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Deathcare, Weed, and the Georgie Guidestones (population reduction to 500 million)

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Mort Zuckerman

Jan 22, 2010, 12:20:01 AM1/22/10
To:,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, executive-,, news-,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,

Subject: [SpinLyme] Deathcare, Weed, and the Georgie Guidestones
(population reduction to 500 million)

Date: Jan 22, 2010 12:12 AM

PCRoberts article below

Well, one also wonders how many other
articles are bogus articles:
and why it took me *years* to find the
structure of the Lyme and HIV vaccines:[uid]&cmd=DetailsSearch&log$=details

Do you find it hard to believe that
it never occurred to Anthony Fauci that
he should look at the structure of
either of these vaccines?

The self-selected elite do not want
anyone obtaining health or longevity
and they have a huge gene database
from which to pharm what they think
will work for them - although when I
once said that before, I was only
This is confirmed by James Casbolt,
Malachi Martin, and the Vatican.

The drug-running and money laundering
to Switzerland (not to mention rendering
the, um, demographicals,.. you know, the
Bad Blooders, in particular, homeless)
is part and parcel of rendering the ignorant
masses of us cockroaches, mentally and
financially incompetent. That was, I
guess, the purpose of the CIA's Weed
(MKUltra) in the first place.

All of this stuff sounds paranoid, until
you see actual court documents which
shows that these crooks do indeed write
bogus scientific journal articles:

If you object to these crimes and abuses
you will be retaliated against, The MDs
refuse to get together and organize, unless
it is in their personal behalf, for greater
reimbursement. You notice that not one
medical group sued for
scientific fraud and racketeering, despite
labs like Igenex having the money and
the knowledge that this, "Lyme disease,"
was a FRAUD:

A lot of very undereducated people like
Jodi Rell joined the Repugnicant party
because some of the party's -isms appealed
to people who think poor people deserve
what they get. They don't like Black
people. They're convinced Black people
are lazy and stupid. In Corrupticut,
Repugnicant actually MEANS, "I do not like
Black people around me- please get rid
of them. They cost money, are slobs,
and do nothing but create Welfare babies.
They stab their wives and burn them
with cigarettes, and they do nothing
but party, f*ck, and fight."

"Poor people deserve what they get."

Now the rest of the world has to
pay for that kind of cowardice.

Ron Reagan was the King of Hate.

The Party of Hate had enormous appeal
to Whities who wanted to APPEAR to be
rich people, despite being little more
than cops and "social workers" - the
uneducated class. This is as opposed to
us'n White Eastern Elitist Democratic Snobs
who actually *read,* and take it upon
ourselves - do the *WORK* - to parse the
sources of social disorder, deprivation
and pain.

The Repugs have done nothing but hand
over our rights to the Bigs for the
last 50 years.

And now, the Dems don't even know what
they are. The likes of Barack Obama
has had these little scarey-fairy Kissingerian
elitists whisper in his ear about all the
dreadful things that will happen if he
backs down on the global warmongering.
In fact, he would not have been allowed
to be elected in the first place, if
these capitalists hadn't allowed it.

And whoever hasn't been screaming their
eyeballs out about these conditions for
years and tried to do something about it,
well, that's *their* personal career of
cowardice. That's what they've got to
show for their LIVES.

And I am talking about the likes of the
AMA and all the rest of the MD groups,

No one has a right to be stupid.

"No one has a right to be wrong."--
Malachi Martin.


How Wall St Destroyed Private Medicine

By Paul Craig Roberts

At my annual check-up, my doctor handed me a sheet explaining the
reasons for office fee increases for Medicare Patients. It is worth
reporting at length.

Medicare fixes the prices for Medicare patients’ health care. All
office charges for Medicare, including office visit charges, have been
set by the Federal government since 1984. In real terms (adjusted for
inflation), these fixed prices are less today than they were three
decades ago.

During the last four years, there have been large decreases in
Medicare reimbursements for laboratory services provided in-house by
private physicians. Payments for in-office blood work, for example,
have been cut 35 to 47 percent. Yet, a physician’s overhead continues
to increase as a result of uncontrollable costs, such as property
taxes, building insurance, electricity, maintenance, malpractice and
workers compensation insurance.

As one result, my doctor had to close both the x-ray unit and the
state and federally licensed medical laboratory on his premises. Now
patients are inconvenienced by having to go to other locations for
services that formerly were provided by the doctor at lower cost. A
one day medical check-up is now a multiple day event and more

While Medicare payments to doctors have been cut, regulations have
been increasing: "Almost every outside diagnostic procedure (CT, MRI
scan, sonogram) ordered by this office now has to be pre-approved by
some outside agency. Many medications are now requiring pre-approval
or step therapy. Each requires filling out 1-2 pages of forms and/or
two or more phone calls. This requires personnel time and therefore
more cost. Consultant referrals are requiring more paperwork and time
to schedule."

My doctor has more people employed doing paperwork than he does
delivering health care.

While Medicare payments for in-office services to private doctors,
including those for blood work and x-ray units, were drastically cut,
payments to outside corporate facilities for the same services were
increased. It is obvious what is afoot. Corporate lobbies are using
their whores in Congress to shift income from physician offices to
corporate labs, corporate medical service providers, and hospitals
that are owned by national corporations.

Legislation that cuts payments to private physicians and increases the
payments to large corporate entities is intended to destroy private
practice and to create in its place corporate bureaucracies in which
doctors are wage slaves. The physician’s income is diverted to
shareholders, CEO bonuses, and Wall Street. Health care is being
replaced with health business.

