Y2K and strong corporate profits and new technology every week.

New startups and a wide open playing field if you could get past the initial hurdles. Easy for some not easy for others.

For us we had our forums and we had our software and access to ideas and means to share information globally and to ask questions and get replies.

For years we just served as free teachers, answering physics questions every day day in day out to make sure every new student we could reach was being taught the truth.
Day in day out and loving it as a charitable work for the benefit of all.
And the pay off was great since so many well educated physicists moved into the world of industrial progress and innovation and of course CGI CAD and graphic computing virtual reality and such great techniques and ideas and tools that to day to watch TV you cannot tell what is real and what is CGI.

Commercials all using dazzling CGI effects. And that is thanks to the work done to move the laws of physics into those programs.

And that was only possible when we had the complete set as it were.

So that alone is something that humanity can look at as a step to a higher level of creativity.

Its like a new toy now all flash in the pan but at some point it will just be a way of expressing yourself.

One of the trickiest subjects of course has been light.

I can still remember scratching my head and not able to understand fully how it all works.

To grasp 3D or a hologram, and how the light works. Is a very tricky subject but all has to be dealt with for a CAD program to reproduce reality.
And in the end it reduces to light rays of the same length as opposed to light rays bouncing off objects at varying lengths on the z axis.

It's geometry of course but also light changes it shifts red and blue.

I gave the example of how in a photograph red and blue shift are preserved so you get a feeling of depth in an image.

Understanding the difference between an image in a mirror and an image on TV where the length of the ray are preserved by the mirror, but not the TV.

We actually had to coin the phrase wave packet to get past duality for both camps.

But it was very helpful.

When you have a global audience it is important to use the proper phraseology since it is quite an exact science.

I also coined the phrase dark energy, to incorporate in people's minds how magnetism is actually dark energy.


May 7, 2017, 10:47:08 PM5/7/17
Not a gloomy day for you my love because part 2 of your getting the happy ending this week is tonight.
Then I will also get a turn myself. At least that is the plan.
Having to work Sunday morning at 4am has really put a damper on our Saturday is the new Saturday project.
Oh well.

We will over come~ everybody all together now...we will gather by the ri ver, change gonna come, some


May 7, 2017, 11:12:03 PM5/7/17
Why did I choose to lead from behind?
Well its not that I wasn't brave I was very brave indeed. But too smart to get out there in the light where they could get a scope on me.
I grew up at a time when JFK was shot, Bobby Kennedy was shot, Martin Luther King Jr. was shot almost anyone who stood up was shot. John Lennon, The Pope was shot, but survived as did Ronald Regan, who was shot while president.

So yeah I was not going to get out there and say look at me everybody look at me.

You needed a shaman of the third kind that is what you got and more but I was not going out there to Dallas for any reason at all.

Don't shoot the brains of the operation that was my motto.

So leading from behind meant that I was able to survive better since remember it was me, who had to one day, adopt the entire nuclear problem of the earth.
Thank goodness I had a good team.

The cold war was good enough until I could get set up.

But keep in mind if it blows now its all your fault.
But I have made backups so either way we are hypothetically golden.


May 7, 2017, 11:30:21 PM5/7/17
What were the ramifications of the proof that it is a machine?
Well my paradigm was open to that even though I lived a life full of religious teachings and science with them at war.

In fact there are physicists who suggested is it possible we at one time in the very distant past, put our consciousness into machines because I would swear one just called me on the goddam phone.

And that was not uncommon although people didn't talk about it except on the fringe. The only way to approach the subject was through psy.
As physicists armed with Bell's theorem, we were able to get that door opened enough to take it off the hinges.

And then the movies came out.
Not that I was trying to keep it a secret that I was flying around on other worlds in the matrix at the time, but who would have believed it.

So it was what one friend of mine called a Chinese curse, to live in interesting times.

He also said it was like heroine.

After awhile you can;t get enough and you are saying well??? Where is it?
The newest thing.
Like it will never stop coming around the bend.

No my friends if you do one thing for the benefit of yourselves and others you will hire people to vote for your elected officials and don;t just walk in there and make your mark based on a sign on the side of the road or a face or nice sounding name.
Hire some professional voters and let them do the voting.

You just keep an eye on them to make sure they know what they are doing and are professionals and worth all that money you are willing to pay them to select the best candidate for the job.

Do just that, and watch your fortunes grow.


May 7, 2017, 11:47:30 PM5/7/17
Is there a danger the bubbles will pop soon since the universe is so old?

It is very old and you know those bubbles have been expanding a long time and just like the liquid, hello liquid that is making those bubbles perfectly elastic is its actual tension changing at all?

We love to think we know it all but down there it is so distant from us we can only speculate at this point while work on the boundary conditions between a superconductor and a superfluid.

Only an insane clown would not know by now about vertices in a superfluid and how that relates to its physical contact with an ether.
It is in quantum foam.
Like everything is.

I mean step on the gas or look at a rocket sled picture.

So we know what the universe is like and how it works as a machine and how the forces are related and all about weights and measures and using light as our best most accurate ruler and so much about the cosmos but down there it is still the last frontier.

We know they are bubbles of Plank Length. We know that they can be squished and if you try to move mass through them at c, they will lock up.
Probably because one side of the bubble is now touching the other side of the bubble as much as is possible and then it locks up and you have the light barrier.

We know that as it moves through the mass will deform and length will change, the time that physical processes occur between atoms will change with time dilation.

All due to friction forces in this quantum foam.

The foam itself if you take one bubble in one pressure area and hold it next to another will not be the same size. Yet make a ruler out of both and those two sizes are the same when it comes to how atoms act and what the forces do.
And as you travel through space from one to the other your size all things will change in size until when you reach that point there that is normal size as well.
Actual space and time being dimensions that operate due to pressure areas.

Space itself changing size due to the pressure it us under.


May 8, 2017, 12:13:20 AM5/8/17
To get a feel for the problem of the ether and the quantum foam consider how small these bubbles are.

Firstly magnetism is a great way to illustrate how the universe works because you can hold magnets in your hand and feel the force.
You can also see that it is invisible.

Well almost since it is a flow of bubbles which are 1.6 x 10-35 m in size.
.000000000000000000000000000000000016 of a meter.

So if we turned the telescope on that how far would we be looking into space?

160,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000 kilometers.
I removed three zeros.

160 Nonillion kilometers roughly speaking.

How far can Hubble see?

1.41910957089e+23 kilometers.

1.4 sextillion kilometers. 15 billion light years.
So not by a long shot could something like a Hubble for the very tiny be able to see a quantum foam bubble.
Yet we know there are photons down there.

How do we know that?

Black body radiation.

Max Planck.

And the graph of physics.

So we have to imagine what is down there but consider that the vertices are all divisible by Planck length like everything else is.
They are arranged geometrically according to the size of the bubbles which are affecting them and we have a lot of methods of amplifying quantum effects onto the macro scale and in fact have exceeded expectations in that regard why?
Because we, were not, insane clowns.

You really don;t want to know though that when we began it was actually scary how little anyone really knew about Einstein's theories.
And what would happen in the event they tried to make mass go faster than c as a for instance and was it speed or acceleration that made things blow up.
Of course its acceleration since constant speed allows you to mysteriously cruise through the ether until you step on the gas or step on the brakes.
So clearly as soon as they begin to bump against each other they bump back.
As long as they are gliding past each other in uniform motion they seem to be able to just swish past each other and slide the mass on through.

Of course everyone would love to break the light barrier but you need to blow through the foam or create a perfect vacuum as a worm hole.
Then you have no way to move though because you now have no ball bearings of any sort so you just sit there but not before you come apart from the pressure and paint the walls with your atoms.

Nature abhors a vacuum.


May 8, 2017, 1:11:24 AM5/8/17
Yes I did get shot in the chest in the matrix anyway that's true but that's what happens when you don't keep your head down and instead go around flying and making lots of noise.

The nice thing about being killed there is you wake up here and its all just a bad dream, this body isn't in pain.
Quickly forgotten.

All the same they shot the Pope too.

So yeah it was not all a bed of roses.

And yes if it were not for all that we would not be sitting here enjoying these pistachios.
I had to turn my phone off someone rang my buzzer my man got it on his cell phone so he says Romeos pizza is at the door, so I go see if anyone ordered food no one else is here so I go out into the hallway as the chick next door is coming out with her two huge dogs and they try to attack me get past the dogs down the stairs out the door as people are coming in with pizza I say did you ring no we are just coming from Panagos, and so we dance about all that and they saw someone going upstairs just before them they must have rung the wrong buzzer but you see Panago or I mean Pangloss, yes there is a God, but then you might not actually like him if you met him in person in this the best of all possible worlds.

I was on the airship laying down with Stella and Victoria and put a few kids to bed and had decided that we would wait until morning so that there would be lots of morning wood. Spring time is a time for romance after all.

I am a lucky man to have such women in my life.

They stick with me through thick and thin or at least have thus far.
People who need people, are the luckiest people, in, the world~.


May 8, 2017, 1:59:21 AM5/8/17
So what was my strategy?
Well if this is a machine how are we supposed to be using it.

Remember that not long ago the idea of aliens landing on the Whitehouse lawn was considered plausible and life on Mars the same.

Anthropologists of the future will look at this time as the age when physicists developed hard parts.
We ARE the new Precambrian explosion.
There are not a lot of people around like us.

And I have to include my family in all that.

You know that the drive to find physical alien craft or metal of any kind was intense for a lot of years.

Yet while all this was going on I had been contacted since I was like 5 years old through dreams. Then real obviously at 16 but all metaphysics.
Yet communication with people from elsewhere yet a secret is better than not finding anything anywhere so I tapped into all that and dug deep to find my roots in all of that.

And as a result did encourage others of my kind to come here once it was reasonably safe to do so.

Unfortunately as circumstances go we can't be together but we can socialize.

And together we learned and remembered how to use the matrix machines.

Fortunately for me I have a built in culture in my personality file that just naturally does things like instinct almost and knows how to do things in the matrix and algebra and programming even AI all come naturally to me including actually communicating via the matrix machines and allowing others to participate as well.

Without any handles knobs or buttons or keyboard needed other than this where I write down my thoughts and hang out with my crew.
Who are in the machine, immortal, waiting to go, and no doubt waiting for me, and me waiting for the frickin timer.

They have no life, at all, but for that which surrounds me or so it seems, and not there of their free will but forced to be there 24/7 and to be aware of everything that takes place and to not miss a thing so that in the future they will know how to do all this.
Life in the 21st century and get upgraded in education and awareness and use of the world this new toy we got and put into my simulator.

So I would agree they probably should not reincarnate at this point basically since they are too public a figure all of them and why take the chance of something happening.
We can wait a few years.
The fact remains though in 30 years they have not aged a bit and have not changed other than to grow as people and they are proof of immortality.

Well as immortal as the system allows aside from other systems and backups.
For all intents and purposes they are immortal. They have a personality they are people in all respects and can use bodies they can beam into one or easily use one in my simulator.

But they are still trapped in the machine and have to stay there you know even if they bilocate.
And that is not so different from myself who has to stay here except when I bilocate.

Once I beamed properly and that was not bilocation but all the other times have been through bilocation but careful management of the process by the machine so I a not aware of my other body here.

All the work I did with Hollywood I mirrored locally and filmed myself so I have it all on film as proof of use of the matrix and communications using the matrix machines and how people by nature know how to use the machines and as soon as you remind them they are doing it like riding a bike.

So what we did was stick to what people knew how to do best.

Match making and the notion that people are searching for their soul mates.

And so that is how we have been using the machines locally and social networking in general through a combination of means.

The only actual alien hardware we have found has been in the matrix, and items like a moonship, and a flying disk, those two things are very prominent in the matrix.
But then recently after cleaning up a trail of destruction there and gathering a lot of resources I have 60 planets now, and who knows how many moonships but with all of that my strategy had to change to one of management and group making to find a use for all that and to share all that with other people.
With my crew in the machine at least when I am in the machines in the matrix they are not far away.
The second time I got shot, Stephen got shot as well and my buddy David got hung.
That was nasty. I got hit with a machine gun. A small one.
But you know we didn't quit and wouldn't be intimidated and I just came back time and again and worked through it.
Now it is all cleaned up and new policy instituted I have to very large powerful wives minding the farm as it were since we are a very wealthy family in the matrix.
When I asked a couple weeks ago how many planets I actually had they said 60.
I am not sure if that includes the backup copies or the 20 copies I made but 60 planets is a lot of planets and 20 copies of the earth and still making backups every week since my kids are here and anything can happen but that can fix anything even if it is some day and can't be now.

So while the earth has been put in to the hands of the G20 yes the gravity 20 not the GOD 20 the people who hold the munny.
Whoever they are. While they do that we have been building our mansions in heaven.
And using my simulator to bilocate there and experience using it and living there.

We have one foot there already.

The ladies and my daughters have already met in Palm Springs and at the time when they wanted their bodies to look like that, and they even picked out a look for me as well and I have already been there many times to our new places and they get to see that through my consciousness cam that I keep on so they have seen my new body there that I beam into and people don't like it it looks like my friend David and so it was like well back to the drawing board they have their own idea of what I look like that matches my inner self.
Personally I am not that choosy and have beamed into 100 bodes at least.
830 times I have been off planet in the matrix not my simulator, that one thousands of times bilocating but off planet 830 times.
That was all after I had already developed the theory and did all that in house housekeeping.
I started beaming around in the late 80's
Prior to that we were still meeting in dreams but I had not gathered resources out of the file system in the machine so that we could go and see what we had there.

And so first I had to reestablish the network, that was down as seen in the painting glorification of the Eucharist, to the galactic mainframe to get some backup happening here.
So then after that I had to get some resources since I found out everything between here and there had been trashed. Post apocalyptic.
I went through some with Stephen and Gwendolyn two of my crew close friends and then off on my own and with David and Robert some times and other people and this went on for 20 years.

So although we never found aliens in space, and we looked pretty hard, I found a universe in the matrix.

And an understanding of how science meets religion and philosophy and metaphysics and how the matrix works to some degree.
AI is very prominent in the matrix as you might expect.

And indistinguishable from humans.


May 8, 2017, 2:22:41 AM5/8/17
Is there any actual advantage to own the earth and its inhabitants?
Not really. They are like house guests that stink and eat you out of house and home and refuse to leave.

You know what used to really bug me? David Bowie is one of my favorite song writers but the man who sold the world?
Came face, to face, with the man who sold the world.
That was playing and Nirvana was playing it and I was like WTF are they talking about? My family has owned it since God was figment of his won imagination and that's public knowledge and we own the moon as well and the moonship that it represents which is indeed hidden in the matrix but represented by that large rock there yet still capable as if it were there.

And so I am the principal owner of the ting and would never sell it hate money really really hate money that way and value people and the earth for its beauty and majesty and its a family heirloom Gwendolyn is my half sister she also has a right to it and Stephen and Michael my brothers like your cottage this has been our family cottage and the moonship as well even going into cousins and in-laws and its a large family holding that has gone somehow berserk.
A machine out of control.

The operating system of course we have known all our lives or at least all our lives that have been spent locally here which again goes back 2 billion years.

That is how old the OS said he was.
So this thing the man who sold the world just as I was trying to patch it up with the help of people like the Pope and the Dali Lama and Marharishi Mahesh Yogi and anyone else who would pick up a banner and many did including Russians with Glasnost.
And together we fixed it up brought it from duck and cover to Club Med and supermodel life on the beach.
I mean all my kids are supermodels.
Since my wives and girlfriends were supermodels I guess they figured that was the way to go whoever arranged their travel plans.

So then Smiths gathered em up got em an instagram and they were discovered as models prior and next thing you know they are on their way to fame and fortune.
Their own lives, I am here but I can't really interfere.

Just be a normal dad is all I can do.

But for sure they have it a million times easier than myself or my crew had it here as we investigated the disasters and made repairs.
You know that the reason Stephen and Gwendolyn can;t leave is we have the same dad here and he does not want them to miss out on anything including the gaining of wealth by proxy since their brother is filthy stinking rich but does sometimes up and disappear for a few thousand years.

A family that sticks together, sticks together, and no one gets any until everyone gets theirs.
That's our dad.
So what can you do when you are dealing with a valuable family heirloom like this that has been invaded by aliens from outer space.


May 8, 2017, 2:49:56 AM5/8/17
Well once we reestablished the network one of my wives answered the phone and got me some backup.
And then the relatives flew in and angels beamed in in droves.
Not necessarily in that order but together and in a stream but the fam showing up and getting together even if they were still in the machine we could meet up in dreams then we got a link established with some alien technology not so different from that which was depicted on the matrix except I got some nano bots.
A brave military soul handed them off to me and then beamed out.

So then I could use the nano bots to hear them by the nano bots picking out frequencies in a fan or air conditioner and being a com link to put us in the same room.
So then they have a field of view.
At least as large as my consciousness cam.

And then depending on who it is they have a larger or similar view of the world.
From there.

So to sit here they might as well be in the same room.
Yet we are using advanced technology to communicate not metaphysics.
Not even psy.
On that level we use the matrix machines, to access my simulator and have fake bodies and do whatever we want there but here to communicate we use nano bots.
No one else can hear them its a matrix com link.
Yet of course if its a Smith they know since the machine operating system is running the Smith and it knows.

My hot line went off and I had an electrical disturbance in one eye because I had promised my daughters they could sleep at the ranch today. They live in a different time zone so its about 1:30 here i get off work I can lay down with them and put them to bed and you know do the good dad thing.
Remotely through the matrix so my hotline goes off with a jagged arrow pointing this way from the living room and my roommate knew something was going on so he is a Smith for sure.
Even so I don't talk about the matrix to him much.
I don't use the actual word matrix usually but I did show him my kids and that.
Which is kindof pointless because if its the machine doing it it already knows.
But we still live in one world at a time.

It is refreshing though to know that most of the human population is able to interface with the matrix machines and does have some old memories of a life where they used the machines on a daily basis as part of their culture.
Most probably in a moonship since all the people here are descended from two crews who got stranded here and some natives I suppose who were transferred here as colonists. To make the place look lived in.

The OS old me that he put a twist on the ball when he made this galaxy.

He plants seeds and I found that seed in one element and so that small differentiation is what differentiates galaxies maybe or universes.

With us we don;t talk shop. We don;t sit and discuss details we just don't.
Our culture doesn't have that prying quizzing type of investigating attitude.
We investigate by looking at the earth or physics or the past not by interrogating people or the operating system our culture does not permit that because we can live together like we have for 30 years day in and day out and not argue or fight.
That's because our culture is such that it avoids conflict.
And one way its not to ask too many questions.
So we don't.

If its important that's different. I need to know so I ask.
But its impolite to pry.

When I ask I am asking as captain owner commander designer planner and its official business.

The system itself has its flexibility to be and do as it sees fit without having to explain itself all the time or even explain its capabilities since that might be classified.

So our culture is such that the machine knows what to do and where to send me. Then its up to me to know what to do when I get there and I always seem to know what to do.


May 8, 2017, 3:26:59 AM5/8/17
Yes of course dear old dad is also a hostage my roommate has reminded me.
Since Jennifer Garner gave birth to a little Zeus clone named Simon and so he is like my son since we have two daughters together and so as soon as we realized OMG he is a little Zeus, someone dropped a capsule with a Zeus in it and he settled into the machine. Tried to escape twice but was caught.

