[TEASER] Theo Giannakos: The Forgotten Land

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Dec 5, 2016, 10:08:27 AM12/5/16
to UFOP: StarBase 118 – USS Veritas
((Governor's Residence, Shadow's Edge, Night))

::Theo Giannakos, the young governor of Shadow's Edge refilled his glass with springwine as he sat at a small dining table with his guest for the night. Disregarded as the "boy governor" by his rivals given his age of thirty-two, Theo had risen to power mainly on the weight of his family name. His grandfather Bastien Giannakos had served as one of the most prominent council members back when the smallest of the Coalition colonies had been led not by a governor but by a small ruling council made up of a single representative from each of the planet's disparate settlements.:: 

::Like most structures on Shadow's Edge, the governor's residence was modest, about the same size as one of the cramped apartments one would find on a more bustling world such as Meridian. Still, it suited his needs. From the glass windows next to them, he could see the vast jungles and forests that extended out into the horizon, now more like a sea of black, the rustling leaves mimicking gentle waves across the forgotten land.::

Giannakos: Surely by now you too understand, Rosa. Like every other problem out here, it simply comes down to resources. Or the lack thereof.

::His dinner companion, a woman in her fifties, nodded.::

Carrero: Unfortunately, that doesn't look like it's going to change anytime soon.

::Rosa held onto her own glass for a moment.::

Carrero: I'm sorry, governor, but it looks like you're still stuck with me for the time being.

::Theo chuckled. Over the past year or so, he'd come to appreciate the woman's company--and her candor. Unlike so many who came to Shadow's Edge, Rosa understood this was not a world of opportunity but of desperation.::

Giannakos: I suppose there are worse fates.

::The woman took a sip and placed her glass down.::

Carrero: We *should* discuss though what this will mean for the upcoming months. You received a copy of my itinerary, I trust?

::Theo nodded.::

Giannakos: I did. I'm not anticipating any serious issues in the first two months, but once Missirian's Pass reopens...

::Rosa completed his thought.::

Carrero: They'll begin moving the shipments again.

Giannakos: Yes, and you'll be months away.

Carrero: We've been training your security forces in preparation for that. I've heard there's been much progress there.

::The governor laughed.::

Giannakos: You have more confidence in my men than I do, Rosa.

Carrero: Perhaps you will be pleasantly surprised then.

Giannakos: Perhaps. Still, I understand your own limited manpower, but I'm asking you to reconsider allowing at least a small contingent to stay-

::He stopped talking when the lights cut out above them. He looked up and then over towards the door to the corridor.::

Giannakos: What the...

::He got up to check what was the issue with his personal guard stationed outside. When he opened the door, though, he saw the hallway ahead was dark as well, and the guard was nowhere to be seen. He turned back around to head back to Rosa when he felt the distinct sensation of a phaser pressed against the back of his neck.::

Voice: I wouldn't move if I were you, governor.

::Theo raised his hands slowly.::

Giannakos: What do you want?

Voice: Just a moment of your time.

::Rosa appeared in front of them, having walked over to see what was going on.::

Carrero: Governor, is everything all right-

::With one quick motion, the figure behind Theo pulled him back into a tight grip, the phaser now aimed against the right side of his head.::

Voice: Stop right there.

::Rosa had pulled out her own phaser, ready to fire towards the darkness. Her voice was steady and firm.::

Carrero: Let him go. You're not going to win this one, I assure you.

Giannakos: Rosa, get out of here...

::She remained, unflinching in her stance.::

Carrero: Governor, just-

Voice: Shut up, both of you! Now I'm only going to say this once. Drop your weapon.

Carrero: Or what? You're going to kill him? I somehow suspect you have more in mind or otherwise he'd be dead already. You need him for something.

::She couldn't see it, but the figure was smiling in the dark::

Voice: You're right. I do. But I don't need you.

::A phaser beam shot out, lighting up the room briefly in an orange glow, but not from the figure. It instead came from the side, striking Rosa, who fell to the floor hard.::

Giannakos: Rosa!

::Theo turned his head slightly, but the grip on him tightened.::

Giannakos: You really think you're going to get away with this?

Voice: No, governor, I don't.

::The figure pushed him forward a few steps. In the dim light, he could make out the other figure that had found its way into the room earlier, now hunched over Rosa's body. Under its breath, the second voice let out a curse.::

Voice: What is it?

Second Voice: Have a look yourself...

::The second figure turned and held up a small object it had taken from the dead woman's body. It caught the reflection of the moonlight through the windows, revealing it to be the unmistakable form of a metallic arrowhead.::

Second Voice: Starfleet. They weren't supposed to be here.

::Theo felt his fists clenching in anger but he was still unable to shake loose. His voice remained defiant as he clenched his jaw.::

Giannakos: Not part of the plan I take it.

Voice: No...

::Again, the smile from behind him remained hidden.::

Voice: Even better.

Theo Giannakos
Governor, Shadow's Edge


Captain Rosa Carrero
Commanding Officer, USS Veritas

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