[O3] LtCmdr Sky Blake, "Grey-blue distance."

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Deliera Jay

Nov 1, 2017, 9:50:35 AM11/1/17
to sb118-...@googlegroups.com
((Outpost 3))

::When she was last on the outpost, the second deck had been heated by the fires burning throughout the place. But now, deck six of Coalition Outpost Loa was far too chilly for the Brekkian-born amnesiac. She'd been warned about the poor environmentals, had even layered up in preparation for that, but the low temperature was causing her light shivers.

::Mind you, this 'low temperature' was a breezy 17 degrees Celcius. Not low enough to cause her harm, but too low for the Brekkazoid running at an internal body temperature of 44 degrees to feel comfortable.::

::She rubbed the back of her hand over the tip of her nose to ease the chill forming there.::

Blake: It's times environments like these that make me wish I was kicking back in a desert watching a game of Geskana.

Ryan: Response?

Blake: I love a sunburnt country. Where I grew up on Brekka wasn't exactly a desert or a tropical jungle, but it's definitely warmer than this.

Ryan: Response?

::After her tricorder beeped with conclusion to it's analysis, she snapped it shut, taking a step back, leaning forward against the table.::

Blake: This stuff is low quality.

Ryan: Response?

Blake: That's the thing - I'm not sure this is worth an attack on this outpost. It's weak in comparison to some other batches I've seen, even more so without the injector.

Ryan: Response?

Tbc . . .

LtCmdr Sky Blake
USS Veritas

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