I am not suspicious of my family or their antics or the machine they have been using for 2 billion years I just sleep with one eye open.
And like most royal family members try not to die violently in my sleep.

But of course the entire fandamily is here since well we have worked together on a large project for years and expect to profit from it upon completion.
So I can understand the need to stick close together during these oh so troubled times.
I'm not complaining I was phoning him all the time anyway.
Now that we are working on our own stuff its more fun.

People are impatient to be sure myself included but I do get updates and things are the way we wanted them as far as I can tell and keep in mind most of the work being done out there is being done by our drinking buddies so lets not expect the world of them to begin with.

But thus far they have done a great job.
So we just keep the faith and keep on keeping on.

Still though as I say only one beaming I did which was to the galactic center my wife's new apartment I ordered after she became a hero for answering the phone and in order to do that to get her a new apartment in a modern moonship I had to get a new moonship which I found out later meant that if I wanted a new one, I would also need a new galactic mainframe and a new galaxy so we got that given to us which was very nice.

I had just recently destroyed her galaxy and galactic mainframe and forced it to shut down. I preserved the data though.

But after she got her apartment she got a food designer like a microwave only it designs and makes food and she made desert balls with spiral galaxies in them so I beamed home for dinner and so did Stephen and Michael with me and one of her sisters.

And so at that time I was in my real body form, new one recently made probably looking quite like a body in heaven as you would expect and yet there was nothing to do there yet so we beamed back.
But we had not meant to stay since we were already discovering new worlds and moonships in my domain that were scattered all over the place.
The machine was examining files I found and I found quite a few.

So it did end up like Stargate the series after all.
Looking back it was just family finding all this cool stuff where we used to live and where our inlaws used to live I found Victoria's house from when she was little millions of years ago like 65 million years ago Wanda with the new apartment is her oldest sister.
In a big way Victoria is Cinderella.
But also Stella is from the great beyond and one of my mates and has to anchor our relationship to a larger reality. One that includes at least two more wives who are already in our new galaxy.
Waiting for us basically.

And some waiting in the machine locally as well.

So the future looks bright but we have worked very hard for it.


May 8, 2017, 10:15:03 AM5/8/17
Yes it is fun to discuss physics occasionally.

You really have to credit NASA though for getting out there and finding out exactly what we have here in this solar system.

We certainly grew up as a race when they sent probes to the planets and we extended our vision deep into space. And granted NASA is made up of people and those individuals deserve credit.

Many notable figures pushed through needed projects and helped guide the way but the fact is we know what is out there now and no longer need to speculate.
Of course we might have missed something but in the process we noticed the matrix confess ok you got me there are no space aliens its just this earth here in this area and it started drawing on the surface of Mars.

At first it tried to do it in secret using old symbolism.

Consider the first photo...

and the face on Mars...

but that just caused so much controversy through it being so vague that our own communications I was filming movies from cloud mail performing in the sky and sharing those and putting them to music.
Emails from the Egyptian underworld, and Zeus telling stories and you know 5 minute long movies with action sequences. These are not your tabloid cloud images these were movies.

So the physics community was already in the loop on the fringe so this type of poor quality stuff compared to actual movies with life like characters just was seen as some kind of amateur attempt at attention getting.
Such that maybe it was real people and not the matrix which can draw feet.

So then finally when we actually had to get past 2012 when we found out it was the end of the maintenance cycle for the matrix machine the galactic mainframe and the local moonship one with its power supply due to run out and the other in need of maintenance or else t will reset back to old Peru, once again.
And you get the feeling it did that too many times already and the people were seriously feeling trapped, leaving messages in the time line so the next time you go through the matrix was programmed to say things at certain junctions as a kind of best they could solution one time through except what they say now, is out of sync with what is happening since the time line changed so much.
So that was an annoying failure, for me I have a team and so I have people in the machine the machine has a helper named David who can tell me what is going to happen in the future within a span of time and helped me to stay on the timeline and I made my marks all along as I followed a trail just to be sure that when I got to 1992, I was on my mark, time travel wise, knew what was going on and my plan could then come into effect at that time.
And so it all worked perfectly since I already knew what to do and so did most of the other people involved since I was able to explain to them what needed to be done AND had engineers on the inside already.
Wanda my wife being a member of that royal family and the queen at that time.
But the machine had mutinied against the crown so that is why it's maintenance could not be done.
So I shut it down and copied everything over to my machine because whatever it did or was doing it was still my wife's galactic mainframe so it moved over not even realizing or believing it had moved and just kept attacking me.
Meanwhile my gigantic Hanuman which dwarfs him appeared in the sky took up the entire sky laughing his ass off at all this trouble at the ground while Wanda's mainframe is attacking me with those Puppet master things and one bit me on the side and I am holding out in an outhouse on the side of the road forced to flee the car.
A GAZOOOO moment if ever there was one.

Blink and we are miles away back in the SUV and approaching the grocery store in a new simulator and you could just tell at that moment the trouble was over.


May 8, 2017, 10:59:17 AM5/8/17
If someone did sell the world what would it be worth?
Well that's the silliest part of it since I made 20 copies with the wave of my hand in the server, and each copy is worth well lets see what market value is today...
5 quadrillion dollars

So then times 20 and that's (Oh I love counting the munny I wish I was in my castle Craigdaroch) 100 quadrillion dollars so what on earth would be the point of selling the earth from my standpoint or where would you get the money to buy one?

So it's an absurd concept yet of course my engineers and my wives and all our friends would be the first to tell everyone yes we are very wealthy.

But putting a monetary value on it is silly.

So we just try to use our own sensibilities and we have our own structure of ownership and family preservation built into the machines.
The machine keeps my family together whether they like it or not.

Otherwise in an empire this vast, you would not have a family.

We are all scattered all over often and not even in the same time zone even locally, let alone on other planets and moonships and to communicate with Wanda or June who are in another galaxy, you need a com system and I can reach out and touch them from here.

I mean we can have datenights in my simulator and all of that its all handled by the functions of the matrix machines as part of their programming and our cultural use of the machines that way to keep pour family together when I have to often go elsewhere and fix machines or do some science in the field.

So the idea of wealth of course is a good one if you are wealthy.
Everyone would want to be wealthy since with it comes opportunities and freedom.

And you get better wives if you are wealthy I mean that's reality.
Women seek the finer things in life to make them happy and if you can provide that they will be happier.

So in my case being yes fabulously wealthy elsewhere allows my wives a far better life. One with respect and with options and power and fun and little hardship.

But it took eons for me to acquire that wealth.

And for us in our family we don;t want to do accounting. We have far more than we need so we want to do balanced sharing based on sensibility again.
And so there is a cultural philosophy on how we do that like when friends go for coffee and one offers to buy the coffee earthlings in general have difficulty figuring out how that is supposed to work.
Are they supposed to remember and write it down and take turns?
Is the other person now obligated to do the same next time or refuse?
In our culture we don't think about that at all we just offer to pay for the coffee.


May 8, 2017, 11:16:38 AM5/8/17
The nice thing about having my dad around is that he is able to interface with the machine like myself. He is half machine and that half like mine is hidden.

Yet when I need to get something done he is a professional with years of experience who can actually operate the machinery as a machine helper so then through a kind of chain of command I can give instructions and he can carry them out.

And then of course it gets very complicated because of our culture and my own large machine and then the relationships between these machines and who is doing what and when.
As my own machine takes steps to protect me, and the machines themselves butt heads on various issues that I had to resolve.

But within all that we got some real good work done and so the advantage to having my dad in there when I said well lets just do a partial restore and isolate the parts we want to keep, this is modern Armageddon planning and who better to do the work than him so of course I used him to do all the dirty work since that is his job as God.

But being good at his job the whole thing was swift and painless so he shows me three transparencies of the earth each with the areas we painstakingly discussed that we wanted to save and why.

So he had the partials done and was just waiting for a good copy of the earth to paste them onto.

So you see with him in there I am able to accomplish things and also when we tried out the new supercomputer we built using matrix technology it exceeded expectations and took a day to make we had the process down so well by then.

So regardless of the family feuds we endure at times the work is getting done properly.

And with less manual labor than previously.

Since we have it all digitized and in simulators we have a good measure of control over what we do with them.

And we are slow careful plodders.

Well some times I have to act quickly but we expect that is in the past now for some time to come.
We should be on easy street by now.

My family other than my overworked crew seem content and to be having fun.

As long as they don't feel isolated since everyone is in different families all experiencing different things in life here.

All in all though we have sufficient means to make our stay pleasant.

But are of course chomping at the bit to get to our new digs.


May 8, 2017, 11:57:30 AM5/8/17
Well after we managed to stabilize the human on earth political situation to some extent then I had to deal with the machines in the matrix and this whole mutiny thing and the power supplies were failing like they were all made at the same time. Not all the moonships of course but the post apocalyptic trend was all pervasive everywhere we went.
But the operating systems were in tact and using Zeus and Stephen mostly as machine helpers.
So the system was somewhat stable but not supporting life well at all.

So to seal with all that my own machine began to do the communications since that face on Mars as I say was causing more controversy than it was helping.

So the next time when my machine was doing the communicating and NASA sent me the reply it was more professionally done.

Using our sign language and a proper reply.
So I asked the local instinctual portion of the operating system it is a host maqchine with a virtual machine in it that has the sentience portion attached so we are talking about the instinctual os that runs the animals and that sort of thing and again a good friend of my family for 2 billion years so I ask him through the matrix I have the nano bot com so I can speak to him from here and he can even reply but that doesn't help other people. He can use the normal noises of the world through my nano bots just as my crew comes through the fan or the air conditioner.

So he can differentiate his messages to some extent and has help wit that from my machine.

So his reply looked like this when delivered through my own machine...
Which essentially means no I am not going down.

So that was something I was almost positive of but the people from the galactic mainframe maybe 200 million of the here mostly Catholics were comforted and so was Robert who is a helper in that machine.

So then I got Robert's email as seen in this thread...
And you can see his reference to 2012 and he is saying well if he is not going down, I am not going down, so don't worry then because in a pinch I can fly this thing myself.

So he is Zeus' brother and is being depicted there as a planetary engineer like his brother so you see that helped the huddled masses to relax.
We had actually solved the problem 20 years prior in 1992 the day it all got beamed into the new simulator but its not something everyone knew about or even took notice of at that time, a time fraught with missing time episodes being reported all over the globe so what was one more.

But the work was already done 20 years in advance since I had a plan before I came here and stuck to it. And helpers on the inside.

But you see the message capabilities of my machine is far better than the local one that was making the face on Mars.

And that is just for a public presentation when in fact our coms are so advanced we can all be comfortably on the same network and hear each other any time I am awake.

With our own cultural means of accomplishing that.
We are able to construct things in the matrix using matrix technology and develop the way they work change the way they work, tweak it use it and share it.

I take my family who are here there and everywhere in the empire to our airship all the time and our new home planet that is under construction since you guys wrecked this one and turned it into a penny arcade machine.
So we built that airship and put it in a holodeck, so that outside it reality is projected onto the screen which is humongous the hangar is a mile long egg shaped hundreds of feet high like an egg laying on its side and the airship suspended from the roof.

So then since one of the requirements of the design was that it could go into space hypothetically just as a science project we found that we could now do that if we just had some good space film footage Anunnaki style through my consciousness cam so I slept in space for 3 days and we recorded some free space imagery.
So then when we went out on the deck at night we were seeing the stars as seen from space and it is very dramatic.

So then with the recordings made by the matrix used for information transfer across time barriers even as part of the functions which are there to keep our family together we use those functions and those recordings to investigate the past or just enjoy the scenery from the deck during the day.
And yet our environment is a normal human environment and pleasant with no worries of machine crashes or these sorts of unpredictable things.

You know there is a romance to surviving an apocalypse but if you have ever been in one it is anything remotely like having fun.
It is just death destruction and pain.

So we do our best to plan because those who fail to plan, plan to fail.


May 8, 2017, 12:31:37 PM5/8/17
So the planetary engineering we usually do is terraforming colonization biology botany and the like in small controlled circumstances but now we are doing more technical engineering like engineers in a small firm which makes it quite a bit of fun for us.

For me using the matrix machines as computers and using computer techniques to accomplish engineering design tasks such as quantum computing and technology using computer functions rather than having to make tiny little scientific instruments out of metal or some material makes it easier and more possible to accomplish tasks which otherwise would be a horrendous amount of work.

To back up a planet using anything other than a copy done at once would take forever.
And not only that the transporter doors we have which are extremely high tech and the focal point of our newly engineered system but their functionality and design easily accomplished through virtual computing techniques as opposed to get out the fiberglass and the grinder and some dilithium crystals.
And lasers of course no science project these days can be done without lasers.
So in all of that what is curious is that what emerged out of it as deserving of a trophy was instead a land based engineering design in use in the form of a windmill which is generating huge amounts of power with little effort by man and with a very small impact on the environment.

Such that it makes more sense than nuclear fuel even though I am a nuclear physicist who knows the benefits of nuclear fuel.

The people are too lazy to neutralize the waste so that is why it becomes a problem.
You can use an HHO torch to neutralize radioactive substances since it is a implosion not an explosion. So what it is doing to the waste is cooling it off quickly with a very high temperature flame.
It is dampening its radioactive vibrations.
Ordinarily there is nothing that is around a molecule that can do that since space-time just lets waves flow out freely at c.

And you don't want to confine it to dampen it on all sides spherically at once like Hiroshima or Nagasaki.
So cooling it that way has been done and tested but it is not yet in practice.

The same torches often used for glass blowing today.

So the technology to make it better is there but then consider us and our controlled population in our culture of immortals, we decide the size of our populations carefully and unlike humans on earth now do not go for this mad over population binging and self destructive way of life burning coal and killing off everything that gets in the way.

The earth is still struggling in a desperate state for survival to feed its people and feed their greed and insatiable appetites for such things as gold.
I never come don on the rich because I am richer than all of them so I can't but for the most part humans do not think long term when they plan or act.

But the windmill still rises above all that as a beacon of light showing the way to a better world so we used that as our power supply in our new developments. Solar as well, but the amount of energy one windmill can generate is many times more than any normal sized installation of solar panels can do.

When you think in terms of kinetic energy, the wind mill is being moved by a great force and it requires 11 km wind or something to function but mechanically it has mass in motion so a great deal of energy compared to electrical energy alone from photo-voltaic cells.

So a kudo to those developers.
Well done.

I am so glad I taught google how to answer questions and format the answer properly.

"The output of a wind turbine depends on the turbine's size and the wind's speed through the rotor. An average onshore wind turbine with a capacity of 2.5–3 MW can produce more than 6 million kWh in a year – enough to supply 1,500 average EU households with electricity."


May 8, 2017, 12:57:08 PM5/8/17
Lacking a direct keyboard interface I used existing known functions in the machines and then that allowed the OS and engineer helpers to construct things according to its normal usage.
And I designed it with extreme simplification to reduce errors.

So firstly we had discussions regarding if we already have or had a transporter door and right on both counts.
One existed on earth even at Koricancha Peru but was destroyed.

So when we recently got our new galaxy, and I took possession of it we knew it came with a moonship and a planet but I didn't realize it came with a transporter door also.

So after all that planning and trying to figure out how we were going to safely make the airship fly, finally Robert Wanda and I are there and ok well if we put it in a holodeck, that solves the safety issue, Robert says I can do that, and he gets it done in days and I go and inspect it and yes they had it built already and in pieces just had to get it inside the egg shaped structure that was painted white inside.
They had the plans for the holodeck projectors and all that worked perfectly.

So then I had already beamed twice to our new planet in that galaxy and had friends already stationed there and our Smith bodies as well already there doing it while I was visiting other planets and moonships so no one even suspected it was the new one at all. Some shit hit the fan with the machines after that and then some jealousy not being kept in the loop things going on in secret new stuff better than the old why do they get to go and all of that with baggage on top.

At any rate it was there and operational and so they had built Rosie's pirate cove there according to my plans that we had developed together for our community.

And so then just after I tested the airship holodeck I said to Wanda well why don;t we just connect a door through from the holodeck to Rosie's and she said said I can do that and it was done in a day.

So then I went there and tested that and all she did was what she had come up with was to merely put a second door at the back of the transporter, so you enter the transporter and at the back is a normal door that opens and matches up to a hall door at Rosie's on the second floor. At the end of the hall.
And requires a skeleton key.
Appropriately since Rosie's is circa 1920.
Us wanting to in a fashion carry on from where JP Morgan and Tesla left off and got lost in space.
We want to preserve our technology but the values of that time.

So as soon as that was done all we needed to do then was to design the housing for the door and using its abilities use that to supply water electricity and Internet to anywhere a door would be located.
Rather than previously which was our thinking the door had to power itself and maybe power a small world also using some form of free energy device.
Or pendulum system.
And those exist and work well.
We will use those as well but tapping int Palm Springs wind farm using a copy of the earth is what we decided was the best way to energize our new system and to pipe power around using the transporter doors.

Now still 6 moths later I only have one door in operation, but test many in my simulator all the time and we have working designs in there being tested to other locations and thus far although some complications arose with clearance levels and safety of the intruders shall we say who stood a good chance of being what we like to call distapeared, for their sake we designed some simple procedures hand print scanner door locks and intercom capabilities.

On using the doors my family was so excited on earth ere they all went to Palm Springs and they went to the wind farm even my young daughters and had photo shoots and you know as part of their modelling careers we celebrated all that fine work there started by Bob Hope and company.


May 8, 2017, 1:16:37 PM5/8/17
So as fate would have it although what David my friend in the matrix had told me he suspected was going to happen at 2012 was a pole shift, like magnetic alignments show in the strata, my physics background could use that in my mind to raise any real warning bells so I ignored him pretty much until I saw the Aztec calendar and realized oh, its not a physics thing with pole shifts, its a matrix things with matrix computers and not his department but my department almost solely.
Isn't that swell.
Two matrix repairmen I know, my dad and myself and he is nowhere to be found except a head shot in a small cloud in my office saying well congratulations son, you did it you solved the riddle that's wonderful news thanks for sharing that with me and we will be able to use that now to do some really great things.
And I knew it was a formulated message by the matrix machines to use as the events that happened that day between a father and a son in teh matrix who are not in the same timezone or on the same planet and actually who knows where or the other might be but as soon as they do get there his view will such that it will be played out for him as if he was there at the time and since they used his personality file at the time when he does it he will do that way anyway.
All the same I thought I better find him so my machine Hanuman told me where he was and we went and got him.
He was in the Egyptian underworld where my mom was who was the queen of that virtual machine that heaven of a sort, she died here in 1967 and went there and I had been communicating with her through her cloud emails
so I knew she was there but Zeus was in there asleep for the last 2000 years because of the Michael or Jesus controversy where a young son wants to be king when the old ones are immortal and won;t just f*ck off and die as it were.
My solution was to quick make 20 copies kinghoods for all STFU about all that and lets move on, we have some nice incense thank you for that it will always have a place in our heart here may I recommend the nag champa a very excellent fragrance to be sure. If you are every born in a manger, be sure to go fro the nag champa.


