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Revision of NEWDES

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Robert Scott

Mar 2, 1996, 8:00:00 AM3/2/96

Revision of NEWDES

-by Robert Scott

When I designed NEWDES in 1984-1985, I had a very simple key
expansion. I expanded 15 bytes of key into 60 bytes by repeating
the 15 bytes four times. It now appears that such a simple key
expansion creates a vulnerability to a related-key attack. In a
related-key attack the attacker uses the fact that if the key is
changed to a related key, there is some information he has about the
resulting ciphertext without actually running the entire encryption
algorithm. In the case of NEWDES, this information comes from the
fact that if the 15-byte key is rotated seven bytes, the expanded
60-byte key is also rotated seven bytes, which is exactly two
round's worth of key. Therefore the encryption algorithm using the
rotated key does 17 rounds where the last 15 rounds are the same as
the first 15 rounds using the un-rotated key.

I therefore would like to revise my NEWDES algorithm to add a good
key expansion algorithm. This will be done in keeping with the
original design goals, which were:

1. open design - no hidden structure
2. simple and fast software implementation
3. functional replacement for DES with more security

My first inclination was to simply re-order the 15 key bytes as they
are used in the expansion. This would break the pattern of having a
rotation of seven bytes causing the same key bytes to appear in
similar positions in the encryption. Such an expansion would not
incur any additional delay in a hardware implementation since only
the ordering of the expanded key bytes would be changed. However,
upon more reflection, the risk of making such a minimal change was
too great. There may be more complex related key attacks.

My next thought was to ensure that all 60 bytes of expanded key are
potentially different. A simple way to do this is to form each of
the 60 bytes of expanded key as the exclusive-or of an original key
byte and one of four other bytes. For these other four bytes I
have chosen 0 and three of the 15 key bytes. Specifically, if
K0...K14 are the 15 key bytes, then the 60 expanded key bytes would

K0 K1 K2 . . . . K13 K14
K0^K7 K1^K7 K2^K7 . . . . K13^K7 K14^K7
K0^K8 K1^K8 K2^K8 . . . . K13^K8 K14^K8
K0^K9 K1^K9 K2^K9 . . . . K13^K9 K14^K9

where '^' denotes exclusive-or. I am aware of the fact that there
are three zeros in this list of 60 bytes. However, this does not
weaken the algorithm. The zeroes occur in single instances of what
used to be K7, K8, and K9. However, these key bytes appear more
than any others in the total list, so they can afford to miss one
showing apiece.

The following C-code can be used to implement this revised version
of NEWDES. By the way, the algorithm uses a permutation on bytes
called the f-function. This function is given in tabular form
within the following C-code. But if anyone would like to verify or
generate the randomizing permutation, f, as described in the
original Cryptologia article, please e-mail me and I will e-mail you
the C-code to generate the f-function, together with my
transcription of the Declaration of Independence on which the f-
function is based.

/* newdes.c - Revised 3-2-96 to include better key expansion */
/* - Released to the public domain by Robert Scott */
/* - Originally published in Cryptologia, Jan. 1985 */

static char f[256] = {

char B0,B1,B2,B3,B4,B5,B6,B7;
char Key[15];

/* The following code acts on the block B0...B7
using Key[0]...Key[14] */

int i;
char ex;
ex = 0;
i = 0;
B4 = B4 ^ f[B0 ^ Key[i] ^ ex];
if(++i==15) {i = 0; ex = Key[7];}
B5 = B5 ^ f[B1 ^ Key[i] ^ ex];
if(++i==15) {i = 0; ex = Key[8];}
B6 = B6 ^ f[B2 ^ Key[i] ^ ex];
if(++i==15) {i = 0; ex = Key[9];}
B7 = B7 ^ f[B3 ^ Key[i] ^ ex];
if(++i==15) return;

B1 = B1 ^ f[B4 ^ Key[i++] ^ ex];
B2 = B2 ^ f[B4 ^ B5];
B3 = B3 ^ f[B6 ^ Key[i++] ^ ex];
B0 = B0 ^ f[B7 ^ Key[i++] ^ ex];

int i;
char ex;
ex = Key[9];
i = 14;
B7 = B7 ^ f[B3 ^ Key[i] ^ ex];
if(--i<0) {i = 14; ex = Key[8];}
B6 = B6 ^ f[B2 ^ Key[i] ^ ex];
if(--i<0) {i = 14; ex = Key[7];}
B5 = B5 ^ f[B1 ^ Key[i] ^ ex];
if(--i<0) {i = 14; ex = 0;}
B4 = B4 ^ f[B0 ^ Key[i] ^ ex];

if(--i<0) return;

B0 = B0 ^ f[B7 ^ Key[i--] ^ ex];
B3 = B3 ^ f[B6 ^ Key[i--] ^ ex];
B2 = B2 ^ f[B4 ^ B5];
B1 = B1 ^ f[B4 ^ Key[i--] ^ ex];

/* Notes:

The original NEWDES algorithm was vulnerable to a related-key
attack using a large number of chosen plaintexts. The weakness was
due to the simple key expansion algorithm which made key rotation by
seven bytes cause the last 15 rounds to be the same as the first 15
rounds using the un-rotated key. The revised key expansion uses
the 15 key bytes exclusive-ored with 0, 1, 2 and 3 to generate 60
unique bytes of expanded key.

The original C-language representation of the algorithm used a
single function to do both encryption and decryption, the difference
being in the setting of three global variables. Even though the
idea could be extended to include this new key expansion algorithm,
it seemed that the benefits of streamlined encrypt() and decrypt()
functions now outweigh the advantages using only one function. Note
that the algorithm could run even faster if the 60-byte expanded key
were pre-computed in an array.

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