As a result of the way American medicine is being reconstructed,
patients will cease to have a doctor whom they know and who knows
them. Important information is lost in a system of bureaucratized
"health care" in which a patient sees whatever face happens to be on
duty at the corporate provider. Impersonal health care thus brings a
cost of its own, and its quality can be low compared to private
practice. Indeed, the U.S. is creating a "health care" system that is
more costly and less efficient than single-payer national health
systems. But it will enrich corporations and provide play for Wall

It turns one’s stomach to watch libertarians and "free market
economists" defend bureaucratized impersonal health care as "free
market medicine." There is no free market present. Corporate lobbies
and campaign contributions use government power to create
bureaucratized monopolies that destroy medicine for the practitioner
and the patient. Wall Street pushes for greater shareholder earnings,
which are achieved by denying care.

Just as independent businesses have been destroyed by corporate chains
from Wal-Mart to auto parts to fast food, medicine is being destroyed
by monopoly capital. The risks of starting a private business today
are many times higher than they were a half century ago. Chains have
turned Americans who once were independent business men and women into

The fate of the health care bill demonstrates the power of private
lobbies. What was to be health care for Americans was instantly
transformed into 30 million new patients for the private health
insurance industry. The "solution" to tens of millions of Americans
being unable to afford health care is a law that requires them to
purchase a private health care policy or be annually fined. As most of
these uninsured Americans cannot afford to purchase a private policy,
the plan is for the federal government to use taxpayers’ money to
subsidize their purchase of a policy from private companies.

In other words, tax money is being diverted to the pockets of private
businesses. This is par for the course in "capitalist" America.

In today’s America, Karl Marx’s criticisms of capitalism are
understated. Wherever one looks, the scene is one of the government
using taxpayers’ money to enrich private interests. Taxes are
collected from people who can barely make it, and the revenues are
transferred to multi-millionaires and billionaires. The federal
government piles debt on the backs of heavily-burdened and
dispossessed Americans in order that investment banksters can pay
annual bonuses that exceed the lifetime earnings of most Americans.

Every aspect of the US military has been mined for private profit.
Supply and other functions for the military, such as those provided by
Halliburton and Blackwater, services once provided by the military
itself at low cost, have been privatized. These services now cost many
multiples of the cost to taxpayers of in-house military provision.

The "war on terror" enriches the armaments/security industry and
enables Israeli territorial expansion. The Israel Lobby and the
munitions industry are major sources of funding for U.S. political

Prisons have been privatized in order to create profits for private
corporations. The prisons require high incarceration rates in order to
be profitable. Consequently, "freedom and democracy" America not only
has the highest incarceration rate and the highest absolute number of
prisoners in the world, but also a prison population comparable in
size to the prison population of Stalin’s Gulag Archipelago.

Congress allows private companies run by hardline Republicans to count
electronically without paper trails the votes in elections. It has
been proved over and over that the electronic voting machines, with
proprietary undisclosed codes, can rig any election, especially if
there are no exit polls or the captured media can find a way to
discredit the exit polls.

And now we have private health care destroyed by the greed for profit.
There are many reports of health care corporations, but not private
doctors, rationing and even denying health care to policy holders in
order to maximize profits. There are reports of people with treatable
forms of cancer who were not told by their corporate health care
providers in order to avoid the cost of their treatment. These reports
are in compliance with capitalist America’s emphasis on profits uber
alles, to hell with people, the environment, honor and integrity.

Wall Street is romanticized by libertarians and "free market
economists." They believe, entirely on the basis of their ideology,
that Wall Street finances venture capitalists who bring economic
progress and higher living standards. Wall Street does no such thing,
especially since financial deregulation turned Wall Street into a
speculative hedge fund.

Wall Street is concerned with annual bonuses. It will do anything to
get them.

Today the interests of American capitalists are as far removed from
the interests of the population as the bureaucrats of state owned
firms under socialism. Neither can fail, no matter how incompetent or
inefficient, as they have the public purse as their backup.

The Wall Street investment banks, which created with the compliance of
the regulatory authorities and the credit rating agencies, "toxic"
instruments that were sold world wide, thus destroying the prospects
of people in many countries, are devoid of integrity and honor. Their
only god is greed. And they control the US government, which is too
dependent on campaign contributions to restore regulation.

The lobbies of greed rule America. The White House, Congress, even the
federal judiciary are impotent in the face of capitalist greed.

There is no government of the people, for the people, by the people,
only the rule of private interests.

Paul Craig Roberts [email him] was Assistant Secretary of the Treasury
during President Reagan’s first term. He was Associate Editor of the
Wall Street Journal. He has held numerous academic appointments,
including the William E. Simon Chair, Center for Strategic and
International Studies, Georgetown University, and Senior Research
Fellow, Hoover Institution, Stanford University. He was awarded the
Legion of Honor by French President Francois Mitterrand. He is the
author of Supply-Side Revolution : An Insider's Account of
Policymaking in Washington; Alienation and the Soviet Economy and
Meltdown: Inside the Soviet Economy, and is the co-author with
Lawrence M. Stratton of The Tyranny of Good Intentions : How
Prosecutors and Bureaucrats Are Trampling the Constitution in the Name
of Justice. Click here for Peter Brimelow’s Forbes Magazine interview
with Roberts about the recent epidemic of prosecutorial misconduct.

"[Real] scientists are *fiercely* independent. That's the good
news."-- NIH's Top Fool, Anthony Fauci


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