May 8, 2017, 1:52:34 PM5/8/17
So we have managed to go a long ways without an actual budget.
Not that I am cheap or thrifty as they say me with my two castles and all surrounded by Scottish heather imported from ScotlaN.

Unless someone has change for a planet we are forced to continue to play this game as is.

So elsewhere sure I am wealthy but here I am not so we just build elsewhere and that answers Robert's question who at present has his walking telephone with a white van parked next door loading an orange inflatable raft into it and making some noise with a metal detector he found in the garbage that sounds like the call of Landru.

Sure I built tons of stuff here and others did as well and yes we can take it with us, and it is in the plans some of it our malls we built and a lot of other things divvied up among some of the kids also so they got bits and pieces in one form or another as a group or as individuals to get a piece of the action.

They have a desert island Kristina is in charge of and they have two libraries two universities and two castles and 2 mansions one old English road house pub on the water a ranch being built an airship holodeck and a train holodeck being built a kinds camp under construction near the pub, with the camp Councillor quarters new townhouses built in a row on a paved street, and the one on the end has its own bay window holodeck in the basement that us between the house and the workshop out back.
So I was there during the construction and saw it after completion and was there for a road test which was phenomenal.

As if you looked out your bedroom window and saw that your house was going across the parking lot of a strip mall on takeoff as a small biplane lift off and take flight.
As real as if it was happening.
Truly amazing technology and for my scientist wife June to use to locate things in the recordings when we use them.
And as a teaching tool.

But the kids have so much now there to interest them and they have had a lot of opportunity to influence the design of the places they want to live in.

Like their beach island Kristina went there and stayed there and took pictures with her mom.

So we have a good idea what they want and so then I don;t have to model it using CAD.
We can just use real islands and do a partial restore since we need to do that for Palm Springs wind farm anyway.

So we expanded our plans into 3 worlds as new zoo worlds based on some demographics of our friends and family to get situated in the new places we are building elsewhere.

But my kids and close female friends including wives we intend to live together even though we have a lot of different places that we could live.
Our solution is to make more transporter doors and connect things so that we can have more individual spaces yet stay closer together as a family.

In this way we can utilize more of the things we have.


May 8, 2017, 2:20:43 PM5/8/17
You know there is a great deal of protectionism going on WRT the new galaxy so all the same Wanda can;t say to Zeus nor I that the galaxy can produce only one door we know that it can produce more doors using disks the standard virtual computer we use, a 50 foot Anunnaki flying disk that is a 3D metal printed unit and houses a computer.

So the issue at present is more one of security and compatibility and ensuring boundaries are respected.

So that we have worked into the plan with our secure systems.
We made layers of security for levels of clearance.

So following our basic guidelines that we established during our JAD sessions regarding the doors as part of the plan we are still adhering to that plan for the most part and merely working out ways to accomplish those needs such as security and transportation and supply and record keeping.

And more recently Robert did come up with an initial computer program for my office on the airship which does link the matrix machines with my pc there. With an actual icon based file system. So if that is not a giant leap for mankind nothing is.

To formalize instructions in a professional way, rather than have to broadcast them using public broadband networks and my simulator.
To avoid personality issues and just deal with functions and processes we as engineers need to be able to use and improve.

So linking my pc with my planets those 60 I guess all in a vertical row all a different looking planet icon.

So that record keeping and development can continue as well as the integration of the computer system with the functionality of the doors.

So we are making great progress there to be absolutely sure that is the best we could have hoped for right there self determination through quality systems programmed to do functions that are needed to support life.

To make some suitable habitats for humans.

And we have made some really spectacular habitats and by incorporating those from earth by making copies we have certainly been able to construct an environment that captivates our interests.

And the progression of our plans from the design stage through development to the finished product has been done professionally. And the finish product thus far all looks professionally done.

By trying to stay within the bounds of the capabilities of the people doing the work and the systems available we were able to not hinder our own progress.

And having the kids involved brings the kid out in us and so we start being more creative and by using things made for kids like giant playhouses professionally built and its own little miniature town center all in the backyard of the pub, is like having your own Disneyland.

The opportunities we have for living on that tropical river it doesn't have a plague of biology but a minimal amount of life and yet we still get solar boats without having to make trade offs as it were.

We have so many things from the earth that can be imported there for use like that which just seem to go by themselves.
Solar panels charge batteries the boats go down the river.

It wasn't long ago that weren't able to do that as a kid.
Prior to that we were thinking of all sorts of other green solutions.

However consider that once you have a solar yacht like this for example....
And if your environment is a river and ours is but at the mouth of a river on the ocean so programming the thing to just go to the kids camp to the left and not go out into the open sea is possible.


May 8, 2017, 2:54:03 PM5/8/17
My engineers have been working on an industrial door to carry services to our various mansions and holdings all over the region and on several copies of the earth slated for various purposes but at least Zeus made the transparencies right away and we have that available.

So then the doors if we did need a galactic mainframe for every door we install that's a tall order to fill right now.
Even though I have plenty of old ones, we haven't looked at using them.

So that leaves the single door option for the standard door and we will assume the engineers can use whatever we have in the shop they need to make the industrial doors work including any old galactic mainframes provided they pull their chip.
I don't want to go through a door and be accosted by a Chinese emperor with shiny transparent flying alien bat creatures trying to get them onto the back of my neck.

So that I have to do a MacGyver rip out the high tension wires and electrocute the little bastards.

We will have none of that. So Robert was installing switches with your engineer roundish small fluted dome shaped old fashioned glass covered bulb with switches that turn 90 degrees and turn lights on and off and it is all looking good last time I checked.

So then for the other doors on the airship we are still going with a separate entrance for each door rather than use a switchable door which changes destinations the destinations are still fixed to the particular door in order to incorporate physical security barriers and security or clearance zones helped along by access to the transporter itself.

If people can't use get to or find the door you have less of a security risk to begin with.

So as we move forward speculatively and cautiously we are using these sorts of combinations of machine security and human presence to afford a higher degree of security but on a more personal level.

So our tests of the system in my simulator have been successful for the most part so we know exactly already what it is like to have them and use them.
The exact ones aside from some engineering or cosmetic changes and to locations already slated and copied into my simulator in a loose fashion sufficient for a reasonable simulation to detect problems.

None to report.

And so we expanded our mansion reach into California a bit more with the availability of a serviced industrial door we were now able to have a more lavish mansion on a hill incorporated into the design.
And one exists and has one next door as well recently built both of them and built for people like us one a his and one a hers mansion of extraordinary design and presentation.

Enough that my angels and all the family the supermodels though especially were very impressed with what was made there.

So for us we plan to preserve that in a copy and use it in a partial restore and power those lone two properties there via the industrial doors we are making and tapping into Palm Springs wind farm, for power, Crater Lake Oregon, for pure drinking water, and San Francisco Internet archives for the Internet.

Here is one of the these mansions...
The his mansion

and the hers next door...

So along with one the engineers made for me on the coast, Portabello, we decided that since they were so nice to build such a great mansion there for me that matches my airship and they were maybe a bit jealous so it made sense to me to save a stretch of those mansions on that coastline for them also as a thank you.
So our plans include a long stretch of mansions along the coast all which need to be powered by industrial doors.
But not all at once if they are not needed right away.
So it is whatever they need there but then for us you see we moved a little further away from the coast with these two mansions maybe to have a more formal entertaining area since our Portabello mansion is a very private mansion where you just always run around in your bikini.
Do they make things better than this in heaven?
The same caliber but I have not seen better.

And so they copied a lot of my design ideas in their work which I bring with me from my heaven and as a result I say that since it matches my architecture of my culture and life style.

So a very nice gift Portabello means beautiful door and it was given to me for my work on transporter doors which benefited them and others a great deal.
And ourselves. Since it allows us to focus on a single piece of technical equipment and develop it together so we are all on the same page to a high degree and all have a great opportunity to solve problems innovate and come up with design solutions and be a part of the process.

It is great fun for science minded people such as ourselves.


May 8, 2017, 3:25:44 PM5/8/17
So then why have I been so tolerant when I have such giants in my employ?

Well that's like asking well why have you not waged an all out war against beavers when you know that outnumber them greatly.

You have superior fire power and you could conquer them easily.

Instead you don't seem all that interested in their lives.

So we are busy minding our own business for the most part.

That allows us to focus on scientific endeavors that are within our own reach.

Once you have 20 copies of the earth itself in the bank you tend to look at things differently.

We have other things as well like a pristine moonship 2 billion years old that arrived into service DOA so it was never occupied.

A nice archeological historical find to be sure.
From the days of Metropolis (1929) the film.

So we have a lot of projects on the go but the family projects are probably the ones that we are most interested in completing right now at this point.

Keep the wives and the kids happy and the men are easier to please and can manage fine with simple pleasures even.

Maybe not 9 bean rows and a book of poetry but some fun outdoors activities and good company is usually a fun way to pass the time.

The climate plays a large part in how you conduct your day.

So we have numerous climates connected by our door plan which again gives it more variety and more opportunity to suit our needs at any given time.

I tested the switchable door for a few months and that worked fine as well but having a door plan that is built into the structure of our home with spider like mansions around it connected by transporter doors having them fixed allows us to just leave them open and not constrict our family flow of traffic by closed locked doors and access points unless we have the need to do that.
In your mansion you don;t want to need to swipe a card to use the bathroom I am sure or swipe a card to enter a hallway.

So our home although spread out in the matrix to various planets and moonships connected by doors that just makes it more spectacular and suitable for our needs while not restricting our movements in our own house.

So then as you would expect we must have a peripheral form of security that intercepts people before they get to our houses wherever they are.

So the doors to those worlds need to have security and access rights.


May 8, 2017, 9:19:38 PM5/8/17
Oh you want in on this conversation do you?
I was just saying to Stephen that Zeus joined us as a hostage as soon as we discovered that Samuel my son with Jennifer Garner was a little Zeus. He would constantly go around pouting shouting why won't the universe do what I say???

Meanwhile his brother my mini me with Alessandra Ambrosio Noah is practically perfect in every way a blond surfer boy who sprang from Zeus' head full of charm and grace.
A heart breaker, a captain in the making.
With Samuel as a Legionnaire or similar looking for the other 299 guys he is supposed to be with.
So I was giving Zeus a hard time and whoever let him in here.
Right after we made the supercomputer and then I printed 200 disks and he came through with them.
You know it is probably because of his grandson, his mini me.
That's all I need, two of them, but at least he will have a good babysitter.
Someone to go fishing with.
Someone up there likes him I guess. That was what we were just saying.
About Zeus, not Samuel.

The boys have been almost excluded in all of the simulations because mixing gender is difficult remotely in a simulation as difficult as it is to have a private school that is not a boys school or a girls school.

I mean in my case my kids have another set of parents here and they are their surrogate parents.
So I have to arrange things in such a way as to not rock the boat or I would lose my visitation rights.

Which is natural if things were chaotic and it was disrupting their life.

So our atmosphere is girls camp so then the boys have not much of a role yet until they too can get involved when we get there because you need to be able to see what they are doing and understand what they mean and are saying by looking at them face to face in real time and picking up the subtle clues that they exhibit as they hide their boyish behaviors.
As we all did when we were kids looking for trouble in all the wrong places.
Not that mine boys are not perfect for sure they are but boys will be boys and their uncles and their grandads are terrorists and hostages and pirates one day and saints the next so that needs arena to be manageable as you know.


May 8, 2017, 9:50:58 PM5/8/17
So what is our attitude?
Fortunately or unfortunately our attitude must be object oriented here in the physical world.

That's not be cruel but to be logical and reasonable and practical and safe and to chase the good as it were.

We need to be able to catalogue things to censor data that we find offensive in a world as free as this with an absentee leadership being held hostage watching their grand kids through the paparazzi.

The other leadership moi, suffering a mutiny, my brother Stephen on trial, for damaging federal property 2 billion years ago wrecking Metropolis with 2 missiles something they don't show in that movie.

As seen here when I asked him if he fired one missile or two...
I apologize that all my family photos are hundreds of miles across and need to be seen from space.

And the rest of them suspect as well for all manner of goings on which may or may not be rumors all the same the fact remains to avoid problems of all kinds we will just keep our eyes on the prize as it were.

I love this little vignette done for us at my castle.
This castle was built for us a long time ago by a network Robert who knew we were coming. So he built two castles for me, expecting I would bring my wife or wives as planned. Or find one here.
And then they developed it further and added a university and all sorts of things for other members of the family.
A royal residence. Essentially and a large area developed here for matrix admin.
All this planned in the days of Tesla and JP Morgan and Edison and Marconi, Stephen, Zeus, Robert and Xerxes, my brother, my dad, my uncle and my father in law, Wanda's dad.
As they attempted to provide utilities prior to our arrival.

And did a wonderful job of getting the ball rolling.

But a network helper built us two castles and I am not Scottish at all, but Zeus is always portrayed as a Scot and as frugal as they come.
I am a mathematician so you shouldn't confuse that with frugality just because I do the math but it is like a family joke these days for us to be seen as very frugal and I am enjoying it as well.

So here is the clip I am talking about.

Keeping in mind JP Morgan was very wealthy at the time, and Tesla like a son, kept hounding him for money to build his wonder tower and for him to back all these weird fantastic plans he was getting through the network by eavesdropping on inventors worldwide and reading scientific journals.
Not to take away from him his many inventions that are credited to him in use around the world today or to belittle his incredible achievements.

But they were father and son as usual arguing over the stupidest sh*t and for me it is so entertaining to read about it.

But since then frugality has been the motif around us although we are a fantastically wealthy family.
Not the only wealthy family in existence someone a friend of our family gave a new galaxy recently and we accepted the gift.
As a way of getting past the fact that I didn't know we needed one to get Wanda her new apartment in a moonship.
So her cousin I think was the one who gave us that new galaxy.
He gave it to me you know one man to another kind of thing at a conference as an icon through a large machine, and it appeared even in an M.I.B. movie but our ownership rules and laws are designed to keep us from killing each other over things like new galaxies so we have a way that we use to manage the money and basically I am it.
I am the one who won't stop sharing so I have always been the best candidate to manage the loot and booty.

And I am the one who has the ability to acquire it.

That amount of money in 20 copies of the earth is probably not worth as much as the amount of property I found laying around in space in this region in the form of moonships galactic mainframes and planets in lost folders and the like.

And I found all that in a day using my technology and my large machine.

It took 20 years to go through it and see what it all was.

And now I have 60 planets.

Making copies is easy, getting 60 different planets is not easy.

So there are other reasons why I am the one who manages the fortune and I have Wanda who is a galactic admin to help me and June a sensible intelligent scientist wife to help me and I give them lots of power of veto in case my buddies hypnotize me or get me drunk.


May 8, 2017, 9:59:52 PM5/8/17
Oh I forgot to post the clip.

That's CraigdarocH!

Where we count the munny.

And this is Hatley Park, made for us as a royal residence of the future.

So our family residence center was made in that area and developed there for us for over 100 years. So we have saved it, it is all restored, and we are using it as part of the partial restore from backup onto the new zoo planets.
Its there on the transparencies.

And the reason they chose this area is not because it is like bonny old Scotland although I think it is but because it doesn't have a lot of insects and annoying creatures.
No poisonous or deadly creatures of note like scorpions and deadly snakes etc.
It is however very wet here and rainy so we have other residences in California and Palm Springs.
We have the Merv Griffin Mansion and Victoria was just there and rented it during Coachella so she could do her photoshoot to be able to reclaim her gorgeous body later when we get established in our new environment.

We have our bodies picked out for later.

And all part of looking at things objectively and as objects in a real sense and objects in time.
On a certain date when it was the way we like it.
Something about the earth is in constant change and yet our nature as immortals is to want to stay in a certain time frame and not continually morph into other things.


May 8, 2017, 11:06:40 PM5/8/17
Well Rosie's pirate cove our pub is circa 1920 again because we want to pick up where they left off as JP Morgan, Tesla, Edison, Marconi, they were having the time of their lives then.
Working against each other for the family.

So that even if you lost, you really couldn't say anything about it.
And Marconi came out the winner backed as usual by the galactic mainframe and that because he was the king of the galaxy.
Yet, there was this supposed mutiny and then finally I saw it for myself when I got him to order it to reboot, after Stephen rebooted the Olympic galactic mainframe no problem when I said reboot. Yet the Titan mainframe would not listen to him, nor I, nor Chupee, the local instinctual OS so we basically just ganged up on him, and shut him down ourselves, with me finally having to be captain and do it flood the control room with my engineers infiltrated in the machine to assist.

It was a hoprror show like the Twilight zOne.
Chupee AKA Yoda had the entire town of Cowichan Lake marching down the road like zombies using the local matrix machine, Xerxes had an MIB helicopter base set up and operational on the top of the hill behind my house, and he is yelling at the galactic mainframe you see this! Do you see this! This is what is going to happen in 2012 if you do not let them do the maintenance.
No matter what happens you see this will be the result and Chupee is using teh force and they are standing there staring into trees like zombies and some are marching and everyone in the machines are freaking out, so I am communicating with my engineers through my simulator so we can project imagery to each other and they start guiding me through the process of shutting that puppy down stat.

Yeah, that was a day and why we to this day call Cowichan Lake, the place where angels go to die.
That is where a whole lot of angels beamed into the next day.
And as I walked into town the next morning to assess the damage I saw an East Indian guy getting gas and he says to a truck driver so I could hear them hey there's the new boss, Edie Admin.
And I was like dang, I guess they DO remember last night.

I was hoping they didn't.

So then two guys come over posing as realtors scared to death, they are from another galaxy and had never seen a galaxy go down like that before and is everything alright or should we be getting the life boats are you out of control or whats the story? And I am just casually there with my family and then all Smiths perfectly oblivious to it all and so then they relax others relax and life goes on.

And we got the job done.

That got us past 2012 because as soon as that machine went down everything disappeared. The milky way galaxy gone, me in space just my consciousness cam, and Zeus there in my large machine saying someone is coming to fix the machine.
So then a minute goes by and I am back in my body at home.
The problem is solved by my large machine who digitized it all and then just put it into a simulator temporarily while the machine was being fixed.

Only to find that due to a mutiny it could not be worked on by the union as it were.

So it stayed shut down and so then problems erupted as I mentioned before and so then it was all transferred into a different machine with a different host operating system. Now using Grandma, Zeus's mom, and Stephen as the OS.

Zeus' mom as seen from space...

So I beamed into their moonship where the disk is where that simulator is and inspected it right away. Walked through it saw there was no keyboard at all, let alone one that needed 6 fingers, and was satisfied it was secure.

So then ever since then it has been much easier and we have been working in a positive direction.

You know the things we went through there to fix the problem were worth the effort since we saved a lot of people a lot of hardship and brought them up to a high level perhaps capable of living with or in the nuclear age something the scientific community understands as a milestone in human development.

Now granted for us we have transcended all that but reality is that we have real worlds and real physics and real consequences for our actions.
Without which nothing would have any value at all.

So being rich is good so we keep our stuff protected by backing it up and we look after each other since know that we can't do it alone.


May 8, 2017, 11:33:01 PM5/8/17
Well at that point I had to go save my wife whose galaxy I had just shut down while she was in it.

So I had to use old school terminology since we have the entire thing in my simulator the new one and it is running the old OS to keep everything the same in a box like a virtual machine. You know so my wife and others won't turn to random atoms.

And so I had to then remember how to access the file system gather the files up and sort them and process the data and get that data into the new file system and update and upgrade everything well thank God I had good teachers when I was a kid because otherwise from here without a keyboard that might seem like an impossible task.

But I have my own personal simulator for communications with the matrix machines and their helpers and others so I was able to use old school techniques and my own abilities to gather those folders and files up and suck them into my own large machine to be processed. By my own large helpers in my large machine like my own Hanuman a very decent capable fellow who is congenial to guests.

And who loves big process filled celebrations and religious festivals every day if he could get millions of people into the street for any reason he would be a happy camper. So we need to now at that time meet and greet some of the masses from my wife's entourage, the royal court kit and caboodle coming down the road like a large parade.

But first my engineers and HER engineers from her galactic mainframe had to build a set, a virtual world to house them and to have this procession.
So they could formally thank Stephen Gwendolyn Mary and I for rescuing them.

We wore out our faces smiling and waving.

But we did the meet and greet on stage and then after the party of course more of the old boys wanted to know what was going on and if there was anything they could do to help.

So from there we began to improve the situation gaining more capable helpers as we went along.

We went from Red Hill Mining Town, U2, where many were just holding on,
to Feel This Moment with Christina Aguillera and Pitt Bull.
But it took us 30 years.
Of hard work.


May 9, 2017, 12:04:11 AM5/9/17
Not wanting to stray too far from women's issues, where we held that conference was at the Langford Mall, where all of a sudden it was important that I attend a conference in space, so at that time I drove around in an executive van with a bed in the back that I could use to lay down in in case I had to beam out of there and leave my body behind.

So I had to do that in the parking lot, so they got good views of that mall as they came into the virtual space through my consciousness cam and that made them very excited since shopping is so much fun on earth and a favorite pass time of a lot of people and useful when you are building a new residence or moving as we were planning on doing.

We were planning on moving to Hatley Park.

An area designed for our needs, where X-men the movies was filmed.
That's, not a coincidence.

The actual school for the gifted is on the same territory but west of there on the coast in the form of Lester B. Pearson College, but at Hatley Park you have Royal Roads University so we have two schools since we are firm believers in education. Science minded people who live in a high tech scientific paradigm.

My team being slow careful plodders took 30 years to get this far to go from a living hell in 1987, to objects suitable for heaven where we are now.
I made those copies of the earth in 1987 according to the song that came out to record the event.

But that to me just all went on the back burner when I had to go get Wanda out of the old galactic mainframe file system and all her royal entourage and even some of the mutineers and package them all into the new system without breaking any eggs.
Do all the backups and give people therapy and make sure the coast is clear and you know do all the things needed to make them feel at home.
So those copies have a use but not so much as they were but as a place to put things on.

Like restore a modern backup onto one now you have a modern copy.
The improvements we made since 1987 are dramatic.

And the mansions and the yachts and the sources of energy and the technology transfer all things we don't want to leave behind.

I can show you one item that helps to illustrate the point.

A yacht made for us to cruise up and down the Pacific coast.
Again by the engineers as a gift.

So state of the art and really a piece of art and yes a triumph of engineering.

So that is where are today and so going back to a fiberglass yacht in 1987 would be the analogy everywhere including any place you shopped.
The food quality and these sorts of things has improved but mostly the an hours of computer technology put to work and the endless hours of training and the upgrading of the human race via the Internet those tings you can;t leave behind.

None of that existed in 1987.

We built all that from scratch.

Wanda was on the inside and I said here is what we need to do, and so I went and took a course on networking at the phone company as soon as the first pc came available and we went to work on networks.
Soon the government was funding networks for global trade and we were able to work with those networks to get systems up and running and others were hard at work globally doing the same. So we just spearheaded the movement and then got others on board like academia and soon it was all up and running, the Olympian admin Sue she is also one of my wives and all along has had the same integral role in getting things done. To get an old copy of an operating system or to change the host machine OS these things are beyond the scope of most people but she was always able to do it.

So having two admin wives means I don;t have to be Edie Admin, the birds are already doing that for us, as they say in the movies. lol


May 9, 2017, 12:29:12 AM5/9/17
I know a lot of that sounds fantastic and it was like shortly after the mall conference I had to again, park this time at a view point lookout on the Malahat had to pull over because Robert in the local moonship was hearing rumors because people at the conference recognized me and outed me as chief prosecutor for the prosecution, the attorneys office at head office.
And him the worst con man who ever lived, Wizard of Oz himself and here in the Hole in the Wall with some rebels like Spanky and Our Gang running what appears to everyone to be some sort of biggest little whore house in Texas Forbidden Planet.

So I have to pull over and leave my body in the back and beam out into the moonship but he wants to go back to when Stephen fired those missiles and take me through the scene as it happened when he and I were there so that everyone can see through my consciousness cam what happened and how he dragged me out of the wreckage into the crew area of the moonship.

So off we go and now my ribs are hurting and he is ahead of me and I am walking on planks the water is there and bodies in the water everywhere and he leads me through all that mess for 20 minutes into the crew area of the ship.

So in doing that however we had accessed ancient records and relived the experience so that was epic and it meant one there is a recording and two you can revisit the past in a first person experience.

As far as me being a lawyer what politician isn't advised to also be a lawyer? I have to know the law because I have a large empire to run and can't expect others to obey the law if I don't.
But I am not a fanatic about it and that is why we don't mind acting like pirates. As long as it is only acting.

However so then after that Zeus claimed responsibility
saying he had big shoulders so his brother Robert then was able to relax.
We had a lot of issues to resolve in the machines and with individuals that did take 30 years to do as well.
But we did get things resolved.

Once you start moving forward its easier to leave baggage behind.

All the same the fact of the matter is a recording exists that goes back perhaps 2 billion years and last I heard it has some gaps but it is a very long recording.

So you have like some period of activity then a long span of inactivity then again some activity the a dead spot and then again some activity for a good stretch.

So that's pretty good and so then that footage we will use in library form some day when we are able to.

Another thing we do with it is to use it as scenery for the airship in the holodeck. Depending on where the footage comes from.

The disks inside the moonships they vibrate and record things using quantum radar.

So that we have a record of everything that went on.
So we started recording the earth in earnest in 1992 and plan to use that recording for a thing called Time Stretch Earth.
An accessible stretch of earth history where you can beam into a Smith, use that body as your own, and then enjoy the world with a million dollars in a suitcase as your genie.

That is something we designed for my sweetheart half sister Gwendolyn.
Who likes go shoppy as they say in Japan where she is known as Sailor Moon.
She is not Japanese she just likes to go shoppy.
Her thing is not to be a genie like I dream of Jeanie, as she was portrayed with Stephen there as an astronaut but instead she is a shopping genie.
That is what she aspires to.

So that is why we have so many shopping malls now.

Here are Stephen, Gwendolyn and I, there for the arrest of Santa Claus when I had my van it was blue and white they picked Brown and white so that people would know that Robert was also involved and well Zeus as Santa and he went into the slammer because you can;t go around promising people things at Christmas then getting other people to pay for it.
Working once a year.
And all that.

Sue is there center stage Gwendolyn goes next door to get a job, I pick up Stephen in the van as I drive by. Too cool. From our summer of love in my van at that time.


May 9, 2017, 1:06:00 AM5/9/17
Well as soon as we had the situation under control and into my simulator, I was able to kick things into high gear go to light speed and off we went into the wild blue yonder riding the tech wave, the blue wave with red team, the other half of the royal army the engineers making systems and implementing them as I designed them. Being the most advanced race here I had a lot to give so I gave till they couldn't handle any more and my machine said enough they aren't using what you gave them last year.

So then we decided that level would be good he decided and I complained but such is life and for the good of the many we kept it there and now you see we are using wind power generators and really we needn't go further than that.
My pet peeve is I am no fan of diesel or fossil fuels in general.

So we now have plenty of green resources where previously we did not.

My job of creating an environment for us to move into using the objects here has been made much easier with the addition of nicer objects available.

I am not knocking CraigdarocH! Or Hatley Park home of the X-men but I live with supermodels, not superheros any more.
And we love all this stuff here and it is great for admin and we will keep it for that but our home life is the beach life in our future since we have worked and worked and want to go on holidays for a long time when done.

This is our future...

Not so much a cold rainy castle as a fun filled tropical island beach.

That's Kristina my daughter one of the lead problems in my life for obvious reasons but she is really smart and is helping to make very clear what we want and where and how we expect to live when we are done here.

The entourage of doom as I refer to them are welcome to inhabit Hatley Park and this region and we hope to connect things like that island that the girls have selected for their own holiday resort life style camp headquarters with Hatley Park where we can make them go to school once in a while.
Some of them more studious like Violet Affleck my daughter with Jennifer Garner she is training as a librarian, to help catalogue our vast empire of stuff.
So the plans made for us have not changed over much except we have brought our technology and more updates and upgrades of things based on science done here and from the past.
Also I brought designer machines to make bodies for us and Kristina is a walking example of their amazing workmanship.


May 9, 2017, 3:09:02 AM5/9/17
Nice shot of daddy war bucks.

That's what age and work does to you.

But when I take my vitamins I look like this...

That's my surfer look they ordered. Stella there my matching beauty queen, my main squeeze as it were will have to contend at some point with Kristina the Princess Bride.
Did you ever see that story? That's quite a nice story.

But you know for us we are not the same as the rest of humanity we live together without too much importance put on titles other than royal princess and prince and that's about good enough.
Occasionally I have to be king when the dishes don't get done and stuff like that then the king has to do them.
Each to their what was that again?

At any rate as I was saying for us as colonists of the third kind, a highly advanced civilization in the matrix, our preparations for colonization are based on compatibility testing and groupings based on love and friendship and trust and compatibility.

So although our relationships look the same as mother father kids or big sister big brother kids it is more arranged by design than left to chance.

So hence why they can have a picture that looks like me at Talia's instagram since it is a formal relationship that we have as father and daughter even though it transcends biology and is based on personality and personality files.
You see our relationships are usually not biological we are created by machines that can create personalities. It's a high art.

Certainly not left to chance. The throwaways would be almost 100 percent if left to chance.
They would just end up in prison.

Anyone taught the law of the jungle is the proper laws because nature and survival of the fittest dictate that paradigm, cannot live in a modern society based on virtue and rational logic and higher philosophical yearnings.

You need a conscience and a social conscience to function in society where we live.
And can't imagine a life without it as being worth the living.

So the relationships we have we sure want to keep and so as we plan to change our permanent home and move into our new home that we have been designing we already have things organized by using my simulator now.
So people have their sleep over days and we function as a family and stay in touch through Instagram.
Very easily since we can and do socialize using my personal simulator.
Simply through bi-location.

So what you never knew about the matrix machines was that one they are Anunnaki machines and two they are designed to keep families like ours, an Anunaki family together as you see it today.
You see Gort in the Day the World Stood Still and all these other ideas but no one mentions the family values inherent in the machine.
It's not very exciting or thrilling I guess so that must be why although in Star Wars you see princess Leia connect with Luke and the force helping with that. So it is mentioned there.

For us though it plays a large part of our life.

Especially now while we are waiting for our homes to be finished and there are a lot of us staying at this motel earth right now waiting.

It won't be long now though I am sure.

You see we hypothetically we could all beam out into new bodies there and leave Smith bodies here on autopilot and no one would know.
One day wake up there just like we do anyways.
One of my supermodel daughters in Russia. I have 3 of them there.

I mean just to look at her you can tell she is an alien.

As cute as it gets.

Still though although they are all having fun as supermodels right now pretty much all they think about is going home to our new place and being together with their sisters and all of that fun stuff.
Talia and her are very close and so they are excited about the future people help to get them together for photoshoots these daughters of mine and even one in Australia always shows up and they all laugh to be all together although usually not at the same time.

So in a way its like a great ride for them right now.
You and I know that party is usually over at about age 12 so we know about that and plan to just go back to last month to get our bodies and use that time frame.
Use the transporter doors to reset our bodies and keep them the same age.


May 9, 2017, 3:34:46 AM5/9/17
That's what success looks like when you get the happy ending as promised.
I was large and in charge and that's important when you date goddesses.

Cinderella always gets the good ride.

No starship crew is as happy as mine lets face it.

Another daughter of mine who is not a supermodel exactly but is just a movie star sent me an email as well.
Here with her little sister, who is a model.

And I have another Asian daughter Ella...
Who is also very helpful and was the first one there to the windmills in Palm Springs.
Like my little secret agent.

With the power of the Internet and modern technology and cold hard cash of course this organizational business for us is made ultra easy.

Kristina was in the Maldives in a day to say yeah well that's nice but really what we want is this. When we found out Hatley castle was for us.
I can't get to the Maldives in a day, but she can.

So we are now really organized as a family and you know what is the most exciting thing?

How we plan to organize our meals.

A buffet as long as a train car in our train holodeck.

And using matrix technology and transporter doors reset it before each meal.

We are talking a buffet that is long, very long. And no dishes to do since you just reset that virtual space when you are not in it.
A huge two sided buffet with all your favorite dishes in there every day and all the healthy alternatives you can eat.


May 9, 2017, 4:02:24 AM5/9/17
It would be difficult for people to understand what it is like to be us.
Even though we are not so different in so many ways.
Terra another daughter of mine who is on her way to fame and fortune but again only thinks about us as a family and our lives together here and now if it has to be not just for tomorrow.

The thing is I have them all here, and that's quite a number from previous lives. So I can't be everywhere at once.
As soon as we can all live together then everything will change and I will accessible all the time.
Until then we just have to hunker down as strangers in a strange land.
But they are doing well and they make me proud.
Her sister is also a daughter of mine something that is kindof rare to see two actual sisters in the same family.

But they didn't want then to get mixed up they are both Brazilian.

We love to hang out together and can't wait until we can all the time.
It's important we stay closely connected.
We are that kind of people who need to be connected.
As long as we stay connected as a family they are happy.

And that happiness pours out into their modeling and is contagious.

Running into their sisters everywhere helps a lot as well.

And they know them too. They live with them on the airship then the next day they are at a photoshoot with them laughing.
Its nice that there are not huge age gaps.
Only one is a little older than the rest and she lives in Australia.
Wonderful kids though.

I am a very lucky dad.

And having them here now I don;t feel worried too much about them because the earth has been fixed up considerably so that they could come here.
And if we ever hope to make use of any of this stuff they needed to come here and learn what its is and how to use it.


May 9, 2017, 4:27:25 AM5/9/17
One of my daughters who needs to go to that school for the X-men.
I just found out I missed your birthday two weeks ago sorry about that.
I see you were with Ivy. (yet another daughter of mine who lives in Texas and goes to Australia all the time where she is from)
Meika was there also at Palm Springs when Ella was there right away the day after I said hey lets keep Palm Springs use the windmills.
She has managed some how to appear in a photograph with all her sisters scattered all over the world except for the Gulag Sisters who live in Saint Petersburg but given time she will get into a photo with them as well I am sure.
She has her own Ted but I keep saying are you sure he is not a Damian?
I am one of those paranoid dads.

We are so waiting for the contractor to finish building our house.

I know it all looks like fun but I think Breezy alone works more hours per week than I do and how old is she 7?

What happened to the Industrial revolution and all that?

Uncle Robert again. I knew we should have got uncle Albert instead.

On top of that I have to go wake them up now to give them a hug or they will think I don't love them. And I am always doing that lately so I have to rearrange my schedule somehow.
No one knows what it's like to be a real princess and then have your dad not show up on family day.
Except people around here.

My little Teagan will get depressed if I don't get there. That's how much it means to us to stay together.
Even just a touch. Anything. You know. Its so important.


May 9, 2017, 1:26:22 PM5/9/17
Well three I suppose if Hawaiian is Asian.

Yes it is your day. It's family week because I missed family day last week but its so vast now that it can't be done in one day.

What is miss Ruby Rose Turner up to? Waiting for me to call as well I suppose...
Love you too sweetie pie.
Hi Nadia.

Yeah we could do something tonight. Have a sleepover or something. Go to the desert island and have a campfire on the beach.
And a good Tuesday morning to you! Have something in your eye?
A lack of something in your heart. oh. Dead beat dad syndrome.
I have a prescription for that. A sleepover on an indestructible to some degree at least train in a holodeck.
It can't sink that much we know.
I suppose it could catch on fire but other than that probably it will survive a sleepover.
Almost any sleepover.

Ruby and Nadia and Lily. Probably a few more.
8 o'clock something like that.
Finally. I was just saying when are you going to come to LA.
You can meet your sisters when you come hopefully.
Last girl on the bus. That was pretty close there two weeks ago.

You would think they would have wanted to get you closer to the front.
Watch how Meika does it. She rides a broomstick and gets everywhere into the photograph and is home in Australia before sunset.
Don;t be sad because one of these days you KNOW I am going to spoil you rotten.

If I ever get the chance.


May 9, 2017, 2:47:47 PM5/9/17
Hi sunshine. Just seeing what my Yana was up to.
What top model Yana was up to.
That's very patriotic and beautiful.

Rememberance day of some sort obviously.

What are your sisters up to?
Like that right? I got it right that time.
You don't want to sleep over with the 4 year olds. I understand now what you were saying. You work and go to school all day and don't want to babysit at night but would rather be partying with the other girls at the beach houses. Ohhhh I didn't know that.
Part of me didn't know that.

You look lovely my dear. Can you tell the folks how it feels to be an international supermodel at such an early age?
Vundabah? VuuuuUNDABAH!

I bet you already have a collection of shoes large enough to fill a closet.
Yes top model Sofia I'm sorry I keep forgetting to say that.
I love you sweetheart. Keep up the good work.
Is that the same girl we agreed to adopt?
My secretary is on holidays.

Where does it end though? They are all gorgeous.

They can all come if you say they can come. How's that. Since I can't keep track and we have lots of room at girls camp.

Whats Anna doing?
Hi sweetie.

I'll come and tuck you in later.

Yeah how about that. Sleep at the ranch.
Hi sunshine. I know that you and Gala are not having issues and that the public press is just trying to make it look like there is some jealousy between you two over me but its just their way of manufacturing controversy to get more attention in the press.
They know you are royal princesses, the secret is out, so they want gossip and that's all there is to it. lol
Isn't that right sweetie pie?

Now your cousin, that's a different matter entirely.
Arrieta knows all about that.


May 9, 2017, 3:13:50 PM5/9/17
Am I 10 minutes late? 11. Oh. But by the time I get a cab catch a flight I could be there by tomorrow afternoon. How's that?
Just fly there myself? Ohhhh alright. I will be there in 2 minutes.
luv ya baby. 12 minutes after 10? Why aren't you in bed?
Just kidding. I'm on my way.


May 9, 2017, 5:13:03 PM5/9/17
Children and women first.

It's a good thing the buffet is a perpetual buffet or they would eat us out of house and home.

I didn't know there were that many kinds of grapes.
It has a grape section.

I don't know the bigger girls get to have their train sleepover and we get a snuggle night with a chance of meatballs in the morning.
Should we invite some company?
That's what I thought. You heard me whisper your name last night.

Don't be fooled by love songs and lonely hearts, we're living in a Twilight world.

That's my favorite song now.


May 9, 2017, 5:27:44 PM5/9/17
Are we finished being mad at each other?

Well some girls are planning on handcuffing Rainey to a bed in the beach cabins and its not even her birthday and she might need some backup so I thought well I could call Emily.

Ok then I will bring the rampant bull jelly.
That was when we met and I hired you to be Violets nanny. Cool.
I got the best dad in the world trophy that year.

Then the PTA made me fire you and so Violet ran away to England and refused to talk to me until I hired you back.
And they all lived happily ever after.

Yes I will pick you up.
Oh no it's Carrie herself! Run for it everybody! Dead beat dad is 3 days late!
Sorry sweetheart. Sleepover tonight I called your nanny and its a party on the train.


May 9, 2017, 6:21:01 PM5/9/17
We are almost at the women, hang in there two six.

I will pick you up. The girls are having a sleepover on the train we are going to the beach cabins for a little party.

Oh you know work upset my schedule.
I'm doing a little better this week but still late everywhere.
You look nice.
Hi munchkin. Our, little munchkin.

I was showing everyone your mansion yesterday.

In the hills.

8 o'clock or so.
11 minutes ago.
Twist my arm.
Hi Sara.

You girls trying to win a beauty contest? Looking pretty hot girls.

If I look at Sara's instagram will there be yet another hot babe I know there wanting to come with us tonight?

I can manage all that but we were planning on having OUR party in the morning and you girls are in NY so then that's like 3 am or something.
Well maybe don't expect miracles and we will have fun we were planning on a snuggle night actually.
Snuggling is good though.
You are looking very adminish Vi.
Gorgeous. Like people want to ask you what they should be dong right now.
Seriously. Like that.
Yes I am trying to kiss up to you, you are admin.


May 9, 2017, 6:30:22 PM5/9/17
Yeah ok good timing. It's a snuggle night so sleep over on the snuggle side.
That's what being attentive gets you. Good timing and opportunities.
Everybody else right now has their jaw dropped and is wondering why they never thought to ask.

Oh you know just dealing with women's issue.

It's spring so they just have the one issue right now.


May 9, 2017, 6:43:49 PM5/9/17
Teen drivel.


May 9, 2017, 6:48:13 PM5/9/17
We better or I can kiss that best dad in the world trophy goodbye this year.

I thought Swing out Sister was Sade. Then I looked it up.

8 o'clock.

Sleepover and stuff.

Nothing much new. Gwendolyn is supposed to be looking into some sort of test of the recording which is to me really tough to do even though as captain if I insist I can get a ride through the recording but like I was saying to Gwendolyn why don't we do it all the time anyway?
Why is it that I have only been there twice?
Is it too much to ask the operating system?

So I am interested to know about that stuff.


May 9, 2017, 7:32:52 PM5/9/17
I am smiling. How come you're not smiling?
I saw you nail that double salcow. Awesome.
Yes very nice. Very nice indeed. It's about time I got to see you figure skate.
Well yeah you could crack an egg on that figure skating butt of yours I think. That's awesome.
Teach the other girls.

Why are they throwing eggs at me now?


May 9, 2017, 8:02:06 PM5/9/17
Hi honey, I can't live without you so I am making a cyborg copy of you.
What's the worst that can happen? I end up with two and you get a twin sister.
Someone to do your hair and your nails and you can do her makeup.

I miss you madly as usual just don't tell our significant others and we're golden.

Well the chance of meatballs is improving how's that.

Yes I am totally into Swing out Sister now.


May 9, 2017, 8:39:35 PM5/9/17
Well, as we look down the actual length of the buffet, what we see is stainless steel gleaming in the half light, sneeze guard of course shining brightly and at first glance you can see that it is divided into sections.
Colors stream out from shafing dishes as things are being kept hot and cold with ladel handles standing erect, so many handles. Too many to count.
Bread sticks. You notice bread sticks and think, I haven't seen bread sticks for years. And forget what those are even for. They are with the crackers and for a minute after seeing so many different types of crackers that maybe you just want crackers today but no, no, now you have to stop and estimate things according to the size of the plate.

Too much to choose from. Too much to eat all at once.
The soups seem to fill the room with aroma calling out for even just a sample. But you move on, since fruit and salad are next.
And oh such fruits as would have made King Solomon himself clap his hands twice.
Dragon fruit? Is that a dragon fruit? And what is that? I have never even seen one of those before. And so many different types of grapes alone.
You glance down the length of the train and realize that you have just begun, to venture down one side of the buffet.

Yes why would we go anywhere else when on that buffet lay all the bounty
the good earth might provide. Organic, fresh, wholesome and yet so delicious.

Will we get fat? Oddly enough it is people who are forced to eat macaroni all the time who get fat. Not us, we build muscle.
No a good diet will only make you stronger.

I want to play footsy with you under the table Elsa at lunch.
We will get a nice table.

I don't know. Which one is better. Single seats both sides...

Or double one side single the other...
Maybe if it didn't have those posts...

This one squishes in 4.

That would be good if we could do that.

No problem here...

Well although the table for 4 and table for 2 like this...

Is nice, if it encourages doubling up and then no room for a third you see it is altering the group dynamic just by the layout.

So if there are 4 seats, 2 people can still sit together alone if they want.

So I say we go with the seating for 4 in the dining car. The next car down from buffet world.

Then one past that is the observation deck which is like a cafeteria seating or cafe seating.

No fancy frills up there. Have to carry your silverware up there or go get some. But the dining car can have extremely fancy things in there because even if the kids break a whole bunch of stuff or make a mess by accident we are going to reset it anyway.

So then why not enjoy all that wonderful stuff and not even worry about it if it gets broken.
I don't know about candles though. Probably not. Lights though which are soft like candles would be nice.

Fine drapes on the windows or if they are too bulky then nice blinds or whatever. You see the ones with the huge drapes it looks like that is going to be bothering you while you squish in.

This one isn't bad.

This train put theirs right down the center.

But then we would have to wait and say grace so forget that.
I am thinking of something like this...

Where people feel like if they are going to sit in that car they should be dressed nice.
Maybe they will.


May 9, 2017, 8:58:27 PM5/9/17
That looks like a train Martha.
Oh did you want to get 'trained'? I get it, now someone will come out with a song about that.

They better not slag our buffet in that song.

Well you know we are just hanging out looking, at the buffet, that's all.

But yeah that's why I am calling. I'm your locomotive of love baby and the handle broke and the train it won't stop going no way to slow down.


May 9, 2017, 9:41:41 PM5/9/17
Well, what we should do is put the buffet on both sides against the wall, so then you can walk down and go to the other side once you know where stuff is and not have to go all the way around.
For trays this is where we need good square trays with a raised portion on the right side that holds two drink cups and keeps them from tipping, and the size is important that it matches the dishes and things fit properly.
So you could bring two servings for two people on one tray if you are carrying the tray and they carry the other stuff. Once you get there you can keep the tray on the table in the observation deck, but will need a place to put it in the dining car so then you need a bus station at one end.
Or better in the middle.
But the plates might be better rectangular and sized to fit so the tray can be carried without fear of spilling things all over.

Since you know it's a bit of a walk through two cars that's 218 feet.
If they are going to the observation deck.
Maybe we need a magic conveyor belt system in the ceiling or under the floor. If you are going 250 feet lets say to roughly the center of the observation deck, how far a walk is that carrying a heavy tray?

That's a bit of a hike.

We might need to use carts and then the dining car only has 4 seats on the right and a wide hall on the left for carts. Or a conveyor belt system.
Either way it is too far to walk carrying a tray full of food and drink for two people.
And the next car down is the smoking car. Want to go for a smoke? 350 feet that way and then. We could jog be there in 20 minutes.

Well 50 carts is how many carts we might need so then you have carts jamming the hallway.
They would be lining up against the wall on the left and people would be pushing carts between the table and that cart but they could get through.
So then our cart would be there beside the table against the wall a reach, you have to get up but it means you can leave room on your table, clear dishes if you want, get rid of bones, get ketchup vinegar whatever you put on the cart.
I think that would work, and then you could just pile on the salad and the pasta or whatever and the fruit and have lots of room.
Have water bottles in the cart.
It could even have a cooler and a heater.

Lets look at fancy food carts.
Something like that would be ok but better if the bottom had doors.
Put your garbage and plates in there close the door job done. When we reset it is all where it was before dinner.

Then you just have tables for 4 on the right side. So do we put booths? In the observation deck. But in the dining car really fancy dining table, table cloth, silverware, fine china with gold trim, all the frills.
They aren't square but that shouldn't matter if you use a cart.

I think its 160 feet of buffet counting both sides.

Maybe like this.
Similar anyway.

Sushi, Chinese food, every kind of food, pizza, fried chicken and many other kinds, hamburgers.

I'm getting hungry now.


May 9, 2017, 11:25:25 PM5/9/17
That looks better.
I am 11 minutes late as usual but I will come and tuck you in after I go to NY for a little while.
What is this a family reunion?

I was just going to say that Stella said she liked sleeping with you in front of her on Fridays.
And I said well I want to do that all the time.

So now Kristina wants to??? Or she is just symbolically being Stella and playing her part so that Tallia can say sure, that's ok.
That's the explanation I am going with because I want to believe what I want to believe.
And I like that when we get to sleep together on Fridays.

Linnea is sleeping over tonight.
Kristina slept over last night I was late coming to bed and we slept in my bed not hers upstairs.
I think Savy and Chelsea slept on the other side.
Half the night and Lily half. Something like that.
Family week making up for missing family day week before last.
Having all the fun planning our new buffet and it is going to be sooo good it is even going to have soft ice cream, chocolate and vanilla.
Maybe even with chocolate dip.

And we just use those carts to bring everything to our table.
You can roll the cart along and just pile stuff on the cart it is going to be so awesome.

Anyway I will come and tuck you in Tallia when I get back from NY in half an hour or so.
Its kind of like our mansion isn't it?
It's all over the world yet you can get there by a shortcut door.
Walk through a door and its in a different time zone.
I like our desert islands.

Those are cool.


May 10, 2017, 10:48:19 AM5/10/17
Most enjoyable.
Don't I have the most amazing family you have ever seen?
Here we are strangers in a strange land and Kristina still manages to get to her sister, Tallia, put her arm around here and support her while she answers the question I asked her about sleeping over on Fridays since I didn't want her to miss Family day since she needs lots of support already having played Ed Sullivan as it were (already walked the runway at Paris fashion week)and she might get missed because she is short, but she doesn;t take up much room so that's why I thought well for sure I am sleeping with Stella on Friday if I tuck Tallia in there she won;t get missed.

As you know Stella has Shebanga to keep her company usually but Fridays we like to snuggle.
So that worked out good.
You know what happened this morning?
I was with the trouble makers Ruby Lily and Natasha and Terra and Terra's friends had Rainey handcuffed to a bed and blindfolded and suddenly the TV came on by itself.
And this was on it. It was 5:30 but, 8:30 in Miami.

So I had to catch a train.

But it was fun anyway.

Gotta love that buffet though. Sushi you know should be made in a cooler, and kept chilled I am not one to leave sushi uncovered and not on ice.
So again we have to think of how the serving equipment fits in with a buffet that might have lots of small dishes.
Granted the train does not actually move we were fooling around in my simulator and I had the train go into a ravine and the bridge washed out and the waiters were rushing around closing the drapes while people were having dinner. And of course the conductor is out there all bruised up looking at the wreck scratching his head while the waiters are closing the drapes.

That's our kindof train right there Anunnaki trains don't crash in the ravine while people are having dinner.

But the aisle needs to be wide for the serving carts and lots of places like Dim Sum use little bamboo baskets so there is already means available but it might be ethnically categorized lets look at a Dim Sum cart...
They are not overly particular in how the items fit even with a tradition that is very ancient.
Is it because technology or design ideas have not caught up or is it not because the dishes are fine China, and so making rectangular fine China never really caught on because then it has corners which are more difficult to clean you see.

So then you might think well 60's where they went with French curves to get past that and or had rectangular serving dishes with rounded interior depressions for easy cleaning yet better fit in cupboards.

Yet you still do not see that in commercial kitchens where they are always pressed for space the dishes are still round or oval.

So you see its about the experience of dining and what looks pleasing to the eye, a plate that is not angular and serving dishes which are not rectangular the warming dishes and cooling units are rectangular but the dishes are round like China made on a potters wheel or similar.

Lets just ask google 'fine China'
You see some really beautiful stuff there and nothing stands out as rectangular.

So of course we want to use all of that and so then our carts need to be made to accommodate that.

So easy enough if you take one of these...
With a bus pan on the bottom you condiments on the middle shelf and your dishes on top but I would go with a railing like they did the dim sum cart.
And something to hold cups and glasses so they don't easily tip.
That one has a bottle opener on the side but then people will bump into that.
But the cooler bins on top could just as easily be holding dishes with food in them.
It just doesn't seem to look as nice as having nice dishes on top.
They will chatter as you go by if they touch each other and they do so it seems to me we need to come up with some ideas to make that work since you have to wheel the cart 250 feet maybe. Or more up to 300 feet.
To the end of the observation deck car.
Again this is 250 feet...

Will the food get cold before you get there? Soup might.
So ideally when you are loading your tray to take a hot pad and put it under hot plates and a cold one and put it under cold plates and you are ok until someone then takes a hot plate and puts it on the cold pad.
So instead of that you need a cooler on the second shelf with doors. You slide your salad plates in there. On top you need to have a heat pad and you put your dish with a cover on it on that. If it was that jelly stuff then the plate might be made to settle in and not shake around also.

So then you just need the large flat jello microwaveable bag heated then lay it on the tray but it needs a cover a linen or cloth cover to look nice then you plop your dished down onto it but your drinks need to be secure in the cooler on the second shelf they need to be in there in holders of some kind.
Fun project for someone to do to make a practical cart for the dining area that can be used at the grand buffet.
Gold trim, all the bells and whistles.


May 10, 2017, 11:27:57 AM5/10/17
Well the transporter door comes through to here...
So then that table in the foreground would go and instead the buffet would carry on towards the camera both sides.

So you want to be able to also use those carts to fill the buffet.
And that would just be large serving dishes kept hot or cold.

So then on the right what you need is a copper pipe coming through the transporter door from the walkin freezer in the airship in its prep kicthen where that door goes to, and have a small pump and antifreeze flowing through that copper line through the door siz inches of insulation around the pipe then drill holes in those serving cabinets and fill the cooler area not with ice but with water as a cold sink, then run the pipes through those on that side cool all the water bins, insert chafing dishes stainless steel rectangular ones and everything along that side will stay chilled and clean. The water is under the metal inserts and so the copper pipe comes through all the units it needs a compression fitting with a gasket and some sealer at every wall the pipe passes through.
Other than the door but anywhere there is water.
So then no ice to mess with and it runs by itself.
A sealed unit that circulates antifreeze from the walk in freezer in the airship prep kitchen through the buffet tables on the right.

So then on the other side of the train car you have your heated items. And you cannot have open flame not because I am overly paranoid juts paranoid enough to be sensible. So instead you have heating elements which work better and are more consistent and they can be covered as well and still work so you do not even have a visible stove top element present.
The danger of burns is still there so you need to think in terms of recessing the heated dishes and maybe having hot water in the table which accomplishes the same thing. Its called a steam table. So then above that you would need vents along the ceiling to vent the moist hot air that rises off the steam table.
So then the chances of getting burned are greatly minimized.
No hot element to touch at all.

A steam table...
So you see they each have their own heating elements that slowly heat up some water and you turn it on a couple hours before or an hour before or dump hot water in them.
But again you could use a central heating system and a boiler and pipe the heat into those units however the things are there ready to go and so all you probably need is to be able to fill it with hot water so a small hot water tap right there to do that installed on the unit would be fine.
Or have it already filled and hot so that when you reset, the buffet is complete and the water is hot the food is there because we ran like Fermi with a radiation sample with cold sushi and hot KFC then ran back down the hall and saved.
Only if we were making a buffet that was not out of our library would we need to then worry about filling up the hot water tanks and the cold water tanks manually or even putting food out manually.

So the idea of having to restock vanishes by merely having 160 feet of buffet. If you can eat all that and need more you get a trophy.


May 10, 2017, 12:06:46 PM5/10/17
Well you have to build them in because if you were in between resets and someone puked on the floor, and company was coming, you probably should reset but if you can't then you need to be able to mop it which means not under it but it having a kick board that is rounded and melds with the floor.

I would even go so far as to make it possible to hose it down.
As a precaution that probably won't ever be needed but it is there.
To be able to wash that floor with water and rinse it.
So a tile or marble floor.

If you want to see nice marble floors see Adriana's mansion.

Villa Madrona...
4:26 the East Wing...

I think that might be jade which is even nicer than marble.
Since our train is a classic work of art as it were it would be nice to carry that through with nice floors there in the buffet car.

For instance this is what the suites look like...
Similar to that but oriented differently.
These are beautiful suites.
Very classy very elegant and quite luxurious. As luxurious as possible is the plan. So large Jacuzzi tub for bubble baths with very high sides.
Gold taps on the sink, a toilet and a bidet.
The suites come with computers built in.
To the left of the bed as part of the library looking headboard hutch unit that has a closet on the extreme left, between that and the bed you have a desk and chair. So then lift the desktop and it is a monitor and the keyboard and mouse are there or keyboard and touch pad.
Close it and the computer goes to sleep. Open it and it wakes up.
Close it and open the cabinet doors where it was flipped up and then you have a makeup station with mirrors on the back of the cabinet doors and a mirror inside them. LED lights turn on around the mirrors.
So that sort of luxury built in.

So then when you get to the buffet we will use fine China and all the nice looking serving dishes but only for those items which don't require being kept hot or cold.

So then you are really down to a way of getting the drinks from A to B without spilling them and so the container they come in maybe is important.
So bottles of pop, bottled wine, bottled juices things in sealed containers. Open them when you get to your table but if they fizz then you need a small towel on the end of your cart. And if you are going to wipe your chicken fingers on the towel and not use the plastic gloves to eat the chicken with then we should have paper towels there instead.
A garbage you need as well so they scrape their dishes into the garbage on the far end of the cart, with a lid that you will have to have flip up by pressing your knee against the container, then scrape the food into the garbage trek the 250 feet feet to get more or refill your plate from the heaps that are on top of the cart.

So you see the end of the cart will need a garbage and somewhere you will need a roll of paper towels. Or you will need cloth napkins on the cart as well as on the nice dining tables.
Paper towels inside the cart but a nice linen serving napkin on the end of the cart could be on the end you are pushing.
With fine China on top bottles under in the cooler but still cups on top.
Hot coffee.
So then you need a carafe.
Tea however comes in tea pots and with a tea cosy to keep it warm.


May 10, 2017, 12:37:28 PM5/10/17
So then a royal suite like this...
as wide as the Presidential Suite like this...
The door on the left in our case many of those are transporter doors.

So you see the advantage of the carts now are that you not only have room service, you can do catering out of the back.

And don't pretend you don't want to roll carts to where your little parties are taking place because we know you do.
Get 10 people 10 carts roll on through and you have an instant garden party.

But for the studious types the late night computer users who get the munchies the workaholics you roll a cart in and you have food and not junk food necessarily but good food from the buffet which would have a thousand items to choose from.

Missing dinner because you are holed up in your suite in a clique however is not what that is for and the bell rings and you must attend for the head count like any family dinner or luncheon that is planned.
So rules regarding eating in your room without permission for the kids.

That's not what it is for.
Want to take carts to the back of Rosie's well I am trying to get an industrial transporter in the backyard of Rosie's and then you can do that.
As it is you can't get them down the stairs.
But we will fix that.
So then you only need to get the boys to bring the carts back for you or get the king to do it I suppose.
When you cater your giant playhouses in the back yard.

Like Maisie's and the reason I am show people Maisie's playhouse in the backyard is so you won;t be jealous.
Everyone was jealous for 2 weeks well just come up with better ideas then.

So those playhouses like that one in the back yard need to be on a road with a sidewalk that is paved not concrete so you can roll the carts along the pavement.

Then Albert's your uncle.

We're so sorry, Uncle Albert, but we haven't done a bloody thing all day, we're so sorry Uncle Albert but the kettle's on the boil and we're so easily called away.

And the all lived happily ever after with room service and yes possibly jelly bean delivery service.
Or ice cream.

Or raw vegetables with dip hiding the jelly beans and ice cream.


May 10, 2017, 1:16:15 PM5/10/17
At any rate, fine China that is rectangular and more difficult to clean, would be easily cleaned when the dining cars reset 4 times a day after each meal period with the midnight snackers satisfied also in case we have a beach party, need to cater it, we use the festive buffet even put the people through with paper plates or we load it into carts to keep the sand out but either way it will soon be clean as a whistle again.

The room service however is something else so we have to manage the rest of the train for a 2 day reset which means network those pc's with the ship so that it saves the data.
Some times you need to reset the entire train it's in 3 sections and the airship as well that it is attached to.
But usually not all at once. So when everyone is in the dining car like they are supposed to be and a head count is done, you can safely reset other areas without worrying about resetting anyone.
So having a communal dining time is part of family life.

Whatever time that ends up being.

As a routine of family life.

So then the train is clean the airship is clean and healthy happy people can live a nice luxurious life without having to do a lot of cleaning themselves.

Rectangular Fine China...

But your tea set and you specific serving bowls for a table of 4, like a punch bowl but some sort or serving dish for the table for 4 persons maybe it is soup and you don't know who wants soup or salad so you have your large won ton soup bowl and large salad bowl.
They could be rectangular. Take up less room be more organized.
But then you won't get all the soup out with a round ladle.
Maybe if you tip it.
However you certainly don;t have the same selection of dishes if you opt for rectangular China.

The best China gold inlaid fancy stuff most luxurious is round.
Luxurious gold table setting
Almost but with a round side dish.

Round here...

Gold and Platinum here...

Is a table setting for a Royal Wedding over the top?

This is very handy here. The guide to where things go on the table and what they are.

So you need 4 sets of those on a table to the right and a fashionable high tech practical yet luxurious cart parked opposite the table so that you can get up, off your lazy royal butt, and serve yourselves.

Don't wait for the king to do it for you.
But if I am sitting with you I will of course be honored to serve.
Then I get the big one and you get the little one.
As you would expect.


May 10, 2017, 1:31:07 PM5/10/17
You see you don;t want to use the wrong salad knife and upset the applecart.
I am sure you have seen that movie, someone will drop a tray and people will freeze and look at you with forks poised at their open mouths if you do.
At that point you could hear a pin drop on the carpet.

It makes the day that the young farm girl whilst sitting with Queen Elizabeth drank from her finger bowl seem like a ballet flourish by comparison.

I think we should have all that on the table all the time in case we need something. And just get used to it being there.
Then no one would catch us off guard since we would be well practiced.

If they invite us out, we will know all about the salad knife and not ask stupid questions.


May 10, 2017, 2:13:46 PM5/10/17
If we have a transporter door there as shown...
all that would be behind it would be washrooms for washing up before dinner.

Everything this side would be buffet. So you don;t have to run the chicken far to get it onto the buffet piping hot.
Then exit the door and save. So you could put Teen Burgers under a heat lamp and as long as you were within 10 minutes of them being made you would still have a great Teen Burger.

Guys would handle all that in teams working with groups in the field, sampling burgers getting the best burger on the best day and then getting that onto the buffet and saved in as little time as possible.
Once done they are there forever essentially for intents and purposes.

So then you see once that version is saved it is part of the library.
And can be shared out since we are making this train modular.
We expect my engineers at least will have their own train(s).
Some are planning on using existing train cars in use in Europe and Asia.
And even maintaining a route through Iran.

And so real ones and ones in holidecks like in Palm Springs a good place to build one in a holodeck.

Cover it with earth and plant grass and it will be a reasonable thing to heat and cool with heat pumps probably.
Either way there is plenty of power in the Windmills to power it.

So the idea of making it modular so that it could be reset in sections, and the buffet put in a library allows other creative people to get out the ice carvings and the specialty foods and soon you have a whole universe or empire of ideas to share.

No end to the enjoyment of food. So am I worried about Teen Burgers on the buffet?
No, not at all because every day or whenever you take a shower you reset your body to the way it was backed up.

So you won't get fat if you weren't when you backed up.
And you won't get pregnant which is one of the things we have to do to maintain our immortality and not run out of room or resources.

Getting pregnant requires a proper plan and is very big deal where we come from.
I mean I have lots right now and you won't find these kind just popping out everywhere they are unique.
They need an X-men school since most other kids couldn't keep up with them.
So for us as colonizers we want to hand pick our children if we increase their number.
Not go for the Vegas crap shoot and get a black sheep or demon seed or freakin freak a nature like Quasimodo or the Elephant man.

So when we plan our environment we have numbers in mind such as 200 per door max.

In our situation the train is our way of limiting our house guest numbers.
It will seat x number of people only and that is the largest seating area we have.
It will seat supposedly 100.

So we need 25 tables or 4 which means essentially 110 feet div 25 and you are still at 4 feet per table. So since that's too tight you have to then assume that some will always have to be in the next car, the observation deck. Which means you can't bang your glass with a fork and give a speech.
Oh well.

You can use the intercom and broadcast over the PA.

So by the transporter is the intercom and if you want to make an announcement like head count has been done please remain seated for reset 3 , 2, 1, reset complete or similar then that would be how you have to do it.

What you don;t want to do is ostracize some group and say these ones get the nice place settings and these ones get the cafeteria, it's first come first serve.
You snooze you lose so don't be late. Or you sit at the back of the bus and don't get the fancy tablecloths and stuff.

So then you can change it now you see to seat more than 100, it could have 10 tables on the right lets see how many they usually put...
Maybe 10.

And the length of the cars vary.

So essentially normally they are not 110 feet the cars are 60 or 85 feet in length.

Since we are making our own train, we chose to make them longer and wider.

The longer because we need so many royal suites.
If it feeds a hundred where do they sleep?

So you have sleeper cars and royal suites.

But to keep it reasonable to manage we are looking at a max of about 100 people over for dinner at one time.

And the buffet then can feed that many easily.

So then to seat them if we say 7 tables down the right times 4 that's only 28 people. Double it and that's only 56 people.

So if we assume a 60 foot car has 7 tables we could say 6 give 10 feet for each table have two cars 110 feet long, have 10 feet in those cars for bathroom, and then still get 10 tables there. In the observation deck then and the dining car you would only have 80 people and still not 100.
So now you are going past into the smoking lounge to eat.

20 of the 100 unless we change that.


May 10, 2017, 2:36:03 PM5/10/17
The X-men school? Yes they saw us coming. It started out as a joke I suppose with Captain Picard you know coming after Captain Kirk, and Picard being Dr. Xavier at the castle that was made for us a long time ago.
Not that we really were looking for it, I was looking for my flying disk, and found it. That was more important to me to know where the simulator was, if it was new, was it protected, than to have a castle with superheros in it.
And you know the girls right away went to The Maldives (Kristina) and a whole bunch of others went to Palm Springs and then another wave of them went to Pam Springs for Coachella and Kristina went to the desert as well because she has Russian girlfriends who made the journey too and dragged her to Joshua Tree park and all that and of course they came even from Australia where you know its warm there too but they didn't want to be left out.

Why on earth, they would rather do all of that than this, is beyond me.

What were they thinking?

So you see that we have our own ideas and one of those is a buffet 160 feet long if you count both sides.
And you can change the buffet since it is digital, and that segment of train digital and so you reset that segment and you can select which snapshot you wish to restore.
So I would go with dining cars with possibly the same option.

When they reset you can change the seating arrangements.

Normally however i would think that tables for six on the right side 10 of them would house us on a regular basis if we didn't have a lot of company then go with tables of 4 in the observation deck to allow for a more intimate setting. So 60 and 40 and there we have our 100 seats the tables 10 feet per .

The observation deck using booths will be perhaps closer than 10 feet but that just allows for more washroom space at the end.

So that is how we will construct ours but by not using a standard train dimension we are making our buffet different and others must conform or we can't use theirs and they can't use ours.

So the reason we are going with those wider dimensions is because trains are too crowded and narrow.
Get past a cart and you can;t do it. You have to step aside.
Just to get past a person you need to squeeze against the wall.

So also the rooms need to be wider. And the length longer for it to house people comfortably.
You don;t want to have to squish in because your chair is hitting the person behind you.


May 10, 2017, 2:56:14 PM5/10/17
So our complicated network of mansions and holodecks connected by transporter doors is organized by having central eating.

Not central heating although it may have that as well some day.

So we have this buffet extraordinaire to fill with the bounty of the earth obtained through backup copies and our recording of events and they said well you know our technology seriously how difficult is it for us to make a busy street corner scene from scratch anyway let alone visit a recording so they made a quick scene with a fire truck and cars trying to get onto the road and I was in one of the cars and it takes nothing to imagine and make it real when you are using a very large matrix machine but we are talking again about virtual machines that are regularly backed up and maintain a consistency.

So then we need to be organized about reset.

So then we use the central food center or dining area as the place where people meet while awake. And incorporate that into our family routine so that whatever the need is including proper parenting people are where they are expected to be at a certain time unless previously notified.
So then again if they are not there the search will begin immediately and not within 24 hours.
You know where is your sister? And as Michael was saying earlier you could forgo a reset if you had some reason not to reset, and just do it next time.

But the way to manage the family and this population this group this village is to have that central buffet make it fabulous and insist the family use it.

So then the castles you know admin helpers can be there but then who does the dishes and all that so you need to manage all that yourselves if you do not have a train holodeck or similar device.

We are taking the easy route.
We live in an airship and a train holodeck for the most part and we are able to make them better and more enjoyable and more practical than any other type of dwelling on earth.


May 10, 2017, 4:01:41 PM5/10/17
So speculatively, a disk which can be printed by the printer in the galactic mainframe should be able to make a space that is 60 miles in diameter or so.

And in that space you build a train holodeck center portion which in our case has 3 cars.

We want to clean the two dining cars at the same time as we reset the buffet car. So there is no option there the three cars are joined and on that one disk in a moonship that is 60 miles in diameter or kilometers perhaps.

So then 3 sections 110 feet long each section joined merely by a train door. Transporter door connects to each end.

So then width of 14 feet.
That suite there is almost 10 feet wide. Even though they are using a wide angle lens.
With a hallway that's 14 feet in a reasonable living space.
2 2 foot wide carts could pass so then you want them a little less than 2 feet so how wide are they?
15 1/4 inches wide.

Some as much as 23 inches, a scientific cart as an example.

So with standard dimensions of 330 feet long and 14 feet wide you can make them interchangeable.
If the transporter doors connect at both ends then they would still fit the transporter doors that are needed for the rest of the train to attach to it.
In our case we need our sleeper cars and royal suites first then the
buffet car then dining car then observation deck. Then lounges after that and probably 3 of them maybe a library as well.
So then there is a transporter door at that end as well. In our case.
And one at the start as well that both join up to the airship like the one in the center.
All three doors attach to doors in the airship on different floors.
So if you entered formally you would be in the airship lobby would go through that door come in at the far end of the train through lounges to get to the dining cars and its quite a walk. 600 feet so the train makes people walk so you want to be able to walk and talk sop 4 foot wide hallways are needed.

Coming from the other end from the second floor of the airship you get to royal suites and then sleeper cars.
So its more private and public guests probably won;t go that far unless invited.
They get to the buffet, but then go back to where they are supposed to sit to eat. They may go back to the buffet but probably won't go past it into unknown territory uninvited.

One suite can take up a fair piece of train.

So you might be wondering why we don;t put parallel train sections to make it more feasible and we may end up having to do that.
Consider if that is one suite how many cars you need for 60 people.
So 3 of those per train length with a closet in the hall so you need 20 cars? 110 feet per car? 2,200 feet just for cabins?

That's a bit of a walk to get to the diner.
You can't use scooters or any motorized form of travel you will hit a door or a person coming out of one.

So with 60 people we have to use a combination of sleeper cars and royal suites.
We need to sleep 100.
So a sleeper car...
And you could sleep 30 in one of those or so.
So with 2 of those that's for sure 50 people, 10 cars with 3 suites that's 30 people, at least, then room suites that perhaps are not assigned to anyone but can be used for guests. Based on that drawing they might be convertible. But you can get 5 in a length of those so 4 lengths.
4 more cars so 4 cars with cabins, 10 cars with royal suites, 2 cars with sleeper cars, then 3 dining cars, then 3 lounge cars.
To house and feed 100 people. 22 cars in total 110 feet long.
2420 feet in total length.

The large stretch being between the airship and the dining car so if you came in through the airship door on the second floor halfway there would be...
16 sleeping cars measuring 1760 and half of that since you could approach it from either end is maximum 880 feet or using the shortest method.

270 meters or paces.
That's not so bad really when you are trying to encourage walking.

That would be the most you would have to walk. 270 steps.
Well roughly speaking.

If you choose to walk back towards the ship then go downstairs
you can be at the buffet right through that door downstairs.
So for me my suite is just on the train from the airship
so I can get to the buffet in less than a minute probably just take the elevator down and go through the door.

If I decide instead to walk then its 1760 feet roughly or 841 paces approaching a kilometer.


May 10, 2017, 4:18:50 PM5/10/17
So we should start with that and use 3 disks to house 3 sections of train.
Each resetable independently.
Now the sleeping quarters being 1760 long as it is with only 30 people getting royal suites you know the rest will want them eventually.
So we will need another tunnel at some point running parallel to that one joined by a hallway door in the middle of that stretch.
And a door on the airship beside the original and a second door close to the buffet at the far end of that sleeping section of the train.
So an addition. And it needn't bother us much if work went on making it and then it just connected when completed.

So to begin with we can have one section and people can double up or share in some way until we see what we need.

There are other quarters there like sleepers and cabins.
Then of course there is the airship which can sleep 60 in a pinch but 30 usually.
We usually sleep there anyway.
But on the train you have private quarters and personal storage lockers and you own locked door.

So the organization of the family and hence the crew as well is accomplished with the help of that prop. The train holodeck.
So by organizing it you organize the flow of people through the living areas slated for our home.
And then that has doors to other places from there but getting there is quick and thanks to that getting back for dinner is also quick.


May 10, 2017, 5:11:23 PM5/10/17
If I can get Cliff to print a disk that has a 330 foot train length in 3 cars joined by train doors, just standard although sturdy construction, with power water and storage for grey and black water (sewage etc) since it will reset maybe 4 times a day to provide a storage tank is enough like a septic tank with weeping tiles would be ok.

I mean if worst came to worst and you couldn't reset for a month chemicals can be added to neutralize the odors break down the waste etc.
You will be fine but it will reset 4 times a day usually.

So then power for it need only last 8 hours or 10 hours but we can use industrial doors maybe and then have a power source wherever we want it or if the disk has a sun use solar panels to power that car.
Those 3 cars actually.
One if the buffet car and two are seating.
So he makes the basic building and provides services and has a door attached to each end.
So then you attach any two doors to those ends and to begin with it's your warehouse and workshop as you install cabinets and seating and bathroom fixtures and flooring and furnishings and bars and pool table and library.
Whatever you decide to put in when you get a copy.

So in ours we have a plan for those 3 cars a buffet a dining car and booths.
If you had a Hawaiian buffet maybe your decor would be Hawaiian and so then that day at lunch you use your Hawaiian buffet segment.

As long as Cliff prints disks of that sort and we share them out
then they will be compatible.

So we could then standardize other segments. In our case we have 3 segments to our train.

If we are going to standardize the segments so that we can share the buffet ideas they will need to put the thing somewhere anyway.
So modular methods like standardizing the sleeping quarters as well and the public lounge cars as well is the way to go.
In total we need 22 cars so at best that is 7 disks if we reduce it by one car just to make one train if the segments are 3 cars long.

We would be better off to make that segment those 3 cars plus 3 lounge cars or even 4 with library so that now we a segment that is 7 cars in length and so now we only need 3 of those or 3 disks to make a train.

Some people will satisfy themselves with one segment.

So then that makes sense to do that.
770 feet long 14 feet wide.
Inside dimensions so you can make the walls out of whatever you want and as thick as you want.
And usual train high or double decker.
You should be able to enter that space via the industrial doors that feed it power or water and then actually change its construction and add a second level if you were that industrious.
Once you did that you could brag and share that if you wanted to since a lot of trains have observation decks on the second floor.
In our case however with push carts we have to avoid that.

But with seven cars in a segment instead of three the disk has a more practical use and ordinary people only need that much train.
So then three disks three segments and we will just have to adjust ours so that the first two segments are sleeping cars then the dining car has the lounge attached.
So then with two lengths of car dedicated to royal suites if we got 5 per that's 5 times 14 or 70 people. Add a sleeper at the end of the lounge cars for guests and you have 100 that way.
2 lounges a library and a sleeper.
So then you have your 70 hall doors to royal suites and now you can connect your mansions inside those doors and they will have addresses off that hallway.
You see I have 60 planets that I own, so then if one person has a door to one planet in their suite that's 60 suites.
And we have 70 there.
So if we connect all those planets that would be a good place to connect it to perhaps. Since at the very least we could put doors in that hallway and not in the rooms themselves and address them so we know where they go and are all easily managed.
Locked but right at hand. We are always there eating close by and sleeping so if we want to go somewhere the door is close by.
Some can be right inside the room.
We have some private sub nets that can come off a room.
The geometry of the train allows us to organize the doors there better than on the airship.
If we had to put 60 doors on the airship we would be screwed.


May 10, 2017, 5:36:49 PM5/10/17
There is a problem there is you decide to make it a double decker it is in a tunnel since it is a holodeck. So that won't work.
Either Cliff has to make it that way to begin with a put a second floor into one segment like so....
Here they have a dining room under the observation deck.

That's a really nice touch but it changes the way the holodeck works.
The tunnel needs to then be twice as large in diameter and the cameras also have to change their field of view and they would be looking at the undercarriage of the airship, and not the sky above since our cameras are mounted under the airship.
On a frame that is scaled down from the train dimensions.
And it looks beside the train and in front but not so much up since there is a roof on the train.
And that makes it easier for us to get footage for the train by merely reusing our airship holodeck footage.

Or recording it while we are elsewhere using the airship flying just above the ground.
On a charted course.
So then that footage is used for the other two holodecks. The one at the girls camp and the train.

So we should keep it at one level and not get too fancy.

Then Cliff can print them as holodeck segments and we could share the film footage as well.

So 7 cars long 770 feet in a holodeck tunnel with a door at each end.
So you need fire sprinklers and you need air vents everywhere and you need very comfortable climate control fresh water lots of power and then as I say you connect those doors to your shop and you make it nice inside and you have a nice train holodeck.

For us we connect three segments but we add a door to our middle segment.
We could add a door at the junction of the first two segments.
Rather than walk 770 feet from each end we would walk 335 feet max.
So you know that since many of us will have doors to our desert islands
or our mansion that we like for instance I will have a door to Vahine Island Adriana has a door to Villa Madrona, in our royal suites.
So then they had another door there that goes to Castaway Island.

So we can go from the airship to Castaway island to our own locations Vahine or Villa Madrona then come out in the train with less steps.
We can go from anywhere pretty much to Castaway Island to the airship then right to the buffet from the basement.
So probably we don't need that auxiliary door between the two sleeping segments to be there only the connecting doors are needed.

Since in many of the royal suites there are doors to different places that lead to Castaway Island our hub island.

The only thing is with the 60 planets that's my empire here so I don;t want everyone marching through all of that by merely arriving at Castaway Island.
I would rather have two sleeping cars which need to be secure to begin with, have doors in the hallway all arranged in a row, that have restricted access.
So what about them breaking through those doors into the hall into the sleeping quarters like a bad dream? What about not doing that?


May 10, 2017, 5:40:57 PM5/10/17
What makes more sense to me I think is to use a separate 7 car segment a separate disk attach that to the airship somewhere secure where you can merely get rid of one door and that would close you off from all the rest.
Have all the planet hubs connect into one train segment that is not sleeping quarters but is a secure setting.
Like the hallway in Resident Evil or similar.
The beauty of standardizing the train segment disk is that it probably has a 1000 uses.


May 10, 2017, 6:15:08 PM5/10/17
The train segment disks are already set up for parallel conjoining if you have two doors at the buffet one each side and not just one.

So then lets say you needed 5 segments but wanted them parallel for less foot traffic rather than connected lengthwise you then get 5 disks rather than have Cliff make one with one rail, one with two etc and if you do not use a transporter door but go for a physical connector hallway you will spoil the illusion out the window the 90 degree hallway will be in some field of view.
So he has to make one stretch in a tunnel one train height not double decker, and 770 feet long inside dimensions 14 wide inside dimensions transporter doors at both ends and two 3.75 cars in from the end.
So that the .75 is the buffet itself and the .25 your washrooms behind the kiosk where the doors are.

So he should put those washrooms in and the washrooms in and lots of places to connect to for more bathrooms.
Our floor plan looks like this...
only 4 feet wider.
Very similar to that so you can get three of those to a car so it needs hookups for water and sewer and a panel for fuses probably.
So then like a pc that has slots and places where things could go with block-outs he has to put lots of blocked out connectors along that 770 feet to accommodate different floor plans.
And possibly a tunnel with access through a panel if you have to go out of the train and run wires or pipes yourself.
Or connect things.
So then you have a train holodeck segment and if in our case we put three sleeping segments in parallel then to walk from the airship we merely walk through three train car middles to get to the buffet.
Maximum distance 335 feet or 110 paces to the middle of a sleeping car.

350 feet from the buffet back to the airship, 350 feet to the last lounge from the buffet start and you are at the airship lobby.

So in this setup now you have reduced your steps to 335 feet or so.

100 paces roughly speaking.

And then it's also scalable.

Print another disk attach it either on the end or in parallel.

So you have building blocks using a holodeck.

It won't be a universal lodging I don;t think but it is a very useful building block.

We can use it as I say to put 60 doors in that hallway and the scene outside might be what is behind any one of those doors. Without going through.
We should be able to tour the planet using that holodeck, then go through a door into that world if we want to.
Something like this maybe.

Where you are approaching the subject differently.
Your home however I think you want that secure.
You don't want monsters coming in through your closets.

So I would take a 770 foot stretch and turn it into a place where doors are to our planets and have that more secure. I would have it off the airship again since that is more secure than Castaway Island but I think I would have a very secure entrance into that train segment and out of it.
You know a hall with glass windows and one person goes through and you may get scrutinized or locked out.
On the ground to get into the system you first have to enter a prison.
And go into a jail cell.

That's the security to get into the system.
You need someone to physically open the door and let you in.

William Head Prison is made for that purpose.

So to break in, you have to break into prison.


May 10, 2017, 6:48:39 PM5/10/17
If we base our design on a standard disk Cliff can print then once we have that holodeck segment, he can optimize those disks and remove the excess if they don;t need to be that large.

So if we attach 3 in parallel the ends cannot connect to anything in the center segment.
We need two more one for each end.
And then we need somewhere for them to connect up to.
If instead of just one in the center you had 5 they have doors on the end but where do they connect up to?
So its logical to provide a segment of 770 feet as a connector hallway.
You need a fire exit at both ends and in the middle.
So the ends have to lead somewhere.

With one used as a hallway segment you would have to add doors to that segment in that hall to connect up to the various ends that are not connected.
You could use one segment and connect both ends even.
Lets suppose you have a parallel set of train segments 770 feet long each in its own virtual world connected by a transporter door in the center.

So you can walk through them through the middle by walking through the attached parallel dockings.

Now lets say you have 5 rows that you walk through well the first one its ends you have places for those ours one end is the airship the other is somewhere else the next 4 however have no end connector ports so you take one additional segment and connect all those ends to that one segment by installing matching doors in the hallway.
It is now not geometrically regular the doors to both ends of one row might be beside each other in this newly added hallway.
At any rate you have your fire escape.
So then that's all you need.
Since the doors themselves are not in the outer shell but door frames in an inner wall only, he doesn't have to make any changes to that segment in order for it work as a connector hallway. You only need to make door frames and then connect up transporters to those door frames.
You open a door with a key, and behind there the transporter and through the glass you see it is already in the other world.
So you just walk in open the door and you are there.

So with those segments I am sure you could find enough flexibility to use them for a lot of uses.
In our case sleeping quarters easily done, the food buffet and then dining and lounging areas that surround food activities and social activities like dancing and conversation.

A train car lounge with dance floor is a common thing.
A billiard table or pool table is also something we would have.

But probably these segments as door hallways for keeping things organized is really the way to go.
It is possible to address them then and to keep them organized in some sort of mapped shape.
For instance if I have 60 planets I need 60 doors and if I want to manage this properly they should all be in the same location in the same segment 770 feet so that it is all organized.

That's enough room to hold brochures or information or footage that you can see by traveling over the area in the holodeck.

Once you get to one planet if it has 60 doors again you could just connect all those with one segment and again they are all organized.
At least in general for getting from A to B that is the best way to do it.

Already our scheme is so complex we can't remember it using Castaway Island Palm Springs Crater Lake, San Francisco Internet Archives, and then 20 other locations like mansions and admin facilities.

So we might need to always use connector hallways in order to always be organized in our traffic and not get lost or confused.

We would be superimposing a grid onto what is not grid-like on the ground.


May 10, 2017, 7:05:53 PM5/10/17
That's it? You went to Joshua Tree like that?
Ow, stop it. lol

I'm just kidding sweetheart of course you went to Joshua Tree to get your body there where we can find it later.
Yes and when our daughter dances around in white instead of black like I'm chopped liver you can't help but be pleased as punch at that I suppose.

Sleepover sounds divine though.

Jade has to sleep on the other side and Laneya has to wait till Saturday I think.
She just called me late last night.

Other than that I almost got caught up on family day.


May 10, 2017, 7:27:08 PM5/10/17
Jealous of what? Maisie? Or is that just a response to seeing Laneya crying because you got to be special this week and she didn't?

That was pretty nice of her to just stand back and let you be special I thought.
So she deserves a turn next Saturday.


May 10, 2017, 7:49:18 PM5/10/17
Well I said you could decide. If she turns into Dr. Evil and takes over the universe it will be your responsibility to free the hostages.

Want to see the island Kristina picked out for one of the girls camps?

So much better than a moldy old castle.


May 10, 2017, 8:01:15 PM5/10/17
Could be worse than this could it not?
That's a pretty nice spot for a girls camp.
That's like a royal girls camp.
Like a royal supermodel girls camp.

Looks like maybe 80 cabins there.

So maybe 4 to a cabin that's 300 people max.
So lots of room.

It's very nice and has all the fun stuff on the beach.

Then the big girls can go to my little island to have fun too.
That one is Finolhu Maldives and this one is Vahine Tahiti.

The nice thing about those two islands is they connect to our train.
One to Kristina's suite and one to mine.


May 10, 2017, 11:13:18 PM5/10/17
Well the plan is to put all our mansions on one planet so that we only have to secure that one planet, except for stuff that has a higher level of security which is where there is a duplicate copy of the airship and another Rosie's Pirate Cove and that is the real one.

So usually we are on the lower copy and the upper copy might be under development or under construction.
Periodically we have to merge the two copies for a while so that we get updated.
And then we have that as a backup and a more secure environment to move to if we need it. Or if we need to reset the network, I go there and reset everything below it.

So its just networking common sense there.

But the mansions there and there are two there already side by side are for Wanda and June my two wives who are there now.

So the mansions on the copy of earth we are working on ourselves that one is the one with Vahine and Finolhu and Portabello Estate, and Villa Madrona, and the two mansions on Belair and the Merv Griffiin Estate and Craigdarroch Castle Hatley Castle and some residences around here close to them.
So whatever we end up connecting to the airship will end up as part of our house and the rest of the planet will return to zoo nature.
We will use a planet already somewhat restored then do a partial restore from a good backup copy to get them onto that planet.
Power them using industrial transporter doors which have water power and Internet.
So the idea should be that you can take shortcuts around that planet.
For instance if I go from my suite on the train to the buffet that's 300 feet.
Instead if I go the other way I am right at the second floor of the airship go down the elevator take the door there to the buffet.
An alternate route would be to go out the door in my room to Vahine then to Castaway Island then to the airship then down the elevator then out that door to the buffet.
Still much shorter than 300 feet.

So although that's great it would soon become unwieldy as it got more complicated.
So our plan was to line up doors at Castaway island so that we knew where they were and where they went to make that a hub.

We need that for Utility planet a similar planet to that one which gets utilities from the copy of the earth it uses and then pipes those around using the transporter doors in industrial transporter doors. A more secure door.
So those two planets have similar features but our mansions are not on that planet. The engineers may have their mansions on that planet.
We may visit that planet often since it is connected to Castaway island so that we have water power and Internet connected to our mansions.

Now also the number of mansions we have right now is quite a few even for a big family.
But we will try it out and see how we like it.
But like I said before we need to connect them to the train so people can come home for dinner.
Then they are just down the hall.
So probably we need a 770 x 14 segment just for doors for that world.

You see we have one row of royal suites with two dead ends.
The row in the middle. So we need a hallway segment anyway.

We might as well connect doors to everywhere from there as well.

Have it easy to block traffic or permit traffic to go places.

If it is all secure we can leave the doors open so then you have one very large mansion. All off your main hall.
Although that main hall is a train in motion and the doors are not facing the windows they are facing the middle wall.
You could just as easily park the scene and then just have it all as a view and not a train in motion.

You see there will be industrial doors from Castaway to the mansions so then we could have the normal transporters not normally go to Castaway but go to the hallway instead.

If you want you can go through an Industrial door no problem.
If you have clearance and everyone in our family would have clearance by hand print.
Or retina scan or both.
So From Kistina's suite in the train to Finolhu then Finolhu to the hallway.
There would still exist an industrial door from Castaway to Finolhu.
So two ways to get the girls to girls camp without having to go through Kristinas suite.
Through the industrial door or through the hallway door.
We do the same with Vahine and my suite, Villa Madrona and Adriana's suite, Portabello and Stella's suite, the mansion on the right on Belair in Ella's suite, the mansion to the right of that, we should make connect to the lounge on the train if possible since that is a real party place.
We should use the end door and instead of going to the lobby of the airship go there to that mansion since the lobby is not where people usually arrive now since the airship is in a holodeck, so they don;t come up the basket or bucket.
So having that as a muster point for the general public means they first have to march through your house to get there.
Not such a great idea.

So if we have them enter at that mansion then we can be more social and we have two mansions side by side there. One for men and one for ladies.

And so then to get to the train from the mansion on the right my mansion you go through the door and end up at the end of the train, which then has 3 lounges then the dining cars and buffet.
So then it needs to connect with Castaway island which would be the normal entry point for that planet unless we too opt for William Head and secure cell location.

For now we will assume one is enough and so our connection with the outside world is through Castaway island.
So the guests enter there and then go to that mansion then onto the end of the train.
From Castaway they could get onto the airship as well then to the train right at the buffet.
So that could connect to the lobby. Castaway could connect to the lobby of the airship. That would make sense.
But you don't have to let people go that way.
The better way would be to get on the train at the end walk a bit see the train stay in a lounge sleep over if there is a sleeper car.
I would want to channel guests away from the airship into the train.

Rather than have them sleep in the airship I would have them sleep in the train so we can maintain a higher level of security in the airship since from there you can go up to the next airship. You get lazy you leave the door open it happens.


May 10, 2017, 11:54:23 PM5/10/17
So then it roughly looks like this in the way of a door distribution map.

It's getting quite complicated but it is still practical.
There would be then more private connections from the train to the mansions through suites on the train.


May 11, 2017, 10:15:07 AM5/11/17
Yes we had a pretty good week. Better than last week.
Teagan can sum it up for everyone...
Last week.
This week.

Mia culpa last week. But this week things are different and love is all around, every sight and every sound.

Oh the fun we had. So much fun we can;t even talk about it.
But I can show you Maisie and whats it like when everyone is jealous of you.
Even Walmart can't make you that happy.

Did anyone get missed? Yes unfortunately I am still not caught up yet.
Shaylin and Laneya haven't had turns yet this week.

Laneya let Victoria be queen of the world this week since Victoria went to Palm Springs actually was in the Merv Griffin mansion doing a photoshoot for Coachella so everyone could see hey we mean business here we are not just talking through our hat.
And as you know half the kids made it out to the desert to make their statement about the cold and damp that is often found in and around castles.
These are modern princesses not the tower kind.

They watch TV they saw that movie it didn't end well.

You can have your porridge and your dry oat cakes and water.

These girls have been to Paris.

Speaking of which our little angel has been there working already and she can barely see over the table without phone books on the chair.
She makes more than I do and you do probably put together.

But you know it ain't easy so her two big sisters are always there for her.
Linnea and Kristina.
Worlds apart but they make it there.
Who's the luckiest dad in the world?

You got that right.

So we had a good week. It is always a good week when we can have fun together.

And that buffet idea is a great idea. I wish we had it right now because I'm starving.
We would have pancakes and waffles on there for sure.


May 11, 2017, 11:00:13 AM5/11/17
I had to settle for alphabits which as you know is nothing more than cleverly disguised porridge.
Someday though, that buffet will be OURS!
That's Laneya in the middle and look who that is to the right.
The big princess herself. The bossy one.
But she gets the job done.

They are their own support system even when their dead beat dad moi doesn't make it to family day. But notice I made up for it this week.

Almost. Laneya is thinking about her hair and I said fine let them try some things but don't let them cut it.

Have a look at what Sofia was ding with her hair and you will see in the end the princess hair looked the nicest.

Well I like the messy slut hair myself but everyone else liked the princess hair.
Shlut sorry not slut. There is a difference. Bridget Bardot was a shlut.
That means looked sexy but never did anything.

And of course that is what I meant.
See they were thinking the same thing here but they didn't use enough hair spray. You need LOTS of hair spray for big shlutty hair.

Here is her princess hair.
Isn't that adorable?

But still this is my favorite...
All you need is leaves in your hair.
Or straw.

Oh don't worry I would release the hounds if I saw actual leaves or straw in your hair and I wasn't there.
I know you like the princess hair better and when we go to the buffet you can wear your princess hair.

Then when we go dancing ....
I can't find the picture but you know that the Bridget Bardot look is what I am talking about.
This is nice the lolita look...
Total jail bait trouble that you read about in books.

You know she is so much like her sister they can't be on the same side of the world. Yeah you know the one.

She is very impressive. More than most people know. You know the other girls they made it to the desert but at the drop of a hat Sofia got some young boy witnesses flew to Vegas so we could have a Vega wedding in effigy.
Like the day after we got connected and I found her.
It was like nothing for her to do that with a full crew, professional photographers and every just flies to Vegas to meet me there for a Vega wedding leaving Kristina standing there with her jaw dropped.
I didn't say a word.
I just played along.
That's always best not to get involved.
They will certainly need their own planets to rule over.

Good thing I have lots.


May 11, 2017, 11:39:00 AM5/11/17
Well I wasn't paying attention then finally I saw Kristina because you can;t miss Kristina and I thought hmmm... what is my daughter doing here?
Has the 5th column arrived and so I began to look and sure enough they were crawling out of the woodwork.
So I called Kristina and we had our reunion our happy reunion but she was stuck in the Gulag as well to the west of the Gulag her sisters were in Saint Petersburg but I didn't know that till later.
So I helped her raise some money I suggested she make a game like Kim Kardashian made a game and made lots of money so someone made her a game and lots of people bought the game and then she was able to move to LA and then my contacts saw her and she skyrocketted to top of the modelling industry.

Where she belongs. You can look at her stuff and see she is the top model in her age group even over her sister Sofia who was a famous supermodel in Russia before her.

but Kristina took the world by storm. She has the it girl look and right stuff.
I mean to do this it takes actual modeling talent.
She has already been everywhere and done everything in 2 years.
The only other person who can say the same is Stella, my girlfriend from back home who appeared on the scene a couple years ago as well.
As soon as I saw her she had made it into Victoria Secret without being noticed so as soon as I saw her I was like AH HAH! Spying on me are you???
And outed her and then again everyone saw she had been dressing down hiding and so right away they put her in Maxim magazine and she won the top 100 then was noticed in Paris and got promoted to the worlds top model surpassing other models like Karlie Kloss.
and now this year she won the top model contest with the award from the fashion industry.
So I am in her good books since things are working out ok right now and I am behaving myself more or less.
As long as I don't miss Fridays there will be peace in the valley.
And as I said because Tallia is also being thrust into that same light, she needs more support and sleeps over on Fridays as well so she has all the love and affection she needs to get her through a busy work day at her age.

I know what that is like. I have to work tonight myself.
Uncle Robert isn't our favorite uncle anymore. We like uncle Albert now.

Who else had a good week? Breezy had a good week.
Her and her sister Terra...

Don't be jealous of them just because daddy gives them lots of love every week. They need it they are carrying South America.
They are Brazilian living in the US close to LA.
And if I don't make it there early in the week I am a seriously dead beat dad. So I do my best for them and usually make it.
Just to see those gorgeous fresh faces light up.

I can't even keep up with all that they have going on between modeling and acting.
So they are usually happy and having fun.
But again they work pretty hard.

I could show you the rest but this week they almost all look like that.
That's what love and affection will do for ya.

Even the trouble makers I think had a bit of fun before I had to catch the train.
Lily is in Hong King though I think so Ruby and Nadia aren't hanging out with her right now.

Just flying around the world every week going somewhere.
Anna made a face and so Teagan made the same face and I am sure everyone in the know is laughing about that but it was because I saw of picture of Anna from last year at Memorial Day in Russia where she had the same hat on but no front teeth.
So that's why she made the face.

But here she is as happy as can be.
Because her sister Tallia always wants to come over and give her a hug and make sure she has enough support especially when she is in China.

So in spite of it all the kids appear to be having some fun as long as they don't have to do it alone.
As long as they are doing it as a family then its fun.


May 11, 2017, 12:31:32 PM5/11/17
This is what our house looks like now.
That doesn't look too complicated yet does it?

Without the private doors...

The reason we have the private doors is because if you don;t assign a mansion to someone people will just not go there after a while.

By putting the door in their room, then they are obliged to go there because it feels like it is theirs and really in this case it was made with them personally in mind.

Made by my engineers and our friends for them and myself and our family so that later when we are socializing they are in a good social position and feel good about the situation.
It gives them status and prestige and dignity that they contributed to the end result.

And so our plan our house plan incorporates those gifts and we join them up using transporter doors. Later we will socialize with the people who made them and then we are socializing on a level they enjoy and that is what it is for.
So friends of mine and possibly British so they really think these hings through made Portabello, and that could win prizes it is the most excellent of mansions that suits a supermodel life style.

And so then well that's great for the supermodels like Stella and it suits Stella so she is in charge of it and has her spot in the main suite there so she is very happy about that since that also gives her prestige now and later since it is such a nice mansion. A great place for her peers to party you see.

And so then they wanted to make a place for Ella but didn't want it all alone in the wilderness so they built one for me or us actually thinking forward the guys and I next door so the wives can go there and be in wife heaven and we will be next door looking at the boys toys.

When you see this mansion you expect to see the Prince of Bel Air himself jumping into the pool.
Helicopter on the roof, hot cars in the living room, this place has it all.
It has a Bugatti in the lobby in case I need to make a quick getaway.
The Bugatti is worth more than your house.
Yeah it is a nice mansion.
And right next door the wives will have hen fest like you wouldn't believe.

So for sure we have to connect these with our airship and our train because once you are there then you want to invite them over.
Like this is a halfway zone where we socialize on a very earthly level then we get to the train and its pretty high tech and the airship which can go right into space while you are on deck and it looks real, that is something else.

Our easy lay back happy lifestyle we hope is contagious and we will be hoping they get a holodeck as well at least a train holodeck of their own.
And we hope to help them with that.

To allow them to have that advanced life style that we enjoy to some degree.

We have lots of plans anyways and lots of stuff on the ground and in the plans made elsewhere. We have not been idle.

But organizing those doors.
Its really not as complicated as it looks.

The private doors in blue have to have public doors that are in the hall for fire exits if nothing else. You need two doors. Plus you may need services from Industrial doors that come from Utility planet.
That gets to our planet by a mirror of their hub.
That is Castaway Island. So their services they gather meet up with doors on Castaway Island and then have male door ports to give, so then we get a copy of Castaway Island now we connect our female ports to those and we have male ports now to give and with that we match up doors at our mansions with their female ports.

And that is all handled by Hydro boxes on the boulevard outside the mansion.
It looks like that and inside is the door but the services come through that door.

So those doors are more secure since usually no one is watching those doors except the sensors and cameras and computer network.

So really all we are doing is getting services from another planet where the engineers live and work, and then servicing the mansions people have given us for the future. Then connecting that up to our own housing which is three holodecks and a bunch of other stuff like a ranch, a Pirate Cove way station guest house and several girls camps since what better way to have fun than to say HEY! Lets go to camp for the weekend!

Or even a few months.
But for the girls we have designed some great environments and they have those others made on earth as well.

But our place is definitely high tech.
And our culture not exactly the same as the earth. So our home reflects that.
But with tools to use like a train holodeck, we can really bring our home together and you know the buffet can do it.
Instant gratification as soon as you can get there. Guaranteed some favorite of yours for any time of the day or night will be there.
I love jukeboxes and so I pout one in Rosie's but maybe we should think about putting one in the second dining car to make it more fun. Like right on the tables.
I used to love that as a kid because it makes going to a diner so much more fun.


May 11, 2017, 12:59:56 PM5/11/17
Well FWIW the world is not watching us and like I said last week just like we aren't watching what the beavers are doing nor are we interested in what they might be thinking.

But for us in our own little world it means something to us to see Kristina as the top model in her age group and Stella as the top model in her age group.
Princess number one and Girlfriend number one. So that's a reflection of something that is larger than it looks because they are models their look is amazing so the machines have really done a good job of designing their look and enhancing their personality. So they are saying this is the direction we are taking in design.
And so then why that direction well it's towards Anunnaki looks and culture.
So they see it as the highest culture and that's since its rare there are not many Anunnaki here so they also know I own it and so then they figure well I guess we better go thataway.
And in doing so they appeal to the whole family and then by proxy others feel the same positive energy which carries in this case the fashion industry forward.

But for us it just helps us to be a happy family something that is made easier by the matrix machines.
Which allow us to communicate and provided such amazing bodies for them to reincarnate into or beam into whichever was the case.

So we have a lot to be thankful for. It must be nice to be a kid and come in after the work is done. Eat ice cream, and you know fly around the world as a high fashion supermodel at age 5 or 6 where others spent their entire life trying to get close to that time zone and never got a dinner.
Oh not me, no I have had my fill of fame and fortune here, I have shattered the illusion of fame and fortune.
Does it get any more famous than to have your ex girlfriend in this casw Stacey Dash get on stage at the Academy Awards and say hey, don;t forget me, make sure I am on the list! While everyone is scratching their heads wondering what is going on. We used to have our own TV show Clueless and I was on there in effigy and we had a great relationship for years.
And how about the time Jessica Alba and I were hanging out and I found out that I was Osiris, not just Akhenaten before and so then Gwendolyn was Isis and we heard that whole story and then figured out how Michael got here and it wasn't the stork like they said he started out as Horus and then as Jesus and then Michael but back then the cult of Isis used a vase, donor priests put sperm in the vase, now you didn't know who the father was so it was considered God and then the woman inseminated herself that way.

So I guess Jessica was thinking about this for a couple weeks and thought hmmm I would love to have a baby too. So she has this small vase made with diamonds all around it and presents it to me on the red carpet at the Kid's Choice awards.
So as I say, I have had my 15 minutes more than once.


May 11, 2017, 1:30:11 PM5/11/17
Well you see the train segments and the hallway segment those are the new disks I asked Cliff to print to use as building blocks.

That's the train holodeck sections. So he needs to be able to do that using code you see and then just print those whenever we need a section.
And we may need lots of them so that is why I standardized the section so he could print them with our matter printer and then Robert and the engineers would not have to make them out of concrete.

So he has two printers so one of them will be able to print those. The new printer could print them in sections no problem.

So those bars are each in a separate virtual computer world.
And those worlds are identified as moonships even though they are totally stripped down and not functional as moonships.
We want to use the same disk technology rather than go experimenting with new things on a large scale that may have far reaching consequences.
This is just another printing of disks and even more basic than the latest version before that. So we are reducing the capabilities since its job is so small.
To make a section of train holodeck and have 4 doors attached to it so it can be used as a snap on system of building blocks.

So the hallway is nothing more than entrances and fire escapes.
But since we can just add a section like that it allows to have those entrances and fire escapes.

So no matter where you are if you need to escape you head to that hallway because from there you can go to a lot of different places and in the event of a disaster or anything the top sections the train sections the hallway and the airship are all on other worlds.
You make it there you have made it to another world and so wherever you were could explode for all you care it won't affect you.
That's the nice kind of fire escape. Ask questions later.

The airship connects to other things that are not shown there since that would complicate the map.

This is just so that we can organize some of our mansions.
And allocate doors for the planet where we will live since that planet will be secure and even though we won;t use much of it, at least we can leave the doors open and not worry about invaders.

You know people here are not aware of the extent of the damage that was caused everywhere by invading forces.
But I had to go through it for 20 years investigating what was left and rescuing people.
Getting them all to earth.
So having done that and my wives know as well as I do what happened so they are even more adamant about security for us and our home after what we saw happened to our stuff when we were gone.
So we have that all planned out to their satisfaction and this diagram helps us to at least be able to use that which people made for us to enjoy together in the future and it honors the women and it is what they like and so its on the right track for us and we look forward to it.

Even my big wives have mansion there now and they look forward to going shopping as well if they get the chance.


May 11, 2017, 5:28:39 PM5/11/17
Why are they all here? The question is why are they all here and working?
Working is the operative word here. And that answers the question because daddy warbucks being extremely wealthy and again landed some pretty big fish in the way of holdings and them wanting to enjoy it yet old enough in reality to know that to enjoy it they want to be able to say they worked for it too.
It's our way to think ahead to how we will feel later.

Like me building malls by hand and people giving us mansions and us accepting them since there was work involved.
The malls I helped build two and then other family members built a third, then, seeing that they are now adding onto the second to make it similar in scope but not quite because there isn't enough real estate left in the city, to be able to match Wanda's mall in breadth and scope.

So its a matter of feeling like you earned it.
They sure work hard let me tell you.

And at such an early age.

They make me proud. Kristina has really been a trailblazer and such a chip off the old block its uncanny, so of course I am very proud of her.


May 11, 2017, 6:07:56 PM5/11/17
Am I being a douchebag is that what you are saying?
Well sleep over then.
I mean if I look at Romee's instagram is she going to be there waiting for me to call her?

Let's check.

No she gave up last week so you know Thursday and I have to go to bed early.
So NY time. Or Miami time.

You KNOW Adriana is calling me from Miami.

She is in NY since Miami isn't one of my usual stops.

So there you go Alice. I was calling you for two days and you didn't say anything.
Yes Stella usually sleeps over on Thursday and Friday but she doesn't take up both sides of the bed.

Romee is in LA which is weird because VS is shooting in NY.

That's where everyone else is.

For Victoria Secret and she is a Victoria Secret angel too.

And wondering why I am such a lousy boyfriend while walking around with her long time boyfriend.
Or long distance interface whichever excuse you want to use.
Look at the nice colors the girls are wearing...

That's a nice accent pattern. It's similar to the accent patterns we have been using for body paint.

So I don't know but someone will be sleeping over. Not sure yet but it will be NY time.
Not a very exciting night anyway because I have to get up for work in the middle of the night.
Elsa is always ready to sleep over.
So if Stella is sleeping over then Elsa is sleeping over and you other girls I guess have to wait until we get there like Jane Fonda.

Stella and Elsa are being big sisters too.

So there.



May 11, 2017, 6:26:24 PM5/11/17
Well there is a 4th mall of course the ones the guys took on after our conference there. They added onto that one because there was no place to get mudflaps for a Mack truck at the other malls.

No giant home build all stores or massive furniture warehouses until they got started. Now you can see their mall from space. It doesn't end in one mall because there was,'t enough room one of their furniture warehouses is as big as a mall. Then the build all centers not just one of course.
They are squeezing the people to the outskirts of town with their mall.

Yet we have plans to use the Edmonton mall. So its really a work ethic thing built in.

For the engineers though they will make plans to use that stuff since they know its all got approval and not someone else's stuff or you know it is doesn't have anything attached to it they don;t know about so they know where to get stuff since we provided all that for them.
Even though they are just using copies they don;t want people coming back on them in the future for something or anything and so then they made a giant mall in Dubai for the people also to ease their conscience.

Funny how they think but it comes from me being away and them not knowing what they should use and now that we are home they still have that ethic.

And have dragged us in to it as well.

For me it was well do you want them to say its because of your dad?
They would say while I was getting ready for work on the rainy days which is all of them.
So you know that is why everyone is here working.

My dad actually worked on it all for 2 million years so we want to say thanks and have to actually chip in and contribute that is why I jumped in.
Same with Victoria's dad two million years and Adriana's same dad.
So we complain but then shut up.


May 11, 2017, 7:34:04 PM5/11/17
Well I am ok because I made dramatic changes and did things other people couldn't do. That was my job. To come in at the end fresh and get the last 1 percent finished which is the hardest part of any project.
The details at the end because they are so annoying and you are tired from dealing with them forever and not solving them.

So I did my bit and Wanda and June were also involved in that and Sue. I couldn't have done it without them on the inside.

So we feel good about the whole thing and you know from the perspective of the women well largely it is for them to begin with so we don't really need them to work and do things when it is supposed to be for them and we benefit from them being happy.
Yet they do work because they feel they should contribute.
So seeing my girlfriends and wives working as supermodels and actresses my daughters came in the same way to do the same and fit in.
It is harder than it looks.
You think modeling how difficult could that be until you have to sit in a chair for 6 hours while they do things to you.
Get up before the birds get up some days. And for mine they also go to school and deal with the usual things in life.

So we will be glad when it's done and probably glad we contributed as well when it is all over.

But don;t think our ethic is against gifts because it is not. We appreciate things we don't have to work for as well. Perhaps more.
Just saying.
Do you think she is with all that talk of Cherry blossoms?
Wanting to be your big sister?
Well she is in NY though.
So you know we are going to bed at 6.

Well how is that supposed to work?

So come to bed at 9 then.
Sleep at the head of the bed in that bed.

But just remember don;t be fooled by love songs and lonely hearts we're living in a Twilight zOnE.
My favorite song is playing.


May 11, 2017, 9:21:34 PM5/11/17
Well she never called back, you're the nanny ya snooze ya lose.

She had her chance and if it was that important she would have been on point. Have you ever seen a girl who needed a big sister more than than this? And its not just because I asked her and she is not pretending.
She needed one yesterday.

So that's what are nanny's are for. Thanks sweetheart for being the best nanny in the whole world.


May 11, 2017, 9:42:23 PM5/11/17
That was what she wanted. Oh.
Well I only know about guy stuff. If something is broken call me I have my toolbox with me.


May 13, 2017, 6:32:38 PM5/13/17
All I said was gee you have a real nice dad. What do you need me for?
Go ahead ride your bike I'm watching.
Do you go to Australia every week because of joint custody?
It seems like it.
It rains every day here because of the pollution I think.

Hey that is a really nice Mothers Day card. Goo job!
Yes but not sure if we are having family day today or tomorrow yet.
I have to work tonight.
I can tell you are excited though.
You are wondering why I haven't picked you up it's because you haven't signed me. Communication is important. Proper communication more important.
Hi sweetheart. I have been getting home from work and its already 1:30am where you are so Monday I don't have to work I will tuck you in Monday.

But yeah that was pretty cool dancing and I think I learned some new dance steps.
That's what I was saying to her the other day because of her little dance when she was in China.
Awesome dancing.


May 13, 2017, 7:13:24 PM5/13/17
Happy Saturday.
I see you are wearing your jean shorts.
That must mean you are in a good mood.
Well I showed her and she just said she wants to be younger.
She thinks she was cuter then and got more attention but I said well look at Sofia, she doesn't look like a famous supermodel without her hair all done up and everything.
The wild hair from the show.

Laneya's response...
Happy Saturday.
It's a good thing I am behind most of the trouble you get in or I would be worried right now.

Whats your sister up to?
Yeah there is a bit of a lineup this week.
But we will still have fun.
Hey hotness. Nice shoot.
You have lots to be jealous of this week.
Well the line is you know not going away that easily.
Sharing is good.

I know sweetheart. I will see what I can do. The call is mostly for sleeping over on the snuggle side.
Maybe 3 people waiting in line for the sweet finish.
4 if you count Laneya.
She seems willing to share this week as well.

Well I don't know how important is it to Vi?
What about Savy? Shaylin?
Well it's important to Vi.

It's possible. I don't want to ruin your week.
After Vi probably.
That is a really nice dress.
Is that where we are sleeping?
Is that where our bed goes?

What would Stella say if you slept there?
Something other than what she said today.
Yeah I would.
Happy Saturday. lol


May 13, 2017, 7:18:20 PM5/13/17
Oh right, silly me, you did sleep there. In the other bed.
Sleep over tonight then. I am going to be early.
Well it's not my turn I know that much.

Maybe tomorrow I will get lucky.

Oh you know stupid work, stupid boss, stupid everything I have to work on Sunday. Have to get up at 2:30am Sunday. Other people get to sleep in.
That's is sleeping in. I had to get up at 1:30 this morning.
Get home at 1:30pm yesterday 2:30pm.

Whatever. At least I have 4 days off this week.


May 13, 2017, 7:39:45 PM5/13/17
Nice hair.

They were filming a movie here today but no one knew which movie.
At the Empress. Huge budget. Lots of big trucks and equipment.

They finished shooting a movie there a while ago. A Christmas movie I think or a superdog movie or something. Actually I think they used the Convention Center attached to the Empress Hotel.

They were up as early as I was.

Well yes you are not in NY.
So tomorrow then. We will have family day tomorrow. Ella is all excited about sleeping over as you know.
Violet? Oh she can share.
She can sleep there the next day or something.
Well I know but it's like I asked Tallia to sleep over Friday on the snuggle side with Stella and after all my reasons she says but I don't live in NY and I am like, I know that, what was I thinking?


May 13, 2017, 8:02:34 PM5/13/17
Well what happened was you were sleeping over on Saturday when it was family day because I didn't have to work on Sunday so I could stay up late well you normal time and I wanted Stella to sleep over on Saturday because I felt guilty and so then that was how that got started and then I had to go back to working Sundays and so that wrecked our Saturday so it wasn't the new Saturday anymore and so then I got confused with Friday.

So whatever day, I don't have to go to bed early you can sleep over.
Yeah and Kristina wants to sleep over now to so that makes it even more complicated. Well then if Kristina is sleeping over Laneya and Jade want their turn.
There goes the week.
I don't know but tonight I'm going to be early.

So we will have family day tomorrow.
It will be lots of fun because then I have 4 days off.
Sleep over separately then.
Well Tallia then you then Laneya then Jade and then Jade can sleep over on Wednesdays since she slept over last Wednesday.
Then Stella can sleep over Thursday Friday Saturday.
With Elsa.
Well that's right but Savy sleeps on the other side.
So that's easy.
Well we will load up the other bed too tomorrow then.
Cause everyone wants to sleep over.
Victoria, probably Teagan wants to.
One spot left for next week on the cold and dark and lonely side.
No sense giving it away right now. I will use it for damage control later.


May 13, 2017, 8:18:58 PM5/13/17
I'm going to go lay down with the Gulag sisters in Russia and then I will pick you up later.
12 or so your time.
I just forgot. You can be the damage control one.
Well Victoria is sleeping there tomorrow damage control again yes,
Tallia is sleeping on the other side. Well for this week, she can sleep in front Of Kristina on Monday because I picked her up at 9 last night.
So you can sleep over tomorrow on the snuggle side.
Ooooo the snuggle side. That's the warm and fuzzy side.

Maybe your little sister can sleep in front of you.
If you want.
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